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The Wingham Times, 1902-01-31, Page 6
THE AVINCHIA11 TIMES, JAN. 31, `P111T,1^?iiL"A 18.'!. 011', GAM=: l'itl �tsiz�'i:, R,^„r OVAx 51xty Years, TOWN 1)MECTORY, EST&I)La 141) 1.872 NEW YORK FASrl.lQi' 6. T t 1 The Gatue Cornmis-loner, in his re- All Old ttei(1 Well-Triecl Retuedy----11Ixs I 'iww � �r A .�..._ . TRE 4 1S submitted t1t110 Assembly, whislO%%sSoothingsyinit hasbe,cnilsed BAPTi'Ti7iiUliglI-,'labbritllserwlCCsat T E �YiN���o A�� . L'rv%4 water jxkarls in irre alar' � � � � cpork just i tt t A ly, xo• t fore%crsiat years tnillionsofmothers g A. 441410,11T. 1'GnLIBIlt:it ANI) Pat)1ItIL^Z'OR ' IllatI upon. the abundAnce of game last + f()r tltotl' t'�llyllllrt'n ti�lnty tcetllitt�*, Si-ftlt. 11,2 ul oriel 7 11_ III. Sunday �ie110Ul.;lt Its PUBLISHED 911t1j}: •y, al•a Vc+t'y f{tNili'Jitalale ttn,tl, Qitll. year mora than for many ld 2:80 1) lit, General prayer meeting err 6mibined with oth'r jewels or. . years past, � 1)etlee t sucr(h4 It soothes the chiiu' onWedne8dayevoithig's, Roy. J. J. Pitt- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING whdn r,ingl(t,calrtposi111t h'tn aril;, plus, 011D.&Y. Jo,NXuu%RY 21, low. Lase season 5;000 deer licenses were, is-, softens c ole, incl s I allays laytest p medy for terson,B.A.,pastor. W.J•.Clialimau, S.S. -A`x I:wu together forming al00 ':reeve sneer as agalust 4,200 lit 1'900, and the i dittrrin(I+it. It is leasaut to the taste, Sup Iinteudent. The Times Oillc©, Be&ver liloek lints liutlnits. 1 aney pins in 1;enaral, 1�ATL3 Amt) u P h avu nat declined in popular favor ()3tltirhTs, a Canadian Express Company carrier 2,- Sold by druggists in evety part of the hTna ill and 71)lln. Sunday at tiyzNOj;ADI, ONTAIiIo, at 11 a Iu and 7 P m. Suuclay School rib nail ac:ntiltae to Gomel to sets of six Ontario has a forest reserve of .1,500,-1792 carcasses, cr 878 more than in 1000. world. Twenty -five cents a battle. Its 2:30 p nI. Epworth League every Mou- quite small ones, when compared with ikDO acres. This n t i f) which' •Plie %rel ht of the veuisatt aril eel out value is uegalcuiablt. Be sure you ask asiz,ci osl SSilii not t v' icicNu reser or s , t he price for %wit c g pp + for Airs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup, and clay evening. General player rrreetirr„ per in) individualfkinansllil } in elnalnel or aerie was anter last Se tetuber -)x1300 )ler I ~vets 236,637 pounds. Tllo Coinrnissiouer title eta other kincl. On Wednesday evenings, Rev. Richard tinned till all arrears litre paid, paper L, put trio 1 , P l 'estimated that 10,000 deer had been kill- ! Hobbs, pastor. Dr. 'fowler, S. S. Sup- option of the publisher, single% large gam andt liera the semi. acre--• would bring $4,10,000,000. rresbytery of Diultland, erieltendent. AvVER+rlsexe RA't'Ls. — Legal and other Precious ,stone8 are in Much demand, The population of Muskokn, Parry ec1(iuxiug the season. I++rota ills reports' The Presbytery of Maitland met to PRESBY'rERL1N CH17RglI-Sabbath ser- dint ins`e ti on, a per linnepfor env ; subsequent B1100C1IRS of game wardens, raugers and others, he l . , vices at 11 a In and 7 j) in. Sunday insertion. a fled and Algoma has increased from Wellghant ore Tuesday last, 21st Inst. School at 2:30 t m, General prayer Advertisements in local columns are charged are freely Shown and th•.3 too range concludes that Ontario has tiny largest I meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. 