HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-03-14, Page 2. FROM
7f ,
7•ira JaruGtl i'qurii+, of Luoktlow,, strop, KERN 1 8 J.i11OM ..111+ . + , It is estimated. that the smallpox will
o T• t a r e
FOR- RATE hill dead t It Monday xveultlg fit last � � � t p . r , , 1 Lost the township ut Riuc4rdiue $800. �. wYau:�,�t �-r+
' w'iok. $he had dolts lies usual work S'A� C'�. ��4 31111,;, Mr. D. l?. Yule, tttrmerly Principal of
Dr. Aignow * lover Billla 'O re a daring the clay. While at supper sh@ the I tut kuory i ublia School is at'gauiz• ,�■
1para ra s 1, ' , !L
piassslatn(tt ttr►ti, *4 trlvor Rri fi p 1'0 put Irxchang�s, J;ng for the Canadian Foresters•
did teat fit(+1 n -@l1 eui(l at up to !(tilt@ tl1Q f
gags~% 'f'iwa�r s' t ett�ict .t �1$ at0 bible but dropped down dead almost awn i Air. John Alwont, thelese-wakor, hilts
titin, t�nc;s ctaur►tsws�ct the *qp k,ast lia,•clairitraizers' Institute lith t►' � ' • •' :\•',,; •.•. •,• . ...'�"H�;• • �,•�• �, •�', i
COMrnon orror of OV40r.40ltins moll its �Ilc; ruse. I Inembership of aver 500, i engaged with. the Trowbridge Cheese tS
_ inconvq4tagoc_ 7'!ie dt+lith of George Lowe, one of the 1 T G Butter Co. for the coming 5elison, and
TaXo. qua -t i1.s ttstly oQtloses In vial■ I begat .lis ditties tllia rveelt.
Alex, Iitaliolsou has lurchu..ed john.
Tug •
pioneer settler, of Usborllo township, i T. McKourte's 1,00•Aere twin oil'?ufl coil. y�. � -
10 t10�"s. o1 -carred ill War. Mimi., ail Monday, ; of i;.iilloas for $5,.900. his ren ■ o :
Nev:r have that tired feeling if you keep Fvbruary 17th, from that+result of all at- Air. W. R. Ma:nlin •, prineipnl of �,,
your liver activ.% uvd Dr. Agnew's Liver P014 tat•k of la „snipe• 'Che (ieueasefi was A I i Essex alilki school line* hvvil appointed I "• 4� 0 A !
qre a, liver apes ilia, gg, cent vial contains z0q. lmltive, of S totlard and clams to this til the pritic•ipal.-Atile of Wi0keIton Model,
pills, &a r aii,tr•} 1;•1wn quite young. sAdimr IN I Soli a,1, tit a salary of �, CO, to tinocecd 1 A. very I)IN11 gut event tool; place in
Sioi:l l,t A. L. V,borut• towi,shi,) %%hers. IIF• farmed until I P;lr. W. X. Ghisliollil, M. A. I the house of Mi. and Airs, Peter Reid, oil (rastoria is for Infants and Children, Qtstar a is a
a couplt, of years aqn, He %vita a nian of llri•irl. Troop4?il Liltillicnit i, without I the 12th of 1wrau township, Tuesday
T. UI•, Allen, forinerly liti+tcipal of i t'trlct ititt•r•Aty, Itit;hly respected Ila it � e?:,+,'(IC[n?t the IlloAt ofl't•etivo rewtidy for the 4th 1116t„ when their ytlllil$est I Marl lfCSS st�bSttttite for Castor Oils Paregarie, Amps
public, so iou' I is tis printed f Friend itt,d l,oighbor and his malty ' C'uts, 1Nr0ul>.d8, ']ctrl;, Open Sores, I Qaugliter, iliaufl,'was united In naArl'iag@ .thiel Soothing Syrups. It, Contains , neither 0PWID,
F ft•"t•uu, it, arullaid l•.xeter will lv,tru with Rlleululldsml Blty •, 5tlel s of yllsects + to Mr. Joseph ndetsou. � Morphine nor other Warcotlic snbs�tance, It is Pleasant.
