HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-31, Page 2KEANELS rTON THE, Hensall wautssotue kind ofa Uamlta �....•• ..-.•_._�.h� ....._ _ .._.� �.
factory opened in Mlle town, -est»r t'S"�Fi?•:%,dGs,+. •�';et! 3�:t'� ;i. :�r'.�
't Dells Clinton youll:, luQu walk
ea to
'—^--^-~- Hensall and back on Sunday lest ill flu, What ` a s
Paritgraps from our Exchanges, endeavor to muake a rocar(1, They will B tr
not tly, it again.
,<. ...,. .,.. ,•,. fit.`. ,,..,,� „�.,. ., ,�,:�.; � •. "•�+1 If .
The Southampton Umeoll suggests 1Veskf)eld public school has baen re-
taxing vin-dors of cigarettes. Hear! opened, having been closed: for some
Ilp �� llcarl ( .
t te,s Ty�� t Cr 1I1 'rare was Vt ctiiliig For, � bice till account of smallpox, _
� a Sar- s;..,, — --•s -� 14116tlyeek's snow storm coat Torantar.
Tho Toronto Exhibition this year well
k , 1 > , ilvery�5(:0() for wwoVil:f„ the $now frOln
`� his i•, I.-S�) I' D IN-the fact th;it the B US I � X:SS ill I la.:t ft111 two weeks, It will open an
t110 frullt streets. c1ui;. 30 obit clasQ Sept. 13,
' habitan u, Vf 01C t1 orlij Us' 1". it. ,t number of t,tray ,lleup were sold by
' ' IV. N. Johnston, teacher of Stanley, is
Now 111anufacture(i ill t(lree of t i(: tkt'('at Ct)ttntrCS, VIZ . auction tit Wroxeter la,,t week. They , . �. •. +,.: , :,
• gliike a pedestrian, Ho `walked to Hen -
Canada, J � � • _, \: '•
,U nitLd Star (•s and Gerin-m—ty. must either have strayed a leng dfskatice ,:all on Tnesday ovelling anti homes sill
i, lif: '�, emadiall Pacific Railwa,• f, ivo t..- t or some fartner does not take his local g Ctts�priZ Is for Tz#tftttttS ni;d ill l(iren Casty iu is tt
D��OX'� ��� :i1� i.;�C a distance of ton ulflss.
C�' 1•.itta�3 sl GOOD tIlil'y paper. i>arniless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
Rev. Dr. SatherIg'ad, Presbytorian and Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Opium,,
Troop Oil Liniment is w'cthout div iue at 1('iu„al, has been placed ou tele
1%,01f� l; OF11'Il• t� :i:l � �'<� � 2^{?fila" �'� *1exception the most, effective remedy for suvertainivatud list. lily al has been ',Morp113ne nor other N•areotic substance. It is Pleasant. Wounds, Ulcors, Open Sores, g
1 ri1,I:+ tN°;ti r., r;tt rt to ari_h. Portability. �; ei:;ht, uuly iii l5annast, [ Hilelu ititisln, Bites, Slinks of Insects, � his (July charge and lie has been there Its guarantee is thirty years'
use by Miiliwis of
Iilnuiroldilig, 1 (•uts Intal till. Aligimicni, l:o,itive rud pernienmit, etc. -A lar!re bottle '.1.5 cent,;. i nuc years. I4Iotllcrs. i•'astorla destroys Wor111S and allays Fel=er1S11-
Uut:tlailili, 1.1t1drntd s l't cd j,nxt sliupltelty, NO part., as agaiust 140iai f1C+SS. r4.° S OPltb cures �i1L 11<1013 ;illc� Wind Colic. (+i1LStoritL
iVati:i:_t tm"Il t,y r. t II-]:ni» x', 0.1.1'Cir.la Ci:i.l t 15y 1:t 1 e, to V., t•I: it I'll.li!lyor Gruer of X cant Forest will ac- ( Milburu's Sterling Headache Powders
quaint Carnegie with -the fact that they'contain neither morphine nor opium, relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
-1A /� - i are both front the saute part of Scotland 12 hey promptly cure asick Headache, Tlatnlciicy. Castolria assimilates the Tool, regatiates
[ Neuralgia, Headache, Headache of
.,. . and elopes thereby to obtain a donation Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies and the Stoinaellt and Dowels of Infants and Children; giving
t r- t
for a public library. ? Headache from any cause whatever, healthy mAutl natural sleep. .Ctistorilt is the Clliltiren'fs
YOU 'vY,\ST1•, that wntell if roll BUY tiny Ql'tl,.fa and %ou DO +Plies.+l0c anct2,�r:
Inspector ll,ellcr laid information NOT i;l:�i' SU GOOD a uliltililte! P' r • • Pzuaeca--•ilio lhIatllclr's ]�xicn(1,
before Id. Biller, J. P. Wroxeter, char,;. 1•hie Londesboro creamery reports 1901
ling C. Schaver, of Molesworth, with a sm-vessful year, and efforts will be
��� WILLIAMS 1?�.ii'i.;i'. ("o.. ,ir1�i$i1t�E'i~i � pat forth to make 1902 better. �'o)In Ciil,s'�Oric`!,. i✓r�..S4+ti
selling liquor after hours. He acknoiv, 1
" Write to-day. tl0IVT1?JEtaL, P. Q. ledged the iuflingemeut unci paid $30 and Wait it; presidwiti, and AV, L. Ouimette "dr e . is is rs excellent 1edly t l for at I stoma is so will adapted to children.
