HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-03-14, Page 7\1
THE WINGHAN TIMESI : _V,11-14__1411.12; -...-.-,-..•......
. 1.11 _. i
.111 1.
• • • • •'• • •'• i • • •,• •' • •'• e • y:t .,-,* song ,years triereaIiur ` rien aGADl:shell. ('11111lTONf.
'*0.e- .-OO-•.0•0-•*o,•*•*0*0•4,•, *"$.P,s.e.4 .! - H E Rt � $� A HEART Another of the pioneers of Huron
• lie sometimes let the clouds of pas- I Oil Moudap night of last weak_ the
�..««, }.,«r«..tr...«..-.-.-«»-.-." •-• �••-� �•+•� p'@ •�., p POINTER sed ativay on SYednesday of last week, to towli coaucil decided that smears wogs
,•. doll cattle u on leis. soul he remem-
• • bared that sccue unci taint shout. It the person of Mrs. David Cantelou, ugetI not b3 naked for the building of grita%-
••• 85 ears. Tho lad had been ill for
,•. 11•ils one of the bright spats ala the. Ho boating' aLlitowt thp. bush for Aaron i' �' lithic sidewalks neat suwlner, but thatr,
%-e Gunmaker!, , t some time, and the end vrzs not 1111@X-
'�' memory of his youth nhiell be ehr„r• Nle-hols--ale believes Dr. Aarnew a the stork would be done by Clay labow
,�. 1 Cure for the V.eurt cured his wits, pealed. t+he wits a native of '.Tipperary, : tinder the supervision of the chief ,of
]shed always. and he Rays sq,atralght, Ireland, and cause to this country wirll , +
. a 'ran gxp, I poli((', who has now had two yenxi tsx-
e� '`This is to certify that 1 bought two bottles of Iter parents when but a child, and the; perience and is considered quite capable
Of Moscow • R Dr, Agnew's Cure for the !hart for my wife who
.: • TIMES CLUBBING OFFERS, has been for twenty years a great sufferer from
family settled at what is now ltllotvlt as of performing tate new duties which sults
W, ; ----- heart 1);sease- She had more benefit from it Streetsville. Tile .(oohs anti Ctultelons ;tains devolve upon hitt.
•�. ' Our clubbing fates with different than from all the doctors tbat have attended her, and Sheppard&, all Huron pioneers, Were' Air, D. J. Cuutelon, of town, who was,
A AV A By SYL"N. USi COBB Jr. o.• 1 oewspaners are as follows:-- and I nal pleased to Give this certificate of its !
•e wonderful curative powers•' itultierous fascia, as tiles have beryl aucl an apllliCant for the Chief of Police of .. Times and Weekly Globe $1 GO i
;• l4 •»•-« • �'•"•»�•"•"•`• o""'"' "-•-"•^'"•"'"•^•"�"•"•"• "•-•"•`•"•"•"•»•"•`•»'^• '""`� �o� ; Times and Wo, ]sly Mail 1 75 Aaron Nichols, Peterboro P.O,, Ont aro in Huron, because tato majority Of I Woodstock, bas been appointed assistant
_ •�e�e�e�. •a•�e�e e�•�e�q o�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�r..Dewe,•�e�•�o�e�e�e�e�e�e�,l0e,•�•0e0e�e eee. Times and Family Herald and It relieves tri thirty minutes. 67 them moved to aIle Huron lratt and ; at a sataty of $430 a year. He is a goo(!'„
-.1.110.111i, .1„ .,W I , ,1 , I, h y ,,, . .. , , � ..... ^ t Weekly Star 1 75 Hold by A- I,, I Amiltwt, Will. -hum, settled ill Godericlt township. It was i eflicicant marl, having been chief at Bette -
one long,low cry of fralitie 110 iuin110C1 Tnat YOU snoutU
uo th,. , Times and Weekly bun 1 ru __
y. PO I 7.'iuies aucl Montreal Witness 1 0u -- _-. .._. .._- • 'here, some sixty years Ago, that bliss � well for same tittle, ally could have w-
and bliss she sank Upon liar noble thing. But It will not be very hard, Useful to 1x1111)'• Cook became Mrs, Cantelon, the home-
, P , Times and Western Advertiser 1 50 Cured a lucrative position on the Do•
lovers bosom. She Could not speak. will it ill 'rimes and Varmors' Advocate 1 85 A cloth dippid In auntionia and stead, 10th Coll., where she (lied, being' troit Detective staff, if he would slave,.
