HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 6THE WINU1IA I TIMES, FEB, 21, 190, b"wrA.111.1sasu 1872. Methodist Minister Wether Abolish Rules "� [�]r rt" }t �lr�q Gait, Feb. 4.- Ileo. "W. E. pescott. Farmer's. .k yy'4 �t�l 1N II IA •l ��nES; iilrthodi•3t )nintstt.,, in .lis t+: riuun alt if. i;.rA.1,1 niers, Put'st,ls =vetted Paortneeon Sunday night ads mated. the abolition :. of the rules u ,the clnLrelt for the "'"- - - Backache. e t«um.y, r' ' ' llAux 21, no% fuiiowilt- reaeons: All essential Lea-- There is , turen of the mice were coataitletl Cls(`- sear (' ly 1.1 and, ilei ter farnwr in title whorl: 1•h�' discipline, 1V01I)1 c%N11 t'clDiltlE T$. still. in the Nen: Testament many ea IN)IUltl'y but Our esteermd tenateutporary, tite the things prescribed therein, slid not knows what efeention, Ern. Peen. i. exerclst•d over I.:•ed to ix• specially) elltt)ltasized to }Melt:401e he. Me tact tlt,tt Dr. 'Rout i el;re, of Lam- Ciu•i-1ewe, and some of the tests int- r1t It e hard 111/4th, has L-.•ceivett t he liberal mad- in cti by theist are not true tests of Work a n (1 ; ,hien: in East Midtt':sea, in dine: of the Christian life. lin had already heavy lifts, IIIc. 11ioi�"Illicit;, 1.l.' lite standard- sl;ttcd itis position on cards, dancing, the (•oustnnt I ,ar.•r, wh.) (hvirt'it tit see a rec:}drnt null yo. utl, ani was reaidy: to Iift up grind of toil F"•�` +df tilts riding cl'r.•telt' as the part y leis woke a3,tin,4 thexu Tor tn.; rest- from early TOWN M1b 1fii11t1Jl1+ T, 1,13`1nelletneleED 1tt7,f 13A1.vri T 01Untou-Sabbath services at Tu I tNfiltrAit Tins 11 a In and 7 p In, Sunday School at 16 PU131r1siiLD i Ii . arra rt1• =Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. k'at- tersol1,13.A.,pastor. W.J,Uhapman, S.S. uperfutendetit. 11IT•tiIODIwr C13uiwg-Sabbath services at 11 a In and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m, Epworth Longa() every Mau - day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard I bbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- erttttendent. `eSES13YTTRLIN 011;ullOW--,Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a Ili 11ud 7 p n1.. Sunday School at 2:30 p lu. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Bov. D. Perizo, pastor and S. S. Superinten- dent, 1 (lent, 'Reader. er IL r ••es 10145 of votes, toss of soils given. 11111. when 11." was asked Morning till late at night, ire- ST. PAUL's Oimi.ou, Episcoo.0 -Sttb- 2, 3t) 1 t General p y r meeting "`p'atrt'nagc" amyl 1.t: t}ivate def.'at farr to take the positions that all persons quelltly bring tllo ',tabbing pain in bath services at 11 a m and 7 p In. Sun - kite. go ern:rt.. i1 c':, tItitilte a* a re- who dined, played cards; or went to the back of the dull grinding ache day School at 2:30pin. General prayer that knows no let t1. 'filen too meetin(, on Wednesday evening. Rev. ,tett of tits cla:i+-1;;.. the theatre or circus were uecessaril)' p' Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shorn, S. S. Is trier; ecty:lt'n'r i ti It w:lit! l Ukase not Christittne,and excluded from, thr there are often. urinary troubles, Snnorintendont. tom., Free Press better titan the tiros- kingdom of Clod, he refused to do so. swelling of the -feet and ankles, CONGREGATIONAL 0111.111011. --Sabbath a -et cif the party lo.tnx votes on ne- We often condemned people whom puffiness under the eyes, rheumatic services at 11 a m and 7 p n1.. Sunday •cAlunt of 'Ur. Rout: °dge's iloTtainadon.School at 12 in. Midweek meeting on ' Christ did not auudetnn. If they, were'ptlilla in the joints and muscles• Wednesday evenings at o'clock. Gavin i11Le think it. wouid, ivtv.. bM'n' better not excluded from the, kingdom ;)f D. Pitcher ought to be held in Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor, 1.I t e t mportry enu1• out 1 1 exclude dart from the high esteem by every farmer itl the SALv4TIONAEarz-St;rviceatii and 11 u( (titi 1.:,Z .