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The Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 3
T116 MG11AM TIMES, FEB. 2t, 1002 -.- , -. __ ... __ . .,._ -..r ._ _:_._:. .._. :. __ _ an M811111xitttu8 foal• tai isobrlc•t saxltl thrifi acid I3:+ re. 13 to ci 1. El'. bidtlul:; y etre h 1w'urning to lreo(t ,'tad t(erN, I ■ ■ , ■ y' y r quick 1 terry of St. Valentine. Qtiztwa IPeb. u, -Tats, airier;l a)1t,inj_ e'en Years of B18ssed Work I;(•^od staulcbttgt*, of otlurm:•ii tll.at tlity dxidr c.ti.ry ,1Ii 1xL?t9`i(an' larva• wwlilt I l i e S 1 roan sill ()1r1 .cusrcltax c)P ilte (garbed'* Ckl by ihu ministori of agrietiltar', to , . arc' t!ltull tzi g;iwre all) pt'rsa;nal geratifi- g lila, lnlstd{ t0 all' mliflom that tilt ill chtii li of sflectltlg; At FOuIU plLrticnlar iuvcstil;ato the oom,lajnts tslicl,a b • --- oad0a of bael llabjta] inti reface their alurkilevs without, Clad and without 1 3 , and Glorious Victories, :filalperial Arany officials in South At- Sermon by Uev. &I'vi, X. ,111e1don sanction, of tlle.114 In others, ev'n When heist>, in the i",rld. And Ji will ,4peak time duriuf, the course of the Tear n. :Irtea resp( -n:; th;: quality of the I OT Topeka, Khnst,s. they thexnualvs do a.o,L lndulg(, 11e, to ycu, it ivEl b,,<oal,,Ab1ng; wonder- patron saint for the flnScill' twelve •etcrrT1Pd hiALWnt. from, tho Dominion, ( 9 ' I ca'nntait keep oarsc+lves+too Olean for ful J[. will him- to say, for (xo:l never xpoutis, rained for tho first patron IIA,s about completed its report. Two "1.nd he ,said alit* na:, Son of than, kolq N i I1.'xampt,. 1'4e need the uplift of ext: speaks to it. Inca wvlac:slatnds upon Ills llou.ses have aom(w throu'li rho (irdoill ;ruxl(1 upon Ulv f(('L, and I will rpeak a a 11 Iua lflsh, Inoad pdaelpl;+ of (ovine fret in wsinless lutes:riiy w'itl►ailt I4itr- Isaint--Valeutfus. IIe wits arrested slur• wivitll flying calory; of tr third rho tll(t 411ee."-I;rel:iel I. " actiata ltL W3, w'hich, llkc; Paul, will in); tho man is me,'tsaig;e' cf wwonderf«E xngtho UlAudius persecution at home goody are. reported to Ila "faiW" it) Go(I cannot u.ge+ inw'x1 to (I0 His will Has Broli ht Health and Now Life m"Ithor em meat nrjr drink wine nor prnr rr ruli L:,'c: tn,+els an 1(oara' e. 1111 and kept in prison norne little time, fin• .44 Ill y, while of the, fourth th-.1 beef w ho try to crawl throtigll til:' wvorl(1 9 cla) anythlityx to •caaui,!a our brother to nivssagr will. bz e•ithvr, "nan, go work ally being carried to the h'laulilliltu wa )lasmon4vinned as unfit: for human ford. (112 all f<rurs. When Ii• wants any to the Sick and Diseased in .stumhl:• air be arffendled. to-rday in Aly virwyard, and I will b.+ y A u lcjng; houses oannot lm too careful great. work dotie H- always' fsz,y% "yon e ! , The=re i:ia wed for arenewved con- wjth th:,o," (jr it ,will }Y', -son, of mall, and decapitated:, Thi -4 event ouourred Ev ry •Part of the Civi- a Feb.1.1, A. D. M. Persons were sup- - they wish tan maintain tho reputa of man, (;t:llul upu'll ally feet, And I ,':tcratiuL alit' all tartar xnen, possess I havo c.xilu.ni:s:sjoal^d thee to save an- p (iionbf Canada, will iq)..ak unto dive." The erect at- liZed world, ;shall b,, wgt•d to build up the: Klingdoim r.iher, or lift all aaoill,'r, or conquer posed on Valentin+ Das to invoice the • thiole of the upright titan k the first ,orf God. If Christian wvould spend; alt IwIl. is Aly'nam-. Go, anfl, the. l,urd blessings of theca pierou sautes on _ :. _ i, Xg or Ghww last feu years the ark uP zus 'inti ch mCtriey to liulld ti r Ore King- , • , go NN -101 all, c . friends sand loved *tics. thhn,' nese, vi ary to gain the car of I ung, at hn',ts '911 -all l,<tcl ww brut any pari it ulat great thin' Y . i w do ws s, tooa mon, spp. i d to build up! T)i. bald g- ralniii thxi thN day we 8SO L Pauses Celery Coul uund has been their bw4isncss, tile, 'world would be. may all wrta:nee,; upin aur fret Wfore A February festival, elf. the Romans, i; lar lz, d(ru' fnr Iliia. Therefore, Ice p y u; c•("Weldor sora:• truth; eoneerning blessed and clieeriig: oar to men and wnv.,x ('ll in; ten years. Between 1880 II in in ce, '=ajoras lntogrity, our lwarts accidontallyattainjug; to the name ••Val• AUTE th + c, ,,rn'L and r(rw(•r of a roan whin women of every rattle in society, In no and 1890, 010 average annual inc,.!ase 'i 11`41 with 10v`:to God nmol x11:111 and • , „ l y i ,i one case inls the great medicine failed I of v'allh of church uwynb.