10ots. per line Pot• first insertion, and front the bold i-orked into many cur- 1[3,728 in 1871 to 1.15,577 ill 1901. Al- � ! with a fall attendance of members. At v gonna has now as great a population its l game district Ott the continent, if not in last meeting it was agreed to appoint D, Perree, pastor and S. S. Superintell- 111Adverti Advertfor each isements subsequent Insertion.Strnyed Ions cl:.vl�ces, or delightfully aoloreci the world, and lie thinks that in view of ! (lent. Farms for Stile or to Rent, andsimhlar $1,00foi enani linins, or a ,Single gong set usa- iiriEish Uolumbia ill 1890. these reports the Government can afford a Moderators by simple election, and ou ST, P.wr,'s CHURCH, TPlscoeAL-Sob- nrt+t month tn)d 50 vents for each sui,sequent ally in pearls or diamonds and in this! The following is the popnlatiote Of i to allow an open season for mooso and ! motion oil Tuesday, it was agreed that bath services at 11 a In and 7 p m. Sun- mon vrR.nC.1 RATlss-Tho Pollowhtgtable shows sth. yle tle he aalm•.et ys Imitatt or ion nolo of t- Zearb towns according to the last con- the term of appointment -be for a year day School at 2:30pm. General prayer per. t � v y g caribou from October l6 to November instead of six months as revionsl meeting on Wednesday evenitlg. Rev, Enid arcs for rioinsertion of advertisements ever, have been brought to such per. sur just given out: reeswater 9ti0,Luck- 18, inclusive, for the country north of P Y• Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. sracL. 1 yn, onto, a oto. 1 aro feetion that they really tempt the now 1,111, Brussels 1,114 Wroxeter 440 l Rev. John Ross, Brussels, was the first fastidious, nor is there + + +the main line of the C. P. R. between Superintondent, One Column .......... $60.o0 sm.00 $15,00 ^ot•tl goad reason Exeter 1,792, Heensall 8.10, Palmerston Matawn and Port Arthur, the open sea- to be elected to the position under the OON11REGATIONAL CHIIRCH.—Sabbath �alfCOlCo l....•.mn .... ):00 18000 10.00 Coo why it woman may unblushingly wear. 3,830, Blyth 8-, 1. son to remain the same as at present, new order. Futuro Moderators will l e services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Advertisements -without specific directions not faloatones in her corsu�ebon1�eht oar Bela dns- 'elected at the November meeting to be School at 12 m. Midweek meeting,on -rill be i))sertnd till forbid nod charged accord- Steps were taken to ut,seat E. F. Dav- that is, from November 1st t0 15th, Wednesday oveningR lit8 O'clock. Gavin ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid Unction, nevertheless, and in tho ready for the beginning of their term at , for n advance, eye #s, W. R. Davis and W. J. Levy of south of the lice. He opposes the use of Wilson, S.S, Supt.; A. i;, F'ricm, pastor, y of fashionable prejudice, a differ, the next li eeting in January. It was SALvarloN ARmy--Strvico at 7 and 11 Tits Jon DLrAIrrLtENT is stocked with an once. Belt buckles are often extreme- Mitchell school board for furnishing dogs north of the line, and the killing of extensive assortment of nil requisites for mint t agreed to discuss tela "Aids for .Social a lit and 3 and 8 p i1 On Sundal, and ing, affording facilities notequalledlit the ly pretty and via gvitH hat pin's, in a sonic supplies to the school during the ricer in the -water, lie says, should be I Worship,” and the mendations macre by every everting during the week at 8 coiuityfon• crarrinng out first ela." work. Large •scelningly precious glow. Real gems, ipast year. They resigned. The High strictly prohibited. He believes also : n o'clock at the barracks. type and ap1)ropriate cuts for allstyles of Post- particularly diamonds, are, However, the committee, at the next meeting in _ et•( Harald Bilis, oto., and the latest st les of regarded as an investment, beaauso al, School Board is to be looked after next. that it would be wise to prohibit the March. At the request of the General OfficcePo3rho hours from 8 Macdonald to 6 Block. p i insicc fancy type for the liner classes of print- ways valuable. They are getting things down pretty 11 I the killing of clear in the Rainy River p Assembly's Committee on Chureie° Pro Peter Fisher, postmaster. H. ct ELLIOTTIn GOOD QUALITY FUR ifi d Board nd Council t will e a legally goal- District havouly ro n�itly appeared tlree years, Aerae they! He perty, the Clerk was instructed to Com- fro u ILMO �r room in the TowuyHalll Pronrivtor and Pub$sltvr is