its auc:t•+ a;�ox to James TT, 1'i art, whcl .t � � g + , P I
Easter holidays is to tn!to clsarg'a (-f t ... I dray rr; rt't. of ►+is departure, tits was etc
;, 1 kir::t1 bClGtl,ZS rents. Some large tiuibe� is yet to be had i Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millioll•s of
'Central s:•hool, Goderie::i. Its his iitith year of hits Age. � 1 hal+py cv,>ut t+0cl: ph4tt 21 ilt tale Volae ! tironud 13ayflelrl. 11i . Wnm. $randotm, tlf i
Alothers, Castorla destroys "Worms and allays Feverisll-
of ill • brirlr's tuottvor at Tecswator, on i 'n •field. felled a rz lit elm. the othf-r
On Sati,lay, Miaroh 2ud, thertt t4„al i ”' "_, ° '• ""'" »""� - "�" »" + T „ " ' Z• r b .mess, C`astoria cuires Diarr11cea and WindColic. Castoria
p' 11 ehruary '10th, whop lieu. J. x1rnlcolnI I day, which inensure(1 , feet across the
away tetter a long Iiul:eri g illness, Jutlll . r t spatia t11t+ word, rvi1�#ch uuitrd tiljus>iello � butt and 11 10 foot hosts frill aggregate ` %throe*.!es '.pcetilimmb '1CxociblQs, exxres Constipation s�ztct
Casalrrau, of the 4%11 ton., Stalil'y, in, R �g � $�1:«tnlelleg, Castoxia assililil■•ates the Food, regulates
��y� � HPPiI r . Grant gush 3Ir. A. C I�:tk1Y, Of IltllniUta, about 6,000 .feet of Ztlwl)o2• and 10 cords
the fifty-eighth year ui his aur Di•ceas }
ed Zrati It native of l� urtiu(;tti, Perthshire, r, 'Man., until death pa a Rile:lu. � of stoves rvoact. this Stoinftel>.:mntl aio�tvels of Infants find Children, �,1vilig
O R L I IHI D i President of the Used internllU Iia I y Castorin, iia the Children's
Scotland, where he %%art born in 1844. • + Rev. Dr. Stelvart, i r y gyard s S'@llo:v EJiI Imcaltla and slatltr tl sloop,
Manitoba .Metliodist Conference, recent.. vallis Soles throat, 11;Iaarseness, Quinsy, Panacea, -,The Nother's Vriend.
When quiet yrnug lits tu,igrat,•d with I Fast In the
a odgspofdread
lsutsauth lysaid : /1Lvery Alrtthedistiseitl�erato. iIMill in the c lmst, ,Cro zniaeto. Used c
his ar•:mils, who settle•%! first in Gle - , Stiff exte
garry, brit in a short tisno rnnvod west ' AmoricAn Rheumatic, Cure freed him ( tal abstaiuer or it hypocrite. For The. ,7gitltliI Contractee. Cords, Sprains, C� Storia. Castor 1a.
T >+ --a Cure that nevor foals. Cliieitiline, law, pr:ICtil a teLll t@aC:h1119 Of 1 Srrailw. BtArn8, Scalds, slat's, and Bites ,. Castorip, is an excellent tnedieiue for '1 Gastorla is sQ well adapted to children,
to ill@ 1,luron start, iltl'l cr rued oro int '
23 CVn 2, Stanley. l+Or the hist trVt+liry - I t 1110 nfCtl10d1aL Clll11'C1 is moll. that to b@ Of I11SCCts, children. Mother's have repeatedly told the that I reeotntueud it as superior to ally pre..
