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The Wingham Times, 1902-03-14, Page 1
k XXXII—'NO, 15101 F4 NGHAMI WINGIIAM, ONTARIO,. MUDAY, MARCH 14t 1902. 1AL)IES'' M A YEAR IN ADAIANOE ' p, _ SUDDEN DEMISE. IT HA�'H THE STN'.... nnnnnnnw�nnn�,n�vnnnn�nn�nnn Fr( six qy tp ssrtr arriving daily dat mlys a J. No- ! 0 sliecial line of antinlis atAia ell S. Ln vis LAI' e F + line Stylish Spring Corsets ver arriv- -- (lir' Kolvie's. eel, You cilli ahvav dep d oil getting 'Fiery sad and all den was the an-evaraN Articies1't:RCtiASEDHo l:s.-l12@sera. A.. 'clip thpneweststylesat Gordon's. noulicoinentoftltedaeaseofl.li�aLalio toul Robert MeG red. I 'lie :Jahn HAIII 'WATUI,, - rains of this week Holmes, the trulyb(love3 wife of That now+ell-regulated home Shiell, Isaac Wal r and,lohu Jamio%vn lave caused the w. 'or to rise consider. ]Thomas Holmes, Be t., of the town of SweetPeas can afford t0 be Withou of this saetiOn ittelided Kidd i3 bly. The itats•ar naw }st=ored with Wixigham. e - - --- • auction sale of arses at Listowel o atoll` Word wa received La town Mrs. Holmes was suddenly taken ill ` - S r ' allWednes9ny tift noon to the effect with acute brunch tis complicating a a�d Flower Seeds Tea . nit i I ridgy of last f Nlt. the p pili• t P 6 Sage Soap ' chased five hors , that the Wroxeter Trull .laic had been chronic disease whidli rapidly developed Sada ;M1fAce D. M. Gordon has ha a oil erfrrl i Carried awa into heart failure resulting in her f EVER SHOW' I. ' cc COCOA, Coffee I ' y' 1, I �i WIN(xIiAM Q Starch Bluing sale of Muslins and r Cl00(d .allies 1 Moir & Cu, Ke block, pay tb high-, peacefully passing Tway at 5.80 p. in. oil I appreciate Nice y G r B. est prices for all Inds of far. )ro(duce. I Onions Syrups ! (Saturday last, surrc`tided by the iliein- Salmoll Allspice ? FIELD SEEDS. -C ov and `l'intotlty. ' New York's Newe•} S! Ties and � hers of the family, Iia heti been uoGiu• CC Oatmeal Peailine Oats, l\Tew Sotlsati r ;0th Contury &e. �TiobbitlsG B@its £ar cu s for Easter Sardines Matches Goosewheat S e E. iso. have arrived at D. 1\l ordou's. , ed by telegraph, C ' p 'etc. G. 1. I ' ! Mrs, Holmes rues ]ousel and admired Over twenty varieties and colors o1~ E� Mustard Gelatine 6 1 L. 0, L. GRAa) Lonc1E.•--•The 43rd i Nutmegs Sal Soda IN LnsDOtq HOSPITAL.—yve regret t© by everyone who l act the privilege of Sweet Peas shown separately .. . , report that Mr. J. D, McEwen, who to t (aest�iou of the Or 1)ge Gritud Lade of knowingher, for sh a was a true and per - Tooth Picks Henip Seed a here recently for Wallaceburg, is now Ontario West is in se.sslou at petrol feet lady in every ranee that the word { Corn Starch Mustard. Seed the Hospital at London, sviffeL i.ng from this week. fifes: cs, `iV. J. Greor, Alex. Cream Tartar ScouringBrick ! , , T implies. She had 1 most brilliant intNl- ewelliutr oil his lower jaw. illi, Young, E. C. (,lr :kt+, Dr, T. C1lisholm c Flavoring Extracts I � � lett, tylia highly ec. Ato(i and well read, 1 Sevin Maclaine Oil � Ewen's •iiany friends in this o Ifty Rev W. Lowe tad Jobn Wilford, of � i Sewing . � ill of an truly good red would not speak Ae eD 0 ®'glan ���� � Rubbers for :G'rttit Jars y wall wises lnnl a speecdy recut vBlyth, are tri@ d