also, like diamonds, an investment municate with congregations in the P. KENNEDY Dd. 1).. M. C. P. S. O. and, if judiciously 'CItQ SE. Louis Exposition manago. recommends; that the quail season be will be open every afternoon from 2 to tJ • tMc+mbar of �Ite Brftfsh Medicnj Assooia• economy. As an Yumohta of the lat� mgnt have deeicled to postpone the ex- shortened from November 1st to Decent- Phi cit tyle sbytery to property ascertain isthe h held;title whether 9:30 o'clock. Blissock and every eve glt0 toll, ifrom 7 to ttoritton paidl to�rdiHiasea of Woine and Ciuidl ter, may be quoted, a ppersian' lamb, position till 190-'-•, they finding it impos- her 18th, but he is strongly opposed to there is any insurance on it; if s0 what librariau• i'et• Vince hours-1 to gyp, ut.: 7 to 0 p. ul. packet which has outlasted three gar= Bible to erect the necessary buildings permitting the shooting of cottontail TowN CovNom--R•. ti austone, Mayor; ments of materiel and, is still in ex- and secure the foreign exhibits they sects rabbets all the year rotted, which a large I Wm. Holmes, Thos. Belli Robt. tile- R. MACDONALD, ,, puxahaisad • number of sportsmen favor. In roes- be carried in all cases. Revs. Messrs. Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. I+. VanStone, D from C. L. Shayne,• being only one by next year. The delay will certainly I P Hestia arut Dunn were appointed the A. J. Irwin Councillors; J. B. For- among many others, and diseriminatK amt injure the chnucas of the exposition. elusion, he regrets that more energetic pP .son, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Centre Street Ing buyers now availing themselves- of efforts have not been made to restock Assembly's Representative on the Ex- Whi Two years time is not too long a space Yotallill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- ghtmn, Ontario. Lig January special offers, since in 3ietween two large expositions. eauteve of the Y. P. Presbyterial SOcfe- fur, and in precious; stones, it fs all the depleted coverts of the Province lector. Board meets first Monday eveu- with certain foreign game birds such atI ty. Revs. Messrs. Ross, Perrie and ing in each month at 8 o'clock. important to deal with those whose. .let a largely attended meeting of Re- a Anderson were appointed a committee SCHOOL BOARD.-H. Kerr, (chairman), Dom• ACNE W, word is a guarantee. Small furs aro the Mongolian pheasant for the south• Thos. Abraham, useful in ,summer on piazzas or (drivesc!. formeas at the house of Mr. John Styles, I to revise the Plesbyttery s Order of Busi- J. J. Elliott, J. J, Physician, Surgeon, etc. as during winter over su Ashfield on Thursday,Januar 16th western counties and the caper cailzie Honntth, Win. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win. oliloo-Dlacdonald Bloch jackets, and, ' Y for other parts. ; ness and report at the May meeting. Button, C. N. G•riiiiu. Seerotary, Will. Drugstore. Night calls ans vered J. h Davis'offiice, with a view to present needs or next 3t was agreed that Mr. Morgan Dalton, ' At the afternoon session an interesting' Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. --- --- _,_ sea•smi, a fur capo•or jacket at a re Meeve of .-Jifield, would mako a good "''�-' -- I i duction, is an excellent investment. discussion was entered into on the re- Meetings second Tuesday evening Iu each VANS TONE, WHY NOT INVESTIGATE? T�,. , .stied worthy successor to Hou. J. T. Gar- *"its sent clown b Assembly to the Pres- month. rUltt TRIMMINGS , I -- Y , BARPTSTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, ro%v, who has determined to resign after ! While we claim to leave the most com-' b tories for consideration.. Tllo a oiut• Musgrove, C Splices 7 EMiss R ober. H. ou 'o-i•Ils, have a prestige all their , y PP MusgTovo, Principal, Miss Robertson, Privatonna Company funds to loan at lowest b g Vie close of the present session. This plete dispensing department, the best as- (meut of