+rs in the: our i:v,,s throbbin:r with the divine entire ai honor of thea me aleproitiu- ha fitarldy creel ill G(:71;('i rtlu integ, t 1 y' ens persons btlariu.; the name Vulentiu- lem Carr to foo..: vii h (Awl. 111u2 can serve to benefit, auci where it has been ust:ci I y(alii>L(1 Htuies was 434,i40,A(lt}. (Our I ala:;:1:, (gf 1I'; YgGi('r+, wvhjch sIa':ll,:,s to , s M ig ') + Go I b':;i c.mI y when Ile i, eel jrely fret Promptly, it has in every case brought a I C•cuintry, Ira L_8, hist edition.) A tenth u; :eq frl- nfl talks with friend. as, one revord nailing over fitty. The i From the, burilexl of sin. There at,(! cure. hart Of t1vii :sum wisely spzml; oil; the i spirit of sentimentality g;ra(lnithy drift- ' ale blessed results that spring from I r a viwnl l :ys things that koop men from P u„ lumi of ltie•w Yorlc, Boston 1111:1 Citi- WHY NOT INVESTIGATE ? eel into it because ut' t}te ea a of the lvearhig; Goal's value. There jy the the use of Paine's CeleryCotupound are ' e.fig+o wout I wvip • til;gym out of exis{(n^e. - , irurden of actual guilt, oast crlmw', of not confined to this Outin dra of oarti. N..-wv and modern tenements, model I Witile we claiut to have the most coni- year the tiuitl for idle mati)ig, of birds, l law-bre;ikiIl „ eyi cfviT t'I'aIL' re9NL0'21. Tile gloat life-giving, medicine ltRl3 been klnejerrg artc'ni, p;4•plP S palaces, l.k". I pieta+ (llNper11,111g,r (Iepart[1rC+lit, the best aS 1'l2U exact lacy of the iE'blli;,l is ilUt / Genuine this is visited with ptlmishn,gr upas s:'ut to every quarter Ut the civilized 0,.<, on' ill 14jliteehapal, aggroy5ive j,urted stool. of puredrtias andinedicines tkvo%vn. tho man. O.x 1 ho other hand, there world, and alas cured the rick, restored unlv,'ri jty exteivilc71 w•aelc, v: oulrl ars well as snperior facilities for serving I ;Ill J:lig;lalld, 5 e)t112Y'l :Lard ?. railer a t i s the 1l111'(lE+al of kll'i5hu a is, whirl) the weals and depressed to health and fr,lvice the Im ,b1en11 of t.11:' slum, and ! our onstomers, wo nsk you to favor u. I 11111111W I -4` - ? take,; a thowiand form,;, and for strength. futd caused iron of thonsads to in a dcoad ii wwvuld Ir: a thin; of I with a• visit flint you uuly fully lnvice.ti- I winter fustfwlll wl'tls lxrlrl. t):1 t11a eve of 1 •I which tilt) statute law of society has live who failed to find, health in worth- anclont history. ,Bud all th.',so thin!!, i ;fate for yourself. it the young; purple g;utlivred aur fuu and no punitili nvni. Ttu+ law of society less prescriptions, sarsaparillas, nervines Cc:,;t mu,ru+y. Z:eg, iv maty sound Gng,AT Rl.str::t; 1i'1to:t C)ar•. BOTTLE. I frolic. Just before- bnmkiug ill) the '1ttI"'' " ° mayn of be abl + to touch a man who And pills. Paine's Celery Compound strninge., bit LL lake:' Ou(t bottle of that• marvellous iuedi_ young ladies would •viite tle:ir ualnE+s oil n Caere 11 .s® is at heart g•ullEy of enormous wiCk- hils fulled. urea when all other remedies Moiney to llgaka the v4 orld Ile,ivr. I (gine, Paine's Celery CGulpound is often slips of paper., whicu were Int ill a bob edite+ss, bat who does not violate anyI Cliristianjty canna' will its viclorics snf}irieut to baud+It the seticls of clfang;er- st'atatc* of civil authority.reverthe- It is to this best of all 1'nedicines, without th•, aid of Lbe great gore 0, and drawn ont by the young Lavii, who if lust Bear iGnatwro of lass, the punishnu•nt foall trans- Panic's Celery Coninound, that we tuammon. it takc,s a g •nod (deal of oil'; diseases , to uleallso the system find «ero bound for Ono year to the one would direct the ota,ution of every man establish good health. I aine s Celery ressian, civil Or moral, f.:tlt4 on tltL nnaney t* run churcllt:, :ui;l eclleges, C utlp0uud is the true tiledicitie fur the wlto e nztria allay clttlw. This iLle rftL • i Man with inevli abl ; requlti. Tilt- curl wvoman sutl'oliug from wgeakness, and kixl(ler,ga,rtt+113 :anal n,:ci; l tone- , , ' I ,/i f rgsxl is always b.rrn,w clown by Cate general debility, rllGLlMUtism, neuralgia, mr;nts, and missica11 nmaA , the I __ cure of disease, l ial,E,tes, I31oud .mating resniti:l;; iujilri0asly, til) ct