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The Wingham Times, 1902-01-31, Page 4
s We Have Moped You will Hirci us in the store recently vacated by GEORGE (mvEEN, one door south of (Tea. Mason's, We will be glad to see all our old customers and many new ones in our new store. THE WINGUA4 TIMES, 'JAN. 31, 1902. Wood per cord ...... , , ... 2 00 to 2 00 --and Prices bight, t INGIIANC N1411KET RT•.POIITS- I i •Wiligham, Jan. 30, 11) 01. EVERYTHING NEW T Oo•eee0o•0aee00oeeo0oeaeeoaeQ®am�0e0aaages#aeoueease0eeso000esoa0oe0e0ee00e0eeeeoa, • I b'lour pex 1001bs.:., 1 06 to 2 fi0 � � ;2 • - - ' ��E �+' 4 Fall Wheat ...... :,priilg wheat'....' 0 70 to 0 70 0 00 to 0 00 ,•, JOHN KERR • JAB. 6 HERR • '."'. --Everything Good �tttll: . 0 3.i to 0 30 • PEOPLES POPULAR STORE s Barley .... ..... ........ Bought for Gash Yeas ..................... i Turkeys, drawn 0 45 to 0 50 0 70 to 0 75 0 09 to 0 10 • • o®ap�e�•oee••s+,eei••eoa•soca•ore•m�,e®ea•eoeeeieeoeeane0eoee0evoe®•a•ess9aaamo0oo ...... .... and Will sell for Geese, (r ............ Bucks, per pair , • 0 05 to 0 06 0X16 to 0 00 • • e o FRESH FEBRUARY SALE, Butter ... , ...... Oia'Sh. Expenses Eggs per doz . .......... 0 10 to 0 10 0 10 to 0 16 dw CaM1108119 Wood per cord ...... , , ... 2 00 to 2 00 --and Prices bight, Hay per toll ......... . .... S I,o to 0 00 �.Insurance _ - Potatoes, perbushel ...... 0 25 to 0 30 Suits Heavy. Tallow per lb .. , ....... 0 05 to 0 05 Lard ., , . 0 14 to 0 14 i Dried Apples per lb , . , , , 0 03ito 0 04 i Wool ........ .. ..... .. 0 13 to 0 15 CANNED Live Hogs, per cwt... . , . 5 50 to 5 50 Chickens ................. 0 30 to 0 40 Coo®� ABNER OOSENS CaM1108119 THL } Druggis �� ' - a i LOAN, ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. 1cenAtl �cornersSweeps Glenn, butnu null) yin 11 75e buys $1.00 Worth of During our February Sala �.Insurance _ - that insures. ASSLTRANCE Polieies that pay. U UUrn1co Webb's Cocoa, per tin. . * .... loc Imperial Dutch Cocoa, per tin,10c Epp's Cocoa, pc r tin ...... . ,1.2e Van Houten's..............25c ' � r - Our February Sale promises to be a great t°l� success. We are offering -great bargains in seasonable goods. 2.,c Baeker s, in•balf--pound tins, : 75e buys $1.00 Worth of During our February Sala Winter Good's at this store for you can buy goods at 755 on one month only. the dollar. i Overcoats for Men. Long Felt Boots, Overcoats for Boys Short Felt Boots. CANNED Ulsters for Alen, Long Leather Boots. Ulstter•s for Boys. Snag Proof Rubbers. Coo®� Suits fur lien. Socks for Rubbers. Suits for Boys. Moccasins, Plum t • Pine Apple, L ` ..vur Leggins, etc. . i TO ADVERTISERS. I .�► LOANS, bIoneythnt'sModorete. • grated .........18e . p p - REAL ESTATE ; sales that Satisfy, o , er ]a . , .......... c 1 Caps and Far Cas Overshoes • Peaches, No, 1 .............20c . • Notice of changes must be left at this : Ofilce-Corner of Minnie and Patrick ® Sugar Beets, whole.... for 25c Just think of It : $1.00 wczrth of goods • office not later than Sat day noon. I Streets. WINGHAM. d Peas Corn cC Tomatoes 2 for 25c The copy for changes must be left T ® - for 75c. i not later than Tuesday evening. s a ., , At home Friday afternoons and Saturday 0 • to noon Thursday of each week. p +� �'� -' ' j' �'..ii/.IAf� UIRE • D1 evens 111 • ' _ - • ^ Casual advertisements accepted u "' • T. • itts. Carpets. ® ; -� at f ACCOUNTANT REAL ESTATE w Gauntlets for Men.Mantle Cloth. •; • ESTABLISHED lSi'A• Pio®f 4 • Curl Cloth, • r�� j� }}�� a. