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The Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 2
THE WING11,t X TiN ES, FEB. 12 1, 190 agatlrlotl, pas�r.i Tlut utliitt•t cif gtltsr rclig,lotis Ftaeta is.. { .))-j _' Itev. � . ,T- Maxwell, po � ju?,uELS � 1LQ1� �jl��l fitl)r of I1:llt 7t peact•fully OWKY h -t I` ridgy znurni i tri - A.sy'i0,i itiou of (1hristinu Brethren,"' Cr , yr charoll, Ripley, has taken co boles stRud after tittllxet> awpito VinosY. :lira, ly"t•11 l wilu•h, ttecordinl to the New York Still, �� E�,11� �Va11 ji���,�.« on the probibitiorl cluestioil. 1Ie haann- ivtts tt y c}uli rayl•; tiviolt lovoki, by her ; is :tilling doivil thy. Mississippi In a tnod• --•- uouuced to his vgssion that be will sulk frlgnds: stud ae(iii-0 n -.11w S. Sht> ivas t), t ern indtatinn of tiro 418Atri tell people paragra�ps from. our Exchanges, port prohibition regardless of any politi- metuberof the 31vtIlk "liat tchuhch. Milt"I 0111t tilt valla unlit is s,uroly tozri,11 art . , _ cal party. 10.11. Ido, i< thct lial lit, of the boat, ayrllpttthr 1" ill behalf of tit,- I111.1 1warly ww lulndred persous, 111011, Miss McDonnia, who is visiting at it looked like a silver fox shin, and bereaved 1111,) titil t v altlle+lt tlt,tt 011 11•4-11, an, aboard of her. John Martvu's, blacksmith, Ripley, liad one of Wroxeter hitle dealers drought Crot)rt. aft tc:a iv FIN,, -.bale The f+r•'>•9deut v tut` Ft chis L. T. Nich• the lnfsfortune to fall and brealt herarnz he bad a cinch wheu he got it at about '4i�itltnut rt, ,l?+lr ,a° i,tt1 t,Y pit, buwo:, „rart tit tilt, viitl)of�N sir miser. flo Bochell lds ell Sunday ovozlilag. three prices. The innocent farther Lgxa Livor 1',I,% 'tete til • ljo wvl;, hituK„ lt' nt.tinly rexpous1111" for the sup- Mr. S. Reid bas purchasedthe Grey from Jamestown, however, got it oir a cure vonsti,'ltliun. ' e . q)N-a, lltllUtl:itietiy I p 1't' c;' his foll`)wel-F, whit are, pl:illllllll; R s101i Ilealfllit'il.`, lt,'ii tart edulls tit tilt' t t, liyt` nit trot+ .�?r'.lt'•tltt liatil taloa of farm on the roil road, Tuckerslulth, oil little grey poodle. erg ausof di;;csti^Ii. rice :•;ct°lits, 1i. ;tilt• I,sill;t! ilntt. `•;; which lie has been living for five years, C`rili�dY�1� CrY�� b druggists. I front 04b estate. The faint contains 04 i Til: revently i�cv =1 tt nett of our )tui- s Qi q{'yp TN acres, and he a s 2 ttTQ for it, terltntrteF Klu•1es t'tt• •u+•tlher of ltlw tt' ; HELPLESS "� a ! H > t Ili � tilt �A'` Atl�ltttt/TO (i 'll I s . q,M Brit6h Troop Oil Liniment is without in June1"st to Ita:•• i, on l,:ia:, nein; •i:l l ll U��'I'�$ill6 9� p Douglas Jtuhustoll, son of Ale.. John• r NiH 1 E„ e�calatinu the wort t>tT:+cave rezzted.> for Stoll (xucic>riolz. cried all Thurarla, •last in fewer Ihaa tIst yi t: '• 101 V. ,,111tI11111 , Out,,, Wounds, Ulc+•rs, l�pt>u Sores, f � died unci thi, ty t„ i it rhi> rouylct:, ; ~wroath Amerida n Rheut'n'rAV4 ! Rheuanttien) BiNs, Stings ox Ills0cts,' alis twenty -fourth year. The young olaita w h. • l u t+:: a la: of them fl: i:.i ; Cure, Mr. barker Sys, worked ;etc. `~lar:*e bottle 2 i eent�, mtu), who, was nov tar robust, had been iu+ Ent:?ul,d. ;t t : ut', I trout �e ,r- ! a Miracle in , his passe, alae Fla I (Il`eliniug