Costs. see.-trews, eftllctretl. 31Iotbers have repeatedly told iue that 1 recommend it .is superior to buy pre-
= ___ ,___ ___ �.� •- --_ _�__ 1 or it g OTect upon their ehildreu, scription known tonna,
s cod
Used internally Hag yard's Yellow Oil Soltle one poisoned a number of dogs DR. G. C. OSGOOD'I 4olvell, Arass, 11. A. ARCURR, M. 1). t,'rookrytt, N. V
r ' T" r •• P , . V Care Sore Throat, HoiirseneEs, tlaliusy, in Exeter last ,,feel%, and there has been
'='-fit= Pain in the Chest, Group. etc. tTsed a great hotel set up over it. Now if it �` FAC-SIMILE (�.E Sl ti�A`T'URE ()
, � ; exteruallyy cures Rbeuulabsin, Stiff had been in 1!ordwich. sonic at least
,1 ) 0 �. T H Joints, Contracted Cords, Sprains,
MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEAS!:D r.JgN. j Strains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, and Bites � would heave reaoiced.
TH� ��!• of iguorancaa and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body Of Insects, The result of the explosion ill Owen E,
iuduced by lust and exposure are constautly wrecking the lives
+znd future happiness( of thousaudis of promising ottng ntcu• Elome fade and wither 2 ,• Sonnet bus been the discarding' of the
At Pu early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a . John Tiplady of the base line, Hallett, I t, Qz
wcar y,frultlessand utelancholy exicteace. Others reach matrl- :_ ueal')y Gut 131$ tllulnb off the Other day f acetylono gas system ill connection with
mo,tg buil feud no solace or comfort there. The victlmq are found '
in all stations of life—thea farm the office, the wort-shop, the a• �vllile silarpeuing tall knives of - cutting t the C. P. R. The generator at Balmy
Cllpulpit, the trades and the professions. Hernua Debillty and 3amtnl ; � I'.eaell will also be taken Out.
eeaare guaranteed cured byour flew rdotliod Treatment or No . box, P. Quigley had the misfortune t0
t Pay. YOtlSltt1 L ELSE FAILED.
sinl)etroit. Banksecurily. 1)OISan lIfB haltCl a fete clays since, and 14Ifi. Jamey Woatherheatl of St. Helens APPEARS
�jl`� It q�, �10y ,j�T�ay�y WRAPPER.
CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILEL+. r:o Qaaiea aced without wtrittaii oohsort. t ��dd i.: B� EE
"I am 33 rears of ago and tnarrica, when yor.uy E led a gay o i suffered considerably, but it is bettor. I returned lost wccic with his.brother John
life. Early Indiscretions and Tatar eseesces mado trouble for nic.. Tho following' figures Showing depth : f1Onl the states. The latter his been 111 T4)C CENTAUR lir i.•.PANY, TT MURRAY GTn E¢T. AESV YOA% CITY.
