HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 4THE, lYINGIIA11 TIMES, FEB, 21, 191 bf?. it 11u, ){ Worm ns �jI et i t'r •. �•3 �� _G�; �sy,r�j1 - � � � � I :7 � �1P.t - .. t"7•-7 "'�' `)S"1 _ .. .. -- . .. _. 0JOHN KERB y JAS, H, RR Never Stop Till Vora diet Here, co PEOPLES POPULAR 9 i as ",,,i I �c����aocs���o�o���®�m�a®d�®m�Wo©xea����t��ta•�m®®®Qme��a�flm�ts®©c�or�co®e�..�m�a►®®(�®t�©me1�a�: 1 � 4t t'. le us itt lite 1� Longest War onRecoru-'11 � � � 4At LoW P r stare . -ly v ainlroll by 7 ria 1 0 G 0 3,11 :1 0110 +. uth of (wo. `i i Is that gaged between f � 00Do[ 'Sas +..'. Wt• will ttt t i 0 ebrlas,� • �, bo plug his clothes—the � - � { glad illi ottr ale! l in y jai Vire can beat everybo ly al'ICI everybody February Sale (uetO:: ,:uillaauyuf'�y t result is generally in favor W oixe : iww store. t4 .� of the bo '. knows i.t. For fancy chinaware, Good ! of seasonable goods at ?uc on the f ,r �.. o dollar. He is a bundle of Boots and Shoes, Fine Dry Goods, Pure Anything' mentioned in this � 0t Gcolunxn ,you can have at a discount •' aggressive activity, is the Q Spices, and High Glass Groceries we of 25 .)er Gent. Move quick it' a. boy. He sails in to knock ° & . yell want to secure ;some great p' kdq out that new suit au sight. bargains in New Goods. I ) 5 • 0 certain! do take the lend:. q ..... He usual! succeeds all 0tae � Druggist i � 1�1 �✓}c`i,SS rCDC'ierleS . Butter, Eggs, Dried fipples � i?LSTERS � -s.. ...' :11 LA too well. ® Morton's En&l]sh Pickles. J and Onions Wanted. also Cab • His energy and activity are hard to beat, but the a Chow Chow ............ 1.2.5o bag°' Parsnips, Ete. SNITS �1 �: TO ADVERTISERS. 7 y ' g will dA it, � � Mixed ........... . ..... 25e CAPS i 4 Passive resistance of our boys' clothing ` - ....,. Pickled Walnuts, , ...... , . 25L' ! GAT'NTLP',T • tiotioo of ch:ao : t1ntvt be left at this 7, Pickled White Onions .....25e ' s otfiee not later• than Saturday noon. f We sell Shorey's make of Boys and children's a, , I�Te*t� jury � oflzi5 �zIT'rs • The copy for t: ttilres iunst be left i ea cy I ickled Olives.......... , . Y5e , not later tll.n '1'ntssday evening, r e clothing. '1"hC material used in these garments 1S tp ! �"` • Casual arlNc+rti e.uents accepted tip il all shrunk. 'l`l1e areSe�vnwith thebes liizenthrea( ® Evaporated Peaches. We will be pleased to show you LIQ*ED GL()VEI . a to noon .rhur-qday of each week. I l;S y p rwaporated Apricots. ; our new goods fur Spring. Corme � � - - ! an(1 we furnish a guarantee with each. garment. ® Choicest Cocoas and Chocolates. in at anytime and take a look WOOL SON • L5i18r, :.'. to a Icing Powder. Jelly Powder. through onr. large stock and feel •' If you buy our boys' clothing from us you can WOOL SHIRTS ' K: y y y y g y a Puddine Powder. under no obligation to buy, .� ' tell our bo to o ahead and enjoy himself. Gelatine—white and pink, j CARPETS •. 41. R. ELLIOTT, Pt*ui.1.:Hrn. ail Pnorur molt 1 ! p i '1'`l ew Dressy' Noels r , -4 (� �igb Glass '7�ea MANTLE CLOTH �, • Everything New. �, Brocades, now shades, Satin) s PRIDAY, PHBRUARf 21, 1902. We have all prices in Blue Rib- i Ciotti, new shades, New Serves, SHAWLS ` Lustre Cashmere, Homespun, T , •; I buy and sell for Cash, i ® bon+and'1lonsoon,paekage teas- !Cheviot p t WINTER SKIRTS �^ e METHODISTS EN FETE. _5a 30c 10c 50c black or mixed. Cheviot, s i i ® It will pay you to ive the best as ; BLANKETS • -An 7lnmense Cru d.