health for some years, his fII- I cxFare.,efa his graitituae in trig Ident lluttltas ilusst y, aF well-ltuown resi-+lirssllzlally developing into cousunlption. Iliad t,.lid l'"' •:uta; t;� • L-lliri,d � t.tt, uncertain soUnait of Ashfield flied at St. Joseph's I More !halt Ntll .,c ". + lit a:ry unfit r tlutti• lir. C nar%er, of ,b Puffolle I'lace, Toronto, ! hospital, London, all Monday of last Police 0 311stable Livingston of Windsor years of t p-% li}+ • ut a tlaart:r r r ttritei:- I It is only fair to my suftering neigh. 'week, Itir. Htlsst>y4 was abUttt sissy � arra+stad L. P. 0anl.rroa in Mount For- therlt tient et a +b t t;: lord forty. It i,urs to publicly eipr2ss my great gratitude for ost lata week, ehargred with defrauding di,r almost mitaculous cure front kheutnatism ' Years of age, 1•Iea1 disease was the g colivie ecru to tM.sot e'+ rat lt.c flag, ri tit etr,cted in me by the tl,e of South American cause of death. Duncan McLeod of Chatham, of the sum couvirnR hilt ,�.' ,:, +l1•• ro�tat tlrt> Fast f khrr.:aatinC'ure. For three monthslivasnext down as Rt'n;nn ('+ t;sttlieF, : ' 0110 t-rl i door to belplessness, and my sufferings ivere I Mr. Wm. Patterson of S %forth had of 0,,150, Cameron• is:tcrnsed of haying of England. 1 t1 Nik.,I, lists, 10.1 Pre,by ! intense, but tiro b�ttics of this great remedy I the misfortune, oil briday of last weer;: t sold McLcod it pattint ropresoutini:, that terians, 01 Ptipriett,. '::; Lutherans, :11 of ; curet! me. It relieves in six hours, (to leve tt finger slip«>d lava rawin. the it exteilded for ten cars, whereas it has otlhur creeds!t: `::, ,:.til no treed lir all uhi'•S A. r.. ilnnet t i', ins iu u,. e furniture factory, 'his is the FPCOtld bwn disuovered that it expired two years accident of a sianilAr nature that Mr Ilig°" ` 1 g G tet' 4 V C *1 , ! 1i 1" C °' G LY G 1'attt`rsotr lists user i°4itll wit4fu a few 11lilhurn's fitt•rliof I3Padnclle Fnivrlels r '+ contain neither nips-phine nor opium, a - Omni to the tttiatinn: ot<the i'nnnt.ian climate, iieeltF, S M d� t d , + ] c•n,+;; tat tarn,• tt' luta tuivo nnt•L be nuu}e in all fences i j'L They j)rUtriptli 011e P Sick 1IealdaClle, _ 1:1�'^3r� "`fits, ctantr:t,,iui,rint e:tl•lunioll,trhic•113naI{e9anol'• I payq, t �I\TeUraljiA, HttadachA, HeArlat:h[l Of ,its,uytvu,•t,n•.,.un•ert,rt•ttble,a;iihenitexpand, I Children CJl y for I(arippe, Headache of delicate ladies and itbcrctart:.u'uo,r:rstolwort•oflittle Valise. Note Fieatia(hca frnni ail thaeo•,tianona tett •` ,his malts :, vo,•u,e u:.0 t+t•si-rt-gUlathig. `file )?age Y cause whatever, i?Fire ionto i, mate, ; �^ -e• + > 1rr > dSieh ,, rwirt• rl., ,t: ou„ r; ordinTEry n h e. I'rica4 ttxt• 1 • Price 10c an(izrr>, p^ n' r! i' .>; t'ai• r ,, , ,: t! mtlt:a cf i?az o t:c, t.; arae in a -e We alsomake 0att+,t, t ti eta: a. lir teal ti1y:r;...•, _ : +a•t,'V '+t•trin::. !» . ,'«yt: lY •, ., F,`nAe Co., L•tlt'!"d, VJ ••1•r.utl!