HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-31, Page 8M. NOT, CEIN IZotice jos wrel y B ('it that itthe Aw blc(titiR of the*. t1u, o%r Nviek it T. 0 1'(1 ilt 011 held in the Toushin -Al. X"� , on Fril 0<*� ..,ill Or 1116: the i)ircc and Auditor for theISt TV44', and for nw,s bush ass. By order ot!JI'lit, `10116 11. L4. KI)IND g1tFIT -0-497—§ TFIVrit BIG Something Very Special DRESSER has 18X36 Frivnell BANK,RUPT We have been fortunate "Irm r-l"A ; a in securing a rACTORY. N10FA top, 2 big drawers , and a for fancy: work. 10 cents sort• number of Onh.S1 CK cabivet; with door and Rick drawer, Waivanosh,onjaunary WASUSTAND Ila$ 2 drawers 11 fit. We site of Iteeve William 74eQuillnu; u Very and' doors, fancy shoped January 20th, thowife S-Ulting ' SA LE topand back, )lith brass IWAU "VID Fat -icy towel rack. nearly $1Q.000 worth of Dry Goods, Ready- BEDSTEAD—beavy carvings llal�,uln J �11.y by 010 116V W111 Aft L( of Ullea� of made Clnthing, Gent's Furnishings, with villsed paneli and Bedroo'm 2.1 by If, G. fancy shaped foot end, uI 1, IBi oil 0-uni'll Killop to ism urin Boots and Shoes, Etc, r c KE of Morris. M_ft;7 Ivnit—A the resides Having purobased the splendid Bankrupt Stock of A, R. Smith at a ld, li�F 1 -111 tirVVInd, 11' v!h 0 . Regular price $19,50 fin 0 a J. ,�ello, A! Suites 1,,, v. R. McLeod, B, D., low late on the dollar, we are now in a position to offer the public of but our price $17.00 Nye call w-tention to Show- f Hur n to ElizabIll I est. daughter of the In o Thonuis; XMroxilliogi4ingLiam and vicinity Up to date Goods Away Below Regular Prices. in; of Thibet Sultings, now. I Huron. i L0lTGnTaNAorx-1n S ch. I y ree(ived. For wear and t. Michners chur ffered will be a Januall, 29t 1, 11tw. Father Me- Every day will be "Bargam •DAY" and every article o Ton 1111tut of centralia, to appearance tie think this X1,4s Annie Agen, of Mor is. bargain. Ru-SIDENICE—PATIlielc ST. IDI BALL BRO8.9 one of the beat fabrics Come early if you want Snaps. Remember the stand—A. It. Smith- V. Gracey's former residence, w1wre iroT on—In Grp,-,, o January l^4tli_Adnnl night calk; will receive lt)ldieti --mrs,8 ontlisond6days. attention. Furniture Dealers kno--n to the trade. 56 agvd 71 - _% Your -Bargain Friends, 11rg,11111111tat XCLAITChrax Ill *QK' 11op'lon January 1801, Mary A., wlie z)avltl Al 'at ehlill, ill her 55th and Undertakers. itichte-3 wide., in beautiful 1� MAC�XATH—Ill (10deri 1. Oil January 28th, Kent ]Block 811100th, Broadcloth Finish, I I J JBIR & Co. 11 The One Price Furniture Store and Always the Lowest." Tvallette Elizabeth, (Net v 1. Wife of Junies J. for Tallored Saits or separ- Alnewath gobs l, oil January 22nd If win. kvijwinla, awa iss earsandlInionths. ate Skirts, ill all SII. Also just openeCi neiv Ern - + Ti.c Uoyal Victoria Life Incur- jLeys W�antwgffl broidery, Laces,, Cottons, + + werings, Prints, Silks, lance Co. of Canada, Head Office Ribbons, (Ifloves and Hosi- at Montreal, with a Capital of ll 1 i ery, Carpets and Lace Cur .$1,000,000, wants an Agent for We are prepared to pay the Highest Cash + + tains. Everything new and Wingbam. and District. The re - Prices for Saw Logs. The kind wlii(,,b when you choice, muneration to a good man will taste it makes you feel '19 though 41 be made satisfactory. Apply to you were right in the angni- Button & Fessallf. ;'EI. C. Thomas, Superintendent of buch. Tou much trash is offer - OPERATE D 13Y ed and sold as pure maple 0 Agencies, 6 Ring St. West, To- + L syrup. ronto. The Canada Furniture W's, limited, + We feel we have a chance to extend you a privilege and ask + PERSONAL6, 'WALKER BROS.& -BUTTON !+ syru I, + Balance of Furs, Under. FOR LE. + you to try ours. + wear, Gloves, floslery, UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. + Miss W. Alb visiting in 4� Mantles, Overshoes and Felt a Chisholm is d + Toronto. House and 51-2 Acres of Land. