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The Wingham Times, 1902-03-28, Page 4
t i� 1� T11,1 F ;� 'ITAN TIMES, k 3 2 i +_. � _ _-_ .�:�:., _ _ :_ _ _ �_ _ - - - ' t j g,�d�►�asesaAsasera+rrt�t�Naaseeewaaa�a I aeeaeo*aasarwe®ssea+rattaasoaemmaeareo�oeraa�raq�reeamffi illttitflik7tl4i tNti t�lft t t7ltlSlllTus rtJ IYLJ tRfiftflllJl t1JtJ I fltl ti T1 tlll6iUtl - - JOHN KERR JAS. H. RERR not water prnpi rq Pum AR RTUF bottles yao% outs gaarauteed to i be atbsoiatel.v perfeet. %V,k IT1 IIPrCraHt+:: , - �kk WaBBER GLOV E:8 E UIUBBI lti sHEET.XM1IC; . Htc., U10 In fact aii-ytbing ycu want in Rubber Goods, we have it at right prices The ulost stylishly dressed -men this year, will be the wcarers of n Ftipady Nall+ ed Clothing. L T 3i. �� FN There is no doubt about it Thcreis A - h 11: ? -' illi no tray to lnak-e better garments tbau �+ a moi,emaseaaae4aa•o�orrneea�ga�oasomo�•�taer�e•�®o�tsatiarw�0000saffi•a�o�eo®oa,•ocraoar000®a�iss►a� � r ti. a Ladies' tf Hats See our display of new Boating Hats. They're pretty, and the price low, .25, .35, .50, .75 MARE -T® -ORDER C" L 0A T 0H i N OG SPRING DISPLAY: M ",Al II 1 MR` � t, ? We have a splendid � 'hose varodueed b • Shore St lisp Raisins', per lb., - ,05 e t I 5 y, y , as ����� T����f���s p eti;ck •� � • o °S lb box for - �1.:�5 of Canadian and Scotch • THE DRUGGIST Snappy, full of ,rear and economy. e ` Appliques in black, white, and 1+�anrcr worsteds 1 Tweeds, , •• Bank of Hamilton "` ^ • Pry our new Japan black and white combination • Black Worsteds, etc now STorL,, n The cleverest , o.1.,.1, i1 1:11ke thein, the best e , ,; r 6 ,r S •g ' M .�Q and wl � v of es ' TO ADVERTISERS. pan Tea at �5 at •�o' which prepares us Eol• an • RTlSEP;S. thread sews thetas, Material, lining, buttons, button- � money refunded if it is not _ immense business, � holes --every detail right. Senilis are aerate end ® the bust Tea on the Maar. Sequin Trimmings, ,10, ,15, .25 Quality and $G guaranteed, Notice of Chair es lillutt 'he left lit this I ket at that rice. office not later Ortn Satvxdaynoon. j will not ravel. Perfect fit is gttaratiteed- � P r- • The cop for chau;;cs must be left ,� f ® r All -wool Canadian Tweed • y And to niak.. yore perfectly safe one, l acl� if e = Gimp Trimmings in white black � not Inter than Tuesday evening. • P l; � Suits, road trimmings, X10 0U � Oasual advertisenit•nts accepted tie you want it. p Canned Plums. .10 and colors, A7, .10, ,1,i, ,20 • All - wont Canadian and • to noon Thursdav of each weep. • r: ■�_ ._ ...... _......_ ..... ..,.: o... ®.nom■. Y , • a Scotch Tweed Sults, best • ~ Esmal3nlsrmn 137l'. _- ~ • Quickshine Stove Polish, reg. , trimmings, made to fit, price ---- ular 10c, our price ,08 LADIES U41BRELLAS per suit, - $12.00 to 815.00 • , ' • •. . ,:. Ai,ufl:li.iui, 'cud."pp Yn;vi,nual I,naY CM!I, Nun - • THE r��I���(I(((,t■/T y��1j i■ii :iiiiiioa un::nimtil,°::in":n mai:ilii imiuiili�li iii :°v:ii:,ii ® _ • All new goods. Fall size. Silk Fancy Engllih worsted Suits, O, ' THP; �4 IN■■ff ill 'RES Y�.'!-►:Vllllr■WLIr,Y"1'rrrl ltlrrA'ill■rinlnrlu...!■.:L,N,■IM..f1R,Wl.n:n'■,4,:,:Ykrived _ d,� JFM1 III Y ■■■ 'IY■:,1,11■■11;•,1111::V■r,:'::■■drill■■4Nl,rat!n':■■A::.Ir■;Illd.