HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 74 A f ... ..., ... ...,._.. I _ _ ._ ._ ..... .. .. _ ... _.. -.... .. ................. 1 c -/ r v t, v ax . A . , •' ••'. f? t,atl! AC was last two cat• girt w I � ,I(� d. they, ilt►o u Boor er.����e�*•#r e�e��oi.•e•.°•••eee�° �� ��••,°�°.�� •°°°•�e•ee°�e�•ee�e�e�e�e••�•�i:►e.•i4 Iia, heitt� bowed.. »tint soon ala aitFrb• I7 ,Il, CoVPAS AT Y . Y t ••� f • ° f e • • . • e. f # e e • • # f • # e r, • e f • e a 4 e f f e • g could 'utter. She saw the Clark face � !! ..1 taluarity is Oil Our sitlO, it's l,at�rrtc a fee d 1111, Ilia 11axId6 CaTlle together lv)tl) . e M+-rR •e-.-ilNr..•,� .-..er.wrr..,�. a 111 emphatic moveniont, una lie mov- •• ••�-�•*' fe of tier hated and Seared guardian, . --�-'- aIr insutlicicnt majority all. theiac •0% e • Moral suasion for they lnan -who ( » eee •ee and the last glimmer of hopo Sided, Xvnt;)t suasion for the man who and they lose agile. ed on more gAielilar. Ile !lad gained Lewd musion for the drtulkurd op 0 the street and approached a small from hex soul. t scouts to tilt), Grogan, Nye cud wt w Gunimaker a '( °r T'rlsu:lsltanlcl,tforthvskntutet • ee court 7vitliill tivllicll stood a llollaeOe BY,my soul,. the duke resumed, Ie tittles out of tire." vie *� • of entertainment, -",here lie stop!?ed. 'f asters n 1118 `rip. suToly 11 071 the I �zt,etilts K hnlct in CJtir:holnt'ri H3 t'Yo're all wrong, Finnegan. Wow 'lees of • In a few moments more a Ulan came maiden s aI'm, ' It Ia f0I'tunate I have l �lordiol Invit tion is xtendeed, to ill •'ill till tiUtt's out at tin. 1)0 yez r�3 eee O f ���® ❖ out from the inn, and as soon as 1'te found you, for you might leave fall- Inthonappr(%iionof thedriulctrii}etc hat now?" •e w �J;, had satisfied himself that rho Herr- en Into dilliculty else. i`ou were "Eedud, Grogan, it's all' illegant wgy ee •ee • o i eamCT wad the dillie 11e spot#e. bound for the imperial palace, ell �" l:')e41,y-nt;;btli wed Itiff'y-randoina. av votin'. True fer you, Ws the garflat 4 •°n " , " At first Rosalind thought Of i t *i° I0? By 5Y$.�TANUS COBS *r. ° 1 Olga, la t Ori ? b blr. Murphy with apolot;ie a to Dir. Aoo1o, . I you played tyid :4eb,niGG, IIPatls I tivii)y ee s J. �pu «Ye&.,r Btruggl'tug fOr escape, hilt s11e felt uI saty, Grogan, curl yez tell what Ititils Yet' lose' "--("hristiau �'idvoeat@w e• HNN.W.q»•»b•»4»�w•»I»•M.�»•»�w.-•WN.4 w4a.r�»•.pN •w•r•q»•»MV »•gwN•r1»�,'it e° the stron ri U on her arin and 0 obi . • • eee o ° • • w . e a e s • # •see • , • • • , • . • # • • • • • • • e i ° : Tt needed but a aitte'l0 1a11Ce Ill '� � p p ' that (,ra1nH Cruz yo play fJd Svid oulti ti n1Ns • f • t+ •c°e°ee•°e,oa•,eesee e•e,eee,•�o • e e ° u • . • e e • o • a e • e e o o, . ° • Bile knew that such a movement , rr NoU Patents. _ .. a .. a .. the dim starli1". W1.61"111ght to recognize the llandruunitl .. t1 •—e a t+ a e v_- .__�.. -oJi l i l t I fid "1 1 1 11 1 II. ':q� I I ritetl lit [)0 6SFe t aw'a' as a sit •, ber•Cotn• anlou, lio,e �viia liar eve form of the humpbacked priest, 110 eoiild r �sult only 711 her own hacca• g;an, that its an lllegant . <'::uisciian 1 arc r,s.y.