—Itev, (;. ti'. Render-! Q) New liinslias, New Dimities, co • ® you will ,get Purity, Flavor and • R"li, of t•.t. Mary., reaches •r..•o i 5 M @ New Art Draperies, New Prints. HOODS s: Thonghtfn[ t,erutnub -.Tho Preacitt , j1 10 Aroma,ds, not to be found in cheaper r ' • Rite Choir, the Organist ZlIurlt t' grades, Great Bargains in Newl+lantlel• TAMS e Pn•ocinted--'flte Z•irst Things Said.— Cf+R'. 9 0 Black ettes, ,.)c, %, ie, Sc, 10c, 1,21c. • rite Great .t(ilper oil itouday Evening ' I ® Black `�'ea � See these floods. � TOQUES s' and ttto Programme Atter.-44400. i o p�, ® 1 Our Own Blend) age • • Pral, xe tied ft r .then; all bl(elow.s riot,, i C h L s h'Y.�' Q 'lock m .t,�'ew Trimmings FELT BOOTS , � • Pr 1{.e 13am all rr ature. here helo.t•, t€Y 0 2 r ., 7 z� 6 7 d • �, _0(. _.Ic, a0c, 4Oe, 50e, d Uc lb. • If -ere again take our advice and Applique, new desi ns Sequin, LONCY BOOTS PraiseHiulv(bo,•,,,'+In•:svcnty llc�t., Praise Fat4e;<,Ht,s: tndMAY lih,+.t.'• ._ � -- ---.- -_: _-----.._.-___ _..-..-...�_-._ _._._.___—_�__t W designs, q + rices, New Lace Trim Y c v popular P' These were the first words of praise in nook, even the pulpit, was occupied. District, gave a brief but pithy address, ) practice economy by using theRUBBERS ANI) SO + mfngs, e s #11e new chura:l, and what could be Indeed, it reminded one very nuzcll oY full of praise and admonition. I ® better grades. You'll be delight. � .more approprinfe: As the notes were I the accounts bf the gathering of the Mr. Wilfrid—Proudly displayed his t � eel with them. •�� _ : MOCCASINS � e sttuek •by t':e- organist, the audience ! people in the ampitheater at Rome when l trowel received at the corner -stone lav- I ® ,, New Lace Curtains I { ® Good Coif- e ! OVERSHOES are;se to its feet, and, as one heart and some victim was to be sacrificed or some ing and said he would leave it to his son. I 0 ?5C, 40e, 50e, 7.5c, $1.00, I+1 25 voice, the wclads ere uttered in mein- chariot race to be run, so eagerly were As he had two sons, Rev. Hobbs called, Try our 40c. We claim to give tip to $3,00 a pair, and better i LEGGINS s • lions tones, vnfil the whole house was seats sought. Many were unable to the attention of any who were laying a ® you the best value in Coffee -no ' value than was ever offered in i MEN'S Ally e 1111ed with s -,l. ; nod the sound of praise; gain an entrance and had to go away (corer -stone t0 the jealousy that might !0 matter what price you ply. ; Vin ha.nl. { BUS'S' UNDERWEAR Ito :Elim to wh_nn the place is dedicated.; without even a peep within. They were arise from one son having no trowel. I m Seldom, do we li ntr such hearty singing•.! there from Clinton, from Blycb, from But this was only'a part. The sing- 'hen followed the invocation of the ! Brussels, from Kincardine;, Harriston, iug of the choir, in excellent form was V i s pastor, Rev. R. Robbs, beginning,"Cause ! Wroxeter, Ripley and all the surround- a treat. A beautifully rendered solo byjl, ; GDONALD �S t'hCK yface to s'liue upon us, oh Lord," ing country. Miss Small was highly appreciated 1 (a JOHN KERE a �i � JAS. H. KERR � r-nd in a fete words, invoked the diree- i Rev. D. Perrie, of the Presbyterian The duet by Bliss Griffin, and Mrs. 33ncli- � a �i CA a H s tion of the Alujif h tv in all the -worship church, was in the pulpit in the eveniut; anau, also a solo by Airs. Buchanan held Q � N A M � lot the new tabernacle. The singing of i and Offered the opening prayer. attentive elle audience. The violin solo .hymn 7.40,' •(t:lwzrd Christian Soldiers," i Mr.Henderson spoke froth Jaines 5:20, of Bliss Sparling, sweet and low, en- I J xu the evening, Ho which couVerteth raptured her hearers. Last but not. '� ~ -• -•--- - ••--• --- � ___-___.._ - _._... _.