� )cuvt'n. why them aux and 3 and 8 p m on Stturltt,Y, and i[trneetly un:l admit:ell what is appar- church? Was there any good mason laud on account of his Backache ave dvean during the iveili at 8 vent to every un1:•r-•,;udiet' t mind that 'why the church door should not. be Kidney Tablets, which are doing o'clock at the barracks. >Qr. Ic15"il;i:llnr though a stl'ont; a4 wide` as the do-ar of heaven? S11('}I it grand, and IIObl(' work Ill POST QrrxoT Tis Macdonald Block. c3.ud}trait- ! -i ; I2 i' xeet•ived the full bttltiuhiug bnekaehe, kidney and Office hours from 8 a in to 6:30 p A flood Wee. tltilnti'y troubles, tiilliell are sttelt Peter Fisher, postmaster. nearly support in the. past on account 1tTr Fisher, INSTITUTE Youths' C'o'mpanion. universal C'OIll )1tillltS Ulf rile fi1rI11, -library and hie mi 1+ •tic; , : i that the select- 1 free reading room in the Town Hall, Haig of Dr. ltoutleatg.. a strong and A )L:i- saclluse tts business firm HEAVY WORK. will be open every afternoon from 2 to opul i' t t` x idinr in ;h•. prisms this paragraph at the tcp of 1I.. C E Lane Ding Street East In- 5:•15 o'clock and every evening from 7 to I.il•':r:e; stroxt�ghai.i is its letterheads: elerrcrsi -we make ger,oll, Ont.: "1 have been subject to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millin Robertson, able librarian cel it 1.t e, f• irst: i:ltlieaLtit.,:t of the inevitable tti,m; to does c\iryi one. We will attacks cif bacl:ttclto tund kidney tro for some year~ owing to heavy worst on Tows: • Comeoir-R. Ironstone, Mayor; t 1.t Try to \wrl cl good naturedly 11 t 1 't I lin tried otherIudoo J J W.F. 4anStone 1)o not complain to someone else first and oletclexl to try aMottle of Dr. Pitchers tense a� crnm�tLt. , ;.gpc: i . Bachanhe Kidney Tablets. I got a bottle Clegg, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col - first et the matter pass. V. C want the from A. E. Oyster, druggist, using at first lector. Board meets first Monday even- - --,----------- injustice opportunity to make right any three stud then two at a dose, as they lug in each month at 8 o'clock. injustice Ihai. w-: may de." Th: little tloveil n little tort laxative. With t'. : SOIIOOLBOARD.--H.Kerr, (chairman), wic-tary w^.rich will rescue tate Riding cheerfully cvrxeci, there if you \write the farm is lily crane (la •s. Ev=ery attach Win. Holmes, %'hos. Bell, Robt. Mc - elan t}i.i a::t1d shales of the+ Opposi- O s • t - • ' of cold aggrawa et l have rice Elliott, , F. T elawn and phren it in the; sunlitglti. of if you eau, bui .wri . tat us, anyway, remedies in the past but with little effect, A. J. Irwin, Counoillors; J. B. Fer- n Clerk and Treasurer; William J We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward s;1•Tnem a:,s,rvcy a aleie audience, Few ttwo tablet Hose tit:, pain and other tt•,r:'.i.o Thos. Abrallarn, J. J. Elliott, J. . tor any case of Catarrh that cannot be cleeipperrttd, and sincetlten there has 1„•,'.) IIonmth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. cired by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I''(>1tI: bay,. 1101 had occttsiari at some U•, return. consetrteutly I tun sure t`ae;.•arc Button, C. N. Griffin. Secrotary, Wm. I':.7. CHE•.NEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Lima et their livee to regret the ,;end- e..••.,u;l the:l}eine. • Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. We, the nudersigne d, have known F. in; of a harsh or hest y note. of con:- s Vit. Pif'lwr's l;ae ar• stn Eidne,; Tweets Meetings second Tuesday evening in each -ie. Cheney for the last 15 yeers, and be- plaint . It may b' nacessury t(, as- , ore :irte.:. laot, at all rheer_i.ts oe he woe, month. SpIIooL TGAprzrits.