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The Wingham Times, 1902-03-14, Page 3
THE WINGIIA31 TDIES, 43IARCH 14, 1902) There ore 1,571) persons st;yliu T them- Otic Supply of iiau)o I+'('iei •ii 4xrotl'n,fiee4e! ltaislut; womes for itr,nuty. C T.1 PI. T RM The Women of Canada Are Be- l l Y `, +;CONrs tic fbl}awin,5 airtleIc tt freyur the I)t•rl *►'r'r i 'a. 'r . .;tart: '1'h.• i tr;* I ntit.!11 •: nI' *xe in Ontario, 1 Cathode, of "M1holly i17 ' W. t ai 1411. (1. H. Clark, B.S.A., uIlj.•f of I c1.!irust mmily, alto til Ni}Ara-1,a8tltd are in Ontario;. 211 atheists Of whom 52 comm PCoficleot in $lid Work t1w ' cell Division, Department tit I An:titor'H offrc . for b(unti-s on t; oivpis rite ill OntiLrilt; ilOnfusitttt:a, &,OGS of Moral suasion anassioiforthomaiwho hhotliinks, oid Backs Young 13aekS Weak! aad coyote; liwi 1•ct to Olt- dt.(cover .rrieulturr. ► i?' : I i y whom -30 are ill Ontario; sari Deists, of I;aji l ilHhtufortheelrnnkureirntelcer' of a} and Ru n . If the formers of Canaria were ae„ Backs,. StrongBatiks,---Few that :-rm;- farnl,t:v, and ranehl•rs in l r1Hen Hunslon for the Htatuto brenlwr. Mat Makin zvhollr "'!r,!tre itr Ontario; 3 art+u rvorshtp• 6 5 q,uault+'tl with tbth Facnrceat of etupStly EseapBRfttr Backache i th+' rvester,l (S:lrt of tit• S4:tt'• have - pets, l I✓ritish Columbia; 1,007) free , -" oftheir troot oro :see is a d the KidneyTalk. nit) till- or s ne, bounty Intolungt. Hestina hrl(t in (tltisliolat H Halt, lust and r, ,T thv;,.: ) y passy thinker )Of whotll 234 arc; in Ontario; third Ta;ulay in Haelt monthat:3.110 o'olrx•Ic. A l.he city allyl town Fafxs and 1'.x" lt;fort+ rc)aahru„ tht.ln, they recuts be - ^^ * In cu- in t:lrtc ; a rutin tti"1 1 fe:ttttd to c iii lr nt "G ore i Ontario; cur(}jal invitation Is extended till intemst(xd hibitirnls held last autumn in the various at a 1: tt itxal more artieka when Evert/ mail adds ov'deuce to the f'aot I hay.- raised inure iha)1 on- hundred, «41 n , of u , i1 1 iu klto Hnitpress vn c>f the drink trttllie. ptovinces of our Dominion, have fully l3 p 1 x n 1 d7 Mahau,urodaus, of lvhuw 171 ;tie iu li. t4in tlttir urahnses. thai, Dr. Piteher's Batt{ache Kidney wcivis last su;uuz:sr from s. r('r•.1 unl- il(pmo11straGecd the foot Ghat arae woman i'rael lcally all the{ -.eecd for our 'Tablets act oil different lines frons c)tll -i m:, h • had t t (1:.•d :sats p llc. d up Ontario; 14,400 pagans, of whuns 3,111 pally to the Ste4,edpsd, of Cauada are rapidly becoming pro- root crops is grown in foreign, sours-, rnedie:ilies, producing thick and periva- I fcr tllut purpo,.:. OJI •r e•.• •; w'trp are ill Ontario. A meeting of the Wingliam • Gospel ficrent it' the art of malting mats nud tries. However important it may ba' 110111, cures from Backache and Kidney i un.--artlled wlterc frvm Vft sett to Temperance League was holes alt the re- Iu.,s. , that the :acted for such crops be grown rroah;es. They are Ft reve?hrtioll to i -l) •t3' ('f t h aniut I : 11.1 1 i► c•;, r; tr- ___ _ : _ . __.•. In the sections of Ctutada s fairs ABSOLUTE sicdenco of Mr, Alex. moss on Thursday devoted to woman's work, the display f In the country rvhorrt it iy wanted for bode vol frutn I itit 'l contj,infuta it of c J. i0 ;led z•r :(n+t i., ti.::• , •.i I'HY Y w e sp y o hOW1rl'g, the cheap Libor in those Bur- briup tunvic:tiull of nrarit, hecausu ()t w.•r_e killed tint: tn• i^ : ;.1:It I .. ,, rt,• last, which was well attended, Ar- Mats and rugs made from the Diamond opsal, countries, iv}tioll have laaewne i the quick relief gained lie anoxpet:teed ! (Mt for rc,deznption a tit: o, 1'j of. the Dyes Mat and Rut; Patterns was most rangeuterlt was masa for the coming eyries and attractive, and clafttred the Ile bated gardens of the w• orld, ka s 1 cases, C,r:unl y C1 •rk of (•nth c(.un y. The QO11Velltl0n which is to lace next ,uade the seed gxowl g lndltistry un- Tho Bit0awbo Kidney sufferer oil))— Stat/, 111v authuri ••sc 11:• lot.nt Clerk + p attention of teus of thousands, The >refilabli, o Canadians farmers or,!doubtstheirworth before rt.,ing, fora to InY 43 front ih• ;e•ulay a.l•l for Monday afternoon sit 2 o'clock. The prize winners (who used the Diamond 1e•,.el specialists, few 110,0141mpartH a sonsatiou of rtliot ; 'rueh ccyol.