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The Wingham Times, 1902-02-07, Page 6
, „ -. , .... . _ �++Me k:... -. it t �. HE IVIN(U[AlI TPAIES, Z'ER. 7, �;� 01 �:: �..' a elections. A cry to now~ hvin r raised ' 1) .. .,._...1 _. '.. utS'1'A.1S1,IH11',lT' i �{,� .. � ,....� ...�. .. .. .,-..,..;�-,. TOWN DIR , T011l ', �s�ltsr,:sl��D 1ti7 ),.1 ,� I � PAINS that AtncriG:tns will control the city •s • � � � � �" �I 11 ( �:�'�,� s destinies, it being only tuts i'tlit;;;h cle, , y� T�( p . • U ilii TRHEUM W ment that took tilt* oath so as to ass- I+Ft zlsT C> irRCscl-� Salabath services sit Rl ��i[I1�Y 0 Tin's., i t•. lt:t , 4 1:+, cra.0 s, M*.IIs,iT�ry„ ku a 1,X$ar;ts nmlA kxtukltls'nutt curd the control of local affair,. Wo 11 a�and 7 p Ill. Sunday School at IS PUBIX4HEb ,.. .,:1.. [... ,, ... ;,l,t+t,. ,ilttl, s ~ "^ I CAUSED EY AN IMPURE. CONDITION think there is not reason of inWrfe.r- 2:3U p III. (xolleial prayer meeting OF T11E BLOOD, ncck by the outsid(tinto a lAutoely local ou O4ednosdayeveuiugs, R(sv.J.J, a EVERY PRIL)All MORNING x :;,E;�,IT 01`.tn i.l`ine-leer: ;• + VAI.UAY, WIC",8UUAAV 7, 19 ,d _ affair of this laud. Jt w•a.s olzly Brit- tersoet,I3.,A.,pastar, pp.�,(!hapnulu,S.S. -•Ax-- -' a., _ .. - Sti Oriute11do11t. Nov. , A :2t t,ka'le,l]t1 w 1!, :test Anil _. .. i-ill subjeots -whoa voted and will con. P The Tithes Ofnee, Beaver $look ill,.,. ,... ••llt's,T,laBA61111A1/ t,El6rk, A '<},1AXLND OUiF\Tl QU1':i( 71:,1C'1'.. Lltthneuta ttuAl Utlter U1tl litahtoned Ile- Mk.r110DISTCI unca-Sabbath cOru1.. . to o,itAw,iutd ti,.'ullwreruste[ Erol the council, but even should there P7>NCiliAiif, ONTARIO. i '7,'10 provixtoiat {t. u,edlos 11 Ili .Not Truro--TIm Altunutatio be it ,selfish motive on the part of at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday School at �� to 1,1,• -,I +,I, - -wit o, ae it„Ai. ,1•utlta. <>vernment __dirt 2.30 in. Epworth U League '. to :L11Ja leaflet.>:Li A �). • •, . .. Ztlfut nlutEt l,v RyutO\•ett I.�r4tn 7;tle t few e King it lit.* of� oc Ylt'ev subjects da everting. (xtIIt;Tal prayer 1 c an-Tvitusor8r)HcR1rTia:t—$l,Wpertuululnin Th.• 1',L',me At;,il�. �.•: 1 L, f e'' 1 of 11villie 11055, 311uoA< tit[- tfftct will bt. of lot.al llllpollattc,i Y t; e p Y i ll t g ndvunee, 1.50 if not, so paid. No l,ttpet' discan h (,1 I lxu tiva iaa 1>ullular1VE'd itself °fleet \vender_ , raly. A council's power is necessarily on Wednesday evenings. 1zo�� Ftieiiarcl thlueitil all arrea s are paid, exceptat the lne , t reK til, - . i,..l:El t4 a ll,nr( �llf.iv• 'tel I elle lingering tortures of rheamatism limited and thele ', lEA an'*er' f Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- option of thepublislwr. int; lite evil, vl In4lupcY:tri`^� ken+ i,ivea ly with the p:•f,plei during the la-t are too well known to neer description, n t I d o it erintendeut, Anyra nswo RATks. +- Legal tint; Giller lu Ely.•'•:ehoal.i. I changing the International boandry,oi g iRevtr or two. Tit: .vi&* anal Careful ' but it is not so well kuow•u flint medical anncxinm the token io Alaska or rob- PRl:S1YYTr1tiAN CUURCu—Sabbath ser- casual tt[lvertiseutelitstae per Nonpnricllinu for 1}a,tiivai•k ha,•, pa :;:•:t -I 1.: w -,•Cllr+ Ilrgislativrl anti telt;• untiring energy it t science now recognizes that the prilmiry bitw filo country of its lliddeu wcaltll vices at 11 a Ill and 7 p ill. Sunday is �iltiou.tlon, l3[, per title for elft 11 subsequent lmg i Lvdical atttnt Tau lc,e ,l. unken w +l ass disptayea in. t:neni g u 3 .'flew• on- I mus(1 of rllrumat:sus is impure or fm- or any of the other nefarious schemes SO11001 cit 2:30 �t Ill, General prtiyer Advertisements in local columns nro charged W-17.i-14 ,it 03 v.%-I •n,e 4,i i tic pall van n” i ! pUvariehkti 1,AUUC1, Tile result is Hutt we hear so much about. A great deal motetiu� on Wednesday evenings. 1lev, �0cts. per line for i(I st Insertion, atnd5cents who .�upljl., I tit i;p j, ctr,,.l: a rio to .ettleizl'a,t and industry have iiandrvas of sufferers apply external I of abuse has been heaped upon tit sof I Peirce, pastor and S. S. Sapelixlteu- per line for euchsubsequentInsertion, The ;.ulA,r.ale.,;•.,'11' :'i ill, \'itllint; 1XI011 heartily ,toulalendtid by the remedies which caunut possibly Cure tela ficial, of Dawson tiulinl; file*. grit fe\v dent. bliri2iri iti�`�iili1zor toll t7u`ndaiiiilur6trayedl tt:nl, Eal l.ln,i, It••r, ::it ,. a •.I) i that' itIIIIk1 i ti1.W f01 p:�fAl t cif ()elttlrlU, tTUuWt'. Tete UAlly thtti,� fila[ Will really years. find there is no doubt that the ST. PAUL's at I1 aII, I!,'PISHpP.1L- Sul,, first unit 60 cents each sit Sequent U"T oll 9 bey' U: : 1, ''t•.