HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 5THE WtNGUAM TIMES. FEB. I, 1902. . FROMOURNEIGHBORS FEVER'S VICTIMS9 � E —�-..,�— ��r sins ail TH AFTE EFF ISEASE EN WORSE THE NEW TORE kl b c.•,- a � � i I 9 Gf�j c �= EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR REAOEOa, _ Slits fill ' (A SUL•L'•IsRLk 1"RO\I 1IIl 11'rEl. 1.1'1•t,t IS 01- 1 .®.....�,�.. - G 1 What Wldeaival�e Times Correspondents Communicate — Other ( CONTYPDI ID TI I f ti OF M)AIS TO III] IN i is 1 Y �) 6 p 1 aO ll) 1) :i — hl'i'1;111FP f'() 1,1: I� A pp Oar xclitlnaea, I nAPTU 1)lcTl�l=.. Clipped 'From O .. 1 Tile 0 tor effects of some troubles, 1 `� EAST cvn,NvANOSIX, M LORA.1I , { Stich as fevers, la grippe, etc., fire 1 �! Mr, and Airs. Richard James, havo re-, Clegg cC Armstrong shipped acar Joacl•� frequently tuoru serious in their results' zs�tleftlau ralluc�stlltlhvaicall wreck G1cIn ! �,, J �y 01 turned from a pleasant d r i v> u n i of hogs to Toy nto on rlups+lay. Iit i t, trip. They visited with relatives an Last 1i'rida night the Cerman Medi- I such cases as these phot is needed 1S a I friends 'n -Mitchell, Clinton Hurl oil ' cine Company glvp a lady's g^ld watch tonic luedieinc, to eurich the blood, 1 i 1. , to tlz(s art guessing nearest the Iraqi• { �trcii;,tL:11 the ilervlS, and put the Ready-t0-weal' Pleased with the 'Pone, i places. � party a s syston, right. Mr. L. Barnbardt, We were sorry to learn of tile illness her of beaus contained in a bottle, prosperous yoaug fariner living near proof of the truth , , '1;tOtt11116 of Mr. John R. Salter. Ile was vaecin. Ernest Geddes was the tacky person, Wullaad,oilers The beoinuer will probably be plea ltl� . g r has since been guessing 640; the correct number being of I.ht•..se statements. Mr. Barnhardt nto(I some weeks ago Au 1 !, 'with, the roup of nuv piano, so lougI hays. --'Souse years ago, while living 1n , I, (lifer unmatchablo tI1 i titers is auy approach to luniie. Troubled very much with a soro Arm. 011, the L'uitE'd Sttltus, I was nttackecl by j We hoe lie lila soon by able to be Mr, K. Scott, of Brussels, was iu town I ties lit our Cloth, � r I � ' y I p y typhoid laver ills after effects of which 1 The Bela. or about again, ou Monday oil business, moved moro distu<trOus to wy ; int* Department for , �- Mr. and lairs, Thos. Wilkinson are constitution Unit' the fever it•se'f, and ' the next Two Weeks, Our I� eW C03311ba 'fano for lnonibs I was an almost total wreck. 1 I`I ALt1LLItx• visiting friends in Dungannon this weolc' I bird no appetite, was lun, (trd and ! Stick must be reduced ftp (,rder 1 Will pletase the profes9lonal musician, as I One of those happy events occasioned a Quite a unmber from hero took ill the eulauiated, and apparently bloodless, ' to make TOOm for spring cloth. well. its the beginner, Its tone is clear ripple of excitement in our burg, on tea meeting Ili Winghaln on Monday I hurl violent and distressitic headaches, in,,,, which will nom+ to hand in am perY¢ot. They havti volatile and I Wednesday evening, Feb. 12th, when evening, and illy whole appearance was suggestive { it few weeks. Every garment strength which give Uloid uro to all, About fife nn I Ino u) i of it, rtipid decline. I tried no less than! well ,nado and guaranteed to Jun. o people a ca h t ZVe can tell you ether adviwtages, Miss', 1�ntzio, tltiutilltor of Air, J Y 3 g p P 1 three doctors, but they failed to beu":Yit ' „1t, 1'E, , ! Fergnson, was given Its a life partner to from Loudesboro on Friday night last � me. At this juncture it friend Of 1Ultie ; Satisfaction. We handle T. H. ..OSS Mr. Hoary Snyder, a prosperous farmer and entertained themselves at Robert I mentioned