HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-02-07, Page 2THE W1 G.4� a TME i,, t1t,11.), 1902, �r - J J 1 bIM'r. and Mrs. J. R. lUiller of LA- ton, KEMNE S FRO,14 THE uitglJaa are `'initial,=• friends at St SANCTUR MILL Mr. Dalt. McLeod of Bruce Milnes, A - ,auuuupnlnnrlll1111'111fI1tIN111010IO1GtIUIUIIIUIUN,iinuu,. Paragraps from ourExeha•1190s- gonna is visiting his father Mr. Jobe A o �.. Wood Cribbing is prevalent in Ureter . W � P McLeod lot 2, conG, $talons. i r Tho uumber of persons in our province this winter, shool age from 6 to Ml ears, has I! ' Some arrests have been made In c011. of c g J l The l The Typewriter the World Was Waiting For, vecon we poisoned (logs ll been decreasing since s in %Vh811 It was visa ,U„ THT THE � x pp tiWith thii$1,000 more than it was 1900. „ Exeter. -. This IS PROVED la ' the fact tllglt tilts 1.7'i U S I I\ E SS ill Mr. Ilrcdrick announces that the wax Air. W. J. Chisholm, M. A., ]las beenZoT t '' expenses have beau reduced to about a'pPgillted Public School Inspector for - MILE habitants ofthe w'or1CI U S �'., it. West Bruce, in place of Mr. Campbell, SFAC-Si . + £4,b00,000 Per tllotltll, a r, ,,,. ,, Now manufacture(I 1n three of thy: great countres, viz , ! who resigned On account 0 ill health. � " " P SIG�VATtJI�� t ?� writer claiins to be able to prove 1 1 Callad:l, U nitt•d States and Germany• I that the majority for prohibition ought Mr. R. G. Smith has Purchased Mr. egefabfePxc arationforAs- The- 1 he Palladian. Pacific Railway have over 200 in USC 1 I to be 00 12BIE0789 per cent. We have ,Nicholas Becker's fart. and Mr. Jassiinliating ftToodAndRegula- Ing els of OF— Melvin l<.no11' it GOOD tiling trot space to print the proof. of Cargill. Both of these farms are ill Ii10 If 1t is trio that 13 is all lunluck • tltltll- 17.t-]r1nIas sold outf t nMos r. John FInebn t• I theStAomttch5�t1c113o, , �►'� . � the northern a t.o C 1 s ,i(;f:�iTS Q➢&` P.'II'b �r+Z:�i'A:0'1!`�>ZQHTi9 : her the citizens sof Putt L+lg*,iti should IP r'Inlblt) writing a tart to that h. rurtnhtllry, weighs only I a ltuunds, shiver in their shoes, The Dominion! bliss Edittt G. Dodson the daughter of 1 + promotes Di' estiou,Cheerful- Dinn11'oldittg, bt•uts thein ati1. lei t,lnout, 1 ositiva nrd I,ermnnent. census places its population at 113113, , a wealthy Lambtou county farmer, ,las + Durability, htnilenedstet4parts. -Itul, 10ty,100luirtius twainst 1100! ; Alittle sell of T. S, Burgess, South-'ontered snit for breach of promise to opurness more .Oontainsneikfter Oplulll,Molphinc �lorMtneral. IS 'f t�'�3F WAitt.:. � :SiA by a )veil i;nt:u n Ca.n;rd:aa tic u:j an., here to 11t,ta: •.t up. ! itttlptuU, (dile (lay -recently fell backward � Marry against bit. B. Currie asei.statlt -• r into a pot of bcaldiug feed for stock and. postmaster at Walkerton. NOT XA3EtC OTIC. LY . was severely injareda The pagx little ' 1 1 `� 56V i fellow suffered intensely. �h I Id'YCn Cry forjw,�OarowmrammP �/W/ �� yRAP"ER a 1 I fait tish Troop Oil Liniment is without � � � � ,7'l 16t Smaf- YQt' WASTIsI that much if )•ell 13Li: 11u3• UTIiI;l,., and you DO P ' .NOT t exce }tion the }host• (affective remedy for ' .w'!lx. r revf+�• OF EVERY .NO1 (.r1,:T SO GOOD it machine! /V r, Ulcers, r I' 11w,Iafto S•U!