HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-02-21, Page 14
VOL. XUI,—N-0. 150 "1, WING 11AX ONTA.RIQy, IDAY, PI BRU A RY '219 19, 024 $1 A YEAR IN .> MI ANNE
AAAAAAAAIIRV'iAAA%Ae4p#i^o%OAAAAA BUTT14,1i l BUTTEM W to Sli &y- Fretch Oysters .arrivitlg daily at J. ;M1ic- HAricrY lk xmil. '.Che Junior Hockey-
' , ing' trio for it, at Go bti'at. Irelvie's. ! Club wellt to I.,uck�av Oil Saturday Inst .1 $tOCk men�. ,.
Cedar Posts %nil Ital , T 0aIO. .1r• ' C�ttnGlgt}te}1-'lea tliq Stylish Colored Ito contest ski#1 crit' theSgpoys of tLat•'
ply to 112cLenn &Son illghaill. I Shirts that linvo Arrived at I). U, I town. The boys 1) A up some good plays (��
We atilt bale F1 fine 1vIA'rIr rr AND RA i s. -The Winslttiln ; Gordon's. nucl things were c 'ming there sway at t ATTENT14.
q coileatiou, of Driving Parc Assoc' tion purpose itoltl• �Iz�.tl 1�.T T,,x+7 'c•.r..---11Tr. Unit firs. half titnq, thv sour( b(�171;.r •3 to C). Peart, C dll A
^ Joseph Adapts we a snu11uoltea to 1 is• ,
•�, � i11g;• Ft MFttinee on 1tiI y 2�th, whet. �r.a90 � t � one 0f lira Lttrino . •seniors. came t0 the
wIll be hung tip in 1 izes. This is pre. II tc)wel on Siaturda luoruing last vtviag xesaue and shot tI-ir boys to victory.
�h .i lialilliar to their b' anuttal rw,u lnvet I to the death oft lir niece, liZ1s. llellr
et Y y Ile :cares. s>is out f the Fgreu. The l3efore purchasing your
to be hold June �' nil 25, Prnl;tnulos i ltiesbitt. Deceas Z was in het 35th S't'ar I score stood 7 to 0 in aver of file Sepoys, winter' sq Dl of
� later. • . aunt had only boe7 .ill a short dine, The i Thu local club are 1 1•' +• p. Y
,11tr for n return i
I Robt, Maxwell will sell $f.l suits for I flineval tool~ pi. la ori Sunday to tale I ulatch cool, whon t ey expect to turn i {
$10 until February Mtih. Reas1 his; Oleualla7t comet, y . 1 the tables, `.I'be play rs were=: Cepoys i SUIPher, Salts] Salitp, 'e l �tCa
y I Dont forget the date And tl.e cheap {--McLarvu, Pvart, Iadley, Uraham, j
a P11MAUTION E:^A�I &ATIOhs.--Tho iro. suits at Maxwell's. ! Davidson,. lomsts Au Ilabbick, 1' iu
t! Q/Qr'�'�"bcrL�D r' 'la�1 ' " , 1 , I 4 t g- CALL O
Y motions Unit revie r examinations for i UOEti To C) 'r,s Sor,,P. .-Readers of ; hatn-T. R111ott, Jell? tis',, Roderus, H.
g ' the Comity of Hu on will be Ilcid on 1 the Tr..sES uhli. be try to loarn that Mr. Elliott, Flen!ing . Bill ny And McLean. ! ��
To choose from I Thursday and I. rid March 20tH lit)cl 715 i CliuO has(. +cillo.. to1'�tive Win" i l'trlreq—SS:. I'lnter Inure. 1 i l��q'^*
Q IIOtllwlthatfllldlnli the Y 'y, , . , .. - - . + €,. , o • s , y
christulas rush. �21A. Teachers requested. to notifylllam crud"'avid lit ve to Ov.-cll ,4ouuc R9jE�, gilt
Douglas qz
the School Inspect �r as soca as possible ' where 110 has nc opted tint position of 1
of tho number of papers re•c air • for ! klecretar Trottsii cr of the ::tui. Portland � PERSO ALS' And g_;rt quvtas;csl. .