- v. :.t. U.,ger rl'llo afternan7l 711 sed away aald within Ie r. Shc turned one *lance walked quickly to where the duke Say, repeated the duke'��"were gameleu of ely, and a sure whiner, if "111(;:irrl, r;a.y, n})l,.tratus; I;. A. I.etirl� as the shades of nil ht gatllered� over behind her, and she could see tllo stood, and the two moved off to. � ell not bound for the pnlaee. �� yoz cal: only grit sonlowon to play wid I ev4.,proc-vis and :.Iiiiarativi 'or s�paniis ether. :lye, proud duke, l was, ' the ,r tt,ng fluid's, rielt sit oxygen, frust ai the great eih• flus two girls were light which silo lead left burning in g it countess re lied, azing a into the Ye and kap° ri„ht ou nlayin . Ir• s the i r Now what luck? SAvotano ask:- , p „ g n p f;anle of tossiu' it coils to the tulle of , IS• A. lo,"lleur, prc>-�xt•+:•r and appar•14:44 astir, leliol)ie gt'atherecl tog;etller Iter chamber. It seemed at that me- roans face, I was trying to es- �, , Ifo rlreat;nr; air tc: 01,tai1. front i4 such articles of clothing as would be ment to be the fiery eye of a demon Qies the gained the street onto cape from your accursed power l" r earls I win, trots you loco. I hear tt he needed anti than proceeded to pre- :gazing after her, ana instinctively "Aha! But come; we'll turn to- !are;Dill to.iutNrjuoc:e the;ante ilio kilo f fel:i'Lv rich ill c,',yt;:,n; O. �: I:.•.ny. pare leer mi.af'.rc�5 for elle adventure. slie quickened ilei pace. Good --as good as I could even , eleotions ill Cannydy, rre• .- drill s ; J. White, bath, wachiiiet,; "T car not," she sniil as silo clreiv * * • e 0 hope," returned the elapse. "I have ward home. Ton 11 be better aft 1 I'How cud they ko that, Grogan. " J. >�• Dia°x'rsir, 'r. F/erintan, Tl. zlrawn, there. And this is our little Zeno - on Ros-alind's robe of fur, "for there 'Twice during the clay did the the power for arresting the gun- bee, ?. it?" "It's this way, Finnegan. The tint- I fvedint; lntch.ttr;era cf presses for soup. call be n0 danger irorso than that we IDuke of `l'ula call at 'the imperial ma`ter." Tlie attendant lOOlced up, but she per'nlcefanlrvties are out ou a rampage. I cr oth,ir pl^isle material; J. R. MISn- ilco froni. Try only to remember 1 � b �' made no reply. Z leen Olga turned 'Cain out au' vote,' sez rite 'ko stip 1 ca: and v, Brati'n. p e ly's f r roup ani litltice without being llblo to find the And for,excentin him. , y, that vori five iron) t1ie duke's foul emperor, but in the evoning lie *was "It amounts to the same. I am to the priest. Idri111r11I . (.nen till, Will yer vote lin oth01- phl t;e Ilurterlat; W. Thorapsouf. einbrace." lucre fortunate. The emperor was ordered to bring him before the em» "Sayotano, hur7y ofT coni men in influence.' Thin tele liquor melt sind "t•tderlettF si,l•• ,w-mris for t.in cans ana11 This scrvt cl to nerve ihO fair in, and Olga was admitted at once peror, but that is easily ninnagecl." tho morning, snot then cornu to ine. ward to their raypresintatives ill par- ' other llletallie ve•••• 14, ; ii', Erl), fig young countess up to the task, and to his presence. Here the duke stopped and gazed I'll have work for you tomorrow, patent, Iifrani. Walker and Jusewi ! earriagt, off svo, for sav .s; D. A, Merv-* her frame ceased its trembling. "'Fell, my lord duke," said Peter about him, and then, bending his By St. Paul, the wort; delays no Soagraut, saying I tVhat will wo do trill : art and J. F. '-Ivuart, straw cuttcrv. "I shall not fluter now," she said. as Olga approached, "what business head so that no word could possibly longer!" them rampafciu' ftu,nvtics?' And t11N}r IU. 11cI,:,ocl, ttI,ccl plow,; 1 . Ii. '1'llom "Brit shall ire field the emperor at calls you from Moine at this flour?" pass beyond his compaliloi s cars, Ans thez>, with n sinking, bleak. rayplesint'tcives since bavit word, Let l us, brushes; l . I.t..e tu, raw mills; :fat this lite hour, "Business of importance, ilio— lie teontinned: ' inh heart, llnsalind V aldai was led 1 the fanuytics rltge ttnd ran)pagefnr� I,it.t"r15 111 1 L2A! Illass mc,'tis Ilot late! Tint even btisflless of less moment to me