n_v case to another physician, ' the B&tiT (lLO'TIII\(I• Note our W FNGlIAM. of the Nile at the residence of the Bruce's, tripping the light fantastic, i aunt he suggested that I suould take it' Reduced Prices. bride's father. The bride looped Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was course of Lr. Williams' f Pink Pills, I' W-83311111 Musical Instrtuatolits, Sheet Musio, took this advice and found it host Sowing Machines (lnct I<ttl,plle's. beatiful in creata lustre with chiffon '. dispeuse(1 iu the Presbyterian cllurcll Satisfactory. Almost front the outset I Boy s' 2-piece t,4Uj>tq—Siset4 ` 2 to 30 and, laco trimming and carried a boqnet last Sunday. the pills helped me, and I continued their: _ Regular price $1.'}'5, sale price $1.25 Regular price :*3 00, sale price j2.26 V s,utnant's Painless Corn and Mrart of carnations, IOses Arid suillax. Miss = +-- lice until I hart taken about iL doled { "' " ,).00, " 1,50 I " " 3.50, " 2.15 Lxcraetor BlancheFer Ferguson, the youthful sister LANGSIDE. boxes, when Ifelt myself full,; restored' " " 2.40, " 1.05 F g ' We are pleased to see sickness (desert_ to illy termer health, olid my weight i Is the only remedy that positively,curus of the bride, 1u white made a dainty increased to 105 pounds. I have enjoyed V IS Uap' ftel,�,oalS UISIerS Reefers e G ' 'll9i,� corps rand warts wffhout pain ill twenty- maid of honor, while the nuptial knot ing our neighborhood and we hope soon the best of Health ever since, and I will. i 1 t 9 q 'c al cos ea four hours. Asti your druggists about I to see all patients pick up their beds and always give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ; IiG •w' '$- )sees �anitS—�t :�.e� .� � tel ;�:3 it he has sold it for a longi= time. ClAb was securely tied by the Rev. J. 3 B „ walk. the praise they so richly deserve." I ,_ E. c.•, r ally (lrnggist who offers you a substitute Kennedy. 'These ills are a certain care for ' Regular price *;3. a, sale price ^y2.ai0 Relnnln_ price,-1.50, sale price ,+.,,.,0 Mr. Will Gardiner of Ashfield visited p 1 " " •1,00 8.25 I 'e " 5.00 " 4.00 for Yattlaln's Painless Coro Extractor. { _ lite rafter effects of fever, la grippe suet ! + He kl,ONY,S it is the best; you will too if, on the Gth on Sunday last. r \Nears Brain 11 orlters, pneumonia. They make new, rich, red! �'©tt$i9.'K �'itti#s�—�ti:s+"•m 33 to vv you, try it. Fagged alit ideas canto as Slowly ns Quite a number have already finished ! blood and strengthen the nerves from { Recgular price x;5.00, Sale price 74 GU Regular plaice $1.50, sale price 1,0.00 molasses. You think of thins just a hauling ice for another season. Time first doso to last; and in this way they a at 11 6,00, .t •1.75 tiliriute or two too 1tt.te,Sna 'S suet 7'h0 hies! cure sash troubles as nuaolnia, , r 1+toltlti5• p g neuralgia, rheumatism, heart weakness lfl!ett tri#►r ant t--reant I.ariety buoyancy that made work a pleasure— lair. Murray's driver, it is Said, still , tiduey and liver Aihlleuts, partial ! R„auler price ;5.00, sale rice :4.00 The council met according to adjourn- that's gone too. The doctor would tell 1 p I Tlegnlar price Ii.:,O, sale price ;5,00 i rnent on Feb, 10th. Members all res-, you that you aro run clown, not eating shows but little signs of recovery. para)ysis, St. Vitus dance, etc. They : " ' ` " 11 p y R � a u It G.pO' a `.�,) ,t (, n.U(i, t. 7010, . 8.00 tilt except Mr. Code; the Reeve in the 14311011911 nor (ingesting enough. Your Rev. Mr. Dann gave all interesting also tits lives u the functional n tiso ainanynen women a a i4lent'i. Q9t er:allS, �1#t•om�, ga 4•flQ nstat(82• awl iild T ®(rl'PitLe(Q !i�•iy ami Chair. Minutes Of last meeting were I stomach needs aid, your digestion needs discourse t0 a larger congregation than akt)sourcle COI1Stof misery, a o boli,}.