- or wd' •:call. I. . l.:td, U various churches and temperance so- Dyes to color their ragw and other Otis' supply of foreign grown tweds tout foretrells t1w story of cure. It did I anti le^ cee.-IM'i th•" f:w i-: ih • .tu"ii- cieties of the ridiii- have bepa notified 'naterials from which the rags wer'o ua baa-Itt, and imported principally I:y not ttike Ilius Wn.. Clendenninp Alin. tura Nilo Jkly-; Si :tel,1:,;.p SEnURI 0 a alagreed that the Diamond D •0 y cars.• larder Seca firms. `.0}ley utas• make alit+ tit , u! lla,pt, 1pn;r to hurt rhrH ant. (It lint •, Jo( c•neh wo;£ or c c. c: pays `I and requester, to sand lrepresentaGn 1 blas acrd Rut; Patterns \veto tits best their I,uruhu Ary either by pay hrx u It rt/ r., ,,a, onij))IHJt,•il yttria cant+ 1.tuttIe of t) than lu• . ..t: i;:.. : ttir- A mass meet „will be held on 14Io t y and easiest to recti{ lip' coluinvnsurato price to rcliuble k,luu- Dr. f.'ttah0r's 13tu 1(ru ha liidnHy Tal tart, all • farLV,'i li:tv: :tt.'..e •,tc•tr ?(, night, commencing at 8 o'clock, which you would like to make up a choice P. -all iced grower." nLcn who ;;rose and this is her 1•e art;- •,t t„n::•)a to tl,r: intik i ty. 7"• tat: ” '"e 1 mat or rug, send your address to 7.ha „ p i ` • will ba adclreased by Mr, John Nicholl, ,_ o`,, st•rcl from Setet/tecl pedigreed siu:tl( l' lt toy lite I l,ttr'e had ti w•Httk hitt k i 1t•a; Ioa. :tc.t y t•:lr•; h;:., t::;.•rt , lt•• ,yrlf of Montreal organizer for the Dominion Well's (S„ Richardson Co., Limited, 200 cr , tlicy may buy •s(tvd aL a rnuch low= ' due ru kiline;y t t ouble. As T grey%• old, r, and t li." coy::• •. , w •r' .h •: ;r ( t tics•, C ea"q rote r 5,,,uT Mountain St., Montreal, P. ( ., and you est p(ic,t -seed tktc(t is r(,tvn by ln;•n and T still now 75 peeler of lige, tr Lectin„ ::i., tett, i •• xt, i ••le • •;, ;:t• •t , •, Inc. Alliance. Mr. Nicholl is well known as will receive full range of new designs. b p I I : 1' wirer -e chief aim has Ix -en tt/ reduce a w strse, tsnrl t1lH artier beetrtne Seel' re. . i .: , en you r S )0 OtO ha. - ;. I!et:d. one of the most earnest, able and sue- large quantity, independent of the ::ern„ tilluo also i heard or Dr. pitubel•'s I by til; :.tato ::1 :•l1<• a u. 0 0 eessful advocates in the temperance gnaIity or the crop it will produce. In Backache Ridi,ey Tablets nail want to : -- -' I.I PARIS, cause in Canada. He is an eloquent and licensed promises or in a distillery or 11t. former ctik-w, the s cd,' Is growl) Colin Clintpbell's drop; story and gal a i Tl(r••;o„tt : vigorous speakerand does recti where- brewery. from :ejected ,plants -from roo'.H bottjle. I took hat tits ow: h lt;le, t1vt ' T•a r. nl.,y.s i):;ut :r. , t.;.. '+ . -lana The penalties for violations range w'Illeh have. an ideal size unit Tarin :.till tit a (10W. 11110 ail plan to Slty the el"LeV ; wa*h ,t :lit Ki tr,t1-; . ass t tt 1•l r. : r ::rill Must Bear "S natuvo of rex lie goes. A Gospel Temperance from $30 to X1,000 in fines, and imprison- are, known, to W trust to .atlas, r%as rapid alma wairktd, I find great! rub w^:tIl a ila:::l 1. Meeting will also be held on Sunday For i.nstunoo, an ideal Turnip is one comfort sin(=uT reek thele, and shall "ih•.• b',i. R•.If 10 :var::l it yp' night in the Town Hall, commencing at nient from three to twelve months. having a mail nick, and tctp growth. l get, more so its to have thein should T I n,.at i.