■'1':C■■'::': 1Y of Hon Ar!n FROPtii$ OR au: isniiin,nuc■■I:ucununa■,:'.mr■;nnuruao■n,•nuwmr■nnn,■:,..:L.w,:,■ this' ggy, p{ ®® and wool taffeta covers, hest 'Black or I31U8 Serge SniL$, ■n, u,nnnn■au:naraunuw,.urwlu,urn..r■alrnnwv,ruwaruwla■n•n'ununr "�Fhy it i Ps . , • Cooking' Figs have advancedH,R.ELLIOTT, PD'a s x llrnm;rlwmonnurrduclunlu■ruunu n:,rinullnuro■ulnlulan:r,lun"O "88 tltl11 Ni i!7 ■r c,n■■nunrrwnra■nmla■:nnur.nmunnnrrnnaa■wa:on:wa,lwu ,n1y,..1n1:.1 • t h steel frames. Handles rivet. Black Clay Worsted Sults, rd nuu!uuuwnlrnnuu nn!,■mwr ■nnn■ew:nr.!u!nn:nmrrnM nn:un;nl ^._•.' .d:a:arwwunnn■■nm1■Zin1n+:' n:■mmum�i.nl.m■■mm„unul■w::..nllor • in price. We se'l'l a t e FRIDAY, MAR(7H i3` 1902. �;, ;In ..°n .n111,�...Iwn.alal:.■�w;r: ed. Special prices..75 1.00 • al.E. NEW HATS -Ter ns when look- o old price per lb 05 1 fabrics unequalled for went', • . -- - - _...._ ,■ in„ for the newest Hats that sell ®1.25,6150, $1.75 and $2.00 and suitable for any occasion. r, nnn..;Ill.an,:l..nlln.■ n..n,•.i.alnn..na11:..n:r..n,w.a:,"1. themselves. Our styles Advanced �S o Made to your measure for LIBERALS, A'TI ZON: :iuiii::uiti:i nmrnnm■rnl.uoamr■I:uur,mi'auxm■nnw■ru uurnnn,ua:u■ � •*••_ rnlm,ow:uannwr aunmeunglmnunn!o,n.::own■nuununw:nnn:u■nvr.■ rwn.r,lwna rdlwu■.no-J.lnnnl unmondnr■n n,orwurwva,:wlrucm, styles Atld AmeriClnl IioV lues. ' time:■mro!mra.wuunnwnnuwnnn..nanuuta■iluu ...... nlrallu°■ y e • _ ........ . . 815,00 •. . II rinnl■■1!Inl■■I,u,l■■:Innwa:,l,llr 'I'he annnai meethi of the 'west a•.alr■' n,r■LIIlarul:crr0'IU■r u:1■cion■■U•, . A Car of Sugar just to hand. • �r+■n,ctr„mw,nenrrdnrtunn.Il,nn:n■.wwuw;na■uuurmuwurom■amn.■■uunr Hard Hats are the "KING" Hat; @p t°, • . i■w:u■■uu:■■nusrnnur■nun■r,wluruuurualuuxu■■:uuu■:o:rrrnuuuun,u �,�ql��� n Snrgn 13eltunl Association will be held rwnuurd:u,nnn■nnnlr■uuuael:o:acral■■wmuumr■luun■I:n,a■nnsr■mmr i8 p ' Y ..ntla.nl:ll...n:.rwl.l..wlna Soft, 11 PANTOURIST.” Close prices for fall. barrels . a ■a'�'u crew■ uuw■ acnnaanuua roan■ mluu ■wnl ■! I ,nun■ana •rrnnnunnrt, at Duligaultou, ou Montl:lyi.cl ria 7th, at ■1„111::1 +iu Zi"Ci:,Iillain iiluiili i!m:°i :t :{ °:a limm�Y■u.a;auillu��uncr TOP � COATS rm I 8 q,J @,5 J I -o'clock g r7:, In :,,1, u*ou to the Also Youths' Knockabouts, all o New H tiler bucinesa chin ::7rnvcution will Shapes, Bard ata and 0 3'C4. , . I rlmm+:: In.Inn.rlliwYa • u: . creno shades; and other styles which we • :: , Light and dark Selges and • 1111 nn n:nnulluunnnu, 1 ■Inunnnrunnunu ■,fund , un.n • ® Fedoras in 1Jlae1 ^ ••+ wt,, , uiorm:alrululauWo ■nnn.rl.u:i■u�m■■:oma■mwa■In.u■■.:.':•r■:,�:'.ins::w■ 1lav0 net space t0 describe, ,ay, dove igose a Liberal cd3Ud111._ for tI)( Cglil lu uulnmunnn,uwr,nnnrrinwrrwuurnnaunnu■■manrm;,m..: uunu■ f t t ,_ cont•.um:uunxu■nnrvruunuan:noanu:u■wnuldaurr;nrrlau,■a, run.ua p t S'Vnipcords, silk velvet c01• •.. log Provincial elecdoua. a full reps rmmrrn,:,rrnuurrmmm�mnr■amlunrn■rnu ■■wml■uu■.:.:dr■•,:Alain■ 5 � Y and brown at papular' AriCBS. nmuluwrlmm.rnnna nwoannoau axdnu..r.r ,S'E„ DS � •• ilnri�iniitiiiiiiiiii:lona■nmonl:noandu nmuaaw:n■■ul,:"'li ■v'nu,: 's,!iiiu • '+ larE, V8I'y boat trimmings ,56IitaLlOn 4£ every poIJTI21; :i116-diFlaion is , ■nonan'unrmm�unnnununl•,w:nonad:rnnwrancur,iuwul,.urr, , rood, Look at our wllldow. � - ...... 