l t, y .,' fi ©`' , heart trouble, dyspopsia, auemia, blood ro, tlt,, Indian, the Chinaman and th.s e. E mid Sto tach trout l s, We strove to suppress tela practio e, F,zilwg plat-adtl ere of hie transgression tot, riiseases, liver complaint and kidney „ alwi•ays pawn the genuine Paj1,U's I place where Goal cannot and will not P Y fee goixr in all; city. Th.' Christian I Celery Compound in !;tock, to this they triad to trdaistacul the venule See Cao Slmlze Wrapper Gctcw. ii o ]aim to do! ^•real things. Thele- double. Tllousauets of grateful letters who gales amt alai: clam; or arlong• the i , , , ' °• " have poured in tobtif in t.) wonderful I r iii LOLLY A. (..w31PnI?LL, DrOg*gist, into a religious feitival, navAug it for Yers nTattil amu u„ a n, tote, all burden afi sin must be remov- P Y g farsif it a Iem: ni: t;7 rare Thom uF, 1 hil!nl1wn Out one of the many shits of the church v od b fare humanity Gain become k.he and permanent cures. I and trawform tlyidi into into Iligeni, -to tal'.e its su;; =. It is foolish and criminal to dela tite w,:eful cltizom, an; ,-,' : y do jl 1 called Valantintis. ln.stru -,ant to fulfill the mighty will Y uStl of 611Ch a disease bauiblier when • j FOII f1EADACHE., and plan Cf God for the, world. with spirl,usl 811•:m::ih al . nv Ll ww•or• _ OUR LADY OF THE ROSES. It is probabltl that til t day as we hove t T ll: Ls this fact which is kecpialg'tilc otheis have sd clearly demonstrated its in- tit tremendous odds. Tile. liquor I — it alas b -un a radu;al nut'rro,vtll. Sttart- Fal. i}1 ariEss. value; when mall of Our friends anti liner Canada L'ecanlo IL Flower Produe-1. g FOR tw(arl:l to -lay from t]Lc laerformanc; of + Y y power and the ,:p!rit11'.l paver Money the I ill, gprobably with thE, old Ruta:au festi- Og QI3 FlIL10i45flES . Ixtig;ht,v deed3. It. is reit' of t11L qucq_ neighbors have beau 'nude well by its pretigs lxywv 1 arc: a!1 usi igr money with, t. Uounr,)' iti (per t°!t FOP, TORR LIVER. ti(an.l o : :u1rl)ose ilial: society will 4? use. rhelienith-giving virtues are so a lavlgll ]land. Christja.nity must. us•'s 1 (\ew York herald.) I val, a timo when tile. wittiest revelry ILLS ' lif "t alp int* a P• ';Li:'tGn; Of N lril.n:li elultleutly great l.11tlt t}ltl ablest (jt w'1t.11 ih:r gadnt, hail (l, ih 13 simply Ask rI1riU[ig; Any'UIty you know where wyfa.S 0I7,^,tl i'(t 111 by stall Ulll fan(, yr)ntlgi rQ"' Qa tdSYflce lfflfa. n bjuiaus are proscribing Paine's enM all the heaped-up uuassey cf glorious I I kPILLS Ptrw•c.x tltatU tlr: individuals wwho maake P y P' b fiulfed and overwheIrw-d by its an- slater being; adopted by tilt; Cdthulie FOR SALLOW SKIN. un wrist • stand upon their feet, and Companiitl (laity for the sick. tagonl,sts. And this is tis God would I roses in the florists' shotty wwill1 Uws FOR THECOMPLEXION ) If you are weak physically, in the grasp colli() from. An easy wily i I church as the (Ila on wwnich to select g;ivdw rete to the voice of the God, who P y' y z, P have, it, Il' is tcachi_n.:,' ua im ibis Y Y to -vin t Y ii • V N111 NUITW,VL 1(ATU1,e, r of disease, or simply feeling; out -of -sorts, ago., o., that all things ]),Long; to IIIIn. pair of gloves its to wager that ha or i their patrou saint, in this way drawing `!rice made u!, all for the dn,:ng of 1i1%,I,lo:i- . Rett, >Pltrely'vegetaiueJ ..ocG c,u3 -will. L'et us see if that is not so. irritable, sleeplress or despondent, try T11L'al:d :and silv¢+r and linea incl she. twill answw•er Florida Ur California. the u1e121b1'rN itway front lhtu rnblries • • one bottle Paine CelCI Itiatu til; ulsv)s 'with C•iviliznti•oIi Cannot I3 ; genernu. e ob Celery Coln- laatiscecs are IT,% ainrd Iie i; teachin i• us o,es assoc iudulgecl in by the I oluanb, curl still ,CMIME SICK HEADACHES Whitt -w..- call civilizalion, progress, Pound, and note well the magical that only fns we rive. Thin, all call N• -c i tropic, clime~, and the persun wwho 1 - .- - '- _ . _ rcefinunent, education, oto certain effects. - }leap •i t a,,cnqu,er the wot 1.1 by the u e !snakes the iingtVCi' b1YCil abovo cannot later on some chane es ilriftiug; {uta Eug- tt pr,op,,wl be. blatueil for making. it. But. u.s a laud, Scotlmidand I'raneeandbecuining ilJ1 .( i thjn„s for tan:• race. They enable men ._-_ __. -. .