She could only cling closely and The countess gazed up and A Times and Toronto D;tily star l 50 rulybl a thoroughly on a coil, collar leer lifework tbrou'h all joys and sor- ;
3 ' r twi I1 remora lase erenv look. Velvet � 1 Y felon the oath oC allegiance, lvilicll lie
more close to her loved protector, murmur of thanks was upon her rimes and Daily Globe 4 25 c• i-II'tr; tilair b" LCeutecl in til:, d Velvet
rows. Tho deceased was a most eonsis- declu)ed to do.
lis but the gushing flood started We could extend the list, but it is not
and with liar head pillowed close by lips, g o necessary. We can ]give you crlabbiug \cay, Ir.it Iau <t b,' h-1.1 in fmat of a tent methodist, anti held firm the faith There. passed away in Clinton on FA -
the heart that beat for her, site wept forth anew, and she could Only look rates oil any newspaper or ntnrraziat. e Im!roll diute,,ly af-Wr to rai;e the to tate last. She was a sister of tate late. day, Veb. 38th, Harriett Ridons, relict
away all the grief of ]ler opened the joyful blessings she could not TIIC Times, 1)�.,{.t}i„� fly, it is said, aria ,Dacia Adam Cook, of Godericlt, and of David � of the ]Ate J. 1►Z. Barber, who hes been
soul. ! spank. Peter imprinted a kiss upon. Wingi,am. mii.,it Ilion, duraabl : by boili.n.. Iheln Cook, Clinton, Six sons living are left, I ill for sole time at the home of her
"Olga,” spoke the cul I l
eror after ies• pure brow d then her
e w ann g`c.r t n. minute•, b'fore the• ,re used, Adam and Samuel on the homestead;
1 P Y 1 (brother, Mr. J. Ridout. She was of thci
the nobleman had been firmly ]land to Ruric, and as lie did so he rive O'Cloelt Ten -AL Tittura Field. To. curt' •grpagy ,itkin mix \veli• toxcll'- William and Peter, the well known pro- age of 59 years and a tamily are -left to
:1 , said, with a warm smile: Ilnr•heyirr, N.Y., '�lat•ch 1. =After- (.r fifteen •gratia; of sulphate of zinc, ,
bound, your race of iniquity is « „ hall un <.:lnca� ort eau -d( -tales n( and duce mer: hants Of Clinton (Peter being mourn the loss of a kind and loving
" "You must be her guardian o t here- b, -..,n false -sans 0. Rochester s ales tin tune of ro--e water. Dab tilt' urix- P Y )I mother., Deceased was a daughter of
run. g ,, one of the resect c•t.ttnt iluditors • i
br•:tst n s ice this season that makes I l+
" 1�0, no, sire!" the duke cried in after, and should you fire of the du- p The turc, o•1 your file, several Ihun.4 a day. Henry, proprietor of the Hotel Claren- I the late Geo. Ridout and %vas born in
1'rm thrills if not ft�l• pl: n•yur(.
humble, Supplicating tones, "Say ty your emperor will be ever ready l u?9i is alcvcr sure that the car fare A writt'r unys (quad part sof vine--nir . don, at Clinton; David, county coni- I Toronto; she was a film of four sops i
t0 rant her the asylum she needs." or ba ; or even wrap that slw laves 'ind paraffin•• oil niuke a lx,tter lyrlish '
not so. pI11 this single thing I may •g • • e s • • in the luxurious) a Inted dressing �o- `i piano than :any fat r.1 uto cream, ruissiorler, and well !:tesla as lite �',p- and five daughters and was a sister of
have been wrong, but let my mad, Y 1 Walesa roasting a chicken in the even ple Icing" of Huron; and two daughters, I the Messrs. John and Chas. Ridout, oi'
consuminglove be some palliation p r«Om will b- there when Ehc return.
p A setas bad assed away from the Tho ho -Hess is haunted .tilt throulrh ma;t. ii. in, the usuali away until itis Mrs. Cools, near Clinton; and AMrs.Kyle,'town, and leaves a family of two sons,
for my offense. 011, you will not time of the strange scene just re" her areetingi and badinage with ills nicely brawn, L11eIr turn it back up- who nt one time lived iu Seaforth, but !'tad four daughters,
crush me with public shame for corded- The former duke, Olga, pr,sibilbt that after 1wr guests are \yard•, and l -i: it remain' sn' until r i`
Y r, now ill lite Northwest; stye sisters re-: The iIur0i1 Medical Association held ie.