S. S. Missionatfes, whose sole Miss Reynolds, Bliss Farquharson, Miss rate ofinterest. Nocommissioucharged. Mort- own and this year, there is a great sorted stole, of oro drugs and ga� es, town and farm pro erty bought and run on hats and bonnets in fur, which, il,,ing a very close riding, the very I? t; critics should be rho looping after the Coruyu, Miss Campbell, Miss Matheson sola. Office, Beaver Bloolr. �ligham. strongest eau is needed. DTs. Dalton as as well as superior facilities for serving and Miss Miss however, can, under no eirou nstan, 1; , interests of Sabbath schools, especially ces, become common. On• evening our customers, %vo oak yell t0 fayOr us BOARD OP HEALTH-DTs or Clegg, g well as bein; Reeve of the township, is with a visit that you may fully investi- I in the frontier Synods, was disposed of. - Y gg+ J A. MORTON, dresses, the arnituro in uestion,ma 8 Y It was agreed to approve of the proposal (chairman„ u d , J. B.l,., Thos Greg- seem out of q y Greg- also Vice -President of the Reform As- ate for ourself. g pp P oly, Dr. Keuuedly, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- BARRISTER, &c., place,: but' i,'s' In. keeping sociation of the riding of West Huron, GREAT REsuLTS Fitom ONE BOTTLr. to form all the Young People's ,Societies rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medicaln-with the present idea of extreme con-. and is a very strong man in Ashfield. One bottle of that marvellous meek- of the church into a Wesbmiaister Guild. I Health Officer. %vhngham, Ont. trasts in juxta-position. Sable trfm'- eine, Paine's Celery 0(.mpouud is often, wings appear in combination with The education department has issued , A remit proposing to give liberty to con- __ N^A~� �� chiffon an a gown, of panne ,silk made sufficient is , to cle the seeds of em andanger- PIANO %��® -r����j�� L. DTCI�ENSON, u in antic- a notice advising school boards and other ons diseases , to cleanse the system oiler I gregarious desiring it to elect their el- �. p potion of the arrival and (educational bodies that in tho depart- establish goad health, Paine's Celery I ders for a term of not less than five MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. BARRISTER, ETC. coirsequent entertainments in honor of Chauncey Depaw's bride, and an -i anental examinations of July, 1902, and CompO)and is the true medicine for the years-the same to be eli1•ible for re- and member of the Associated Musicians of Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan, other dress destined for a like pur- cure of Bright's disease Diabetes Blood Ontario, is ro ar9d to receive a limited num- Office- Meyer Bloch, Win •1 am thereafter, an examination boots or pad n + oloction-was approved of by a large ben of pnpi� for instruction on Piano and in �' pose, is of pale, blue L' ouiyine made diseases and Stomach troubles. We r Theory. prinee.sse and trimmed with earl its to be substituted for examination cap I always have the genuine Paine's majority, four members entering the-' Special attention given to pupils preparing ItTHUR J. IItWTN D. D. S., p Y L. D. S. passementerie and Taco. Passemon er paper hitherto authorized for Candi- Celery Compound in stock. I dissent. It was agreed to approve of fen exanlinatiolls. t A , dates. The form, ruling and color Of fajh- OOLIN A. C1%LPBL-LL, Drnggist, rho proposal to xeduCO the re rtss0utatiou Residence-opposite R. C.0 mrcln,Wim;hnm• Doctor of Dental Surggery of tile Pennsylvania tenfe, in peering i9 ain i m(ly eery, p p Dental Qollege and Licentintu of tine .Enoyal tenable, appearing again in millinery, Wingham Out from whence it had long been banish. these pads are subject to the authorize- Of the Assembly t0 cue-sixth; and also Ili ��i-1...i Caller o of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office Lion department. The books themselves r that a general travelling expense fund iT �; I1111!li, ";, J. �A, II10�$ V. S. ovot•Pos.Office, Wingkann. ad and this for reason