-' cuts, '('� (lin(ln, 1.� 1C.lrt, l)pCtl .5'c1l'N6, 6nrrad'eed Rheuneatirin, Bites, Stings of Insects, Last Snturd ty, afternoon as Thomas ,vpa rn,nt TEE E WILLIAMS �V�F*�,'t'. CO. Limited etc. Alar ;o battle 25 cents. ;, Strachan, jr„ was driving into Brussels "9�mSeeala.l'aim• �-3®t71:tTE11 OV %frrmJead - A motion was made in the House of 1011('• si(ia of the shaft cross bar came /,,,r ,i rumr. AW. -Write to -day. C40NTREAL, P. Q. kI;harynr�r7a:vr Commons, England, to reduce the tcntn• loose from the cutter canning the horse, 00 d0k ber of tires from Ireland in }'(.:resent I to '"like all attempt to run away 1 P Aperfectl3emedy forConsGpaErm - _ the l:uglish Parliament and have .ropre- Mr. John Ferguson of Bruce Mines, tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, o «� „'rt' f seuttltires frons Vanada, Aastralfit and Algoma, who recently lost his sight in a 1 WOrRtS,CO[lVUl510n5,F6VefiSfl- i .L�s �.a t. ,.ca. �,..,5.x. 9 ' r p�� i the Other colonies, lynamitEl esp]osioil in the mines there stens and OF �)itEBP. •g q11A BLOOD D 6 S E� AS F` U F2" E �' The Wroxeter Council must have some lis visiting his grandfather Mr. John A. r U Tea ever contracted, any Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe until theMcLeod, � �fiC Sitnite Signature of - virus or poison has been eradicated from the system. Don't be satisfied with :t + I queen' doings, when, according t0 the Mc Leod, of lot 2, :concession 5, Kinloss "patch up" by some family doctor. Our thew Adlethod is Guaranteed to Star, they do not :wish to have the pro- I township. is a -W .i Curo or into Lc'ety. No 1\i -wales Uscd without `'brritten consent. ,+ I � NfyW "YO�i{, Qastoria is pat up in one -size bottled only. It ! ceeditegs of the B and known, and the Mr. W. H. McFarlane of Paisley has I is not Gold In bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell • ' C'c, arced When x113 Else F�ailes'I �( 46Cculd I live my early life over, this testimonial would not be paper is asked to suppress parts uF file I been appointed arilitrator for the village I �" ' you anything else on the plea or promise that it necessary, thou;; h I was no more sinful than thousands of other `clgiug;s. The Star is right in refusing to qP Teeswater iu tie platter of separat- ;i ' 1 e ' is 't just as good" and "will answer overt' pm - e IV younv; men. Larly indiscretions, later excesers, exposure to LL" oeo.'I See that you got Q-A-S•T-0.13-I-A. c contagioua diseases all helped to break down:. my system. when ' accede t0 the requCst, j ile;; isle farm lands Of t110 COrpOratigin P + I commenced to realize my condition I was almost frantic. Doctor Last week a. change was made at the I from the village and joining them to The [so - after doctor treated mebut only gave me relief—not a care. Hot - g I simile, !e (a Springs hen ed me but did not cure me. The symptoms always • CXACT (COPY OF WRAPFER D + . Standard Bt1t11i B ussels by the transfer- to Culross for municipal purposes. citGaturoed�C�c',F. °'°0� returned. Mercury and Potash drove the poison Into my system is ! n r 'I •rL/' of wrapper. 