* i ' a bracer too. Your blood regnir"s usual on Sulldav last. Regular price r,0c, solo price aloe Regular oric•e 85c, sale price bac read and confirmed• I Phosphorus and Iron that it may be the Glow of health to pall! stud sallow { „ p , ) Mrs. Jos. Tiffin, sr. has received word clitol•s. Other alleged tonic, ills are ; GSc, 50c 1.00, inc Moved by Shaw and seconded by Tay- ! formed readily. Now Forrozoue is a p for that b law No. 1 As 11Ow road U©+ wonderful nerve briac:ur and blood that her grandson, Biatlter Joseph and imitations of this great medicine, a X a tit ' r .a'" at n t Id - AA I I Ilio i na d s Y ! maker. It's food for the blood and and the buyer should nee that the full: Regular price x;1.00, stile price i:)c' Ri;:ular price 82..0. stile price �1.i+U passed. Carriod, i nervus, it will nlalce you strong quickly Hetherington, mot with SCT1011S injuries I name ^Dr. Williams' Piul> Pills for 1.2i-), 1.G0 3.00, ?.1.5 4n motion of Shaw and Taylor the i and permanently. Sold by A. L. in the woods on Saturday, having tin 1 Pale people.11 is on every box. Sold 41 t 1.50, °' 1.20! 8..,0 3:15 following accounts were ordered to be Hamilton. arm and a leg broken. I b,7 till dealers in medicine or sent post- ; 1 " 2.00, " 1. t) { ;i paid: Municipal World, blank assess- 1 u. Mr. Dau. McInnes purchased another paid tit 500. a box, or six boxes for 1$2.50, 1 911eii's Winter hi, timlQ:t'tti'ella' s "..11141 11trat4•: Qum '.t ST. 1tl.Lt: +ls. flue horse oil Noticias near Dnnt=auriou by addressing the Dr. Williams 1 Rey talar pries 50c, sale price <iPC I til ];Alta Y)rioe :,�1.(a0, sal 1)riut' 75C y inent roll $3.85; Municipality of Grev, ' + I Medicine rockville Ont. , , !.7 t r , Co.,' .• ' '• 65C, • DUC '. 1• 1.L]..), ,.- 4 Settlement Of boundary £li ('0L121t IO date, I T. �Odtl lost a drivfu'* mart) while to replace the one sold to Jim Forster. S ^ " INC. " (ii7G I „ 1.5U, ° • $23.81; T. S. Brandon expen"s 10 (,ad- i breaking the road last week. R. Our February thaw apparently lost its 66 - erich witll county rate $5; T. S. Bran- i MoGuire sold one. of his fine teams way, as fete thaws Over thawed like this 1st.uL; At.u. For tai Wt, ,n yeas the curt of Bulter Bradley r I �U���i 5 Potatoes, � Mad la llQ :lif� �S Apples l e511 don, treasurer's salary A.100. 1 to J. Foster for a flood iignre. T. Joynt thaw thaws. of winghanx, has been n fanillinr object upon ! �� ._ ' _. k �... _ �.. oil motion of Taylor and Jackson the and J. Agar made alt, ixchan ;e of teams r our streets ns on each recurring Tuesday :old fr -council adjourned t0 meet agaiti 011 recently. „ I Friday night lie distributed hi, supplies of1'tliv r (' •�'� a y Special is coin Narwicil, �tlt. 1hO Te- staff of life." from hoose toltouse. DnringClintHo Es ' a March 1 ith next. W Took, who suffered Sento\vhrlt of a covery of Mr. Norman Batty, Htli are I ISAP 7W. CLARK. clerk. { relapse when recovering from his heavy Merchant, one of I\orwich's oldest andtimuha ha, only ctisiq,poiuted his, c•u::tamers is improving slowly. Mr. olid three times. Such a record it wouldb'i liard C;ollectur Mooney has rotnrned his cold, Most successful cii:ilens, has excitedthree beat, especially when every winter two or 7•' ° d^ C 6Z ST ^ i 99 p' _ . much comment. For years Mr. Batty $licca storms such as we had lately, to be 'The 'heap Gash Store. Opp. 1.,+a;* 0f i 3ismit a on. s roll, every cent on the roll beta;, collect- I Mrs. D. RutherforQ' told Mrs. R. JK, ,hits been an unceasing- sufferer loom y - enecnanteredeverylu•hiter and Mr. Bradley's r •1r .0 w q• " ni't e(1. ! Miller went ott a. visit to Goderiell { Catarrhal Asthuta and although no end00 �. i:.