llegAtes i'rolii this sec- ill of tillyou@. She ad a rnosG kind and UBrooms Brushes Do you want the lost ylisli Good ion, An Nffor• will be lniirle to Hav@ `` pat nc heart, S e had been brought Corn Meal, and Recd, a you have ever seen you do, come to alae 10UF1 meetin ; of the (.Fraud Lodge i up to Mothodism fr m a child, Uer Lin• i n n White and Black Pepper ; + D. M. Gordon's tip date store, I hold in Wingha-t• Wiughn,m was only ! mediate ancestors, ) ho were of the U, �p pp a few votes shor of seeuri.11, Methodism11:. Loyalists, were t e first who planted I Chemist antl Druggist �1SSQ�l�1Ql� All of above articles for Salo b Dr, Ilntiex, specladist in rho diseases x the meet- „ Y B.Lo.-nn Yotu1 street north, Tor-, I of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes + in;; for this year, antl no doubt the dele- , onto, and (luring lie life Ole faithfully { e 7 'tested antl glasses supplied, Ofllce Op- gates will be su ;cessfal in securing the i followed ill the foot ops of her father,' SALE�� 1 1 rarph [son 'Ontario. St. Andrew's church, London, i meeting of 19Q3 for Win'bout. The who was the late W' Liam Lane, H,(q , of 9(IrCT G N W. 9` s Ontario. g `Thornhill, near Toro ito, al,d both there . e to�vat Council h t4 exrenrl8tl tilt illYitAGiOli alttl here, BnrORE TIIE 11iA. R, -Members of the , where t e family are well j c OHINA HOUSE S" onder Horb Con zxt Co. appeared d be• to Grand Lurlgt to holt their next meet- known and highly r tspeutecl, Her decease. gg COLcC, Opposite Bank of Ramilt•on. , T r pP lug here, and lay. Mr. Lowe will ex -1 will call forth a de �) thrill of sorrow ,e e� KNOW YOUR Ve�voOWVVWNVt(OVWVVIVVW pre Mayor �FalLst a oil Tuesday on the � l I � K!' O I OUR + tend the invitn';iott on behalf of the i from. the SiucOre aur. Sympathetic. Sri@ � � , "o FOR CASH ONLY d f ]large of being ,nneient, traders, A s Town Council. t was conscious to th( last, and with her! S AT 0 A Great ist;ak Be of $1,00 and casts was imposed, ! !family around her @dairies at the home- + , o A The farnlcr who thinks that I will c"ESS `t• ;They also paid tla $20,00 lit:@use feta and 1 SCH, )OL BOARD, stea(1 bore, wirers tl 3 declining monteurs ° ' "� r ' , BUSH its much to sell hitt forret am au agent ho , i of her lou alld. )lameieSS life K'ere�yEit(Ttl Real Estate I:sehuuge, im ]tt )i9ng I Continued their itertainmeuts !n the.'` Pho regular u onthly uteetina Of the peaceful antl Soren@ This is rise third . The only way tQu, qunder u (,heat Aumtnice. a?+r hall for theweek, I School Board w is held ou Ttieeday evan- f entirely unexpected and sever(: afilictiou 1 get on ill the world oil busitless-for ® Moluill �DSons,$$ Icor my terms coil ret my ofiiucr incininvetti- c • the family have sn ered. She was the business men have no use for incom et ^etc, unci should you not Dull, hour in fnind the � Men with large heads, boys with. small 1 nod• Members ares@ret-Cltairoiita KOrr j y � p , r Yellowing: First tla not ober e. i15:00if your• , heads, all who are good heads, will see; and Messrs. AbAlltam. I mother of the c lebrated John G. ent young neon and women. A course, (J. J. Hontnth retiring) farni has been listed for two yetirs and is not j Now ,Batton, Gritdiu, Holmes the most