HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-24, Page 5V
• • + . ,�;,+ • �.. • .. • . + .!. • . • ♦ • • • ♦ �, , catch )shill here agaln Aly sword shall Ica
- *+ +•��*.*.. •.�������+ +�1* ,+0+• ++•�fr�1�+R+RA••.+..+ +•�...�.�..i.Y�t•��r�l.���.*!�R find his heart. I have Oven bim le*,
. gal w�t Ang. Bat;" COXt]nlel the
duke after some further thought, fr
;• , "you ;must be careful in. your deal- to
ings with biro. Ile ma have some
unmake o �a Gd band always way
ltlrra.: to
r nlz Y
„' 46 "I will be caught in no trap," re- of
,j ; 1 turned the priest confidently, "Ile m
,JAN` shall find deaf. I can be its keen as or
If O c w .,
.• n
o t a e '-` •1'.11
is e s r
a ut It v . r
le c n, B_
1 g
•• »
• fY
• asked c
+•+ ..4 . What is, strange?" ale . • Olga,
, ► A . By SYLVANUS COBB.. 3r• •.+ i starting', for he, too, lead been thinly- in
���ttl.� «gMwlxfaNwf♦«f+fart p�. �« �M«fw�•H•p.�«�.i» gets«f»f.Mfrer*A.w�,1.!«trr«kiil�.O j lag of s very strange thin;, tl
...•.•.•.•.•*•.• •e•:•.../o.:•...•:e.•:• * ..•sw•+•`•.•.•±oR•..fp•.n.•.e e,0.00 -04Q I 44Why, that till$ black InOn1C t4.
0':.0 J, u. d:a!i•„�, .I, . qn �i P.1-11 _ , a should turn up here in Moscow $o (l
na tlaae the priest follow Nrevel is safe and can be disposes or suddenly and, commence, the first h
o d bang s n
1 s a - ad tl
v e live foot t la 1 him
moment. I have t o m o
t thing, to p
a an m tin
i r +� Y
The duke was in his private room, thus far because I ,lad no orders :about your palace.” � lit
•,and as soon as the servant had with- otherwise. Aye, responded Olga,. "arid the
-drawn he bade his visitor take a "A•ye; that was right," replied same thougbt was in my mind when c
seat, Olga, And as lie did so tic arose and you spoke, But never mind; lie o
"Now, Savotano, bow is it?" he commenced to pace the room. The shall not escape me if he presumes
priest followed hila with his eyes, h more. By heavens the shall
.asked. `Have you seen the count?" I 1 e y , mus t1
"A •e• I m from there now. B batt said nothing, At length the know that the 'Duke of Tula is not tl
all that's bad, my lord, the villain is duke stopped and looked Savotano to be trifled with. `There is but one
gaining !" in the face. power in Moscow above mine, and w
"(raining?" repeated Olga, with It would. not be a difficult case that is the emperor himself, and I tit
surprise, "But you assured me he to kill him, he uttered in a low may say that even he is not above w
was well null gone." whisper, me. Ile cannot get along without p
"So he was, so he teas, But he is "Not at all. Nothing could be nye. Does anything turn up td puz- w
more easy." zle flim, he sends straightway for a
recover* now. ' "And could detection ensue ?" me."
"Blit }tOVV' 1S it?') 11
"Wily, he tells me he had a ueuv "In no possible way." "Then use your power for your 1
physician and that the Hill tnrdirin(1 "Then"-- olvn,good, my lord" , e
was all conden1lat and an entire ' `'Listen," stoke the humpback as "! will. fear not for me on that u
new coarse prescribed." : Olga liesitatN "I strongly suspect score." 1
".,anti lander this now treatment that 'twas this same gunmaker that At this juncture the priest arose n
'he is recovdring, oil led to the investigation of that med- to take his leave. t
,,yes. ,cine, and if it was lie then you "You have your instructions,"
"Well,will be more quickly suspected than said Olga, d
u not "alio some
v i
measures too fix3 this now medicine ? ; I shall." y
"1 remember them well, m lord,
By the goals, Savotano, you most I "Ila! 1Vhy think ye so?" lc `eThey shall be carried out to the �
Because he is a fellow of won -
not let him slip now!" b And wben done let me know." t
« Brous wit and intelligence and can "
Ali, my lord, I have only told see without being told. Ile has had " h will obey."
