HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-03-14, Page 4• so aa•sag•aaaaamQar►lr+ t•Qaalosaa•••a+ra►aa+afa+riliaaaoa i+►s, ••saaa raaaaaagaahaada Z_ We Have Moved ,f►. JOHN KERRPED E' P ., , You will find us in the store recon tly savatetlby GEOR(m ua,, 11,N. One door south of Cleo. Xasolt's, W(, will be glad to see till our olil eustoluors and many new ones in our new store, TTIF C am P ol I Druggist TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes most be left at this office not latex' than Saturday noon. Tlza copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday eveziiilg. Casual advertisements accepted up to noou Thursday of each week, PERSONALS. We shall bo glad to have contributions tc Ma C-oluian froin any of our readers. If you baTi; visitors or purpo:,o going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that ta1Y+e,et, a ntee card in the pocket ` SHO 1EY' READ' T i1ore Clothing e that every stitch of the malting is . anteed. So is the fit and the finish, ' The inside Yvhcre you can't sere, as well as the outside Yrhere you coir, 'Tlvey fit wheia they are near, and their fit until worn out. That is ,vhy rte sell diens, 'L'Ve hope that we shall see you this spring. L U u4im 0un am w c wpea4ne a r ► a sa a eq aact► aa(aax (>maaa Qa►e +a ► tar r t +saaam dmatscls a s aa c►a aar aaa +av ww ►®', ful Now Goods Arriving Every w li F' , EW GROCERIES. NBVV DRESS GOODS , NEW TRIMMINGS. , ' NEW DRAPERIES NEW BOOTS & SHOES NEWS IN Breakfast Foods EASTER Ordered Clothing Life Chips ,, , , , ,,, , , , , , , • . ,10 - ltiew (oods, - New Designs, lzl•anose Biscuits ... , , ..... , .i5 - Fc`l!,ncY China & Decor" ° All -wool Canadian and Scotch I Granola Flakes ..... . ... . .. .15 - ated Opal for Easter Tweeds and Worsteds, made to Cream of Wheat.. ? guaranteed. .. 0 your artier. - Fit ! Grape :Nuts ......... . . ..... 15 - r A handsome lot of new goods, ` Tweed Suit, all wool, good Swiss Food ................ 1u ! bought at low prices, We've trimmings... ,. , ...... , .10.00 1 Shredded Wheat, i;iFcuit .... .15 Sharked them away down, Scotch Tweed, all wool, 14 Granola ...... . ....... . . . . .12 best trimmings. , ... , . 1rI,00 ; Postum Cereal ........ . . ... .25 Hen Lgiys,decorat'd China,each .05 , Fancy t Worsted, all wool, c Caramel Cereal ........ . ... .10 Goose Eggs do .10 ! best trimmings........ 15.00 Ostrich Eggs, do ,15 ! Rolled Wheat, Cracked Wheat, : Gigantieus Eggs do .20 i Foiled Oats, etc, Pin '.Crays, decorated Opal .05 r Pin 'frays, black Opal .05 Lace Curtains i '. Fancy Plates decorated Opal .10 i Z'Ve will tr: at you a.ell. ( Large Trays do .10 31 yds long, 36 in, wide, rair .60 Mrs. w, Hobson `vas visiting in Tees• , • 3 do :,8 do .80 01 water last week. t • Cologne Bottles du 15 1 r y WE'RE DDIND p r r 3 do 4v do 1.00 o. Bliss liertie Larder of Blyth was visit- • i44a le Leaf I .ates do •1a iii1 friends in town. 3 do 50 do 1,'25 W T a Fancy Blue Plates do ,15 jl, do 54• do 1,50 s• Ever farmer and ever Farmer's son Should OUT OFBon Bon Dishes do . • 0 st Mr, Neil Haines, of Listowel, was y y vssitinA in town this week' Ilook in at our window and seg our Eats. i Comb Tray do .20 Every Curtain is well bound; a Mrs. John Quirk was the guest of Mrs. I p Card Receiver do .20 . good material; new designs. e • DADPETS : , b Bissett at Kincardine last week. • Laser and Painting da "0 • Miss Gxace Greer is spending a con le . e 2 of weeks with friends in Stratford. P1A0 O • Sunlluwer Tray do >O 1. C11 ...... t Large Plates do _25 Men's Shirts s Mr. H. Davis was visitingwith his _ " . brother in Mitchell on Sunday and l • Large Fruit Dish do 25 „ „ • • Dur Special Print Shirt + - Monday. ' hishol -p•4 "roc as Large Tray do >5 p ' 10 Mr. Chas. Button of Teeswater was' j• 1[ @ Large Rose Bowl do ;,5 all sizes, price... , ...... 