brilillLuG orator and in this college gives you the mastery o€ sold. Second -Ido not rveeive$4.00to,- evvey Hanna & Cos Now Hats for spring., Hnmuth and Atu- re. ! lawyer ever known in Canatda, vrho (lied `business subjects and methods. form I Itnve listed Yruttt souls firm wilt] will ; They are Smart. Hnx>`A � Co, � r, , r hoer+ yon, }nonny to ]toy ole. `]'hirci—I do not I the minutes ci last meeting were read ' very suddenly in rOLtto ti few years 0 charge You.2tgtr tut the solo price when 70111• AUCTION SALE.—JIousehold goods to 1 ala, and her young st aatightei the late Forest City Business College farm. is sold, Fourth—I do not believe in . and COn{grin@rl. 1+ Y n - o , SAL] 40 TO charging for something I have not done, and b@ soled by public ata• tion at fire residence ; 1�RIrOt, '.iL's 1tEPOI1T. ! Miss Maggie A. Ho Lues, who dict] very >" cannot guarantee to cam of Wm. Fessant, corner Centre and : suddenly of heart failure three years Y. M. C. A. Building, London, Opt. START ON 1 g $ Patrick streets on 7'riday, i1'iarch 21st, i Dept. Boys. Girls. Total. Av g. ! since, Arad these w e most severe] try - Mar. When ou list our Yarm for sale atm office M ' 1 15 34 •1.) 44 YJ. W. WESrERVELT, Principal. you aro 7oulist your corms whatever unless I Sale commencing a • ,30 p. m. sharp. I ing Afflictions, from the shod( of which l efft <t a sale, and then I gnarnntec• ori will, be I a I.v z c 4b 44 site clever fully ree veered She was a y I DEATH OF MRS, SS. —Mrs. Geo. W. 3 2 i 24 01 4 i ( .......:...................„„ matimn td pay ma file anuli eomntismton I ask. m06G dHVOGed wife tlld mother Atl(1 Her Our entire stook of Tweeds, Ross, wife Of the remd@i' died call 4 ? t r 2S 40 43 `� T. J. Myeal Eta + Wedu@slay Inorn n sit the family home 21 j esti ecaixozvllySlip ik'sarvi�t dthy herrlllns- i + SPRING TERM OPENS April 1 4- Geuts Furnishings, Boots and Beal Estate Agent. ! 5 23 ) 52 4:D Shoes, actually at cost and Office over D, M. Gordon's store. in Toronto. Death nae ver uuex est•i 6l 24 16 40 •3� braid, Thomas IIul nes, who, as a ono•=' 4• .>. beloly. This is ti Genuine Sale. I Y p I t 28 22 50 4U y ' •1• g y y- Who Wang a Farm. ? edly, Airs. Russ ova apparently mail, was proinin oily coctneco i with; 6 (161} a;• A Bargain for everyone. An pp y iu her 8 82 2t) Gt 15 i the newspaper prehs of iorontu ill the ;�i• �jOO�ral Bi�stl��isa� Ute@�eg�r, one needing a pair of Boats or usual health until ithin twenty-four i — - -- - ' day S of flit Col lair, and Leader, sari' rt r anything inSGentsuit f Furnishings 40 for or haul a ilio•-l0aM 100000 acres0 nd 1200ean farm lands' In I hours of the end. 'lie cause of death I lU0 '10 100 310 ;hex surviving c iildrett are Richard ,,�', d we certainly can save you big Ktntoms, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, H1uot1 was Acute uremia. Respec7fudly `"I witted. : Holmets, barristea T•roato; William L. .p. STRATFORD, ONT. and Ashlicicl Townships. Good lands with i Iiolines M.D.(Dr.)