than 1 oil can call upon three of your baell totvard'the ducal palace. I,:it votes fur proltibitioa, and t,bil , 1; 1i ' ; T. '['act. ill jll l ablQ, ea•i+•t, ftrr• If we do clot see Mill tonight we call t0 the state." " best mon,and I can farnish,two froin r llliy're minpagin', (to yvz ou the quiet, p::e+k;np t It"t ^4; F'. I1. :'lt•epurv. eng— do it in the morniug. \tie shall find "Ali t Proceed." among illy own servants. flsarly in MAPTER ZZ%III. get votes fur the likes of us. Thin it's ! hws, II. T, Arno;ct and Vvr. Arnot'@, plenty ill the imperial palace who . Only two attendants were with the morning, by the time ! le sun is S•rnANar A:,u COMPUCA•rl:n. votes agin intlooeuce and we hev talo i-voro•1 for giovt., ana mitts a•s ; i. b, will shelter its till then." the emperor, one Of whom Was De- tip, they must be tit the g, linaker's Ruric :�eveladrenined that he was Pull. Don't we make C1>e lacus, snot ell- (':adt�ell, astir.; Fe r,dt )rig Y+tnehFncor It Tile girls were now really, and all metrius the Greek, and the place of dwelling. They must mak s flim all- a great general and that he ryas up- force them, too, betUdIr' Thin they; T• eliilll, devic, s for s^.t :rift cnrk�t; that remained tt ns to start on their atulience ryas in one of the private g;1y—of course lie will rc:7,st—and on the eve of ten engar*ement. 1 Ie all gu Ont to into ou iL Plubby•sighc 1111(1 ' •1. Iint,rrl, i'+itl•1tr t� •,ash IY:tTl,,rrs Strange mission. With noiseless apartments near the bedebamber, thou kill hint. It i very �iliiple— gained a view 01 the commander of t a Iliifi?y•rtlndtlna." , � l.it't';• it':;erabit+ !(:ad+:ry; 1'.. z''. t'cTau- steps they left the apartment where where only privileged ones wore ever very. They can easily clispatuh lli.nl the Opposing aridly, anti he sats that What's thein, Groan. Is it like ; bcr, Fuck bol:s; :1. t.liarml, 1uowinc they had dressed and proceeded allowed to conte. thus, and then we have only to tell it was the linker of 'Pula. 1'et the Al'Ilendysightusy" ; muellin:: eUttca•,, v. I.. Ellwnlc:tt, tern•1 along the corridor to the great stair- "Sire," commenced the dulrc, the emperor that lie resisted'tile im- duke had tut en frmous hump upon "No' iadude, Fin negan, they,re not ! por:,ry Litir}e1•-I: V. a;. ('lruu tits, s:t,lln case. Zenobke !;new there would be "you remember the gunmaker who perial authority even untoadcath. his back, and iri tead of the usual ctisdaso, Nxoipt of tho hotly polyae! It's . t;ler•: 't. Aut;�s,T.t e, fu:t..tt:>Ytlu r:sran-a less clanger there than to go clown was before you not long; since?" Su, you sec, this is even better than uniform he wo the garb of a "std sissy, co keep the rit,tperauce ion 1:,titl:r; .f. a7., Dirk, t':litunl' rail 'the other Way among the servants. "Ali, yes—the one who took my it would have been lead I received priest. This tun very strange—at j fanuytics wurrultiu au trurrnlsiu au i Jolr t v ; J. 1:. Lt :1, rucans, for asst umat� Having descended these stairs, theY Greek's sword from hint?" direct authority for his deal for least so ran Ruric's thoughts in the ! vottu all voti,l ,like lead, wiclutlt <}oiu, le:illy op.,:tt.in: lett door•; of locorlu:s. y ' o ! enu halrnm. ' t ivt•s ; T. Mou t•. tu, cotul,irwd rubs er 'came to the great hall which opened c�', he same, sire. Iiave you heard then some form of trial woul leave dream. Soon the engagement com- „y „ I':. �"T. 4t:titD; -one tin into tkle saloons. T11e v» they must be foud of votitt , (xro-, till r,ol.totl hors• vLoes; Y y from him since: been necessary, but now we have menced, and the loud mouthed ar- „ tools the former course and were "ley my soul, Olga, I had well only to go to his house, provoke hint tillery opened its thunder. The din ; g`t tcU.q. Ie cabins :•. , f soon in the court. The one trouble g „Tiley art that, I'11111Pt;ttl,, Whin : D• C• Pntentc. - 1...1. 