,you how he explained the matter. I b y'
have another explanation." { several conferences here, and it was And once more the misshapen
« r„ from here that he went direct to the priest ti -11s in the -street and the duke
"What is it, sir priest: count's residence. Ile`' knows b t
"Helly, they simply know that Y was alone.
this time why the duel was hatched "`Ali, m lord," muttered the pli-
some one has attempted to poison alp, and if he has half the mind I j tint tool to himself as he walked
the count." live lliin credit for lie will know «.
"Ha! Did they say anything?" ' i'g thoughtfully along, you may be a
"No; that you are at the bottom of the little too confident of our otvn pow -
that teta medicine ne he was e Nvas no ltakin be- Poisoning business. I am sure of ! fir. 1 have known such things in s
fore was the right kind of medicine this." I Russia." t
:so far as it cane from tllo hands of "By heavens, you are right, Savo- '
tarso 1 Let him diel" CHAPTER XIV. 1
the surgeon. And then there is an- «
•other tiling—the count must have
I had thought myself that would { TOE llYsriv 7'ataflrtaL
had some towerful antidote on ur- be the best way, for if Ile were at 'Away back of the old Cathedral 1
pose for elle poison" P ' large you would not be safe." of Moscow and in a narrow, dark t
"How do you know that?" "Yon can have him killed with- court which was overlooked by the
"Simply because he would not i out noise or disturbance?" to:wers of the giant edifice stood
leave now been dive lead not such I think so, replied the priest, a curiously constructed stone build -
been the case. You may be sure, with a ~wicked smile. "At all events, inn, which, though not connected
my lord, that they know poison has
his noise would not hurt any one, bodily with the cathedral', yet seem -
been administered. They have dis- for he is rather too far away from ed to belong to it. It was low and
,covered it in some way and taken the world to male himself heard. broad, with a flat, tiled roof and
the most effective and speedy moth. Where is he? without a visible window. Within
od to overcome it. I know this." I
"Why, where you recommended— one of the apartments of this build -
in c,o 3ou filial: they suspect in the farthest vault beneath your ing—lin apartment away down in
you?" the duke asked, with some old bathing house, and that `is a the bowels of the earth, where the
place where he cannot be readily light of da never came—were seat -
don't know;of but I fear they d'o. { found." ! ed six men he room. w.'Is of -fair
tend what disposition can you
Hawevcr, that amounts to nothing size, and the or, the walla and the
---oil to prevent me from working make of the body after the wore. its 1 ceiling were o dart. stone. Wooden
any further at present in the same donee" benches werearrangedabout the
,tlirection. I have not laid myself ` Why, that -is simple. It can bs place, and theft were some other ar-
open to detection in any way. By, llid(iVII lin the old conduit. You
strati"e co ur lit re tt]eete, too—
heavens tis too bad! In four and knoll, the conduit still exists there b y
twenty hours more lie would have . an(i Pro:wh1y in solno places between fashioned aftIE various shapes and
been a dead man." titer(' and the' river it is perfect, but patterns. Bu of that anon. The
"Then you know when the discov- I near the bu!1(:in; it is all in rl,iT.% place was light d by a large han,;inr
cry was made?" I The body can be hidden so far in lamp which h just power enoul h
"Yes on the afternoon before Ru- i to make the r•oin gloomy find dis-
that no stench can come from it in mal. The six 1 ten sat about ft table i
ric Novel was captured. I was there slimmer time even to those in the
just before night, and the gunmaker vatilt itself. So, you see, that is I on which werc- a hoof: and suron , I
teas then there, and I noticed that efi,1 ,) y I
and the most I';'rominent loan there
the vials were gone from the table,' "Then let the work be done at was Vladimir, t e monk. !
though I gave no signs then of hav- once—say tonight.'-' And Vladinii alone exposed his
ing noticed it. They had even then "'Tomorrow night, my lord, will face. All there t wore black masks,
commenced some treatment for his, do as well for I am ennalred to- their robes bei . of the same mel -
pure, for I could see that the appear- , Ili,llt )) b b ancholy hue. ' ]ey sat there silent
ante of his skin had changed. You ! "Very well let it be tomorrow I as death, Vladi it gazing down up -
must not blame me." {night. yBut, mind, this is settled. I on'the table ane the other five gaz- i
"I do not, Savotano; but there 'There is no more question aboht iib fixedly uy 6 liim. They were
may be some way left yet" . this affair. �Cllen I see you again, I I stout men, all f them, and they i
"Oh, yes; there are a hundred trust you will have no reason to of- I bore themselves toward ladimir s
ways in which we can dispose of fcr why Ruric Novel has not been ! as bears a servo t to. his acknowl-
Ilim. But I may find some way yet disposed of." I edged master.
before lie gets out" `•�'ou need have no fears on that ,"'The hour is waxing late," said
"Look ye," the duke said after a head, lily lord. You ln�v consider Vladimir at length, looking up from '
sliort pondering over his own ), the table. His voice sounded in that
P g that the r'•unmalcer is dead.), •Y
thoughts; "you -must watch every, ccRi,rlit l So let it be." place like the echo of a tomb. It {
'chance. Something may turn up in .