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth + CANNED 00008 A. all White Goods will 'Sh. A. Shoes, , door south of School House. p op- Tomatoes and Bean be sold much below their Bliss Forbes of Listowel spent Sunday Corti, Peas, Tom, 0 Tholludersigned %N 11 receive tendeis upto posite Macdonald blook. + .3 calls for 25 cents. value. We do not wish to at her home in town. the 8rd (In y of Febru ry next for the parelime + carry -anything over in the l Mr. W. Hall and Bliss Hall spent Sun- I of art of park lot r iniber 16 on the west side + Canned Beets in 3),;:ound nans, of )Josephine street i i the Town of Willglzall�, + 10 cents each. winter goods. day with frieucts in Tara. containing about 6,,21 acres and on which is + erected a 134story Tame house, 2.2 x 80 and 14 + Miss Wyatt of London, is visitiug� tons f"lidation and cellar, and CALL AIND SEE, AT; ,,01-'.' 16", x24, arc hard and softwater, also J friends in town this week. i a fraino stable 2' ello I 2x4,. Tho highesb orno tender necessarily nceepte.0 Mrs. Geo. Manners was in Seaforth I Further particula -4 call be had on applica- + this week visiting her sister. tion at the remises :r to the undersigned. What. about a Cream Separator? t R. NSTONE, Now is the time to bay! Come in and 'licitor for estate of . . + Miss Fanny Rogers of Brussels, visit. 1 Illesple, cleceused Chas have a chat with me about them, loan + ed friends in town last week. Winglinin, January 2 rd, 1002. supply you with one on easy t6rms. gN + AT 13 _V 4 if N V-1 11 Miss Robertson of Wroxeter was SF% # W. 0 A 14 N ETT Z ♦ # M. H■100018 i I visiting in town on Wednesday. MEETINGS OF THE AGENT FOR Mrs. T, Sloan of Blyth is the truest of EAST HURION Frost Wood Imulements. 4 ......... ++++-t4 a4#444 ................... Wesley her daughter, Mrs. Wesl Walker. —W%� i:egret to learn that Donald Pat- 1, miss Maud Hanna, has returned home luron for 1002, of i from visiting friends in Manchester. tarsen, warden for I NEW I Inist Rote .R East Wawanosh has been confined to Mr. King Wade spent a few days this I For the discussion of Agrjelitnral his bed with an attack of inflammation week with his sister, Mrs. Drummond in and kindred subjects, wi Ybe held in of the lungs, and scarcely able to attend Blyth. Great ,the session of the County Council this MissiAl. Hampton of Listowel was the Bluevale Feb. 10 1 week, guest of Mrs. Chas. Inglis fur a few days Feb. 11 1l� 4 Fordwic&, ;this week. Moleswor i, Feb. 12,1 Theve i Mr. and Airs. Case of Teeswator wore Ethele - Feb. 13, Nir. Geo. Manners on Satur- 1 Walton, Feb. 14, of Dress Goods, Clothing Over• visitors at i RETIRINU I (lay last. Gri'lera, Hous ilAurdie's School Holuse, plem coats, Furs, Carpets, " Oil Cloths, Mr. Chas. Fraser of Blyth has gone to Feb. 15, I to )ffolstolu to take charge of a saw mill Ill for Button & Fessant. 1902, each day at 1.30 and 7.30 p. M. Notl1withstanding that h I-lats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ete., RE:. Jos. Stalker, principal of Lucknow holiday trade with us s Allure eordiallv invited to attend these ii=�t- i CARDLESS OF COST, beginning in take oil intelligent Part in the discul'� exceptionally good, we h e public school was shaking 11 Luds with riesofand t SS -d subjects introduced by the )i an excellent stock left o BUSINE wedomaAh 5 old friends in town on Saturda. of the varied y ispeokers. GEO. HOOD, Sce. I choose from. All the best ✓ Mr. H. Park was in Scaforth on Wed- pieces were not taken. %Vi,; you to notice our u Rao line of Watches, all of 1 ny; Fohn Ista A treat for'lo Y'Song Etna Music- nesday attendiiig a inecting of the V Gottouptoot conlyountl District Lodge of thu