! money. Remember, this is no good buildings to be solei cheap on enay terms. , Dre.ssmttkors of Wnigham and vieiiiity, A. FI. 1'. =sclltovE, principal. , , - , B 'ussels; and Mrs. 1j. t fake. .1Iso the balance of our Aliso ti good,blacicsnlitli m11op (dwelliu • in con- i I Hotnntll-AbIan m -That the Princi- ! Iilnsnialt, Sarnia f• nection) doing a good bmsinesm, for ser a (.]leap.:. we wish to inform you that with IOU j y prism shot acl uwrlt where virtue lira, dt` If vast] on tGe odollaill a sold ladsat 500. after AAI hotel l doing stip goodbusiness for ale cheap. t1 100 empty silk spools male by Belding pals report be r eeive<1 And adopted. And worth by nluni ,rs to the grave be born.— 1 �• A Course of Study in this College •I t Paul Co, a beautiful alae] useful fold )i3 , Catxiell, O'er her the proude •pyramid should rive, ; 't• 44. . bur Store fol, sale --one of the trite, live n-8tttie. Also n largoetheramount r- Cutting , table }vzll be i t i And weeping thou. rim tither funerulntdurn:' t M P finds} in. th@ •Counts., mosey twloan at .> •Llai etxldh� Tor further par t, S Teli ilv¢a3". d ecOanGs �V@sir r . d'artf4ll(5K s: Vein. r' Av?s the tray to .;. tit ularm. apply to 1 by HAFi\A & CO. a Service was hot iiG th@ ILtfisle Of cls- ; •F T. A. McIiL�NZIE, I Y Geddes, wood, 1')1.1 1)-; John McBurney, censers ou tllouda evening and the full- t S• � HOIiIUTH & SONS. - rmm�rnnee Attent, Holvrood. I RECEIVED DIPLa A. -Mr. F. G. Spar]- wood, $25.50. eral tools place tU he G.T.R, stALioli on { : { ing this week show d us a commerati?ve Moore-( ri{iltl That the autotints as Tuesday mornin , the remains being! .°t. � NEW DV TS. , nouveved to- Torol to and interred in the I � All ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID 135- _ (diploma that he ha received £rout die read be aiti. Cur fed. .r+ � THE IST OF MAY. , I P family plot ill St. ames cemetery. Toho Grny—Groceri m. G1Atgow Iilternati nl 1;abibitiolt: Tho 1 INSPECT01 'S REPORT. .g T. Curet. ya1 ctien atc•m. i di loma was award d to Gra Youu Amos Tipling-Fill. Seed. p �y> g d' I The Inspector re Urted as follows: SOCIAL EVENING. ! Thousands can testify that fr. has •ice '��►`a ��► ®0 �A T. H. Ross-Annou cement. Sparling Co. of Oil rio, L t d, for thdir j Brus :ole, 1vlaxcll 4, lUU2. r , •r Parti t11Hcu to attend our Collt,ge. R. A. nstone-FlSeeds. The Young Poo e's Society of the P .1, Ex -students of six other business :carriage Licenses R. Vanatono-Noir °u to Crrclitorm. I exhibition of salt i the Cfinadian section i `l'o the Board of Pi blie, Suhuul 'li ustees, Presbyterian chore hold it very success- : •t• 4 - Alex. Roam-Sc•lecti ,g wall Paper. ' at the Glasgow i+ Winghnm: , ,}, colle„es in attendance this year. d - Issued by PnANx PATEnSOx, No. 23 Victoria Homntll &Sous—D ssolntion Bale. I Gentlemen,—I v sired your school on ' tui (utextailtlntlut,in t to lectare room of ? ,l, Einer now if possible. 4. M. H. Mcliadoo—Nc .v Sprint; Goods. r street. Wingitanl. Ont. No wituessesrequired. Thomas's Bazaar -7 �,ew Ribbons, etc. railorinado Skirts. Snap. A good j February (it h, i th -ud 8th. I foun(] tlLe {file (]larch oil I+rl ay evening which,4. W. C. Farrier -dale Of Taru Stock, etc. 1 blacic figured lustre skirt• full sweep, i rooms clean eruct w rm, but the venula. ; was well attended. Rev. D. Perrie 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Central Businvsw C<.lege--Spring .Certo. I well lit)Nd itntd finished, Sizes front 31) •011 . , occupied the chair. T1L@ first item was P l• � /�1 �p Wullccerts. Bros. Kerr Bu0nii-New Ft rnitureo Specie . + g. to 44. Pxic@ ��,.,oO. FIA�1vA &* CO. I as Satisfactory obd •rioll. {TY You haveere 0atl ; }118 H1t3CtiOn Of illi. .Toll]] RltClti@ AS ...................... „„„„ �R®>id �`d ®�� f I r D V ient of the r. H, I. Wightniall as i Pxesuitlut and Mr. H, A complete lune 6f.tliobest Groceries I -..