1 ecok d, Ii: w.11 b4 foulnd that the ,ulee
this! Pott will not east from you had been convicted of treason and ]tan., site may find her b:'ii=a-base or (,f tilt chick(li run; into the breast main, MesdAnles (xorclon and Rodgers. „
)" was now on his way to the eternal 1 w:'!, a minus quaamtity. Som(onr- g 1 regular meeting ill the council eballib�
one who loves You 11011, and makes it moist and delicious, in- Her life was well spent, and her reward' Tuesday
wilds of Siberia. But let me sa war is Daily Fumitvorls its y(t -•• is + t(ad of runnin into the back which 1 on numafternoon Of last weelr and is
"011, miserable mon," uttered Pe- Y tcarkinsi• a rich min:,' aruon!�• the day- it � will surely be that of the jest. Al- good number were present. Dr. Dnner•
ter, with a look of utter contempt Here be never reaehpd the land Of I:irllt gatherings of Clie city's select i; not eaten' 4 though full of years, such a noble life -
P To freshen a. carpat put a teaspoo .- I more, of Stratford, prf'sideti and nave an
upon the base wretch, "add not per" his banishment. alis Proud heart r'tTlw ' were it fear F -c tt•tere d ca -es of h.l of nu mania into a pailful of warm neer will be greatly missed by the fami- I address on the "Pru,ress of medicine";
Jury to your already accumulated broke or, thr marl, and hr tli((1, un- wnLor and \yip•, grhe varix -c with a ly, neighbors and residents generally. ;Dr, Bethune, of Senfortilall "Clinical
Y pity pilfering; last winter atdiffcra.lt
crimes! hark ye, some months known au,l unc'ar„d I1rr. 'n ,t flea.” rEec'ptians and teas. They :care not el:th wru•:t•„ ouC' in it. Thly1 method - :cases"; Dr. Gunn, on"cases inpmotlee;r
S111CC I linear t11CTC 11'x5 conspiracy ant's COi t,ll)011g tilt-, f11�1�I'(1 tl1011n- itum'rous or important enou+rh to remav,+r the dust, brig !tens the col- Life (sates.
1 Y t ed of orou.%t- more than passing comment or t:ry and speedily hills any insects that ! The Life Guards toe two regiment., of 1 Dr. Robertson, of Stratford, on ••Surgr-
in my capital, and I knew there was sins of ilrulia. Ile had begged pr m,ty b, lurkin:q in it..
much of evil, too, which was never the olliver who guided him stet to to d^mind origid Investigation, and in 1)(Ifeato cation good-;, which might ( cavalry forming part ie the British cal rules to be oUAerved ill practiao.
,, nto)t izlstances lila sarvunlA :ecce sus- 'household troops. They aro gallant Af0.t tele meeting some of file doctors
reported to me. I resolved to ferret tell his option, and le peasants b-, spoil ,d by starch, may be stiffened soldiors y P !
p ]>cctc<l -of the thefts. But this season , and every British heart is rood visited the hospital and examined sever -
it out, and to that end I meant to suppose'( illpy were hl: Inc' it Com- ti.^re e- no doubt th:•tt the systematte by wringing tli(m oui. in milk. of thein. Not only tho Kiiig's house- j
mingle among m people without irion trav(•lor when , laid sway tlidcspread, ecntinuous work must be Window Washing should not b° hold, but yours, glue, ewHr' (13"s;alcouvalcscebtsargical cases including;
g a Y P P dear, when the sun is i:hiningg di.rec'ly '
their knowing ole. So I had that tilt' 11)(11'1111 t•t'mOlf"; '- ,rd ill the That of., Fame, ane t:lvvrrI ]xtrson, a rm tht• 11x9.9, n'i unless talc' ,encs ore should have itsliferguatrls. rhe�e�rtaf (uses for a ]All stone, a rupture and
r, pu^st, awl not a s xvaui, for llar•:ily 1 them is especially great when toe great- i appendicitis.
robe made and so stuffed and wad- cold ;;rave I lieu had I „(I. nut afternoon affair this season has tr.,ry small th;• sinisht.n:: will (try tit^ est foes of life, diseases, find alli(,s ill I ___
,ded that I could even hide my chin S:Iwotallo. the hantpo., i ed priest, b;en exempt from this unpleasant. ba- in,l.slun, loo nuickly, and ito amount the very elements• as colds, infillpnza,
rc CCAs executed as a Common murder- of lishin will rt•v(ni cloudiness or I ! ultr:> .
in the seemin fat. I assumed the lure. � t; P catarrh, the grin uud pneumonia do in ,
A CONSIDERATE THIEF, Ict.reaks, the stormy month of March. Tile best I Oil Sunday evening, March 2nd, the
.garb, and rn • own master at arms or, while his companions in crime Alum. dissnlv:d 6n. u.n iron ol. over ,
g ' y P Al' came b'aut iful residence, \chert p ( way that 1ve know of to guard against'sualinons that all must Answer sooner or
-did not at first know me. Once in were punished as their various de- nil then choicest milds and ma.iron9 of ill,.• fife makes it gsari cement :or re- these diseases is to strenutlien tile systenl 11 '1i
rc rcrees of guilt demanded. .,- pairin,r iron ana]t Blas:s. with Hood's Sarsa ar,lla-thH reatest alar cense to Mrs. John Smalldon, con_
awhile I made my page assume the g r Il.•-li,.'9te.r sero bidde,l. to mitt In P g
.garb and be soon in it about the And now comes the elosing scene. �.ut of town notabl_, there wa-i hardly l] act n.r(IIarw=teci er ie m ct:aret hem J�ith of all life guards. It removes tht, condi- 1 I(, and her spirit went to God who gale
,city, and thus all thought '7f sus- Within the largest apartment of "wrap in the dressianq �a)m lvhleh warm Qoia twat:'•r and a° mise vigor- tons in which these diseases make their , She ]nal been subject to weak Ape114
the ducal )uluoe were assembled a It d not b'(n thoro: gWYe n, through. nu�I If th^ , tort• much crusted al_ I most to all the Attalgives vigor and ;ger;its{onAlly from rt heart affection, but
petting me was cut off. I bete been ] 7 It:• c]ueer part of the. p, rform,anee S•• ) !tone to all the vital orl.iul. aur' franc- f
at the worts, Olga, and I have found brilliant company, and the emperor wa.l that ev:ry waman was I'ft low I titin to sin:nd two or, three hou,-% tions, and imparts a genial warmth to ;this one: thongli brief, proved fatsi}:
Out all I sought. It was mere aeei- himself was master of the cer0mo- cu,ough for our fare, ]whether she calve after filling b •fore tanking, but tlo I the blood. Remember the ]weaker the! Mrs. Smalldou's birthplace 1vasNorfolk.