'tOr,l .QQ t0 $15.OQ • ,n a:cnrumnrmu:Ymnm roan■■nnn•audu■ulruYu:■■,.n■■,-.:u:,..■ - W 2 • segnested. A meetlU+'' (,i rile wingliam' Y�nwuyngianunuuunrnuno nn:urrnlula■enn■■u:.uu'•. r, real a, war ,. o, .w,nnnan:nnaawu■mm�.anon, ■u!mrruw.rrr.,nar:unu � t ;Giberalswillbe held iu rhe •Aommtttee - ® J3uy ;nod Seeds. t don t pay ,•„ „• , � rooms in the Macdonald block. on Mon -1 • to buy poor Seeds. We have � , dasy evening next, 31st lust., when dele- • ® the best Garden Seeds and Only a Remember, this is not ready* a gates will be appointed to attend the ] ® Field Seeds on the market. made Clothing, but • anituai meeting at Dnugannou. AII, MADE•TO-AIEASURI'I Liberals and friends of rile floss Govern- • few int are requested to amt -id the iueeting a ° MADE -TO -FIT w os Monday night. •cr I MAPLE SYRUP left of �� MADE -TO -WEAR IIIA( NOTRS AND 003AUWNTS.H a51 � • Try us for fare 11Ia le Sy those , and our uaranteo oes with Hon. J. T. Garrow, idiuister without' a and Sugar. p p For Iflen every order. g portfolio in the Ontario orovernment, , Stas been appointed to i'o *Tacancy on the bench of the Ontario court of Ap• �9P�13�a?®®®�Qta�Q�®3JffiA��¢aac9s��aDffiffie00®®i90®®ffimffitf®�Qt�r3®mol+tldtaAci�ptSQeS�tbQ)c3®••mffiP1�J•dffi®lbOt9m•OQl deal caused by the lamented death r ; Chisholm "° i s h o l �.�..yBlock l o c mite late Mx. Justice List;t. ,'rix. ified t i�,d li a � H • M A � � ALD B L ® C crow has been protllivantly identified;' ® � � � � � � � � s tr 0 � ' � A',�' . H. . � � R � at *with public affairs in Ontaria for many, • years and as member for Nest Huron - --- - --r ,.d..o._ W N C H �l M long occupied a seat it. the Legislature. r 0 _ � rV 0 !r �t IB i� Irl � He took an active pars in helping to pass MINOR LOCALS. -The Tiurs is pleased to say that the legislation introduced into the House l Mr. N. A, Farquharson is again nicely ®0•®®�••®�•®®O a•i�sttRaa eoe®Ofls9®®®Get®©��©ffiO•!►®•r!Affi Oee•o®®•®e0®oeoom®®®••®oo 0 �Ol9ti of Assembly from time to time, his ad- l -Good Friday. on the mend. We hope that the rearm- vice b,ing especially nseftu where meas- . -Sunday Hast will be EAster, er weather may, see hila able to be tVI>`Gzittlax 11IAIaIi>�T RF.POiLTS Vires of a municipal or kRal character + around again. +.. • I'••n..:.d_,: . P -what concert is on for 24th May ' were under review. His •iolitical views S Corrected ,vary Thursday afternoon ni limp -Dr. A. J. Irwin has moved to his ;vire by no means extrelue, in fact lie { -t all night telephone service has dwellingon the corner of Patrick and by F. J. Carr, Floax and Feed`Mercliaut. FURNITURE ITURE SPECIA ® !� Stas always been of a rather independent g Centre treets. Mr.. John Lennox has Wingham, Mar. Zi, 1902. d" �+iil V �s1311 +cast of mind. lith. ra.rrow has all been started at Wiarten. moved into the dwelling vacated by Dr. Flour per 100 lbs........ 1 65 to 2 50 n •• the qualifications looked for by the Bar -Some farmers near Toronto com- Irwin on Diagonal street. Fall Wheat .............. 