�i ,'1 , Duerr `l'here is now, however, an oppor- I care rlleutmttlstit to an tuterattl medicine privilege of responslblc local govern- bath services at 11 a ni and ( p I Sun• o t tita2l 90u rw.Itll t tt lA :1, ,:, I•itl. for tUALty afforded :Ay which iia ;;oodt filet will ellrleh thci blood and free it ment will have, a healthy and quieting day School at 2:30pm. Geuelal prayer ourwen for it T insertion vl�gtnal0 RL10w8 flriilk. F sianl:s Ltu l stuncting ettn b r immen els i front rh. uumtlo Mint. The surest, effect open this portion of file coon- sleeting on Wednesday ovonittg. Rev, for specifiei.1 periods: advertisements ill Examiri , ' 1. w• 1.,,1,.: •,� all iJnVro+v.'d in every part of the pro- 1 qutckvht, awl 111, at tllet`tivki way to (10 Ily Win. Lowe, imumbeut. F, Share, S. S, RUCH. 1 iris. fiaL0. dela, i lien thor;. y tut L. :: •.1 . 111:,l .ltd,. since:. That agitarE unity i. uf%orded i tins is to take Dr. Williams I iW Pills, Superintendent. One Cntunul..........$60,00 $1n.W il").W sr, re wax'u 11 ••? , ',t ut i I.It . „llow ism Cltt• aizlx•ndinp trf the present C'uun;y wluau etc• l,[„\eel t„ have Cutra(1 thou- .-•--...--' _ ..._--. CON(illr(iATIONAZ ("aur.CII.-Sabbath I3A14Colauux ......... 3b.W is tO.W a.tn1 thx ••al • of I'tl:•..r ty-, ,i,;t ,,I lit•• es- saiuls (.I cases of rhoumatism man r of 1iU\vICI+• services at 11 a m and 7 m. Sunda, Quarter Column ..... lout 1cel 0.W ons tat.. 17(i- I. Act. ., Ith,:,,1:+ft,>ullurbermeuiC.nt'slladfailad, School at 12 m. Midweek ek nleetingoll w iliniIiisomonte without sp°cillo directions etn;l� t•tlu.~•:,i..11„i�'.+•l�.,nr r• ,�•i- AaSs.. It ilei Wen, n:.crty [six; years since ,., TilOtnCtity-uiutliantttialreportoftho 1 to �ertt.cttillf�rbidun<tchargedu4;cord. i 1 SCh a present act entuv into farce and j Tut, cast, of Mr. Putlip L trris, one O: the Fire Irisllratica Cool- wednesclay evenings at8 o cloclt. Gavin roe;ly. t;ransientndvertis[r2nants xnustbapaid ill,+ b ll ntrw b S' ,s,, i, It: tilt :irt;l:t:; the �e gvuerat vardlct is that it ha, not :lxuue,+Ys ui S. utll Ea�c s.� Out., is proof Hat\i0k Mutual P pgils011, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor, t n �a lc.e. • r r THP Jan DN1-AItTALENT is stocked with tilt SAI.• ,.a till 114 Y1'Y ,+1, f.0:'.: ttli'Uved file : UC['eti, that was antici- i of ti” s. "l10u9lA crier. I tilts Is 76 years pably is 011t, It show$ tbat the number SALT ATION ARMY•--•Strvice at 1 and 11 extvnsive assortment of all regttitsitesfoi' 1'itlt• "i'Upit, 11 I,'.(w to 1t+-:' x1i[tCd. By redu.in� Lite nulnb.r it I ut tt,;t lit• i. <,s blunt t• LIS lanny men Of a0. I uf„ Iolici s issued during the past year was a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and ing, affording Yatiiitles not egtuilk•d ii the �R,aB iliva-lic ,3;.it til'.° b'at men I Du; Its, hit.; iaoi wNaysenjoyed stichgolo 1,000, anti the number 111 f01'C® lLt the every evening during the w..lk at 8 countyttot-tallmin Out firsteki,smworI.. I,ttl'{re W11 U1. '^'4: ' It'll 1 1. '4 .'. •••1(111 vfF uta b.r pro;ur.d, wltc, would (te--' i"tith. die Forlshastnefullowing to „� oelock-at the barracks. yP d rola•ntaentsfor allsty]esvoPPost- 1c1't Ili. h,..:l,� . ...i. - !si\.;•, i;t the tis aLotlt l,la iilucz s uud cure:- "FE•l end of the year was 3,,329, insuring poST UF1'IOE—Ill Maedallald Bloc]t, ers, Hand Mils, etc., and the Intl t styles o4 ipatcb ,he °sums'., busin�ss in short- elloiccfancytypeforthofiner•classesoYprint 'a1.[t, ts1 tree , . a, 1(ul:, bis. ,or situ, and wish- Ic•:.S exp,•nse than I tiftet'., ars I motaorea greatly from 1$4,023,080, being an increase according Office Hours from 8 a ill to 6:30 p m, ing, lit: i date,"11 , r b I -'I •d 171-01. ilil,i an. %.'fO're, and a1.tA Lea; Flu• lntere,ts of : Llteutuatt,,ul. .tat times I would have to the report of 176 policies and $315,7.10 I Peter Fisher, �postw..,ter. 11. B. ELLIOTT, a4lixia,: Eiv • a , vc ., '4:. t,.l iT,N file; fi(svC'tt• pittttti in to • k3ttl'S, \Vhxle tit 1 MrpII,iNICS INSTITUTE—Libr I'loprtotorundkublisher "1'.tla.