�-•��� _+ -�• _ . ()n February 5th at the residence of; friends oil Tuesday; the latter will of time and money was spout; relief was lflrgE•1- i:�lecc> ]tlu6ert clitlittle taott r i, ciescrwhlg of a reluain for it time. C. A. TObbuttl not obtained until M r . Batty , :fit+y lie Ions live to the bride's father, Mr. Elijah Pease and F. eotnlnence(Z CAtarrhozone treatment Hilt his cad. Miss Elizabeth Young were married by attended lite I. O, '1 . At Iiotne held in { , An ideal night with bright mo(rili!Iht, cool A ear of hogs was shipped un rridn;; by Joy at Crediton on Tuesday ni,E;ht and at I which perfectly cured hint. This ease { Lice. Mr. Elastie of Belgrave. Mau i the town hall, Lueknow. on Monday is only equalled by that of Mrs, Bannon, r rids and just enough frost to mtalce it a Plea—! Ptwh Lxetcr on Tuursda night. Many ! I I sure to be out, favored the attendance of 11 ; The onnnut at,-•ring of the Bluovale I'la., } fix, , R. l;e!dOn, wltn hila CLat'=t Of OT- good wishes are exteuded to the happy I evening and reports It very pleasant'. wife of J.J. Baunou, Druggist, whiv wa,s ,large company at the hoc social in the Forest- •g �' time. We are pleased to know that 1 tilso cured of Astlnna and Hay Fever by tit i aIeg Co..l oLtd. \wilt be held In the• Foresters' hill galli'riu„ the compot,y was the first Y couple. i C. Gordon! CFLtaT] a1O20lle after thirty years' suffer. i ens' hall on 111riday night. Thu Presbyterian i oil 8, turday, ilebruary'22nd. sp aker. 1Ie dealt villi the (1ACSCi0i1 in l We TC^Tot t0 al]ri0AY1CC tl]0 death On 1TiS9 (�. Ghas SO far recovered , 1r st , c koir, who laud the matter in hand, spared no Dull (C: r to wart shipped tw,) cat• loads of I a b1,SineSS like vittinier, =h i •'" figures n 1 ]uv . Pully a hundred persons i.tl thl' pains to assure success and their t x aectati ms , i tips at will ' �.� eb. 11tH Of W1113Atn FTAI1Ci9 BTyianS, ,from her recent illness as to be able to tOgwii have been cured Of CkLKarl'httl 1 I I maple calls •:: to England lust wo••k• to show the extent of basins: s that wall lid sou of Wm. Br sus of the 4th i gu about household riilticis again. (troubles by Catatrhoz0uo which is a `were fully realized. For a \wonder, the gontle. ( lair. a•)ti Mrs. Will. Gonimill of Pilot Diutuid, autlnally be clone fn the three buildings. SeCO Y I I men on this occasion outniunburutl the radii., liau., wore visiting friends ill Ill- v,l•age this ( '111e buildillg must btu !guilt' liu-ge enough � remarkable proof of its value. Two :. I' � e ° g con. Pneumoni , w.:s the cause of 1 I ..1011tl)S trefLtt..silt, Price ;1, Su1i111 size : and consequently several of thrall went \, ill we -tt. llic•y intend to return hone: in n few I o thitt inerelvisits ut'd duelers in all JA,li1SSTOtt N. death, and his illness was only of IL 1 ) 25c. Sold by (ill Druict;ists or by ..tail i out a suppo •, but the little buys ktudly gave up wt,alot. Ill-0 6urronn(ling towns niny be able week's duration. He teas 21 suras ruxl We are pleased to state that Mrs. An-' from Polsnu tS Co., Kingston, t)ut, their bo is to the oittc•r ones and ay Homy ns 1 The ball which was po.,potwd on account of I to rent space, becid:s having sufdcient (prow Sim Sou is hit roving nicelysifter po.'t,:iblo were supplied. The tirst part Of the I burl weather will be holt fn tho Foroyt'ors' litill room to pantile at least 80,000 barrels of l months Old. / p i g L ev(,uin, was spent lit playing all sorts of gane•s ' thi:1 (Friday) evening. alt;,les. With the poultry Canada has 11)eT i11nCSS. She has hecto under lite I \t'lto\t:Tl•:I:. I and then the first part of tilt• programme was i M s, Ashton Mason of Stnufurd, Is viaittnG not £a!: wet (1O11C lntlt•11. While in t$0 doctor's cure for some time. The i given. when the boxes wero given out tcc•ur- : relatives Anel feieud, in thi•+ vi:'initr . � >t `l � the Presbyterian church tiers hold I : U,r . 