0 72 to 0 72 and the public in ort(+ selected for so nienced seeding on Monday. Spring Wheat.......,.. 0 00 to 0 00 : � � - You will always fend there is ]tinfiaposltiou,uotablyts 3oand know--_-Turnberry Township Council csill —Dr. McFadden of vr'eldamar; has Oats,g .... 0 35 to 0 40 titin ,�o H nothing wren in the rico of ledge of law, a high sense of honor, and meet at Bluevale on Monday nest. purchased Dr. McTag„ert s veternary Barre ..... ,,.. 0 45 to 0 50 yQ i; g P the determination to adiuiuister justice W. F. VauStoue shipped tree car practice at Arthur. Dr, McFadgeu is Peas y :: ; : 0 70 to 0 75 M 6t� a` Furniture when jou boy at with unfailing impartality. well known in wingliam, having spent loads of hogs to Toronto on Monday. - Turkeys, nrarvII .. • . 0 04 to 0 10 • - � d.-�, ,. � , � this store. g some time with Dr. J. J. Elliott. , ' 0 05 to 0 06 -Robertson &Burchill shipped a car Geese, ...... .... t;uuncit Y13w&:a. load of caul, to Toronto oil ilCotiday. -Messrs. C. R. Hosmer and F. W. Ducks, per pair ........, . 0 40 to 0 60 . •Q fir. ``� - 1, f "' D — Wm. Lowe roatlur.ted the ser-! Tllompsnuhacepnrchaseci the business Butter. ..... .... ........ 0 ii to 0 17 Farmers in this section are con- a: , 1 t Lacl- of the W. W. Ogilvie Milling' Company, Eggs per doz ............. 0 11 to 012 ` couches 'rices in the English char -n a ,now ] plaining of the scarcity of suitable hued n2,004 r +on Sunday, a i men the price being being between three and Wood per cord ........., . N 00 to ; tree. J McAlpine•, of I uox church, fourmillion dollars. The Ogilvie Co. Hayper ton .............. 0 00 t010 00 Some people inay say a -To-day being Good Friday, the owned the large flouring mill at f Potatoes, perbushel .. , .. 0 30 to 0 35 r $amilton, has decide,' no aceept the call l stores and business places in town are G•oderich. o � : Ta]iow per lb ,,,, ..., , ... 0 05 to 0 05 � ! °i,; ��, � Couch is worth 81:3.00, ; tvOwen Sound. i closed. Lard .. ... ....... 0 14 to 0 1:r ` �, it when we would soy it The Walkerton Asbonwion of the --Culross council minutes are to hand, - -�- - - - - - ; Dried Apples per lb ....... 0 05 to 0 06 `� ventioL Church will heel td.,neat con- t but we have to hold them over until our t1A PER Hp NGING± KALSOMINING+' wool ......p ............. 0 13 to 0 1b r, f� full:3�•worthw CO, mention in wiughatn next ,Frtne• Up- nest issue. i its 17 W i7 l� ', U Ili t !wool Hogs, per cwt....... 5 50 to 5 50 wards of 100 delegatut, valt be in I -F. J. Carr, flour and feed merchant HOUSE PAINTING ...... Chiel ens .......... ...... 0 30 to 0 40 teas 3. mttendauee. 'has this creek received a car Ioad of bran i Note the Following Prices: -` i:.ev. R, S. G. Andeviou of *�7roxeter l and shorts. CxRAINING, LITTERING, &c. : conducted the services iii the Presby- _wen30.00 Parlor Suites for 822.56 14.00 Bedroom Suites for.. l`2 50 tterisu church hers on Sunday Inst. t+•rida a lasthaHe took n a Manitobacarofset Orders will receive prompt attention. i X14.00 Sideboards for .. 1;2.50 16.00 Bedroom Snites for... 14.00 Rov, lair. Perrin took Mr, Audersou s tiers' effects. p All work gnaeanteed. S A L12.00 Sideboards for .... 