• it t , •' As ,Clic county ay ic;,:tin,, the townships i J I in the amount at risk. The premium ars and -.e- req(..., ; would br better maintained. Iowvrs tile pain wuuta spn-ad to my hips free reading room in the TOw'll Hall, - ------ it r'• t;l,, :) i1;, ,, .'...:s, :,coli realised and sixouluers. i tried t;cv ral remedies notes held by the company amount to will be open every afternoon from 2 to T P. IMENNEDY, X. D.. M. C. P. S. o. to I),tr ..k •+:i ,%i E,• ti•LUO1 at That it hast u t•xy successful !u ► i \\,lticll \ere tit Be a,tul until I began '246,15•I and the amount available on 5:45 o'cloolt auclover eveuin„ from 7 to f• ' t1�IombE'1' of th0 British Medical Associn• l +c,.T :: ,tr xneas[lra 11 jArf2Pe t by tilt. w5rk at i ' , Y " tlOri.l Gold Ml(Lallist ill Medicino. '.3n ectal A,v oma counties, lAat \ve think 4herc l using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I took those notes is $222,877.55• Eire losses 9; 30 O'clock- Miss Millie Robertson, ionention paid d to del aces of Women and Uhild �'h.4 , dusk t,: , t. it , u .t,. l.+ l , l rss4 Stave. b:en tether .resul, ani features l,;ht [+r t: a t,ux(s trod they cotul>lt:tOly were bele\v the average. The total re- librarian. I . n., ; to 0 p, m. 1 which more than CuunteLb:Llan..-e ; t ured the iroubits and I am now as ” TOWN CouNCIL-R. aufitOlIO, ltzayeT; )1v li A i• • ., t. , .i way; ..; ; m , i sniart as many uteri 1nuGh yotanger, I Ceipts were i$,78t.53 and the fatal ex- spm• Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. AIc- �R MACDONAIaD, t,.ci"` - 1, .. I ''-•'y4 i t:L;:l is .Lel se1L ood sean.ts. r lou a ;;rent deal of laittl in the pills for penditure $6,015,31. Printing, station- Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. I+'. Vai&one, J. i ti,,.i,. b,, general thin;, the best mon � A. J. Irwin Councillors; J. B. For- Asld I u -ax it b !:::, 1:: ,lois° 'glove trot Wvix c lio-en. The county I kn."\v ut other cures where they have cry, ath`ertising suet calendars, including + Centro Street +,E Ell d „...." ` it: • !.,.•l a ;j ,; Iev, +council is looked opals as a small + h Dr Williams'6 Pink in make i new, stereotype cut for polis heading ya pill, AssessoClerk r; Win. Robertson, Col- winglutill, Ontario. y Y a, Samuel A., wi h b, y g' " h k s e n ace, Variiamenr• and ritually some party amounted to $162.50. Last year the aaa ;u ''11a1A,, b' fru• 4, ole," =an. !,. seloete•d f*r the sl,ioni who rich, red blood and tstrengthen the Y lector. Board meots first Monday even- _ y' ]prrtend> to lluv :•oto: cit Tim cr! iht nerves with every dose. It is in this amount expended in that line was $159,- Ing in each month at 8 o'clock. ThaE what ,ca.0 I dU i.iy I _,s• sec b;> NV ay that they cure such troubles its 33. Directors fees were slightlyhi her SCHOOL BOARD.--H. Kerr, (chairman), D.R. �1�NE WI tru.1, b -; I z,w . leer t A t � by? i ; a.: +party, but who;° executive ability isI kuf,w yfru'It think lay r,!Iu••al to E f .qo poor act or,ilt-v that her could not ' rht•umatie,m, sciatica, neuralgia, kidney 1 being P30.20 hist year against $2 4.70 Thos. Abrallatn, J. J. Elliott, J. J. Physician, Stirgmil, cte. I[s+erh•ag; b aiecu•cl u, a tt:avAi••h p tltill liter trouble, partial paralysis, St. for 1900. Another item in tvhiolx there Homuth, Will. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win, drink a b even ca y-uur tvult +y; Offiae-Dlactlpnald Block, over ,T. E, Davis' Vitus dunce and t+l;vsipelas. Tiirou;,h Batton, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, \'i m. Drug Store. Nl,,Iit dill.hill.>we2'etl,Lttlleoluc's. I''G`'r I 11E`ar h.,:r relruti lel accent swe'ei, sx'rve. Puiiiics leers creeped into th, ! their action oil the blood they, restore i g g Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. .• _ _ and liar dour: I1 ii.l: lorrn I : cc, is a slight increase of cost are travelling r,tltl:neil and aswt.rtcc! i,sc1T. LL is a! c Meetings _____ - �� •~ -�'� common expross.-,m to hear the. fetid. ; the color to pale and sallow cheeks and expenses, which in 1.101 were 688.60 and g Tuesday p1 VANSTONE, � As wAll L,ivia..; vmb.: e.t ;h,: ki,:,es my a Grit Council cr it Tory Council ail - t curt+ the sli/meow that matte the lives of I in 1900 528.00. The retiring Directors month. ry � g a BAnpsSTER, SOLICITOR, LTU. tee.;;, assn :ay;,, .Yapt, b' ,,.rut,; to. ;lI)icd t4 it. '1'I;' ttsultty appcintln:•I31,i`'`Wallywumelim6erable. The g'emliue, PUBLIO SCHOOL TnACHE,RS.