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The Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 8
N(,111AX UNl,•.Ali .. FEB 21.9, li902, MINOR• .L 00ALS. rf H W N,1. colIG ThePeople's F ?icert iilltel©ta (Vera, FYottse � _ tOi V .. D. your ticket for the C, 0. 1'', t ]Douglass' drub, store, re � taver111nextt reports Milo-aucl ! BANKRUPT - �,# � A ni11I � Room C wouosll free froui smallpox, -- 1' o.�,. .��� A .eosy dining• rooinIs hpplfy •int• Aft `].'. C. Scott of London will ��r /j�" l� s� _ t ed by every nu ioier or the 4011y TOCpee in the 1lietllaElist cllnrcll ell 11Iar, ! Rhr�� �� r'' I in lviltrE•►. ()ul J�lliniture tnxtl,es �• � ���.''.:, , ; •.It�!i � it, a ('nt,y and helndrEtnl(+ room, It ruary /---Quite a number from town atteliae(1, ly {!�� � 11 (foes not need to be fill(- m-chitect• �J ( tuall,r to look comfortable. Otir Ilio box social in Bluevale last Friclny e Cll]31q. j E/I� fit'•. , �I�II €r1 aoef111 quarter ten cut Onk Exten• sntn Tables and Dining (,hint's will I'.ev. A. E. 111rior vondueied serwioes 1 /'// t' , ' SA �� �� �� � LrklnsS�Clrnl the �11t111�('!+G rf)1'nl into !t ill thr Congregational ehureh att,istow- t, _��� � � � llandsc,mcx room, �4 a Isave a Eerie ' 1 el on Sunda d i y' - , .• y; � � n - > aFgerttnent of f; (.l l7 (: l.•I I', ti� --The Baptist sun .av sellool Iva:, til' nearly $10,000 worth 0f Dry Goods, Heady'- ' � 'price•: from i':5 00 tip to $24.00 treareil to it ri•lu, followed by it tt'a, Qn inti,de Clothing, Gent's Furnishings � FOR A LEADER our $8 ,50 fs the Best Value; k emisideoed by 'Lin 1''rh nyafreruQoulaSt. everyone Great Vallee. in al. few dabs tvrt will ht, alkt!el to ahuty none . 0 kyll ., , �OOtS and e�J1Ci0eS, F,�C. ! SOMETHING NEW IN PICTURE MOULDING (Ameticrin design). d ' iia r I< -The eager factory wars clusetl 1'ur u h y;i9t+urt time this geek, caving to (t .s:ft hr : ll7tvinH purchased the splendid Bankrupt Stock of A. R. Smith at a dirt Ill: in tat' vugille. , low rate on the dollar, we are now in a position tot offer the public of I —TheCongregational ongregational ehurvii dispens- j Wir.ghttni ,and vicinity* 1~ p to date Goods Away Below Regular Prises. 10 ChildrenN Fancyl'Qt4t �. w:l.. Q. 14 d, horn :tart 1('t'H on Sunday, O\eller(- to i ,rn .. �r tt t+ 1't t rt.a,rt 41 00 the !vt xodf.topetlatq services. ry bargain l � day will be Bat'g(L:tl I) L� and every article offered will be fL itve N � ,% � S. ' M .... is r t—PATPICK ST. 1s ' ?" , S. �• ormer rexi(ir=ice, 20 pail 1't'1rlippc'xs gree ()ver• nett, nlutnfll race tin„ of tl,e Canadian , , 'y where itig}tt call* „ill roceivu t Conic cal Iy if ? V. "oto :`;nitps. Itemetnbet• tele stand -A. it. Smith. I = �(` prontpt#tttenttun. 6'tlll'�o ter°t' ®C"lei'� shoe t1.:+U, l�ehr4laly .t30Press :�sst)ciation will lie held at Uttawa F v 25 Melt'}) t rs-s•conts, ,1,00, r'>;.0tt, ce on Thurt,day and Pii(lay of noxt Meek. Your Ear g&ill FrienclS, arfd Undei,ta (ers. Julitt 14f:c•i;riu+l:elt uu(1 family oP � p� "The One Pr]c:a !+'urniture Store tRn(1 a�lwaytl tht; T,tst�•(tnt10 Bons' Fane Oyercoats, re;u!nr Bluevale road have this week moved Kent '[:)lock M IH Com✓ C 0. $3. 