10.00 18.00 Bedroom Suites for.. 10.00 work at Wroxeter. J. ROGI•;R8 j a 5.00 Couches for ....... 6.75 7.50 Extension '.Cables .for 6,75 --w. S. Thornton a well-known busi- Rev. G. R. Cobbledich. :- Parkhill, Hess man of Stratford, diad suddenly on wingh,lin. __ V;ood I'_ _*TSIt 5.00 Couches for ....... 3.75 have beemerlyn. . i Brussels, i. t :panto ate to , Tuesday morning. In all kinds of Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, and odd pieces of 3rave been invited to tLa pastorate o£ r �P Park street Methodist vlinr4h, Chatham, ! -Time 30th anniversary nm lber of the i TO � Parlor Furniture, we are offering special ,prices. � A large stock to succeed Rev. Dr. Hannon, who has + Daily Mail is to be publtshed on Satur- A desirable Lot for a private residence ` to select from. - - Drop in and examine otic stock. accepted a call to Esetrr ' day of this week. j ThexndersiCnmi haland to l in centre of town. will be sold reason- P P 1 rent in the winghninpon the ;able• A 1 Mev. R. Hobbs, pastor of wingham t -bar. H. Kerr received word on Wed- preml.-x s is a soots hobeen re pP v to s'iiethadist church, preac. •:�71 his first l nesday morning of the sudden death of eently brielt . and is also a ] A L KE �R0 . � TTO �ertllgna in the n,ry Clir:re:t tits Sunday a nephew at Clinton. Stied orrhl,ra. T23ia placev. ill be rented reason Abner nolo. Apply to A. DELL r."Win,�l n P.O. Furniture Dealers and Undertakers""T Ia the avenin(; Ins tie:>ject was l -rile first instalment a our new CS ��Tlte oId and the naw."'D'he reverend l story, "C'ase 11:3," trill be roundou gentleman contrasted, fr• il. many roints another page of this issue. of view, the conditions under the old ! -The Timms is this week. delivered to P I A 04' TU � ' LO AN AND IINTSURANCE iliosaiceconotnyend the txs.,t:e2 dispense- 1 subscribers on Thursday evening, owing i AGENT. l tion, concluding with •r, touching r,- to the Good Friday holiday. iference to the connlegitic.i leaving the -The dust has been flying on JosehD• ���� � T. J. AGU E old church, with its hallowed memories , S�•�*-�-�� BLOCK, land pleasant recollection,. I street this week. It will soon be i , i time to have the watering cart at work. j Il>;rrz • S>✓tiTIxct 1 ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, ,-The north rviudory in 1Ii. Jamas FIEINTZriIAN & CO., TORONTO I MSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Q nzaar �� Q ■ i c ] MoKelvie's restaurant presents an at- Will be in Wilighanl the week of + I tractive appearauce, suggestive of the t St'h April. Orders left at T. H. ROSS' aeobunts Rents and No x Easter season, i or D. BILL'$ stora will be promptly ` tes Collected. Con• .Bpectacl,-- _ P P y _ ... _ ... ' Strashapen l ectad '=5 this d S llaa d nephew and taken os- attended to. oi`F1C>;-Oaex D. X. Gordon's store. ! SPRING ■ -Q ,theOwen veyancinS tion,. ii Misshapen epectncic•s � t Sound Sun and nephew of H. Davis of + '.'