HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-24, Page 3f I
E WINGIIAN T141',8, JAN, 2f9 V1024
LUZ FULL OF rvmy 70 slvr-
in Furs, I THE NEWST'OREI�"11'191 11'anoskets
ALL OUR READER ek of Ladies' izrs
The entire sto -ered at a
ITS SYMPTOMS XADr EST BY A COA�f and Jackets are being Or
What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate — Other WV1 reduction of troul Twelity,five to
F, 1) T ON -;, Wkn 131MATIT, UJiD TASTE
Items Clipped 'From Our Exphaggos. 4N' TIM, 'MOUT11 AND P.&INS LXTRNDTNG LOW PRICES
Forty por cent., and nriee,4 in other
TO TUR .UOULDSRS. departulents hare gone lower This
W1ITT"1.r1U110K. Vrom the Erooftvillo rv(-ord(-r, N a Genuine Sa)e of Spet-jal V tlun,4.
Miss Bella Straclian who Ice r, -t -�Iil- Many are complaining of sore arms.
Sufferers from liver troubles find life Please read out-
littery shop in Leaden is. spen UP t �r lit r Vaccination; they say the pains tire as one of almost constant misery, growing GONE LOWER list of ........ REDUCED PHICES
holidays under the parental mof. bad as the disoaso, worse awl worse unless prompt steps
Misses Jennie' and Melia Carrutberr, We are pleased to report that White- and the prop . or remedy bo taken to
of the Lowlands, Grey township i--%witt a church is now entirely free of what was restore the organ to its jigtaral coilslitioll, $18-50
a day recently at Win. Wright',, wiih said to be bistallpox. 1�3 -0 Ladies' Bloc]; Xem,,y Cloth Jaelwts,
Some Good P0, ints I Ali- and Mrs. Thos. Simpson. Master Harry Poildle, after doing Mrs. Joseph Leclaire, of Brovkylllu, Nvas Eighteen dollar Capermes for hood, regular value -$10.0, salp
I I I such a sufferer, but has been, happily, $5.00 price„ ...... ....... $Mo
XLs Godkiu,
Alag-ie Snell is conflued to her seven months with James
All the good points arelbod with that prevulvot dist-asi., called farmer, of Uordeu, Man, has one to released from tho trouble by th-k only 6 Ladies' Beaver 'Jaokefs, - alertly ; $M 2 5
easles. Minnesota, and is now worioug in the medicine known to, thoroughly restore made, regular $7,00, solo pried $5 Fnr 0apprivos, hign colla dcely
eklsi�y Shown in the "Mrs. Robert AlInn Johnston n wl her lumber callip. He reports wages good, this importaut organ to its normal lined, regulur value sule
brother, P-ichrrd Williamson, (it Botitin. boarafirst-cless, but very cold weather, condition, . once disease has fastened $5.00 price ..................... 143.23
ramous BELL PIANO. upon, To a reporter, Mrs. LeoIRlra Ladies' Fur Ruff and Collarette toiI
FIRST -It is put Into the handsomest vii -it, eau, North Dakota, formerly residents Sorry our boyA drift to U11clo Saill's willingly gavo hor story for publiuption. Clear, regular price $7.50, sale $2.75
ityer designed for tin apt-Lglib platio, and can hv of Jamestown, were renewing their old country, She said.— IV or a long time I suffered price .............. .......:).0011 Girls' $hort Coars, to clear, regular
had in ebony, oult, walnut or maple. friends in this yjoinity, Mr. Johnston Janes Poddl ' o, after -working one
SECIOND-The ivories: are of, tho bolt, t)w has a fine position as book-keeper in his year at Algoino, Mills, is now in the old severely from compli,3ations of the liver $3.75 1 $3.5U and $ 4. 00, sale price
Country vititin and slyspopsi4. I Would awal *11 tj Ladiei' Fur Gauntlets, iiic(-Iv lined, $500
tono of tho sweetest, and everything that goos brother -la -law's store. his parents near old cc i � �i�
London t, i, text Ts s reg
Into the construction of this beautiful rostra- Grea obangws, havo tal morning with pailis imilt I , tilar value $4.50 to $5.00, 80,10 Ladies' Fur Caperlues, well made'
Last Wednesday 6ening Mr. and price ...................... 68.70
niont and my stomach. M ton is-boyouderit-loisiu. Mrs. John Millar oil the boundary gave placo in 13 years, si,teo lie last vis to was and lined, regular $6.50 to $7 00
heavily coutLd, and I li� sale price ................
home and Jim is likely to spend anotiltr Ld - horrible
T. 11. ROSS3, the youfig people an up to date danep. $450
taste in illy mouth, es set y on arising Ladies' Navy and Black Beaver $3.50
_%V IN We tire sorry to say that Dougal i3years in Canada.