39 0 (calling on relatives and friends in town ®Z1 e have not room for Carpets, Handsome English Cambric :. on Monday. --.___- -_ __ _ ..a. and have decided to clear them _ Shirts at ,50, ,75 and $1.00 Miss Crasby, of Uxbridge, has MINOR LOCALS. -The carnival advertised for Wedues- • ° , , As handsome a litre g • Out REGARDLESS OF COST, White Shirts, linen front and a' tsccepted tha position as head milliner! day night was declared off owing to the • Of g0oda as was ever • • cuffs, well made, gond ma. W with Mrs. Green. -NextMonday -will be St. Patrick's wild weather. They must go at once. c co y • shown in Vingh..m, teriat at ,80 and 1.00 I1inion Bank, gas imiiR Toronto lastnager of the, Day Everything new. Expenses lightest a9&'iWtifl9A•®•••O.4.0••m ➢a®•®®61•!•oA•i001 0 4m00•R9••t149;SInEm pge•e®O®•©®Qt#Ci•Q8Aa114 •itOq j. by far. Suits the heaviest. Shore 's M --Good Friday will be two weeks make, bought for cash, Sold for cash. Friday and Saturday., from today. A. R. Smith, Chisholm Block. • •' Miss Henderson, of Goderich, has Have you seen Maxwell's new spring } -The annual spring cleaning took a JOHN KERR ADD®NALD DLD0K a + 1 p Qty n e a axn taken her position as head milliner suitings? If not, you should. p]Aae on Josephine street this week. • r y I JAS. H. [ ERR • ^, iFk Miss MacPherson. -Regular meeting of Camp CAledoni -', twhen T.Ile rubbish has been scraped off and A ( [I m Mr, azul Mrs. Andrew Linklater, of S. O. S., ouMouday evening next. the job Is completed the street®®OhC9m0!•00A®•OOlOm66+•S16 Q!£!0 @ •mO••rAC©O•••m®A•f9t3.0®4► ,A•Ci9d[•m•Qt6fAW i•!•9•@!r0•sA0• 'Clifford were visiting with their dauglz- -Mr. James Angus shipped a car loan will be in very good Shane, - ',Mrs, J, J. Elliott.Monday.-..._ _. _„ .R-..._. ._... -_ _ • _ a.__._..___ .-......,.,,. liar -Tine wonder Herb Concert Co. are WINGHA.ltix MARKET REPORTS Mr. W. Bugg, who had been holm' f potatoes to Windsor on -Mr. W. F. ti anStone shipped a car giving entertainments in the town hall Corrected every Thursday afternoon du> ins his father's illness and fuuer * load of hogs to 'Toronto on Monday. all this weer: and are having large by F. J. Carr Flour and Feed Merchant returned to Detroit on Monday.. I SPECIALS FUR -A oar load of cooperage stock was crowds. They give a first-class enter- ham, Mar. 13, 1902. Alilfiw Miss Rogers returned to her home in received at the Wingham Salt works tainment. Go and see thele. Flour per 100 lbs. , , , , ..... I C;5 to 2 50 13rnssels last Saturday after several this week. $5 REWARD offers for iuforinatiozi Ftill wheat .. . ........ . .. 0 72 to 0 72 ureelfsvisfttvitil friends in town. -Our readers will always Sed items leading to recovery Thibet Caperiue Sprfi Wheat•.,,., •,.,,, 0 OQ to 0 UO 'max - TOIi will always find thele` is yTrippand taken in exchauge f r an electric seal Oats . . . . . ..... . ......... . . 