1?ca;l, m:!chil)Rr1 Y Hing forgotten the fellow. Yes, to quarrel, kill him and then ):ell was deafening and strange, and Ru- ; � far utlritr:3tint; ):nit good>; :r. Flevhgr, glow was in passing the porter's yes; I remember him Well now. Ile tile emperor how it happened. What ric shouted in vain to his aids, for ; they get a majority ou it Plebby-sight, ! dont fur rlraiti :..r, ; ,f. IIS: ;h . lodge at the gate, for they know the w•as a right stout knave." think you?" the roar of cannon drank up his i thin it'rs time to halve. atiother vote oil a enit great gate w•as not open, and to gain "Aye , and a dangerous one, too, "Why," returned the priest, with words direct from his lips. Louder i1afl3-random," int; wood•oodi) 1p in,f,i:.}1;.illughe1, I �� the street they must pass through sire—al dangerous man," said the a wicked chuckle, ill Can Only say and more loud grew the crash, and "Did the famlytics got ct majority, 1t:Fn, voorl rt 1p iii^•; (:, i gin. L. ]atlz" the room where the porter always duke, with a dubious shake of his that Master Novel is done for—he is finally Ruric started for the charge. ; U,'oglu,:" ! t 1 staid. Zenobie went ahead and look. head. a dead man." Itis horse' wits shot under him, and, ! "''r course they diel, Finnegan, lots, burrt•r. , ed in. The porter sat by the fire "Ali! What has he done?" "Exactly. Nothing could be bet- with a quick leap, he reached his ! of ruga-; bat they never yet net ane big playing with his dog. I c'lVby, he has been engaged in va. ter—nothing. " feet. r-1110 gh--at,, belavu tete, they nevHr t►acrt.Eouw for irotucu. lly mistress, whispered the girl ' rious robberies tom certain knowl- After the explanation of this ""uric, Ruric, my master!" i well• Are yolk weals. nervous. irrltablu, as she came black, "old John is in the I edge and one a felt evenings sinco fiendish, llelliskl scheme the two Slowly the youth opened his eves, "�lud ruby slot Gro tut'�' easily worried null facign,•d? Do .von I b Y ` b (•Didn't I tell ycz, Finnegan, That thin dread your daily stork ani! fee) jibe lodg e, and we need have no fear. IIe ! he knocked dowel one of our holy walked on some distance in silence. and Paul stood by him in his night ; it tsar tune Nuouglt fur t4uothcr ou a !r clir,t* .par daties go undone? Dr. is a simple, good natured follow, and ; priests and robbed him of all he Stop! uttered the duke, catch- clothes. lie gazed about him and i a 1tifPyral,do,u,„ ; Chasti's' en,o root will rentorf: ytlur I am sure I can g of by him. Do you 1 lead. IIe is at the head of a numer- ing; his companion by the arm, _..... , , ! nervous systeu) and send the thrill of o in advance; cover u our face; ' » ccs ' Wham• s that•: Heir life and euerlm through tht+ boli g p )' i ous band of ckt peradoes. 1 here come two persons this way. Y - don t look at hien and be sure ort i " „ .' That's at kind of a vote to tied out if i It is Whore, all a tvoulau'F medicinal eq Y Is it nrcil)le? \�e must not meet them. here— .,k.Q,..,;,,,w,. don't tremble. Leave it all to me. 1 "I 1\llotr it SirC" lllt0 t111S aSSagr'— n1Clx l" I : the majority oil t•he former vote is t0 be ' its invigoraritig iltfiuence On the Nerve p a q ,. . ,» :r,, , e a..e ®6 C in.ntes regularity in the fuuetious of ttm Remember now rou havo"— is >' g 1 : counted un the lido it voted fur or oil • � y 13y 1S't. i auk, I should not havo It )vas a narrow, dark passa„e 1 bodily orgons. "Fear not, Zonobie. Go on" !» "' �"?i. ! 