001 k'ubrnfu'y.,.. , ...... • . -1,?5 into the](- new home on Frauces stret+t, __ _.___ __ _..._._ .._. __..-_._.._...__- 20 BoTs Finn hairs, from «'u to I __For i otihivg u, rule of Caste, T .� ._._.........W.------ OOdO♦000 10 Nvotrt'n'sXeskvy ;-h twls.:I:3.00. �� x4,tfvt• 1of 111�,t'tul iUs.ril til>Ey IcVerc 11 t l�nlcsg l X00000♦000♦{♦OOOA000®♦000000 (D®4004?@0 000000 ' ,�4 CO. 1;.).00, February .... ..., 4� 20'1f:utttt .z t tl• - _ - _ _ c, • in lth(ck nurl colored, i ► } •1.!:(t• .);).4(t, ,,t;.Gi!, Feb.uaay.. ;S.2b • - phc Young Ladigs' Portnightly ! � � � `�'� (,� Colored 1Zibbon, 5c, (;lab will ]neer ou �%t)nday evening, ; .h�.�t� .t,. 0 1 QO0 year,:� ' Ge, ,c. �� ilia. i'nr. , , , , .... ob � ]: tbruary ;:4, at Airs. Beattie's rooms, : ' I;. nustviclt House. We are prepared to hay the Highest Cash 5oai ews.vil Jt•r and I.act' tuna- samples of I?illtler + We have some choice Prices or Saw Logs., ' + xuc)tts, 1•t'ry pretty for tri:tx- � -Rev. Dr. Carman, (:etiElral Snpt�rin- � e lithig, rt;,•ular 4;3, F4, $3. ford .. 1.50 teudullt of the Methodittt church, -,vho is 0 8 Larlies' Fnr Conts, *20,00 and to preach lineon Sunday will be unable j �. Ware Wede•C:wood and S G, : Zee:ice make), + 9,35.00 choice for ...........25.00 �� `® AF" a r$��1 J. + t co lecture on Monday evening. ' � � �' t a 20 pair Los: Curtains, to clear -'.Che Grand Council of the R. T. of ; OPEPATED BY � d 116 pieces, COnSI'�iting Of�,,, � P stoek before nt•w goods ar- rive, at.................half price ; liras ill session fit (lt,ut,,n this week. i ! , > � � 12, Dread and Butter Plates, + iAix•. John Buchanan was the delegate, i The Can a Furniture MTs, s, Limited, „ �? Tea Plates + Remnants in Dress (a oods, Tweeds ' T t t and Carpets at same reductions.; from Winglxam Cunneil, b,o. 114. a 5�' Breakfast Plates, -We regret to say that Air, Jno. Bugg , -Remember tho 0. O. F. concert in I a a 12 Dinner Plates, + is still very low. A consultation was f the Opera House tonight. r 12 Sonp Plates '�' held on Thursday evening of lust week ' 1 ° + THESE ��GC� y �, { P 1? Cups and Saucer's, and an operation considered unndvisable, ! --Our young townsman, Mr. N. A. 4 12, Sauce Dishes, � t CCOMMENCE s Farquarsoll. has been very ill for some : 0 �I PiaGters + O M M E N C E -We have been informed that Dugald ! ass past. At time of writing we area a � + y 1 g Regular price $I�r.00 ,-, Covered Dishes•„ + McGregor formerly of TtlruUerry, and ;pleased to learn that Ile is s2ighlly im- now of Manitoba has lost seven head oft j 1 Soup Tureen• � t ' 4 Proved. That lsE2 play have a speed I'e- c � � � �. 1 �`eiL Pot, � �, + cattle through the disease known as . covery is the wish of his many:hier8 lds. X 0 + (t'bltic'r leg." W I s L Suy,al I3itiwlt,. 