fea ed DrIgh 's Di nervous. r e Life a became tisfAffectedto and I ; ` for some time but it is hoped the chane
Eny home
Disease. Married a cd Lite was unsatisfactory till and tc o£ show fall ill the Aast will be interest- P n �•fiI'�lf�"� �
mg home uuha p
treatmeatfromp ro. Sen ed 6rLCri*tt.aTlleii.eewiMethgd a , P
11 ing: Doc. 29 1555 15 ouches; Jan. 19 of residence will improve his health.
built els up mentally, physicallyll anrs ago
ally, I fere and act 1ui<•4' 10 inches; Dec. 215 1872, ]5; Doe. Last weep Messrs. GeoI'geandThomas
like g man In ovary respect. They treated Ino sea ,scars ago. They are honest,
skilful gild responsible financially, eo why patrontze QuacL•s clad Fakirs when you ,. j 1st 1 S i 5, 11; Jail. S 1884, 11; Dee. 1 r Mair diel what othora had tried to do
i caa be cared by reliable doctors. W. A. Belton, 1
r C0 „ , T -'" , ]$91, 11 ; Jan. 1S 1805, 11; Dec. 5 and 0 and failed. They hauled f;roll, the bash
GUHi S G(1t3R>`IIiFEcDO� NO PSI'. CO�SU((�((07 FW432S Ctt�i"Qiiustirti� itiGiiti Fib@ (lit 801>IB tlBp(I1B0(, 1 1,i, 1() l~'eb 2S 1900, 10, (af I'tecl I� are, fiolmesvili0, to Stapleton, r� EJ ;xx'S
Drs. Kennedy � "a Shelby rsfreef. � , � •�� • i 'ij�� y'
� ' Si p Ustro.....itch, Eii�d f,�Ii Y j four initnellsH loos that htui Silent seven tai G ti4
r y v�vr.„ _.� •s.� r' i�if i tlionsA N Y
alld feet in them.
; IYUU , ¢ ' r. Lelan iutrodncedit bill into theLegislature to amend tele cheep protee- =,l
tion act by providing that even i11 cases ,, 9ii
Chester, sou of Mr. Silas Stanlal:Q, of i ; ;, , �
where dogs are shot for destroying shell ® 1%fj" ''% NOISES?
Sodom ulet with a yore painful accident a y l
`iue last tvee]c. He was ellgafred in cutting I the owners of the clogs shall be liable for DEAFALL CAS)✓S OF
� ,Uppers
�T j4p aotleol9 I wooed in the bush and in same manner the value of the sheep.
kerb stumLlad and fel) against the axe he had
g . a DEAFNESS � nA EI.
ti 11T-Tow, here are the uppers previously laid aside, cutting a severe i t CURABLE
gash completely across the palm of the " ��ARE �
+•� ! �� of these shoes all gone to p y P b our new invention, Only talose born deaf are incurable.
� baud severing' an artery. ; y
feces. 'The `soles are ::s good + 7+ Infants rl lYv�� ����E��EI�gE� MUMMY.
All over Ontario contrary to usual ox- ➢
-.•`' 3t.�. tr aS ewer, fl'^'7;1rClltt'. "i'iley .
- ; perience, snow has fallen this winter, 1 :i:a fa,•
ifs ULlallt to t`i',+ !)CCiltlty i'1'+� only an� farmers :end fruit rowers are es- Ci�Io � 1� "� �� I3.5LrIlrOltr., .lI<i., Ntarch o, xttor.
�, r g G{Ca art re / �%t �/ Y
worn them a fele vi et l;s. But ecially well leased'. Baro romid al- d " �r-�iKr`nv,�,•r% +Trapllff� C%ertllerxr,c: —neinn eat{rely cured of dcnfnc 5, thanks to dour trca.meut, I will note d va yots
j rd7 r i P P g n fail history of soy case, to he axed at your discretion.
+ J'',- . ' �: / • I wonder wliv the uppers broke q ' 17flys Itleans danger to the :heat Crop � About fi,•e years ago, Illy right eat• began Losing, and this l:cpt on getting worse, until I loft
1 I The residence of lir. and A:lrs. Th10S. my hcariug ill this ear entirely,
. � rr and to fruit trees and shrubs. (�u the I nu<let,vcut n trentutent for rntnrrh, for three tuonfhs. without anysnece+ , consuttcd a tutus-
\ Otat SO bailey. ( "�' r tier of ,15ysiriaus, ninon outer., the ouo,t eminent ears ,ccialist of this city, who told me t!tnt
'_:• j .,, t�-r , L twrence, Ross street. jnioi,notin was • 1 g t
1 l other hand in northern Manitoba, at tele SC 31 ' , out\. fill oper:tticni could help 11tq nue even that canny terra x5rarily. that t11e head noises moult.