• to wrap }, i.t il.i kiy l)al:' ll, 3 o'clock. The various church choirs of IuspRctors appointed pursuant to the, Such a root rvh.n planlc(t vtill pro-, over need than again. T esus S»rely , paler, and tv lu•rp it cot .!r;e:t rlr••01y the town are expected to filrliisit music. Act will have the task of keeping the (!err a compaxat'ively small growth of recotuniend them to till others." w!i:l • }a the -oven. P stalks, and consequently a small 0,1111 ill talcrer b&: h nil' f r:i:,l aril law. Ste Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. THE SITUATION, ;11ltr)unt of seed, but t11c1 seed front New Patents. ((:•ttl;{ir is n,•ai` sae: Ih n !Vi' rti,itCn- Oa,;. 6rur1 grid ee T Never In the history Of the prohibition Anyone may lay tin information olid such •1 root is apt to produce it clop Jc:rph Cleel''llas Lo-elere•, Que'b•'c, ivv and ' .aft'•n!:lg all:, skill. Y P prosecute any supposed offender. like the mother root which rvasn plant- N, -ver I •ti vo it :•JV,0n ;:: a .e tlzc•pstr . bsxr. . >u'.al.o as; movement was there more need of da- A chief inspector will reside in Tor- crl. On t11c ether hand, It atnull aur- Date Anflrew 1). Siccidart, M(T'.a, 11f your with ih-• cant: t.:. ? ;.a c k 4 FOR IlEA9ACIIE., p onto. nip havll "r sev eral root, prongs, and c uickiy, f:.r th• • s x)ou i+ llr• 1rvalXx,4 tided action than at the resect time. ! ' 1 • ll,an., r.r vel vi mL, hick res;•. I ,• r i , r lice /fpp i 'gy ips The prohibition bill passed its second p fr1 i-xce sive growl al'itteneckoming Wranctoi•+ Xuvior 3lareltund, Moll- l a" Par- Off ood drn: e_ t. CAM ERS FOR OIFZWKSS, p p There will be a local ins ector for r( [ u.c+ •:n.•et o:l i an rscrll:r.t Lasa- readin on the 16th. In movie the trial, P.Q•, c;te fender. I LIVER E FOR SILlOOSIIESB. g g each electoral district, and more if re- thy, will irun;mit its like* through, lho Franc!,; B eattia, Ban[f, A.I;a, stove ;civ'• for infante and young c•llildreu AOR TORPID LIBER. second reading the Premier said ro sep• aired. +•,tial to the next crop. Seed can bt rets n r(> n •l.11ir_;; mild only i; t;quizcd, q pal) ttl •Grate day for the voting on the bill It shall be the duty of inspectors and ;uraryn from sec}i roots much mare I Sarna I Mc•Int.yre, Can'orbury Sin- i 1( .l'' ull bs taken hefare ITp. A F©RCOH37'IPATiON. elwaply t.ban .f'ronu tAvlected roots,` ink; tinct, .Itesti b ufficrpnt S. that it would be in November nest, Mr, also policemen and constables to lay in• b,cuude, in the first place the clot hrr ti•r.n, N.1,., (t:vice fo•r hitch' ;:r :i c!::I l Il.lirrtFOH SrdLLOW 3KIti. un}1!yc. t la. Ross made a powerful protest against formation when then have sus icious. rfg,t : are culls mutt art ndt.:ts vele- \1'hral 111 i;o a; i e a:a:: but FOR THE'COMPLEXION p Dl,•aars. 1'.i. anti JcA;. T:•saivi-Xitc-h- i t)''''•`tria: p r,aav>mYU\THAVi NATUIq the suggestion that prohibitionistsrvould A clause provides for the conlnelling al,i• for feeding, and srcoudly, thry;jyilr,r, riles,., cu•:pi.j,r hr.l•ier azid,n:.c brut: n piur• off :.!1 i;:. water, q Calfa >Nare17'wegettLlblo s.. .,>sG lira marked men if they came out to vote Of witnesses t0 answer in proseoutiont. r`t;l Product a Wroth larger quern:fry I cleaner. ;!'ice.• th:, pia:tioc., in the s a;lerpan., .,..... o. iced. L-aN Arwmn D• -s"•. '31ciltreal, P.Q.,' c,)v:•r %V tit a d'ol't kitch^at cloth for a prohibitory measure on any other The onus of proving his right to Hell During the last ten or fifteen years: thi•ek!y fol led, and (•tand a. 11l ; side CURE SICK HEADACHE. I dr: -d!:•:. day than that of the general or muuicl• will be upon any person accused. l lr• oc•<1 trade has, to a ;;leas extent, oZ ill • 1 ir.• fear f.vp minuie.