-A. H, ore genevally matte ;from a Lrt • i always have the full name '•Dr. %Vfl_ this year are Robert Scott suet tiPilliam Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson Privatcana Corn zanyfutnds to loan tit lowest edandpyint. Tl,, eaucus and party I Iiams' Piulr Pills for Pale People" on 1 Alclsercller,,both of tichoul aro eligible MissIieyttol(ls, Miss Farquharson, Miss "fl e�tttiatii nndYtionmis,•in,lcharged Mort- I,et nae enter a t` c+t;i. ta'l,tL au`cilo love gestures aro eft en present and ,,,,-,,very every box. Sold by all dealers or sent i for re-election at the annual meeting, Cornyn, Bliss Campbell, Miss Matheson sold. o:lice, Beaver Bioe) opp(ijlg borsht and lou>t, wht . d,:ax 1 l ! g . vJiagham• ob .Y ; :Airants for office findi it easier to' I't It paid at 50 cents a Dox or six boxes and Miss Reid. _ - _ 1 for 82 60 by addiessin'rtheDr. Williams' which takes place in Corrie on Friday, I BOARD OP HEALTH—Mayor Clegg, A. MORTON, - Who,., ,rntlu.nc; sweet, is ;tuictin, my .oat the ea.ri of :t tall number -,h,-.-n .- February 7. fLst Over I,fc toil. cilli; way; zq 9�afare. i AV-dicine Go., Brockville, Ont. I (chairman), C. J. Roadie,, Thos Greg- „ f . ______-411.-__ Ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See- I BARRISTER, Sc., May tli•,r till ev r 5h:n: t'•n this lassie Ic regard to saving of time it hasrefers; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Moclieal ! of min.:, front :c-row may she les iaien a cf:znpli•te disuppointm(•n; xcATES A\tA ctAhlxrl;_v2s. I WHY NOT INVESTIGATE Y ! Health Officer. I Winglicuu, ont. ltrc;..; 3-:, general ecuneiilar can waste j The Mitchell Advocate has become ! _ .___.. _ .__ . _,. _ J?'fxr with baby ac:• ,h: hath kissed rncrrc time in t�.tying nothing than i , , While the claim to have the most com- I g _ - my favv, acid i a •s, "Napa, b� quite religious of late: The preacher PIANO NyO A Ng,� ` H OR E. ay s, of ilia t":Li111EErr31 at. Uttnw•a � plet o dispensing department, the best as- ( G'IAiti� ii1sD THEORY. � I �{ L. D7C>tENSON, trw:• to 'mete" xv1r;,:U he tries to imitate, and it is, a ;eau uo\v st a the result of their year's sorted Steen of pure drugs andmedicin". ._Nes\q Yca'k 'NrorM4 �dnmon f,,-atur,' u,> see thi'nI USC foul I work. What hind of it reekouing up as well as superior facilities 2ur serving � MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. ; B ERXSTER, ETC. •gar five~ days Tal t1-an;acting tll;r i itile will the Baster matte with them: � our customers, we ask you to favor us) and member of the Associated Musicians of RolioitortoBalilcofHamiltoll. Monoytoloan, °ever 'roneited Iain. r I , r Ontario, is pspared to receive a limited nuln- Oitie� -Mcyor Block, Wmglianl. "Pit , business t.11it t le-MId t,en rally be di,- ; i1Ir. James McEwing has come out as wilt a visit that yon may fully int esti- bur o4 pupils for instructieu uu Piano and in 1 a E ' was assistant cook on one. of Xcue;d of from th.• .Asi:ng to the set- gate for yourself. Theory. Ehc dining-cars on the Great `Veytorn an independent candidate in West Well- Special attention given to pupils preparing itimg of the: su;_. ThEi m.axls 'l.boalt ! • GREAT REsvLTs 1+'Itou OhE BOTTLL''. for examinations. A RTT3UR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. A S. Road running into !~l. Paul. 2la wa,s •t71e csarm-, expense for salary as 1AEfore xn,<;ton, so flue AZerenry says. He prom- I Residence-opposite R. C. Church. I obstinate and ill-tempered. Tile shed :so that ilio county is stlaom ahead on;ises not to giveopposition to theGoveru. i One bottle of that marvellous medi- DoctoryofDoutalSttrgeryofthoPe2ut,ylvanin was equally s that. score, ! menu. He will support prohibition and cine, Paine's Celery C(,nipound fs often - Dental Cillego and Licentiate of the Royal I Y U; and as a result, con- Again, it is w;'ll knawn that soma ; oppose the corporations. sufficient to baninll the seeds of danger- !:4' Illlrjjl; Il!' ! Uollcapo oz Drntnl Stu eons of Ontario. Office �•,tant \varftlrr. waged between them. Il;ggl ,, r t,. Elliott,V. S. over Post Office, Wing lam, One they last ,surarawr Pat was mak, +townsllipa ,or ,carltoraiians mu,t do ons diseases , to cleanse the system and 1, ��114,,j I,`6I"" Once mora Andrew Pattullo will try establish cod health. Pailnes Celery ;QI;,II�I�C�I'. �'�� 1, t �--..