n P 1 Y-. t;
each Class. i Conlellt CO, (:'line is i7. Owen! Jobu Ilairilton let town on Tuesday I
1 i y p Sound at rose t Arrau cin I -- ----.
a Coal oil i:; rni the bo n. Poo ha i n t;' tuattc.r;, in' for MauitvlsFs,
s•Ilvnld lin the bO;sC n
oil from connection with his z~eav position, I Miss L. �+lrarliugt vc :itecZ friends in Sea-
IRobert Mooney. 1 ti�.ScCTED.--Kull Butter -We pay rho I forth last wesk. � -�U'� I C�� �wI �, ;'� � °? cr u xY3,
IJ'OMIM; rot: T WIRST,-_live car' llightlat c•nsli price lit Canada. ho, 1 :
F. D 0
CI Mink or Fos, 43.,ri0, G. I,. KING. AIr. and Mrs. San arsan of Blyth were!
loads of hvrscs wq7' Shipped front this rr (. t
6 j section,viaC.P.R toclitferent pointsI Xisnox BANA,• - 'Ile Villin„ C'cleauers Iiti town eo SuutBx �, ! 111 Manitoba on 9'u sclay. J. J. E]liott, Dlissioll IlAud It
1 their first regular j Dit, Georgro Mocue told arife, of Rip- I.. A,;rx r t g, :�+• W.
I � CHINA ZOUSE V: S, Shipped. a e • load to Brandon; meeting last Frid 3• night Ili the base. ; ley were in town un • nudity,t ohrI C. Currie, of car load to Portage,, ,, meet c tlto PA ist c•hnrcll avitll the! Mr. John Wilnon. V. S„ was in 'for- w Cotte Good Wort-- Counts
Opp. Banat of Hamilton, +
X'rairle; Curri & Rintoul, one car. ! 1'reFideut ill the a -ail•. A good program ' 011to for a few days t is week. ! � � , �'•,• In ; •,:.:,,r it mcvulF:
- - a yr rcrrythinJ:—'•::+vnvlsuf,:
4J�y lfllr. t0 `tr0llglliq r� car lose! was, ship. was provided, =tiro of th+a special ; harry Dane and V, •s. Moutrowery of ; ; . `F�
; MIT oV!- • b,•tk•t k cosy.
r tl from FOrelav It on'1`uest2ay find R. • fF+tittit' .8, i;ciug a ;-luction by Uis, 13ope, i (x0rrie were ill toavli u Sunday. d a tine o;ite a•�•+,,, •:irk cont•
j Q o+ of til'.(.+,ag': training'
f . not necessarily ex- Notice to Fa`�I YYivl+�a,. I B. Harris %vill 'hip rt car load from and interesting parliamentary drill, : Miss Ralpennr loft oil Wednesday to �'�, •-> •,� � �110h ti you7+ ,•lrt lit *,hip;
pensive clothes 1)Ut' If you ml not satisfied xMit. the size or situtt• Wroxeter today, showing; the ch then how to .•enduct `visit with fri,•ncl, in . nlith F1tlls. '�'''s� ,L •� � teu�• ler- i ` •"' �`"` """`
I' tied of your farm, tilts (.natter can Ile easily re. I 1)t}`uineSS. tit ri bus lOsa tueetltl * iu tt btlai-
! Illoveft, ars I have applications from all partcl of I Larlies -Silk Voiles, Etautitles, Crepe t. Thos. Rt agent, is rel#gvulg : Book-keeping,, Stenog;�rz;,v T.
,t clothes that show neat- III the country for farms of every d(weriptiou, I de Chene, Mohair and Pirle Fiuist, Drets ; Bess way, it solo ;v 14Ir. Bert Clsapmau 1 E Typewriting, Penmanship
sue yen tip 't if yougivo uanan'ideahof whittGonclsAtHatnolle the Intost high class; Accompanied by the guitar. Soreri tit the C. P. R. static thissveel..
tleSs, correct style. tip- y s „� „: anti Businese, Practice.
yon avant I etut assirtt you; and in no carie �viU ; novelties at D. M. (a01•dol. a. !recitations were also )'cudered. Meq f Airs. Zurbri„g, of 1' atOlvel is visiting i
s propriateness and taste. thorn be ally Posts unless I necornplisli your ; Resolve to s•nter 1'or tAe ne,c +(•r., + P 110.' and
object. Ati la ltsvit.—ln fur last issue trq niaclo lugs held tuotith 1121 aie aveleoznq, avltll tier Sou, Mt. 1i, I.nrbrigR. I Inalcts xueet , ins bn.in •;, cu:•.,••.