that spreading 11EL1I0RE, be instituted for the payment ofAssemb- nl',�I.jII;Iy� r=i -,> t brims have seemed a natural ground- anust be obtained through the regular + 1 Comiuissiorlers. T.he discussion on a III4i ' i J'i oIionornr Graduate of work for ,such display, Mr. Jas. Gemmill of Pilot Mound Y I�I I I Ontario Veterinary T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., „ „ trade channels. This is similar to the n ' proposed Y Ill! "I � ,'• { College. )'y • L.D.S. _MN Cora. the run on neck boas in Man., is visiting at his uncle's, Mr. Geo. Ie par Commission in Assembly for ,i '} l Now method for plan adopted by the University of Toron• the purpose of meeting emergencies 4i Office and Infirmary painless ex- light weight material, is phenomenal Bremner's. „ � � corner of Victoria ar,cj traction. No Cocaine. tp for some years. Its advantage is that which may arise durin„ intervals of As- C, ,,,, Wingham. Special attention to the care nod regulation and far drossy evening wear, displayer �t;,V ,.,ii, iwea;a,p )Minnie Sts., of children's in' whito and rale Mrs. Win, Lowry's sister from Mani- ; sembiies was deferred to the Mi£rch Jy l�� : !,: � lluy and night calls teeth. Moderate nicer and al? 1 t I colored boas. -with 3t will not be possible for candidates to H,;lir`i overlook some of their sheets. toba is hero on a visit. meeting. IC was agreed to approve of :y�tiliil(, ,.. prwnptly attended to. inoBe Avei 81olc,ilugiiantp 1)er�et')ted. OtHca muffs to match, are, truly remarkable: Telephone connection. Mr. Stewart of Hamilton who has •liberty being given to Presbyteries to The extreme -width and height of keep their permanent records in printed —_ _ these boats abort the, neck are in keep-( THE T- been visiting his mother, Mrs. Jos. Mur - form. The next mooting of the Presby- OHN RITCHIE,, in with the very long streamers in THE BFST EVIDENCE OF Pon- I ray, and other friends returned home tery was appointed to be held in Wing- �� � � � �� � front and ,some new muffs show lonz, and anyone having live stock or other GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT floating B 9 7 last week. f learn on Tuesday, March, 4 at 10 a. in, articles they -vish to 'dispose of, should adver- + g streamers. r 6��° �� �t t Miss Marhouae of Whitechurch visited R. S. G. A;`DEnsox, tise the same for sale in the Tin x.4. Our large Wingham, Ont, "Oris X." Medallions are veryi �] p�I �°r Presbytery Clerk. circulation tells and it will bestrango indeed if fashionable, and for those in gold, ERE®-INGREAi3I G DEMAN03Bremner's( oudonot l sell because you may tee ore tl' gg�g '9!gq�9 1 lq9 ) at Mr. Geo. Bremner last week. I{ 1°hat )not Boll because you ma ask more heart shapes scam particularly papu- y y OHN CURRIE WINGHAnf ONT. , A new organ has been put in tile Depressed aucl Discouraged. for the article or stoclt 0�ifan it is worth. Scud lar. Pretty ones are closely set in liethodist churekt. I IC is Iemarllablo how thenen 111 the your advertisement tofthe TrmEs and try this LICENSED AUCTIONEER. very ,small pearls or diamonds and a.1, The over-increasing demand for the g Y plan of disposing of your stock and other Pr gems is proper- when g ' whole system is thrown out of Order articles. Sales of Farm Stock and Fartn Implements a the ex nso of Chase 3?ialnotrd Dye Drat and Rn„ Patterns - specialty. tional to .size, such medallions aro not is a sure and certain indication of their Catarrh Cannot be Cured %when the nerves become weak and All orders left at Tan Tams office promptly very expensive. Both, however, are .so popexhausted. All energy and ambition t•' attended to. Terms reasonable. and rug The in the ho art of mat With LOCAL APPICATJUNS, 0.s they cannot seems to disappear, the miner wanders, skilfully imitated that •semblance to and rag making in tela home is now reach the seat of the,disease. Catarrh is the ordinary eye, quite equals the oAltivated b women of all ages and f memory fails and despondency reigns N 0 DH genuine. , q q Y g' a blood or constitutional disease, and in supreme. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food E. ESTE�.LE GRIFFIN •classe'a• The Diamond Dye Drat and order to curs it you must take internal i pats new vim and energy into Elle brain, L A WINCtEIAii 'LUCY CARTER. Rug Pattern(- combine beauty and remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken � nerves and body. builds up the system simplicity. After securing one of these internally, and acts directly on the blood ! and prevents paralysis, prostration and TEACHER OF. VOICE CULTURE. Good Heath is Inipossiule patterns, any lady can easily hook it ' insanity. TELEPH � �Without regular action of the bowels. and mucous surfaces. Halls Catarrh YY p and produce a really valuable and j Curo is nota nock medicine. It was Without Pills regulate the bowels -attractive room ornament. The q Pupils propareci for Conservatory of Afttsit 1', , prescribed by one of the best physicians Spiritualist i,) court. exnnt%natioms. cu1•a constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, =allufacturers of the celebrated Dia- In this country for years, and is a. Tho application of Andrew Smith of _- sink headache, and all affections of the, iltOnd Dyes aro prepared to send to any regular prescription, It is composed of I Morrie for the custody of his two child. Is the organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. All address free of cost sheets of pretty and the best tonics known, combiner with I ren, uu-v fu the care of his wife, who is Ideal Rapid Transit VIOLIN AND GUITAR• druggists. si�itabl0 designs to enable you to select the best blood purifiers, acting directly living apart front him was refused at Ifom. The Wells and Richardson g P ' Co.,' on the mucous surfaces. The perfect Us costo Hall Toronto, yesterdayb Long Distance Equipment MISS CARRIE MOORS Limited, 200 Mountain St.,.Montreal. combination of the two ingredients is I g ' Y DTs. �nStiCe Bretton. Smith claimed his Increases the spend of London Conservatory of Music -vi11 be pre. Z d. Bowers met ivfth n act;idont last wLat produces such wonderful results in wife was a spiritualist, and therefore in- parea after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num• t curing Catarrh Send for testimonials And cuts down over-time ben oP pupils for instruction on Violin and svl)ek at the organ factory, Clinton, free. capable of taking caro of tllo children Charges. Guitar. whereby he lost the first finger and part Judge Britton finds otherwise. and says: Residence-opposite R. C. Church, wingham. t of the second of his right hand by the F. J. CHmmy & Co, Props., Toledo, U. ,Her brother and sister are spiritualists. The Contract Department �f )mud coming in contact with the double- Sold�by druggists. price lac. � The sister claims to be a medium, and will furnish P JOB TOB PRINTING, fir: 1 cut-off saw. It was very painful for Ed Hall s Iramfly Pills are the best. apparently Imposes a lot of nonsense oil 1. ' + and much sympathy is felt for him in her friends as coming from the spirit Dp ¢ including Books, Pamphlets, Posters Bill atisfortunc. WEST WAWANOSH. world. Mrs. Smith doesn't know what The Bell Telephone Co. o1 Canada Heads, Ulrculats, &c., &a., executed in the best , ���j� r.��•,' style of the art, at moderato prices, and on William Townsend of Tuekersmith, Council met January 13, according to . to make of all this.", , , - short notice. �� sl*ho had one of the experimental lots Lout' uing, His Lordship says strong' BaotiDINDTNO.