`� HERE � �1 � ' 1 RE9IUENrE- im000la street. V Z i aro not anis u dss.. ngurathent, but. re- session of the Beeton World. WINGNAM FLAX 11115.1.6 1 r gently destroy tis•s , gently etreeta ,3f G° The Bank of Hamilton are having Gook'a Cotton Root Comported j And with it comes tile season of Housecleaning the tenses I am now prepared to furnish seed to j i �* i their new premises at '.1'eeswater pot IB.enccessfnlly Itsed monthly big over We find pidnsur6 Lib art'ies wishing to grow Flax ; and will looboU%dies.safe,esbotual.Ladiesltsk We have a number of various articles required such i into shape. when completed, they �vi11 p i , t alratghW.-nd ng3ctrcw agree t0 urChaSe tri, Fes at ATO IL ton your druBt tet for CoWs Catton Root Gem• 1 p cies. oYe• taaartu na have an up-to-date office. P h 1 ti• � ehnrgc. i f'orgooti quality, Also will rent so l”°old• Taketloot as all as Carpet Beaters, Tack. Pullers, Tack Hammers, y 1 J -Henry Thomson of Gollerich, is land suitable for growing k`1as. it °Noa.a 1Q ddangerous.rsgei,ssper'box. Nto. � Carpet Tacks, Sapolio, Furniture Polish, Silver (_ moving onto lair George Wynn's tarns A:rf O8 T IPLII\ i ar 2 mailed on receipt of price and Cab ilOnt. t t - in East warvanosh, and air. `t'V1 nu Itis ,Camps The Cook Company Windsor Ont. Poltsla, Powdered f�lllnlOnla, Liquid mmoilia done taken up his residence in town. Praulietor Will ,ham x)bill, I T'Noa I and 2 sold anu recommended $y all --- reapoa8lbloDru6BistsAnOstads. ul) in pint bottles, Shelf Brackets, Scrubbing 13rtlshes, t —Regular itteeting n£ Court I1Iaitlanal, W- � Tilitt:wash Brushes and Clotheslines. :r-7 C. O. F. will be held this (.b'riday) even- r- - w-�- :7o,1 and 2 are told in Win Mi by A. L. � • e5. t �( Ing. 14iembe>ts are requested to attend 5> ut , I#aitltlton, Colin A C•arnpbell, ti. A. Douglass : w E. Davis, Druggists. as an important matter of business is to i °n We have just received a crate of 10 -piece Toilet Sets be discussed, ;✓ a u Which we will this week sell at $I.98 a set. See our --ave are pleased to se, our torsos• man,'Mr. S. Merrifield. able to talte a Is,Asp to turn, means window. wall: at out town. lle is just reeMring The less friction, less Eric - from a lengthy illness of infl%mma=or t tion nl e a n s less i= I rheumatism, :. wear, less earThe council of icKiltop township jAMERICAN WALL PAPERS have addpted plans and specifications fax melottemeans less expense 1i dredging and improving the Maitland I to keep in ruder. a �P Hardt r Paris, river, in order to ptevent tke footling of 1 For Tale by 1'lli5 rE t:L*1< tive expect about 2,000 Yells of American 801 e#stifilc �,1" ;p sizlC•th: lands act b3iri Winthrop. ti 7 - •--. � � I and j'a. t~ 0, A0 Our mailin list has lbeen correete•d � " Wall Paper. Our stock is as well 'assorted, as tasteftilly �f jSeparator Wl. ANNET 1 `I lett Ymalu, olit. tobate. 13,xamine your label and if it is REWARD � r i selected. and contains as high gfrade papers as you will not correct notify us at once. If you E L,! - e treefuarrears we would iia Pitase(1 to l�rr tltc� radtutlr tsf Stirtoil'H I)nir. Ra. AlsoSe'tvin-M;ichin©suud 1111 i:inals o£' fllld ittlttvllercl. Pr1G(:S Yarl;;ing from 5c per roll ups Y �. _. J leave a remitrauce, I tltiiace at JAS. Mr3i%lL"4•IE'S. I.warm Itirpletrletits. � � _,; ,,■Ire..,, _ , „ •, , ,, � , __ , f t -aim I II III IIIIIIII VIII Illlallllllll P N 4 4