7 l If you tyo r r cure to property
o your farm for; Mr. Peter Terri£i f Grand 'Galley is
eQrilC in and .001 over town, city r village pr mm4b or for o fora. in i a little error in thl sltetalt of tha life of The savgfIeat lYlaslitl Dross C=t)acis ever • Forest City Business Coil
the 11eW styles. Geta aMn`d seibvtint Ii tips itioiuxl T9canenflerlj on r I Mrs, Haugh, Th - first two lines in tile! shown in toruli are to be seen at D. M. • spending this week « th frieuds in.town. 1 Y g Q
y consideratiou, I • : Got'dati's• Mxs. J, F. ]3ordell aur. bliss Urn were I Y. M.C. A. Building, Lel:;ian, [Dat,
saotch are from .cord Tennyson s lash
a Town property for• sale to shit tilt, pocket of ! J. W. WESTERV ELT,1'rili' i1sal.
i price on a suit. We any intending pardinsvr. 1 poem, "Crossing, Cie 1:3ar." The last Mewl TO LOA\• at 41^ per cent, on ! visitlug with ftien s ILL London last
' , 'T. J. MA(IUIRE, 1 ,vend slloultl havF"oeen 'star" instead of easy' terms of repay luc'nt, Aplaly to A. !week.
CsZIl satisfy you. Real Estate Agent, ! ,t r, t+ ,1 „ i Dulmng e, Chisholui Block. Winwbnnt. ': F ��••;•M•;� r4. ;• :.;••;•� t•-: ; ,, ?. €• �• � f r•;•
OHiec over D. Y. G�rdon's Store. starry, and d _rid instead of dark• i Mrs. Jas, Penfou7 1 of Eracefield was •t
nogg" in the sq :cud 1tlie, The last I DEitT1I OF l�'ANI\7 : PADil:.—Thr+ Ina•)v , visiting with her br cher hear Wing;ham , n PREPARE F t t;. '
Who Wants a Farm ? ; sentence of the s -:etch should have read, I friends of M1SSFttn Pit Eadie ill regrets,1,,, weNL. '�
Hom ---- ; "buried, but u,)t dead." The (.losing ; to hear of her dea b, avIdeli slut event. ! � +
th i I have ovor 4,000 acrcq of choice farm lands st LuzA is fraai tlr ou l p 1� + :1i1'• James (.alul ur cattle )ionic froth
for•$ale in -x) ,a 100 1W and 200 ac es+ lots in p of Win, Knox--;tvv.c IncontFierh int,., U Kara, :)LJ' r
*• { , + �' + , I AI'071, N. '{� . T. OL �I011tlay l:i'enitlg; to: •1• ,v
Iiilltoss, (Ild Tow ships., Good dine+ Huron A Scotch g oat—a_ld was a great favorite Pitrkc2Flle, on rho ] ,t Inst. Miss I! ad e , •}• ,/ )
and Ashfield Townships. Good lane{s tvitlt � attend his fattier's -►7ngxttl. , .g. r I
l g<lod buildtligs to be gold Plicall on easy tel•ms, ; of President Lhi !o,u. was ,for many -yen s a resident. avith her
I Alpo is good binOviniltil shop �dtvellin • in eon- ; parents, of Leat .r W£bgltam. IIe(.: AV. J. llo at isl; And bride left oil;
I neetion) doing a good blWuem, for saki cheap. ; Stoves For Sul i. ] conking Stove Suit- I 'Pulisdfl. m 1 '_' •t
A hotel loins•, good busineR's for sale cheap.; I autittblfl And.evil cl#S edition oucleared Y ornii,g; ts� their ho,nq in 1 ort I + AA*D 1•()iT `711,L t s.::i 1T -ss•