+ , Ary son was so bad with rheumatistn that
three years on,let 15, et Ill. 4, aur. h1:re he we thought he %%ouid die, so great were his suf- a Methodist hc, L11ltaG le fill abstainer." Mr. George SCholin of Deeinelton of its good efi'ed upon their children." scriptiQa. known to tae,"
died. De• t gars. w.,N %Nell Nnt; %vitt+ - ferings. Ave u:ed many remrdies but they all � N! 1 i ! „t f,�¢ � �e I, �Ok, 'died on Sunday morning, Martth 2nd, Aa, G. C. Oscoo>y, Lowell, Mass. II. A.. AactmFie, M. D. Lrsoklyn, N. Y
failed, aryl not until %te procured South Atter(- 1 Children r CJ
ly tansy.., gild a hit;hlr der }I+ ctt'd n, -'tit- . tall Rheumatic cure u:as there a sign of relief. , tit the age of 64 years. Deceased was THE FAC -SIMILE
. A �K�� yt i t �v SCT p •�r� D /�T�
ber of i•ccfe•ty'• Hti %Cad It Pit -b% wrinn 'three bottles of this gni-1-st of medicines mnde �r a sufftror of consumption for soma iinits, A 1YC L SIGNATURE V C1r 11 V C'
a new 11...11 of lrnl "--Will. 11. NVinslove, Nr.
in religion. and it 1;F•i+ ru,F•i iii l"at•it's. St, l,letin, 4ue. it relieves in six hours, GS � 1 and his dea,lm was not unexpected. He
He leav, , a widow To all: it isms loris,. e0 d •v A. L. 14i0ldlton, wiillil,inn. I Clara r+.tta, wife of W. D. Russell, + was an honest and industrious farmer,
died on February 19tli, at her home in I and highly respected in the community
!Pomona, Cal„ at the age of 2' years in which he lived,
I from inflammation of the stomach. The
0 ® 1 A quiet home wedding took place at
i a ' deceased was a dau hte r of Air. and the home of Mgr. Jas. Gonid Huron i d•
r 49
,• .. <, Mrs. W. H. Varcoo. ' Mrs. I'vussell was ! .. , , , y
t , ti antis, Exeter, his daughter,
baths in Dun alulou but went with her :Feb. tiGtb when his dauglltcr Hattie, APPEARS
!(�� A/�r� 1��, ti •i '^ &-•� WRAPPER.
�p i-�1-� �s
parents to Ontario, dal., seven years I ' .. ' , 1`Ar'�t:.!'Ti�a �iCi i%r tit' !%il JIl`Cia1—�nli.
,was united ill marriage to Mr. S•rduey
Y ago, later on to Pomona. , 3 THF- C[NTAUR COt.,P+INY. 7T MURRAY TR eT, NrW YOr:n CITY.
• .� � fiander,Cof T, aetol but format. of y, t r,..„
A case of interest was tried at Owen 1 Stephen. The nuptial .snot was tied by
7 ! �` �( Sound assizes recently. This was the I Rev. C. W. Brown,.T.. A.
The Typewriter file , il? orlkd was Wailing For. case of I+erguson vs. Arkell, a horse: p tv yCase. The Piaiutiff, ft syndicate of '.}Jost Il Peart. ilr@ to the railwat.elaot, Exeter, onrodu@sday evcllim,g
farmers, bought a stallion from the de- �...1,��•�••�
This is PROVED b the fact that the BUSINESS in of last week, and there met Miss Diary
{ � ;i. ��rl ANY y fenclant for $$1,200 and, now want their ARE
habitants of the world USE it, notes returned on the ground of misrep- wasAnn 1•lned in, of Toronto, d of m 1 - �� r�
Now manulxc'tured in three of the great COuntres, Vit . reseutation and broach of warranty.` Inon cinarew ho holy Uaurls of lathe � �..•¢
Judgement was reserved. I lxiany a few hours afterwards by this
Canada, United States 711C1 �xE'.CI27ilt11 . I Rev. C. W. Brgwu, B. A., B. D., of '„ r ; j HEAD
The Canadian Pacific Railway r .--ve over `200 in use ! Words affect a child's health too I of Jallles St, cllur sh, Exeter. ",1 '%'.i
T11E' know a GOOD thingserious. to neglect. Sometimes the j
cause ase convulsions and death. If you Catharine H. Weigel, slaughter of Mir. I
j \ r sus eot them to be reseut, give Dr, Frederick Weigel• of Garrick, died oil I DEAF
;ld�If1&, Q)6! $'1Cf� ,kGl►`5 c0�irl1'AdxL+'8 : Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which
destroyrt the worms without injuring the Tuesday, Fcbruar 25th. Deceased was ALL CASES OF
'risible writing start to ffnirdi Ilortatbill ty, weighs only 15 pounds. child. Price 25e, ill about a week, Avith inflammation of DEAFNESS
� �� � � ��� � ® � � � p1,g �� � fin
Alatnlfoldi ig. I�catr; thent all. Alignineut, positive axis.1wrwane'ut, the brain and sp1bill Cord. She was a D lif'�t. F� N
Dtirability, lulydened steel part~. ti8nphcity, 000 Bart;; as against 14001 A graded school employing six teach- I 11
�� ®� CURABLE ��e
NVAIiTt�1 NTED by a well-known Canadian Coanlulny here to buck it up. clever girl, nearly nineteen years of age, ®58 U W
era in Prince Albert public scllagl, No. , ; +
dust budding iuto;rvomanhood, when she b our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
3, N. iV. T., is advertising for a lady Y 3'ON LY teacher holding a first or second class. received the une pected call. o� i HEA® NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY$"60.certificate, one who•ian teach music, Rt; At neon on Thursday, February filth, IMMEDIATELY.