��._._. _-__...- , _ ;vets an imperative injunction to all the .. << --.� . _`.-- - ----• - - - •'-""""-'"'='.='"`""'"''_"-.=.""-'�^'---=- .. INGTIAM snembars. 7.11e lesson was from Isa, 34. a sinner from the error of his way, shall .least, we mention the organ selections: W 11ARRET nxronTs , +� qp,� Rev. G. W. Henderson, es -]'resident i save a soul from death and shall hide a by Prof. Wilbur Grout of Toronto. Corrected every Thursday afternoon Then � �; `atio�,`al ' j by F. J. Carr, Flour and 1'eecl Merchant. 64S t6fiQ � London Conference, though suffering: multitude of sins." 3+'rem the lowest sound to the roll of the ifs j;,�t,'',)11,)1 ��;,;�1a)'a�jj¢ from a sort: throat, spoke well from l ,r fall organ, was shown perfect lnaui ul- ' i�Piugham, Feb. 20, 1902. EAM �`tet 1 The collection durinr, th0 day amount- p p !65 to 2 50 De , 32:31, °For their rock is not as ed to about 300. There has been about oudiel ce w re th xrlle�sounds, as theyllb eat! e � Fall Whe t00 lbs . ' ........ 0 72 to 0 72 ! [; our clock, even our enemies themselves ! $11,000 subscribed and $0,000 paid in lessly listened to the swept melodies. ! Spring Wheat............ 0 00 to 0 00 1 I being the j ?+'?res." Mr. Mend:?rson's , cash at the openiug. "God Save the Kiug" closed alengthy � Oats ............:....' .... 0 35 to 0 38 E<i — i language is chaise, his enunciation clear, but interesting programme. Barley .... .... . 0 45 to 0 50 :�; �i Thi• National rombnlce nti points of lat'rit I MONDAY ETIs^ISti. ;A that are of real practical service to the every - his thoughts well arranged, with no un- Tito feast was coutxnuod on Tuesday ; Peas .. , .................. 0 i 0 to 0 75 6 4 day operator un rl:e furnl. Most sintp10411 itis The Great Supper of the ladies was a evening; to the children of the congrega- Turkeys, drawn...... .... 0 00 to 0 10 ;vi .r1 construction. ',onvcniollt tin(leilsytoopel•nte; necessary use of words, or repitition of tion, the IacIies furuishiug supper er for Geese, " 0 05 to 0 00 ti; It is earl cite earl to Achnsthe elcant'st: mnresthe aveete:ttcream; devouringsuccess. From five o'clock pp • • • • • • • • • y, q y+ !C llo nuinerowq p:+rts to give tro,tble and t?elay thought. He holds hi,; audience's at- them. This was followed by an excellent Ducks, per pair ..... , .. , 0 40 to 0 00 I ��1 talk of spring goods. But )r .then .vnshiug; only true pteees inside of the t until after eight there was a rush for p) tention thioa _ .sttt. He spoke of, I The ! program, given wholly by the children.. Butter .. .. .... ....... 0 16 to 0 16, q e have made read' to bowl. teri ltso ag and durable, e able in le o utl bele cit religion of tale Bible is peerless as a ! seats. Some, nay, many waited all hour iu point of interest ttiucl eutertainmeut it !Eggs per cloz , , , , , ....... 0 15 to 0 ifi i y, ineet our wants when the qq a• and most beautiful In design fiilisll. Ever raviliziug force. it takes humanity in for more than the appetizing odor of the exceeded even that of Monday Queuing. WOoct per corer • , ... , ..... 