- - of II:•g y. tar accolllpl:sh ntnrvel; of areltitEetuxe. It sPprus sometimes to me that all i tnattcr of , faut, the majority of the 'their whiter festival, the participation in to orLginat.d, wonderful inachinery, to for a revival. T;et u; b afraid c ' w . need at: thin age of the w•orl;l to i roses shown now, an(l eslx clally the i it thore reaching; its g;roate,t height clur- ! i n, your liver isn't acting ww'ritr spl ,avlid b,aki, to compose hea- asicing him fc•r anything r l ,:a, For i oarry an f:he work of 01hri:nt to glorc- i finer of tiiaL:v came froth Canada, the y 5 tinythint 1 , ,s will. not answer the ou•', v}ctor • is money. W,,- have niers hind of snow elle! icL," jug, the early part of the fiiteeuth Uen- Well. Y ')usufferfrom bilious- Llamtxt5slw•hlcll ciciiizut n'1icn, xre `+fiil mr.lin n,,c•dw of the times, I.et uy by his help anal womcit, l}20•ngaIldS oaf lilt's!, who I It i,; Dilly within U twelvL'nlOnttl that 1 taw•}, This scones to be thenloNG reason - Jigs constipation. A er's pix.Agre;s, wall not and canna' do. A Put u id^ all. the sin that hinvler.s rue an"', cc71w.crated, wlllin,z, able. If the' f(u•; h;is b'•'n s(r,(f<rr c•w(,u the f:oriw,;iableand probableslluttun of tali lays - p Y heinselvog has n r idea until then that 1 uifur may I>Iny an: C1^tan and( bw n' c4o-a: his will. Chat 19 the first 'leer' church woul l provick- the nt.onxt-•, it ',' c hitherto unnoticed Canada could brow• torp l, a, ,aay':: or—A. Pills act directly on the liver. a,.)tish drmo:l in his heart. A man <;f tl c: wworli, Of oust nat;-rn, of our I can Cailly find the iiioans, There are I the finest robs Ln the wvorld. Jtn'iilg t'1•u j-.r:;t fiw(' ;ea:3 til:; obser- or. 619 ears they have been IIlE>y wvrit: 1at,wwelfnl tr)oki ta:rid be a 1 city, of our church, of our heart.-. Ido, plenty of caell-equipp;-d y(;un, Tivni i , Y nd.i{ oak for an ch:ul;z for the b;t- u2al wv*m"n in the Ltrited States read Lut onn of the New• fork fraternity i vituee of tau day Ill uurt'on«tryhas been the Standard Family Pill.-coff•es of Cre,d. A inan may perform Y y ! Y mine::sof invt'ntinn un<T never offer t.cn in our politle,., our aivilizalion, ; thio minute to, t)nyvrh:+rc on God's;'vundcring carona on his vacation in (steadily increasing t,nril lass year the. Small doses cure. 25c' ti pea •^r. e.1 than ria la' frunrytl•; in ( car c•hureh:'!,, unlil the Ilily Spirit ' ,'arab, and lav,+ la lrailcd uP til: 'Carl;- 1400• st(:nlblccl oil It leaner in i, Sit r I post offices fill over tilt' MMIL,r r•uortett" Alldrugglats. ) Y I ( CaMilda that ttladd. Will g a4j). IIe suwv ; P` y pu'blio hdstury asci itlfna,vaq in 111, i !vvt coin•• again an'1 nim hav- said, 1 clam of C'hrl,(. Iia.: how can t li+t' "U i til: Brampton tun aeras of glass -cover- ;only abort iin,r its innc•!I cr',duurtuv!nail t,rowuoerldmbl. moustache or board a beautiful 1,1`1VaU.e Uo. A mast may are able to L11. I,urd hol a the God! The Lord exe:•iw t n w Ir, '+,tt, nit.[ li nv run l ed pinin, ww•idi a t egiut:•nt, of 150 rnon l us trate year be.urct. T}1: rU EIrB (lUtlbtleF3 } ly l stlrrannd hien:::IE b :t1L the poww;r I It:, i the G*,1• ' th:y b' sent wvithc'rst th:e nLan•y to ninny eanse: fur r d:s, rt1-• t11).,t ocular BUCKI'1p for the uud rl;ganc•:+ anti bu lding, of the most I Tiler,` are certain thin,^s which -we. ! l;ty th-air fare and -support ills ni hi.I `vo1'kirrb about. it. ' ateillthe abu,+t to wvinctl the uuboom has - bUCKINGHAM NGHAM'S whNskers pra re+;'sive ihixl is in acjence and C. aristian iliac iplos, ells do t* hasten i th-ir w,",rlc wvhnn they reach th•.r 1'Iacc4 II: -went to invest' tt:,, :lura found I L,eeihNrth' euu(d, itl,tuy u,ui; at ELN a tame _ ITIL`•:.1C :LItd aa•c•hitc•c.i.urr, anti ;,till 1>r that vaunt• and pat ourselves )none 1 Raliroaad,, stcnmshjp liner, Ian'- 1 -it, an h.ng;llyhzuun hurl been fur t:'n I J t years gruwiug a lot` Of superb ro.ies •for the suntiutiug; of :Lin., 1 Ituu the like• i,n ilea evil inn; r life. a munslur of into tho po,i.don ww•hero Gor1 can spent-' Bnt n,nnv demi t11•• 1)a a bl••Nsiu • I with ns and send u, on His urrands. ! •- -• i t.h,ru—r..•::••s ;lpprccjat::d by ill(' ,,wvell- I .r T, .•^--• tivlfkjinesv or f:oaf-Iff sill ,'•gait of lllwu.lreah,'Voronto incl Quehe,c, ;c•lun(liug; illat it Alves upp,ntuuaty for net Gr.