-We are pleased to announce ( P p statute. The newly elected members thin s about a s -ritualistic book ro- that any Books or Magazines left with. its for t I of sugar beets the last season is exthusi• g P P Eluding, -will have our prom t attention a.5tie over the results, having the secondI snbscribecl to the necessary declaration ducocl in court: "It is, I thiols, deplor- Prices for Binding in any style will be given on 'jIj,',9t in this county according to the test, and qualification papers. The minutes able that respectable people like bIra. p application to Smith's father and brother ahould per- THE TIMES OFFICE, %moi blit his plot turned, according to actual of last meeting were approved. SOLID RUBBER Wingliam. •••- - -� -- --^ �' aileasurement, five tons more per acre mit in thoir house such a book as the The Old officers were reappointed. one produced, called 'Bible Morals." o than he was credited with, malting it The Treasurer's statement showed i It is he most blasphemous :production RAILWAY TIME TABLES. tSwenty-efghttous per acro, which, de- P p�� ducting S?5 per acro for ospenays, record The on hand of $744.84. Filed. { that has come under my notice. There i- BAND TRUNK ItAIL'YAY SYSTEM. 7 here is a noted difference ieawe 4587 profit per acre, and deliver A communication was read from R.1 is no evidence that Mrs. Smith react it. r. o Vf TRAINS TiL"AVL FOR ' A. Ryan, liskin� fox X1,000 for iujutiea The children are too young to under- '�� til the style olid fit of Pants We .item at Berlin. , Palmerston .............. 0.53 a.m.... 8•%a.m. i stand it, and I have no reason to believe London .................. 0.50 a-in.... 8.10pa11, sustained by his wife, she being thrown that slid is in sympathy with the book. , Kineardine..11.10 a.m... 0.10 p-nt.... 9,88p,m, make that .always brings peo- out of the rig at Dungannon, and if she Site would, I feel sure, as soon give her Will carry heavy loads and nRRIm..snout I'�i'ihingy, Burning ming London ....6.49 .......... &55a.m.-., 8,10 p.m le hack for a110t11eI' air, � � did not recover by wanted :10,000. The { cllficlron poison as teach thorn the les- withstand hard service. London................. 11.10 atm..,, 7.55 p.m P p I sons contained in the book.))Palmerston.............. 2.45 p.m.... 8.B8 p.m CI'R��I4� 6oa�as,®a°� �rq matter was left over for tall investiga- (The father receives permission to visit An ever-satisfactory, easy- R, T. SUTTON, Agent, Wingham• Then there is the low price • I tion. riding Collector's time was extended to July the children. Ing this connection His g wheel tire. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Illustrations of Ilow Dr, Chnse'A Lordship says-. Tree mother should CANADIAN LLAVE 1POU and better. quality of cloth put Is i a y Every set guaranteed. Toronto and East........ 0.57 a.m.... a.2:i 1„m. Ointment Cttres Itching Slain Diss Un motion of Taylor and O'Conner not instal in the minds of the children - Tees-vater ......... 1.32 p.m .... 10.13 ni ' eases nna F:rnptiona. the Clerk was instructed to write, Mr. ( hatred of the father, and when the fath- Can be fitted to any wheel. ARRIVE PROX p' in them—cloth that wears Ottawa, r rtsaar-r,• 25) �laitt St” Campbell. Rofor Provincial i ciaic woad Instructor, ljeerfatheraudr meets the lbrothesri asshif to guard Sondfor Cataloauo, Toronto nudEast5...m.•183pm.. 10.48 p.m. , %s it I suffered with g P fs 1 J. H. BEHMER, Agont, Whigham. Sec our new goods and prices. &&It rheum for upwards of ten years, C � her against burglars. If the sight of the } DUNLOP TIRE Ca. _. _ w _ _ Trio usual rants were even to Public : 1; g a, i �� ya. t$o skin on my lauds cracking and Libraries. ,father is hateful to the mother, let her •� ' '� r.InrtrLD. r��; ' 11reakins ro as to make them useless. Alex. Stuart, D. E. Munro :incl Wm. not see him." / A ;Pier trying all sorts or remedies in Bailey, were appointed members of the i .,. '--- - - ~--- - VMn, I became discouraged and ,Board of Health. _ - r r��• v PAYS t aughtMY ting I esed Dr. se's end. III AGENTS WANTER-Diem and .