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. ® Gauntlets for Women. • ' � p ����AAil 1111�jJ. S Aecouuts,RentsandNotes Collected, Con- PAN-AMERICAN Gauntlets for Bo's. Sha:vls. •,'a. R. ELLIOTT, PuDLIs'amt AND PROPRIETOR - ��OLI call tell - veyA21C121g [tulle. Gauntlets for Gir_a. Tams. OFFICE -Over D. M. Gordon's store. Lined Gloves for Dien. Tams. + RESIDENOE-Le.onoldstreet. PTE CHEEF Toques, • 1 SHCRfEy S READY' . ® Lined Gloves for Boys. FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1902. m We have secured a quantity of : Alen's Wool Sox. Woal Blankets. �vIIITIscHr.I:Qn. e , Wor,l Sheeting. •,, i Tai/orad C/othin @the Canadian Cheese that was Alen's Wool Shirts. Flannelette Sheeting. • ---- - y i Services were held in both of the • given first prize at the Pan -Ain. • churches on Sunda last, and the school A N. Y Try it i 14c a pound. Che ice harvest LOCALS. as mcommenced. Made.ulblt glance. It is des- r o emcee Exposition held in Buffalo During Our fl'eb>L • _ -- tinct from the ordinary Ready i will re -open on Monday,nett. o y i _ February Sale 75C buys $1.00 Is the label on your copy of the TI rs , I juice Stocic 11Inrkets. ® �: dated in advance? ),oil pick a Toronto, Jan. 28. -To -day we batt 70 • �y g i ' our _core this spring and 1- y ® i� . • •- ,., ,,. , . --Regular meeting of Court Maitland, a nv�q arent oat come into I carloads of live stock, including 1,400 ® wort O goods. C. O. F. this (Friday) evening. - l - cattle, 500 sheen and lambs, 050 hogs, 30 ® g CIEI CLOTH COATS • They are all riblet in every ® A®' -The County Orange 'Lodge will meet o particular. There are no shod- calves, and a dozen milch co:: -s. ® Ladies' Fur Coats, a' Tuesday, - There was good general all round a WE WANT m ill Wingham, on Cnesday, neat. 0 dy marks about them - no 0 -Mr. Donald Patterson has been el- - stinginess or skimpiness of _ trade; prices of cattle and small stuff 0 AT __ _ Ladies' Far Capes. � material, were steady, and scarcely quotably ® AT ONCE ected Warden of Huron for 1902. g ' Caperines, _ changed; but there was a decline of a ® Ladies W. 1 Z anStone shipped two cars ° The particular advantage of - 1,000 bushels Potatoes, tons of ; N A L F P R I C E squ - pp quarter in hogs. ; of cattle to Toronto on Thursda our clothing is that it looks (� ® Roll Butter, Fresh Eggs, Dried ®.. -IIowicl: raised the salary ,£ thole 1 well, Isn't that theland ki ndloftspring 1 f pp ,per cwt 4 50 s 3;:, e a 19 Apples, Parse Parsnips, Green Table Turnips ' For ever dollar's worth of goods you. buy • _ Tho following are the quotation. y u • clerk -a woman -from . 1 i a to .:00. Shi ers • ' clothing you want. + Butcher, choice do..... 4 00 4 50 • and Cabbage, -The sacrament will be adniiuist3recl • 1 Butcher, ordinary to • we will accept 75c and. you pocket 25c. t in the Methodist church on Sunday next. - Money back if you want it. good ................ 3 25 3 75 -Remember the Do Verne Sisters in Butcher, inferior...... 3 00 3 50 ®�0®••ta®®®m•®•e0e•e®O®O•®® iD®®�00.000d®e®iib®L�•eO®®e0m���e�4�®®®®®t36®t3i9A•0®®®+�E©®9 ®, the Opera House on Wednesday evening SHEEP AND .. 3 5. ®.. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 00 3 50 next.AN Ill SIVIIH Butchers' sheep, each.., 2 00 3 25 g 1ltMN t�EC�t ACDONALD DL®DK•. -Oats tool: a sudden drop of five. Lambs, perc:vt......... 3 50 4 50 e1u l0 ��qq t� t�@ �p9 JAB'. H. KECR • Bucks ... 0LIC . , .. , D 2 CO 2 50 • Y�� I • H C H A M 4 Bents last Monday, but became steadier Et RRaa l tr DIILIiRS A\D CALVES, - m after.a.0 N I I ®L�,l� BLOCK Cows, each..."'.. ....... 30 00 45 00 • ® _. _ ®•eee®®o•®e0 061G04.0®®®�1Ca�S+•8®®®0•®•® 0®®®Zr•A•®•br®®•0A®OaEt,®say©' -Division Court +,yell be held in the Calves, each,.......... 2 00 16 00 HOGS. :,.. Orr® ®e®a_...__...... .,......�... ._ ....r.....,.-.---__-......._.....