0 35 to 0 40 ,tw Messrs..E. E. Br us W. A. Tri of district news on the inside pages of trimmed with Thi et from 11lasanic Baxley .... ..... .... 0 45 to 0 50 _ r nothing wrong in the price of C. P. Cross, of Brussels, spent last The Tzars. "at home," Wing Ani, Informant's Peas .. , , , .. , . • • . , .. , , . , . - 0 70 to 0 7b 1 r Furniture when you buy at bursday evening at the rink here. name will not be us Leave word at Turkeys, ci2awn...... ..,.. 0 b9 to 0 lU n . this store. -John Wilson, V . S. has moved into 5 . . Miss Olive vaustone, of Wingham, ' , Tums office, Geese, 0 05 to 0 OG G his commodious new dwelling oa Ed- w Ducks, per pair , , , , , • .... 0 40 to 0 GO ( . • =`r1; - ! fj -wws renewing old acquaintances in town ward street. -Rev. Dr. Laing, Presbyterian minis- Butter ...... .. . . ........ 0 17 to 0 1"r I for a few days this week. -Brussels I ter at Dundas who died recent! in Eggs per doz ............. 0 12 to 0 12 i y Any orders for sales left at the TIMES , y g P I °hes Post. Toronto, was father of Mr. C. L. Laing, Wood per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 00 F office will receive prompt attention. J. formerly of W zngliam and now mann- Hay per ton .... , , , , , , , . • • 1) 00 to10 00 ' Mr. gest Mrs. Jos, Adams, and Mrs. (7urriP. auctioneer. ' +' Some people ma ger of the Bank of Hamilton at Blyth. Potatoes, per bushel ...... U 30 to 0 35 P p y say a Scott, were in Howick this geek, atteu i ; -Mr. Urias Sherk has commenced , . Tallow per lb , , . , , . , .. , • , 0 05 to 0 OG 5 ° s Crouch is worth o lug the wedding of their neice, Mi woxk on the erection of a new two-sto -Mr. A. 1'z ling, of file Bluevale 3 ' w I ,.CSO, P Lard .. 0 14 to 0 iG , riy ,read, had a very successful sale of farm = fz when 'eve would say it Dried Apples per lb ....... 0 05 to 0 OG '„olstan. kitchen at his residence on 'Victoria S stock on Saturday last. Milch cows Wool , , , 0 13 to 0 15 was worth ifi8,Q0. ;- Mr. Wright, tubo has been bookkeeper -Saturday's papers announced th sold as high as $51, and other stock sold Live Hogs, per cwt....... 5 50 to 5 50 "` att the Union factor for some time left John Giddins of Howick township well. Thomas Brown, of Seaforth, was Chickens . .... . . . .. . . . . . . 0 30 to 0 40 y P the auctioneer. 1 Following pp town on Wednesday for Stratford to committed suicide by hanging himself SELLI\G Goan;, ETC. -Mr. Markle, 1'i0 t l TD D g rr iE$ accept a position in one of the furniture to a tree. representing J, P. Langley, assignee T X30.00 Parlor Suites for.. , 22.u0 factories, -East Huron Teachers' Convention for t[le N(ztioual Iron .Works, was in It r $14,00 Bedroom Suites for.. x;12.50 town durin • the week and has sold a 1 .00 Sideboards for .. id.50 16.00 Bedroom Suites for... 14,06 Mrs. J. A. Langford of Aiulough re- will be held in the brussels school build- 1b 00 Sideboards for .... io.00 18.00 .Bedroom Suites for. , 16.00 -. considerable amount of the iron, articles pay 8.00 Couches for ....... (;.Vi 7.30 rr turned home on Wednesday after spend- +ung on Thursday and Friday, May z2 in course of construction, etc., - 5,00 Couch •ob Extension Cables for 6.,u ing two weeks with her sister, Mss. G, ! and 23. to different parties in town. what was es for ....... 