G ETA in the morning. Iwas oustipated,and Jackets, regular price $6.50, sale Fiae Fur, Muffs, nice curl regulat
Simpson of Wawanosh, a son of Andrew
Xus4.11L 111strinum,ts I ac times my lien. we it ache so badly price ................ ..... $4.150 value, $4.50, sale price $8.50
ircidliv. -tpl) Sim son this villa e, ifiNviththat Corn Lightning
g 4 iind M ii that I conitl sea -e h -t it ):est on the
speci y
,yc /dachl.
terrible disease known as small -pox. That's Putpain's Corst Extractor. gives .11 ',Cha s such at lourning son -
Willie Wright , t a son of Frank- -G cores tired feeling in about twenty-four P1 uw*
- AN'*- Wood's - phoaine. hears. They couse(Inesirly got out US satiou in illy btomaull at tinies that it REDUCED PRICES IN OUR BOOT AND SHKE K&A"
and. e� g
.0 ':�ssa
VW Great lish Remedy. Wright is attending school in Brussels, they cannot ]COLIP 'LIP 010 INLill itad longer felt as th6ugli oibre was it timaof fire ill
�V Sold. -and, commended by All Thos. Wright is laid tip with blood —makes thein weary -it's Putnam's it The pain wit.; wq)euially severe
dru - Onand Only rell.
able, .1. a* Painless Corti Exti-lotor that sloes this. 1�g lots $1.00 75C
abler e cinecdUcovered. 81z poisoning in his hand. Tojuseems to be titter eatiug, and fur munt h uiy life was .f., g.�r 0 1
0 guarai4tZedto cure all Now don't forget. All flinggists, Ladies' Cardigans, No. 1 quiality, ro-
V a c
.11=0,r***.svS,eXu,i; mer ness,,ell- 6flects of abuse very unfortunate for the New Year. one of nilsery. A friend aqvised me to Childron's Cardigaus, No. I quality,
,or excess,` ental- ees8tve us- 0 Mr. and Mrs. James Caft spent San— take Dr, Williams' Pink Pil:s, at.d. I did galar value $1.25, sale price $1.00 regular price $1.00, sale price 75o
-ba co, 0 lu or mul ts..'Ma-10A an eceipt
o6f . price, one kage$l,. six,`$5, �'Ow toill ile—, day at Cranbrook with M.rs. McDonald. I so. After using the first box there was'
to re. amp lets frev-tolazy�addiess. Goo, and Mrs. CoombesiApaut -Sabur- Mr. L. d. Vineent, who spent the lost $1.25 $1.00 11
a ACoWpa3;ky,%1W1ndsor, On& a material improvoliteut, and ill thel Ladies Dongola. Boots, buttoned or Men's Strong Workin,,, Lased Boot _111
wooa,4Phosphod1u6 ls.4oldin Whigharn by da.,y in Cranbrook. two weeks here, renewing old acquaill- course of it few weeks longer I felt that laced, regular $1,50, sale price
.Colin A. Campbell, A. L. Hamilton, It, A. A grand child of Mr. Joseph t0oombes tnuces, returned to his 1101110 iL St' I wits completely cured. My tonguel .... ........................ regular value $ k. 25, sale price A -i 41
!3)ouglass, and J, E. Dat is, Druggists. I
is dangerously HI with 9;irajy�sis at Thomas on Tutisday.