--A. H. titre hint perfectly honorable to all bust- .start enees rights ing subsequent let- ' Tim Du. iixa.t l'x. ti::a Co., Tui -un... Cot,. PuntMus oFe, Principal, Miss Robertson, mess transactions and financially able to us, bat there is ito better rule of eor- j p 'carry out any abiigetions made by their .r:,sltaindenc, than to make the first ' Aria, one good-natured. .. Wnsr &Tnu.ix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. OUR PAST RECORD. t Ottawa, Feb. 5. -The estimates next BOAR» or HEALTII-Mayor Vanstone, WAL»t�lt., KINNA:; &MARvIN, Whole- !session \viii include t ppronriutions to (chairman), C. 7. Reading, Thos Greg- saie Druggists, Toledo, O. Our past record of successful catering provit}c• for wireless telegraph Le anima oiy, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Forgnson, See - Hall's Catarrh.ure is taken internally, to the wants of n. critical public is the ! rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical - Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss To Dlspinee rine Coruyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson and Miss Reid. • t�; EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Tha Tinges Office, Beaver Block WIN(iIIAM, ONTARIO. Timms otr Sometti-V' fox-- 1.00 per antrum it) ndvauu'e, fig(if not so paid. No paper discon tiuuetl tilt all al t eitt'a art+ paid, except at the optlen of the publisher. An\'tuerlaxNcl itATEs. - Legal unci other cusum ullvertisenteuts 8O per Nonl1mriet lint, ftw first insertlotr, tie per title for each subsequent insertion. advertisements in local columns nee charged 19 ats. per litter for first insertion, auci 5 cents per line for elte1t subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Stra Farms for Salo or to Rent, ane. similar. *1.0 for first month and 50 emits for each. subsequent month, tag Rims -The following table slows our rates for the insertion of advertisements fur specified periods ;-1 1 Y11, eiio, 8 mo. 1 mo Ono Column *(10.00 ,3.00 *15,00 ra to Quarter Column 1)3.0000 10,00 1500 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and eltnrged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must bo paid for in aclvroutee, Tltl•: JOU D'A...M D:NT 18 stoehed with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print tug, affording facilities not equalled in the eotuttyfor turning out first class work. Large type auci appropriate cuts for all style's of Post- ers, Haucl 33111s, etc., and the latest styles ss of choice fancy typo for the finer classes of print, ing. 1T. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher cting directly upon the Noon and best guarantee we can offer to all who' rates at the various lighthouses,which Health Officer. Raucous surfaces of the system. Price are not yet uumbered among our per- ; will permit of vessel.. reporting more ---------------------- ner bottle. Sold by all Druggists. mauent customers. Please remember' speedily than is possible with the flag; ituouia:3 free that \ve make a specialty of felling pigs � �� is now n vo°ru^ It is calculated Ball's Family Pills aro the best. siciaus' prescriptions. Our stock of ;'yigLa . i a MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. PIANO AND THEORY. P. KENNEDY D1. D., M. O. P. S, 0, tJ . (Member of the British Medical Associa- tion.) Gold Mectallist in Medicine. SI)�ecial attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren.' Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. n1.. DR. MACDONALD, 1J Centre Street Winghiun, Ontario. NEW YORK FASHIONS.. spring Mate* in Is, New 1L1Ulnery, Ott'. A shirting finish is again ti marked feature in 'dress goods and therefore ,Brent prominence is accorded to .tin foulttrd.s in all over p.ttlerpil a es- nally varying shades of one color. Mercerized uuttone are legion and canes so •skilfully woven that resotnb- 'epee to silk, is pert:let. Gauzy tab - rias, too, are .s lawn in taniwnse num. leers and trill rep:fat• the pretty Idea, of one fabric .showing t.hraugit an- other. Styles ii making, shay no itx1- portant oltangcs. 