1 .. tat"s their iuconte from poultry I Hiss Addle Milligan is confined to the red the most exciting scenes of tilt, evening. , Mr. F. B. Scott was called to 8eufurth on Sat- was, in 1:'J:), over t "loo,000,000. Calla- ����� their annual meeting last Tuesday, said ; I - i house with It bealiug ear. , Aiitny a young man, its his hoc \res put in his I aortas gay the ithe•�•s of his p:n.•:it+. Mr. and , ;,talus thillh a persOn is exa{ggerafing was well attended. They 1L1�0 in good Rant,,, heaven a deep, dispaitin, sigh, and ! Mrs. F. Scott. Mom tht:y run lilt() lgures awou g the Mr. W..i, Willis had a bee last Satur- Shape financially. I visions of the cloudly salmon Qniidwi ,h passed! Helen Black is rve ovor;n,; from it,-)- rt4•ent millions when dealing with the poultry aBa'��C i day for hauling wood to 'Wroxeter. t before tats eyes as lee resigned himself to fate• iline::a, e T11(, Quarterly Board of the �7.etho(Iist b question. 1311. tiles h:1w: Hiroo juld an I Miss Roseua 'Wheeler ling returned to church met at Salem on Monday. Coll- ;'ilei tore off the lid. But, to Ilse credit of our Mr. Jos. Pugh ]ray purchased tilt- \wngon shop opportunity to produes largo gaautities. Ft 1 her home in Tarnberry, after spending I , ! young ladles, let it he,teca tit it only onF;rt;};ltttlTSth Sl, Itty occupied by A. Craig. simply because thttr? ling 1.) On no lace All Well—all happy—lots ; siderable business was doup. and tho . of serious after•e:ieeta has been reported ana The Bishop of Huron has zippoint^d Rev. J.C. heretofore lit this part t0 haudlo tl em, ►, ; a year with her brother. Board invited Rev. Mr. MOKelvy for alt• ! the young man to question is nowwell oil the + McCracken of Chesloy, rector of Thorndale. Six ,veoks ill the fall gc1leially Sees Most of fun". That is the regular , Mr. David Moffat, sr., is having lits other year, which ho acceptO:1, road to recovery. \when tlaointerestitigperiotl 17 he Ru' gt�nttEmnn is n San of '.dr. John Me- of our l/oultry mnrlteted. ThC cansguner n I ice house filled for the coming summer. , „ of the distribution of the boxes, claiming of Crackon of the Bhu'wale road. cannot eat thein all iu s0 short time report from the monkey cage John Ritchie of Win„ roans, was fu I partners tinct consenting of the eutatblos had i I Iia hada small Use IASL Saturday haul- Fordwieh lately, inspecting M.r. Will• I passed, tilt, svcond:part of the prograinine, • .miich.'tare the hosts of Mr. Mrs. Kiiw- I deale fix,-int e S oosv 'e their poultry, w the of Barnum's Circus ever Since in = it from Wroxeter. ; I g K , dt Al(r as often 100St'S els makes, whil•i �+ Fleets d\\'el1fU�', lately destroyed by I given below, was presentee. Rev 1V. J. west t1 Mrs. Alex. Ross of winghum, visited Mrs. the ltierell'tnt %voii'M prefer -the ca.;Y Miss Lizzie Ball of Ethel is visiting was the chairman unci lie gave tin interosti)1 Collio on FVoditesdit All till, could be dont moil, with by llav- tlle keepers began closing the i fire I y' I y p g a her sister, Mrs. Geo. l•:ulanire Mr. J. C. SC1liefiy Of Mildmay, arrived i ol)oning address on St. Valentine's Day, it-8; An open meeting of the L. o. L. will be hold 1 iilr a poultry finishing sit, tion and a cold monkeys 1�'ltll Scott's l►?11t1�- Jennie C%arruthersfrom the. LO\(' I fou,uler and traditions. .MusIe was supplied in the lodge room oil the evening