. I Alyo a wap nna7u>p. A *enerat arena wilt.large i able for slnaIl fit;:lily or sum crier kitchen , disposition Frances,
trade, live village. Also a large amount of used about one year. One parlor wood ;.ler to rill who 11 the pleasures of her ' I lances, Itaiav Riv T3istrict. I f•
nlutlow to luau nt 0 per teat. For furtlser par• , stl)ve used one Nintor. .Apply at once. ' acquahiranee, 81 lcd a pure, Chr istmn Iii(.. sad DSiss P.i} fin of LAkelet via�it-' r X
tioulurs ripply to
_We l;ee i Ten's � I T (.nit:, office. I 'g`
1 .I :i. A. Mc A2IA, • Iifo and her eon was peace. title avas ed at the home of ' Cir uncle, Mr. Dul- , Jr
'7~ Urtllsl]ln S �..�,. Tilstllitnoe i1(tc+cit, i7t lvrpod, ( )it7` prices• have been •FiIOVIr0 1 'tSFlt3er i tHtTlgti `'Au. '�7.ii �,.1,n Isailt Ce Tn�t;e1'� x i lUtlg,*0 oft Sunday all 'I
EOndAy last. ;l;4.
' ! a ATT^,•.r1) 7.'Iil:-- —s-:_ • �L*
during; the Iota storm, especially those Toronto, on Feb, Uri. Dins. Harry U. Beit rill hold liar first v ;r
Boots, Shoes, Hats i 7 ry �-] cu Furs of All kinds. Plough inaud cli„
GENEt}>�L LOCAL NEWS. p your dough we'll meet you more , I —ant a good I:0 note farm with goorl ; reception after her ma, -ince ori the •-'7111 ' .1 y , t�E' 4� 1. _-
and Gags, etc �' I — ! tbrin half way, We aro s=tock tAking;. ' buildings aur. fences in the vicinity of ' aild 23th inst, at the 'fildeuee of Mrs. ! -, OW �� Business ��'M,10 g 4 -
Seo Halsev Park's aCvertisement. Odds and ends sold at half plies. 'vViugbam for a cash buyer.—T. J. Met- 't', Bell. '�
HANNA & CO. g;u2re, real estate agent. I
Gainpbeii s Headache Wafers guaran- • ' , Mr. J. Currie ntten led the Auuual ; % and you will t: lcv •our
teed t0 C:u1q llc`aflriClle. q Snl,utrlptiUn-i 131P.e1'itl,„ Of t11H Caua(li u ASSOCiltti0n Of . wiltcls a t;n,Ni sitU:tti+:n. Th. •:s.l.iv•;ril- ,$,
A l: t'tI:T Wl,)I) Vii,—A Viet wedding . (a•Ilowzo.—Ihe IIhtI:�
�+ tation of tilts eul)r�a N Hq•7i 1c.,..v
:eIterrtago Licensor PROMOTED. -We am that Mr. J. H. took pla At the I) lite of T Irs, ``anstolle. 1 19 Contillltes t0 g;i V, livery tc•eek t b'ttiI's allci I',1 !tlbltiDnR ell. iti Toronto . 4• malty busilliss li1•n+, al,l• c r • +lW ft,r i.
t Gordon, formerly . T. R. agent here' John street, on ti dnesday, whet, her acid a number of u v names--fovir new this aveek. otiicetlehl. lri,ay..toar,.+ 1•; • !,e:.r.
Issued by FRANK PATnasov, IN V ti ic•toria Ctttukr{*tu• t'rs s, .-
aucl now at Wood tock, has been pr`,- slaughter, Miss Wa ret, was tuarrietl , last friday afren tell. Our list was firs. (Dr,) Ciiiivrd ,ud Dir, Clifton i + z
street. Wine ha7n. Ont. No �ritnessesreantred. W. J. ELLIOTT Prl'2t R a1.