1 instead, of driving it out, I bless the dap your New Method ence of Teller Hrlrris Hamilton to the j 'LTskl internally Hagyard's Yellow Oil '..,:v•• 'rreatment was recommended to me. I investigated who yon • I ` I 1 g Chatham Bank loud, the conning of W. A. care Sore Chest, Hoarseness, (yluinsy, lfl + xlllrliUaNY�d r u i;I�il liICC116tm I.iA:s ii 1, I ,, 1 In.i.l;la aila.,Jt:,,rl !I C were first, anti finding you had over 25 years' experience and re- I • Ptlitl i to the Chest, iir0up <tr.. Used 11 sponsible financially. I gave you my case ander a guarantee. Tripp, Of that la 0 to Brussels. You cnred me permanently, and in six years there has not been a p-' P P ' externally cures Rheumatism, Stiff, P sore, pain, ulceror any other symptom of the blood disease." I pp-oo Toints, Contracted Cords, Sprains, j 25 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Cured. M. A. CORLEY. I Children Cry or ! Strains, Barns,.Sealds, Cuts, find Bites We treat and cur% Varicocele, Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Stricture, t .o Impotency, Secret Drains Kidneyand Bladder Diseases. a Of Insects. p Consultation Free. Quastt9 Blank for Nome Treatment and Books Free. ¢�, ( CA T R i A� II IIIc. George StOgdill trot with apant- �C i DRS. KENNEDY 86 KERGA1 I While running the large press iu filo I Ylil a0cideut at the furniture Yagtgry, � ��� � L`' _ �, [��?)jjjii�jx48 SHELL STUEET. IDETROIT MIC)H !Advocate oiilce of Mitchell on Monday Sonforth on Monday of last week.ARE � , '; l`� a n @4iae a �t �►�:. ;a lw lilt n�i'+. ! of last week the gasoline tank blew up while worsting at the shaper his handlYOU HEAD __-•�-�+ - I came in contact with the knives, with t t t� %r and disarranged ''tmtters for a time. ! �1J lir -- ---- — - _ There was a Uig blaze but the fixe was tile result that the tops of three of the l r" � rr •� fingers on ,lis ri< it hand trete taken off. I DEAF , r,NOISES7 extinguished without doing much damage. The Cober carriage factory has all the 1'' +r� m machinery moved from Ethel to their Full of eaIII�Ig Mr. G. A. Gray; son of Mx. George ! p n I ALL CASi5 OF • I Gray, ex -Mayor of Harriston, was taken, new shops here nasi along with new ito the General Hospital last week, tlnaeliines will soon have overythin D EA F ��� t I suffering from the effects of all injury Placed and in funning order. Work will f Ap�� �����g CURABLE $OjEr�y The "Sovereign" brand on a be pushed ahead at a lively rate on the tI� FY�tl _ A2 ` sustained while riding a wheel, H•) is b our new invention, Only those born (leaf are iucurable. lady's shoe means everything a I output for the coming summer. John y c lgettingalong;nicelv,bntwillbeconfined "EA' CEASE IMMEDIATELY. r 'lac! ha, a right to expect in a Cober has moved his funnily t0 Brussels. y g p to the hes rtal for about three weeks. i . ? Worms affect a child s health ton Phillipsburg,Kansas, has all up to F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAPS: t1 It means style. because made Seriously to neglect. Sometimes tht,y I elate preacher. Instead of doing some I R.)r-vtaroltr., �Id., March ,o, crier. t cause cotivtlisious tnicl death. If you I sensational t111'u in order to attract Cenrleinen : —neing entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will