•, Ont.:l It 1)ecolnt`F O11I• Fac'dllty this week to: Oil Saturday of last week W, J. Cook chronicle the deatll�k)f Mr. Robert heir and R. F. Young, elf the $ay fitP line, of the ,,th cion. 0alross, who passed Gucielitll tn., Ni ho oto cutting wood for away on Sunday laft after a severe ill- .! J� ® George Yonn,;, cut `hien a tree 34 inch- ness of some two �veelts. Up to the es afro+d the stl)Inpl` sawed, split and tune when he was tnitell ill Mr. Reir was; f c f t p:lt'd i:, mnklt)g fivt cords, in :] hours the picture of hAalth.. He was nun t and 55 minutes. married and had reaolled the age of 35 I o a _ Here is how two p�ollibitionists were years and S months. ; ns � mtule as told by it W stern Uutario edi. Mr. Charles Routled a of Tackersn}ith' I tor: 'Long aye I ula(ge avow never to receivers a letter from is Fun J61u1, who i I{ drink at my own expo lse. That did the is iu Indian Head Northwest 'Territory, 4 it t., t ! lie quit buying for alelandlying uow for il o lar' t last weep, saying I The Typewriter �����G ����° �e a� Ii� S �E� �� ��" I Moth prohibitionists."!, 1 anaccident having had the bones, of his This is PROVED by the fact th.tt the BUSINESS in ! "� iriglt ]land broken by wheel passing habitants of the world USE it, LTser7 intE>rnally Hiti>yard's Fellow Uil over it, but at the >¢imP the letter was carp Sore 'Throat, Hoarseness, Quinsy, written lie was gettibg better and hoped Now manufactured in three of the grt at countres, viz. Pain in t the Chest, Croup etc, Used „ 4 a external) cures Rheumatism Stitt o be all right soon. Canada, United States and Germany. Joints, Contracted Cords, Sprains, Woulis affect as hill's stealth too The 'anad+an Pacific Railway have GVev 2003 :in use ! Strains. Burns, Scalds, Curs, and Bites 1 seriously to neglectSometimes they They know a GOOD thinly' ofIusects, leanRe Convulsions a)trl death. If you 1 suspect them to be ; present, give Dr. i I Un Saturday, Fob nary 8th, the death Low's Pleasant Wont)) Syrup. which 140-11111E Q)F 11TH AliiVAFli'1i'AQ;aEa : occurred of Christena, wife of Dr. H. destroy.Q the worms w thout injuring the . Visible writing *;tart to finish. Portability, weiglrg only 15 pounds. Adams, I:rnhr0, at alae age Of fifty-five Price 20"c. 31anlfoldind, Nuts theta all. Alignment, positive and permanent. ( years. The deceased was fortnerly a The Walkerton Tele. cope, ,n all item Durability, hardened steel parts, simplicity, 000 parts as against 14001 resident of GodericY, and was a sister of reporting a visit of Ma ager Ryau of tba WARRANTED by a well-known Canadian Company ]fere to back it up. 1 D. C• Mackay, hidA constable. Mr. ' Palmerston packing h also to its oiiice, �t� 1 Mackay attended the funeral, which +says that last year's wicking of the Pais- ( ) $60.,_ i took place at Embro on Tuesday. I ley packing house rho s a deficit of $2All extensive sale of 'purebred short- COep, asci that lt)st yFar s «orkitlg�✓of the YOU WASTV, that much if you BUY tiny OT ER, and you DO � horu stock wits held " t Barnbrae farm, ; Palmerston packing house chows a NOT UET SO GOOD a machine! j i Stouifvfile, ou Wednc lily of lase iveelt, deficit of ;3700. Apparently the Teles- ` which was attended b a large nuinber cope has its information direct and has the correct figures. We are informed on i THE, WILLIAMS �iF"ia? f . o., Limited of farmers and breed s. The top price r- - paid was by E. C. Attrill, of Goderich, I what we believe to be good Mithority Write to -day'. MONTREAL, P. Q. ;that the Harriston aekin, shouse has It •i ,�• " B• h p who paid ESU for load ook s ZO h. 1 . C � s ,____ I Tho first twenty animals brought all, I suspended operations entirely stud will average of $,332) eacb. not resume bnsiuess nutil its nextannual ' I' Aa .. < if,I rncetiug, if at all. ° (;hi€dren Pr for 1 I rmw OLD FOGY D®Tc t i i al p ata : Th, o r-ilvEi to L n th•i.t Dr, .