j The re—son w ; the un er>l t
1 {m. i • t)� e e of a• pretty home weddin at then cense, Ila the lie:triug in the affected car would Ills lost tjorerer.
larest accounts, there had been ncct to'
+ vI Ct`r;•,1ysw _ r� ' ( , II net?ll qu Thursday, January lGtll i+lllel2 I then s, -our ww,;rtiseniEut nccidentaliv iu :l New lark paper, and ordered oourtrent-
„ , of s�n.c shr.es wGsr t%tit (lU3t;ell's t y y , nlent. After I )1nd ut:cd it only a f(av d:qn accordin to your directions, the uoisesccased, and
/ r no snow, and lumbermc a were lament- . g
( s. their youngest Ski ;hter, Tena, was to-any, nfler fa5'c weeks. my hcilidn: , ill tba discnsed car has been entirety restored. I thank yatt
IS that the sctle:; -.re made J � ill,a at the bad prO+pCCtB for their aper-
hc,arlit, end beg la rcrtni:1 Very truly )•ours,
stiff they pull tilt unl�t:r:, fill to _ atious, ailitecl in marriage to D7 r. R. Simpson I•. a• c,1Rz1AX, ;;o S. nroaduay, naltituore, �Id.
r � , s\ --•- West of the Kimball Piano Co,, Chic- Off), t)'e(roe;, Il )t irate) fe)'c 2r!itl� foto astral occ)flxLtivim.
The breath of the mos is the breath
p p ago. Rey. A. G. Harris pastor of the r:xanti:tation and ?�� tit a 11oz13in11%
When oil ti ear t`SO�'ert'1rTI)" of life to the consumptive. Norway ' p a lv ice frec. ' �� YOURSELF
j 3" Pines Syrup contains the pine virtues and Motlwdist church, ofiielatecl. INTERHATiON13L AURAL CLINIC, b96 LA Si LLE AM, GINGAGO, W..
` 1 slices you g tale I' lexiblc and cures coughs, colds bronchitis Chief Justice McCall of l3ritish Cel-
rr3', N l and inn _-._,-.._.
\ ° �, Welt sole that wears as long ' ro hoarseness, and all throat — >, . �._ .�__._� �. _ _
L , uIbbia diol at Vancouver this ween — — - --___ .
�� �,\ • ,, troubles, wench, if not attended t0, lead ''
a t q as the upper and ,:toes not pull ` to consumption, after a very brief illness. HC was a lta-
our shoe to feces. ' Arthur Taylor o£ Exeter irorth eau- tive of Ontario and practiced law inI M
r 1, . y p (
5' i< ,, ' Goclelich and Brussels in this county. i
«- ¢ 1 � (ll Easy, comfortable wear, ,ployee of the Atltutio Oil Refining
t d -• He removed from the latter place to
E� �s Works Toronto. was engaged in clean-
���� perfect fit; beautiful finish. 1 ' g " Winnipeg, and from there to British
glen's or women's$3,00, ing out barrels and was using a steam Columbia. He wcomparatively
a com larativel
pipe. The pressure was too strong for ( y
.� $ o Stitt oa. t ti onng luau to laid so high a position in
3• -l' one barrel, and it exploded. Taylor vas i
See that they a,e stamped thrown several feet, and when lie was I his profession
nicked up it was found that both legs Pneumonia is the cause of forty per '
t t Sovereign S h o e �" were broken, one in two places, Sad the ( cent of the deaths occurring at this time
✓°X)�cnrall• top of his right thumb Was blown off?. a of the year. The danger of exposure
Ile was taken to tbo hospital and is do- from which colds may be contracted can-
Sold in Winhanl by W. J. GI2EEP, ing as well as call be expected. not be exaggerated. Itis veli therefore
to be gunrded against this disease. Onol 0 R Nomev
Children Cry for i of the best methods is to build up the
� o of
a til ailess atur:ls foods and tonics t IST MIMES antro up ces e foI—
�'�^ of a 11ar.ttless I3at111'e, The YQE lratar, t9•kill
_ I } Organs should also be kept from chilling
lir. Fwe
letcher Lswrason, Listol ))ad ,,,� '•c. !! eats alts.