-,-._ -- was cleared. the bad iasto left ruy 1.2 5
Cranbrook. She is the second daughter Mr. Was Wats on i..; laiii ill) this weelf 75c
of Anthony McDonald. from the effects of gotdag cold in his mouth, the pains disappeared, and I am 1 10 pair, Ladies' Strap Slippers, regal- i Ladies' Fine Quality Overshoes, well
tBrilding. operations -will be brisk titin us Well as evur I was. Isefure taking I or value $1.00, sale price ...... j 5c, lined, regular price $1.75, sale
.spring. Mr..j. Waters has. the material Goo• Tunes who has .bean ougtged arm, which was vaccinated. the pills I buffered, fruit, brolichitis at, price ...................... $1.25
Clegg, & Armstrong shfpj)xl it (,tit
,on.the.ground fora;,solid.briek house. with Robert Moffat for ;tihoi last .rive a tlinos,bul;it has novur since troubled.1 50c
load of cattle to Toronto oil Thursday. I S 1. 0 0
31r. 'N. -MaKelizieds making prepara- mouths relurnad to Dior -vidlage this sue. I can rucommond Dr. Williams' Men's Strong Storm Rubbers regul-
we Miss Maly Phillips, of A,lifieliCi
:fions for a new brick, residence. week, ls Pink Pills ru an nue who suffers Its I or price 65c, sale price ....... 500 Boys' Moccasins, to clear out, ro.,nilar
Alr. A. McKenzie, Mr,% Goo. Xalconer Air, James McLeod,of the Shid.-Howick visiting 1wr brother, Wiffiant, t'Ll"' 1: did. Iprice $1.25, sale price ......:1.00
:and Mr..John +Crowo-sr. are - getting the was calling on his friends Mr. :tact Mrs, wo'ek. Dr. Willian& Phik Pills robwro health' $1.35 500
material in position for a uawbarn each. Will. Wright lostweek. Mrs and Miss Wils,,ii, or Elliflin, 011t., lien's Heavy Rubbers, No. 1, "Gran-
IL11(i Streligta by snaking iijw, rich, red by Snag Proof, regular price 01-Aldren's Bnttoned Boots, regular
-contract for are the gnesof Mr.'Davisl G,L61t..N this, b,,uuLj, thus str,)1jgthQn,ngLVery orgauin 5's, i value 65c, sale price .......... 50c
Mr. -John Crowojr, has the veek. They hi%vo been on. at viriting le price .... ...... $1.35
ithe barns -which will as regards stablingselultlers, tour shice ')ill of August last. Visiting I Wo Wily. kiivy tit) nut eat merely upon
.-be up i to. date. Thos. Russel sold thi-ee young cat t -le ill Manitoba, Dakota and Millilebota. the SyMptULAt.1, its urditiury medicines,
Mr. johli.-McDonald. and wife from do, but go directly to tljb root of the Ready-to-wear Clothing in trig Basoment at Rei Prices
to Jos. Grasby,•Df Hullott township, and Miss Alice Harrison is sekviiig in the I
..Manitoba are oil a prolonged visit to -were delivered on Tuesday ofithis-week. village this week. trouble. In this was they cure such
,friends and relatives, on the,211d. The owner reo6ved-Skl-v eadh for thern. James Robertson, of Harristou Mon., is diseases as I'ver and kidney troubles, i
Mrs. McDonald sr. of Manitoba is viz- Mrs. Jas, Shodden, 4tli Iftio, bas been visitul-, friends in and around c1le village rhumnati-w, 1;tuu�N L41b, ��t.Vitus' dance,
Atilig-at her brotbertiwlaw-As, Mr. John hoaxt troubl"., -.,ick headaches, anaemia,!
.McRae. quite ill with threatened appendicitis this week. and the irr.,p1ladtLes that make thei lie L 18ARDGod,
but is consider -al Ay ibetter now we are .hiss Nellie StAilker is the gpuz-G of
.Mr. tGrallain and •son -is vis-iting his pleased to state. Mrs. David this week. lives of so many wuniva oil,. of conbtaut
daughtor,.Mrs.,�W. .51arshall. Lsery. Do not Lo porsaaod to take.
Dirs. Win Y%Ing and children, who Ddr. T. A. 11wlain, formerly of chis I Opp. Bank of Hamilton, Highest Price Paid for Producy.
Miss Hanuah-Porter-froin near Godo- h.4 any substitute; sue that the fu -1 name'
Ooh ds -visiting liar sister .-Mrs. Robert have been vWting Tulatives Isere, -left for village, liow of Dtgvils Lake, - Nort
0 - "Dr. Williams' Pitik Pills' for Pale Alk, j6,,J6UIN
hheit hdffie at Partage,16t �6airle, mail., balwta, is visiting his parents here anti. i
oil Wednesday. his sister, Mrs. Jas. Hasigh of Winghaal. People" is oil the wrapper around overy! ------ -
-Mr. Johr. Caslick has his broncho James Bolgar and xvvife, of Manitoba, Air. Haslam brings with him his bride, box. If in doubt, the pills will be sent
tty-wall broken to go in1aarness. postpaid at W cents it box or six
.Pre are enjoying aholidE4,y-here. The.gentle- nee Miss E. C. MorggLu of Bayfield. ThL-1 11 Ino
for $2). 5 d
a mail is a sea of Jas. Bol ax 134 miles marriage took place at tile residence of 1 0, by addresziug t1ho T he 11 U f -n C�������
MAtish. Columbia mines produced $2,- ' liams Modicla,
Worth of Walton. the bride' i Co , Brooliville, Out.