••r>g I ra ` � Cl:��ets Otntmera is n tatrhain FAMILY Doctoro are all right as g neral practitioners, i r ( ;',4 " a8 anti i nsoluto ettre far r=tch °f a but they are not specialists. Tltesextiai organs ecru- a4� Qm?a� qi a and artery foam of it••h nu, _ ggrise the most Intricate and important systent in tate ; t bloodintrr-nd pro t"n,lin, idlca, �: ay humatt body and require the most ,sicnllful treatment. 'rhe ChatSwUrt11 1�1ews says: "r� g;oocl rim(P004 v inti lie all l revrs uand ael.-dtoirI neigh• ' You might as wril expect a blacksmith to xepai- your i watch, as -family -physician to cure Sexual complaints. ;juke is Paler Orl a Cllalj6wOrtll y01111 lllan hnr a wit•• mono ba( kiV n � oe Can use ft and we have utade a specialty of these diseases for over 30 I t"^t a oto tnonr•v Marl, it not corer?. tine a box, rat years, havcinvested tens of thousands of dollars and have I who went t0 OwenSound One day last all,alralors or iSntta aOv,Ii.S rLs•&^ Co.,Toronto, every facility known to metrical science to cure then!. week and dropped itltio Dr, Lang's oiliest t-t�, 'I , hq,,P 3 oint i��G'i' Rverp case is tatceu with a. positive guarantee of t.taii'ry •+C No \; ure-iso Pay. Ito b0 vaccinated. Ti `e doctor asked 11in1 1. Hamilton Herald: There appeared ; - $LIDO$ DPtC,)1Lai�ltr Whether inItrrited or acquired,, � � if he had Byer beent, vaccinated before is positively curets forever. The virus is eliminate from • i tho Other day in a Wew York paper all _ tate system so it* danger of return. hundreds of cases and he replied: 'I'c© been vaccinated' cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a l i i amusing story of an axlnbitions and i SEE THAT THE F_A,C-$1_MML,E .14131UR; ,OF Promotes estio heerful- 1 i nessandnestiContains neither Oplurn,MorphinO Ilor Iliaeral. IS ON T13E. NOT NA*RC OTIC. i I 34iajro ofOkllL S�il?t7F•LPl7CLfEA. WIZAIT-1, l j ,lT$unpkrn Sc:d^ �N I Ber4weSaAG- i ' of EVERY_41kt ., deed + y ernrmt - Anl,r Wta4Jorlr ° jY,t7Fll,f•CerT ^ I ,� `A �j �� {'� 4/'"�.�' [ Wed xiwn- . tuzlYm�n ,30'TT� AperiectRemEdy forConstipa- � oeces. e said pinothing, , it' tion, Sour Slomach,Diarrhoea, j gasped, "you wonder what I want with reels Perhaps think I have for some time, but tlat) joke was tea t0 steep, i J� Iortns,Convulsions,Feverish- CA good and noN4 the whole town is i j i loess and Loss Ori' SLEET' 1 t 1brought yott here; for reconciliation, chuckling at the lady'l; expense. We do ' I _....._ ._ _ i Ta1csintite Signature of E l But, no, that is not So. I merely want :not i a? 44, NEW '"i''O'F M Castorla is put up in ouo•size battleq• only:, 1% Is not sold in bulk, Ihn't allow anycna to, sell ° P "• ^� you anything orae on the plea or promba, that It "Just `twill t' t ; d is as good" and an max ovary Fur. , •' ,, r noso," 4z Sco that yon got C-A.S-T'Q-X.L•J. p LXAGTGOPYOF WRAPPER, 999 ^.ho fta- -� - simiia asgantnre�����Jr�Y � ev4ri t�aa°,�. _ , <.,•!,/. ` of ° artpDe .r�:�?., t�„�d1� a• �;s:et,rwt��r,�+.