n a anrria,e or reliccl an fisc pl( ame ort. si anti the decanters in waier. In systetlt the greater the exposure to , England, "lila she came to Canada whetrR
dent that first threw me in the way n]Cs. fact it. 1% b,9t to keep the outsi-le dry diswaw. . Hood'!, Sar:npalilla makes the i
t.rrl ley to inL-e her home. Tiny purses, .tea or twelve scare of age and residedint
,of this young gunmaker, and it was Iatric Novel, the gunnitiker of pr^tly 1x1;;1• handsom,•! parketbook•, until Ill( soaking pro^.rss ii over. system strobe, 'Latta towllslii Oxford count 5
by accident, too, that I overheard Moscow, knelt at the emperor's feet, .,.t, ' d ull had lien ransacked. Fabrics that am, inclin;al to fade _ P, y h(►
and Peter drew his slwot'd and ]Aid VC b^re there tv(ve billy they :were `'hr:,ull b- soak(d nand rinsed in very 1IltL'1Slst,c- . : tl•as married twice•, her fitst husband ba-
the Count Damonofr and his Com- ,•:ill water to set the color• bsforc ilig,• William Sulitll, b whom elle liacTe
n the littering blade upon Iturie's f a1)en nnc] a nickel or five ]knniea left• a rpgrnt to state t.,la.t iter, G(nrge Y
pariioII discussing the sttl)jCCt Of glittering A A fifty cant pi: c( or a. quarter,whore t\:";blur in guess: two dau Alters. 37 ears ago she was
their mission to the guninaker's shoulders, and as he did so lie said: talo purses cant.ain^d only si)r::,. --- , Baker, of Thorudale, son -ill -law to Wnl. j 6 y e
"_rise Sir Itttrie duke of Tula, „ �Re'l salluder• I and Diri HEtll, of thiA village, iA laid np I United in marriage to fir. Stnalldgn enc?
,shop. Of Course I followed that , ) ,sulci b, replaced by just enouy;h for I
scheme up, and I should have and rece]ve.thy just titles and bond- f lar tilt^. It wast estimated Iltar„ the "Ile nleant�-veil, but hell's full of I tvittl nn Attaelc of typhoid fever. but we i be, two sous and three daughterssurviva
snatched our fair young countess ed instruments!" lhi(f carts: d off nearly ;+t00 thatda ih1ni people. i hope 1)e will soon be restored to itis ens ; to hold fn loving remembrance the lots
One hostess reports that after Tile Ila rragh was a Ser}ons lrmlim:ln, , P •tad care of a true wifo and hind mother.
from your grasp ere this had 1 not The youth Arose, pale and tram- Liar afternoun, reception which ash( iv- •incl that's the mournfulle.st thing on 'tomary good health. !'
been desirous of arriving at another bling with the strap ro excitement r. ntl • g11vc sh( fau:nd th^ drawrrs a 1 thr top of the globe." 1 Mrs. $allautvne received word last i Deceased was a sister to Hinry `rVood&
g Of the moment and then the em er- b')x.,; of her two dreasin, rooms v ir . " ' 1; I week of the death of her cousin, Mrs, I pith offGrey.
point first. Perhaps you know that ) p •�• I d tallier have forty-eight chest „
the Princess Sophie and the Minis- or handed hitt] ad broacV pOrGhrrient crously ransacked and trinkets •and thaT. 'a number eight head any day Sidney Fraloiglk, a,t�St,.Mar?s. ! Avery pretty wedding took place on
ter Gallitzin have fanned a and roll, i1'itll its altar SOAIs and rip*Datta "-.%.Jr' to lila' valiig"of ,na�ny (ta'17itri dint you gait find in the almanac. Wecluesclti evening, March Citi), at the
P Y ages ^. Elie could not cusp;ct her own "Rheumatism's no cliseasa for No- miss Minnio Ateliftugllton waslni,l np : Y
overturn of my throne? Ali! You bearing the arms of the dukedom. - .:..rvants ; !.hay ha -d b^en with her for plc. who, can't swear.' ' with nn attack of quinsy and as +t result I tienro of Mr. and Mrs. r, Laing, whoa.