And thus did the wicked duke di,- was lots send 1]lloty, and the others I
our favor. finislmi 1 him et find some I wish Pose of Ruric Novel. (started as they•heard it.
�iortunity t Y Again 0lga-took a turn across the ' "There's timo yet to spare, mas-
you could." room, and when he stopped there t ter," replied one who sat nest the
"I will do all I can, be sure of was a dart: cloud upon his brow .° monk.
And, tr • „ rc "I trust we shall not be disap-
that• I shall watch narrowly. rA Savotano, lie said, there is one „
IaaRr. a'sout the other one. Y011ng more ]nail whom I at least would be ]tn.'i'a,ted, said Vladimir at the espi=
' fissured is not in ]iiy xray. I mean .
'_"'"".,•" ,.'"," -"'".. ". ,- . -., �• that infernal monk"
"I saw him this morning, my I
I �,a t,I (i; lord, and I am stare be is watching ' .Terri
r g 1�(vitiiEv a h � ar I me. And he is not alone. He has 1 it u.� �> •
t others with him. I have been fol-
lowed, and one of my men—the one ;!(
-ho entrapped Level—told me not Y Tr
a w his
nether that 1]e- 1 ...•,• v , ra
or t
me f urs ago ,
s time n•a ho
xlou I 1
It !s an an b
$then ttze little ones get their feet coldfollowed."
and ,wet, and come pon'le hoarse an
a i steps had been
coughing, or awaken in. the night vie- i "And do you thine: this monk is
Rims of deafly Droop. Then It is that ' at the bottom of it?" asked the i
mothers turn gratefully to pr, Chase, i
t1Rho, through his great 1teelpe Book and duke, with some uneasiness.
camous family. remedies, has time and (I know it, for 1 have seen him t , •: Y .j
slain Paved the little ones and aider
ones, too, from suffering and death. tvltel] I knew he was watching me. I
it is truly surprising how promptly "Then why have you not got him
jDr. Chase's Syrup of Ll and Tur• out of the way?"-
+pentine brings relief' when the throat
/4 Qere and irritated, when the cold is ; "Ahal" uttered the priest, with a it people two oniv t"eat,
allht in the chest, and the cough pair]= dubious shake of the head. "Wo oO..ds in time • ith lir 14„oft t .. "1'•r".•}
,.. , .
the in•. ul Syrup,
ill iks fV
1 13•
T altays I e 1y
n� It ,
ssl Y p
thil ami on, a.
tlammation, heals tlae sore And torn i ea11110t always do as we won ut desolate.
rahelp1 ,
,vim 11 r rr�
tl I Cai t 1 t•�l A
Membranes, soothes tho
nerves an � lie shall not live loner, it , aIle severest C +;, 1,1 •in 1
clears the air passage,- him off, and I think the opportunity i Ana oronp, a1((I r ' 1 ,• .r, r n{:•
People who ttnow of tho sinauTar vire i,on yield r(•.,• te, thi+• �•. ` ••
tries or T)r. Chase's Syrup of Linseed ,entry offer itself'.' ! le„lirrmtr'v',�
rti[d T:i• n�ntine
an not thinir of deet pt- ; ,t .fie is a bold fellow. Why, I i 1 R , . It rv+ttol
Inc the, r•hotp substituted wbleh many %te•ut ivh t. l ,,
euga! Iia ui, er !n its place ; •yti cen.s. found Win onev yesterday in my own ! Unt ,(,ads• ” :a1 .. ':: "
tho chamber of the I Settled ou my it .
Itnlaco in ,
� � A. „ i cauld ao;ir(t, ty .t+.., . ,w . • -.:• . .
t �ra �• countess. iso hada t, �Y 1•()
or. l��' r. 1 LI n
l„thy ,t� r°Iiai And could ,you not have ! t;hotcht; 1•. +a �„•:(. teats'• '}••+••••'
OT �,gtl as0ed disposed of him then?” ; tri+.(1 t :ft(rt tit trar(t:(•.tl7t ` :i
- e d) 1rr/, ” 4.l "Not well. It wag ill f road day, I way T� ire oSvu T'il nI ti- � ! �
ti �1 �I ��+ ®r„ . I dnd people dere about. Blit if 7 ,tt;sCc'tnllle y entad ys:..;
tion of A. few moments more.