+.ursl�,'l�,�, A. C, �y ,s HEAD V. 01SESK ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HERC ARE NOW CURABLE by our neve invention. Only those !Torn `leaf .arc iticurable, HEA® NOISES CEASE A ' EDIATELYU } F. A. WERNIAN, ©iw BALTIMORE, SAYS: ll.tr: rntons, Starch 5o, :,,or, "entlenteit: -D eitig cntirely cured of denhtetin, ill uilk, to ;•uur trcwauettt, I Will :,otv give yrnt it fitlt history of my ca,e. to he is,ed tit your diserrtiun. Ahotit five Year: ngo my ribht ear heh+iu to r:in ;, and lhl:t kept on ,:,stab worse. until I lost; sten •its.,* ill b'i ,• i C Illy t t tG r uu• rut i l. Y S K V• ,'e , • c •s rnu .dtc n Him) - her t rtvrnt n trrnln e t for Sart a for three mmuh, wuh n.t auv-:used 1 to I ) t cat 1 her or pi,ysicians, among other~, the tuost cruillent ear pecialist of thio efty. who told the that only ttur a};,c•ratfttn tsani<l help nae, nud even that only tea)nararil}, that the stead noises tvouh3 lheu erose, haft U hcaring in the affected car woilid he lost forevt r, I their hntvvntlr adrrrtnsenneut nevidentally ill n New York paper, nttd ordrrrd }rntr t:eat- nic•nt After F had it«(d it duty a fete days accordin to your directions. the and to -lac, nitt•r fico• tee's 1:::, taw• henrit;¢ in tlai• tlil;caced tar has been cutircl� re�tonti. : t!usnk ;aiu heardiv and beft to : `•natio 1•rry truly yolirs. F. A. \y1tR"MAN, :,o E. I'mad• .1y, Ilaliira.: .. Sd. 0a j, treahi vitt does it Fatteffere,with, yo uxn(f? <)erfr, :tr ;fa y 8xantinatiurt a:a,l �. q ��^t,Aggp a@� �,y(�@q fit( a ,e.- r uta S udvic . fr.,,,, �`1M1 GAA CIMS OUVIq",iEL AT 11101 Oi'l�! Eitefa l It nllr,nl. ill Dart. F,rr� lI M cure. 'twice and baptlzedi three tames ands I r98P_'i 0V% 11D1w131LdTV -and other e01uplications' , , M Iwealthy society wanittn of Grants such as emissions, drains ill the urine, baricocele, sexual lheitht ] OISe Oi them took." The CIOCtOr I Rapids, Mich., who weal€ to Paris to buy t v weakness, etc., are cured by our N evr %1i a tt hock •b"retaa:. 4 hesitated, but finallyeoncluded to vaeoi- , > _ s meat under a positive guarautee-00 CUP.E--ti© PAY. i i furniture for bent, fine now residence, ( , B I N WE CuhE At•L OICEACES OF MCH 1440 %M46M. I nate him, and judging from the way he I Hitherto slat) Itbeen content with 1 t: as Consultation Free. ecoke ntio. write for gnostio t blan,i for . 1 holds his aril the third vaccination took r private Home Treatment, ISverything coutideutial. i , furniture macre i1CTritlacl Rapids; but l 6�t� 6 g°tri i even if the third baptrsnl clicln t.' ! 1lbllle-made goocis were )lot good enough ' K E: N d �3 E u &K E RG => N., , I A rich citizen oft nearby town was ; to fit her ndvtlneeri social position; noth- 3 8 Q: IRELBk- T 8T9Zu• fl301r•ROIT, :lS>ICZ ' on terms of bitter h tied wiGlh two local ' ing bat the finest i." ranch styles worlld I `' -'! �., a ;_ tai'_• �••,,r . v • � •, , !, �.*;�, rte. �,�°`'�� lawyers, wham llecicouserl of having do. Weil; slle�tn'ested:L rat of luouey! b robbed kiln in a law suit, says the Sid- I in French furnittre, paid tilt; heavy -- - ! ney Bulletin. He tool: sick, was riven duty on it. and �rondly invited her to ' - �t -. - -. •- -t MIRIM I up by his doctors. At once he sent word I friends to inspect her now acquisition, K MIA :L IS Idwing i announces the f'®I- clubbino offers for x.902 Times and II- eekly Globe, with two magniHCiet pictures, "The baste and Duchess of York," incl "The I+'alrnl Pots," till January 1st, 1903 ... , , , .. • , , , , , , , , . , . 