•yin; dawn progn,w-i and sci: rice 11.:'•t 114 tucnli*11 a fow of them: '` ' who kl.Uw' front London, a,ud Pari- ' the g;lad,totau;; of tin• ire arts nr tilt: old, anal r.irilizaia:n. 1 lean anily lryingr fol l• wwra Lan he etre loyal in our faith'. t66 t. ww•hnt roses are. I.j(•l. kith 1)11,1 ; tilt, I:iudlu g of the ten - :I :+hem• that i11;y floe::w da not in b: the same Chriflliat,s Ln time r ,dcre:,t env -tions a«t.,ugsr ran 1 11i flowers grew iu paprluTity y tr • Shang; LIt11Tb;t Ives Itnve arty pow•: r to chanrtr of adversity its in prosperity. 99 b3' year, and he increased his plant and 1)(414; uu•)t l(,!• it,st- aut in getting i (Ir lq+iter tn•n Lit ilicir hearts. I Dr. Dixon of I3oitoxn recently told . CHEM 1 S I proportionately, but ]u: bad n.wcu• t flu+ -w11etl1N of our lives naL at' Gii•; rata in So w: minnoi lack to anyihinir MCI ( m: tile' st.Gry of ;r rn;tn vara pati a : dreaiced off ;cndinp; rt/yes to Llys Chit- , which perchance tucyiuuy bu ruining. 11 ; S tc"ether vnne t• 1, his house, and ,. i . _ ._,...., L11:' c:ut.-ward ri:oum•aunaes of :o:icty. P parser w a gfCa er truth ed states. unci was dsrefi when til, _ --_.. ..__.:., - for ill,., 'tninsformim,, owr,`r that, pailll.c-;1 on it iu l:ut;L letters the „,. ,-•„ P I than screen said of Dr. Aff- N\ % l: c, lu made __im :an Lff 'r for i ^~ I I shall reg vavn rate ,;cciely. Them- is I words: "God is Love." Ow of the rtetv's Liver, P6lls. 10e. a vial. i na9ttltixb in it of a x(+g;elterating; char- man's na`iehlryiN saw it, enol said to i his rnli:c y..,tr 5 ar.:p. i 4 actar, Th:' w•o. I i nred3 to -da the : him: "F rie•-id, y(:u have put an oternal I Little prscecd, Uttle doses, but e, t bus]to,, rens:: aanl•r to til:' res. !.•; Y t cue, rind ]to, secured a hi her figure. — ::ally+ .re(;ener;itia>tr; tl«ai ii. neecle(1 tx•-, Crush on •t• vary rhruu reabl; Lhinn.++ little terrors to drive out im- B I - - IH e t :sst• M That may bre," rep,11,4 the malt. ".13ut I purities and leave you a I chuckling to think how the New York. I 11 Cara rlecLriei;y, steam, phonographs, Y i clear brain and a bright eye. nian wvuuld ravu on, finding oilt that I ! L-doplionea axn:l liquid air ltlarvels I (let[ is Lava, no iai•itte.r which way the . $ Y I ' l" F Q Canada chart,., a' e per c +nt. riser' I 1111 w -r • known to th^ human rale. -Men wind blows," That is what ,,e Chri, of the d1SCg1SCS r Do you suffer from Const' anon or other dui. on flawvers. Colds that , :1'11Ct still disdWy Grad. They still 1mt'ak his I titin•; aril church ineinb;rs, dlscjpl:4 i disorderarising from this cail-C7 Dr. Agnewcs 1 Iiut the New York man did not rave i day of rest. They still indulge in sel- r:f Cltri•,t, neer! to have, t.he. const.aail. , Liver Pills area safe and pleasant cure. Large I a L•it. IIe• amid the duty cheerfully, as humanity are CaUSCCl by the i Jsliness. They still commis awwful' faith, which vayy, und(,r all circum- j size cents for zoo ills. • ` P 53 'dict his riving, who 1n1II1 daitrly t:egan i' t criixt;w. Azul the first anal me:•;i. im-1';ta•nc'.•s, "God is Lov`, no inatteri .Soiril)vA.L..[ianiilton,Niiigh;rill, ;prospee(ing Canada for the t.tcnsure Itleall eediun" time for accumulation of im uri.ies in catarrh erms—that dis- p I>::•trkaRt nc'etl Of the }initis race to -day 1 -vhjrh way til^ wind blows." And not I-. ..._-- .._ ..--------....._.,......,„.- Crave, and they have lIl^,I(' PVLII more rr 11 the blood. ,•i ni•L rigor:+ art and cclenev and arc.ld- 1 c'anly say it, but live it out. It is ww•itexi r i than their usual largo profit on the , «stir' )la, ate wvllich tai.its Lrct.ure and marvel; (:f invention -- I Lho storm b+ati hard and the eons,, ! lords., owners of materiali for schcoi:3, - blooms that h•tvc cotlaz to Netw York l ' r3 1 The greatest of all blood til; grz aids,. and inose important neem - iw strewn wvitlr wvrrcl:s that Chri t, i Gcll ;;,:s and chu.rched are nift in ihu ; so fa V. : nine-tentlis of the htuitan • L' of t1v% wvorld is tho ris'tin; off of its i th': Lifc- •aver, ou_,ht to b.' most pre- habit of furnishing th(+se necess:uic.,' In a busincys way the (`an;uliau rose, ' race—asci when )'Oil e`.pe- purifhers is ;tai, tho, ricin; try its fret, the erect i ciouq to us, and i for nothing. ]y1Zssions coit. C hat jc auivrior, it• that it l isl9 so lolls;. rience the first " sni'ffie," att,itu(le b for: God, that 11v may j Faith and ttw•:•.'ine%s of Temp's I tiaality inu:.4t pay as cverythin,,, cl:e l Th: averag. far nort'he`rn fh)N% •,r insta . E "alc t.