To this no, answer wis returned.
.At length there came a dull echo
om overhead, and tile- six dark sit-
ra started up to listen, The sound
row louder, and soon it, sent down
to that dismal chamber the notes
coming footsteps, .In. a fow Mo=
cats more the heavy irofi door
Caked upon its hinges, and three
on entered, and soon behind them
ane three more,. Those who Garx]e
advance were two of them leading
le third as a prisoner. And so it
as with those behind. 'file iron.
do creaked again, and when tho
be bolts had been shaved into
tit sockets the two prisoners were
d 'forward.
i1faster," spoke one of the new-
omers, "we have brought the pris-
Hers—tivo of then—as you com.
"It is well," said Vladimir. "Let
gem be brought before us."
As tEe two men are brought to
here the light can strike upon
leir faces we see the two guides
Ito conducted Ruric Nevel to his
lace of confinement. One of them
as he who met Ruric in the street,
nd the other is the one who guided
im into the old bathhouse with the
antern in his hand. They shudder -
d fearftllly as they gazed around
poll the dismal scene, and their
plainly showed that they knew
of why. they had been brought
"Lesko Totma 1" pronounced Vla-
The first of the prisoners—be
who had met Ruric in it 4treet—
tarted as he heard that came and
ried to speak.
"Are you the man?" asked the
monk, looking into his face.
"Yes, holy rather, the wretch
remblingly replied.
"Then stand yoti here in front of
The fellow was moved up in front
of the table, and surprise and fear
cemed to be struggling for the mas-
ery over him, for he recognized now
the strange monk about whom he
tad probably heard so much.
"Lesko Totma," said Vladimir
ow and slowly, "you have been seen
much ir. the company of a hump-
backed priest named Savotano. You
know such a priest, do you not?"
Tile man hesitated. He gazed fair-
tively about him and trembled more
:ban before.
ackac e.
X,ro7rf} ,Aylllttvt''ll �,1#Wt4 s►X d•rulw
`.t"ONOW GlQb2l. halal 01 Lord A,ylr
mfir, defw*nd=t aad godson o>t the
gov(:lamr-sezwral of Wat Iiaute, r1+-
ocutly r-oolved a letter' frcym Mr.
A. H. Baokus,. chalralaau 114 I Wl fi;<l ince
c,4lnittce of the towel, of Ayltlue-1,00.
tart,o, airking, pzrlaYc'%flt%, to the
ef,'at of arms;. of the fal:11117 04, tltentr.,,
tlolti3ry at file mita(tiUlLa;ll:I�'. Mr -Par.
kwj lac*fac.Qs t1w apptica-kn lij fetid..
1 ,. 11 (Tp. to 18�G thiel place was a, smil,l
hamlA,, and the p`tlo<: of met'tirk, for
sate (
�,c,tl b' Sin;'ss
tie l •1,
teal ' i 1i , v Il
� w
%Ld to dllicuivi a,!l matter.s of a ]octal
tnter.st lY iq it wa:,T t elbop. '.Tile
nazns:r, of til2 p -,-t offiea wa:s Txoy,an4
aft tb1 abjvv� +lai.e, j1,A pz;,are to the
rob llioa of 1837, feelin;,i of loyal,y
I -an pretty high, and the'inliab:tanti
of the lootility ml:t at VaswAl's wa•;;-
ssn Fhop anrt unani•m,•ausly voted that,
they w.ry:tsld no 1prll ar hay.s the nal.to
": Troy, b.ii would •1 k that t.hw
nater+ las chane,ed to Aylmer, aGer
L:rt1 Aylm r, the th.%i Governor -
t= uvra! c:i (.I ;,i la,and 611.01 Hain•• a• t'
S n'• Ln o,h to to fi•C,• d(p•iztm'nt..'
...4m'1 1n.0 a town o° 2,500, with
several in.les cf cem,'nt hallex, a Brit.
41:ls's o:'1'otlt' ins 1 lVe" a oomt"lete
ell'etric lighL Lsy.item, laded a good
wa.L •r works system.