1 nu Tithes and Weekly Witness ,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , 1 60 Times and l+atnily Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 Tithes and Weekly Mail and Lmpire....:... .... . ... . . . 1 75• Tinges and Western Advertiser ....... . ................ 1 50 Times and,.Weekly Sun .............. ... , Times and baily Globe . 4 25 * '.Gimes and 'rot -onto Daily Star, till Jana4ary 1st, 1903 y' 50 Times and harmers' Advocate ................. I ....... 1 85 Times ar-d Ilail,y World ........ ° . ..... . ...... .. 3 0a Times and Vaily Neivs .......... . . ................... :a 25 Times and (laity Mail and Enipire.... ............... i 35 Times and YWith's Companion ........... . .... . ....... ;? 75 ti With the Toronto Baily Star subscribers will 'rot it beautiful Picture of Dingy Edward'VII, in nine colors, by praying $2.50, or ori; payment of ($U0 the prenihint ,vitt the Star will be it book Picturesqu6 Canada." y We eciuld extend the list, brit it is not necessary. We can. Five you elulblng rates for any newspaper or Magazine published. Hvet'y subscriber will receive at copy of the 11andsome Illustrated C ,A. N A D I A IN'' A N N U A L for 190'3. The above are our P I x E v It AT t s, marked down; so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore, there is no use asking for cheaper rates. When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one, wP, can give theta to ail. Call tat or address THS T11 I) ` in ham 9 I to the lawyers, asking thorn tc come to t ° his bedside. They-jiurried to his house, i I One of these frien(1 was a cnlnloisseur in furniture, and it did not take llim Ripans T..hules I)ac;nrs fund 3. i and when, in the room were 1nat7oned to; long", to discover trio trade aunrlc of a, A;r 3 orescriptinn as k "?. Fur nt.i: clad. ; 'sit one on each silo of tine 6l d. He then { tock a hand of each. "11I frierid5 " 110 Grand Rapids mantitacturer oil several f the He . •about k` i y oeces. e said pinothing, , it' Ri pans Tabules are a common sense, dfcctucl cure j gasped, "you wonder what I want with reels Perhaps think I have for some time, but tlat) joke was tea t0 steep, 1 t you you 1 y y P good and noN4 the whole town is i j III,),, r d}'spepsia, biliousness, heartburn, he,:dact:e:, col;- t 1brought yott here; for reconciliation, chuckling at the lady'l; expense. We do ' stipation, dizziness and all disorders of tt:c sto'.nach, E l But, no, that is not So. I merely want :not doubt tlae truth cffi this story, for >, li: E:r anhe bowels. They are intended for the use of ''Ito die litre our blessed Lord •-- betwoon i young Hamilton collple had a sfuuilar tier, `omen and children everywhere, and have :toothieves." And then bodied happy' ex erience. The devidedto fl Tly "clue I I • r proved beneficial in the majority of cards. It i:; not > abut ; furniture, and to buy it at one of the ' ' x i t I 'big; Toronto tlepnrti>eut Etorea where it' R cl;:iliicd that