t O , e + a salary of $500 er'auuum. A sum like i the wedding of M},ss Etta, oldest daught. F. A. �ti ERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, MORE, SAYS :
YOt: \t' ' ►'N, %,,tit snni•i, if }rnI 13IJY any f1'1'rTl lZ arld %can DO Y w P n.at, t.tnitl,atcl.,lfarchgo,tgoi,
ct , that forces the autail salaries that are f er of John P,,oberts, and Charles Wal- Gneilenzen : — Being entirely cured of cleafnelcs, thanks to your treatment, I will Glow airs you
NOT lr1ET 00 (3i.t'►1) a tent-10ilt', bank late Of the GOderiCh Engine aii1111listoly.of Illy ea3e, to be issed at your discretion.
paid 311 this part Of •bh0 COIIlltry t0 Sink I + Abput five yetirs ago any right ear began to sing, aitch this kept oil getting worse, until I lost
r r+ + into iusi *nmficauce.•' Gooch teachers are j Works, was celebrated at the home of illy hent- u;; in this ear entirely,
T t .i "�'' I Lj �, .�`S.T En' - .W,.r. Co., Limited b + I underu eitt a treatment for catarrh, for three months%. without ativsucces,, coustatcda tiunt-
evidently iu great demand up north. the brides aunt, Mrs. McPherson, All- ber of physicians, among others, the most eininent car sapecialist of 'this city, whn toll me that
Write Lo•day. :lit) ti7'F:EA1 > P. Q. 1es@lt street: Rev. James �S .Anderson anly rot op,:ratiou could help mol anti evert that only tela torarily, that thio ileac[ noises would
Alartin Mose, engineer, of 200 Beal- g + i then cense, but the hearing in the abetted ear would be lost i'orever.
.-...®.-•...-_.-•-•- - -- --•--. B.A„ performed this nuptial Cerem011y. I then saivcout- advertisement nceidentally is a \ew York roper, and ordered your treat-
------ woods avenue, Toronto, fell from a lad- Illpot. After I had uvcd it nilly a few days according to your directions, the noiaescea,ied, and
I than
h . trndnv, otter rice weets, uty lentil:" in t]Ie;lisen�ed ear has been eatireip restorcri. kyou
der at the factory Ot Seawall, Dent & I C'1 i ld� r , n Cry for heit:lily :such beg to retain Secy truly yrnlrs.
V i
V. A. WIM'MAN, ^^o S. Broadway , Rrdtintore, ?dd.
Co,, rent street west, in that city, re
SINFUL HABITS 1N YOUTH celitly, and reeel'vea injuries whichi 'ea-huent (700.4 not interfere 11"Ith, youl, Itsaird ore 111) (If ion.
u �� �■. Fxautiunlint and `, t` tr at :. nomlpi Ral
MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DiSEASiED rr'd7EN. proved slats.). a few;lmours later. He was I � advice free. YOU CAN CURE YOUPSEL ! fj� HOMrl r•o,;t.