P.ipzna Tabuics - a father peculiar experience tlli8 tVeeli. i ` '"a (3 clubbing
yr'� •�,t�,9�
F::d r g dawn toacn he ( *° � r ``r 7` r\i3 illy-r rt• fl s a+ F✓ S Y 0.Y bS off
c 1 x On Monde in comiII r ra
,roc r' >
2' 4 ) f d „ �'�a4a fir_ \ ^ ,•.d i r c ,i:tien dropped rr t 1 iE a T.:eittii e(.r,e e t ?.
-, s- a i',,: ra .n :tial 1 opI d a roll of bills, there beim a P? 4«r :� c rrr, r.3-: r , i
i 836 in easli and a cheque for i . 50. The'
lr% ell
i : od j t r �
, „ "a• In3"li.:1r•":: r£:,•- ltit llt iLC , _� tra-
Ripans Tabules are a comIni:;.1 s`-ns+'. (j- , r n , i troll was in his pants ?locket and he
ic..tttul circ l , ii i;n•:i:•:ai. 5 t••e• i a- f r•^�, n . • ,:(Ch•
t • . t } l . ,1, supposes that lie must have lulled it oil ti I", v, its'-t'lo; t' °til; a ir. `3'n r r •, r, r:xl
for d epsia bii:ot..._. :;s. hcx '{,ler. ,e , ^n- 1 t ! ;: -, 5
_' C`„ ( v-b voter monov „ , :: i. r::^• ( • :, 1' c. at r Weekly Mae,
^� ' , with Isis hand. Ravin made hi loss f .11l1mlor.nrr s. ;x,is :::._ c Co.,':uroutq Times and 1V with two lri�
. ,, t ,I t' •' „ ; g s ! =c'_ 911ifidert picture
stir.. :..>(-._, G izzi less and .,..I 8isc e,.: f t.. :'GI::?C.1• n Iknown as publicly as possible, lie was ' ,f�a �� ,"'�<f. G slc•� a `'T$e Duke Site Dt1CllesS (af Yul'k " lend "Tat; Farm
.:.ltd bowels. 'I"hey are lilt 1^ ' � 1: c:f ��n tenet cv., � . , tc,�:`0�� ,
y' cti(i.,...I i:i t. (.' ti;e � more than surprised on Wednesday, to i Pets," fill Janna{•y 1st, 1903.. 1 FU
::o111en and c`:li.dretl C': Caw�ZI:e:c :tl I:, ';e • } y' i ThefollatvillgGnrieaisniarrennonotice Timesard•R1eekl Wit,
* , i find the missing roll, minus a*10 bill, ; appeared the other day in tate London � , } .. ` .' . .. • .. • . • • . • • • . • • • 1 60
pro ;`t d beneficial ill i .'� Inajorilty GI ca:'cs. w it i:I not l in an outside pocket of iris overcoat. (Tempa: ''Oil Tn(eclay, the ]5th Inst, at I Tunes and i(amily 1100 llld land Weekly Star, witil premium 1 75
' 1 i`l ; ,.;`.- -
He is positive that the looney was placed Tithes and Week) y Hail and Empire........ , , , , � , 1 75
teal ..eel tl;at tial V. T,Crforlll 1-. .•..; but sortie of
i. " Botterford, Lfucolnihire, John Kirk, an Tinies cud Western Advertiser . .
the C:lr{;5 >: Ilicll flit t' i_:,z ; C ffCCt(A l:t,';rt!r' f it: o .t t0 � � there by the finder, fele has evidently, 1 occasional preacher in the lletllodist Times Safe Weekly Sun. . .. . , . ., ' . ' ... ' . 1 :i0
1 , kept a pretty goad commission out of it! Connection, fv Susanna. Seaton of 1 70
that. t , w, y to tale,: and P,-011111)t i:l aLi :' 0.1, dI v" y h .t`( � � forl)is trouble wild riser of being found t ' Times and Daily dobe . , . • . j . , . , , , . � ... . , . � ,1 gr
no ri�I:l ; Is telt'. I)e:'t .%:I. edl for til •r'• t v-da Ills of BirnliugIlam niantuamaker. The ?� ,; r, ' ` .. '.