� '---�------ Tint; icecream,ancl in spite of the chof'.v Ii Y I��� i�1,9 fi it IIonm'nry C,raauntP of �Yii:hoot a Iyc.t1 rcprc::entative :inti I ��,I�Inr ,1. ° ' • warning;;, insisted ttpan sitting 111 EhtA p p a hand at the bootie uestiol3. He Ilan Cont nand is the tette medicine for the I ;IIII j,19I; ' Ontario Voterinur w T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., , it is often the mo%t. important laces q core of liri�ht's cliseasa, Diabetes Iflrl ' -',`, •,r�,`t'' t, College. y rr • L.D.s. I"" `"" doorway of the pantry while ha turns that are thus unreppreserried. Iintroduced abill amending the Muui- a , Bland �1;. z .,, ORIce and infirmuv Newmothod foil• painless ex- t•d tbc. ft•:ezer. p preventing granting of diseases and Stomach troubles. We W '; We think if t h: 7,egl lwr' u•re would of al Act reventin the I. , corner of Victoria and traction. No Cocaine. i I' always have the genuine Paine's tp, tl ,k tither; °� Minnie Sts. Winglinln. Specialattentiollto the Cala and regulation The, train, t;oing ups grade, matte a a'inestd the act 60 ,that the: to�wnshi(pIbonuses to manufacturors already es- (i„-„.�.,., ,•; , , "'V Day and night calls of childrens teeth. Moderate prices6andall l,Sudden lurch, and Pat and his can of wDeves and the enliyors of the differ- tablished elsewhere in the province. It Celery Compound fn stook. �''tu;l1�,:�ll;I hy"'� 0as/ prnniptlyattendedto, workGainfullyandrltilfullyPerf,ree,s, ndtie � ice-cream fell elft the door, as his P � dlr: Lbe.+&t� COLis A. CAMPBELL, Druggist, . % Telephone connection. in Beaver Block, Win l sit corporat%ilas in ill° county would I has been frequently claimed that bonus- I s t"ln• superior officer had predicted. co stitllte the county council it would I es have been offered by municipalities to ! Wingllam Out i FARMERS � � � �..____.___- Frantic with fright, the. chef gin his tmact with the heart approbation. of ' induce industries to leave towels. WEST WAtvANOSIt. AI i(Q � S r JOHN RITCHIE, r I whitts cap and apron tare through thin all. Tills would constitute a council Speaker Hes eler of the Manitoba ( The annual meeting of the West •Wa and anyone having live stock or other train, looking for the conductor. w1th an, average rd about fifteen mein- P P g g GENERAL INSURANCE AGE, NT, 1. ” artoles they wish to dispose of, should advet•• :11'Ion lliet., Monsieur Conductaira S ' 1;t3rst and it rout d ba provided b law Legislature is treating the legislators of wauosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was tise the same for sale in the Trilms. our large Winfiham, Ont. 1 Y 6 lie select, wringing his hands, when het that their salary \would ha limited to that province to is taste of their own held at Dungannon on Wednesday, Jail, circulation tells and it will be strange indeed l4 found that parson, "zc ice-cream free- tvcr dollars a day with alimit of 2 oudonot'•etacustomer. Wecan' guarnntee . medicine. The liquid refreshments, dis• 2nd. The attendance was large con- that you will sell because you may ask more zaire, he fall off,and Pat go wiz boom; three day,; for each sitting. If they g for the article or stock than it is worth. Send JOHN CURRIE,WINOIrAEf,ONT. stop ze tram-way or; we will haf pas pensed in the Speakers room at the sidering the bad state of all cross roads, your advertisement to the Tntzs and try this dyer-ran that tim'r they, could do it • y LICENSED AUCTIONEER, dessert pour lc, [liner. 'Trouble, trouble at their Own expense. The resent Legislature this session are confined to and the interest manifested by those plan of disposing of your stock and other P articles. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implementsalways wiz zaL Irish man." ' (' act allows the, members three dollars ginger ale and ice water. The Speaker present augurs well for future pronress. I r - specialty. a Thik conductor pulled the bell and', a day for as many days as they 'wish says that he feels it his duty thus to The several statements were eminently -THE HANDIEST, All orders left at Timm TIMPS office promptly stopped the train, but it had already, to occupy. Tlw reeve of the township I limit the character of the beverages sup- . -QUICKEST, CHEAPEST attended to. Terms reasonable. I ganc two miles past the spot where, satisfactory, the total receipts durine ---- _.