'S RESULT of tguorance and folly in youth, overenertion bf mind and body, a tYlRrrfed man an leaves � widow and The directors o apringbalik Cheese 4 t t 1, t, C , , , ■,,. , , , ., ,
THE iuQucedb lust and esosureatoconatautl�yywreckin the lives I PITERPZATi1i+.�{il.i�i.ill�5L0.RS.1.•,J9I.tr,C;�i�.�.Crill:. ��4�t.i-„:t�,101.
and future happiness of thousands of promisingyoun r men. Some fade and wither ,� two sous. He was a resident of Goder- Factory, trYo and a half miles from i
of an early age, at the blossom of manhood, whsle others aro forced to drag out a ; soh Some years a 0 and Wits an em- I Lakelet, have decided to turn it into
weary, fruitless andtnelancholy existence. Others reach riatri. ; y allo,
many but •find no solace or comfort there. Thovictinis arefound ploy ee of the Big Mill when it was run i buttermakiug for thi'a year. Mr. Weng- ”
I in all stations of life—the farm the office, they workshop, the - , er, to A toss, the former butter maker, '
pulppit, tho trades and the professions. Norvboe Debility slid Seminal - by Ogilvie & Hutchison. y +
Wesknose are guaranteed cared by our Now Method Treatment or No has rented the factory and will attend
i aft Pay. You rna no risk U5 years in Detroit- Bauk security. Mfiburn's Sterlilg Headache Powders t
CURED WEN ALL ELSE FAILED, no astan asod without writtas consent. - to everything pertailiinf; t0 its equip -
CURED contain neither morphine nor opium.L Us
( ti's life am tip inn of
lea offs and later d. When
young Z le ro rosy They promptly cure Sick Headache, ment and will make a canvass of the
becamo weals and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I . Neuralgia, Headache, Headache of neighborhood for cream,
feared Bright's Disease. Marred L s was unsatisfactory and Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies and Mr Jactlli Shoeliiaker, a pioneer { % say home unhat Irani ppy. I tried everything—all failed till I took : HCa(tt1Ch0 frtlnl ally CaIISe whatever,
i P neer of
built me up mentally,, physically and sexisa Their I feel and Method
; Price 10c aud2hp.. Waterloo County, tidied Wednesday of
Mlle a man In ebery respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest, ' last week at the home of his son Ales.
caan tee zea bk reliabl educ ors." -W. A imeltornnize Quacks. and Fakirs when you :A Mark Young, Duneaullou young Shpemal. near Berliu, aged 102 years, j
T man . ryas the victim of a rather
CURES OUORHRE9OR KO MY. 9993001109 Fre'1401 3 Fr9e-•QUeSUGG EINK Frac for Use `Ireai0i of ; 3 months and 9 days. Mr. Shoemaker l
443 Shetb Street, V psCuliar accident "on Tuesday of last was born NovembJ124, 1799, and con -
week. *Z=11' f • `J• week. In compamly with David Sluilic,
® Kennedy F6 Ke Detrol , icil �� sequently lived ill three centuries. He � $
± another young malts of Dungannon, he
t•,a41.Le, w - a �gy yrs w;agt A r �. �, d �,�•. iGi, ,�.V4 .k r - came to this COummtry from Montgomery i
was driving to Goci@rich, and just on the n, �3f
< County, Pennsylvaliia, ill 13,.3.
-:- _ b v hill ••1•
taro of the read a a e Dunlop's h'1 hefir Ing
turned out to let another rig pass. The PH. A. W. GRASE'S h�eli�
„ 1 � ��99
i � •' " - - `MIn
road was very rougg'l�l, and 111; turning in •' t��'l°► XRR ILIURE .. Vt j
i again the cutter ml►laet. He teas pitched is s; nt direct to eh8 �"3iseased i
' UIIC mold 1t1 atltue NY ills left lc was +'~ pa -to• by the Improved plower, ,
■ a Ripans Tabulas x y b' „lt> i.� �v
Doctors find j r,.r.- � } ; J.i rhe ulcers, cit.i nit the air ' Bili Heads, Statements
r brgliell IISt above the ankle. s a . s, slup•c drQ ;ings In the
A good prescription *f-+' hr•,nt an,i ptrmat.xntly eurei i x
yy For utankind.