they tivperform E rform miracles, sonic of g ; had been oil display and had titken their i3 _ the cures which they have effected arnoui�lt almost to fancy only a fm(lays aft(" the new I that. I asy to take and prompt in actic7, they have crIlran:, andCYlildaa". !furniture had tie11 installed in thcnr if no rival as the best remedy for the evefy-day Ills of f I llollte they nhaclo trio discovery that it! 1,t11nanit •. !a fay" oimite 'c er. 1 had been manufactured by it Hamilton ntgcC� ro ovarq I firm, n,nd what Mile tit a discovery more wrappot•. I A 1MIEbICIN'P. WHICH PROLONGS LIFE. I mortifying was the fact that tht)y could 1 a ut I W.a^. lsnnblc 1 uhh 9ndigestdon and `unci}patummand har pf ve noticed Xi a, )awe beta%Vhnti ng fl ens 1haVe bought the Goods diCElet fT01ri the r l Z�edneFday rlOrning a v Cry Ellatre"9illg: t , that i ina, Ptting rid of those terrible bilious spe hwhicb confined me ttilhed on account of the ,city,,,:•_;, fit iate I have trot had ary, Iliad just got over a had spell f hi}tous fever and was to remarked how bad looked. I told him I y ' manufacturer for eSt3 ,nUney tllalr they ! accident took place ill the Cilgr,in0 r00n.1 I r i paid its Toronto. Moral -you Cttn Often ' ,::*tin i n ow Ste when a neighbor cavae me and g Etta ,,: tar eve'die fever and that l was afraid to eat ip is Taltules. l.Spana 1'ahales• of (ook s grist mini, IIen"al. About 8 n t Cook's f t "ave store than railwayfare b Ydoing: t`+,ttike' advised suffered since X was quite young. Ile advitccl rMc toatalte detse (,heI feelwithout Tabldeein f isiteien d d Ifhaven't - 1 t�s�,Ii iin�>tI finis, � ryttl,evn�tut that Tal;• •o fnuriti 0 ClOCk its the in0llling it was noticed! ! i � that the speed of the inill machinery was f your buying is yOrtr OtVll t0iVt1. withtT.a ' ? trr::,:t .n; tile: r.•flt I,rt,longnt)•life:%r ai beginning to slacken and the hiller � �--••- -__ _._.:. .._...... ..._._.-_ GASTRIC TROUBLES. � went into the engine roots, to discover i sfi G 7 !! pp!� (;a i A HE'"�� � T®1�'" _ "1 had �tdrertd three years at }cast from gpastric troubles. Icould not Alert) at right, Lt••'.c.ul af7,rd and lily feet wr,uld he cold as ice, illy bowels were not regular alit, 1 ivould have taint f distress � the Cause. On looking around he was, i horrified to iilld. talo body of Simon i I For soldier br dievillAn South ' sad rr:mr .r tram gates forming on my sumach chat t would away, w its in mch l' 1 - ave n"unr died than ]rye. About three nv,nfts ago l was snff(An and iclt as if r�i' bltly \l `,v tint up inastidly. btv brotlier recommended Rf ans 'Tabules tt! me. :sty l,usbind i . i 1 Swartz,it young ran who, was learning , - - i y g �' , At»er,calh 141011 ivllrs�+ loro+rve>Q it- t # to Pull tilt! Iging under the 1 "sterni oh:ai• o,l ••+nmr f w Me form i1w neart,, drog store and f would tint note he )ctthout them. 1'iri:v hrweis s• engitle pal• s�I1F the rEat�sfi of 3 • �' y ,c,' • i rr of ani tilt f,.nl gate that formed in n)v stomach :and they )ntwe niv re r1ar•.