.Lord Aylm,•'r has r(.141-1 that he
Ila,; great pl: a ;tore !n g • a• ing the
rrgw,st, Itu',j expreswd the opiml-,ri
char. Ih' advptlon of the Ay1fa r "r,oat
,1Q arms" was a fit'iaq WIft"A to the
to •'ct,:wal of the na.mi up,)n the for-
m r liaml•'t, n:,w gr6wa info a pro
p roar town. It seems that Lord
Ay m„r's aneestor, when governor -
g n••ral. Im.%ved thrawli the Isettle-
m nt rub equ •ntly named after flim,
,gin a visit to Colonel Talbot, a mil'-
tary acquaintance, who had tong to
r.rlld” in We•atern Ontario.
Loan of ule„b.
If yon And 'there
fallilig below
normal weight there is dan ter• The
ur•n otfi,h nils can trlupurarily ad!l fat,
but wf I llvV!•'' hoil,l leu hnt(lthy ti„ata,•
Dr. Chase's Nervy Food lusts theowth
the blood luid nervons systollt and carlf,•s
new lie's and euIii,gw to I v. rr nvok told
eorlit•rof the body, It regulat,s file
varlolls or -mils of the booly, ntilkes tae
appElritot 4” ud, afield helilt•.ly flesh, laid
teptael-s tilt-.tis"Iles ava:;terl by I i•r.anr.
Naturally tL •d gra•ln(tlly illis ton I (-tire
rr•storps (-niter• til th'r oiwelcs, inureasos
rite w•oight of the body Hold thoroughly
UPrr:nrll-.; e-1 t>;r143H I+
Review tar 1901,
Sir Charles, the leader of the clan,
Went way back andl.sat down inJAl�� i
Con. prospects eettled ata an, ebb,
And looked liko 39 oanta in
- IEIi.
The. Cons. were minus, vim and starch,
And witnessed Laurier's onward
Sant Iloghes on matters at: tha Cape
Talked freely through his hat''in• .
A -P.
Di. -wet, in an entrancing way,
Began to get "hard ,pressed" in
M. Santos-llamant'.s warm balloon
Gal. wraeked• just 19 t.imeis ins
It still deolined, to really( fly
And 19 tinx;•s fell in' ,
The world refused to onward jog
And took its holidays in,
, W"IOPK '......:I r" ..ti _ nMl�INFaI�r+lttil+rwb
►il' Aa1
"I In,p+!q IT ,,t ,Ii ,,
! �
li Ili.
AT.ixs Stone, the missionary, st('ppr(t
' Id'
k the
work oil
Inf.c, the Brigands' hands in
• ;'• r a i l r o a d
sr t"r.
pastor, Rev. Dr. WakefMol, on Feb.
whother ill
To Sandy Ilcok the, world nolo flocked
181h, 19o2. If Dr. Wakefield lives to
e uaI
v the
While, Lipton missed tit:: cup in, r
of eilgincerst
Tho price, of eggs' nolw I:plvard drove
will Ilave preached in the Methodist
per Reached (i0c r Elozen in
I•hurch for the long period of fifty years,
IA.= r' _
g�� s chini.sts or
,,44 •�
, ry�r�tJ� .
r L
( t r ac'k til e it,
As Christtrins presents never cease
Kuox and Humber of Go leriuh, notify-
I other minister in the Dominion. Not-
We, all went. olnan: dow I broke in
theut that in the opinion of clan-
wiih tanding Dr. Wakefield is seventy
fill(, that tdle
:. '�•�;,.,
r •j,1,1! heavy woi'li
—By Lh(- :+leve 147un in ih,a l�i.untrwll
has ft(-ce te<i an invitation to ectasia a.
they do and
herald. ..
ill his resent ellttr e. For
tUt1i't 11 veal I1 g
` lie exposure
rains' tit(+ council !,f 1901 t,orrnwed fuer
V11.111go of weather find tempora-
bard on their back. andm'
•� t�.�t.Y..a R.'..t : ,:
"1 lure are fecv raili'oadmen who
r r Infants si x Chili. V. •
,o not, complain of kidney trouble.'
1 d twice was president of the
11 some. forill.