* t lie heart and send Innn Out; should shine out 1110ii clearly, 1, i:; , pay.s. And this very nlarnunt onL of r feel the faintest dullness 111 - EUR( n f 1 a week, ew•ea in to huC d.ratt Ing* room, DOUK BLOOD 0iTTHERSI I to do tho great work- which newt b.! ' nn CNIML W :I inch: IG b: good -nail.. - i oar nioit useful and nec<ssary depart- I ,w•l,ile the bloom•; from loc„1 or-,(n1t.j,_ I your head, Or have watcr)' I dvm1: b+fore illi; ww•orkl is brought iii -I cal, happy, eAlin a,„ive in s(r• iv,wwli 1' ni;nts of Christian pawv,'r in the (+r11 gfrevillion'«•s rarely keep their ! _. f, , resort to i to harnito ny with 0a1 a purpos-vs,pm- h.:• is ww,el1, inakin, mo:wy anal living;•' t nited Status is cutting down its cdu-, beauty for pwrc' t.hnli three clay:. t It cleanses the system frUill nIe'`.sivo, Paw•: rful. in a cantfort•;tar: hon It. ii -w•!ten h" entional and training work one -..bird The rage takes longer to grow iu Ow 1 y Ali thN is Ov., wv:rrk, no, of man,but is overww•hiA !d writ.h losses, wvhext Ul FimPly b;catt.ge the Chri_ytiaxt people' nnrt1wrn elhiritc, and lh' buds I11F,+s 17i4 the crown of the head to the C. G -ad. We n,u.it have a Inorc pro-, hc(m:r is ►n dan'r:r of foreeloyure of e: +til., country :are not ww•illin:r to pn3 thas: Iurnssnrily mor,; w01,st;ulc: and 4-14t) fe:unci GOnviction of ou.r n•^nd of {he. I IIn7t'tg trQ_, ht3 health b -raking d•owwn, i tilt balls. Che Ch.ri,;Lion world ncedS l t.akr• longer to develop. '1'he•y are pie Ie.- ! il• soles of the feet. I)ivin" el:anent. in human lives. Who(that Ilky test cc.ni.m. What is his I.(, gland upon its feet. in this matler,:ed "c•le'w" there. (dial ig just On the 'em2t forviv., sins but (?cel Gn!y? \o1(risl.Lan fahli g otrd for• then; rThai i anal hear God's void- saying•• 'The, veno of oP:ning;'). and exrregged here SaleIf you are troubled Nvith cit:•. N,) thing. No :surrounding4. NoIi, the mrisure orf its value, twill it earth Ls mine, and the fullness there -i in }long, Elsa wooden tray,. 'the. lauds . 1.I urrtu.ndln•;s. No circ« tit,inrivs. cicala b7 }litnf llriil h e thud by it? Of, 'rilo world and they that dwvcll' lie ori their pillow, nf. leave., aml 1 hn roils, Pimples, Dyspepsia, (lo:l, God alone. Anel there is nothinar I Of what; earthly vale, Nit ka th•; mr,ai th1*rein.' All our prayiii,4 and teach- 1 lodg gtern4 are coverod• wwith e.rushel I They richt w need s, ii>'a•ah a.1 'cn. ery- o11;- 111711 ;•s at ,just such, a crisis 1>•; can in„ and singing.*, won'L conv;rt til, ice. The wit ter ;lissolviusr frnln the, iv -,i I hey act like a charut in • • Indigestion, Constipation t moi,Leng the. Stems snfficient.'to briny I cleariuh the head, relieve P migrhtily to Clud to r+hove all the' I'll", an(! sinairZ urru hay fact. and -v(rtld unless wet go do -an into our; Biliousness, Headaches, hs:r-den of our indifference and (.ran.,- h-nr what God ha; to ,say to him. Irakets and give freely of our sulr the flower; hero in ,lust. its; l,erfect I Itcadlaeliees,reduce iuflailinil grossjo:l tired evil exanrple, anti raja(' 1h.fdrrc Gaff cart u;;,u us art a mopl =tune::, "Freely ye. have received.: satin'* of opened heality. tion, heal irritations ; head Scrofula, Eczema or any trouble l an our fret, tha: nuty 1) • ill a fig, 1 to de, any grreat: work !.it. this city or, j• r. ely g;•Lve. ihu rlentnnd 'for til:+ hardy prodret s I , 1 , w Ix; iticrn to Il^at• his vole, an'.d do hi:, I State, we inulvJ g''et off thO ground, ; Reade far Service. i of out Cantick neig hbory has alvea,ly i cufu, su.,ttrn,> to tale treat . arising from disordered I w!I!. wwhvn v we have, been oreepin:.• in our i T will sp.ak with thee.' That i; {he. 1'roww•n so great that 10.),00i) roses were ! tient surer- and quickly. a [ (!o not 411eve in a cheap and sup- I k -w physical pleasures, and give the at. t.itudei of n man who is ready to`exln'c-QR:ed to. Now York alone in tilt- ; ffff i . Stomach, Liver, Bowels or „i ficial religci;,ui exciiemeni. t 1lavL "Quos::hill and bX.:tuiy' or our lives to , run c:m God':, errands. Wheil a man 11wit, t.wwn, inanth,s• l ia'n i e.rf erd liouldi iav( it. r(o n L Bl> r Blooel ILttlo c-onfidenec in the appeal se.. of- I th- tli'n_, . that are news'; n cessavy for j starts to run h(, doesn t sit down in! The Canadian rase-grruww•c r,; prodnLO ood, give Burdoclti I ten mule to the surfa.c,+ c,nay!oz, of I humanity. g a *hair at the. paint of (tiara's; Icor i tho u,aial brands of favorites. Maids. i , d. Bitters a trial. We uarantee' in,n. 11t1•L T . do b: lies* moist pro-! This caminunity knawv {hn I ;im i r(.