note glue vett aft the ter latest, most fashion- 1 a full history of my case, to he used at your discretion. y a :C11spoct thein t0 he present., g�ivo Dl•. ! )e0 1P. t0 lits CllurClt 110 Slm I adrartis- ; About rive ears ago in right car began to sin and this Its at on ettin}; worse, until I lost 1 P simply Y, )' g Lida s, I g •m. able patterns. Low's Pleasant WOTTn Syril1.), which „ my hearing in than Car entirely. �t 1 es in the local paper: There stilt re- I underwent a tr8atmeut for catarrh, for three months. without arty success, consulted n uum. 1+ I destroys t.hee worn 'ivithout injuritl;; th0 I her of physicians, anion *others, the mo.,t eminent enr specialist of this city, who told ane that \\i It means fit because made on 2 nlnin a £city vacant SP.a.tS at the regular p y' t i child. Price 5c. 1 Duly an operation could help me, nud even that only tent aorarily, tidal the head anise arOUld t lasts modelled from real feet--- , I services in the Baptist church of this then cease, but the hearin , in the affected ear would be lost oret er. c �'. `a Wgra was received Thursday morning P with all t!:e stretch and shrine: I i then Lr I ling used %v days in n New Fork paper, and ordered yourtreat- l of last week of the death of Donald City . The past Gall and will Preach ntent. After i ltnd used it only a few stays according to your dI ect,ons, the noises ceased. and Fh y"i, i taken (stat of the shoes. > hetter sermons if the seats are filled with to-dny, after five weeks. tn} hearing in the diseased ear has been entirety renoreti. I thank vols .1p >1 , i — Steuart, formerly of Brussels. tulle dfE.c, hearfilyand beg toremniu Verytri$l yours. 6-t It means beauty because at the residout of his; sell -in-law, Angus worshipful atteticlauts. I+..1. wLRtIA\, ;;o S. rroachcay, 1!•'tir,.arc, Md. y J ;;� _ t' c ) ► ! crSotcrei ;a" shtii s are finished Smith, of Wiartou. A week ago Tues• A very pretty wedding was solomniz- OIL), tt•ecatm-ent [toe:a 7t.ot, i)ttet fete zvitlt, font• r¢Srrr,' .... 1;t. 7 lq cry �[�' ��' b}• the best most a io-date daS he utulerwetlt %chat was eousirlered ed, at fi o(:lock sus Weditcrday nveniug;, $xnminntion unci f��pp��yy gg ��yrg�&�� YOURSELF i p ai ,; ' scrtl Qe+ +ri 4 , p- I I advice free. t!(i �f� CSiJ1F�iF 9` URSELF AT 6 �.:`• methods. a successful operation and was making January 22nd at the ,tome of Mr. ZPtrt. 'ltt?li'tiQ. AURAL %l.aliP�i?G t S11i l F favorable progress afterwards, so the I Kerslake, Cromarty, when Miss bland i r It means zvcay because only micas of his death was received with a his second daughter was united in mar - y ' first-class materials are put into shock. riag;e to 3.1r. Hugh. McLachlan. The j "Sovereign" shoes and they are j 'put together by the best of all Mrs. Mathew Smale, who resides on I bride who was 0ivau away by her father i i x the Sparta road, tlepx St. Thgrlas, met I looped charming in a %rhite organdie I M S 3 methods, the Goodyear flexible with a nasty accident yesterday. Dors. I dress with white satin trimmings, and )volt process. a , .