t. �, r ( = lwiesand Toronto Daily Star, till J'anauary 1st, 1903. :1 5o
)= a out, patient bride had kept company near. Times and harmers' Advocate
........... 1 $5
Wor:ns ,effect a child's health too taro years with a blackstuith of the : Tlmes ltnd Daily NVorld .......... . . . • , , 3 00
A TREDICIN NVHICH PR(3i_JNGS !_lF)~. t i 'J Serious] to neglect. Sometimes the ( same lace abet was actually published s i � � .. � , , • ` . • _ ..' ' ' ' ' • ` ` �
" f '.:e 1:-ed :::pars 1aAa:c. f:r a nura:ur It yc:.s m l vat::ci r-,t be t,ithont 5ja ,Cause COnvtlISiu 1s and If t<y ( place,
S P Time. 1:nil Daly NCaVS .. .... `�5
' l , sem r 'sus sect dein Ol b u( pd('atll• y u with him in the church the eery Sunday Times and Daily Alai) and Empire. , `
I tr s > . d m,h ills<t;;esti••!t . r : : t{,-'r, ltd h:re nw;- ed aft c•_ I :,ave been us!u mert 1 p a pr-Fent, eve Dr, p ` ........: . .. .
x : ia. 1 a , -'• ,q 1111 „f thn;e, tear . c t i sl r 1• t5l(ia is t,n,i: ed 1r.e L, h •d rn wcCn.art at the ^- X = r (, g preceding her ularreage, but for reasons ' • ° `�`t
r t : t t::•� I ,,ave. n t l- ,• I ...3 '" 9',, o,er a bats speli of L:Iir.cs t..,4s: t:tl va3 �'QaV S Pleasant Silt �'oriil ,y sleet, trliiCll �'ittleS 21tJd YOulll b (',(lltipattl(rtt . . ..... . . . .... . .. c� 75
• 4 . Y ,
.i.Ca a rel„., c r t.±,.ae t ri d rxri,:rl:ed la a• i,:d I k,rAXd. I v,:ci Hint I j r 1 destroys the worths without inljarin¢�r (Ile hest 1c1101bn t0 herself nl0ped next (lay
L.i r t r t:.,, f:vcr . r.(1 t9 at i tea, :.f,.:,d It, ea : :;I• r co ac.,t,:at t f {ci.icecti� n, li . Child. Price 2.5c. ( with the preacher, so true is it that we
' fr I ad Fef1vtcl s,rt r I « I r.a x %wr:•••,. Ile :.d,is_,. me to *1,0
i 1 I ,:. , 3 ry ; un ,rd from tl. i have-,% been t,::!w"t !] cr.+.. 1 cavi lt:t anyfl,mc :t a f tel accident •n Irnow not what, a clay may brill„ forth." I " With the Toronto Daily' Star subscribers will , ,
' - 1 t I ti•a::' Ss;t , a Tab-,A: 1 =:o. d (.f nt5s::t. I L,.z t,.ry I.; ...l.fcl ti:.a 1 L e f.:ur.� t a C Clellt OCt.tll. (i at I3rotsli I iCl aro of i�ell*�r Isc111'ard j% I, ill nin0 COIpr9, by `lFa •in *t it 1.11a11t1 ItI
s AltS,ttc:ill•r•,l:ngl,.S .. station, by which Robert Williamson payment of e4.00 the premium with, tho I J will
�w,u0, or on
LIKE `� ILLENUI� mics „ilI ba a goals,
fi:�5T1Li:; 'f 1tC}Lt1;t.:;5. Icst his Iite. Thos �Va1iChbb was PectuiCstlno Catla.t3a,
j °!