' Ani/ now, m noble duke,;' `'mow." Cried Peter, whose brow i y +re, trusted and t vied. She went to "There ora some women, ani' men. l the public library was,closed for :L few � their youngest daughter, AYiss Melissa.
tremble! y 'tno, for that mat ter, who o through h a
the emperor continued in a deeper was flushed with the joy he himself I rho ent.ert'1 who had suppli^d ' ha ' ' g g I clays, sus united fu marriage to Wln. J. Hog
tone, "I have learned of your own was making', "let the 'rest Of the p,'L;a t,�vc reHtt9 faluabyvellsusper ic an at Ins caring a liko t suss forcat oeithernendalloy. the D. D. G. 111. Clark,tof Walkerton, paid in the presence of the near relatives of
work- go on. Come hof father, we I a middle." . I au official visit. to St. Lodge, A. , the bride raid groom. The ceremony
guilt in that affair. Oh, you do love � b ) Y � 1,:•.r olwn maids. IIx had tested ,h•'In } i
me do you? But I know you now. need your help to perform the rest t'rn mkllly times. till:] told the trouble Thera should be consolation for I F. & A. Ai., Brussels,: on Tuosclay even- ; was performed by Rev. H. Ii. Carry, of
' Y Y » to nuc: or two intimatte friends. Envy cigarette smokers in the following. 'Ethel. The bride was beautiful) attir-
,r1'wo of your tools are in my bends, of the ceremony. which is taken from "Red Saunders" ling of hist track Ua the evening oY St.: Y
couipared notes with other ^nt(rta'n McClure, Phillips & Co.): Patrick's Day ati "at home+" twill bo ou I ed in pearl gray cashmere, trimmed)
?Tl)cv are named Totma and Viska. RL1r1C 1wI1S pale no longer. As he ,rpt and there ]vay no esca frog, the ( '
F ,, with silver silk, and was unattended -
They have made a full confession felt the warm hand of Rosalind I mnelu�iort, that thn thievin twa,s dr,nt• `this ]:Hawing so much it makes you the program in the Masonic Lodge room ,
and I now know all your villainies, trembling within his own the rich I by the ,Film '• inysteriou,3 person who ; sick, ain't any better than being' 90 to the members and representatives of; After congratulatious were over, the
I know what you have tanned blood mounted to his brow and tem- ' hit-, "\worked" every afternoon affair i healthy you dont know nothin' be- company sat down to a Weil filled table
I silt\s being square miles being less their fatbilies-
Y p les and in his dark eyes the I r•Q any stza and 'important~• thi , wtr.-'run Another thine about the East- I George Btowu, of Gorrie, who ]las ; to which all slid aniple justice. The
against this noble countess and A J t,'•r, + ovc.uiu • was spent in music And social
against ]ler noble lover. 1 know strange love light danced like re- I �__--y _- - i ern fulls !s they ro so sot in their purchased the t-�Ontral Hotel in town,' � P
„ fleeted sunbeams. •- ! vittw% and it don't matter to 1. hem !rill put up a brick stable to replace the chat, after which the company separat-
what you planned against the Coulat - whether the facts bear out the•: !does ed, Wishing Air. Hoy and company
s man
Damonoff, and I know, too, what The word was spoken-tbe bond \,1 \\�,\ \1\ ,tact! ,\\C;t , r�1t„{�I,ilt'' ` or not.” Obe destroyed by fire. He will have the i b y y
rc of union was made -and, after all, I \Q; Z\1i,;..." -X1.k \ ;? ill lllt,l�i'!!, " `Isere, t:tkr, a cigar,' says one of horse shed Inn aloof; the north brick , happy, prosperous y ears. The hap&
yon have planned against your em- ,,..;\�, , ;„.,�\ , ++,y\1, t
Rosalind iraldai had become lluch- I \�\\ r \ , 101411,the Board of Directors to me -n little, wall so ns to reduce the cost of construe- couple left on Thursday morning for a
eror. Not a word, sir I You are r The \1�?' ` 1 i�` �� ), • .'' , w' 1 hl 1 in his
the Duke of Tula ll0 more. A more ass of Pula. 1 he widowed mother . \\;;�% . Y� t ,C''•,a r . 41ttllij!.!, ' bt(;cthi before who had,
�uldt(*oss\hi9 legs ! tion of the latter AL. lTro\ru is all E'.l- P1Att Witilfl'IQndAlTltiUlhllg\YOOrI,'rhorn-•
was the first to bless them, and the W .” ;; � "' `� , II� 11f • g y � cellent bricklayer so will see that every - bury Alld other points. The bride's
worthy man wears the ducal coronet , iti 1.-, I • -1�, !� ,i - them ci are-ttes ll ruin our health. I travelling snit WAS dark blue satin clout
emperor Came next. Then Came : \ \1,1y - moi'{, I`'r I l he. Minta you, ho was alwn.ys sticking thing; is clone right. 1
from this hour. ]Lurie Novel shall A 1b\\�\y�,"+:, \\i}.�.,, r� +t I -,-; I I ; q g place nt the with blue hat to match. after their -
assume the station you have dis- Paul and Zonobie band in hand. \ \ \� `1 y„',• i'l''t•?A ; " dl ' I or roaring about his liver or stummicic A riot ,wedding cools a'
" ," ' t\t\\ \ s %,r' i � • •;l',i� , or some of his works. I'm tt little, tai the Will '
Ahll. g olce the happy v duchess I C\ ��\\ \� . .. `'s - t r Methodist rarsuuage in this place oil P Y rill sE ttlo ou the farm recently
graced and I know he will ennoble A PA, I ' 1 `\ ; ` _ .., fi,ll;' 'ower Fix -foot -three in m hoots when
' „ rc rr \ -+J r�I Y Werinestlny of latst°week m -lien John A. .leased from J. Claris, 5th sou.