-, before pul- e their I J. Trophy, -liont.roal, P.Q., A Bad pal elections. He declared that as it 1) yen passing Lrcrnn the }lands of veed)'- (r.ili•i"' mn(•h'a. •. i t incl' t 1r -m :oleo 1 ire vottetsl)I • c:i .h. ABad Breath prohibitionist he never objected to being I For u•'.+T• Sixty Bears. m- .n who devote all their Univ to i Drinlcin r r(.1.1 war ;r w-l1.•n m_e has. a marked man in the clays when temper- , tdy cf ,tt ds amd the nerd tra'le, I t'a w . I c c•• l 1,^ out i; on •, uf. ill • bent: An Old and Well-11•ludRemedy-Mra'ianly ih:, hands of Iocn:1 dealers. 1 n- 8 ECZEMA! 'ronl•dio• , l)• :,,1,• ii. :a inn:; ,e, the A bad breath means a bad ance reform was struggling towards alWinslow'sSoothingSyluphasboaunseid fv.rtlultatcly, fair co,tup:titialu its they tiff ••s••t•art rani 11. I'll t(),,:t;h ()11, :<.',anh stomach a bad digestion a place in popular estimation. !i for over sixty years bymillionsofmothers sx,,cl trade, in. pratetically itt)pijoyible, ; f(-m.•il in ill- b)dy. Livin; ail fruit + g 1 The bill carried by a majority of 13. I for their children while teethiDiz, with sirv(- the appearance cif mast coin- Dr. Agnew's Ointment can ; f_j- t wa o; i lu : ; d:ly:n .cad bad liver. Ayers Pills are Mr, Marter voted for it, and said in softens the gains, erfect success. It soothes allays all pain, oua~es t ion. of theirds !is but a real value. tThei1conpc; }- I count Its cured patients by I .'r;, nue! t or ld-wat, r will •I. ;cur Ul art liver pills. They cure con - part: He stated at the outset that liewind colic, and is the best remedy for I kn hits b:cn, and is too largely con- I the thousands. r; ;'Waal' 3 cel I if Lark- a in t iuL•. stipation, biliousness, dyS- would speak for himself and himself I diarrileea. It is pleasant to the taste. firrwd to prices, atone. Farmers con- j I P ; , it rvey eviainr:,el p •art is:• i •pat pepsia, sick headache. alone and concluded with the announce- Sold by druggists in every part of the t ince• to patronize the Iwal dealor who But in no one skin disease has it so many' t+,,.V feral that comas froui th - ;;•rover, alone, he would VOtO with the ov_ world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its k, able U.4 quote :t law^ price for his almost marvellous cure, as in cases of Eczema- I &V.. ill the brown pap •f in whiele ilie 25c. Aa druggists. men g value is incalculable. - Be sure you ask vood?. Tht• local dealer demand -3 a this tenacious skin disorder which has baffled ; deal: T wrap> it. Wl)i,l: thk In ay be ernment for the bill on its secoud read- for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp, and 1%,\r priced seed of the w•holYsale many a physician in seeking after a cure. one Want your moustache or beard a beauttlal apphcatton puts out the fire, takes away the I ex:nvenient it cer.aiii;y 1; o•IMn ict ,ari- brown or rich black? Thin, use Itlg; He went on to explain that when take no Other kind. flxin%, ;inti ini turn their, lnl•S lY•en it itching, stinging sensation, andafter a felt/ apps!- t Gus cbjrctio- On+ 1lL^ ti^Ot•e of lilt t.h 1 for the the bill was being considered in cont- It.ncwing strife among wholesale seed' cations the eruptions begin to dry up, diminish, , and ct :anliness. Most 'of the cheap BUCKINGHAM'S BYEwhiskers firm- lit the buying cif cheep gcod-% and eventually disappear entirely. The beauty j papr.re are made from materlid hard- fOCT..OeD.000LTM1, OM1 R. P. Ile,. A Co., NA,NVA, H.te. mittee and on the third reading he some healthy Advice with which to supply local doll: -r,. I of the treatment is, it leaves no scar or trace of would move certain amendments. The ! ly up to the standard of ill..- hausc- "If there is any chance tet boom busi- it is wol t to wont ion, however, t hat , the trouble -but a skin as soft as baby's, tires ' ke* p..r'.r idea of cicannevs. educational effect of the referendum ness, boom it. DOIL't't be •;L knocker. i hrom-gh th t progressive spirit o' : on,, I piles in four to six nights. 