it. T. of T. the best makes. I monthly by over We do repairing promptly T D I Ts used I rS Mrs. F. H, Wnlley, or Prince Albert, 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladiesask EVOPytbing will be Slaughte your druggist for cook's cotton Root COM- and thorough!y. red Aur a few days ill "tend. Take no druggist all Mixtures, pills and in- Vhis sale as the stock must be In a ar:ed program of vocal and instru- town, visiting her brother, H. B. Elliott. Imitations are dangerous. Price, lie. i, si p box, No.?, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box mental solos, duets, trios and quartettes. N. W.. T. is speudi M a run 11 Miss Campbell, late of the teaching I or 2• mailed oil receipt of price and two ll stamps, Tile cno,4 company Windsor, Ont. reduced several thousand dollar3 be. staff here, is the pioneer teacher at Ar- #j Nos. I and 2 so,d anti recommended b7 all Four Accomplished M spon.-ible Druggists iz Canada. fore the new company takes posse.i. col has to orgauize the ro S 2 allied by The Ki ug of F unuy school. ,Lyo. I.,jild 2 are •,olti in lVinglunn by A. L. Acew.np, a, Assa., as 611.3, �ion )h Alarch 1st. Hamilton, Colin A. (7anipbell, 1Z. A. Lou,911's-4 Mr. Stewart Elood or the Ilarriston and.T. D Davis, Druggd,,ts, H_ I S, H L M Tribune office, occompaniod by his cou. 1 1i REGAN, isin, Walter 0. Scott of Clifford speutl wEST =RONI Jeweler oillician With 1-,,!3 -N7hirl%vind of Fun and Sunday at his home here. 7:'Laughter. Mrs. Cook nnil Orr, of Souris, f Fri 0 F Plan i!alry�6pennt Colin A.. Campbells Man,, are spending a f(;w weeks visiti"J"Va NOW Az I drug orwo. old friends in this vicinity, and are no%tV' v held at tl �' 11 Willi, 'C' ,!the guests of their sister, Mrs J. S. SEE BELL,,, imr. PiirricuL.&u-, 411.11"Ing p1w,-us: 7, Borden. Wlngha , Tuesd y. Feb. 4 Mrs. R. L. Bute -hart and family of Auburn, Wednes a Feb. 5 .14-whigs of the East 0?.14 C t Feb. 7 Tqbuj RE. 10-ORN, ER DRUG il iff 61 - I E Huron Farm. Port Albert, May, Feb. ra a-4 era' lit. G"tutzi will be held in various - -dence Clifford and hor sister BIrs. NVin. Bond Ben blillerl F i vi F of Cass City, Mich., whom she has not i Ince.. io that riding during the second: seen for tw('jity-five ycars are visiting Aspecial invitation J.' hT ude(I to 11 to ('01no week c -f Febriia-y. The ineeting at to theso ineethics. The fternoon, nieetinp; their aunt, Mrs. A. Hood. NN-illope.untl.30 andtho ( Hing in r,80. The i IS BETTER 13luevale will be held on Febiagry 10th. I delegation will bo: I I I Mr. and Mrs. McTavish have returned %Vin. 30:31lott, Gall. ubjects: "How to THAN See aOvt. in soother column for in tertiliti,-and 14( sturo in t1lo soil," full from their wedding trip and spent a few lunint. The E3 I o o d nn�member 11(�orll and, tho sil 1101over slid days at the ]ionic of the bride's parents,, Plover )lay," "Hemonneal eding", "I'laproved I ill, me bsary to H -0. gtlin by "Cc "i, 14 "The bnequ hog..' "Coneret For the blood is the life! When I inethods in dairvitu. Mr. and Mrs. Page, before going to rlql(,. (.ow,,- vilat their home at Fort Frances, e(11110),111) I T alk the blood is pure good health is fts- furni," "Oui I hlu.lsl-�, '11. ut, � b' c1livillis r 7 sured. Pure blood carries nourish - Kills Mr. and Mrs. Beattie of Galt, Miss C. W. IN sli'Toro oil , jv(.64: 'tit(. Soil," grow," "Evolution —A Good Purse May'Save ",I,) - value cif our blrd-; I w len mout to the tissues and remove 1m. Bella qeDonald of Ayr, and Mr. and I of do'nestic allillin1s, I we refer you to ou Gerrxis, Mrs. Scott and INliss r3ella, Scott of 1,Tbo euvinies of the viii • t plant," "Our ine('44 stock. of Stoves alid Kitchen put:itiebs,,,cr waste products; resnit— You Much Inconvenience and notice bright eyes, clear ski money. That's precisely what G31 