-_. r -or corporation which was, assessed I plied in view of the fact that the mem- .-AND MOST RELIABLE ��tt® Ctl�t�t� _ 1'ut had rolled otltf ' -the highest ,could possibly receive a hers of the Legislature have placed a the year being $8,771,48; total expendi- E. ESTELLE d1db���tiG4i i , They backed the train, tt:11y expect doublo vote in ease of a tie., prohibitory enactment on the statute tare, $3,227.69; Cash in bank, $5,516.80; Inca to find T'at's mangled body beside )3y such sal a,rrangcm:nt all parts book. Law-makers, the speaker says, cash. at, head office, $27.91. Cash aesets wINQIIA3I I tlla track. Instead, they .saw him! ,parts, of tell, ,canniy would b, repre- should not be law breakers. in bank $5 643.79• assets due $765.16; I TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. canting over the ties on a tun, carry,i s<,anted ; it would save a double nomi- „ ' '" ' ' int; on his back the ice-cream freezer: An expert farmer soya that the only premium note capital, stall.^,u: and many elections; it would p ail, $145,870.11; mak- i Ile climbed on the train, Iookingi Vroducc* the best business m n in the way to get rid of the pea bug is to stop ing a total of $155,187.455. The maxi-SeryI Pupils propared for Conservatory of mlusie foolish, but all he- ever .said, of hisii county; it would b:� a general saving the growth of this crop in the infected mum uttmbor of o,icles in force duringexaminations. miraculous escape, was, "Be Gash, it t . ref time and expense ; and lastly it districts for several years. It is a radi- P--- v'-- --------- jarred me some, it dict thot I"- Carol would drive politics largely from, a the year were 41,076; cancelled during Far your general and ISA p E �a enc Lockhart, in February Lippincott',s body where it lids ria legitimate right 1 cal cure, but, if likely to be effective, it the year, 201; expired during the. year, private business..... VIOLIN AND CUiTAR, Magazine. ' . + aught to be tried, says the Loudon Ad P MISS CARRIE MOORE •t'dl exist. I vertiser. We do not believe It well 681; number of policies in force Deeem- • work. It's recti hard to fool bugs, her 31st, 3,192 ; maximum amount of of London Conservator of Music, will to pre- Good "'`I Good Beath 1s intpossiule P Y g Telephone y p We know of eases where farmers pre- risks to force during the year, $6,198,098 ; pared after Oct. Ist to receive a limited num. , Without regular action of the bowels. ter of pupils for instruction on violin and �. w tended to go Out Of potato growing en- total amount at risk December 31st, $1,- Guitar. w t taxa•Liver Pills regulate the bowels, tirely, and then with a rush the would Residence-opposito R. C. Church t . *ure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, , y ' 111,848; premium notes handled during Winghnm. �. , about the third year, put in a big Crop. t1Se ear .102 740 residue of g TRY IT. I skit headache, and all affections of the = , premium t �` , And yet the first potato vine that"work- Y organs of digestion. 7n. Price 25 cents. Alli OB PRINTIN ' ,r p `t druggists.:; eel its was up through the earth was notes on baud December 3rd, iSQi, $143, The bell Telephone Co. of Canada J •:� P �<,r '' jumped on by bugs that had been sitting 379.11; assessable force of x,11 premium including Boosts, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill i • -, sl\ +, ,I+` .1.' Some. of the Provincial papers make on the rail fence waiting for it. LIMITED Heads, Circulars, Fcc,> &a, executed in the bast A",1 It notes, $161,473.92. From the reports of , style of the art, at moderate prices and on ,� a .<• ,„ aefercnee to the appearance. of white So long as the turdip crop is all right 1900, tits 1901 not yet being distributed I short notice. a ,,,•-_`___..; ;,�,.� , I , _.,. _,_1 yr Snowy owls, and, many are reported , BOCKxtIN1AINO.--Wo are pleased to announce ! ' ' t ' the fruit canners can afford t0 smile at that any Books or Magazines left with us for os having been shat. It is quite eve- I we learn that out of 93 strictly mutual BIndfn Will have our prompt r , !', dent, say officials of the department reports about the failuro of the fruit companies the West Wawanosh grades I i' Prices icor Binding in any style Will blah iven oft r//•- ���' i i of Agriculture, that these owls are be- crops.