3s cts. 71 campaign has been urged in support of , Uun't pull it long face and get sour r•; 1 rabic settd jlom x s a line}t:ed t l ipf(I Sol l by A. L. Iinn.ilton, W ingli nt. - - in your ztontach. Got• a.smile on you. r.° Ili^ b -,•.;i socks of root eropn lins the bill, but such education, lie held, I I AJ up your head. Got a hold with b.,en fo,tered, and there is iit.tle diff'-'_ should be carried on at the expense of bath ksands. Then pull. Bary your ouItya ep- -x,ricuced arneng intel!i;;t•nt ! ,ltut(ou, ttl'e R„lltng Rlilt Philosopher,- ' . o, ;>om, , , the government and not at the expense hatchet. Drop your tomahawk. Hide fanners, in getting the bast, qu.ali!yJudson, the rollin.-mill philosopher d Alone," B your little- hammer. When a etran- or. •seeds. provided tbat they go the !IXleried' ! u . X. mans ` By reane.,, of the prohibitionists. The only hope ", o v ger drop.,; rat, jolly him. Telt Lim this ria hi -,ray ad) -mut it, nn -1 n.r:i rr'illint, to I has all ever ready .supply of reit and for alio temperance cause, he thought,is the greatest town on earth. It is. p:ty it ealnm{niurate price. l;n; I -M.d •:n. Am::lg hie elloicust observ- I , would come only when prohibitionists I Don't get, mulish. Don't roRst. Just , -It of the coat crop steed:, soT1 ialt ':li"Ils caro. these,- saw to it that they elected represeutati. I jolly. No man ever helped hilnsttlf by! (*,,`nada ars rotail:il to the f:trm:er I "Ari for strikes, separately consider- V,1x; f 3itt?', AihlaY ? ves to Parliament who would support I knocking, otler poopla clown. No mail at it prier quite. as•tl:)ttf as our Cnna- cd, they may b: all right now and I tever got rich trying to make people (!!an said hoa„es harve to pay reputed then; but take them in. the long run - their principles there. b,lievc• i;hat he was the only good, rump^an seed groN,yersl for the b';vt and they're like war = ,strikes are " mien on eaxlli. You can't climb they ;•;el from. se•lcetril cti,reed stook. hell.,, I Sneezing-rulming 1t the ze ladder of fan,-:• by ,.tepping on other ; x) t.i: hay.a 151!014made, bath L•y I "Ii.now•iug your own mind isn't a It() d— taut ill the hfad— PROH IBITION BILL. i poopl,t':i corns. Tha are their corns. l • . ; il';ta_:t n1l.1 faxrl^ s. io place sw-ll I ql e-Wor of how long you have lived t t. 1 t of the diseases that afflict - \ot yours. And 1.hi y're tender. Deep i rc';tr'ic: ian•c on the scrcl trade, a, will + with it, I find; some knew, it at eight ! ' s) ::'Yiel tats 1 m j. AAe 11:.15 ail(l ry humanity are caused by the off Me earn,." - Loavenw•orth' (try,) )"c: txrt to withdraw tiro respraisib:li-yIotters don't know it at eighty." I i ,rpt ails, „c... al `'ache - The I'rluerpttl Clauses to the Iltu to be ' jtr;nicl e-9.ribun l evnn c Lt -a therewi Ji. frcan i hr. ll:ttl 1. ; " hsiil. • nowada ! till -trey . y ys ie half duty anti accumulation Of Impurities ill Submitted to the People for Approval. I incompetent deal: r;. With root Lief plcueure, just irks playing the 1 _ t „ „ i. ; orgar, in church." r ivat are the Grippe the blood. The Act defines as 1lrohibited liquor crnp s:ecals, this tin, rany- b ea.hr d ; , all fermented, spirituous and malt liqu- S A 1/ ( 19i+ I by itIlowing only .r;ljabl: steal L,:u cc i te4t1 Ids;, t;,y.n is the devils Paris." ; eriin rluetlCeS? Catarrh— 1,i MARVELLOUS ^r ^cd im artet:s the riu•ht to I.eM ! --they are, bad waters to fish ill + 4 brollchitiA - Pile 1ltllOil iit— The greatest of all blood ors, and all drinkable liquors which are SPRING HEALTH 9BD p 1' 1 far a matrimonial catch, t4M1 fish i] I etch p.rada as all•^ mnrkcet ;spy allow-, t ( C,),:,unljltion-ti e r v o us intoxicating. I ?,L't' t.