HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-02-07, Page 8.` ~ THE WINGIIA31 TUNIES, FE* 7, 19,0,2, —The TvAlls's offico is headquarters for eaditag stationery, visiting and juvjtA- MCI No 0 0,1 wtion cards. The People's Furoiture Store As the b..ar would lie unable to see his shadow on Sunday last, Nye way ex. A PIning Room I —The Baptist Sunday 8(shool. wril have Af cosy dining room is appreajat lila sleigh ride this afternoon at 3 oclo& BANKRUPT- I Fifl by every meinh4 i'of& family ry —W. 1. Chisholm of Walkerton, has !tit wsy and bandsome room. It ibeen appointed Inspector of Public, does nut lieed to be line, arlthitect. Febr a CK Schools for West Bruce. S� urally to look coil) forta ble, Out, –There seems to be a (log" 14raceAll quarter eut Oak Exten. poisollill" sion Tables and jNning Chairs will rich and itow Wingliniu. transform tile plAilnest 1-ooln into 8, SALE fp handsome rooza. Wai have it fine, i —A.R. Carr, Whighaullsouterprishigi irly $10 000 worth of Dry Goods, Ready- price,- fr0in $5 00 up to $,�4.00 tiour and feed merchant is now an ad- Of ne,, Sat 0 F —1-l" vertiser In the TiuE.,s, Lnok for hii FOR A LEADER oar $8.50 is the Best Value; is considered by ayt, ill this issue. made Clothing, Gent s Furnishings, U ; everyone Great Value, 1n a few days we will beable to show yon 54 —The Board of Di ducation inee! s next i Boots - and Shoes, D, te. SO11ETHING NEW IN PICTURE MOULDING (American design), L 01� "T'uesll lay evening. A uart, of their busi,, I �ness %vill be to appoint three diroctors lInviog purchased thespleudid, Bankrupt Stock of A. R. Smith at a for the Fret, Library. low rate (it) the dollar, we tre now in a position to offer the public of Win(rhani and vicinity Up to date Goods Away Below Regular Prices. 10 clivilven%, Far -ex Coats, $3.l"o, N1r. W`iu. C1 e�-g has been appointed Theywilldo Elvery day will be "Bargam Day" and every article offered will be At,, Rns1DUNCE—P4iT11IvX 9 1110 pair Felt Slippers and Over- IS,. Grncoyls former reMde 2 ! their work next week. bargain. h -where iftlit calls will ree -oc Furniture Dealers shoes, February ..... ..... 90� Come early if you want Snips. Remember the stand—A. R. Smit prompt attention. ; — Both of the Biddle brothers, whose, . .. i- 25 Men's Overcoats, .0.00, KOO, j.90 sensational escipe froin jail if) Penn- I " . % . .1 and Undertakers. e10.00, Felirrary ......... sylvallia atia roeapture by Your Bargain Priends, The One Price Furniture Store and Alwoys the Lowest," `K Lip 06 $3.00, Febr4ary ........... .1.75 dete,!tives has been reported ill the last ent Block MEED 0— Co. 20 Boys' Fine Suits, from 22 to few ilays, are dead. 10 Wonjen'sHeavy ',�hilwls, P-3.00, ian clinych will hold it Scotell, social A Search Lays Waff"'Whad A.4.0o, A5.00, ,.:6,00, February- 3,25 AdizLission 13 cenits. 1,00 vards Colored Ribbon, 5c. —At the meeting of the Huron Dis- I + oj,, 7c, 2 yards for, ............ 05 trict Council of the Royal Templars of + 50 assorted Jet and Lace orna- We are prepared to pay the Highest Cash + Tbinperanco held ill Seafovth last week, + nient%. very pretty for trim- I i Tile Idnd which when vou it,wns decided to hold the next meeting ming, regulur $', 84 0 Prices for Saw Logs - 8 Ladies' Fur Couts, $30.00 and you were right in the sugar 40. + '['oil much trash is otror- 20 pair Lace Curtains, to clear Brocklebank ci-� the WiLghAM fionr njills Billion met Fessaniff b Lit It stock before now goods ar- havean ad.i.r. it, this issue. Tlipy quote OPERATED BY ed and sold its plire inaple l' 41 rive, at ................. half price, prijees and their advt. will be of special + # A�W Remnants in Dress Goods, Tweeds interest to the farnicrs. 0 The Canada Furniture MTs, Limited. We feel we have it charic to + and Carpets at same reductions. —We uladerstand that Mr. Thos. Ann- e + strong has accepted the agency for: the Peter Hamilton farm implements WALKER BROS. & BUTTON You to try ours. + THESE PRICES CHEAP NIONEY. He will use the Ritubie briffiling on Vic- UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. toria street as a warerooln. Money to loan oil farm property at CAN N ED GOODS It COMMENCE Night call� (it Button Block, or Fifth 0 to Z I -n, Peas, Tornatoesand Beans, —0. 