1 '' r i the other side. it voted against, It's a, believed this leading to the next street, into Cib F l�MMI, 11EUDAGE i kind of recount. unci it's akind of recant• So on they went, and when they 1 "Nor would I have believed it which the dnkc dragged his compan- reaches the lodge Rosalind went in i sire, had I not received roofs not ,ion, and here 1te meant to remain YV [£Fzralyhcoi fry Dr. Agne4v's Tbat'F n joke, Finnegan, I thought Out . Any o�rlers for tales left :IL the ntE3 first and stood bt tie wicket, while to be uestionecl. I, as ism duty ut7til the two persons had passed. (.�*.wrr(nuil Paoiiader. Bit retEewes I Nvnitiu fora street car. I was thiitltiu' I office will receive prompt attention. �. Zenobie followed and opened the Marc long been anxious to ferret out Tha fact was the duke (lkd not• uisll :rl tt1 rnincatt:s. ; oi' tho Pra,neer of Manitoba. Y e see, ; Currit'- auctioneer. door that looked into the porter's ' » I I''itue;;uu, the thought he would glaze I Rev. FatlittrF West of Godariesla,; I this gang of robbers — ! to be sc ori with the priest at that A. Bottom, aru�,isc cookshire, Qac., .• v• room. ; u ' .I w,: " i�or so yintrs 1 suffered trout Catarrh• . ttuwytius by tilt ltl them sone tilnpLl : McCormick, of Ashfield, and Tianloll, sir « „ Bttt I Ilever heard of them, Ol- hour in tkle street, incl it is no milt- , Good John, slit uttered in all,.- ; ra » ter of sw rise that he should at +!�' 101 was vt">; offansive even to myself. i � tulle h-gil•latiou. Thin he sent it over' yt, Augustine, attended a conference tit 1 g a. Interrupted Peter, p t:•i; i evert th.n •which >romised me a care. In , ious tones, "conic and open the wick:- I « \h sire because I grave diree- I that 'moment hnvC been il]tlUCt]CCd ,!,host alt iit,ta ccs I had to )roclaini thein no j m ,ha Precvy (,unucil, wed a nate, sayut ;the priests of tihntfctrd deanery trhic?, et for me, gtlicic� \Iy good mistress ' tion that yon should not be troubled ' b} guilty fear. The two pedestrian; :';:rl atcaa,l. o v�%r 1°Illi ociretiefto Yn tattaS direr i • It this doet,n't 5ni� .i row it into can erour I teas held ill the city of Stlatforci. last :':u.trr 1 I P b y It at my expinse, o f y f very 1d to lulls and I are going tci�h iltc affair. But I havo them i came on and passed the spot where a ,t ani)liention. It curcfi me and I am free ! ;creek. for the cloetor. Collie; be quick." i now. It is only last evening that I , the tnen stood. They wore females, e,vin au effects of it.~ ay i woodshed . Av course lie especte<l it tO ; Ti1N Orangemen of West Bruce at "But wh r don't some of the men ; g and one of them the riest saw in tlold bs A. L. Hamilton. Wiltncvm, conte bacir with a ticket on it marked their annual meeting last week resolv9A 3 „ot a clew upon them. \tie found 1 go? asked John as he started tin them in vl old building near the ; ttic face. The features were upturn- -- --- -- — ' 'N• U.'; lint iustid of that, bark it came ; to join ill the monster 1'2th of July and forced his dog back. river here in the Kremlin and this eel to the starlight, and he recogniz- i l Wed 11 tan sayiu' is was O. I�'. Sure he I ePlebration in (,oderiell thi,year., Porti, "Because 'tw•ould to ke them lon-' T ' � ' , g It the duke uick- + ��� was flabbergasted- •I think, he sez, 'tve county O1:lugetuan a lso haver decided to same Tbilric Novel Was with them, lc!1 then!. IIe caul q ger to do the errand than 'twill tis. ; But he made his esca e." I 1 wd nervousl • by the arta. I i need at Riff -random to find out whether 1 celebrate there. 