}t'em tae Place gao14 in cealel beirg the kind that swall'n vvtlr •I urifiers 15,bait and leave the hook untouched." i PLO.tratioll. Druggists'wholesale and retail liceus- ; n-wkna-i. each parka to b prop,lr- „tZ'hcoler next door was always ; ileal - BURDOCK BLOOD DiTTTERSa asmayb issaed for the sale of these in INVIGORATORS j !y -,ecli l: d, and to bearepui ihr nam, n t, , i r.(*nc("quenity the reputation of t.hz pterin;, about how he toyed his neigh - ; e! h-' " , a`V • specified nalltities' .ecyd la,mce in the h:sncls of laail seal- bor better t}loll himself. I never `r • " AI Under a wholesale license alchol to f .^.r if) bs eold on Commission, only.: wondered -it it much, either, for hr. GRXPP3 the quantity of teu gallons may be sold Official interference in the seed trafle n'°.e everlastingly borrowing eggs, ,y It cleanses the system from Pain's ku lo=, Imay (Lave ob' otiomabl, features. Por- !flour and what -not. It got to be tt CA %J A. ,,Y co env porion for meclianical and scieu Je'the crown of the head to the title purposes. "Liquor" to the quailti• F I h:tP; t:li; ,nar;t stria,% n apps -1 I nuisance after a while, and o told i him ons da I'(} like, to we both his ., ty of five gallons to any physician or re- w1Lero jcgi;}atia!n ha.; b cn alpplied t love and his borrowing deorea'.se."" I are:lt?nent cl:r. s tl:e Grippe soles of the feet. Purifies the Blood as Nothing to im•pr;tco ihr couditiun under lrhk h I , , a:i,l prevents its cO:lsec LX1- tail druggist. ef•utmerclaI ae+et}•; nre s(:hl, in ill: "h,. I L m always willing to give my opitr- , i P 1 Under a retail license a druggist may Else Can Do t s r c• "I 1rl:ci)r , wller•r all I spode 'tri , ion on anything. I may W wrong ccs. If you are troubled With i; y _ I nine bines out of ten, but the satisfac- ' t sell "liquor" to private individuals tin- b ria i`^,t'tp, iltie(t rr 1' h ,1 ' ' i I jot, of the tenth time. 'makes tip for ! 't " f am pleased toadd my teatintouy y rt,+ant,-h-wi.na th•• orc.en a,o of plvo t.be other r}ne. Besides, the .other to t}wellrative, vers of cite VITlillI Boils, Pimples, Dyspepsia der bona fide prescriptions. 1" re: p p It Nourishes the Tired Brain alfa I im vii:.! :e'•fl.;, They h.94,rttrnded I cPps,a: (r ave,v c for Uri. - t Indigestion Constipation, Dentists may purchase one int for tr, their seed trade a modification ri taint show me that: out of the privilC-: va;attm,;; t•r•ry.nddt•ntyaadvtry p ' lOfCyS1011it1 usepoul null vet truer Braces the Weak Nerves. I the Act which i3 in ,d iai Canada I gcs Of an American citizen i9 still left: •. --. deeaw it cul ttti: mal. BiliollsneSs, Headaches, p y' y - rgrrul•tt'e Ihr hearty of. e•mn-Pedal . A mitt without a sense of humor i r cf)'I T;+s ihad`fcuud this"ti ,tt- surgeons two gallons. Pa}ue's Celery. Compound purifies the ( r( rt i lies l• , nin•I t.hr result ; have clew-- I is likee it wagon on three wheels - not I _ ,,,rut a c,rtniu remedy Scrofula, Eczema or any trouble Clergymen are permitted to purchase blood as nothing else eau do; 1t is I; C.onrrn;irated that. whatever evil, muc;li gaol for Ione; travelling and P =i for toad and t epi ia•d hard roads." i r it to arae' Grippe.' I l+tat arising' from disordered wine to the amount of two gallons for I natures brain food; it builds up wreak I may accompany nn; enfoiepd guarnn- I „ -rP.4 y ill atin-A ,ill'a a , and shattered nerves; it is the world's I i,.,, syctrm i n. ccmnrM i(rn -with, the The moan..^.sL man in the ryarld is ; x11,, \ time• 111 +1 it take+ to t,t1 sacran.ental purposes.the man that gets yon! to grind his I r a it–and'ii cured nu.^ Stomach, Liver, Bowels or All urcllasersofif not with the es- best and surest health -giver. i:4 -cd trade, it. iw tin effec.