'Corsages prtsex ve former outlines and •skirt+; remain olosn at the lop and flaring at the bottom, titi=, last :feature in particular cat'sing :still greater demand for 8. II, 4 X. corduroy and velveteen! bind- ing , since apart frornl intrinsic; eleg- anum and durability, they fit itt a,s formerly to curved outlines; NEW All.1aLIMi 1t.Y shows the picture pat in all the beauty of rich floral garnitures that some- times closely Cover expenses now, termed medium, but whish are .so called only in comparison with very \Tido bri)nuxcd exurnples and these lust era a notable t•antugn ground for the display of very profuse wreaths.Sma1l flowers are chiefly seen, but some mammoth examples recall the huge, mingle flowers worn ab present. In quite contrary style, numerous outing • hates. maseuline In their. itimplicity, will be worn and! who1esaya miltinorsl .show for the trade, counters laden' wttn gauzy material in sutra* or floral patterns, that tied' around snort back sailor huts, will afford to tno new woman coquetti,sn headgear at ,small cost. 1,ACV • is a notable adjunct in Inillinery, both black and white, some new bats being mane wholly of thick white insertion, held together by covered reeds. Rough and fancy open .straw- have all a former popularity. Combinations of tulle or chiffon, with` ,straw or lace, appear and once more will be seen nats made wholly of either or both materials laid in regular folds. As a very new feature, may be mention- ed ribbons slum ing stripes of linen in cert+ and .has: will harutouize with' at, espreled run on ecru. Outer new ribbon•; have .stripe:, of lure woven in with game arid the result. is, of course very light and airy. "Above end Ilteow." The conti.nu'- auac of long ,,weeping dress skirls, rctders the petticoat which is seen wiles, the dress is lifted, of much }m- portal:c: and many delightful examp- les trade in .'ride of the West muslin in its peculiarly fine, .soft quality, are trimmed with tucklegs, embroidery or lace. (food housekeepers prefer this muslin in extra. widths for pillow cases and sheeting's and! its superior- ity for skirts is beyond question. Perfumes, Toilet articles, Brnshes, ! Haat the outlay will be about $5000 for and member of the Associated Musicians of '`Large or Small." An effort i; made. Sponges, etc., is large and varied. each station. The department: of pub- Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num solicitor et Block, Wtniltott. Money to loan, p p , peke meyerBlock, Wingham, to vary sleeves, without enlarging ger of pupils for instructt.n on Porno and to tltent at the top • and the, result is Report on Forestry. TIiP•, MOST RELIABLE ANP POPULAR. 1 lie works has bond asked to arrange Theory. sotilc.t.itttes exceedingly ungraceful. A. The annual report• of the Director of Paine's Celery Compound is the most i f 1.linstallationf t! lea Special attention van to pupils preparing ARTHUR T IItWIN D D S L D S DR. AGNEW, . Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Bionic, over 3. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night tails answered at the office. �r•��, VANSTONE. L�). BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Privateana Company ftutds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingltaut. JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c., Wingham, Ont. E L. DICKENSON, BARRISTER, ETC. reliable and popular family medicine, r or the o x. wireless ti t , • , for examinations. ,1 striking example occurs in a styles Lbrestry, far. Thos. Southworth,con- and is specially recommended for the telegraph across the Straits of Nor- Rrsidence-optositoR.C.Churcl:,�Ym1 tam. Doctor ofDentalSurgeryofthe Pennsylvania which is elase at the tot) with fullnosS tain_: the r;caenmead:tiion that the =reef rheumatism,ueuralgia, dyspepsia, ! Lhumberland, which sclpatrata Prince alnpatented part of Sibley Township; nervous diseases and sleeplessness. If ; Edward Inland from New Brunswick. 