Died, lit West Virginia, on 0110 24th � r"`% Cat1(rrh and Hit Fave[, Blower •fit Memo
1 sr-la':L t + t' + t'I'� +. trot. A111iealeriior Dr. A. W Chan-' I - Envelopes, ly3emo
tilt., William. Graham, only brother of %sea;csnne„ •ioronto and Buffalo
' Ripans Tabules are a common sense; effectual cure l Mr. Robert Grah 111, Of•Lucknow, in the Heeds Note �TeadS
l Five fine head of Shorthorus that had , ,
' for d- ,c Asia, biliousness, heartburn, headache, con- 6ut11 year of hist abs. Deceased ;zad
� •• i been purchaser. at the Ontario ProvinCi-
sti,-�'ticn d1Z4iness and all disorders of the stom--cl, a been in the oil b. siuoss sinco th@ year Letter Heads, W4ddlllg
1867, commencinti in Petrolia, Ontario, al Sales at Guelph icy breeders ill this
liver and bowels. The are intended for the use of l , section, arrived by* special car fit tht
They 1 from where ho:• removed to Penusyl- � ! Invitations, Visiting
'' y a vania, and there spent many years eugi- Lucl;utlry station. The list iucltt<lecl I
omen and children ever where, and have a l
,1. c ved beneficial in the majority of c2iSes. It io not four bulla and one 1leifer, the former be- � � Cards, Shipping Tags
J y neoring and ov@ase@lug the production , t s
Cha:med that they will perform miracles, but some of of petroleum. ;About ten years ago lie ln� purchased by Isaac Andrew, 12th
> con. Ashfield; Peter Torrance, Kinloss; Circulars, Business
a she cures Which the r have effected amount almost to again removed r ich his family to Vir•
� Ed. Anderson, Dungannon, Mr. Swit- ., rf
that. Easy to take and prompt in action, they have i ginia and was tliero engaged in the salve , y ( �;tardS ]Dodgers .e
enterprise, whom finally life's carer zer, Calross; and the heifer b James When
w s , osiers,
no rival as the best reinedy for the cvery�clay Ills of 1 Ramage, St. Helens.
was ended. �4 Books or anything in
11J i:.tl lit t'. Eben James, all apple exporter, ryas W
d; ✓ A Al Dliwlly WHICH PROLONGS L1Ft . ; . ♦ fined $4.50 oniiai�rlay of last Freeic by I the priming Dine, leave
t " r Have ,t.•ed Ripans Tables for a number of years and would not he without them, l % I P, 11I. DOnikglm Of Toronto, for having! �r
1 tea: -e mbled with intligestion and constipation, and have noticed slate t have. been using thelti ? a sold eight barrols, Of apples Which wore
j Your order ■d1� the
- that I am "erring rid of those terrible biker's srellswhich confined me to bed on actount of the i o j
din:nc,a, t Sf Ltte t have not had any. I had just gat over a bad spell of bilious fever ant( was t Ol' TnFAlii s aYl CitlitlrOIi. wrongly facet.. Both the defence and 1 Need .�f�
itt+:,tt t,:t tilt step, when a neighborcame to rte and remarked )low bad I looked. I told lima I Sit home office. We are
led la•.t Aot over tlne fever and that I was erz*A to eat anything oa sceount of ind;atestian, prosecution in this 10ase lead samples of
j It•,n+ %hick I had suffered since I was quite ynuug, FIc advised me to t%tee I ipana Tabules. 'T ?A- +i aC tL apples in the court �or the magistrate's'
s I rad I would try them, and from then I haven t been without t: em. I an cat anything, f' ,{ y the