•tive way is ax and then !tits you with an ax after i -t- d'iicur 'ronoxro. p liquor, PainasCelery Compound tal{endnr- jntprov•: ih^ ryuali'v of copumorcialI Y • I p clergymen, are rc uired to m the opening of spring, has it remark- k;, ,fjn, ,,. rt R vround." : Blood, give Burdock Blood ce tion of tier q R p q p p*, a pocialjv of elr,v•r nmd gra-sys. I Jrw "When the T,ord made inventors, IIe : { ,:+r rnvAxrAc.trstn.R 7NOSt 1'eUR n.:LIGGtST, make affidavits, able efficacy in making sick people well ,r,f witiell a ar-iI, 4 -al i•^ cold in ^om' figured out that if he devoted half of ox 1: 1Z .Oaa 2sc., nutccr TO INE Bitters a trial. We guarantee A sick person is allowed t0 keep liquor , and strong. It Makes short work of : ,li•t•trtcl% in Canada, th:(t contain; tLelr Bead to business Capacity the I , it to cure or money refunded. r imbed for hint, but tilled nervous exhaustion. It +ttr_t(• nitrl•ntitie•t ( r n(rx;au5 w^od jother half woul'ln't be. worth much i ` `''' t wa +G co., 14th. d• and i c a docid,`d Snjury. n^' j for inventions ; so he left tit(% bu-innss y ..x,........ e, C1A4. y ui his room, if p -es quickly' drives out neuralgia, rhea- tta►sv he must not let any other person drink ! inatibin, sleeplessness and dyspepsia from I at•. v to th,s former w la Trays jt, hu• it. the system. Its virtues pronitly banish ,. • l arras.( ma ngt out. •and that s fair.*' ,e th. lw.ality wh eT', it- IR L"o-Wil. i "`A doub` t -faced man run, twice the I " Nothing in the Act shall prevent the kiduoy disease and liver troubles. It I F. Ns. HODSON. +ch•,nct, of lacing hit. on one side." ® pi i enables all weak and rnudown men and,1 T,:v, SI'7^k Gatnnli, A(.n I 7 i manufacture of liquor for export to yeomen to cast off their besetting`tmubles , n -t r had what their alf o than- ! - happy and vigorous ! I s*hi. resin s raminq to them, half of them I I another province or a foreign country, and gives thorn a life. Mr. Charles E. Becl{ Goderich (rood Helith iH lntpnssh,lo 1va111di m ill jail and' thr other half s opyq I or for sale to a licensee under the Act, , I would bn millionnires."►I inE',ntS I Clubs and societies are prohibited I Ont.,whose life ryas directly saved by NPithout rpi;nlar notion of the bowels. , "There li:lvn ahvaya :peen Poor men e use of Paine's Celery Coupbund after Laxa•Liver Pills regnlato the bowels, I •,pre l; yon MILBOWS ;srs Women aro Com• I from having liquor on their promises. other medicines lead failed to do any `-tire eon;tipation, dy`spe p-lia, bilionti m-, E blame 11 the. ieh alwayswill ltor wanting to i j in to understand Boarding and lodging houses are de- good wort{, writes.as follows: sick lieArbielte, and all nffc c tions (•f the 1 1 that the Backaches, flued as public places, where cousump. "I ata ii Tanner trade, and about or tans of flie- sti tn. Privo 2licpntR. All , roneir maht far you vent sni;ttt,blame ilnngc I H :reattaches, Tired, tion is prohibited. t}iirteouyears ago had an attack ofIdraprgrfst.• !,lobs" • /! r' '' g Brewers and distillers holding Domin- rheumatic fever. While recoveriug- „ 1 T'eolin s and weak I Argninn is all a wast" itf 1>rpnth i AND k l i• \ Spells from w lien n g tic u r I I took a cold and had a relapse whi0h . lir. Gmrue 5p •ir-m. nP Grey, Itis I _ jt rrtnin(lq mo of ,,n engine pnffinl: T , ion licenses lav keep in stool{ 1 b collect in inflammatory rheumatl.m, allil ERVE PILLS . to suffer Are due , I was laid up for years. T was also ! pnrcha pd thFt 100 oc r.e 1'alni of Jethn doyen rho tract{ rvit}iont telling itn}^ ` - to wren action of manufactured by thorn. ` • •' ` • the Kidneys: _ These storehouses, though, must not afflicted with sleeplessness, and my ! Carltochan, 12th cnn , t' rey, for $5,83 110, I and R: ,iultt: n waste of good steanl,:attd ; doctor said I would not live to sea ley' -• -• ---_-- , nothing acrompliched." FOR t rte-- communicate with wi building oil ; "f never sort/ ilio dily whin capit,il : y g thirtieth year. While almost giving tip i r I N ,. , 61 97 I tlirlll't ,,lit t:t kp,p what it h'Ls and WEAK \• . v '( i which it woulcd be unlawful to keep or in despair your 1 uiva b (,alert/ Compound , KIDNEY 1 Kidne Pills initr•r didn't want to crab what ca )}- etre the most reliable remedy for any form I sell liquor, was recommended to tile. I bought 11 I -d kept. Ary vi.