2 00 to 2 UO i S' machine hi guaranteed to do good %vorlc, and a eatables. Everything was done in ord- Out of the two suppers and entertain-' Flay per ton.... ...... 9 00 to10 00 j y time comes. M'e're bound � trial of the "National" is solleite(i before pur- ail its degradation and lifts it up into i mellts the ladies realized about $400.1 Potatoes, perbushel ...... U 25 to 0 30 tU be ix? the forofi Ont. lC tint l,� an t1 the tRro.cilitldeinonil t rift sh,m�Y union with Cloi. II, Religion pis peer- j er, and without confusion. When your Rev. Hobbs declares this is the largest i Tallow per lb .... .... 0 05 to 0 05 ; � how much the Cintrsdhnlgfarmel;s a1,prariata a turn came ou were promptly served We are determined to win' less as a character builder. If you Y p p y sum lie has ever known for an opening Lard • . .•..... • 0 14 to 0 14 t oCo , Canadiau-nutde imehino that docs its work so ,would make the best of man, and thrill and it was good. It would seem as eutertainment and supper. Dried Apples per lb ....... 0 03ito 0 04 t your tailoring account on easily and well, and t the same• t{me return. a r ; such a large ,relit on the smolt investment, though the whole town were there. I Wool , . , . 0 13 to 0 la j sheer merit. Every gar. �: Ask for the '�nttonur' ; try it nlid buy it. Its being with a new life, bring him to - - -- Live Hoe per cwt....... i 50 to 5 50 I Shortly after eight o clock the pro- I g'+ p ' i mens we turn out is a strong the Bible which tells Of th0 life -giving Chickens .......... 0 30 to 0 40 , A few prominent farmers who are usin'+ the, T gramme was commenced with Rev. R. bid for business. Its style i Nationnt: Christ. III, Religion is peerless as a + ��'� ��, -its workmanshi ItS fit Robert Purvis, ex•lvard(nt of Bruce Co.: J. source of strength and consolation in the ' Hobbs in the chair. There were on the p- �7 r T. Currie, Reevo of East Wa.vanosh; Will. -its finish --all a cal LO � Barbour, TolmReid, John Craig,Jas.Dowl Geo. platform Revs. Prior Patterson Lowe + s pp yF McClenagan, Jas. Bone, John III is, Richard crucial hour. The speaker was unable I ' From foreign words ,meaning bad coos, x pay you 1 the good taste and ambitions �, LshmJohn Durnin, Alex. Mevenzie, Conng and Yerrie of the tOXvn churches; baa come rather to signify batt slmnach; for Bros., Herbert Pettypiece, P. Troy, M. Varsou. t0 go on Diving to ills throat failing him. Revs. Garbutt, of Goirie• Mitchell of of the careiui greaser. The singing by the choir was very ap + + the most common cause of the disease is a ; I �> y1 John Johnston, Thos. Wilson, Thos. Todd, Robt Waterloo, a former pastor; Gifford, of predisposing leant of vigor and tone in I Stein, W. J. Todd, Jus. Purdon, Robt. Pardon, ,propriate to the occasion. Air. Wilbur . I ,; T. R, Gaunt, Albert Goble John Redmond, Wm t i Clinton; District Chairman Rogers, of that organ. ; To :see nlebvfore pluchw your +I � 7' ! Logan, Albort Hughes, 'Ezra Merkley, John Grant performed a1: the organ, and, be- ; No disease makes life more miserable. ; c 1 hardy, Geo. Bryce, Jas. Jaekson, HOW. Plun- 'rordwich• and Mr. Wilfrid, of Blyth. Fire Insurance. You call save jj �� CLARKE, � I kett,Hugh Finnigan Saml. Thompson, Jas. sides delighting t'he vast assemblage, ' y ¢ 1 In the addresses of these gentlemen, Its sufferers certainly do not live to cat; money by