- - - - - - - -- I J'EVPF,RA\CE ME TIN(3s.—Doni'tfori of esetllleuG citxetalter The new teacher, j Treasurer b - - and Canued Goody ;th &money can ! r� 1 TT LOCA T`i�v , the Gospel Temue ne" Meeting in the Miss McLean, sees} is t� t be }loin;; very programme of vocal Ind instrumental All excellent � t7f�1\�i�AL LUCAL NE 1'1 i7. satisfactory work. r, StLlti Register. buy. We sell at they4west possible, Town Hall nett nada . night, talo- I ~ Y the other teachers iin sic was rendered. g stet'• prices. p I See Halsey Park's a(:vertis@mellt. fI tnencing at sigh o'clock. Mr. John i Ire,, Lof the its sual opiL . a V attau las itaut ! ttlex the leadership ip o Mr t J. A. 111or� I auction sale of faMaret n 8stock nd i urecl lo- JOHN GRAY, I ton, rendered several selections, which , imp lo, street, north. ! Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- f Niello11. organiz for the Doininiou i should bu ongaged �u assist the principal i were much admired. We will not be tuents at lot 40, con 1.1• East Wttwanosh, teed to cure headache. i Alliance, will ad ess the meeting. A with tilt continnat-on class work exclns- i saying too much when we say that every `Item Wiugham, S le At 1 Weloek. See No rE Lr1 ,, IT.- t for papers may find 1 temperance eonv@ bion will be (d on ( ively i his wou d hive you all the ad- i number of the prograu me wets well ro- + ndv. in another col -inn. Robt. Currie,, i their way iuto.mati lionseltolds, but no i ylandn • nt 2 o'cl k. A iltA meetin vantages of a FIi„1 School with Bono of tieived Aurl repeated eucorHs were the 1 pr°psi@tor; J. Curl -e, ntletir+neer. DOMINION GAN K y the expense. A I ow school roorll could : ; Wednesda Mar 41.19th.-Unreserved'. publication can eve take the pla of I in same place at p.m. r are invited, ( easily bit }trade by 4tking part of tits rep- i order of the evening. During the even- utotiotl sal Wednesday, fat m stook alld int d@- the local weekly ' L its Own own.- 'lye are still payin 1 for Butter and I Stall's !Bill and the. twu hivall rooni$ now i pl'� Mr. JAS. A. Cline I called r t0 the meats at lot 2.1, ng it. 11, West Wawa^ n Charles N. Kent in rinters'. uk. giving {treat valne. n -cry department { unused, 'Ellis ar ittlgenieat would in- platform and Dr. A. J Irwin read the ; 1109h. Sale at 1 O' IOCI:. See adv}. im Wawa- : • • • • . ' $2bDD,000 I Half Price Sale f 1 inter Clotli- I at D. M. Gordon' . crease your „rant roue : 200 to $400. , following nd Ale ani. pbelMessrs. e t another colulnu. Wm. C. Farrier., ' I area, gentleme LiultlAter and Alex. G mpbell. ]naris the I Reserve$2:500,0001 ing at D. M. Gerd 's WIy(rII.A-A PROD E Co.-ThA Wing- ;vault. � vette aDbe?1uu� sex- presentation of a be utiful cabinet of proprietor; J. Curt-, Auetinneer. MONEY To LO.1N at 4?