Inotecl to the poli on of avant at Lou. ; to Dir. Cyrus A. •rg;e of Hamilton., I never as large as Ali t.1w present and tblt (Citrord of Clinton v sited friends in'
don. 11ir. Gordo 's many flieuds in;' Tho ceremony was erfortned by R -w. pl;blisher is pleA�,. its know (hitt his , town oil Sunday and atteildoli the! .g3.;..,r•.g,.t � ; . ; : •i .l:,. .i t : �;•n.; }..g.
For .loom and iWingham will be eased to hear of his'• D. Perrie, iu the pre encte of the relativ-, efi'orts to produc+ a first-classt weekly church a eninBoard. Also four ! I . P g'Boadurs PI01notion. t a7irl friend(. of thq ontractin ; attics. 'Ili �vs A er are bei t'* a rociated by the
Rooms to Let. I € P p p PP firs. McNatlg liton,r10 has been visit- ! ivnitE,s:.a is
i Will the party he tool: in nsistak0 , he bride was one Wingtbam's pnpn- i public. `4o al.-) avisit to tl,st:k our ing friends in Win st t,l Find vicinity tor,
Apply to MRS. JOHN GRAY, 1 a Thibet caperine at the Masonic At ! lar yonu;, Iadies in t her many friends ! many readers f -w their .cine. words • g' F y The boarders of t iq 3 ::r;F.:: I3ousr,
4oino titne )iiia return +d to her11s0tno atl! Kincardine, called At the 't:oisle of A -r.
Josephine street. !
'Home, ltiuclly return it at 01300 t0 Ilan-! aVlil jo'tti with tllrl att.s in avisitiug( Ilei avlliu.l have been :Ile .neons of adding; •irdru, Manitoba. g . f .
t ua s stele and get their coon• ; a happy wedded'lit(. The Itotvly-wed-' malty new names Our ehibbili rates ' ` and, Dirs. C.eo. ! ert'it irl t#t coon a four
13RoKry ARIL— .tile walking in the deft couple left on be afternoon train I are very popular % °£til the people of this; W- J, Nell Is in Tc, .onto this, avicelc at- evoniut;s At;O and pr(gentt tela «ill. i><
yFtrcl on Wednoscia evening, Mr,
'Van- Tor it wedding trip to New York and? 800t'011 and the pr sent year has been n I tquding a meeting o the Joint Protect- lovely parlor laitip `Find :;.-.ver sAgtts
00MIMIGN ` e record breaker for business in this litre. We Board of the Bre herhood of Railway spoon, and also the fallow=: ..tl:Iress:—
alsthu0, ou S ,0tt root, fell on some iso ;other point,.
and broke her a m. It is a complete j � If you have not sq• urerl your papers for °'1'ra+:.:inch of �lnscri■r. Kincardin 11 I`ei-.:ntb, 110'2.
Mr. Jas. A. Clill� hrivilig decided. to : ` Geo. Tervit 1
fracture, jttst`ab ve the wrist. As she I reln)ve frons Will -.ham avid of'ie by this year, it till. b to your advantage to Dr. J. E. Talulyu, was hu Toronto tills i + I%sl
Capital � 11�� • 1S gl.ite OlCl th 'accident will go I ; Private snit) a large usrtiou of Ili - iouse- ; loop up our clubb t" rates. Wo enu�week attcncliur tits Grand, Dodge meet-' DE.\IL SIR: --11't', t 0 bc):'.:.:ery 0f t•21.1
i I with her. i trot(.# cifects, creta ri; in Pitch dinuillg; Morgan 2iottsc', vn h aria;; sr } ou join:
HResrtf�$2:600,000 p t; gtive low clubbing rites on Any of tl Fug of rhe A. 0. t. W. as Iopresentat£cq; Ing the ranks of the : ned:;:r, Earl lean.