0 'At Ma ,♦y 1 Creamy Bowie,• tit t -Tile use of snuff instead of cigar -1 -Rev. G. B. Save, B. D. �3. A., of : i London preached in St Paul's ci mlTclt on ! ♦ 1 ]iQwl', rtes, especially by young men and Sunday last, on behalf of the Diocesan � { I. Gravy rk)*t. 4 women, i, becoming quite the fashion in i ! I have a number of good all � 0 � r x i r+ Mission Fund. Rev. Mr, Low© arched , FEBRUARY 8 England. The epidemic is likely to find� � ! wool Tweeds iso tho latest de- 1 ♦ FOR T W O, WEEK, ONLY + i • I in Mr. Sage's Aurch, on behalf of the O Its way to this country. ! signs and cod'orings, which I ♦ + same fund. -Robe. Maxwell, sr,, has sold his new ' ( intend cloaritl out at the low s{► ,L•r --- =r t • 1 A young lady at Hepworth iacentlyt price of $10)at Suit. made up I a �T+ home and four lots, near the flour mill (`3,1TR_j`]_wF"FT�� �,�to Jtlmos Caarricle of I3t�lmere. slYr. Gar- ! Jerleed back her heatrl to keepfrors being I �iltll ge0C1 t1111u111�8 and guy j ♦ d + ,y 102. ' rick intends moving • to town at once. ift kissed and dislocated her neck bone E style yon wiliA. e + nOf course sheasca wlbein kissed but, These are• regular$14 Suits ♦++dii►i+04+O+S+Aso+4sJOe♦t0F04r+O6.4oah�0.3e4po??+4�fTo+ 0' We welcome him as a citizen. p g ; eTilos, TZ, Walltar iltt�i sold his farm is nevi,rtheless a terrible wanking to t i And good vapor) at that price, tete girI4 to save their•lxeck- but I have dbci(led to sacrifice �...,., 1 oil the Bluevale road to Wm. Elliott of it[o�vzcl,, ► � tlleru at this lbtV�price to clear E the B line of Tnrnberry. Mr. Walker In biddiva farewell to its eighth. On Wednesday evenin; of last week has since purchased Thos. Telly's fide contingent to South Africa, Pbeinier them out and snake room for { I New Spring. Goods. Remem- at 6 o'olock p.m., Hattie, the only un- i 110 acre furor near Te.^.stvator, I Seddon of I�Lew Zea3itnd said that with. married uaughter of Mr. Alex, -Wiltl;ham Uonucil, No. 114, R. T. the 9th Brigade, which has since•set n[Ltt',. I I her, there Ivrea only a few of t z these and the. ]imit of sale is j Findlater was married to lir. John; of T. will hold their regular meeting in New the front, ao ldh a sent x000 mail Itoon a � February � i i tt Ingles. A numerous company was pies- , their hall, Chisholm.biock, on Tuesday j Come q11 ek and get a good l ent at tat+ ceremoxty, Sal, which was T per- t•vening next. Bnsitu:ss of isnportauce-; populationbttsis, waiequal to 3ai,0001rorn, t t j ent tit h -Icer, A. Stewart, Presbyter ; , Canada, .,4€100 Egan Australia, ancl. ; ! i selection. t full ttteudanve is requested. fan xnitlister. The bride, who looker, ; 1 `251,080 froth. the Yluitea Till dem. Winglia li Tent of the K. U. T. M. R. MAXWELL, � 1 Clc er K"'UH of Dress Goods, Clothing, d! _ , charulul:: , was given away by lit:r, el(icsr ' has been on the boom for some days past..] , 30RX ry� coats, I+'tars C'ii )ets, Qi Itis, _. rya(jj t brother, t;T.,)r?e, who lately came from • yrl organizer has been in town find ati A`' HiGFr ART TAIL:OR. i Manitoba. The ma•iori.ty of the .^..0111- result»of his labors a large number o� ,- ,nr`; �A' , then ift,of' �t'in.''Lin 0:2 F.'o;5. "-';¢ ; • 7uury 1s3th, the tcife uP Wm.. Linlclntar: y Bats, Cit s, B'Of1t'3, .Shops, ere., R ,. ' pang cur t;; :cl in (lancing tvl�ich was , new members have joined tete, Tent. uugittei'. P contitint•(i to au eti.rly llour mitt i norAi ; _ tf lltrltr:n bility nt I' ESSr .