73nt don't detain us. \\'c shan't I)e ; «I do remember me now that the I y "L'v the host of heaven," lie whir- I this law is intended for use or for tuuy- I Tvlephoniug from au eu„iut) eah over long " I ` " 1" ` f '�' mint. It's veru' arayinental e'ntoirely, ' fellow had a bold bearing ana a peracl, tilts the countess. all,l Mo'b's t telegnighic wires Was sucesstuliv per - 1 he honest porter had orders not i 'fearless look," said the emperor hall "Rosalind ?" gasped Olga• I 17r v it is• and I'll like to llev it frailicd, Fwd ; i , „ !formed on tilt Illinois Central Rail way to allow the countess to pass out, i to himself "and if such a man turns " Yes, as surf/ as death!" � £on mo trait° our liar- selid au illuutivated copy tU the Precvy s j i s few (lays ago, A t several ;tntiom4 nems as eoft as a ;:ovo (Ouneit, duel tv lay flied, the I'rameer but lie thought not of that now. 1 villain there must be danger in it" " ' , q l" v i 1, Z heli come uiCli an9 is taa,�h as vitro n ! L wire was tarnu;.r frflnl the ell =isle tit a 1 nein; ZiTREKATicar- ! of Ontario. lyse lniglit F ile its beaut Ile had known the gentle girl from ; "Aye, sire, you speak: truly and I Savotano understood the mean- I noe& 011, Yon can " p y'; the telegraph line and telephone cOlu- a cl-ild, and so well did lie love her i engtben •ts lifs-mairelt l' I Thin, too, I thil.k the Yuight wait to sou 1 now, with your order, I can appre- i il,g; of this, dull he followed ilu Juke i ast ,•rice m long is A utunication established with the trate that he might not have stopped leer j bend the fellow at once." 1 quickly out. Ata few bounces Olg a I - rdtastay .n ata, y tt1`tit UutariO i, gain to do wed our law i devparrhor's ofllec ill Kankakee. Thr► even hall he known she was then ' "I cau'sena and have it done, my ! ]'cached the females, and one of ! �: Wbat do ou think c)utario will do, test. were sucressfnl in tval;t case, anti wailing to pass out. At all events, ; dear duke." ;them lie caught by the arm. She � EUREKA iGrogati � 'tile telephoniur; stone over telegraph he could not I'efuse the resent re- u I I,Tllat I don't know, I•inne; an. ltiay-' p But our officers ma not find uttered n sharp, quick cry, and as , r i wires was withour iuterferencec with quest, so he came out and opened! 5 Y she turned her face u) she rtavealc'd l cher sloes any wait else. Ontalrio is weir.- i ��'��� the telNgtaphicservire. It isiuteluleclEtr llim. I know where he is and can i d ; l guilt to do. the wicket without further clues-' the fair features of the Countess ill'tosee what Manitoba is furnish all Illiuoi. C`Nntti trainsedf%) have him taken at once. He has I �► s re before beaus ' says Manitoba. II, tion,tand the girl.; passed through. i c g �, I ,tlsnlind Valditi. The ricst {laid no ' maaee dpcoc'oct ar, )nr• y i ` everal hidin laces. I' p I Hess tike tie- [Sada or t :� ' telephonic e(iniptletl, til(! 111StPllaTentei ;\,ow, now, uttered Zenobie ]Ili cc o p g pure, heavy ho-Ued oli, es• t, doll's ilkfl 1'U talcU t11e pie Oltt Of ver I tt Well, then you might do tile need tO stop the other girl, fe silo ! puma,% nrcparvd fo P:eu,• � • to be placed in ba-Zage cars ofpassongar nervous haste, we are clear of the ' 1 „ ntaal the woathvr. - 1 month after y e vo taken a bite, ser. tin- ; v;orlcwith more advantage. stopped of her own accord as soon i .3 trithis and eltnivvs or caboose, iii glace. Hero is the street. Our ; tt. b as she found that her mistress was ' eo1A °°°"'SPF"'' ;x, tariO. The PretnePr of 1Vlaititoba, 3tH • p 'e and I can have him tried I ill Cana—L:IL::.ee fleigitts. says, 'If the worst comes to the horst wall: i� not long" I and disposed of without further captured. { iiaAeby19PE8;lLOILCOfiPIl'aT. "' i IdoPalind answered not; but, draw- " tt '� 1 btu trouble to you, sire. Aha ! Olga uttered when lie saw ; We ll hags, a Rif)'y-Randoul.' " -- in- leer robe. more closely about her ; "No, no, I wish to see him," re- that pale face. "What note, ell? I3ur•, <;ro�an,,ho fnultyticF stay get' .