3,7x` P W. Ross, of Wingham,-LucknowI -Mr. S, Youhili, real estate agent not sold here has been shipped to, To see me before placing your In all kinds of Chairs, Springs Mattresses, and odd pieces of ' Toronto. Fire Insurance. Votr can sato + ' Sentinel, i has sold for Miss Little the house and Parlor I'ui tliture, we are offering special prices. A large steel: nzouey by insuring in purely tv select from. lot 112, oilEdwarclstreet, to Mrs, Wm. FREE TO MOTHERS ONLY, ('anatlianStocicCom anies,oilt- Drop in and examine our stock. Rr,AD THE ADS. -Do you read The p TRIES ads: If not, you are malting a Diamond. ---- side the combine. ==stake. Every week splendid bargains To every mother of young children WALKER BROW & BUTTON -wingllam hocicoy club went toil vho will send ns her name anti address I b acre anlzouizcerl.. A look over our adv Cosens - roxeter last Friday night and played a 1 plainly Written on a postal card the ltisillg columns will convince you that will send free of all char Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Winhhain is the right place to do your,Ir'iendly game with the club in that f a valuable = tradin little book an the care of infants and Abner g• `lace. Result 1-1. young children. This book has been -The old fire alarm wires have been prepared by a physician who has made LOAN'' AND INSURANCE Stops t1le Cough removed from the poles. They were of the ailments of little ones a life study. AGENT. With the book we will send a free :,xid works oil the Cold. no service since the telephone alarm sys- sample of baby's Uwe Tablets -fife Caeative Bromo-Qnininexablets cure a Goldin 'tem has been inaugurated, best medicine in the world for the minor T. J..tV,IAGUIRE p!+ one day. No Cure,no Pau. Price 25 cents, 1 -The Harriston Tribune has ado ted ailments of infants and young children.pilTT®N BLOCK - - - - P Mention the name of this paper and ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, Thomas's the wade calumu idea on its editoxial address The Dr, Williams'p Medicine INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, r i page. The Tribune is one of the best Co., Brockville, Ont. WINCHAMS papers on our exchange list. t.rou +utoeiz A[arkots. Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con - Glasses that , -'.Che merchant who can rile his bus]- yaneing clone. beautify ( tress without advertising, is generally Toronto, March 11, -tit the Western ve+n, ovno-over D. M. Gordon's store. i Eyestrain prbduces cattle yards to -day the receipts were RPSIDENCE LeonoldstrPet. 1 HAND MAOB JAPANESE DRAPES f that worn, worried, the first one to Slipper Soles, All sizes, from 20o rip, find fault about people G3 carloads, comprising 1,207 cattle, 323 diseontented appear-• 3 going away from home to trade. sheep and lambs, 238 hogs, GO calves, and , r .Regular $2,00 Table Drape for $1,50 j Prilliant Silk -co, all shades, 5o it - a n n e which o tar a dozen milch cows. ( iook s Cotton Moot Cit3I povild do 2,00 Piano da 1. ; 5 ;spool. ancewiso bca mar features. •--The Public Library reading room :s The market was a live] one; ° 00 ",00 s ' We removA erestrarrt , ; now closed at 5,30 ill. in lace of 5.45 all round were stead azul tuinhaul a d; O,owLadle.s. Safe,eiiectnhl, Ladies ask do 2.7,5 o do ,, Crocker Cotton, is a spool, and,tho disfigurind P• p , y g + jour drug girttfor iodksCotton Root tNm- wrtnxios d[sappcar. The