— S nale was leading a borne to water I carried a beautiful bognet of carnations. " µ For men and women. when the animal kicked her in the face, { The ceremonv Was performed by Rev.I C L : ��Sd $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. breaking her nose, fracturing both bones I Mr. Cranston. U r of the np 1(r jaw ani fodrin filo lips I Milburn's Sterling H, the Pmvders ! ? 'kid Bb__ 1 .42 a9, Stamped 0u the soles, eonttiin neither 'nnorphitln 11or opium. u badly. A doctor was called trod found I They promptly cure Sick Headache, o » it necessary t0 put in anumber of { NHnral ria HAndanhA, Headnehe of bi Sovereign �n0e. istitches. (Grippe, Headache of delicate Indies and � 0- Liliesof �� the valley are to be the Headache from any cause whatever, I i Trice 10c anrl2;e F r�k� Sof`d lu Wing*haat by W. J. GRI- j flowers used at the time of the Liug's f A writ has been issued at the insl'anne : ':sok coronation next June. Enormous quantities will be required, and itis of the administrator of tho fancily of j the late Alex. McNab of the 0th line of _ understood that the florists of Germany , • > -t;; `; J y„ .,. ,; "E ( Morris against C. Zilliax, proprietor of y�7 1 n: t`i ) T �' and Holland will id in supplying, the 1 .li. �.A.. �;# .�;•��. �.4t6� � ' -�. I.: ounces C;�ie � y delnanrl. British florists have purchased f the Central Hotel, Brusspls, for $1000, = d 1 millions of bulbs, and tb(- bulb growing charging that on the premises of the {l • "l l , t: p:pans Tabules { Central, :Mr. McNab met with injuries I , .� r r of Germany and llollaud are raping; a lowA . R. �' P,,'a l ub i c ,lt_ i; eeix t :; , ®, ® I)oums find I b fallin ,' into it cellar that led to his, r • ,}'' - r +t.l.-, A good p:rsc,'i;Y.iou i i i handsome profit.% y g' C it: ' Tt,r tn-.nl:;n1. death The case will come up for hear- ing rt' sry ! ivies. Benjamin Snell of Pltnenix, B. (tug at the next assizes t0 be h(lrl at Gorl- C. is at present visiting at the laddie of Ri ails Tabules are a common s r se, ( :CCtual cureMrs.' Arich. It will be a matter of eousider- p a � her mother, Christopher Dale, 1 llhli01151]C5S, 1]eartl)ttri?, 1lC dacl.e, Cori- Coustauee. bits. Snell is well p3eas.cl able interest, as the ,tearing; of welt cas; Times a , r f0: (. ;)CpSia, , es have been few and crnnsequont.y � J,o- Stir2;.icn, dizziness and all clisorders Of t,.c sturr ach, with cverythitig in British Columbia, I liar[, ltmcs nrl[l tires<tY (,soh(, ivi.=. wU tnaaniHeient pi4.,,.1r, ' > and says she %ronld not now lir(! in Un- not many precedents. rhe Duke and nilehes� +.f Yat -1K, and The, i+.( tic ' live. : nd klowels. They are Intended for Linc use of tario. Things have prospered with Mr., The women of alt Ontario ctotrgr�gal- I pets,!' rill Jallivir%" ist. 111(03 , , .. , .. , , . , • , , , , , , , , t fie) lin:;::, v;omCn and chiiUre-n everywher c, and 11 VC c tion caused a seitsatiun by advertising ani Time- tird tVeekl WitnFs� , , , , , , ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , l tiU and Mrs. Snell since their removal there 1 Iirc.,cd bacneficial in t c majority of cases,. It is not as is evidenced by the fact that sinco oyste•- supper, and announcing as they r['1t11es and , �nilY iloraIli ont Lt'r.•My Star, with ;)•f,lttill n L 75 Clati12cc1 tl>1.t they v, -ill perform mlrt .'(:;, but SO.