'fee added i u the permanent forest re- son have not succeeded in banish- 1 ing your troubles, come to us for a bottle t * •Tree. The report. dears at length of Paine's Celery Compouuc}, It will i r GOLD n I nn a eltit tthe forest reserves, namely, not disappoint you. ! N 1 Y U 1' r' fling G c Lake Temiganti, Algonquin Palk, the 1 A. L. HAMILTON. Druggist, i .t estern rc:r,nrve, Ribiey Township, , Windham Ont. t s ileh have. a. tote: acreage of 2,882, ' The Early spring Millinery. ; attics women have gold stored away and In malty thousands of garrets and Dental (iallege and Licentiate of the Royal . ce 11 is suddenly g y h0 contour is that of a country^ gourd. - .Gass objectionable styles show a mod- erate puff above the elbow, witlt; one below. but indeed, almost any fancy traction. No Cocaine, }1.x sla vc s will pass, prov;ded there be Specialattentiou to tiro carr and regulation nal a spreading out- addition at the of children's teeth. Moderato prices,and all Lop. Uedersleoves, because couven- itt Beaver and skilfully performed. Office hint for proctoring variety, are, still in Beaver Block, Wingham. ' College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Offi over Post Office, Winghaut. increasing as it nears tha wrist, where ,L J. Elliott, V. S 4. N.-. Honorary Graduate of Ontario 'Veterinary C7oilege% olllee and Infirmary corner of Victoria and Minnie Sts. Wingliant. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Telephone connection. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.R.. 1 ' . L,D.S, New method for painless ex- t .ilea • eau 1it b • a band. T 30. A; an instanc; of the wealth of :1t no other season of the year, per- are not aware of it. It is not iu coitus s - - - -- popular, but after all, by far the inaja (these, it is estimated that the Temi- haps, docs the fashionable woman de- nuegets, or bars that the l;oltiis hold, n� arity of sleeves are, in conventional vote so much time and thought to the I neither xs it iu bank notes or bonds; it is 'FAR' •' F. RS JOHN P.ITCIIIE, outlier+t', close to the arm. • o stook or o ae "Carrie }s dawning r and new• gowns Are the clothing, garments and materials that articles they wish to dis eve of, a hould whew- wont more than any other kind and fe g g' 1 for sale in Uho TInrMs. Our large IOuuti re:scrwc 00,00 feet beard ine s- selection of headgear av when spring there in the form of cast oft and faded and anyone having lisother ('arrte x1. Black velvet balls are yGENERAL /INSURANCE AGENT #!!1.t) to 5.000,000.000 feet meas- tisottosnrno Winf,ham, Ont, finished by pretty buckles, are an hint „ o ren i :lap. If thine' reserves had not been order of the day. .hero is a fascina- Can he turned into a "old value by the i gat on tells and it willbostrnn euideedif :set aside they wou..1 probably have been partially settled and disastrous (west fire:; \voul:l have occurred. It blas been. established beyond a doubt the. rep.rt r-ttys, that a young forest ,cif pito will succeed where a. pine for - 'vitt, has grown and has b:en out down •ustle,i,s it is burned over a number .elf. times. The fact that the land has tion in the Easter hat or bonnet, and use of Diamond Dyes. you donot Rota customer. We can guarantee evtary woman will appreciate the At a cost of ten cents you can re -color Hutt von will soli be.caw5o you, may ask more for the article or stock than it xs worth. Bend smart modes illustrated in the lurch a dress' shirt jacket, cape, blouse orf your advertisement to the Thins and try this Delineator. These are for the mast I waist, and make them as good and stylish plan of disposing of your stock and other part of foliage and flowers and worthy examples of the milliner's art. The flowers used in adorning the. now spring hats are small, and, in almost every instance, natural in color. The favorite decoration this season is -the delicate edelweiss or snow -flower. i OHN CUJRRRIE, Wra-on trrr, ONT. 1.J LICENSED AUCTIONEER. as new oues purchased iu a store. Witharticles. s Salescialf Farm Stock and Harm Implements n one or two packages of Diamoud Dyes -THE HANDIEST, .All orders left at THE TINS office promptly you can give new lift stud beauty to attended to. Terms reasonable. your husband's overcoat or snit thrown -QUICKEST, CHEAPEST aside