•c15nr on, a couch. 1I ,stands nIrG.1 ,irides, .iack , I,iberlys. Golden (taros, I :JLSta9 T'TA tS lf" G CO., ii.t IfCiRidly lit the. need of a rmcnuratingt• llnl in the, habic. of dcclainlis z again i his feet. II' is in a position. to glee it I ete., but, they pride themselves on ,lie • Ottawa, nt. g it to cure or money refunded., ri:PLvill of God'' Spiril, throughout ihe? 1 C:lyd-playbill and (lancing and •itnilar grc:od skirt. That is what God N shy-. variety that only they (:tail g°r(t\ ail I . .. .... ...... . . --__ i ww•; rid. T. (ln ,)•.Aleve that: we inugt wit.. I fi: t,rn , of entertainmr+ntt ,is if they ing to til warld to -day. "Th^ hili.,wt's I'lx+rfection-the Sunri.w. ' . s na•c!s sou, -thing like the Day of Trento- ww,`r:'• the (greatest sins• of the w•orl:}.. bttgiwas rcquircth haste." II: car.-' This is a blossom ;almost its i;irg,- as t I cost in ihi; }r^rtinr.i ig, of the t,w•cn'}:t'1 I I do n:oi. re;g:ird them. Put I (lo i not uw- laggards 3w.r loafers nor lazy I a J•acquemhavil, odorowi in the extrcnn' I P i (X•ntttxy Wfore We •shrill. be fitted to i f• ^1 dial it the+, niers and women of mtil- Mvn on {llei•r feet eag;er:y lj,ier-,anti tinted almost like tali orchil!, front, I Cau"penters stand upr'n aur feet and run into the a this city, inany (it them inentb rs of • intoto known what God's vole:+ shall1pale yellow to delicate pink. Its finis {'{ c„zittlry wLtjl the g11ad tiding;~ o•f the , Our rhurch(+y azul confessed disciples c<>nima•ntd-tlt:,s.e a.re tate rnon God' have a metallic lustre+., different fruit t I Soa of Grxl. (incl T shall ww•: ieonlo as I oilJ,+wus. dri noi. c:`age spmdinr so ww'a•I1ts: to tyre, they arc`s the 111,011 He I anything; in the flot it world, ;silt il, k 0 it g twater in it thirsty l:tn:i the Lncc•minr i much va+untrle iiia" in ilseles.g amuse-! d(.0" Us and will use. Stand upon i bvilut3 has :already set upon it th,s g 2 Kidney& I of tilts lioiw spirit in it tide, not of 1 nwnts, (Tod -will 11^ver., use 1h•: to ,o tlrw fo {. t red til) clf froth all vi•n , seal of fashionable, (tmuand. - ! cxciu-naent, batt of oeeanio fullness dao nary g rvnr, thing -4 for Ilinl. Th f burdens that make, then .stoop anti' The Cnriadian, cannot. now la -gin to I Carpentering is not l and u.:rn(leu2, -vliirh shall awee•jr tnenl irrz:,;rd+ssiv+ whisk. parties. tau+ coca*- taggtrr. "Stand Upon, illy foci."T.00l:,siajrj)ly the new dcvtllttrl front ilte. C'ni- I 5 ! ran easy read*. The c..". :.+4fisitnrss and p.twer, and tnoncy I I +ss tou•rid of card -playing and dane- ("Ll in th f atc.r free frOtn all .suspicion I ted St'ate.•agtl every, grower is putting; a constant reaching* a n.t1:d scrci:ti tataniin into the reg;ener- rn, r}ul)'; tile' Irl:in' i:r mak+ ills I e.1' e'nnl.radegltip -with evil. "c+t:i.n(I up- up adclit.inn , to his rs4ablishlic+n 1. 'ChO I ■ r down, t110 rifting at dl ivi,W they need, nud fill the l winter a "g sly ono," as: society mals 1 c:at Illy fc-t', 1341 free from the en rivVr1lg;e nnw hour -o is 480 fent gang, . I ztiuti stoat's* over are ch :•ch with n new fll,ail of (.11111114,- Lt, Lt, Iron, destructive to the spiriitl:t. , tangxl!xlfi im,Ix'a}inleni of se}fish Haan -{taus!' the rice ih'ti cal]'tl• lGukw+,j trftrr I a ,tlT sever* Strains an riv>wth of elle, P; opt A C hri,, nit ; ey uging,, and ein,n%ucrate all thi,Ig,s to : an • titan. i n;txa and saerific4. (. r the kidneys. No 1."r us not b` afraid of askinx God I camtr)t indula' in 'ilea(+ thing t :int. Ti,:+ pnrpccges. "Staind upon thw fw+et. ill re than oto+ 'hundred houses of i ♦1r;ot to I)% 11-.4 of Go:l to &-rent 1 - .. ` Ihis gaze are 1 -in- built nnww, azt,l they i 0 ' - ttr flat of ibe lnlugt int rro-('nr;nty, wonder a carpenter _•.____-1 , I __ _._._ __. _ tEssei, ln: th.M Kingilcin. 1 I 1.t ! exclaimed, rticently, I ! steam heat, nutatnatic builer fvvdi I • f G,ntl want" I town'••, I'lliz:nis who can Ci ERRY S DAD HEART; that every time lie 1 I g ele, /.' 