�.0 Of Mrs, Snell's return home sloe has pur. special feature of the 011terhtintl»Hnt i fates and tekiy It}til ltrld .ata ............. . ..... l 75 9 tilt: Cut'Cs V� Mich tl1E'�r I]c�v(: effected F.1:]Oilllt 3fi;]o5t t0 I Chased ecce of her late father's faruls that all women who waited oil the table Tinne5 t nd. (V esiern Advert.is : , ; ; ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , t :10 t 1 .• > lot 2 oil the ist concession of Hullett I would wear blooftn(SI:�. The staid ma- 'f`itftes arid' 1�'(+elcly Sun. ... „ , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 7;1 that. T;^,sy to take, an(I prompt in actlon, thc,� have ... ... .. . �. + frons of the uenomination were iu(�x- 'riln�s and Daily Globe 4 25 i no -,1 �•- ti1C }JC t :Cnlecly for file ed ry-day ills Of (paving O.G00 for it. ipressibly spooked, and tickets for the I T'irnesand Toronto natty S a: : Iatotlttttt-v •l�: 1!) );)... ' iiU - t hul:la:,:ty. r • ; supper were at a premium. Before the Tililcs in[1. b armors' AdvUelltd. . .. . . . ... . . . ............ 1. 8.5 �g Times - � L�,_ o)r^ned }Wore tickets wore .rd.'ashy World .............................. :1 00 A 1'liHi)ICS�1C WHICH PROLONGS ' LIFE. doors were 17.� _ - „• I sold than the rhnrch colied e.ccomntodate Time, anr� DxitY lV(atvs . , , , , , , , , . ave. used Mxm° M,lwk, far a numhcr of Years „n.t 4uid rnt be withnut :hem. ��y5 a. Iaaa •: with trdtRo"tion 2nd couatipation, and have notictr. s,hce I have been using ❑,em ' ,� , .,, n .•� cm •,� There was it 1-nsll for the tables alid thein � T'itn('e allil Daily, �ial1 ati[t,T;li'.' ... .......... ..... W timi 1 ."fr rid .,f tans, tern -;:e hilirua slit 1; which confined me to bed on aecoont of the d:4?' _ n aiet5 cm,d 01r,ldre.;, I r , ' • .. 4 v"S5 diztta�•.:% tit l.g;e i haV: t, 't b.•d an V. I hall just got over a bads ell of hilious it var and wad t It tVas RPC}i th/! silllhllg 1Cait1'CFRBtS WPl'e ( pltl}C5 1111( ViT.h t+ fttYti•t! nittli ... , . , . , , , , , , , , , ' sittin„ ,•a t'.e mal., I Jja a ttrt li a,r came to me and remarked h•n: :d f looked. 1 ".id him I 3 blootnorh - -- e , . , .. % C� hat! ) , • •,t m,.r 01�• fever a.t.a. drat 1 wad afraid to eat anytl nX nn -.cement of i-leiirtstic:n, tf7lo fat• ie bis ill UtYlitla" "garb atl(1 tlta�, the fr•,o ,:, ,t^t I Imel suffered : ince I wast tote- your lie advices the to IiAte Itipatta 'I;thu:es. t pisa110 tf �,' Oi°f consisted Of roses p'llteed I i their belts, i C r. '� I said I wotl.l rtv Oman, and frons theff! f baven'.r been wits:on: ff•e,n. 1 can cat t+nythiug, - OIgDStur. � r r With the Torwito li}nil\ .it.ta lal4•:'1'it.Crs %sill t;et tt be111tbi1lil tmuv,,'••,; I t t , aY,ah 7 lmi itstead o', dvsaert. I ftrl cu'y hatattul that I have focal tf s • .,,. ,~ .., ®„�,. { � y w tipper. I "",.. ..." i iettlle of.King lJdwltrd `V11 ill 11,11 t, , t r 1 f t I Il\s, I) 11,5 s ' i L inent Of $4.b0 the itrvaiitl*aa eel, the Still, %ypl beb ^, tit u�u - . AWAY WITH, CATARRH 11 .,t, " -• The debtntu:es, %rinicit tycrr recently Plctuxe, rte Canada, CaA'�T:ilr. TttOiJIDLE5` 1 = issued by the I+a:Igus Council to raisr) q sit ferrel dino, VPar� nt kaat from vstric trouhlCs, W I Conhl not creep at nlgltb a ' ,. 