11..,-! mffered th a yea*a at I.. -t front ga,tr:c tralib:es. i nsuta nr;t s:a spat nigt.t, i _ preparing to kill a beef at the barn of 1'Ve could extend the Rit, but it is not necessary. y 1V a can
• 1,I, ,t... ,•L.... ,curl :ay f?ct aauId ,,. u; c a , icC. � iv iu+:r: !a :ti: re fist re�1 er title. 1 r.nntct i:avc ler. Jllb. Wrlgllt, a11fI Air. WilliatnsOn
cnC}t rr,v:r,•: ;.,-r.: f;;ice;a b.: rn•r.� as 7'f�• r.r,:aeit ttt,st 1 c, •,ac'.'s faint;;nay. ) r.s is such (Ntres+t = i After the tortures Mr. Nortbn give you clabbing ratos for any newspaper at, Inagazi
. $ - ( , tie publislletl,
that t n.:,:.,i 5.� 5 •• :rr u:� tea n 1 ,, ;flab, t.i e, t a tc.fer;»g ^�+,1 tali at. if l = `olnutarllyr agreed to help Teem. tl passed through to havethe Emery subBCribe! 1! ill receive a co
try as •?v n. to ,tis t ,.. 4!t icr itco.a cess cl i j ,.s 9':ibulcs to ate. ..i f I,usl,.,nd + i copy bt aIle IIandsUme T[[UstPtlted
olsts,y.•.; t-...., '4 , •., . f , u : )._ n .. , .'.,:y. ; tr ..) aT•r. 1 .5 ...t. i"r,t a,,,: taG blatant t!an1. 49icy - i .windlass �va5 used to raise 1110 bc9f Sl�f9oitltt3 release from $ut€Qr+ (� ii 11 ,` 1 11 t3 V i✓Y !k L far1002.
t.,irt. d : • of Al .lee 11,10 i aaeq t,sat a•,,,d :1r uav �t•,::t: eta ai„l :i:cv trove t,iv br,eels regclar'y, ( preparatory to dressing and tele rlecensed ing thAt South Arnerictri , , The Itbovtj are
t,'r ti•,,ic{ri,•.ut:aki i; {ai•: +:e ., le• tin„•. C leve a n„ Ir�,.r•: I., :•h, nay towels rnv,, Tc;u:Z'.Iy, >±UdY atla Cure a,'ll�orded h ii li Clown '3o its to a(ltnit
filet our 1” x t 1317 It n �. 1: R, ma1.1(ed
n,rra ,i:ac,,+Sic.ran ,5 •l it,.fart*1f:.:,,q:@eairwisicitIIsrr,.hw,an1 - wa5 tllrlllllfy ,110 4VildlliSS 1V11C1i the —it I"i iia3V0s Ii slX '; mLdtfetit3tt. Therefore, there ° , tie
- t':ati:•n•r,•ra ,�u,3drY{far ttutiic'v`yo;:5cgbsss Y4LLnai :. I.a'isortyllsntIdingottinrauer.�>c ; handle grate 11i.i1 the wee bt of 1 lou S. , 18 no use Asking for ellenper Y'atE's•
' ns{v !t: '+a,.,_ ,.yea a,o, ur .lid av I a S;t.,t Gent o. jatttat:d tel •x.ar,. : ( iC till I;Ar threetieaelt5 i la Irl licit sttffer]n mese When µe can afford to give cheaper Plates t(I One, `ti"(; C1n 1V0
carcass brought the second handle y � tt;eai to fill.
{ j a ti� ]r. ip,, �r- q ' yy b 3 I terribly 1nQ' :,,Grey helpless frons ItlHamntiatnry
`i.JI V' it Ls tJQr ztroul3ct nicest Ilittill ileo gun lnttn ! e
I2aeuntal m s.t s Orr E. H. Norton, est Call at or address
i } a little haf°ar of, and ntrory the rf„ilt ear i Grnn..iay, out. "When art that the doctors I
�� .._ .. i�coul.l dof<ti',al iue, I waq induced to tryRoute) �
t ,alltoe,t1tiit•,.l,r atalri:en, �hrx°lvtr•C•aattar stntuitrC<<rnu tidied two hours after the accident, yttttAnierirzn Ilheur-iutic Cin•.•. After tapng one
An111Pliya (riNna ai-thr.9rttor, .�nCC atf,u. The family b atUC.
not having rFra^tlt��(l C(1ttSeia113nC5S. The 11 h9ti:'` lit_tAS lift *;illy aLic to
]rate my Leel, lntTHE
Cr n,i,-ut r , i 113.' I cait6 It ge.. Of . e ,t a ,utams s surIlly for a year. youll); lndn was ,. 3 3 ears old field tho a surix s , i � darn its by q:i.1,,.i�. down (w: n. ) i
th„1,t a1. her, yrs •�•�.� �}�y t�
�.-. • ... , : r . r. ,� .:. :' <.... :. .;, ��� :i , • Tlitain support of a widowed mother. t ` am, r .. .L L �1�.lr ZQ
RuIJ Lp A. L. 2311iui1lc,n,lvilil;Ilam.