� per cont. on; ham Proclnce Co. i now the Mame for I r 'silverware. The odd Its:- I .Chere was collsi lerable discussion oil To cure a cold Ina night—use Vapo-Creaa+ easy terms h repayment. Apply r rl. i the prodace bust ss formerly carried the abov; report. The following Ina- To ;lir. noel Mrs. J\s. A. Cline nod j lane. It has been used extensively during mora I Dulma;o, Chisholm Block, Wiugham. ! i P following Daughters:- on by the late Chas. Gillespie. Mr. C.J. tions will ex ]Ain Ow iG wfis d@Alt with. ' Wo, the members At d adherents of the ; ban twenty-four years. All Druggists. FOOTBALL.—A ue@ting of those iu-' p Win hairs Presb teriru Church have WINGHAM BRANCH i ., , I t@rested in footbal will be held at the; Graham, of Toront , wi:a has been DP- , Bnttou-GritHn 11ait the report of ; {� Y t t-' j eluted nlattttger tate business, has learned with deepest ;:egret of your in, I SEEDS! SEEDS 1. A..tiills is in the St�tt 1t t�, P! Council Chamber his (Friday) evening { t ]ten up his reside co in town au(1 is i that rile Propertyr1t utnutittce beiwn o w(t' tended cdepnrtura trop our midst. Dar- Iseed (l, trade with th itfullI AIboot} Clut o ti fl rl O L o U K . to 8 o Clock,for th purpose of re-organiz- i p ilig the many yean: you have been ' Timothy, r ' now busy getting t ings in readiness for. ered to ruvide it u w room at the hoad identified with this :ong egation, you ' timothy, Orchard, Rt,11 Top, Kentucky A General Banking Business Traus- j ing, al@cling o{lh rs, etc. All interestecd { the season's busi ess. We welcome of the stairs oil t. -to ]vest sidu o' the; have taken a utast ac+ive. interest in till I ;n(d Meacdow Fescue Grasses, Bu„ Proof are invited to at nd. the departments of tl (: work, especially 'Peas, Goose IN lu•nr, CHntury Oats, ands stated. t 1000 bushels o Good Potatoes wanted ` 111r. Grahntn as a 'ardent of our town school building a.s s iggvsred by the It.- the finest strains of Man *odds, Sugar i'axmexs Sale Nati es Collected, and I alld trust lie nuc] t e Willg�g11ain Prodn(' Spector f it his roput _ Carried. would we mention. yrnr much nppreciat- , g advances made oil ssnie. at Meir. & Co s. ( -€ , ed services in thu vh )iv, your work on Beets anti Carrots. itt the very lowest; Drafts bought and sold. on all points in I HOt.'4E WA�rED-•Wanted to rent by I CO- "'Ay Illedt NY' t every success in ur Unst acted t nor -]hat ty ewrotary the Board of Aiauage neut, your interest; prices. Canada, United Stares.gnd Europe. I i find four rea , ub er forty new seats • . r , p May 24}11, a good comfortable boos@, I town. 'and four rears, to b oast] fit tit@ Pritici_ : IIL the 1,oung Peoples - Sariut�•, and your SAVINGS DBPARTSiPNT--Interest I Apply at Wiughani Marble Worsts. Folt SALE. -A. beautiful c' tage and I pal's room, andalso; ,ut quotations on a devotion to the Chure.i's welfare in every 1 allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, + OCR NEty STO Y. -Our story, "The , four lots, oorller Pat 'cl: a Catlleriuo • Moto blackboan respect. :ing. addec.toprincipal 30tH June A,ud 31st ; ; `1Lrier!' We call assuro tl'nt it is with the. December each Tear. Gunmaker of li story, is concluded i streets, Cheap and asy arms. Ones oP ; Griiiiu-Diout'e- "ntlt the Secrc:tauy ! „ the most desirable 1 at#ons in town. ! be instructed to adv - tiro in the Globo ; ;+r,•nt(st relncraur,H c ,e part �. it31 ntte uY.