�._...r.._.,'-"'.�..��•.-.s_s+ Council Chamber on Thursday of next : Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 00 6 12,t week.-Baruc3* Regan in the Opera House i Light hogs, per cwt.... 5 75 5 87- .4" re r -Rev. R. Hobbs gave an address at a on Wednesday evening next. Heavy hogs, per cwt... 5 75 5 Si Ek M tea meeting at Salem on Monday -A special meeting of Wiugham Conn- Sows, per cwt , ....... , u 50 2 00 g !Stags ................. 0 00 2 00A i evening. 6 '0% nAZAAKr' cil, C. 0. 0. F. will bo held on Tuesday , _ -The regular monthly meeting of the evening. All members are requested to' -- -' Town Council will be held on Monday attend. EAP EYe evening, next. -Last week the robins and bluebirds ` -Some one gave A. H. Carr's New- were flitting about. This week one had Money to loan on farm property at Caine into our shop the foundlaud dog a close of desire to hug the stow or an other from 4;6 to 6 per scut., with liberal BUTTON B LO O �' ~ _ poison. He y I terms of repayment. Apply to other day, and after~ leaV- snnst be small, heat -dispensing article. R, VANSTONE g - -The King has appeared with the -Mrs. L. C. Rogers of Brussels, drop- Wingham. of clothes goad itf was worth ' crease out of his trousers. Now all men ped edad on it millisdaynery morcry shop n cls• 0 u r Great sammoce p �+{{tt gg o�yfp f will do likewise, ceased kept a millinery shop in that i9 off at least is s m gU�llg On -Rev. D. Perrie assisted Rev. A. town and was one of the old residents. 1 A h fkpl 6169® �_.-�...._ ........ _.... - ---..._.__....., ..... ... ... __......8 quart Mackay in services at Lnckno:v o quart Tin Pail for 15c, ?o core a ca1G in anight-us� Vapa`ereso- � FIVE DOLLARS,,. � � E I � � � rdnrin;; the week. lent. It teas been used extensive)• during more _-Hicks, the weather prophet made a •ban tr•enty-four years. All Druggists.tiVe have Onl iv slei hs left 14 quart Tin Dish for 35e. Is an important uality g pretty stright calculation at the weather 1 y Nickle plated Tea Pot for "(5c. -The firm of Anderson Elder, :olio ; to loot;: for in a good : ; ' and on these we are giving T 'this:veal:-a cold :nave. g To bane a suit made to \ o. 9 Nickle plated Tea I�et- have been in business in Blyth for near- ! , bargains. See our -The anneal meeting of the Howick 1 oa ears has been dissolved, Mr, J. IJiat10. You don t Want tle for $1,40. y 25 y your satisfaction, and in Regular 50C sleigh for 35c Mutual Fire Insurance Co, will be held A. Anderson will continue the business. ' one that will get Old in e g Wire tea pot stands for loc. at Gorlie on Friday, February' rIth.the latest fashion. What Regular 35c sleigh for 25c Ve etable Presser for 35c. -The death of Mrs. Cassels made the ? six weeks. You Want g Regular 80c sleigh for G5r, Nickle -There only four or five apple- seventeenth within a short radius of ; one that will be as good we can do for one, we do - plated Tack Puller 7c. cations to choose from for a new teach- 1 ball bearing sleigh, regular Combination Comb and Match Belgrave that has occurred since the ; as new ten ears after for all. er, so scarce are teachers becoming. death of Mr. Jas. Anderson in July last f y price'S.2,50, i n for Hockey Safe with mirror for lOc. you get it, Try us and see. 1 I� i n g hockey Sticks Japan Chamber Pails with -Dr. A. J. Irwin has purchased the; year, , Agency for the best Sew- at cost price. cover for 35c. brie). for I new brick addition to his -The Wingliam W. C. T. U. purpose i p � ung Machines, etc, : 9 small pucks at 8c each, Small square )latch Safe, 5c. ]house from Mr*. Wettlanfer of Slyth. holding an At Hoene for the members,i D, BELL't��1 onA O O L R 