I)r. Pitolier's Backache Kidney
til' aul
.� .�.
cigax'rre w=wire;
E .ar
abTets have proved themselves tilt
- �'✓ i • (/
c. ^�
r(lates ltrnef.wtors of all classes of
tilroad "ine2I. They give en -go to
A I(a)ar"nti luveut»nt•
IA ttchin ;", 1301`9 ba,0k, Ch'ar tip the
David Belding, a Michigan tele-
ine, relieve'tlle soakling, fled
graph operator, has inventedta device
~taint;, and impart Ilew life and
whereby •1 tolephon:: is iv operation
a'.lty to the tt1'121:1rSr Ufga218.
oil the Bayne Falls & Nort.beaslern
railroad, and by means of, which a
_ _
i':.0 CC330.
trainsman can telephone to any paint:
1It�. Al.uy Wilon, !:l•ing on AlbeO
r•oels, Stlrnia, Ont., i„Ls conli,le:lro in llr,
in the ,system with! his train going
alone at 40 miles an hour, of whatever
AA-aor's Tiackaelle, Kidney Tabletg. Ile-
is the speed of the Boyne Walls S,
a t;(°c rt.:vi eu,tllr"•er.i. t l a n11ua,iuist or
ai ..v.:.:•., leas l:aa( cored of
ILI sl t,.
Northeastern trains.
A gale with at Book at one encs
I g p ..
111 -t1 1'i- r-: tb(":;. J.t:'s. 14ilson
r r
t .Ilan
• vire: running ) ct t
end and a copper 6 b
tho pale. and connected' with, Lite cal'
P;; ,gibers hic::::ahe
:.ta)llts that, I bn) my sol: from
!of the locomotive, transacts tlr:, bust-
:earj'sc dru- titnro Ila ti 4+'.l(: ,:ins of that
la,uot in the back
!Hess. The ground is reiehedrby at:-
I tachint a wire to tilt( boiler iihc:id.
l.t)I:t it"hi an.t
I t 1,:111 tile, trr,.at(."t Ini:! :'v. ?Io
frit tale l ,I; (,tE'g tad t, 1, r,lIaoll •s, 1",'it.
: This is a great ( triumph Over ille
forces of nature, which are thus in -
f a.
Tu nnhrtnh,w•II, Aln 11 to hTnnfitly
n btnt-ery ll l it. tYunit n , iJ I•i, (I uv• ri n
wbn wia j.pt Ili .4 `I tit fit lll. mI i JI (1,11 1 [ it
wx,-4 a At, luedd, ' ,ol rilti, tat in,
n. ICribtrH+• Wlftr{Y•tt(tt i+1, In,••I or
bm,Iirt,t•1vaa,1„rL ^tar tirnt,+.,r nKl••'r,A. 1
to 1101 1%14111 ,t t. aolllr+a• i1(ltit
sial te•t)t •a'(1 tilt [ fl1 Iu.t o,d In
1'y nu.iu+•xad "bi,,.x, l •• all t ut,•a,I tits
�;11-rFustraid trial! alkEIr•esilt*.(t!ir1h!rwith
mir +ibiit r.ne�l ,'.rrn'ar. ,b••!••rt�'r,,, the wwdlee.
Till- lathegretrra Wf'r erre Ill 0' by all} no Ile,
Iur r.nearI Ill III,- fu..�ra,ld'n I•?I:+II.L
•j 1'u�lu 1'lll•ur•,tn,�nrl lr,(u,el,iae lh,tt ,nr,�s tits
, IK 31nby ,11,111 i tb,• g,•r,ns tl, u r nt•r tit•• a!w•re.
nil�r l,tr+r. f.P'
till r.
oMP 1.111” vrh1, 1lIiev
'iYo,tbp•,,thrum4tl-m, 15. v :.e•, •. i+•:u ais'l'e• ubl••M1,
ete. .%It •au,t Pei tit ash! n •,•11 1': Loa in 4 a
fnw c, nluoc• Lent mit• two don't ttant
tins »ipnl•y In lifut,lct•, n' un nn wtl
Ina to n .t i ,r ai Keil t our a ung nIII i addt•rs`• and
are ,x111 -end, • a thII Pill' W I I taut 11 1700il•tra,
1.1D9N[Eti!i -�
Dept. W t<• Tor,.nto.
y •i 7'
t�iW_tl.1V1 a I,1,.IL�s,ls•w�,u'd!�II Lt L1161WAIN11.il:hhl
Rain andsweat `
have no effect onE.41iharness
treaed,with Eureka Har-
ness 011. It re-
,Ists '
damp, ` \
I soft and pit- ,�y�J
able• stitches V
do not l,rc:ac.
T19 rou-ii sur-
face to chafej�
sadcut. The
l/arss not �
oilyy keeps
took(ntild:e Ll
new, tat \oaf 11�,!�
wears twtCtr
Aslon•I,ythe .. '
use o(S4rc1. 1
Har ss oil.