� i with fhls issue. Next week we conn- ! i rho oldest tLIId nlasr• teemed familiNs of A. E. GIBSON, Manager. ; t Apply'to A. Dolma,, , real estate aged}, antl Mail newspaper for a femala teaeh: i rho Congregation.o� - t mence the public 'on of a new ry,(While assurin;,• •roti M Vaustone, 5olieitor' j Case 11:3 b 1 null@ Gaboriali This Chi4holm Black, or to Mrs. Mc.Ivnr on i (:r Hnlcliug A �(coud ass rertifleate, fory Y , I III,” that you carr away the best wishes of, _._,.�,, ,, _ _ , y I t1Lo premises. !cue ie tttu lower ro ins of the school. rile congregation. w would wish you to is a start' of abs( ging ulterr and w@ 1 Totvx Cot)NCIL. A special mooting of i Carried. „ accept this tangible *)ken of our sincere t ` 4. I { -5 feel sure Our reawers will ppreciato lt. , Btttron� AbriihAun that t;lo teachers 1 , i� too Council was he o Ou Monday even- I and etiirers -It 11rles H )ai(t. C•!Lrried, ppre,clatlou of your nntiriut int(•rt �t UK 0 A I lT0 N ! WANTED.-T%yo or apprenticeq to I ing to discuss aleft rs lit rnnueetlotL with ' Board then udjutl loll. and (devotion to the work of rho Good I learn Green. the A y at once to Mrs. i ill0 NAGinnal ZrOII Vnrlts. 1Zombars +lf ; 11It3H(er W1101Ti ire sl'�vH. ! ss Council wore till resent. The Mayor I VOICES OF E PEOPLE. { FVH homily' fit y you All hn }pine d 1 "\ . Our new spring stock of Jackets, I y _ and prosperity' iu�v aur urw house and t. „ W I N CH A r {Skirts, Drnss Goods, Sailings, Dlttslins reported thAt lie 1. icl attended the sale at Th,, Rciitol does Welt it hi hi/nmetf re potthiLlr• may vours be ` .Cee, Blescius• of the and Waist Flannels to hand. 011111 find Toronto last wee-, at which there were I for the ail�inieny V. 77'e.�Md by eorrespond• t Lord; It )ntLiceGl� etc i and Ere auddet3L Ito Capital paid tt m ILO buyers. Ire •ttlte(1 rlastt the asci ree@ ' t•11ts. Nor trot•. it, IiiWays hold the same sorrow with it,"` _ I p p p, .2,000 000.00, j Inspect. HANNA & CO, ,. !j +r Reserve Fund, $1,500,000.00.1 DEATH OF MRS. CA Homv. •--This week y M I vietvm rel c::pre,str by correspond<titt:�. i Signed ou'behalf '.tf the c nilt;regA ti0tt. r R; • �' , y,.� i, �} f ! had n0 enquiries from possible buyers, ; "'- D. Plint1II1' tl. J. Trtvry „ t e P,emide)tt JOn,I STtJAttT. 1 we 11aV0 t0 recur(. t (.(aril Of FlarClle@ r `Ing Itt ll lliiil'Cl1 1'w 1002. ��+•jj(QI l'I� •\� ' Vieeld011t d r()II A. G. RAIrsY. j but hard a nuumer of en uiries from I "� + t W.t. lloL)IEs W. I -I P) Atlsov E. Irvine, beloved t ife of Mr. Thomas I parties wishing t , purchase part of the I To"rho Editor of Th, :.rEs• A. PERIM., 1:. A. 1I miuso`i iSYItECTC1Itl3 Co1h4LIn, aged 35 y itis. Deceased had -l -machinery. Tl ire is a tnisutlderstAnt'• i Dlimit Silt,-•-Wi,l-ing to bring an fill- E Mr. Cline rNpliod and during his rt,• portant nlaelnr 1Deft' H tilt r etier(td ])agile. • Inarks said that Ii �llt'1 the )itenibers ofQoJod1111'roefor, Com 1tonC11, tem. G3bmntl, l3l,l?. only b@et1 hdla S11o1 time, And th@ sad I ing As to the ow'arship of Certain tools, throe hI the rc)lanu ofThe '1niEs' I + end came on r, g his family hod nr Lt; sort• than rheic Quality, st A. T. Wood, X. P., A. B. Leo (Toronto). , rod