-Hamilton Herald. ' applieatoitto g /y , P Y faurtll largest aS to assets, Still largest l THE TIMES OFFICE, ! } i- i ang ,shot under a misagprehenaiou,Any' Our esteemed contemporary toren s soba era fliterested in the ,sub'l ct F g as to number of policies in force, and - Wilighant. � •...-- r...... 0 .pit -T j SOLID RUBBER , ' -�. tilt© fruit canner. The fruit canner does s' - ti ashot.ld write to the department for ixth largest as to risks carried. During ( E .. , tiro pamphlet on, `Tho Birds of Ontario not use turnips. Canned turnips would the year the company received 33 claims ' RAILWAY TIME TABLES. in Relation to Agriculture," which deceive nobody. It is the jam maker I for losses, of which 31 were satisfactori- UI �, fv RAND TRUNX nAn;WAY SY$TE�i• There is a noted difference , 141l1 .ivit the great value of these birds who uses turnips to make the l�pdy of ly adjusted, in all amounting to $;2,140,- kX - - .;ECT the destruction of vermin. 50. Officers elected for the year 1902 TIU1Ns I,UAvls Trott I in the style: and fit of Pants We his strawberry and oilier friuit jams, jvexe as follows: John Ballantyne, 11 Lonaoli`'n,...:::::::::: s:5 'nen:::; a:ion:i is ' Jam. isn't canned fruit. Canned fruit �' - __ —1 President Kincardine • Fiala Anderson gineardiuc..11.10 a.m brings peo- Y , Selo p•nl.... ts.3sp.m, melee that always 'grin isn't jam. Uur contemporary gets the ' y a ' ! Tice-President, Belgrave; J.M. Roberts, ' ATt1LIYF 1TR.0:1C two things mixed.-Hamilton Spectator. Will catry heavy loads and gineardine ... .0.49a.m 8.55a.m.... 3.10 le back for another' )air. 9I� �• y ��- ��a� I The Spec. may think it knows it all, Sec.-Treasurer, Dungannon. The retie- London .......... ... 11,10 a.m..,. 7.65 p m P I 1 ing Directors were Messrs. F. Anderson, I . withstatid hard service. Palmerston ........... ... 2.45 pari.... 8.sS p.-al Dr. i<�°�1Us�C Ointment but if it consulted a wholesale grocer is IsaaO Fisher, John Ballantyno and W.' A An ever-scttisfactor , easy- 11. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wfngham. ' Then there is the low rice 1 might learn that there is a brand of can- Stothers, all being re-elected. Alessrs. . y y p I+' ' ' ANADIAN PAOWIC nAMWAY. ned peaches in which there is only a redrxlg wheel tire. peach flavoring. The body of ilio fxnit Morgan Dalton and John WEilson were a Ci TUAMS LUA`v>, iron. and better duality of cloth put Ise: flet Anffsotttle, Cleansing Ansi Ileal. g' re-elected Auditors. The present Board , Every set guaranteed. Toronto and: East 13,57 a.m.... S...) p.m. I is turnip, cut by machinery in the shape Teeswater ........ 1.0'd p•n1....10.48 p.m. Ing-laeanthlea tl,e 3a1.in and Cure■ cOYlSlata of ZtilaS5ra. Wm, seothera, Isaac 1 ,lntrvx s`ROX 1n them—cloth that wears IO2 half or quartered peaches, The tures , . , Can bt: fitted to arty vvheei. Piittnles, I31ne1:hettda anti Irritat- { ni s frons which these canned good Are !Busher, Johu Griffin, V. Anderson, A. Toafiwnte ii( . 0.57a,2n.... 11.: 5p.m, ed. Itching Skin. !I P w g Stewart, James Girvin, E. A. Aehesoll Toronto anti East ... 1 82 pan,...10.43 p.m. I See Our new goods and rices. made are grown around Galt, Anda , Send for Catalogue, J. H. BREMER, Agent, Wiugham. There is no single. preparation you travelling freight agent of a Now York I •J' 11' Kaake anti John Bailttntyne. Air. r IrjU�LO1<, S,f2E CO. Will. BathWEBSTER & 60n e acted as Chairman of the - ' .. . --- --'-----•-- ca.n name that i:i znarp useful in the state railway told the writer that he heel ; �"' � •� �'"`-" hotna than W. (°hose's Ointment, suet taken out in one season as many as 40 general mtsetiug. ;/ �-' Llnt2rtsn. ill iti ]so cleats, r.�tdtleal and creamy' that carloads for eastern Canneries. '.Che fur• i �-...-......-. - I �, raLaoNTo. I T PAYS - .- __ ._.._ _. ItuiletgErves a pia(:c in every ladies' clips are almost neutral in tasteandare 1 wANTEl7-Men and i W`W?1.f.