14 -quart Galvanized Pail for Floom Dredge for 5c, -Tho Young Ladies' Fortnightly honorary members, pastors, eta' ou 1 4 - 30 cents. Nutmeg Grater for 4c. Chib will meet Monday evening, Febru- Monday, Feb. 3rd. Invitations are be- Opposite the Rink. Now the fire is over I am upstairs in 14 quart tin Strainer Pail for Cake Cutters at 5c each. ary the thirst at Mrs. W. T. J. Homuth's ins sent out. - -__. _ ___ _____... __ r BLOCK. do cents, large Tea Trayfor 35c. -The editor of the TIurs has received --What steam is to navigation, news- i The National the SHAW BLOC ". 1 an invitation and complimentary ticket paper advertising is to business. In- fto the second annual At Home of the judicious use of steaul will blow you up; $uron Old Boys' Association to be held injudicious advertising will blowup r e a Now for lett the Temple Building, Toronto, on Your business. The Huron County, Packin and Friday evening, Febraary 21st. -IL• is said that the smallpox: easeswill cost rho township of East Wawa.- i � � �� olc�. weather nosh about $300. The Fathers are � 0 _ e a a t 0 wondering- if. the municipality has to Attire Cold Storage CoC110tong put up for 1tall, or if t(re patients must ` ntW are 11d3'e a some. Tho eof real eoctical ellpoints a merit it'of 0EIlE EX erts p y that ere of real th efar seryl t to the every- .-. ! Experts day operator on the farm. Most simple in its WesucceclInrester• ! land now it appears? that the Iic^.rs congtruetlon. Convenient and easy tooperate ; Ing perfect :: + nna sympathizers ir, I)etrait have, deter- K]timsthectrnnest: melcesthostveetestc2rnm; We have everything ready (O •�-�Gi%�iV, removing crest, An; �IIlonumorous parts to give troubleancl acts,• h e c a u s e we h .t v e mined • to finally close the liar in 1 when washing; only two pieces inside of the to meet tho demands of the In°coin etition with several other applicants for the position of finarrcin o equipped ourselves South Africa. They have 1>oev moved ; bowl. ytrong and durable, made of the finest p pp p g the 99 hvith the beet modern 0 gFall and Winter Season, above concern, the offer of Mr. W. R. Belden has been accepted, together with his q a p p l i a n c es which: t o Compassion for their ` suffering• !and most beautiful design and finish. Every plans for the erection of a groupof buildings in which to handle all inanner of v, . t h o u r exp a rt friend's in that country! by he reports I ninclt]ne is gunranteod to do good tt or]c, an( l a farm products. These buildings will include a Pork Factor knowledge and ex- that the I.3ritish arc{ actually feeding i trial of the "National•• Is solicited before mr. y with a Capacity of 's periience. insures suc= And Llothing their pii9t,t)er.Wyurid oi'h_ ! ehasing. The nlroady large sale of the "1Na- handling 1500 hogs per week. A Poultry Finishing Station, including a building c ex d 6l Cares SOI• th capr.4 a GL A i tional;' and the growing demand for it, show4 New Overcoatings for incubators and brooders, built on plans entirely new to Ontario and at present in of how nuirh the Canadian farmers appracinte :1 The Latest Material operation at Kansas City aI'd B08ton. Also all lmnlense Colcl Storage building, country who unwisely declared, �t as Canadiaremadomaelibw that clops its work so g g 1 against thein. As they cnnvicler this . casi]y and well, and at the same time returns capabl0 Of handling all the apples and butterHurou county and Ilio tributary towu- yuph a llu g<•1,roftt on the smelt invrwtmont. ships call prodnCo. At tlr0 present time almost the entire crop of apples grown iii treatment ine.onsivtent with the, _ AC for the "Nationnl•'; try it and buy it. New