perhaps for tho rag gatherer. -AND MOST RELIABLE Your cotton and wool rags -dyed with Diamond Dyes will make up handsome WING IA.M lb n held by the Crown, where tim- mats or rugs that will adcl to the com- b`m li( uses have been granted, places For 0,,or Sixty rears. fort of your home. All the work and TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs transforiilations suggested will give you Ontario i,1 much more favorable , y- results that have a old value. Pupils propared for Conservatory of Music sitwatic4n in regard to re-forestration Winslowstyyeangsyrtlphasbeenused examivatiuus for over sixty years bymilhonsof mothers than. met eff the States of the United for their children while teething, with Advice to the Boys., Servant E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN Re�ates. Th Lelto\ving Counties of perfect success. It soothes the °hila, lite Kincardine Review has, been For your general an i.}xf.+ Pre: i:le have b: tween% 5 and 10 softens the gums, allays all pain, Cures pri• wind colic, and is the best remedy for giving soma advice , to the boys of gig cent. of wood:and:-Iiwron,Brant, ' diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste. in; town. It says: "When a friendly �'..crth, Wctliaigtcn, Wentworth, Peel, i Sold by rlruggists in every part of the match of hockey, baseball or any -Cork, Onto rias, Durham, Carleneta and world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its other r Vf7ictaria. Thr others have between i value is incalculable. Be surd you ask game is being . played here, the i0, unci 30 r cent., those with over , for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. and email boys ought to know that: loyal - P" take no other kind. ty to the ]tom: team rani be express- kn per cent.-, being Stormont, Glen- I I s ed in soma other way than by ridireul- bre tit.' visitors or abusing the and Hastings. Over enetrance has af- 1London, Feb. 5.- The '.Gimes' corre- ;:--"' 'Boating' i all right at a cfeeted the western and midland coin- spundrnt at llelbournr. reports that ' tics to at greater extent than' the blr. Rig,gins, a pro -Boer r(eprtsenta- percfeesional match, teat Ls entirely rive. presented a petition in the fed- out of place in, friendly games. It etllexs. In Prince Edward and Gren- ural house of repre.sentatxves trout quarrels with good taste, good inatn- v«1.1.^, Counties. and: 'at some of the sou- 'bout 8(10 per;oae in 21ew South W a,es, ners and hospitality. Ie is well to iltarn portions of Lennox, Addington Victoria, South Australia and las- i)� enihtt)iastie in our applause and anal Hastin,;>•e Counties the pre cress mania, praying for the withdrawal of Australian citizen soldiers from South encouragement, of aur town team, but ._ -o!% deforesl.rn,tion has been arrested, Africa. The petition was received in can b1. all that without; sloop- �d there iy +slight; increase in the silence Ur. Barton'.e immediate to vete business MIS of London Conservatory of Music will be pre- pared after Octt. ist to receive n ?Ill bor• of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingltaut. TRY IT. portant clement in dresst.t 'L'hey hat monizo.ailso with the continued fancy touches for black velvet on the corsage. Lucy Carter, Cornmeal poultices aro too heavy where there is great tcndernegs.Ftax- • seed and .slippery eim should be used. instead. When a cold first appears in tho head, three drops of .spirits of cam -t phor in water every three hours will arrant tate cold and give immediate relief. A slice of bread soaked lie boiling vinegar applied to thea throat as hot .-__..._----..-•..-...._-.-_-.�-._....._..-....-- as `-•- can bear it the ,_ -.L thing at c1 IS A VIOLIN AND GUITAR night, it. is said, will euro•sore throat before morning. S CARRIE MOORS ing, Rustit:ll, Renfrew, R'aliburten' Australian Pro -Doers. The Reil Telephone Co. of Canada LIMITED ' " o - int; to deri ion of the visitnig players, a,4s. 