—Dr. A. J. Irwin hit. purchased the BI S I [AI�D OF C05T;' begin °nb ln� wlteli r.:d 11t,',vl;-SuarrieJ C•):1'-=12 c1P BLtt�3>:—V,\\�TrkSl:—At t11Q rt:��tdrinCPOft}r;!•- Sgbeautiful property on (lie corner of Pat-' bride's mother, Wiugham, on. February10th.° !��arted Fur : at iT borne ill Carricl., full0t { $, b Rev. D. Perris,, Mr. Cyyr�v,ti A. Bir ,r, o;`a a —miclCeutre striped, f-oniAir. Win. )1+ya,nilton to blis%mir.aret Vmn.•,tone of iug ed by th,! lost ,vi�hFs of their ft (n i, Satwhy, Fessaut. 1Jr. Irwin leges .t!Cnred one of and nentt! erg for t}1Eit future Kapp lit.,SI the best resedental proper.ius il: iown- S; Linldater, �;itifiltnn), on itobru)iry• htli,,1+y Feb, Istl and prosl.a•rity. `£.ev. D. Perrfe, Jamo:t Bayne to Mrs. Annie Is an important quality -Last weelc we &A!i there was no Johnston, hoph of Kineardins. Ixtxr:ts-Fina)I.nrn71-At therc�sidene of tett• to look for ill a good Everything will be Slaughtered dor- ( kitchen ill the new Aletho(list church. ! britlu's purPtit , Home•. on February I:.tlt by Ii()LDATur iti II I l:. 'We now learn that tho It ies halve been j bRov.i4s Hattie,sy atrt, Johtvr f Alex.hy of it rw to piaal.0, You dont want There dir;;l at the residence of his Fon, ! provided with this nee, s,auy room and ( PF.Asi:—Y(waa-At, thy residcitcrs of the one that will o'et old in " in, this sale as the stock must he bride's father, Mer):s, on February 5th, b• T I 3 March Herb(M , of Holmesville, on February i `ve ara pleased to mfil a tia;.; Corr- etiou• Rer. J. Hastiv, Rli.iah Peave to Mis.•r �lbmbetli. six weeks. You want ! = reduced sciera t thousand dollar3 be- 13, Jobn'.::lfard, at the ae of 9.t years. -A load of a.ccabc .'r( i I v�'il,iittns, dant titer of Robt. Young, all of Morris. t li ' ' tinTtt)>T,r:R-Fottttisss-Attheresidenceoftht' One that will be as goof , Deceased was born at Dorchester, Eng- Corners visited th(' `1`,:f:t in town on bride's II,ar(nts, ]unapt•:, on February 12th, by b fore the new company takes possQs= TIC! hov. b5r. Swann, Geo. Wheeler, of Grey to as, new ten year aJte'>~! land, and cake to Canada in 1811. Tie , Tuesday evening, air, e trot+ter, to !bliss:�gnes, daughter of Alex. Forrest. y 1 ,ion -)n March Ist. ,. lwrrnlaR-1+T;Ttt}tisoaT-At Aublrn, on Feb- oil et it. yearslived for IP oysters tit McKelvie';,. :Id rtf living- (marc lath, by ltav, J. gt'ttueclq, Henry Snyder y g 1 * of Ni1P to bliss Annie, dau •litor of Glu) Fpr- Agency for the best Sean- ' then mocc d to Wellesley townsh'�, n ar llam Tent of Macva-)) :, ;.. vtultctt Wil- i , b " usun, Crosshill, wh c was known as Queen s liams Cornet's oil `L'lww7 , :'311'itt Iny ttlVlaChlcnxeTST,ABt�C. �,� �q bush, there being nothing but the sur- : I Cttaaor.R In Tt.rnbt=rty, on February MIX, D. A]'�iltL V V ,9,�.V �75�.,� M. . j -Rev. W. F. c.amr,t: M. A. Pn. I ' •Veyor's blaze to travel by, For ]natty ' Thomas Gilmour, a td hL years, 10 months and D of, Westworelaiw is r u,t, ,.'Methodist i 1oduY�. Opposite the Rink. years his lo; house wag the 1lowe of tier lii2rAz:s-I-ibIorl:r,onFebruary11t1i,�Filliam -•_• P. I L L #E--DaQ T Church, �Ioront0, has fo,!t Invited to'Franriti Btyaltc, slut of Win. BrynuQ,agc•d Zl preacher anJ the only p -ace of the. tower- , I Venni and !mouths. r ship. The first Methodist meetint, bona} , l ictoriaL Street chair ;:, (*• ti'rielt, Itev' I WHAWT'r-Int 1,1.40wel, on February 14th. �j Gr�9Le�lo�� t J. i4 . Robinson the a • _. post or, goes ; hlmmn Nesbitt, wife of henry Nesbitt, and ill the cemn4111t ty was built ell titin ((•r• noir.