insuring in purely Y 7 I Aear, Tilos, Taylor, Ti,;* McClenagl,an, Cl,,,,. Nvith some fine sele+e tions, also developed they sometimes wonder if they should Canadian Stock Conlpallie., out- �� Maguire, Thos. 9eott, Robt. Durniu, Peter they referred to the push of the pastor a5ctr rile combine', ay Fouler• the powers and possibilities of the new j , eat to live. 1n the Shaw Block The National can he seen at the Deering in leading to success the building pur- W. A. Nugent, Bellville, Out., was greatly $ ((amroonis, Win htun, or at Jas. Sherliff'4 organ, which, ung• w his capable maul- pose. Congratulations were many upon troubled with it for years; and Pe R. Ibner ¢�&y� 1B �� V wart'rooms at Wl teellurch. pnlatioll, se,.tneici .;.united. Gtaare, Eau CIaire, Wis., whowas s�,-+the beautiful and substantial edifice, a i atiiicted .with it that he was nervous,lee;J, J�f�S:�t1 1?�. '�) , )` 1 'r1 ! E- WALKER, and 17;. H. ELLIOTT, There was Ile lass Of crowd. At 10.40 I ,:x:1,1 1 s,.:tcredit to any congregation anci to anyless, ally actaaliy sick most oP the time, e` i Agents at Winghant. in the tnoruing nearly every seat was l obtained no relief from medicines profes- ! J town As some one terse! remarked i LOAN AND INSURANCE , _treat at Whitechurch. taken. `Firs erosvd began to gather in e = y aionallq prescribed. � � J. SHERRIFF .�g tlrt3 evening at :.`; So quickly slid ; even the hotels were obtaining benefits They were completely cured, as others t AGENT i i the opening services. hawe been, by + others follow that at ten minutes past • from ! We have not space even for a synopsis Hood's ►SEZISQP"dllca i T. J. tVIAGUR-tt riv seats were few. and tell minutes ltxt- ; er every seat was `lle,t. At 0.30 every' of Ilio addresses: Rev. Mir. Prior lead according to their own statement vol- off by telling the story of the boy who untarily made, This great medlolne I ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, i . BUTTON BLOCK -• ! had swallowed a copper, and suggested strengthens the stomach and the ,bete INSURANCE AND LOAN AGI! NT, Wild S ' digestive system. Be stare to get Hood'a J Ft�l a >�n till a r S j that they send for the Methodist minist- — - � _ � w � � HAM. I or to extract the copper, as he had heard ,live stock Markem Accounts Bents and Nates Collected. Can- - his father Lay the minister could get vcyancing 'done. k�c As%, 10nal7le Toronto, Feb. IP,. -The total receipts i OPtrICE—Over D, bL Gordon's store. money out of any man. Said Air. Prior, s IG Ic���i@S, �� I .s . „ at the Western cattle marl.ht today were I RESIDENCE—Le000lclstreet. t SIr. Hobbs is that minister." 89 loads, including 1,516 Cattle; 4081 --- -- — ' a y®to}�� D'��� iVc t *x uslxy study Rev. Mr. Patterson—Spoke inelo eloquent sheep and lambs 007 hogs, 150 Calves,, r {, l NEW RIBBONS ----20C a and rrrr R tlaatpxcta,sitesOme. p q P r o thin "Cal ., -d !style." l phrases of the beauty of the church and and a dozen mileh cows. l �i0Olt S 1pi0t$D11 itrOD�, t'iO" *UA' i Pntrt)nv t4,nt Optical r The maket was is general ood shape I Iasn6cessfully used monthly byover I j�jOtv'L'ati@ta 5111; iN.il)bOxl about l X011°el $1nb3, asserted shades, at depmrtncn! are .aar I admonished the con re *ation not to be 10.0DOLadies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask + + surae at tasi�ionabte g $ )tesla$, cvttli no gnotabl( dlfl'erence in your dni% at for soak% Cottou Root