as she caught the new light of Ze- , \� ,, it p straight, p ! '
It OlCC m0i'C. , I \ . r „". 1• I stand l: It but I stood u
As Peter ceased speaking he wav- nobie s eye and then turned to the ; r�`• �• N:, xr, ' �41; straight as the Lord would let me and Morgan and ]bliss Catharine T. Header- , —
A " `\\�\ l �' {5opti�t: � ;,ai=�',,, gazed clown at that little man. `I'zrd- stop i'em .d, Stoo,
ed his hand to his officers, and the glowing face of Paul. "You are `q\ \, , ' , h ' ,on boll of Godc'ricli wt re n3Adc hnA-
Y )ln}'ing at the i1nlC Of IOVC." ; 1 l�\ _l\�\V ,dinnerttmr,nnp�. , ;�� ���;;1! npr,' says I, I was rinsed on ei„„tret- ' , • ' ,
1 r 1";Na 1 r c 1 tcs. �Vh^Tn I was two scuts old' I band arae wife. R.lv. John Holmes tied j The readers of til}A paper will bEy
bore the prisoners from the room. 1 g >"� IA
]1'1 I' 1 unleiaat r^a ('
"You will not object," whispered `' I �>,l tlo,° to °'°','� !l 1 pleased to learn that there is at b ast ouEThe priest said not a word, but Olga P t WI ,\!lacy , i°=:1 �, r.sed iia have a pull at the bottle andthe nultriiliouinl holy. I dreaded diserlse that scipuce stats tx:ezrcursed loudly till(] bitter! . the fair girl, hiding her face upon \l,1\j1I I ,�. I? .,,1,egii`j7�, f thea. my rignrette to aid digestion. It I Last week Thomas McLauchlin. of
,able to cure ib All its stags and that is
3 Y the bosom of her mistress. R�1__ 4II V \V '°I "�®�� �:t: � m-ty Ixa (.cne(it on my part,' I sacs. ' ,
When the dart: villains had gone, I '"a C� i I t�+s" 181, I Brussels, the well Isuowu exporter and Catarrh. Hall',; Catarrh (nru is tIl
R "\o no, Zenobie." \1 `\,\\� 1. 1,,�,��f14 `:.R." • !bail Id rather be A wI'CCIs lilt, me
Peter stepped Cd forward and took os- ' i 1 \� ;4 , tha,: a t; 3r a' I (lE`AlP.r i13 good horses, disnnsed of the ex- ;only pnstit c carr! latest t0 the) nierlical
' PP There was a tear in his "And you, any roaster," spoke 1 Thor glee n Tighe ly\ `,�s �,iti I cee'r ; prize-fighter
thbnketlitit 111!�t littl�^• i ii epllpnt ibiported borx7 "Frnrx:.'sco," to s
aline s hand. ' fraternity. (catarrh being a coustitu-
Paul gazing eager] into Rune's , \� dIIAM6INo odors- ` g• } :3„� I Mail :could hav: noticed the difference The tienal c1:seAAi', rc,]uilas n (ousti,litionAh
eye and his nether lip trembled. r g Y i brtnik Keys, of Morris township. Che
,> 1 \ I d, r:».ld I treatment. Hall's t)atnrrh Cure is taken
1 1lfahr atylc4 Gold �..�i lwtohoL:1 bl painting it out to him.”