of Murch 1st, ! st w.1-m plant, where v isr quantities MISS , itl town about fUl1T o'clock pt1 '1.liCetda;w y ggle Herbert and M:tbel Oliver, and when Organizer Thoma,; A. Dnif will addres ' coUi 1 l:e stored nu hl requiroa of until y i b Miss(s A lands is spending a week or so with Miss and at ten o'clock next day bad stock ' by Mr. and Mrs. Charley Garniss and will the muatieg. rwerybody will be laude Art-l- cold weather set, ill. '.Milo. _poultry S10n. COI1S11rT)pt1011 11'aS carry- g©beCCa 1Vri;•ht. onotY 'i, subscribed to bay a set of weigh i Haney. The church and Sunday school choirs .Dome. I r building will be equipped for I Undlin„, Ing 'off two thirds of them Mr. Lou. Eclauire, a.iios Lizzie Pick- scales and put i1 building 11p ill goof1 i ory sovornl to and Eva selections. Jami:: ; Mrs. Osborne and Miss Martha Osborne, of 1,00(1,000 head, including what is jgrown" ..tire and Miss Maud McKelveyspent -, , (trey gave a Sala and iLvn Daft and Ecu Patter- ! t thei, are visiting \its. L. Fraser. I at Cite pla=it and t1iCt:•„ (i 'l, fariners y p shape. So much for Mr. Sllhiefty i son sting it duet, white Mrs. ~Test, Miss Jennie! .lir. and furs. Knight, of Ripley, srelit Stat• ; Fella in, so that conni hi j; .til a ,)rufit of,,,, every year and the Circus had I Sunday afternoon with Miss Mary Simp- Mrs. Joseph herby called oil friends in i EUtot and Misses Polly and Alice Duff gave I (lily at Thomas Coulton . per heart oil poultry ktud a not profit bf t0 buy new OriCS. son. Corrie on ruesrlay last. I suitable recitations. When the proceedings O„ Monday evening sparks from the shim• 810,000 011 the Cold tit 2)1:9; ;', we have tltE>• A very pretty home wedding tool: Mr. and Mrs. Johann of Behuore, , `vera brought to a close by the national air Huy set flre to the roof of Mr,. Baile;y's house. handsome dividend of ;:00,000 on all, One d2 a keeper accident- ' place at G oclock last Wednesday even- r, them, all expressed thenlselvc., as wclisatistled Tho flames were vxtin;tui4iud, however. hofore invOSttllellt Of perli aps not more dinik. day p collect on Mrs. J. Bnthaner 011 Tuesday ; p\•tilt Chu oveniag's entertainment. \ ing, Feb. 1`3111, tit the Motile Of Mr. and last. Christer Pugh returned from Clinton on much damage was done. I}kl;.O,UUI� " all bootee a bottle Of Scotts " { Miss Nellie Bickle spent a few days with till'• A. Men, :,,!ball, of tl•,b ri,;i, n;:o .s,'c:• y Mrs. Alex, Forrest, Oil the ISG Con, of The election held lately= at 13elntOre Tlntrsclnv, after being sterna•+toyed there for a fi lentis in wingh:uu riots \wevlc. liv%t $11111 Who leu, ea a repro-pr!+tiwc at tilt- Emulsion lOn 11eaP the nionke I Morris, when their• eldest danghterXiss week. Iia \wits aeeamp:miud by his cousin world's Fair, took the nastier in hu+ad, dealiva; 1. mu S S for school trustees, it appears, is to be Lectin Patterson, who will visit a short tame�'� Three loncL't oS young pt•opla from Winghanli � \kith the handling of fruit tin lie Hata so^n it a. { Agues, joined heart toad hand t0 George protested. We will hoar l..uro about it' I attondod the box social lust Priduy night. I :a is, (�htsgowaud elavtwhore. At these place+ cine and lite lnollkc 's eatl'el'ly i = 1 in Bluovule. The following books have bviln received tit 1 the entire exhibit had come out of rind storag.. j Wheeler, rg pl'UspOrOtts yottnt, farmer ]ll the library: Thr waaadoring .Raw•, 1.2 vols.) I niciltrFrom forth public when they �found the - later on. _ , lapped ed It u from the fluor, Grey. Rev•, Mr. Swaim of Blue Mrs. John Bray is lunch about the , I Eugene Sirv; Hans Brinacer land tlae Silver I fruit peas front twelve to c iltia•:t mo,ltlJ,.k*lc l p p 0111, fitted. lite bride, escorted by her Same, ometimes it little better, but is I r•Ci"St;2 tCti �'t::-•, t,. =wi.3 ::. ,.2.