Teeswater, were gue�-.ti of Mr. and Mrs of tho pen, crop, how t0 'al with t {Furnishings. Wowish toh sense of W011 being and 9 Vapo-Cresolene does. You it tile lilecqll�-H the *dIew-P will, have the I I'tess tile fact upon your mind a - oneral 1.9 W. Taylor for a few days this week. 1)lens-uro of svlecti­ 'sr.hject they AVLAI to tllqt ycu should conic straight comfort. When the blood is We have in stock a fine cargo of from the for�!np : Purses, These tire not by any means light the vaporizer, the 4 S., of Wing. j here if You are in liced of any- x1imlity and deficient 'a qi,= ill. 19ba . till parses, nor are they a job by "�Ilatl are selected froin ilp-to-dato vapor of Cresolene is given I Int it 0.11 oil "Bre0ing 1 the kind. We Orin noss occurs and is headache, brats a off. Not a disease germ (_inadian TlatenU,.— E. Seybold ILIA ho s In'(" t.11 the lloedli (,f the liew Ill stock and at pr'icos that warrant New I'Mellis. man wl spear: I d. of V �sr 'supply various can live in this vapor, yet C, B, Motintford, top hundle-J. T 11- thf, silu." I bouseheerer or replenish the its va Ila ferias, )li of the good quality. 11. i)t�'t. on Corn in heart, indi at oil palpitation 'A' it can't possibly harm even the rotary Mginei; old. bilionsuesq, con, AS before stated, we have it big tiff., fruit grading niaebiue4; rV% Ilay- chen stipation, C and general ill, stock, and that is the trouble.. Now, t" I Anythind for tile kit naturally Woman's Institute. I youngest child. just I d. bag holders; I-',, NV. Shil-orn, i . . froul a Stdvo to, a spoon at tak- capacity far wort: or leasuro. here's our plan. Come ill, look breatle-in the vapor; it destroys the Nsvn"ar The woninn's Instil -dt, of West Iruro" will i What then? Iron Tonic Pills. them ovor, make your (-hoice. and %* plows G. 11. NVillianus, fruit lion, inectingm tit t u- four pointn, Ili Wing- Ing prices. germs of la grippe, hay fever, influ- boxo% or ba4teti; W. L. Dick, thrash, lutin, witf-re flwre is already a proqperous Do not forgc-b that 11v (10 Price 250 a, box—about sixty pills wo will make the price it secondary and whooping -cough. It's the int; nwelhines, J. W, 1). Jltiyerq, eon- branell, an interesting inreting J4 expeeteft. At anza, Auburn, llort.Albort rod Ben Miller, ladits live pavetrouOling, all(l pat in —or five boxes for $1.00. consideration. cbmajori sense treatment for all I vort,lblo jnop3 anil bra,;hos; Z,'r. Gentle�, invited, as an effort -% -11 bs- inadn to organize a fiftrilaces,_ for h6ses or jwlwimv ',had..'4; IT. J. (litinn, ani of the throat :ind bronchial tubes. branelt t�nvlety. Ur" _,dultiliell, OiAm-iti-li.awl churches. tic fln-4iing apparatuLi; It. N. Clark, t t TO ery (I.Y. fill aly met l .4 the e Sao t na in, I Ae Mr. fo in go i backa I we i earv(,rtiblo �Igrieultaral' inipleillem(i; The rnfleting of theWoulaft'-t Instituto in I Vapb-Cte��olene i�. told by iltugalst.1 tvetyMicre. I W I Win7haul Will J)J� hl'ILI in f))I' Od(Jf('lloW8'JJnll I fit AVapo-Vrc-s6lona outfit, Inc udingthe Vaporizer told i at 2 WtOoelc in ths, t ftentoolt. Tio, slit,alcor-4 d" Vkntrm, eombint-d curtain will be Mr.4. IT. Elf(m of 11oline,,ville and Mrs. Bug A. L. HOAMILP" icit 0onid last a life-fline, anet tt bottle of girj',*'4. J. cumpletc, sy.so : extra stipplies pfcrcso- citretelier,; an:[ quilting fraliv.; it. 11. C. (!aillubell o? G -11. and n`;A,(nAlC lit son't. v� tht. cvenillg nlvetlnl�,4. rs t, nion r0qn0,t.VAPo t =WINGHAM fan L DRUGGIST lene &S cc in.q.ind .6 peliv. lihistrated booltlacontain. Home, g-unei; J. Lumqdvia, colla otherg"are (-xpv�, CFX4OLW.P C4., teo vulton St., Ntiv Yoric, V.S A. hr. 1110; It. ltlt3tih, iM skates; G. & soti and sold b,;,&.7j.TW.a1ltou "'Aking, draft equalizex,4 for ploughs #ftggi!!t, Wingliam. It. kyliner. refrigerators. 7 t 11%