'f woodlatd. nouncemeilt that the Government We trust the b ys will remember this would comply with Mr. Chamberlains I request. for another 1,000 evoking when the next game of hockey is play cheery. ed and Ser all to come." . ViOni Heady Double 'Wit and runner. With Bright's Disease, ( 1 Sunday Bchr;o1 teacher told his infante to ask any questions they There are firnes when every woman is it l9etti'e and Torttirlaa Cane et , ]tall in th^ir mind';, and a little one tormented by itchiug skin and would tleucef'a rfI11e Disease -A. a Cs3re of the asked -`•When is the c}.reuy cumin%?'' rove a).ything for relief. There is a Pence Certin'rs to the Gdre by Dr, 1 I3rirgs--"Weil, \vr had ten addition Preparation. kuovvn as Dr. Chase's Oint- r..Ia t+ z€ielneY»I,xver Pills. t(, our family yester(lny." Iiraggs --- ntent, which is a prompt relief for these Mr. James DelIihunt, a much respect- " .tmn don't sayso?" Boy or girl! sufferings. Woman prize it. both for Cil�re,i ins of ('unsecon, Ont., states: Briggs-!!Neithe. It. was my wife's their own use and for its wonderful \vas a sufferer from Bright's Disease y Tor sews rag y esIra, and at tunes the tore mealier." effectiveness in carina Baby Eczema, tures of mine end bray' were almost be- Amiable Plutocrat -91u.. riche.; no scald of e1 chafing. and the various skin gtt ond endur,t: e. .The pains were in m) not being hnppin':,y " inn: mi -U-1 disease d fiend, between the shoulders and down Pauper- "Rut. I :ain't. ieekixv for .,.�.� - - - eioe whole ((pine, coneentrating atreat happiness. 1 tlitut1 b. quite :iutisfiecl ■ @� -. WANTED -Men and CEN women for a genuine money mnldag positien a no books, insurance or fake tieheme • every house a customer. Particulars free. Write to Clay . Every Woman Needs It. •tlte 'kidneys, \,h(to 1 watt ne • .r en re Walt amnia rt. ty free from pain. When I got up in Teacltt`r--" Now, children, who can tile' morning'i went about bent over •,early f}ouide. it gave the great Dain ( tell 1115 wlt:tt: the nle(lnil.e of hurcband to urtn,tt:', rad ?it times the water wail ; ler Small bey -"Please, Irutux, tile. \e••y:;,•amts, i.iee:,.nes Seemed tohave 1 ?tn:in th a. walla( the 11.1ir al nicht: !•ttle )r it„ ef.ect in my case, until Y wi' tire horst." asst etP.KAHc,ean 7-ogatn the u: e uf' Ur. c•ltastl's Milner-She--"Ify, is r Victoria street, Turontc, t)iutndn. • ta:t.l inr he t•atu.ld live -ever Ville. The lint dose relieved finer I }mold n•ne c.h.•ect• nail kiscc'(" Friend : l •r- • 1.,,:r. ' r:xr..+l :nee I ; Il i:a: ele•np. Rlxr- ^C *(,Huai on;, IkfG t•• .if??er. +`1T.. 05g rhOtph0 1716, Iva 1.•e expecte( p• Pti, (r urixly t u' Th Great nuptial. 71. m d e(1 having 1 1 JOB PRINTING, ineludin Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, C rculars, &c., See., executed in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice. Baogimilmrr-a: Wo are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines loft with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will bo given on ' ,�a l o ; a' application to W -i�l ffi i1 4i THE TIDIES OFFIOE, Wingham. fes SOLID RUBBER arri ,g1. , Tires Will carry heavy Loads and withstand hard service. All ever -satisfactory, easy - riding wheel tire. Every set guaranteed. Can be fitted to any wILI.d. Send for Catalogue. DUNLOP' TIRE CO. t.)MiVl;n, ronos•to. • ivr• .l 1. mins i let tar nervi. )s, and rat 1 CONS 1MPTZ' J S ah 1 • 1 1. f 1 tI (r !t lie I mU 1.S + 2 11 11 illi !' L� \ Ir ill in self -cont r ,Ittf.•tr'ret .•1 his r1..r to b,, en r.(.t XIII , .1., tl1..t-- 1).,n a corup.•iltl ,.bent hat, forms ofSeauat eelinets. all eeeeet;ofabuse of Aire.'lothose who desire•it, ilewilt cheer t :t.; ;' )od at day'., \vc,rk a3 I over d ria q a e e +J• TIn undersign ua nit tical: restored to t,IY ,. 