��.dtidlitcalldded�ldeeiti.v4¢tini:r"crdt titiat::Yk:d�� to keep, out the cold, biting wind, I turned the emperor. "I will hive \here are you bound at this un- I i ai majority on a RifTy-randO,u." ; sho lea;te.ns along, by the side o_ ; yrou the necessary order, and ou seemly hour. j ' ' 1-yis, F}uni rlml, lint LIS I tould ye,they z - r F » can sorer tie t It Sntl3cieut Itajority." I '� �4 A E� , � `� ' d g . - - t may bring him here. y' FREEjl i t ( g, e' n t, _. -what is that Gr3ann'r" :r ) _ r 1 eter then turned to his secreta-'-^ i ' � ! I '!5 I 111.'llat I fltlil t 1'110tV exa0t•1 I, il]t1N *all S. � �'7 ,� n: !,I i e� i,. .•.i 4 ,. f71 ` l;v and bade him fill an order for Ru- _._ .. __..--y_ _ _ __ y ! '' but alt etiditnr is tryiu to feud out from h `f d t. :ric Nevel's arrest. 1 he stout mas- ^ *' i a ■ t r at arms looked on with a tion- the preacFlers. Sulu sez two thirds, asci r'y��" !" �J bCd countenance, and 1liS glanCCS ! Iyi1�}t��yy,C�(��A.�yytt Dpy■',,,�y�1J��t�'�(,+¢,(„p�$,f`�'�� ®®, i sum sezlhrees-fifths, alld 111111 StL three- ; 7i. l"ic"s�ye'ytiill •,:t at .h1 ,,et. ,, t , tl v,Cr e� ilt:is'' t1 R,Yt64to+4 t1' HGl'Jff74i'�CL:+ ' , ' fourtils. still Bone Fez, four-fifths, and ! .w turn, poulinl . i toward the duke wore anything but ' the edditur is sittin' up nights striki,l' j fruit t;rowe t tit, •r. wl, a t- nFr. <T'm. I]aridsort. St. Andrews i iOvillb. Ile did not seem to relish ���hltltnt" ,..Ll J.u: tt:::l::i•. _ Qu • std+res "Ur. Cass 's syrup o! ^ Vie':e%'rr^' j the average• hind tilt: tit; t .:u : t.t the business at all and the expres- 1 �• � a o- alta Lit `_• ed . •t : Turrjawirc, has ttured me i ' I I ,A d u i2 ' l*. i "tiVhat tvoul i ytt say yersrlf,(xrogatl? ! • yu: ,tio:ts ' ir. t „ !�,, , t of t,r rt• t;i.'.a, I halve, without sue- sion Of his countenance would seem !' 1 i y t- ` cen.:. r• lod tr:nny retne0les tor the past LO i11d1CIIf C. that he diel not believe I! 1 �� ''I think, Finnegan, that the required I ; ,s ... T act tvi•iter when I hada s 1 i �B : {majority Fllotticl bU altvalys burger than) atx all that the duke had said. ; i, I 4•� ,; 1 ', `' sete:o art.^.ck a*!rl tvaw u,table to worlr �d ' 7 0 the Willi that is ac•tuall roteci anti it A • " j X <•r sett ;1 i:tittle ne .lir. Cht1Se'9 IIowcver, tllC order ivaS soon �; i �,�,.� 5 /-.! y •• V� Amt] r, tit �1 �i .rr. t , tFtr lJpt +i• Lnis i' nnR urpentine, and ' , g \.�,- ri? tend be best to postpone the ft; gets til ' r, am t'.t•;tI1V Ott) . tF tt'a' the third bot- made out and in the duke a posses- ' CC�, C �,�hikSx , i R n+ •- f=•,• ;: tie r[alle• nip a t.a';t.n,.n." SIO11. cdJ .�i�ot lt• ; afte•rtharate. 1 i� . � �t� n:- �V. :. Alt' inauranee tagent, cc " cc ,� 1 LADIES ()R GENT'S SIZE III thought, (*rOgan, a majority ova l a i r ;� C€ ; ,; Remember said Peter yon �ia11Pe t. t'aai: t I tlst•d lir, 5 , LtultiUwinhnrar..trnnld'nl?ncliah Cmlu 1'i1H ttltijOrlty?" ! r, •wr••.; li.'hri,t'P'E: l'�Iap Of 1,•,:'::+ed and Tureen- will bring him beforeme." C'R�c�` i tar•v,•rv4,esa% t':u,ata.wn4.'uvir01 o• Nr•.13 n stns n.i,. r.. t,4kuit._.... ri-�-, Kiln will.