�� ;,�i;:��y,f�tls fi'I%, - ast spline I used br. Chase's Ofnt- The fallo%viug cheques were issued wom(-•yen for a genuine ��� �� x4ent and in a short time was perfectly B. Wawanosh, work on I., bounder , , prone making position • , r � ^ Tr 7 �• tcilred:' $8, 78; R. Medd, 1 clay on Financial 1 no bcoks, insuranen or fake. scheme- every ,� 0 AD V r �t TY8 E M11'. B. Nicholson, :Manor lfouse, Win. Statement, 52.00; Clark, registration ; hoat:.r a customer. Particulars free. Writeto• '� F�• nfpeg, 'Man., lel at(•c :-'•For several fees, ^„~16.00 ; Ashfield, %York oil W, j tl ty, THE F. E. XARN CO., J � months I had boon troubled with ¢x,.20 • Municipal World sup: 13.1 T hetorha r,h, et, Tor"mto, Canada. boundary, P• : P- ; ": :. .:. � �:..,•:.: '111 y 1, .epzema on my ('are, and for week., I plies, 510.00; 'Phos. Houninct', work, torr. � �- __ _ - .. _ IN I I] I f hysiclaored %lith t! io avail, XWlitmp('9 10,.,°1; R. Irvin, gravel acct, $5.92; Jan. � P*v. after. f y 6- +" TRADE MARKS duce c by but toy nc =. ere I way in. Flynn, repairing' bridle, Coll. 6, $1; J, ' �OOd 8 �hOl�p'hodino, 9J CONSUIIXPTIVES. b DIiSIGNS dttced by a fellow �uffuer to try list Chase's Ointment, and ata happy to say Redmond gravel acct, $1.47; A. Stew-' 1•he Great nngush Petntay. The undersigned having been restored to COPYRIGHTS &C. that thr first epT+lir•atioll gave instant � art, gravel account, 11,40; St. Helens 11. '1" druoldisand r co men a by all health byatStlli lid a eauro int r affeforing n q;}kitty a sen n n o io opintoM desetirtiolermap relief. I eat c ompld tern cttrt'd and Libras $20; 5 b d several ye i e g c io , a (1 TIMES • ♦ • Invontitn Is hrobnUly ntentnblo. Ctmmunitn 3nsvo harl no return of twi; troublesorna y' h n Woods, 10; Tan- able medicine distovore . Six that dread disease Consumption, is onerous to „ CIt09ter, x;10; John WOOds halt Olt gray- . , ekages guaranteed to cure alf n)ajce known to his fellow sufferers the means "" �-- sent free. ly 1cat it oncy ]lanpurill n tont . cent tent, Vinton n unci• for �nrtu&_Il atonte. t1iSc•aSt., t forma o Sezua Weeknoss all effects of abase (If ante. To tlnr>~ta who desire it, ino will cheer• ^� ANTED-••fieveral pvrsotis rs4 ehatiarter Patents tsktn t�irnutrit P,nnu F; Co. receive el Acct, �)l ; rTaR. VNhyorcl, snails, $2.2N; I or exeeaa, Mental Worry-, full send (free of charge) a eo� of the pre.VY and good re mtattmt in melt state (one aneclat notice, without chnrco, in tl,o -'flit is u0 ifutit to the be tlli7¢ (ilial- nun Dungannon D. P. Association for court 9 �. M&Ilea u9* of To- »�� � � g � bnaco, Opium or stimulants. Dialled on.eeeipt Rcrriptiotn used, -which they will find n cureforin this county required) to represent and ucl• � � , I'M.. of 1)r. (,112€i'N ointment. It is I)taonl accomodritian, $20; W. II. Wil- of prhee, ono Anoka o $1, Sia, g5. Ono' wile: please, ConPiumption, Astbuna Catarrb, lrrouth1 vortise ol•1 established -vealtlty business honao fernnrkabiy quick to r+dhevc' and pt)si- q• r w atxwfltcure. Pamprnlets free to any address, tis and all throat and fun+ Maladies. He of soldfinanMal atandiug, Snlary$18.00-vicek• SC'r°��° ���II•o tavc1y curt-s each antl evory furan of it. sols, gravel atter work, 1,3.90, t copies of. � Thb wood Company, Windsor, Ont, hopes fill sufferers will trylli'q remedy, as it is ly, ivitlt expenses ndditioual, all payable ill cash A banttoorncly ilriudratnd a centre, Y saran Mrs ir1)ing altin rlhsva e. tit) eti a bus, all Munk i al World ` 5.25. fnvalufible. Those destrng the 1ueserlption, each Wednesday direct from hendofifces. Horst til;ntto�n of nue evton!tflt 1+vraltl. +i o:t:ta. s:l o W!l rs or 1XImanson Votes & Tori P' ' ,+ NVON1•s I)leospltodhne is told in Wingha)n by ivliieht will coat them notltint�1 and may prove and earrla;tes furnished, when necessary. no vnar, ,nil month �, v. F u.i tqun twobdenlere. Co.,r r1' 3' OottnCll ritij0urrlecl t0 ilnCet OtI I a11ru• I (`olio A. ('ampl)(4l A. L. Hamilton, 11, A, 1 bim.-421g, will leaao address, 7Lov. UI)• ferencey. Enclose self uddrnmed stanll)(A en u l C 301C;:civ,•: , levilf'� 1(, S,t1Xto, ary 18th, at 10 o'clock. 1 Uongla�y, and .7. EL Davis, Drug,gist,. ay l,iW X. WIL�ON, nrooklgn,, New York. velope. Diuna;;cr 316Caston Buildiva, Cliicngo ��1� ,ands O"U ©&5 : , • %� t:fi :�-4e tib! ii � 1 E1 �1 � f,4 P ee;,