'tee 1.l and a•}1.; Sold and recommended by 5.1 health by simple moans, after IOuf t i ing for r Vara, Dau,..t l••r". _`1:) 1.t e ! - druggist+ in Clouds. Oniy reit• sovera1 year \witti rt severe lima affeetiou, ural 7+rr. J. CV,.t cI, ,I:f .. of t'onseron, cer» ( hat })) men tire "r) ably medicine ctt8covered, dtx yy ouswrt ,ttotr i a , i that dread dtse'nyo ( 1 s anxious 1.t i trate .til•l without t:xag';eration. It stem t • ('t• 1r. If tit •y wrr, si t nae -1 Or la \soul1 or teas .trental 'worry Txresalve us•' otTo• fully 1.l Or f lint e) 1.r Pont? e r 1.b( yr, - foolish r t i t trine wall te.;w-fantried r) -41- i t , : ' " }' p or m a e. "drip on useti, w tire -1' M•. Da11it l t': 1'1 l • 1. ck• .y if Il" "' r . • 1' ,1,' , p n 1 'u , ekalga buarantetrt to pure all make )mown to leis fellow sufferers the mean extol, , '. a y 4.01 ( 1.•e 11 (. ) • t .•- 11. alt t x .) 0 l ' (i ! ,I1:11(s lemmaO inns Sti n rig nt Mailed on except - - ti 1 lticlt t toy will Mid a ((etre for uheu JOU Cat, ';,'t the teeted :uul , .•. • ofprlee.One paokatte$1,six,55. One vall oleeser nenealnittitm, Asthma (catarrh, i,roneiti- c qe' • , • ..1 • r 11-1- ,1 Inti. „ill i lie 01 tun' (l:ty efz recti cure.. Pamphlets free to tine address. tis and all throat and lin, Malalice. IIo ItrOven kilter. Dr. t,ha , s I{i(iney-T1., Ont. tryhis remedy, as iti a to 1Nlndsar O 11. •rets will t s , rr The Wood C tkt a hopes all sulit1 .,> P J r l 1.V •::•'• mai a • t ' L .e 11 r had of t baby ler Pf L r v . ., a t tt.tr a box all5 t .1.'..,rl pat 1 ,h.. .the ,re•srr t to illsThose desiring t i ti t Itie. , invaluable. ♦ r • it t i v eP d ':a C t . ,(. l :1,r.• :,t . oft a 'i.,•• a:• a .-1.L, .% ..0. . \ 1 1. Y 1 V t u deaf 1.a. (+t• L Imran. oft, I r t, ., !; iS'ood's i'bnaltl:odfne iv •u)d in 't i la.} inr a,7 which will cost thele uuthhai:, and mew pis re .reroute Agant'1 wr-ttua fez. Dr eh -.a t �i• baby?' "LI. `'y spilt:11 fer' lid Colin A Campbell t L. lramilten. 1:. A a i b u.,init will p n•+e address iron, Ell- RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. �:T TItA.INS LEAVE Iron Palmerston 0.50 a.m.... 8.55a.m. Landon 0.50 a.nt.,.. 8.lOpan. Kincardine. .11.10 a.m Altnivli Irnoli Kincardine ....0.40 aan,. 855 n.tn.... 8.10 p.m London- 11.10 a.m.... 7.55 p.m Palmerston 2.45 p.tn.,. ; 8.88 p.m R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wmghatn. last art „ dL oumplc#e Receipt DcOiG -ch::•, "bit y.,•'ll •'et�thr sn'xt" Douglass+,11ml J. E. Paris, Druggists. w.iItlb A. WILSON, Btooklyn, New York, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TUAtNS LEAVE Fon Toronto and East - 0.57 a.m.... 3.25 p.m. Teeswater 1.82 p.mn....10.48 p.m. Annivlh mom Teeswater..... 0.57 a.m . 8.25- p.m. Toronto and East ,..., 1153 p.m...,10r49 p n1.. J. II. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. IT PAYS ADVERTIS IN THE "'ANTED -Several persons of clammier and good reputation in melt stateone in this county recruited) to represent itntll ad- vertise old eytabliahcd wealthy business house of sold financial standing. Sntnry 518.0(1 week- ly with expenses nddittonal, all payable in cash eaelt Wednesday direct from head edgers. Burse n r s1. e. eft ]tLtnr.e�a. 1r . R. r e •• rat furrt}sltt w mid rria n1. n , y u q txl• sou addressed stnrn t n . •lis c (, t r e n< s t n h f A Yelapc. iilrtnnt;cr,IIl(rC:nxtouBttirding,(:�itcugu There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we snake that always brings peo- ple back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better•cluality of cloth put in them -cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER & CO •.. t')•• w!'(i.iYi...V ti . ire `TRADE MARKS DtslGNs COPYRIGHTS &G. Abv0ne Rending ealarClt and description MaY gt)(Ckl* ntlentlnln Mgr opinion free whether ne Invention 1§ probably pntrntable. Commuting: tions strictly con0dentlal. llnndbook on Patent:, tient free• Wont nge1P7 for securing patents. Patents taken through Mune & Co. moats *Nem aotrcc, wit linutcuarCe, in tit y��yqppss• U of SdentifiC .k handsoteel7 itln drnteti weekly. 1.'•raest rir. •. r,1. el •turnat. Terms. $i a 1.t any tie to t0 gni t1A.. t 7 l h , �, menus, . 1.l. b nil nnasdenlorn. Cnr, . r(rr ural t.'s El. i'1. t 7 , !IP N & Co.Oc2inrJ�aeY. ew York franca Office, 4111 \7tt