ewn Everythitlg,• new. E. ens . ti htest room, beciroont all, n rlv furniture, city newspapers o magazines. front Wittghnns Lo €ie. : Ing the ranks of 0E> ache;(:r-. :villi to
! g carpets, oatc. Pavt*s tt• , lint; to
by far. Snits tl.e lieu ie Shorey's +, Put 'Mrs. D. LOckrid e and Miss 3icCurdy 'show our apprc ciati 1 for ,i - t•y ending~
chase twill pleases ea:' • i r, Clines s resi- . You call get any style of snit at lowest
make, bon ;ht for cast Sold for cash. deem between the I ours of 0 a. ,n, and: possil Is prices and best workmanship at have returned to ti eir..auie is Brandon, ! °71 you this oveni7 g I. r i+ociy an.3
:. i R. Smith, Uhisholm lock. .i o'clock p. nt. on 2v ondav, Tuesday and ! Maxwell's. 'Man. after several weeks visitwith relit- anti hoping resenting Ven wit 1 ,thic,W �:It w token
WINGHEAMBRANCH , Wednesday, I+eb• s'., 25 and 236. 1 I' .I, cu is t il' c. r .t. with th+
( .L' AltatLRS l JSTJT TF.: li1('eting;S in r Ct 1tlErs WON. Two rinks of t tivea and friend ill �Yiuglitttu and ;sumo spirit Fts it £ given: Washing ya:
pl `� p n �, pf . ;
connection, with to S0utl1 Bruce PLEdSIN(4 FRES TATIax.-I'roin the Clinton Curling C Ib visited Wing;ham ;vicinity, f fort yon rfut future low
te� .ess on t- o ship£uo,,
F' Gd U rif K. _(.armors' Institute a ill be hold I '1'grs ! iiioose Jaw Times of February1�th we I Friday n t l n 3
+ on Friday evenin,. ast and were defeat• ' Mrs. C:)olc a 1 Miss Orr, who i have lauIicltecl uttt :tl. ItT a on bt; •
A General Banking Business Trans- water, 0n Monday AZarch .,rd, com- i see all account of . pleasing presentation! oil by 22 shots. 'Ci 0 visitors were enter- . have been vision her(, for sown weeks, ; half of tilt, boarder. all<i r:ar/tLers of t1w
aeted- T I mencing at 1.30 lar, and 7.30 P. Ill. ; to Air. and Mrs. In. Watson, Of Marl- ' tained at the Din ley House after the, lcaft Tuesday most ing,(. to visit a fete days Morgan House fail(. ly cit _c.nc-ral.
Fanners Sale Dotes Collected, and i Addresses will be delivered by J. E. I borough, N. W 'P. M-. Watson was • gime. The score it, Toronto before loavlu * for their home
advances made on same. S. .,• t, - —
Orr, Frnitlaud, <) • ; W, S. 7 ontpltius, formerly a resit 0t of this sretiou and'! Clinton. win"ht "
Drafts bought and sola oil all points ill ,, , „ u•t. : in Souris, l�iau. i
Canada.. TJnited States and Europe. , Grand View, N. Mrs. Colin Oa,np- ! is a bxot er-in-I w of Mr. D. Stewart of R. (Cralram D. A. Dinsle: , . Whig
haw • , T t i •, I y 2iiiSS DICIS]E3 f �tglil„bfltll iitte7lrlerl ; E�. r R.i .g
SAVINGS DEPARr2t1:EN --Interest ; bell, Goderich. I town. The foI wing is part of the'J. J. Johnson IL R. Chisholm „ "
allowed. oil deposits of $1 and upwards, „ article from the Idose Jaw Times: ,The i W I$. Rand A. J. Alderson, i the At Home" sir:; cast l++.Islay, auri
VVo acro offering special pries, for! „ ,, 2.2 was the lest of } er cousin, Miss Edith
stud t1(Ected to principal ,i0t#1 Juno a11cl 31st ; l)r, r1„naw, sic. 1. Pittterson c], €;1 $
Deaeinllpr each year. February in odd c halts, piFees of parlor i country friers c lir. Unit Mrs. SVnI. `' Robson, until , tela when she retnrn-'
r suites, couches, lounges, nsattre.s'es, I Watson, of Dir rltoroug;h, planned a i J. Gardener L. Hanson TY
I A. E. GIBSON, Nanttg'ex.1 spring beds bed room suites, sideboards, ' W. Chewing;s 1:. McAlpine cd home.•--Gllutot :New Ewa.