^t ori' ;.11calt(•y, bq r,Iary gape. Dudgo; The wiaurcl, bw incl had retained t1itir bri•; It ; ::arA>"? through that let,gth of tier.•. Mr. ;°;;411 ,,voii This suggested the idea that it father, entered the parlor to the Strains very weak. Miss Jean Davidson is at- � n � `,. �� RidorHaggard: The Palthfinderand Tlie Doer- eotiviusivoiv that there, i, C",:, Wa.v. ,tml of Mendelmohn's wedding march )lel :;inyer, by J. Peniewre (oopc•r; Condemned its dray only, i')y which Ave can oh,*.ain ,r,.n +l price e play- tellcdin;,= to lite StOCC. >i !•%!al" 't f ' j) '� :,� 1„ Nilitlist, by (x. A. Honty: The Prisoner of for our nage. at 1 nvpthtt•ts, anti 1, 1, vy tent i, ri11�71t cl0 t11Cr11 g00C1, 1tICe 1 ed by Mr. Leonard Rnttatl. Tile bride i ? I c•onsunwn-4 It t4 prert,oa? on ,,, b; daft.•r,. George Stakes of Winnipeg, is Visiting Y e� � f� .S� iib { lends, by Anthouq ITupo; Chinatnie Ptldtlen,by roa»aiur•a:a antd nil p,•, snnv interest. ti i:t the then the monkeys have received': was assisted by her Slater Miss Pobeeca, `: + iu lite tailings tit present. He (lriw('s tett � � � i L, w, Townsend; Mtu•i:m trrac•, b;; Mary J. \v.•liare of our crnintr�•, sudsy n:t inveytuten: ,� �t , •�, : �g� s ;t+t*� '� ? tive^•'n a n,an neva only lool: bavic at the a•'ritloes \v,• . • while Stephen Taylor fulfilled iiia dot- I _ 13olmc•y, oma other s. isawo octets in yelling our product,, their con- regular doses and the keepers tett Of rUOlUstrlall. - The bride was beiLU- ' engine from Ziylnlllpeg to GiLlgaTy. . � c(l !lsd a Vcry crve'r � g;,;!,tiC�9 F Diiss T,eoan unci biust,n Irarwlp Tslliot'r, n, sitter wheat we might llavt' saved hart we p,• g Air. John Gibson brought his bride I , a, 1 1 , report Very few deaths 110111 i tifull attir(-d iii oreitin uaslllnere trin- that tOb!( Olt a;l r +V 11 .la', T }7Ar- winglitnn, visited at It. N. Date' . un �Verha,•s a i hat m }nuelle our good,. Ito also ]u»trtea 1 Y ( lionle On Monday evening last to his ; -dd chased a bottle t i i .. ia'S i i r.r r i day. out the titans nun kc'ts t(Ir' of+r l•,o viv, 'ho\witl;; ! [Hurl twilit Satin ribbon and trice. tial O. 6 • . ;, thr No"N. ontt ro• vita's its riett ..tines. ..•ear CO:ISbllllptidri. Of curios( It`s 1 h dwelling on church street. I Vigo: and It t,ruu;,et ..11 r ,y t.a:t , naris ala. rapidly inc rt•aying t!ornp,ar(raa, our + 1�he bridesmaid was gorvIled in Swiss I lair, 1ieury ATnr'5tT011 = Ot fir a lllttll• ' bac;( 1t�Atn,p' �; '� ^` ! arolt Nor(h•w. st ('ntltltry w'lllp lt:. li•.ns4 cheaper to buy Scott: Einul-IatBiit:,ie i • inuslin tritunled with haco and illsertioll. 1 , ' W. D. Quinn,QUinU, i ttl'PC1i1CS., ill. fa' _ u,t,r,,Z- '^ ,t Iar v:S �ta(I, \we ` ,her of buggies last week «'bleb he stared — dent not :utci laewel w :11 be able la .:t ,tot\ t1U• Sion than new monkeys---and1,.%fterthecon congratulations given • gg � THE PU!3L(C MEETING. aetaana. l �' g g lit the old tvtl};ou shop on lio)vick 5t. . ; ,. , A. Foxrtwter cit•ait }\i,it the un: anon ' the bridal party proceeded to talo dining ; r I One trill] 1 � CLrL1il1 � ( 1'aeldii a; ainit Cold storage. Discas,e•l, i•: his t+-01-known bu•(i u•,wtil'v' m;l•tP..... that suits the Circus men. ;Nljsa � W. Mnm'oe of lIilvertOri, fa visit I >c � _ � 1 proysc2%home flit• fact to tle•an<li •Ica the. ii tic !room where the tables fairly groaned • itur at her brother's, A. Munro, Howick i Ayer's Mail VI-or {401 makes � I IOunto t ;`,1 Bra.I is th, limo m oomph-to the tiald:I, or C01i511111pti011 111 I110111:CyS " under their weight of ;;ood things pre• 'street. � the flair I'oVJ, "1 t:ia is t' ! Tho public rel r r t i it �" called filo ! 