evening last at lies I � g ' ,patterns, etc., at ;i if this were gsettleci j tteli�for rrtaauu(iblH pace in ynitr nexC' duty in the t.hm .veer(. lit., (tial )tut General illanager S. TURN'BULL. Home in Lolver �Tingllant. Deceased € • @ a • l yr eek s issue, bo ilia T can fully walte r the ron`rr 1•rl1 it,n far Te wlliit admits Shoes to our store. the assignee wo ld g so rh C ttltic z rias I �lcuutr bury to tl .t, eg t scsvinga Bank --Boars 10 to 3; E3aturdny, 10 hod been a resits] t of }iris sectiali fox j deed, After C tl give th discussion e ; known toy cunvietitits. The slllit(let Is their kindness. ley would earry with -+ to L lee omitspO vt d tai l Cottlil lilted Ott thni r i Tri some three ours. nn(. had tllacdo tti largo s a.Ii interesting •aur , -which all may t•bem ltiudly,rartrid .c ileus of nia)iy haprly toren} all l l 3' , was t.ecided, oI mutton Of Councillors I reasonably eant�el up ,n without violat)ut; i gears spent ut �l'I gluon. `rh(,y n`cinlcd LADIES,h 0 youths, and 31st Mny esti] year and added to number of friends. Hpr huSbantl And principnl. Bell Alld I*11iott to advertise the Works ; ally principles all( which; by united I yrstt Wiut;11m1I o etiavu)nNly and hoped , Special, 738puszts 'Aso reeeiveri a. carreht threc small ebildann are left to luouxn 1 In the (x1ai30 til , „Tail r1Utt'8 Y.'t'1@rtl, tiGO '1'' 1111) {)f Idl,' `vl:rllr+ i -i DI1L1II111)itl,'S; idI 1'C- tt) fititi tll,r l'()2iu1`E' °:EClgl:l ib9 ti(9S )t!.(tliS In �f VE xL �t,1Sll antl g I:iilii t L':alit . TIaP�f rateH of interest. l th8 loss of A IOvii'-, wife and fond moth- i 1tIS8xti0n8 it w .1 :lilt a1S0 ill th0 ikon@• i dress A t11HVtIt1eN w'iCd1 ExiSfS ilii}] Ua)i• }118 fCltnrl' tis It i, At tht+ t'si!nt 'tiIlle. I are handsaute, comfortable and durableu Drafts oil meat Britain slid the Unittnl ori 'l"1z0 funeral unit place olI tiVediies- i t not be too gtuckly r Illove8• Rev. Mr, I'er,+ (?xpr('sspcd his knevrB states Bought And sold. tary Times. I You faithfully, 'rra•vetiersarenotifledmhntilleBankotItam• afty Afternoon t • the '�ViunitAni Come- I i regret At the ren ovaLi of Air, }']lint att(d 91ton duct atm nrnxelu•s immix• Girculnr Rates of c+ n oI, re-' lye have On hand the largest stock of � 1 l2Elilt)I � C. ' fitmih• from Orli ow)1 lit, 11.111 always e� National l'ro�ineinl Banit of Ianfiland, Lhnited, tory, service bet „held ill rile C g I Carpets, ZAlleloletllns nod Oilcloths @v@r , . , !aunt rite falnit �vhllint; stied reA lv to do l[ a[ , C) . V R w � n E .i l�, which eon be enmhc•cl lviillottt olttirgEt or troll- i ` O Cully <i 'C'r)t.0 ItN f)hT3; :t).�Y l nn lair nt }118 �vnrld, )x,Ati011A1 ddlttrC I sllOwn iii totVu, HAve a lank b@fora yen I'rako Lnentivt+ irromo tZnttline 'T:lt)tetm, +t -inytliin„ tlu(y ((nisi in ronitcrctinta K itis S(jl„'E LOCAL, ADEN y S r0A Ulcs n y I w. (OIR]iC1UY,b Agent i Cedar Posts alld Radls for Salo. Ap• i buy. We exit and nnatcll them to lit ally d, 11 L•^iet3, refund the money if it. fYtitm to (tire 10111rell work. die wish"d, the;lr 00(i o4tr. a If 7 ' I ly to McLean & soil, Wingham. }soli] fie@ of (ilei go, Ii tv:�A & Ga. f �. j� r�ruvt It t is a.zzturu to tm ectcll a)es. , r p(•ecl in th.,ir Ie ,v I., u-0. klew stolww sk z DT0XjN80Zr, solicitor.p