R. Valastone, Solicitor. • ` wash. stands, dressers and beds. ? pleAseut surprise .or them Inst ViTgcL es. 1 y Townse7id' 1-1 Vansto11c ,
�• ; dA ni h i, lVir, .toss Loo f Brantford drove to,
WAr,I.EIa Bltva. i� 13UTTox. Y g t, ivt en y called it7 a body i.o , lY. Jflrlxfiou, sic.. Dr. liincdotlstlris! 8 iVFugllFitn Iasi tve_1. to visit his uncle! j
-"-` ”- see them co,nfoi `ably settled in their Two rinks from rasso's cams, over vll
DEAr1I vl• A l)Io\ r.—This week too ( nolo home. Both Dir. and 1tlrs. Wtitson i N edliesday And tno:t clefoar hero ns '�r. Alex. Ross. �0 carie by way of
are called upon t0 cord the (loath of. i were complete to •1 eu by surprise and � i Serifortb, null 11is: Mabel. Ross aceom-
i: 1 : Anotber•of the 1oi ers of the township n y p follows:
p n 1 the tutor cited vis tors ctirliecl tb0 hlonstl ! , panted him from there. Sho is t7oar
p Drnssels. Wiug,hrliu.
t of Turnberry, in t c person of Thomas „ (.concis it, vtcn azul vicinity, , `tt)ltl(: rYl'1• valtteb
by sterns. Tho p •eseut Ftcevn,l•auyFnw+ I N. Geary It. A. Douglass
visiting f �
' Gilmour, who diet oil Saturday last iu ; the address wa- itt(ie0d a very t A. Consley C%. Knechtel ! Mrs. Laird. 1:Ci � 'Al. Laird, Mr. L. ; in hroko ; .;,1
e his (fifth year. dr. Gilmour tuck a ; T llutvitt W. Walker Laird Unci CF'flhan - J. C�aIla -her of Gor- ; 1 :'
severe cold on the day of Mrs. Tlane"ll's appropriate, hauls me aacl costly cul:+, v O Ross, sk.... 1) L. N. Grifliu, sk. 18I K !
eollsistili of two u bolstere+l rt ee >t1 >is 1 rio ,lir. Anil ilir Joseph Higgins of :1S :'" Valtli'
{3api(til paid up, $2,000,000.00. I t I T. I+'letning G. Roe s ' P fi . `1
Reserve Fond, $1,C60;C00.00. nonoral runt it dov =]opgd into puettlntluitl. I chairs, a pttrirsr chat aunt a miltvn rug(; I.J. Hoggc Glenfarrow aunt tr. J. Hamilton of , 1)Ull€11'S •_ ' ;;e for
T. Stephenson
I ''
He avis unr, 0f thedildest residents of t1lio I collell. ltir. Fuld irs. Wtitson Arca ' W. Scott 1), Dillsle3: I Lakelet spent Su da3' At the 1101110 of
Vice-Precdolei t .& 0.li oras, i township and was highly respected, Ike' ' , 1. 1 h ill.
I Ulan»g; the earliest s ttlerF of tiler#l:rtriet j J. bass, sic...... ] '('. VA.tluvtn,utl, s,18 ; Mr. auri Mr:. J. 7.: Lennox, and attend- ;
Utzi.Itt W01ta i
leaves a avidow n id grown tip Yntttily' i and have stayed by t Ili rain or shine. i Brussels and Win am played A. game i ed the dponing; ser lees of the new Ifeth- :ill w*-,-.-,-,-:- sl]tx
who have the syanpathy of the ecus• During tlua 17FtrrZ t itefi Mr. '9Vnts0li'S iu rte evening, wl en the latter Again i odist church, rrr
John Pmtttor, Cleo. hooch, Wm, +[ lbson, M.P. I g i g g Must � SORie,
AI W. Wood, M.V., A. B, Leo (Toronto), ; mullity in their a fiction. Tho funeral faith lit the flit lrH the district alld %Von'. - "
took placo to the Ingham ec,necery On ( i 1>rit:t'. r. i a 1
General htnnnger-•.7. TUItN13t7I.L. � his EicOtrh pgrtevor u0q inspirer. it gtreitt I I3rassels. ypitlgltFnit. �ti:r:e l,hgister.