"Fair COUz;In," he said in a low,
face, will not say nay. �� evo7where. 1 I I P horso was imported by Ai'•.:1Mc•L,lnchliu i iuteratilly, Archil; directly upon the
cc No, no, m noble Paul. If you ^ ;%� .-,O..- ..- rllwa)tiS. nurl is six Venn. old, ,with lll(uty of bone, : bload and mucous snrfaees of the sys-
soft tone, "I could not promise thea Y
that thou sbottJ(lst not wed with the can win her, ,you have my consent." Iairstxr�L; Innselr. nnct hair. allot !, the tsps of alts -item, thereby destroying the fnnndativl>
OIL 00. II .�" The hoard of (lir-etors of the Culross . v or the dispasp, and giving
But she was loon already. 2' i mal Dubh sought after stud const'quently . , r g the nattettG
utlke of Tula. for I hnd Oven then I S Mutnal Fire Co. niet on Febranry nd, t strength by building lip the constitnt•iou
_7 ...._ - .. _ „--
Su ff 0 X 511 '
y5 !"
Crot•T) is tl-r, terror of every mothet
and t m, o^ frequent death2
anlott..; r>Vl--.:i� .! -j-iron. Dr. Chase's
Syrup „I' : aT i•• , 1 and Turpentine
bring:? l•" :•ti ! r, a• f to the loud ring-
ing t r • c , .•• ,•reathinr; easy and
pre? .,: : , '1. It is mothers'
favor&:, , i„r coughs, colds,
croup. .,ry;..• ,i- .,iiuopins cough and
Mrf+- 4'. vi—Ii, 20 31nedonald
street, Bar,,(, t•,.,, sayn:—"Flavins
tried v:; w it,, Ji- my faith to very
high i .. ' :: • \' f c•Irinl Cough and
croup• Nil iltt•1. • n•1 has been sabject
to tl^e ,,,p -.it, ;tw • long time, and I
found nor , +,a'' r:, , la•e It until I gave
7Dr. C h;' , r:t1, ,.f Linseed and Tur-
tt ntl w I ..,,•l.,.t speak too highly of
25 c- -Is A. 1„11"' Pall Iles+lyra or Ed -
mans.::. 1•i •;.r a: "n., Tor—to.
m �° . ..l
DEQ , 0,.i iEiur, t ?u (�'t li up
tE 1'w,i 11bit,-*a.;V.3,A.4
0 But there was vet One more to ____ ._ __ _ __
with all nten,borA present but 'Mr. Bill- i lttehly valu(d. null assisting untnrr. In glom; lt.•c work.
come. Conrad, Count Damoiloff, lash, The vorions apt)licatiouA were i There have born many deaths in The proprietor, lieve "Co nnxrh faint in its:
-�—-.._:.- - curative /mvprs, that• the ni or One+•
somewhat pale and Tweak, but yet on ` , =-' "- ! found. satisfnctar • atad instructions were i Brussels and vicinity, this winter ant, ; 1 Y
' the sure road to health, moved dols y Hundred Dollnra for any rase that it.
I given to have policies issue(!. WIn, j anotIler frits au}dc,d to the lung link on ; fells to cure. tiaud for ltst of ta'stimon
]y forward and took the band of the ( ' AMellday of last, week in flip persoli of ta15.
joyous bride. Then he reached forth . DR. Tesler was paid .,:.;,o for a lamb which !
the other hand and took the palm of ®�®� should have been paid last year but was ! Johu Thomson. Air. Thomson cattle to Address, F. J. CII r, .Y cls CO,
I I Brussels it couple of enla ago. IID was, ; Toledo, (>ti
uuavoitlaWy left over. Policy No. 3i3,i 1 y • ' h snit' by all Dru•raisis, ;:i,:.
Iatric and as he talus held both . i Oil ears of arc Besides it widow lie , ,
� their hands be said: j was extended one month on paynuntt of i Y age. T I Hul.'ti 1 amity !'slag arc thn beat.
i ' •,���@�/�Y' POi�E fifty califs. Th(1 bctir.l Will luE et ell the ; leaves three sous, Alex. of �: oodstock;
"Nly lord and tally, and, I must last Saturday in lliarch at 2 p. lit, i Thomas, of Listowel; and Robert, of i c.eorglutt fray canal
say, my best of friends, kat this me- "; I $rus,els, Two daughters predecealsed � Mr. I'. J. I,cu,rhrin, ill, a I.,,. '::r on
ment atone for all of darkness be- - - `' b �� %' AlI's.:1. Catttnbell, Who (lied recently.
w was married ill Scotland and with her i lam, one of tbetn, ' Mrs. Scott, of McIiil ± �!1`,c(inf�hititc. tit sets ilt•'tlarupnl,lal can
I us in the pa; t. Be you happy ' ! lou only about a mouth Dao.