hours durin' which the reading but little c.lOic0 eattie of any kind was }I p (10 1.'715 'fable do 1, u ! Thimbles, to each. o g trod. Take tto et er, as All Mixtures, ills a n1d room is open are as follows: 2 to 5,30 here, and anything really good :vas bnnzLa nna are er 3sper;boi1Nti fro 3.00 tto do 3,10 j Nickle Safety pink, Gc a doz. ur spWedily Caught up, g ' M. and i to 9.80 zn • 1 or 2, m&lled en receipt of price and two &etnt _ p• P. Tho foliawuil, are the quotation, otampc The Cook Cofttpaby wlndgor Ont. Celluiod $dig Pins, lug a doz. (ri •q, : L -Several new members were initiated Nos. 1: and 2 sold Ana recommended 6y all CUSHION Shippers,Ci...... $5 re sibie Druggists to Canada. CU 5I1IUN TOPS. 100 dssorted Hair 1?Ins for 5c, at the special meeting of Court Maitland, per Owt...... 4 n0 uu 50 Regular 35o Cusliion 'lib •••, .r I BntClier, chUIC(: r1O... 4 OG 4 50 No. 1 and :. nz•e sots in Wingilam by A. L. g p for 2 ,a Rind Stone sot :Eyoinpattolir Combs C. U. F., oil Friday evening last. The Butcher, ordinary to 11[1Lnttton Colin A, Campbell, R. A. Douglass do 4oci I n;,(• ; for 250., 3 25 3 75 and 7,1:, Mavis, Druggists, regular meeting of the Court will be good.... +y - . - ado y GOc clo 450 Patent Hair Fasteners, `?oc each. I C, N c held this (I riday) evening. Blocher, interior ... •w 25 300 Rei E;otl.ids,rclowiiTom Cosyforin.,iUr. } 1 , Stockers ... ... 3 00 3 50 _ .. --.- - _._ _._. Read Neck Guards 250 each. Y i i,ry r Fl -Harry Henselif 'e while it work in I STIM11 ANN L,t1n3R, Is easy to turn, ineau.5 :Y „ r • Crelft Battenberg Rings, Bell's factory on Saturday ran an bale ' Choice owes, per cwt, .. f3 A0 3 75 loss friction, less Eric- I ARRIVAL t)x+ NEW TtIBI3OXS. Butchers sheep, each. 2 00 33 2G !!! !l111AlossCrelzl B[tttenl er Lace Thread, Ga a sliver was resliver into lis nzovc(ct it requireri severril LambDucks ... ..... . . . .... GO , ;i0 tion nl e a n s 4•i 80 ild 20 Gribben, reg. price ;,0r, .pool, '` Lanills 3(.r t wt `.. , ... r s o(r d15 _ wear, less rivear - p #± After the y l I for 1 e and Ot. NMt= i ! stitelles to clow elle vvunct, ♦tar l:rrs A an enLvr . pp means Itssex expense Crt pe pa er ill all shades at 0e anti 5:< tVllite Battenbcrrl Lace Thread, 5o n r I melotte p +,4 _ Cows, cads . , .. , ..... „0 O0 4,, 00 t0 keep in order, a zv11. out, _ / s llalso",Y : i"1i% ;ylclsi.X th:trig .- done • to loan on • p a z, 5 Calves, hath,, , .. d 00 10 UO 1+'ox sola by Japanese i3Aslcets at Ge each. ti spools of Linen Thread for uc, seilean,tifie 00*1Cft ts ' notes, and notes discounted tit reason- TTOt9R, o incl j'ew4el +ra 1a able rates. UonoyY advance(l ail !Hort- Choice hogs, per c vt... %i 75 0 00 G ° 3:cribroldery Hoop:a, assorted sizes, at, " packages of Carpet Tacks for 50, . SeparatorW. GA NETT ,. rVs"i<A1%i;aix#, Uirtt. :;ages, wltll przvue,,r+ of paying at the. Light hogs, per cwt.. 5 50 5 ru ! 10c, 1' o ]lave+1 boles of Mari ung left eu(t Of airy year, !rotes alzrt acc ,o yunts i Heavy hogs, per twt. 5 5O 5 75 whiell we are sellidg at 10c,ft box or 3 Vii_ -t Collected. C33..t.'e-;ieaver Elook, Wing- a - Iaarge t tlsliiaii C'orrt a lOc a aril. 1- _ ' b j *.crus, per c vt ...... , .. 3 a0 .l fj0 Also ;~e vinl; i iachinas Hutt all kinds of 3 far tio0., ham. 12vux,1<icL'allno. Stags ..... . . ......... . 000 200 Yiarm Implements. ....,..,. .m.,.y a