•, f„r te::. h 1 baa t,.: a taking r>byait:e a:l tilt rima. 1 flare nn n:nort cazrs,my 1)owrls r; are re,:n;.:rly, , ley which drives ire ptunp. Medical aid 1 � ion$rs, nr:rve h+ealows aht:1 i ' 1 hat.' n t m"re le to iulwn and cam deep v,.tl : in fact, I feel s-, lirbt as the air which I lirealr,, and t vtote i hst', lrmulq. Iems,wr thatIdid ,ot(ornuwe r l lir, tv gnat t t c t:t., ,° :uvinCa,xcr t S -a t deal ,•» t was at once Call d in belt examination , blOtld CIE3 tf$L'r” r I I lett that rah" I1dCli ii F broken 1, and ievea a b 0 C I ' year ago, fur they wuulti have !'vas meagre,,^.t t.tat�af pain and eut::r:u,, yeari ' , i the back of the 1' ; ad eat, 'Tile young A battie•;carted veteran just Hume from the I q- �v t relief z vitt , he a t-rtuaAfriea, sof 11)5 illi rml clotVn ver, liiata 11a(l llferl ru tial?, the llClt 'Ovi>r the lirak tilt uftirmath of that tlrratl veldt fever - e j pulley and was dragged betweela a boattrl , says : "i found South American Nervine a re+ - = Jt r t,.srnn'snhrh•, i,ntvnna theft, Atdrn,trfstri. « markabtu rnethciuc and heartily recomtltrnd it to f protection about two feeb high and the rvrrybody is need of a gond tonie." It's a wl t,v,n•tatn,e \+l�tL t m«n. Audtrdta)rr,Al't1Ktbnlrtto. i null air+ tc.t f 'JLMs stake to }:o, Tilt+ t'lva•r"int ,arks -c to rnon It tt)»ort tdinnryoeepsnit. The fanillyla,ttle, ] C+leo uta, contains !► ruUply for a ytraY. i t pulley was fotlnd lying under the latter, grand remedy for all ` tun down" peo}Ile. Ori ThE hatiy vas at once tart Clr to rl'. I�alm- f battle gives rt at relief. Ji fi5ty bottles neer r•' _ - - 1 alt to ca th 5 0 �,teeir;aat .... , ,.. : . ._ „ . +�--�'••'• �.. .., , . `` :" � ; � »•.-=-" cr s, Ills boarding place. 'f4old lar A. ti. IfamilYon,�V'ihtghnm. :L IS Idwing i announces the f'®I- clubbino offers for x.902 Times and II- eekly Globe, with two magniHCiet pictures, "The baste and Duchess of York," incl "The I+'alrnl Pots," till January 1st, 1903 ... , , , .. • , , , , , , , , . , . 1 nu Tithes and Weekly Witness ,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , 1 60 Times and l+atnily Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 Tithes and Weekly Mail and Lmpire....:... .... . ... . . . 1 75• Tinges and Western Advertiser ....... . ................ 1 50 Times and,.Weekly Sun .............. ... , Times and baily Globe . 4 25 * '.Gimes and 'rot -onto Daily Star, till Jana4ary 1st, 1903 y' 50 Times and harmers' Advocate ................. I ....... 1 85 Times ar-d Ilail,y World ........ ° . ..... . ...... .. 3 0a Times and Vaily Neivs .......... . . ................... :a 25 Times and (laity Mail and Enipire.... ............... i 35 Times and YWith's Companion ........... . .... . ....... ;? 75 ti With the Toronto Baily Star subscribers will 'rot it beautiful Picture of Dingy Edward'VII, in nine colors, by praying $2.50, or ori; payment of ($U0 the prenihint ,vitt the Star will be it book Picturesqu6 Canada." y We eciuld extend the list, brit it is not necessary. We can. Five you elulblng rates for any newspaper or Magazine published. Hvet'y subscriber will receive at copy of the 11andsome Illustrated C ,A. N A D I A IN'' A N N U A L for 190'3. The above are our P I x E v It AT t s, marked down; so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore, there is no use asking for cheaper rates. When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one, wP, can give theta to ail. Call tat or address THS T11 I) ` in ham 9 I