husband, who dial some 'e}l;llt(:E a or I Y ' V l 1vt)u.l.' 31<)i. roil tial • ca•u, i v i hank
both, and may God bless Coil, Let - nineteen years ago, citulo tc NuiV York I .. i ihtnr hundred nt'll'(^l: of ,1c.11ars,anck
me be ace0unted tl►nang your Cis state tit 11149 or 18;,0. In 1855 theynlov- s� rr.•nfidently :1•t9:•rl9 that if talc I']
. friends, and let the future prove -,;,,�,,,,,,• ,_,t„ z,,,I.T...a.,as0h. �.,:.„..,.-,..-,.,��' � � ��1�e+, I i., ial:••;1 tl +at ltl'a'icn; )tt'.),t t>ft
' how grateful 1 can be.” I - ad to Culross. 'they Nati lie fatuity sy� �� E� �sa 1 mai]. for an clt-lr•nditure, at thi- verve
'Aye," a eriecl llltrte, grasping the I , Curtis Coughs, Colds, Lung Mrs. Campball was a, woalan beloved by I 1?a9t of 4300,000,000. Thin, of (ours(,
g lit g + = and l3ronciiialaffections that - all who knew Iter for her uptight altar- E�� E � i tl as f( -..r a tt at l•rwaly Ilial vii4w I 1 ac-
count's hand more firmly, let the _ ,
S110w 110iv grateful 1V0 can other remedies wont touch. , atter and her kindness of ]tear, 10 ull A lady In writing of her faith in Dr. colnma,tat' st anlat•v drautnir i :vonlltt'.
futurer i tt'ilh w110n1 6110 eAn10 111 contact. j von Stan's Pineapple Tabtete calla I, feet of water•. R uoul 1 hav:' to a r-•
all be for the blessings of this hour, , MIt.Tnos.J.SMITH,Caledonia, V, them /1A HEAVRN-!TORN HEAtLER./1 I eornmolat+� earrter,t (it that dr. tui"hr.
, while ire look to God for hes I , Out., writes: 11Ayearago 1 had I „ (, Chronic Dyspepsia was her /lcroso'i TIv, dNlane: waal 1 b, 5:35 mi'l.a t)f
and P : - a ver severe cold which settled = I Mr. James Corley, Who sand beml a
1 i1'C will not fall t0 retllC'nlber Sn Otlr I a' and they cured her. this ntllr,lrr at 1'a.si. ctl.' hun,l••'a ani+
I in ntr lungs and is my throat, so - great sufferer with stomach and liver i Dr, Von stan'sPineappleTabletsis not along � two toil: v would burg to b' ](rck<•d:,
travel's the autltnc Af Otlr joss --our thaticoulelscarcelys)tcakloacler troubles for slip past three, years, died tit
] „ ), tedioustreatcnent. Theyuarkilinature'stray- -luaal <:u: lututlrcd anti tin'iy it m'}(5.
11ob1C 0111 )C1'Ur, )later of Russia. f . than a whisper. i tried several , Ilia home,,�lot .Z, in the 8th con, of I{ill- f quickly, e(t(ctive'v Duel harmlessly. '1 hey re i very doeply dredxetl and st.n,r•d Or
l • • N ' S"Poi a5 It - 4 medicine v, hot got 710 relief soli! _ 11n8F, ell Tuesday of last tvE'E`lr, 1Tt tyP ]!:Utes to caTTy 'lila: one OC t\\•a a1IrT ettn,lg,, ; t'G:RPt:•i •,tl. '1'h; t'elllaillitlti iR'�) I17:m'.
:Yn(] 3t7 tilt., l t1.0
I USCF One atttl a half 1).+laic 3 :`t J7`I'd „'t f *)f 13:N`:1}:Y•. • R - -.t nvt ml !11t1,t!1d ti air •5" ^'7t ctn,t,arh tlIS+1 `SS, euro h1C tt•orst i re -1 -.ld thirty-ti,,von. rin le.,t wo i,}
should -with ADC long, l0u(1 S11011t 1 1\'artway fine Syrup, which COIt1- - i highly E EteeluEtd ) esitlrut t)f the tt TV1t• cases of Irid7am�uun and 1.}..i i;:� .t: •,•r�.:be, 1 ; -,, •c.'ar.• •a,. 71 .!;.•h ,n••l r , ; i,.
of-- rt pletcly cured me.." i:ltiu, x118 !Tis dearlt will b greatly re. nerve centres \tell in hand, and shay re�],lcasnnt l etc sat fret -- vt't y r�]x'n:i\ ' ,:n,.l•:
etG+Od b1CaG u:tv E+m:tt'ror l .;c. 3 bottle err fisc fur $t.ao. lrrotretl lit ill] Who lcilew biro. lIe i to take. i',y :l hope -yeti It ]ala\c t.,(m a a teat r tars k, u•a 11.. b.:, t enl a':,• ] V w
Petry urver for,rnt t halt rt,^=_ ;. ! • i leaves a w'dow stn) 1 family of out sou ! lleaven•bont healer" too. Go tal,lcts, g e. ; 2 )-
i% " "....w.,.. , ; .' ilnd ttrl'0 (fan„htt r6l t0 tttOurll thtair lUt:S. Ktld try A. I,. IIan'iltou. NVII, •ltam, ,tit:a.ly all rt.r..
I1111111t 111114111111111111111.