•4 av nn•ut f.,r ua, and +oil out, IS , „r, litre. f nr F ' -vere :,•vLc $ Of bronchitis. " - ,f hlso.af Ur. \.mdd' rosin 1'aty, tit •.n' n rn1•s, l ilat'S tt'hPe ,ye! aTU all WrOn,t, I,slll 1 ; Y'ltaiti 2Ttt• 1, t:,spiry to iia splendid �.ou shall be obeye�id, sire. AhDStlaT1'1E23 ,t 4tralsthle SilverlvAtel,, ail•n lar• •.r `• ' " •, • T r rte If 'l1C tri rOr ILL ]70 n 1 THE rLi� d4�,rt I hatling rival ioidn•n »v l:ent'x r••..+d. d. ; n0$`atl, a'4 I'vt! tOlild ye.. A ItlajOriry iS ..ti[liliy uit`tli::';im'. •girl ialtl:• �- Cur. tire p;":dh Li".t•s, . got better f O t e pe d t Ot ce I �� till, �+ `�l.•, n";j N'r NI qal u'tutt tYlt3' Iautu•y u'tl ll , , ra 1t• , � ••.. t' •:`• til/• tl:ri, •i tit •I7t:; `.Sri• 11Tst lloSe. 1rieW g ��tJ�v7 r��a ! ! Jou h:,vt• .ultl 411P 1 lllr. .lint • ad n+ , i iL IInlj011ryr traH ftlT ytln, if it• 3 tltl OtLr .r 9 1? D :a"• 151st ,:1't:Uh it , tn.•i'IPa c the strange, dark look of tilt- duke I � Y •.elsirnnaehl ,M -o nodw-vill se1,1 sol til•• , , i `>M III the 1Y.P%i bl•1'•ta', Ik•,1 •4 )n t_ vwn.i: children, my pyo ! 5}'itty 1„111.1 Lid tvlth hd1 p.trtirtti ri, uo Ntlo•r with ? ' Nide ; but if it h 011 thfl other Side, thin i + 1 1 E ar l,tl i sass I d r'/,,,m t. . 1, . el.n, ally cotlte to a ns 11e turned awtt3•, the Greek )lid, BROMIC t''A aur i:ntil{'.FI..I N:rNei:.r. doN•rialn, ih„ w.tlli,..a. .� i t::tu t 47 Iia;,.', ; 1G's fill i11511f118ient 211ajUrlty, alltl th1Lt I �„ 5 t. i. illt;•.tta:e,l i.d•r.., t 1, r,r iCO'..,'I'•.,"•:'tat'• • 1111'•• ! I,e'leve abottle of and he fancied- too that lie knew r R" �`f4 ,?T p•,r at '1'id. Ivt:u'y;r ell a+, nlrrr star m.u!N ht•mty m,•diN. 7. ,. )51. I�h i•l.a iT.P!te �t','t, .1 t• C`e (:' 1 'S:+'`.•.W '• 'I" : a-111. a the warill 1114 n- it, . 1{ -q It h " 1 . , ri Dr. t :1 I"' s r4c1•••t" o+ ;rInnlly will nisi g �'1t.�.., 8i ;�i'� r nn1,Ih•iu,•o,:u „LrNttl n what It meant. tills 110 Sa ld 1]Ot111I1 t' •: •'dn 1'111. Hien assn tan eth dl+N �+ ; 111a1tPF It ilttU !L 111it1U1'ity. ' ,` cop: • ,� 1' t•. a, t' .i a hip ti, _eiitk' tfe.aY• vc::'y materially. a b fv�l;¢y5 i `m. ti dwravnhakaaatihoplrnivlill' n n w tt ,' 1 , rt t',•o. :\strati",%1 111,11+"14,14 ur cwthnnala+Fav I urn iv, 111"In i 3'llin w rt likely til will out, (rro• �. 2:: I•�rtt3 a bot+.I'•, iAl dealers, then. i C{iLaMSA3't�;''' ! a11.•t,,.N, nrpNnpleal inttrN nu•,vnd »fhilhl••.• „ i'„+-, 1t lnn6dN. Rheuuntlsm At ha•u , f ••1111NTt,dh1:1•", "1111'1 1.w, : .. y,t nw 01ga bowed low as lie clutched the' COLDS, ���:'N aG• Aliv,l°tri yin v111 each: 1.111 IY hilus hilt h ,". r - T ,.,_ � 2-l.; t; T M.'e• U;nt' G:°i�fR f lr. o^ few ov,•ninu+. *111. 0..r hr •lon•4 trait "I.11wly, did yez Pity, Fillnegat1"• rr'' . "`:.� t•• ` •"••..• ••' r rr order, and, having once Inore proal- ypy : " Q11;�!tEld �il.P.il a" u ( tail tuo°er' inA Itltnt•e. if ton nn' wig. ; l.Gr!irali, (.f?Nf,rr t' } 'r,( 1 V }SOA Intie..i,t•I,Y9eII41 vmir Li.anN ilul ud.lrii..and • I,11cely, indadel Liston to the Finnegan. t,.w t c*, ised obedience lie hurried froltl the � �t',�'' ,°tr-00. R�. a'°cciilce°d5uuttwPi!1,wlthtWltwue°ttw, ® 9fidt2 til t� ' , , I 3t3LC�Y1td. �Itf a yr )'' i _ .. If tilt, majotity is Uel our P.hllW, we will, ; w .:i. -Tit,, •a;N.e., .,;;�... --- imperial presence. As 1st passed ! + ;r,nlelca:l;t; $ ,• r� t,tr, Ittt :•,l: 1.,, e�+' ; •. Out through the ivicle court lie walk- ' 25>fQtrO'ltL R ; , a i Al2NOLD MEDICINE CO. an tuarsN. Ii the luajority iti ou their `'I "' a ( ATr ALL pRU,a<c ;� vw;�j t ' vide, it'll be an insnilicieut majorit and ; :y $� � a'+4: pit � � , ed Slolvly a.tad then-, and with : `-a,- STdR a. r _ • y t - Dept K. 'Tor nto. w tela g* t T2 f the 1 „ N majority, .._....�v... 't' •' a ,il . tin 1 iH i•t1ll0 •lty is !,rtptlt• tl .... .... . "" r:t