• of air. m:tl Mrs, Juw•p1 Adam. of ~Ting• ! 1 i o tiE- estmoroland a` t t - r''„ ll:l.l,ell aar_t, ti ed;.) l t ar i, is mol rets and 14 days. ! r' ner of his lr., inuch of the cost bye • s- .as stationed fa Bl� i. f ,: • i�:10 Ila. FIC ° �• C r snmecl <^.rrl the work largely done 1;y (- _- _� � ._. _ { ' � � � � a� � DRU"O' 0"ORL �L t6N himself. I ear thirty year, he f:!' tl t's.. , It:l, Accepted tele ut p KER � BUTTON 811d Fend M office of -In,,s ader and exbortc_ .sl c:.c•' ear t:7entyi3itx pow.." . I Crcazlano li=' - ...-. ... _ Methodi t church. His remains w�rc ' been exn•sively used l:.i of thr.,.tt and UNDERTAKERS, WINGkAM. ',Chis market is corrected every weep and guy taken by 111>> Ron a'i(i interred in t_P { bronchial troubles. All � Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth speeial remarks we have to mako will be found family ltl0t iti hush's cemetery, iii el;• ' !(loos south of School house, hop op- below the quotations: 1® -;kits, Win. lias� *tic Bluovale poslte Macdouatd block. ti esley tetc'ISt lxlp. road who has bEPri v t tr Sen1e time ( Fall Wheat = 7l to i i ; .--•----- ;ipringtiVhPat - - ;t] to i# eale-y ;s IlotV im ravio A? s . BP ma - it b'amily Fluor tfitarl oracle i p g many friends Do you Iva to Ignite Money 2 from a mixture of Manitoba , l LO® K Send fart particular. to the wrc and Ontario Wllent 00 1+or the blood is the life! When Lasts � will be glad to ]leslr t,;' : t r rt+':Query. 142(-, pastry Flour (Ont. wheat, ; i 00 the blood is pure good health is as- Good One ; Novelty CO, g,; 1Ciug S et, London, Uut. Win. Maxwell tugs 1yl Ynr short tune ; blanitoba Flour 200 surecl. Pure blood Carries nourish- ; a r Graltiun Flour 1 it() t xY ��3fet�me. j and we are pleased to �".;. Minx around ; ! Germ Middlings (for Porridge) - '2 00 niexlt to the tissues and removes im- a Again. ! ! ,ow Grade Flour 1 110 purities or waste products; result - That is just what the say! g ! C M N � o I i:hup - 1 ''•n to 1 as + active brain bright eyes, clear skin, I y,' e I ! r cc�ach cl Wheat. 1 i a sense of wellbeingand general Much depends ore the hind of of Vapo-Cresolene. The t - Tu sl.eakiuf; of T 1=.,• r•- gut t+cettisll Money to loan on farm property at 1 Shorts 1 00 1 comfort. W herr the blood is pure in vaporizer is practically in-! concert rt Melee in tA.r't r .' the Banner � from 4?, to 5 per cent., with liberal ,creenings 1120 duality and deficient in quantity ill- Bair Brush you rise, z. destructible,and the Creso• says, ;lir. David . Yr a t , of Wing t terms of repayment. Apply to � I'ltesv prices are for cash. a,, we will not Reil I , lless occurs %ad is manifested by ' lene is certainly not ex- � ham o nned Intel a 1).iy?':d. ' Ft ]O tlQn, ` R. `TANaTOAi+'�, � t>n