i4sv'ings tack-lloitra 10 to tt; Sntltictny, l0: Tuesday Ftftertao t, luau othors•who n Y
y ght othercvise have 2ti, (Jeer flea. cross Tuesday, 14iaic1l,-dluctl07t rules of, •`�ltlt'.
tel. jN�sosiviof$1andupwardareceivki. In-' ! 1 A.•Conslc A. TI, Mae rove
pw Dr, l3itt2gr, sp cialist its elle tlisealiPl4 bgC011ie (lisclilti'a};e Unit tuft.. 'ihH 1 y EX
terestsai ow(Kl, and cotaputed on the 00th No- y . + 1+'arm Stock. I tltplements auri sonic ,'
verabirand tllst kay each. year and added to 0f the eye, oar, nose and throat. R yes
T. tlotvitt 4 . VAlmorntAn f .Yost thin.- ,ntv t:tu+
tested and gzI sses Supplied. Oillee op- aro Iiideecl doses ing; of the hiuh ! D. (T• Ile,,;,; skip i ' household i91rn£tnt0 ' ' , ^cit toil! s:t : t in �++•,sit .
grind%iii. I uechtel..,Sit. li , , at. 'lot 4.1, Coll. t,
SyeetolyDeposits also received ateuvrout posite St. Androw's church, London, ; compliment paid t ern by those Who T. Meriting; ';. A. Campbell Last Wnavti,►as#t, near I3tdg'rave, Sale I sag; lir h�tr::; %ourshote i,
M iristt7+i DCin„Pieat. Uutario. ]tiloty them best, a 1 we feel sure that f 1.1, i-1099 K. Pattesoll ; at 1 o'clock. Ootxt lift of articles. Jas, at ttr..1 s•
Ilroftn ort Great Britain and the United Y
StateaxBought and sold. lVtosxx to LOAv. Mono to loan oil et qr { y 0110 (if our r tiers will join With i V. Scott Dr. ATA06ona•]cl j'()w ons, prop.; J. Currie, auctioneer.
Iti arvellortt are notillcdtlint t)le)3anitof Ilan- dotes, and notes discounted at reason- us in wislii11 they may be lou +T. floss ship, . , , . ti A. Alderson t+kip.I i t �ti r, sear a)' r I•s l Illsi•:
K ;spared i
iltott (.list it'
Iitaisrhes issue l,trrtltar ztattdtttf blt3 xatrS. i�Cono utivaucgci on 1n0rt• Scattirthlitstrs w 1 play n Kolar) with �.r
Nnti�ztlll'rovinclalAank of I"sn }.o)d, Ltrrite", I y to enjoy each, otlt r"s COttt•1)ntty tuicl tliq tbv locals tit the (.inti tone ht. Ota rti tis( t'aer is GR
tivhirlacttlibe PtlNhat tvltiulut c;Lgiarg;o or troll• g sgtesr av ill pxivilego. of pnyiugT At the coillfi its of their 0tv hvw0, which tl K ! g 1 x li
irlbitidcitttiy Xrart ortl►o zvnrtt}, ER
entl of tiny year. Notes and aecorults � i Any orders for sales left tit Lire Tnirs dirt. �ct)riks otEi:` the cola. i r= S,
t#r, t;Ci1�73+]V1,1), Agent 1 Coiieetod. (3filcq---TiG(tvgr lilOelt, Wing;. 0110 of the � m st substantial and ol3icc'Will receive lirotulit attention. J, # SOLE: LOCAL AGr. .. �C1R
F j �in. RO])C. 11'i E;1)0O, 1 commodious 11) t O whole district," f Urriri. atl ti uner. Lnxativl $, emcs•yni7lin� a'ia}•teis t lme a Pc;,d in j ti'�,QQ,,,, �� r� Q� �� 1p
il► L., �31LpIfIit�C]itt, , o)icitor, � e o � vat tlnv. �u 4 to e.l:r• 1.it . } t .c r ...7+ r n... ��$�•r6M,/ +�f� R a�''=�V'�d