1,aititl ��:i .alit 1'i�r �F �;il`:i a act«=';;n".lig• and ill lean is the Sadie disease, pared by the amiable hostess. 'Tile ! A lot of woad is cumin *iota the t f}1• ! � g '. �; M1ionritly night., in ihr• town na,ll, c^n•,. i1� alio ,t,u•1, tout ybgwe 1, ;, irs' i5.are. tt, a t. b hecadlSv 1% lS d laud {�OtICI. t , { ... a rvestnemr uutlu•l;: U:1'•1• a.%W,4% • t i • or are threaten- cerl(iug the* (,unnty Pnckiu. nn•i C•td,s • r If Oil have threaten- l ()V011in� \Nati Spt'llt itg j(a.11g('S, Illt1S1(', a;;C ju$t 11O1w. Y r o.n• to•t(Tiv •tai i 1rPrn.•.i 11 •. ; . a , social CIiat till<l (111ne7n They were it feeds the hlllr titiel Ulw x 'Srova.v 0o. was well lirtE'rl"I h rn+.•l\ rn...•.i.li'ltg•.1.,, .',, tllo••u; ,,,.,Aa. i g Ur. Win. Hint*ler of Westfluld, is t t' :n,i= it .,r•t2: 1: .1.... _ oCl with it Ca11 CUbI t. u•r•ful trod linu(1• " hair r0�V5 thr�.it':i W i � i'w':1': {.-- business nitw Hud others, to +Ie,tr otic t.,.........IVY ,j,,, 1+' I11, 111 ,11.1,,. t•, '.,'. :1.1• ,r ,;: t„ •,:.. visit 1,3 this \1C•ltllty, �t 1 ditita1FS10119 t,\• prominent 11U'12, \t•itn { ,;d• r+nett:) Ft:e-•t:,.•;.„ by is*tte4•, n,'•t the recii)ients Uf malty i y r ' - - �- ? soino resents showing; the esteellt of the i 7S 40 it. It �#ojJa fill�lilL; - ' thnrong}llw nnder,tarld th•' s(• ,-1110 :in•l a 1a ha•aa , a •w 1. sto, k wilt rn•a„ •:,clw t tali) the hint. i p ..� rc , . 11:1, tl.l,•; as • rata.. h - a, wile fire (')l le'avorin , to "proilaotE such t' lasso. 11av v This picture represents i bride. Shit �t as is nleniber elf thO chair I 1() } of the hairy too, .nd ill , Ile tics I'etell 511111 1112 fILC111 lot '" tn_••a:,rr tl • i :'• ra t(tl. bits 11.111, tIv, -mat is t'lle Trade Mark of Scott's f;U tho Tohllston church for it slumber of , V , t , , ; ! {lit tStabli,4iment lie, 111C' t•llaip' w.L+ ;ve;l tt„Putt .,: 'ef111 nldl,t, t • i „ (on. South 1!aasthope. to .thon,as ; .ways restores color to occupied by tli.11,110u,t)e, who is all I t„r•, del:bv i, 11 .amlwr. a:9ti ,e ..r inc.,• Emulsion and 1a an the years, :lir, and Mrs. Whiner twill• tnite i wrapper of ovety bottle. ;111) their hoint' on Tho 1st litre of t-rrey. ; ('alydwell, Downie, for .$6,ow. -gray -hair. euthAsiast. The sot alters were A4cssr' t'1. Mcl). Allot,. W. R .11oloeu, 1). A Scarf for fore sem 'lc. I whero their numerous friends wish them i Lrtlitiptou L Rthodist church alias es- . $1.D0 a bottle. All dre�Ilcts. 1� err(+:'ter and Rich Irwin tad is w,a[ r+ w. i nuilly harpy and prosperous years' I 'teildeel a lllialliln0119 iilVitittlUlt ft,) Rev, t . 'a•°°^” '"""'""*”" st`tell that Hon J, T, ciarrUtV, 1 \lr. i'. (• ' ~ ti Irvin f I,is.mrt 1 1'o b• (a u(1 Choir send pits ton E'�tif. l..:\Cin<y, Hulas„car of rhe+ ,. SCO'T'T C 1)(74 Xr,# ! r 1f your drag est cannot no;•ptq yon, , } i w , i Irvine, t 1 • I a dour and wo \vitt 6XI)MM lb. Volans, M. I , 1). 0ant(lon and a , 'TORON: ro c,r�"AMX f tap tltil:i:.t rpr.t) IN (yNt. 15:lY r for !lest �Cortferencr wear,' ' Y!pu. trio. Be sure and rilotiar.name fetyOtlltrr rveultialso Uo present, but eaTt,rtii h);nir.'1:,)r' ;ht) I.,:ruk of t.utn- paste oP gout nearest ri�rress afl, It. -Y ldress, $ Stic1C+ , tins Lia' It 'it •1,1it1iclt, It 111 Ar tit y: wld P. all dttl &lobi Taste Laxative 13ronto '(quinine �'al)lets. All and he 11..5 acv:•ptf,(l. subject to the J. C. AYER CO., 1.0 w,,;:, litasS. ; u�villg t0 other engagements Nero unable iii a 5 string fists refund tin moner if It fails to'ellilk, ' i$. iY. Cirawe'4 sit;nature iy oe cacti bei. :.'sic 1151ta1 t"Oni'CTC[1C2' ill`t1(,11. _ _ >�pgati to (10 Ab. SiYtlllitr Yl]@etln ,�S 1VCro 11C1t1 I Waterloo. . ' i