1 Wo could extend the; list, i.,a' « is not ue'--t.4:tf%. *e ettIt 1Sfy 1•ta•> -.• d an,l my Prrt tvrittltl hs celrl as ice. D[ybuw-la,rere not regular and ! antd jque$a mOliCy t(1 pay t11C expenses CaUSCr, by � �.a im:a.,:o}; nn my blomach that f untdd filing AwAl'. I v„a,tn fit t,l di lrCos 1 %I c>_a'1V(i yUlt c)IUl)Itinl; rates f(t1' a1)Y t)t';.:.,h)tt tJA l` tf} ti.ifat: ,Lit.Y' Utt iallbtlE.'Cl sa.h rr.rr,: a•< the extensive ltnj)rOVelIlentS made t0 the • rs!`_ ” : that d i.r nu•„t.rd:.tl til n Inc. About threetnnntha Pu 1tVaa sufteru,gnt:dfclt as if I ' 1 Rog Disgusting. j I Vel•Y sub!g rihef- will receive a, Cop'.' ttf the ltHbd I .. Yav 1:•.' ti ri ::, iva.ud'v. \lv hra!i„•r reconuae nd,rd r'ipans '1'ah$tles to me.` 11Iy husband ? heating sy sttani o£ the Ilfg; t School, attd I L �� N A % 1 t ° r ` tt I Itf-tl it tfad nn'ut"• r the:. t n.,u'eat dot s,orCnue } notndnotnowbowithtnNihvm. Tkey rt t Relief and Pcrmanenl r L t Iti A N' h 11 A 1• !.Alt' 1.1O'1, ;.f +l+ %'< kf4" • • trite•: a • • r t ;!1 ;h•• fn:d Fr• ••s. [list .orated fa asp storoaeh and .i,ev nynvo anv boadt repularlYr t- I wltiCll wCt'8 sUltl f0 a .r.'grt :Ito firm at *,•• :i..alt•.•.,:,pt.,scanlltl:et::nr. )havenomnret,.e,a,tt(yheuelstravere}tinrll'• ,'tt tA- n I OureSecurofilbytheusdofDra out 1' Ii LD 7tiu'ATL8, lllnrki(< clow!, So 1t. tt .t almost lar, have4eb de, e(1 aselEss nq Ii,p:.• r•l.e.,r o+:aleepw ii;infaet,lfer•1 tslt.a ;.athptiatvblchtbreatlte,¢re ,- . 1 t n �Q,'neW'3 Cel;rarrha� PatWder. I'edliCtlOn. Ttlertt()re, tllet'e It lila 1,.;-E• 11 e f 1 ,:, , 1.....g.s:t:..:_:.ntiv6nareigltat•raPnu::i.s. Inrts,xr��tttthatlQtdrnttnmtnencc by the+ir solicitor. Itappears flint the �1sICt {, t): :ifeiit�E'.t t:ltt9, ^u 1•,1r tha would have raved are a grecs a -al,(” },ala and enf;.ring.,' I CA •u•.a.;a t..'r..,,x.. aye.tr; , a Y Coul.cil ove) stopped their power it, issn-' Ilete`S strong GVIdeSeCC of Llte (gniCiL21C5S aia(t \hell «e Cdt1 IIi1�UY'dl CU Fr"1V(•. Cllr• t/.•t 1'af.C8 t(' 1„at V It ('all *1 V() : j sureness of that wonderful reneedyt Dr..flgnmy's . tart -:n Cit t1j1. t yt Itig,* such tlE>b(intures, els the school lilw I Catarrhal Powder "1'0r veins ! %ti (S Yt VICLinI t Call �"a've re. fli j� t Call alt or fiddros -', v,.i• n- `� r_;� � ,'6'' ,.• t i'pIU%'itl(.'S 1'1.2lt tt10IIf)y'L'an'Cfltly be raised j of chronic CttEahlr triCd n)an retriedies but no � _ I . # cure was effected until I h rd tenured and used p + tby raobentlins when It is 1ntmirtct(1 fo. , I)r, Agnew's C.atnrthal Powder. first applaea- .i(. ". e '�tl n�; a + r a' t.n, ;c•,,,owsnil then, At �ngafs.d. .5 �N.s, P� \C+la eat -u .' aaiRt- tmart. Tthlittparyooet`siclzrkraii6 feMIR7lotile, file purcictlttt' of a Mite, flit erHctiga 'OP ft' floc gave ale instant relic(, and in an incredibly MIM lJ end lrrr!.• a at.+rheirivai`. 1j I short while 1 was ahst)lutely cured." --,lames - o, ,,, * 1+1.;• s Make It ge, dU cents, (ontelr. s euDUlB Per s gear. J $CtV BCh[t0, 1)t711[littl; or t110 eiPCCiOn Of t6 I Headley, Dundee, N.Y. 47 �'�y� • - /� Irr,.np':r:,:}}•yYtY9G'AIl.u,:: .... •-.. teaellEr'a residence. ivy a.yy� - - - - ��.1' t itecMr atrmaert '„, f” Sotd by A. L. Hamilton,Whighanl. •l l g hii b, n a L o