14111114 n run t1wil foe( aIld 1lob Win t drovo a nail it seemed d 1 It may interost the antutrl:r trove r 1 .- / c'$' i rn aha` f ve willivu. even theauvl ei"il puff him11downandout11so•fart 0 °, ni though he wits L® 3 ® ® + ! n+ :lotny wren, . W ar; {«la to avri•a ! to ]tnow 1h at tIr,• ('nn:udjany ke:p,),Air ' piercing his ann heel:. 1.Iso neer ; •••:nli ahc' appearance e•{ evil. 1V e nee 1 as working giVaH concerned,' ;flails frvo fnim the infix+et pest . Ltnl)ly I 80A[ P Kidney Lille I of hofarlth through believing' what, Ie., but Dr. Agnews Cure for theIv vevv4ionally fill,ntr the holls'q -with ; rho read -tooted the olahn--proved , <v;•Y'n our lives n*, by the l:tww of : . nowt• on the first sign of ackaolin and is i the truth. Soath AlmeriC&TI Kidney; :'xp wl!eney, bei, by the law c:f a•ervice, ; Heart made a man e'F hien ill-, fi:)n,• of s. run;; Iucurin:+ ext r l(t. .TltetiO I -i115 ai'e Ii Sl]0Ct 1C for ata cillo to follow his bade wvitll comfort, and I Cure ouredaviolent typo of Tt ig z1{y, a,ii•ou rh far :t ul!rn or an or- again. ; r ch Iled fr(:iti n vnpoi t lu; I;rntp. ,i , C diseases arisill , frons disordered jtrofit. t s;n ltii law to .'spay k":•p Oram }areal(, l Tarsier weakness enol fainting sells wore so coal -hod fu the window t,f A :,eww 11Ctwl,a, wvaztl: It :t 1't or wvttcYvlwltw(wd. "Ihavabadkidnay(and Ili" .rY trunl:lrsfor \tr : \armntl Cuol:e,:GCI e.1.11, hilt,, (netotrd i -t«' ;L 1rt-w td•chndcally. Wr need fel) i,. Theyrale, -' , , . hr n 'nra twith N(•welb leis sit {hes for kulncv disease until she wv;ts tired. -tried , r rs : acute tl at Win. Cherry, of 0%ven . ound, tent„ ; I -otic clothier is filled with hills lnu9; 11 t11 1t,t:Rill, Ciii✓,int!,S, iinorethant r v( Irvin•r anal d.,.iri.4 and saying, than„ had fu quit wwork. I11s sufferings wvcrte werY. S]tct,h:rin„'fspells, mallaftnybaekandinbotil-ide.. vain plaster.;and a diven renladie; before she tried • .i ,, c• q e l lornT,:+c .. s ('sin, ii wilt h is tlltltst rt e•)al she: ,,, ,brat ,ilea wweal, stoo wvitholit diftlet(lty.and T lltlelsev(!rcll('ll- liolltll :T11(rlC,tn Kidnev e'urr. \Then sh,: had' l'' i1 w 1y , t ih 1,1 of { I11 great. One day a tlrug;gist said, C ir•n. oy q• g c r c, r rn1 1'c ain to both tent )len, Seeltr iliemher- "'I Iiwv a:n:l •'•rt'I'r, with nee po•••glad,• : I)1'. Agnew'-, Cure for the Ile,{rt g it pills, r✓. a : T'i't(le, it is it .mall , taw 1 Arilm r d I bhortness ofbivath, swwellithfi Oi feat t; P used nuc barrio she ]riga dcriwel g;:o.d ltenefit. r ti;ernent of I)cau'a 3ii,ltney Pills, I trot, aL boy. I , r; t. , „ri fG^ .L`+)iei(rIt Ui ani' aria' iw.'K or . t;n,i.l ligase i()r it h:tv nl.trg c s,tlr•." Ile raid •;w, . wv',tit It I'CIl inc-antll'so-Nalt Il:lit th•,l t, and anlihns-, Ile?rw ou.gtic: K :il`C .]l + . Tile. h;l. ,e even hie(uielc ratfet, rcputvingC the After taking, bottles Air, ww(ss vuref1, he, was i 1 l.., , ( Ltf Y gg 1 q rr 1 • s Ire r tit time: that bLe lOulthl t lid , ,."l lIM". Gifu l cit dz :ns}lip e•1 els L - , :111(d look rive bottle;. '1'u.dav lie L,s, Itis lila• e r an)it al s to t+outattt 11. }u]Nl: art itis ❑` t1etiS , n.: ttti<t " ► y)adnfronithebacl and"Ides,andllqu}.htnictho tog .i a li t _ hestdL lilt. other worltmen, :ui( e:uc.; as beg n• ih,ttl fstl+t+lrrenrl: -Ave ate gust bnt'11• , alt ,t.t.,a, h art's meiuralaiopaina from any head. ale Ilrttl:lr',V do,wn•-•wvas totally lintA t'ct household duties. i f,,,••, nal r•IW+ "(;:••• 1;00.1, Cl '1141, whole oui lease,.:. 1VL t(+(d asset men . d tv's work as tiny of theta, thait::y to this I;reaC fug nlullr•y ()IL these AI I suits. bnt wve lwt`eci Hutt..+, par'ti::l 1)areal is, ,]rain f:lr- dili{oliltg is pn-v Lut (rel ' gxon(, T feel fr(,-hand S h :wnlaric iu Kidney Cure g;ivcs relief in e a , , lvigorou3inthn,niorninzr,r,andamsttirh::truna'r sic hours( 54 wvll, :tr ` al)'+ I -r -f m0 tt drat iI Il• fan-ated3. 5i rlU• ra(StC, tt11(1 t11u3t be litOvefi by a'l'b tCnlalo i;wmplailtt;, rrel]e'r"gal tlelJllits*) iCn 8>iius, (opo iCrknndtllailtdCTt,1'rCnt011.t)nt. Sl-ltl l) A. Is. llntnil(o:i( \l +t gI'inpl. ill till$ ni:lt lt•r. 1 int ww1L•.J il.lY` i4o1 an- `'ttl(I h; :a. It. li.l'1•`i.,, r, ww It ;n. ti`tar-v I," cillll lack of viLallty'. Prl(',e, , c. tido\,