cum- i niches wide, in shades of white, ; .' cents each. spactnricware. per. Iileoligeut of their duty. I prices. Butcher cattle �vero in goad pound. Takenoocher,asallMixtures,pillsand tcCt an tit s yd rinisla, , imitations are dangerbnb. Fried, No. I, $1 er pink, pink all(I white, blue, blah!. = - __.._. " Itev. ilii. Lowe --Advised the sou +reW i demand+anti there tvasasl]gltt tendency r �'' ro _• �...,ia(� i t' for lower prices in export cattle. All i or 2Nmaed on e�ceipt of puce and two 8 ¢ent i oriel cardinal, cry spt:oi.al value- -t gallon not to be as long paying off this i other lines remau as on Friday last. clampa. mite cdo7c company Windsor Onz. ' 40 cents a yar(1. �pOOLS h„art debt as they were the old church, as it ' The following are tilt quotation. �+_Xos. i and 2 aoiei aha reeontxneuded$y ell j i Linen Spools, 2 for 5e. could not belong to the Lord with a : (' � f T# r. responsible Druggists itt ()anads, I Une•incll Silk Ribbon in bile, k . ,” �• , ti-• ink, white, �y elle, and various i� u Y ! Il?Ortpa¢,e On it. Shippers, per Uwt......ti,' 4 e,, $5 00 :eo.1 anci 2 are ,ole! in t inRa. lnun bg A. L. 1 p Butcher, choice do.. 4 2:, 4 50 Ilntn{tarn, Cahn A < alnpbatt, lt... Dougtn sv ! : other shades At 5 rents a yard. BRUSHES Rev. Mr. PQ1Tie-•-Said if the MOplO ' Butcher, ordinary t0 and J. P) nnwt., })t ng; ivt�. wero not so stingy and close -fl 3 7C1 + lab) I1lxbbons in different sliadeted fhe A regular nuc Hair Brush for 2'0. preachers would not have to b(t, so' niiteher, inferior ...... a 73 3 2.5 i ' at I cent a, yard. Hair Brush for 35 cents. , t • ; -, - , Stockers ..... ...... . . 3 00 :1 50 � .. __ . _ much for money. sttr•.t:11 rats LAMBS. ,s easy to turn, lueaus Clair Brush 401' S0 cents, f'itaiCe atvps, per Cavi . " riU 3 5 1(±ss friction, less iris (.lathes Brush for 7 cents. P t, ► Rcv. Dr. Gifford -Referred to los visit ' „ The TO WELLS i thirty-two years tigo, and !xis tvrrrlc herfl j in i�� r crlc 1). (ac�1i 2 00 3 00 ° tion i1x e a n s 1 o s s Towels •34 Inca es �vida aucl d0 Clothes Brnsh for 1,5 cents, Ile came with tho intention of buildingear, less zrear c- 13ur1,5.........,,, ... w coG2 (i0; xxlcaxisltsscYpe#Iso inches3otlf;,svitlifrilrge,'.for„15( a church, but failed. He pit>yogizcd the, attr lzt:u : itiu t :Ct,l1:K. e l ort „ t .i Clarpet Tacks, 2 packages fbr for sac i Sunil, of Ili, Towler aiicl lir. I+Iaclt, 1 n� s, pat 11 ........ 130 UU 45 00!tt, keep in order. Bath to?vols'.() inches �1 (lo autl , t;l s + l�'trickle Plated Tack, Pullers rt 7c 'o , Calvcs, ea('h _. s f10 10 00 . Por elle, by l ' ''0 inelxes long, with fringe" 2 for cac11. 5eset*1�iC l�&►k�tiiLYi ileus lii.7iitcilell---A pastor twenty r lits:,. sallaf �� 1f� I : �aeeilt+ftft t ,�tWals,r � .tat five years ago, teas pleased to by presetrt Choir(• hogs, per ewt 0 00 0 00 , W. _ . W "�?Wsisftglh IA, tint. anti see the advancement in the town • Light 11095, pur (~w t-. ,> 50 i, 7;, ; I , }lath Ia�ye15 U inches wide and u0 bolos of Herrings left wiliell ' _ ti -r, ; anci its churches. a Ii(a�c y htr„a, lx r e:�v G ” .0 ;, ;,", i . 10 itlellcs lotrg, tvitll Erin= e, 2 for 20c. ire are sellinOr at IU cents au box, � C� s :�aey t, ptx cwt ... ;L ,t) 1 f 11ao �etvilxg ltiia^Minos oriel 1x11 1(xnds of i . „ �• µ_ . ; `.. " �` t Rev. lir, l logera, Ghairinall of tho r at�I„s... .... ... . . .. U 00 N 00 i %+'arm Implenlents. .._k. (1 f I CI