Sold V•` \' (`
in calls—
all sires.
Made by
Imperial Ott
rThe exDnrts of the United States for
the year 1901 were valued at $1,465,514,-
139, being $12,431,974 less than for thea
prior year, which .was the highest re-
corded. The total valuo of the fert:ign
trade of the conutry, iucIndiuit both
exports and imports, was,,' 2,346, 919,486,
which exceeded by HS,S28,G58 the high-
water mark estahlislied in 1900. Ont,
the protectionist theory, the Unite(,
tites are travelling flown the broal3
r ,Ltd to rain, iulpurt, rising and exports:
An interesting coitt has just he( -u sold
ip Uermauly• It i, rnle of the few coins
in the history of the world which van bis
aner;e:l of i,aviug a hluneruu, side to it.
In 1673 the Danes descended 0n the port;
of Hatnburv. but their attavic ptioved u11-
sucuessful. The luhabitants of the town.
strath a nit -dal to comuteulurate rhe oc-
casiud. The legend ou the ruin was its
follows: • Thi, Kill or Denuturk has
111Ma11 to Hamburg. If luun wnuitist
� Im ,w char he achieved lank oill the
grliee gine." It i, miediess to say that
"tllu utltc r si(It+" is a b:auk.
Only it Mitts 1SIu:1cllcLa.
That it: tilt- firsr tuuui,,ral.abie syrnptont
of d., kidtloys, all 111:11,01t, l,hich
,It, u u 'all ur;ba!t lvithotit illvitill;
ri_! t•'s 4114,a,v. dra114)14i. rin-ulll)Iri.ui
(I lite lm.W randtil aud fatal 111•11p.dies
1• tit fl �t gni of i-tacknol.t-awl urinary
L)r•, Clinge's Mobley -Liver
Pill” nml -yo r:, 11 Im et rtaitt of proulpt
I.: li, f untl 4:11 cu. Our pill it do'e. 23 Ceuta
L ho-,,
Bn, I+ ;'nnth w Sr, 11ol,ws h,ld his
11,n11tb tal(ru I is iu a turu•,p Pull) +r.
1Ir,•tiu_s 1„ r..•ut;1e' G:uu with tilt! youth
Bruce Farnivrs' Instirllte will b' field in
the towil,hip h,til, Ilotyr"tid, uu Satur-
day, .Ian. ;;5;11, 11.02, cuiulnrucing'it 1.30
and 7.30 P. til.
A uutuher of euunterteit ;1 Canadian
bills have been placed ill eireulation in
this district. Tile hill, are, numbered
utl are dated March
876,432, Sl -ries 13. tt e
31, 1898. They are very tndly printed,
! the f`rteo being blurred and not at all
i clear.
^tt„ plexi ti,,. ,. (rl;c!,: ;.t 1'( ;cf t�('niously
innde to •subservo, lite, will I
is tele-
The Paris Methodist church has
in •1 "- ni th'••�r. i i..: Irl::" of
1, ith phoning
ulan,bnt while file engineer
to his girl, "Ah -h hl -1 o, Jen-
decided to give a jubilee banquet to
fi j q
1, (111 I' (i:.. •,,,,Ir•t!•i :Incl
lt(I Wv.:l •-; :til i L•„•I; of file!
is that yoult” it would be passible r
pastor, Rev. Dr. WakefMol, on Feb.
00 0 0, ;, ,;,,11, Pt
11•: lig tit) hoado , 1;,,t• t(i!lnLv for
him to run intoa an old horse. or a
181h, 19o2. If Dr. Wakefield lives to
-•' 111,1" Ivit, is (-nil yin}: l:a' ;. : h(xllt :,. I 1
wandering cow and find, his affections
complete the present Conference year he
"•1 bOpF, Iv t'!'CU;n(lll•(1(1 flp,,'1':II,LUt, to !.suddenly
ry ; it
1 ho
The flying telephone may be (t good
will Ilave preached in the Methodist
i...l: trouldu •�l:ll tlfcil I
anyi thing,
but in casing' it the, trainmen
I•hurch for the long period of fifty years,
nr. 114"IlEr's Iilleltaeli.' '!* :nee• T.: 1,.4; {{{ nhould
proceed with caution.