¢,:. , r•, yµ • -4 iu'• et4ot very susceptible to flavoring Theyare t Swomry far li enufut• "(V c3{G r: Ella A C[ It is y tlelilthffu, al�ri)leatiort for pf ;s a .,« " rough. red skin. t,3lnplea, -blackheads nut unwholesome. indeed Irian sept° i ntrulb making position; • �� f �. prefer orange inarmalade in which a no books, insuranor or fake Pelleme; over L � �.i)"V rT'TZ�E 1 � � �t.ntl irritated, W-Ilii,,; skin. it prompt- large I y i 1y heals ehappc•d lips and hands, burns, g percents„e Of turnip i5 used. •- . lino° a customer. Pnrtieulnrq tett,. Write to F Stratford Beacon. I M.Y. 6 I I Iiruists slid ,wounds of all kinds. I THE F.1. XAUX CO., During the hot weather Dr. P'hase's 117 e'oelsidcral,lc romm,71t. i.s being matin' i;::'4ietoriaAreet,T'oronto,Cana(tn.I ky r y �+-fintment is in nongtant demand for i I �- .r11 t)r+/ : thi �ir and scalding; fles)Yy neople es+ It pre.' eni relative to the recent muni- , -. i pedally, findirttyr It fnvifl�lytlil*. ;Rflitlr- 1Ci1Aa1 f'Irctiatts in I)ttw',vcn City. I�oi °re, doer "i1P00t��$t06 `}lOia9 -- ,� i TRADc QJIdRK� -r... - I TO PaN8111I +»tPTlt'IVVIS. DESIGNS vris tats It f pot1ii of tlabi,s, aq 7rr dao(r;� 1 the first tine, in its history that. city 1 27ee Great Enolfsh7tCYN(Ll. , This undersigned having beton restored to COpvRIGNTS &d. p +.'b Sold and re0ommendad by fi,l Health by sirnlsto means, aftt•r ntlffrrinR for Anyone sendtuq a niseibh And description Map i, tiers do. lm,4 hall the privilege of eleeting ai f r druggiatii in Canada. Only r6U. gnveral ymrs w th it severe lung affection, and QA,iciai meortain our opinion free. whether np Then it must be ri-membereil that hr- mayor and council It v local affairs ” alAta aited,0inn c.lseovarad.:.9dx that dread diseasn Consumption, is nnsiottq t6 _ �. „�: TIMES � � • invnYitinn til po 4bnbiytial. IInndbookon ll''atotitt, t ':t bt•in"" xL :-trio t.':tiitlfll`f',Ilt' (� LA• ' ..2 CllU,lyCfi fl''IlQ7tt9ttCEd to aura all Inak(+ known to his fl•11ow snfferers ill(,. means _ _ _. tta free. of13r nfigo feint r, Ila hiivin; bevu conducted heretofore en- iotmiloi8qua WPnknes3. fill offeet50ftibustr� a Patents taltte9t t Vols forCeclirlYl,Kpatent9. tTintlnent 11 tit w„iv3rrfut Inelliehial fa cure. To these who desire• it, he will el pre. Aand good repttl tion i ( OC elate (oil(. Patents taken tout elx1 Munn b CO, r00019(3 ,, br excess, Rlantal worry, F;z@es9lvn rah of Ttr fully fiend (free, of shat oT a ro iy of the pre. V Y and 1Cood reputaEian 1n t!1elt state f one eirtCittl•nofter, vnttbottt t!ithrce, !it tt2ts ' ,�i j1 .. r r .._ r af7tialitfes. thoroughly t uri111, f•at )1 toil t feels by i lie. Territorial Governor. , baaen, Opium or 6t1t11u1arttd., tiifilled tin .e0eipt i FP,ription ugvd, which they will (Intl a Nuri for lit this county, r�;tlLtired) to re )re5efit and ad' �,t( I every f Or in of 1•a, •:i,•wn. :Balt MU'u1n, I e •r r. . •t } of pries, one paeln a Sx, six, $i. an, tvlti:0iiiind, I consmnption, A sthttta Catarrh, U onahl. vertiPit olii rstablrs rem wonithy�ushlelis house b p-�l 'I 1 „T_11 m,lj)Ilty 1\Y!rf•` in t;tvur of scit"tifit �t1H 6 i;aluy T:t•zt•m::s.cu1(d Plead and Iteliinrr aixtoftdettre. Pfifoap 1Pts free toany tidd;aaa, tits and alI Throat and fun ritafadlas. lie ofaoicliinanrfalgtnuclina. Salary !S1s.Wwerlt:- Irin Iliw(•atr. .tl•:t et'Ittss a 1)n: ;i1 lr:f':Il ravernmert x?/l 7tlucl1 .ser that The Wood Company,WindsokiOiti hopes all safrerergwill tr, his remedy, as it is lywitltaxpe2isnsadditional,all payablcincash AUhndsornririllnntrnte4*(,elrly. Ymooliteir• d. , 4 ty t,-11 ; . • , •• l invaluable, Tho,;° dosirhig the preseription, t,att)t Wetlnesdaydlrectfrotn 11f.tdoflic('.v. llorsn solatium of now taelentilxn 9•,ur,,at- Terina. $R n alieatt.u.., or ln„ tp tt. frr,l,t d;rImuttsun, t vt 1 ai American 1tc4iilcnt s i unit 1 lit' Wuod', hos +ocline iq,old in winrhani 1,v •r w Ill r o.;t t1win nothing, and ma rove and eArria eq f u'n shed When . ynar; f•,ttr months, $i. 061.1 byt:p netnt,dealets. _. . • � .1' 1 whl 1r 1 t., f p a t 3 vl n nrcrswar .Ise y !� `jr�I ;#ate;, Gc t..ut.il+..us, dvrt• rt,. , oath of allegiance and lx•ca.nl+, 7,t rtlYll I ('Olin A. Garrl Aril, A. I,. Hamilton. L. A. i ;t t1,•q�.ixttr, will 1lPas0 a(dch'oaa, 1€ay. I:I}- ferrnrc!!t. 1,ttcln,e self addrPsged stain icxl in, (!j 8f 1ilraa(ii:`a ••+ -' T Ntebj,'etS irt' order to info hitt in the Dmxglasq,an(l,pF.iv,i)av1q,I1rutic;lst:+. WAltl) A. WILSON, Brooklyn, NewVorlt, volope. 5fanager,810CaxtonRaildint;,tlidengo ' �, RN &ev �'+'����Yotk brax.0h 0,1.00. Ga it Vt., W.v..i'i- cw,:. If. ti.