0. F. concert oil February 21st. rroni 4� por cent., with liberal door sotith of School House. Shop op- + Cot 41, terms of repayment. Apply to osite Macdonald block. 4. The Watford Guide -Advocate says of .+ i 0 R. VAATSTONE, P 1; cans for 25 cen1s, Mr. Macdonald, who is to appear at this Wingliam. + Canned Deets in 3 -pound (tans, 2 F1 concert: "Mr. Macdonald is the finest Why is the + 10 cents each. baritone ever heard in Watford." y —The Canadian Government will per- Malotte Canada. Lord Strathcona is now mak- Separator + 14 hich will leave about March first. the right Separator to buy? Because it is the easiest to turn, cleanest skitin- + ing club visited Seaforth and Clinton on which will never need balancing. For sale by + GRIFFIN,,. L;p L; game with the clubs in those towns. MINOR LOCALS. To pr6ve to You t1mb Dr. Ch 0* tmentisacertnin ..d absolute cure for each lKles and every form of itchinz ---�Let us figurc oil your next batch of I bloodingand Protruaing piles, printing. Me manufacturers have guarn 'ateed it. Soo. tes- r I timonials in tile daily presson( ask your Ticigh- I 'N-arraw Ivinwed. Prontlice must inithe v t1iink o?fit. You can use it and, Woman's crowning glory is sometimes bors what tile, ing X, e - get Tour monev back if not cured. X)c n box. tit i way for the on -rolling, vver conqlaer her hair, but more often bar liat. all dealers orr1,l)b1ANs0?TDATES & Co.,Toronto, -jyat1njnjllfloILLr. Superiority and demon-itrot- ontundue self-Inudation, we 1119 to ay hat no --Turnberry and Morris townshipi Dr."Chase's ointment txj excollence are bound to will the clay. With - ,councils will meep on IMonday next. t betitt r ttour than Keewatin is madf—few us Thw, e --M,rs.Bro,.vn is slightly improved thls:� Caudlemas Day, which came on Still- gooil. A sainvle savic or barrel will prove the I Week. Mr. Poster is also some better. j clay last derives its narne front the eir- trutb of tilts state=Kmt. Manufacturr-ol by thf, RETIRING of Dress Goods, Clothing, Over. -who died I-'orSnIp. Only at e� that in the Church of Rome, Lnk& of th- Woci�s AV1111hig V0. g in Indiana, w ill be buried near Water- I the coming year are publicly blessed. A. H. down. Hit is, ("M ps, Boots, Shops, etc,. RE.4, 1 Quite a trade in well b:red aud grade Nothwithstaii(ling that the —Eleven cautlidates in the municipal I cattle has sprung up betwoeu 011ta i it elections in Montreitl lost their $20 T 9 tand the West. Recently for exceptionally ad, we have deposit. took left to cars loaded with gmdc% cattle wE Bur ahmil au excellent iUSINESS - I y choose from. All the best _j. J. Elliott, and T. Bell were snow- 11 ped and there is it rapidly growing mar- ore it taken. bound, and unable to get home for Coun- ket. Farmers are advisea to cross Dur- """i8b T , to notice our cil meeting. hams and Ayrshires for flairy purpose. Is an important qrral;ty fino line of W tches, all of Slafurday5 Feb,, I S, t the best make Baby's cold may'lte cured in a night by using to look for in a go(.)�l We do rep ing promutly rything will be Slaughtered dur Vapo-Creecliene, whiell b as been extensively Eve iu use for twenty-four Tears. Alldruggists., WETi+�_R IWANTE ("i;1110' y ing this sale its the me that will get o4d ill stock must Utz) mi SIX M.*Cleks. YOU wint March ifH 'ral' County Council will appear * 11 H. H.— 1 reduced several thousand dollar*s be- -lur next issue. 1 Tender.,; will 1_­_,lqcevvPr lythrlunder-i OW! that will he as good Z. The inectizig of the County Orauffe I signed lip to 4.3 1211! rsdnx,ri (3brua- , as new ten ;)fter new company tokes pdssei- of Caretakor of I Lodge was PostPrined until Tuesday,, gliain Metl o i Church. Duties. voll g(�A it. -ion )n Maveli 1st. iie_xt at 11 a. in. owing to the impassable � can be seen on plication to the under- I C H, I S OLM condition of tile roads. Ing )11.lehlnes, etc. The number of cases ul smallpox in MUMMA la I D. BLLL, WINGHA !�,C.l _F� A 'M I LLS,* ()ntarici during January was. 629, of!VTRTVBT PIECB; FROV UACTORY, NICE i V for fimey xv(3r!