Suitings & Trouserings Huron the last ear are 1 IIl in cold storage ill Toronto wllero they bring $4.50 per usual inode of warfare and o gx,cially y y g . b , their Gtvn Ynet hodq in 1 be. Pllilipp,n A fete t,ron,inont fnrnu rs v;ho err using the To Suit Everyone, and full 0l alid 111 some CAses a little more. Ili 1900, Huron county lost in apples alone, ' Iglandy, the have preparF,cli :. lege- ; Nations): y felly X100,000, by )lot haviug n storage plant. Farinors disposed of their crop at strous petition �ignod by t(•n thousand r1T;t'tizlr rp PFti'l� < ristnWutinni�yi, Ct� Vii: i0C nee bat t n» i hundreds of barrels rotted iu t11e orchards, the price not being' f cit.izeni t o be forwarded i o President Rmbnur, John Rr id, John Craig.Jns. Univ, (:oo, largo peons to allow of piercing. No sooner had iviuter set ill t11au $2.50 and $3.60 J Ieaose�clt and (Zu(,,en Zt ilhClmeria :verb McClenagsn, Jai. }3nnty John In ,tis, Riehnrd Satisfaetim Guaranteed per barrol was the price in the large cities, yet we received no benefit by not having irStrUctinns iG arbitrate the. vessel ;Leishman. Jahn I)u9nin, A]ex.Me enzip-, Gone' Both in beaking and Price a storage plant of our own. This concern Will Send its packers,their shareholders, t 1 Bros., lierb(•rt Pett piece, P, Troy, M. ti arson, properly pack and grade the apples and ole delivery at their nearest railroad station question' inun(uim.ely. Arbitration. ' Jolut Jnlu,�tnn, Tho.. Wil.on, Thos. Torld, Robt roper) , they' 41lould r c member, can b^ brouf It 'Mein. W. J. Todd.las, Pardon, Robt. Purdon, _ farmers will be pail the current price. The apples will be placed in their own about only with the rGnsent of the- :I.T. R. (rag nt,Albert (40do John Redmond, Win storage at Clinton and as the season advances will be disposed of :vlrenever they Y Logan, Albert Rrighoa, EN.ra Merldey, .Toto) --•_• corAt--din- p,trtieq. and aq I)iitain - Rarely. M-0. tiryrv, Jaw Jaelc;on, Robt. Plun• ! Come along and be made warm will bring highest prices, and the increased profit remitted to the farmer as is done kr•tt, Iittgh I innigan, t,au21. Thompson, Jas, ling . g•enerously fiffcn-A to mal.) • , by similar concerns, Is It riot an easy matter to figure it out to show yourself this reasullalrin 5'.,tl iPmc nt eonsi�lienl with { AmiYr,iThos• Taylor, Jas. NeClem g -lien, (i(ln,, and happy, and have the assurance system will bring us not far short of doutlo that Nye are accustomed to receive. It Halsey mark f gp , Tl , , , ,tt, Il t Ut Peter i bcr po',i t ion ':iq conqueror( ii i -r 0:, , : Fowler. i that you are well dressed. is Confidently believed as much can be done in apples and poultry, as has already selentiRc Optician clot S of rutgide nat iotiv to) use sudi Tho Natioml van by ,;yen at the Th+ring ti YgUI'9 truly, been (lone with hogs. Both railroad and steamship lilies have arranged for handling and jeweler .G> ,�> pre •.sure. On Lbe, guerilla loaders as will I �d arproain01 'at Wi tr�c•n, (oi- at Jay sherriff s . Otlr predtiCO 111 COl(1 storage and it remains for t110 farmers t0 take advantage Of the �biV'ingha ticn, Cynt. I In:llcc. them yield to shat everyh0rly B. lit 1T.IiEtt and DI, II. ELLIOTT, system now in use. Every fanner in Huron County and tributary townships may know'; ;:v inevitalrla and thus bring I ' s Nr MAXWELL. become a patron if he so desiro and if he wishes to secure a handsolne price for his r° 11,+. unhappy ceudition of affair:. to a 1 Agentvat'�"iiinglu,2n. apples and poultry this cooling season, 110 should immediat0l itivesti atothe matter t ��.� - •. cI( r>c. ( J. SHIMRII�F, Agent at Whitechurch. [elf tl AItr Tati,or. y for himself, e 4 j