-ry t-:• not iu binino tl ° bottle and used it, and to my surl)rlso I £OPLL ,of kichitpy complaint. They drive away Liquor nlny be held for export trade' a it gave ale natural sleep and rest. I Nature posts her signals all ; eitl,ier it"v lit:man nature+; :laps wllrn'. p%ins and aches, make yeomen healthy and No person in the Province may use After using six bottles I was entirely: along the line. If the kid- i "'til fi • " hi111191, nai.urr Oil(' of lhp door 3tappy-able to enjoy life to the fullest, liquor unless it be lirchaseid Seoul a cured. 111 wifit also used i t I%g tnillermirim will climb t hrounb t•h:- Vlrs. C. H. Gilles "e, 204 Britain Street, q p y your ! Heys sato faulty 9tilo i ir►css , ittroinw• without a boost frons Illi:" These pills cure all diseases and dig- licensee.St. John, N.D. Hayti: medicine, for ilrsoninin, and befOrt+,1110 , -the sut'Ferer the Sign --and t 1» i,;,cll(p a,++ orders arising front weak heart, worn out ;used one rvltole. bottle was entire])•' , , "I }iad saver e i.jdney troultle for txhltb : rut thele tnirsibtl ioe8 ;.lot, apply to. vnrecl," ft9 an 0.initlit`.t3,ea ble !ease . nerves or ,rata+rd bleed. ilia•}, a9 ''allaiis= T doctored with a1 luember of the best i any person who ill i1 private dwelling- l lilt. Jas. Wilson, a rOtltiueut (xbderich odwaysf A :roma for Itrain rtrt(1 I1'9l'IP. "tion, SI(ip lie -its, r1'hrahbing, ,9motlierirg, (physicians in, St. John, but received little hOltso uii lrt • hutoc0ittl "' use lir nor I tiro ;aria sat •14: "ip ltnury 14Ir, Iieelr' ! IVheth, r it 'H fsa, lose of meniorr, Dininoss, Weal{ orFid +itSpells. Anaemia# ,relief. Hearing+ of 1)0%n's Kidney Pills, I ig y 1 . A y . The world owes lovtlty to the s^l:n,e 'Olich + I ,; ,r then' I illegally rel -Oval, ll.ttlrt:ltl'1,r', Alla r•all r'lplll•h fur rt•11'Lt 011lt9:tt life's T:iVe,t .i.ta it'd • -:tnel cella he,• t.p i 111.1/'il t, ... , eoh pntrato t •" Ips. nil - NervallHnACHY filer' 11etsness, Tiralll+ ! Begun tlteil use. lipfnre takntT, c 61 , ,. ., , p F g , , Iiie t t n(r,an r1 lrorint••rl f1Phr i-,., G}oneral Debility and Laek of Vila t*y. •rauld not stoup to tie ley shoes, and at Records lutist by kept by licensees of ]t:t HoyH ltbont I aloe ,1 t.,, It ry Cons- avert them, south Aiwvitan Kidney twit. +, a ,t••, r •jrw„' , ;tiervtl Food will •est lr . Thev are a true lseart tonit, nor - food times suffered such torture that I could not I I , pound. - I certain ueventatirc .uu.i, an Ct11it1,' ClirC fei .n1Y y till 11(jllftrK t;lrltl, fai11r10 to troll{a Nt:elf I an,lalllfarms of t ithtr; di. •.t -C le,ll L11C anent i •'e?-' ri ,T C111 -N plit"Irv, Htrpllelill ,!114 . ILlift b100Ld tt:trlehbr, bi111rlin lilt tilts 'tura over lit bed without akyistance. Deall•s r,001'(114 to ba ritua•faele evidence of it-' Tho census returns it +t • •„ , ,+ • incipient to the n,n:,t sliil,lea+: it snot deop-sesttv.I 111PM'`il ltrvtn rll t11P dpl(ln(r all(d neIvrllH root wilig till the warn 011t nus rY)istetl kidney Pills have rescued tiro front flus t p eta ,as Of c + t. u z ,l t,:d p -, !t• Tal sale. : show a total xp pul.l•tant (tf 'J3U,I jail' 01 c.tvcs-a tignicl spout.:. tla.ce ne•:cr fads, 1t v,•stt,"tn, ie• reaches every rare lit' the tlse;ups of the body nn.9 restorin;; 1e;rfoet #brrible condition, and removed eyeery pain I l-' l t relieves in six bout!;. 70 I b•,rly and Oveteontfs wOf1kllp99, : heetltli. I rine 000. a box, or d f,) and ache." Liquor shall not be consuule d ripen .a ! wliulu 3,631;1.11 la L Corad.,r.t doll by A. 1..1Ttrmittuu. r ini;ennt. l irregularities earl diocese. ; ht all druggists.