l finis?i cv191 ,t 2•ahule liq:ead of dessert. I feel very thankful that I have fo1:a3 �igtataro'>;C✓lfr/K�y beery 1taSp@CtiOn. 'i'110 pl'fOseeution contended
Cbnw�.tUa�tl�% `Gilddl tlL
i.01:i: darg that 'rill prolong my Me. pi i i Wk6pp93. that the Face of it barrel was either the
GAS•TkIC "TROUSLtS, top or the bottom, &Lthat if the atlplea newest faces b type,
'+1I'M Yearn at least frorh astric troubles, Icould hot sleep at night, JILdge Doylo l}cld Division Court, at were .lot uuiforr I,'j'' packed, they q�
bait ++%•.,%. ,t+'hurl attd nit legit wnnld be cold as ice. Iy bowels wdre not regular and 1 wmild have GOdermCil. Th greater part of the day were Bono fratzduleltly. 1 has €;UOtar'1S Workmen,
e u taint w lois n su i di r•ss
Buil. rn,mps ,ram ,R,a+es totnunft on my stoutach that i would a ay. a i c st < wits taken tl y
= tha* I wo,i;d have sooner died than Itve. About three months ago I writ suffering anti felt as if p byail Rattan for damages i and 4 V%e Can rs'at sf� you
rat, h•,dv tear: t•;etl rip i.taar,;1Y. btylrvuharrecomniended l2iiar,s Tabules tQ rot. :sly busfiand i brought against,, the township Of Col- On Alat;net�b Iiewlina. 1
Fra , ,cd <ornr I"r me Lin :lie uI,n&-t draft store and I %%oil d'notnow be wiilbat than, Tbey J
Y 't ' 4 tap ni ;111 010 funs rases that fainted in my stomach and they move Icy bowels reitrlatly, borne by Alfred Dodd, a, resilient of the Much is spoken afld written during s1t 11,tJ our �'Z tily�. `moi r�
rm, v ;•i+ i, I had + ,• n +:dill• phys:cn ;til the time. 1 havo be n+ore gi[sos,my bowels ntnve rc) utarly , p i1
X , i .,:,, •i„ ri. o+ c d :. ra .Ut::s`t ate.+.7iAell t is fact,l iedl aslialit n42lte Rlrw*lith l brdat(Ie.Ant township. DOfld s horso fell �throu h a these times ,about,% this nivaterlous l
6w;q .r•'i,1 r1,e;rl ,..:..: ra % i,, "01'r etig;%3 NJ,. ".t:L`l:A4.. I gat saris ,,fat . did -nt mnitaeueq method of treating 1Seasb. The Irlolit
raha., t year ago, 1Qe they would baud caved me a great Oil bf pain wid ai;L4.i:r'ti: ` culvert in t119 village Of SaltfOrtl and S � ' regards � t�a+l>t ter and
• trz ly relnarkAble cases of ma-gYni:tic
+, sustainedsuch llljuries that It had to be heitling which come tnuder the iiotiee
s, b
killed. He Halted $5G damages. His , of the writer hove lie n those stn which price.
�, ;�, ;yes° r
liquor A judgment ryas in favor of the i Dr. Chaso s Ointment was used. This
plaintiff except u a point o£ lttt raistbd I Preparation seems t4 have Magicltl � THE
�,y .r�.
Altifmrt9ab,.lr,+„r u,Yi.s,L, Attlea?tillata. ::N 4,1_ •!F■IMa,fi■�
tV,d Uone,lt t,• , M, t ,.,. n, Tito F'ITIII-Nnt paeket is elknilnh for firs i ' by the defeudan q; oil this point and also � powers illlistilstopping tlltf IS'alt lful ItChiil�,+, •L,i.■L,j i■ �; j
AnditdyspNpstlltat flit wan, Oltsar e -'W* a%a, Thefdmtlybottle, - Eczema., en whenu Milt .talcum a e, ..
1 +tar. 9 1 it'll. tllo question tlf costs judguleut tyres s 1✓ezema., stud rvheutits(idretr;ultlrlytnakea+ `yy�
g ly tar s y i if i/ Z.L,4ghainy
�t,nr t,ue4tJa I�-asso� � , �. eenta,contslns,Y► supply 14' yr.....;�•I i the cure thorough and pelKnnuotlt. 1 „ � w ” Ontario