el'o(LiY. t � A po()t' bl'Udh I3 expensive 1t ' P I We will malce it liberal r• ,dnetiott from above 11CAclaCho, brain Pa,,, nervousness 111 p ill Ilan] '•-, pensive. This way of treat - j' genet his Iittle (laughtt•x . , ,•l gave dor- ; 'w g uttuttttivns to parties buying 2 barrels or over, its various forms, plLlpifatiou of the any price. • $(nn a%t Ctlons Of the throat is most t m; the evenilt;; felt(- nnn�tn:tl da1tQ', to of Floor, inid you will find aur Flnurw both heart, indigestion, biliousness, eon- : r, Star ante Manitoba. the best on the market. gtl anon baCIIAChe and gene( -1 ill- pEGOIlt in cal, and is LUSO Most effective.: the ace olnr ininient, of tete. japes. The Spcetal to the IParmers. P ' a We have a 1LI1e of the lie"tree• g' 1 l ®� + . capacity for work or pleasure, p Out little picture illustrates holy it', little girl curl ]ler �vt)l'.s ),'rft.ct..y and ; BU 1 blow that Matirio Wheat go come clown ,n What then? Iron Tonic Pills. kind at int( resting priced.. '+, USed, You put some Cresolene in ~was Greatly Admin (l, t © price and Ontario 4vheat gent(- up, we van; ! nffurcl to put tnuro Manitoba Wheattu and t ,price 25C a bore -about sixty pills Inspection invited. the vaporizer, light lamp beneath,; ! innke it better t iunlity of flour. and give one i p t and then breathe -in the soothili )r:4ir Stratton then s,litY tl;ut. the : n1A11- pound Inure to t}1, bushel on gristt;. ( —or five belles for *1,00. g:; 101. A. MAITLAND WP are nlensed to my that our trade in Grist- realin va OY, �'orwhoo 1n -COII hi] ,x outbreak had cost the provincial idly nodChopping for Jinuarytltisyear isawayj n p p g , , c t . , .^.h(md of Januar Inst year. we attrihuto ting �' ..._ . • ... Ward of health €322 n) t y i -%nd GYOIiI) it'S peYfeat SpeCtilC. 6 , , , , t.1P ct,gh to b4 r,1;1 L[T ;>;tiT1 r( to our Rorie flour and (;uud worlc dutu' in Chop - i HEINTl,141AN & C.O. Va n•( r,: t.:ao t; acid It tlrtiggai c evtr v&4,r, 2nUniCipnlitieglxad tlu'7! k tit,j44, ill I$ , t l prif T--toigu-Cr nr ,et.rt6t, by c" and a Le rant, t 4'••,ldcpallties, from : '• Luras 11IlA i TORONTO, fl; I TP. ti(I stave not been ]tto fora arikt, i, bring. I..imp, wluc.lt Jr�t:ld last .t life -pore, and:: ht,rii'� •• ane and yutt will be sura to eonu• back fur tete ; A. � � H A I LTi `' cre,ol.•ne.. r.,: ,;:t: te., St.5n; extra �.,rl:nl;e-• t,f Cern. I not been received, it vi -1$t c t tinlated at I Will be in Wingham the -week of 21 St � stpeond. _ ,enc:gt!„nt . ,a . n,centa Ala>trau,rl cuoltlPtC , enc . ; �,),e • Brinir 3'out• "PViteat to thr, Mi11. 1Ve will pay t a ! n �+•-� 1 r ' * u• narkc't )rico in caret. ingr>bg;tcttt.c�amcnicrisfteauponrP�qnc;(.�inrn• t,.•-tG00,anddttriny, 1302 rhe CcrAt to! OrtierSleftatT.T•i,Itd):3Sltlit•lrTa, st t ���WI��t31�'- .-- _•---•._ :-:_�:�;.��_-••:�_-•��I����� ' :rat50IYYE (,<)., x8o Fulton SC„NctvYort t..si.A I •uunicipalities Nvas estimated at $140,- 1 orb. PELL'S stere will. be promptly At- �! n. 12mpmir Ivl, tl and sold by A. L. ITitir,i;cal, ' �iOwSUlI Harvey & roc l��ank �[rttgaivtr z*r i,l; 'rant. t 060. i tended tea. "Gf • r"lt ,YSLgt ! 141