-. Send 11) ve?lts frr assort-- I Opposite the Rink. these Huron county is reported to have i ret.ut. Nortliern 1,niporting Co., London, Ont. tlad �13 cases and Bruce county 12. It is reported that Walter Cordon, tne: -1 uu RoYal ctoria Life Insur-; alleged inuildcma, ot Charles Daw and, isralfl� Flour ance Co. of C nada, Head Office. and Food Market U, vl' d e cc Sir Wilf, 'Wingbam and District. The re- tative nf t1w Dominion at ill(! comilft- 'Ing "(1ward VIT will be provid-: muneration t a good man. will tion of'r, E special i vularloi we have to wake will bo found ed with a suite Of OPartilleuts in the Ce- be made sat- I ctory. Apply to: below the tiuotations: THAN cil Hotel, Louillon. wlwat The, Blood Want a - to I Agencies, 6 Cing St. West, To� from 11!lilixtuxe (if Man' ')0) nil ntariol Par the blood is the life! When I r A ronto. Pnqt lour 1 to the 1110041 is pure good. health. is Dial a Vill 201 1 9) sured. ' Pure blood carries nourish. Graham Flo (for Porridge) 201 it Nve r 4er you to our nient to the tissues all(( removes lin. I �0 i :1) ;.,;took of Stov �s and Xitchell purities, or waste products; resillf— Crachi-dWhent Furnishings, �Vo wish to im- active brain, bright eyes, clear skin, son Orphanage at Lowell, p 2nd, the wite of Charles Adanw: a daughter. i 11141 I HARRIR-In XoWiPlt, On January '23rd, tllv; Bran I W press tile fact _ipon your inind it sense of well being aud goneral Wit have in Mass,,, U.S.A., wrote they wife of Charles H. 11arris -, a mot, 141lorts (Al that you sbonl_ collie straight comfort. Wbon the blood is plirein stock a fine range of sereenbirs 1 20 here if you are5au need of at quality and. deflolout in quantity ill. had it siege of whooping- 'n Brushe.l. Thes- tire not, by auy means The. qr( ly ,bargain,, brushes, nor are they a, job 4 Rzvr�]�Erz--At the ri sidenep of thi, bridq's!, so prices. - for casli, as we will not s"ll thing of the can nesti occurs and 1.4 illaiiifested 1?y I to I ind. We jvh in &ir institution. parents, Clinton. Oil vebluary 5th, I)v nov. 61 ill er(dit. lot, but tire selected frord up-to-date 'We will make a 11beral reduetion front lbark. supply the lie.. (111 of tile new headal-ho, 1waill fnK. 11ol-vottriles'l ill Th�r said that every case R ;unllp, Mi., X. 0. ]?(41. of (inotations to Parties buvjnz 2 barrels or over, housekeeper i v replenish the its various forins, polpilation of tile stock and at prices that warrant 3WIbelle, eldest (1ftlight( f of Flour, and 3rou, will find our Flour- good quality. .4, both heart, indigestion, bilinusuess, (,'all - Was promptly relieved by 0- Clinton.- Star and Mutitolia. tile b(lst on the inarkpt. old. 0 221nd, by 11ev. W. J. NV# st, Charles Pop(- to Xig� special to the Farmers. Anything 1,)r the kitchen -ral. in, Colds was so great they always ice t T,(-vina, daughter of Ct-orge Birnard, all of Now that Manitoba Wheat . i capacity for Nvork or pleasm 0. Atonk, and tlint is the trouble. 'Now, has colm- down hi from it stove t. I a spooli at talc here's our pla, Como ill, 10OR Wrox -o, and Ontario Whent 1141% it fready for use. You know bo it S Wter. prit Cup up, WO VAll What then? Iron Tonic Pills. theal river, I (; your elloice, and 10TEX), oafforil to imt woro Millie it Whoatfix and Price 2,10 a box—ilbolit. sixty pillg we will nia �6 the price a secondary don't you, ? 'Tis heated by a Inal"l-a better (Inality of F10111'. and iiivo 01W Do not f Pt that we do I vaporizer and yott inliale it. Write I William -Thrit's, yt,ungeRt son of William Xv- We are pleased to mr that our trndetii (,,+.t. PiLvetroligilb) and put in --or ft Burney, agtd 3 vi-ar.q. 1.) monthi and 9 dayri. ing and Mopping forannnary tilts vmr is im-av futliacos,' for houses or US for a book that tells all about it. a i ITAxim-lu Itinyberry, on Twitlilry, 34th, wpattributpthi-I churches. 1_U of the late David ILU01, 1 to our good flour and good %%orkdonoinchop. vapri-cre,olone is sola by druggiatt. (Vor)NOlert. ping. he Vaporizer and tarilip, which should lost a IV- jole, avid st battle rf Cretolene CbMT00-W. 12.5 it' L NMILTOK on 69 Vmomilic-ndril and sold by A. L. Mlnlilton. 'Xvinlouth, rcli(l of ill(- Lit(' F. V. it �