i 11, distinction occupied by no other
it Tion, tit n 1•,l drucr'r (• ur 1 z .:, �
Notice has been served on C4>nucillnrs
Methodist minister, and s no,p perhaps
a Det,. ZnjA I'1TU11int. Co., Toronto, C. -I. I
Kuox and Humber of Go leriuh, notify-
I other minister in the Dominion. Not-
�,..- _. - ..-•• -- iia;;
theut that in the opinion of clan-
wiih tanding Dr. Wakefield is seventy
pla.inant 1'', Barlow flohnes, they are
years old. he is hearty and vigorous, and
Th(1 r resit )l litl+hPl' n1`Ontlllr'i''nl'e ol,•v - I
not, I'llaill10 ns Coll110illors tot- the yea''
'P11H R+41 i� lint F,li;tlrfl (111 Ln(•
has ft(-ce te<i an invitation to ectasia a.
n ,'. ('Pi,l itlll.,I 11 .,:111 lot, all The l,l'11,'i
i 1 t1 i
11)'•2 rI•fI It
I -
duE:n(nent, hnr it i:1 nn:terstuorl fir be
ill his resent ellttr e. For
tUt1i't 11 veal I1 g
Vint n t'irn i(+ar, t(+rut t,f (:ii, f,• :l..o:,i,i bt,1
rains' tit(+ council !,f 1901 t,orrnwed fuer
i about thirty-five rears he has
adoptevl, Ir. lvruir'. Metall: fila bettor nnn ' I
�inn'•r than a!w srlitule allows
1 <'(-uliie,t the position of chaiiivau of
and give. r1. 1(al,;.t(m tinily for curryinw oat
+Ito district with which he was connected,
sclle mea, ;
1 d twice was president of the
Wallting shout rVolue 1, 11 Gorman {
111111106 Ri'4111rd Gvanlwsh, it i;inzior• n1',
+ r; ,
. � . • Apostle,
' !: ,, It tit( ., ,
• . t'hn all. hill (
kfort t c
Ilan l
�of I•Iygieiali. P,eiln', t hre•arowd %cull (•on-
sumptiou, Iw rerolved tU ell,lulzl+ ilia'
.Ando of lift' at Haler, lus(1 limi, evades 'Ill.;
world. Patina (,lily brwid It, (1 11-ttit 1111(1
1 sleepiuit tuuiet (:.+Ilvtanl ut rI rs. ,lifter.
j ►alar ytmr (IL' this tour.,' he 1; tin harden-
t ml that nt•itllwr hill, sm. w. cold nor heat
( tfteets Will. 'III, never tunt'hra tv Ilei ill!
uhver tal(t`s enl(1: lie ('1111 "Vail, s(!v •s !
j 111jivs in an hour With I, list-. it hll- Is I'll
Irno N)l to do tsovelli % ill it lily,. With li
few tIwller h" In 1 s happier than 11th
Id 111"s utld is tri lug to convert the world
to Iris vilms.
10 GENT5 sal
Gallia rence• No other man iu AuteriCa
hits attended the three ecumenicalI
SECURESA 0000 LIVER (c(niterenvols. two of tvbieb were held in
1, 1 null 0110 in. 't'v'aehitl
Lau, on, Is, Ian(! g
began 1 ill. %,st rill
AHD GOOD HEALTH •toll. W. yb ,k,.ttt+ld bet, 1 y p U
d Blood Sulld+lr. I work ill �tr-11 to, ct in 1839, and the fol -
An a aysteld Itetiovator an ' i lowilig aro t owu of the placer; tvhel`o 1:0,
Dr•) g11ew's Liver Pills are supplanting all
others, so great has bebft the demand i hits l een statiuh(fl:—Iligersuli, 1 o0d-
that it's hard to supply it. I -t(-lc, Aylmer, Q,Ue., Aylmer, Out,,,
1 Ni,I; Ilre., Wellaud, Drummondville,,
Caro Constipation Itid t Nervous ti Heayellow clear ,i,II ,a'nl Siwoop Sherbrook(i j%ltte., $to
the c(anplaicion, tid it of eruptions, yellow skin, + + ) -
contrd toogAle, etc. Act easy --newer
nl:tl y',, ' ith t2u, Ha
lmiltun„ God(•ri0h
th•liter CIleCt5 RCC 11111t9trrrl a, DY[ldas and iaLea DSIItic plaisurcgclpvisad
�g4a pills, [o cents- looplls,
lui(1 t1�° 11,,T,. itamiltr»l,'C5'3111ham, iti 1Y8:1 And tit Iiir;Btatit,
141 ,
• - ....,..max. ,.., .......,. .,_ .,.... �. ....�.....