,07.3,.335 worth of minerals last year. s sister, Mrs. F. E. B. Mercer,
I The Blair farni., T.itmiliariyknown as Langdon, North Dakota, oti. Jan. 7t i,
Gsiorge E. Speanrin his disposed of
Mr. Haslam is one of the leading busi-
jii&50 acre farm, west half of !jot 38 the Geo. Hanna homestead, 6001uo, was IMAT n1d Storage Co,
-inilitio-, bought last week by Peter McNab, the ness young men of Davils.Lake. He is T, , 0 11 11
.concession 13,Grey,.to ,David 01 It c I le eleet for 1PO*! m:4 on Jan. 113111 ov
present telaant'n't$5,500. '11. S. Scott, alsocityand school treasurer and lifts pursunilt tostatute, tit(, metub,-r4 tlivrvof beiug
liant, -,*lie retien tly -sold his 100 acres Oil
Brussels,• of acquired extensive real estate interests John T. Carrie, Reeve, and Alfred B. Carrjohn
the-10thcon. Tlioprivepaid wa,442;pfi. made sale. It a good ere. After spending a short , Conn
LbIU' in and we wish there. the -now :proprietor t time with E. Bilis, Win. Doble and Win. Beecrolt
It is a good farm aunt has coniforti success oil friends here, they will return to their. eillors 1101:101101111 present. Huving each in competition with several oth out. or the position of firiancitig the
the "call"
L "1 5 p " ' '
.rill 0 'r Z'
S.Vvera y 8 R 'r
buildings. e I tl Bohlen -otbor with his
llw u. cribed to tho declurntion of W.
1 above concern, the offer of Mr. W. R. M)dpieii . been accepted, tog
Jan. .13"iloof. Dalcoto home. We wish them happaess qualification and of office, the Itetwe in che t
I plans, for the erection of a group of .1 bu . t1di in which andle all. manner of
The council met according to statute and prosperity through life. chair, the minutes of the Decemberit ecting, farm produpts. These buildings will it u(Io a Pork Factorty with a capacity of
1901, were read kind pawed. �j �
—Wni, Isbister, The aunual report of tho Belgravo handling 1500 hogs per week. A Pon] y Finishing Station, including a buildiug
and the members (eleot Carr-Beecroft-lubut P. Porterfield be Clerk, it
reeve, and Presbyterian church shows the finitilces Wary $E5.-Carrwd'. for incubators and brooders, b ilt.o laps entirely new to Ontario and at present in.
son and Taylor—cubscribed the access- to ba in a most satisfactory condition I operation at Kansas City and ton. , Also an immense Cold Storage building,
Ellis-Dobie-Thiii Philay Anderson be Trea. 8 'tterHro,
ary declaration of offloe •and . tguhlifica. under the pastoral care of Rev. J. J. Hurer,salary $30; this sum to covers i capable of hatidling all ilie ap es and batter Huron county and the tributary town-
11thedut"s [.ship's can produce. At the present time almost the entire Prop of apples crown iu
tion. The Reeve occupied thechair, Hastio: Therr-oviptsare $1,11020, bal. i and extra.,; connected. with the office for the 1 Huron the last year are lying in cold storage in Toronto, where they bring,, $4.50 per
yt,ar, except that of hostages and stationery.- I 'a little more. In 1900. Huron county lost' in apples alone,
Oil motion of Code :stud' Taylor W once on hand $17;1.6,8; the Ladies' Aid barrel and in some cases
ity Carl -it'd. fully $100,000, by not having a storage plant. Farmers disposed of their crop at
Clark. was reappointed spent $22.30 in church vestry furnish. James W. Bono and Peter W. Scott were. r(,* 50c Per barrel and hundreds of barrels rotted in the orchards, the price not being
On motion of Jacks= land -Shaw Td. ings. The receipts of the building Com- tippolilt(,d auditors cf the tovurnship accountA lal-go enough to allow of picking. No sooner had winter sat in than $2.50 and $3.50
Newer thciudht of SLItCjj :a Black and R. Johnston were ateappointed mittee are t7,47.50, itiost of which has I for 1601, salary for their services,$7each. per barrel was the price in the large cities, yet we received no benefit by not having
auditors, salary $8 each. been expended; $187.18 was collected for Board of Health for 110: The Reevo and. a storage plant of our own. This concern will send its pack-ers,tbeir shareholders,
Clerk, and Walter McGowan, Janies McCallitin
sign for -,I medidine did ycia-i? On motion of Code and -Shaw 4olin schemes. The Women'd Foreign Mis. 11ndhtniN McG(v, properly pack and gls
rade the apples and on delivery at theirearest railroad station,
farmers will be paid the current price. The apples will be placed in their own
Society sent clothing to the 1�eeeroft-Dobic—Thnb J. WeAsh, M. D., Bel -
Well, �if's a good sign fox \Watters was reappointedesseassor, flalsii�y 13101larY storage at Clinton and as the season advances will be disposed of whenever they
4), $70.00, Northwest to the value of $27, and have grave, be re -appointed M. R. C. for the ourr(,rit , will bring highest prices, and the increased profit remitted to the farmer as is done
Scotfs Emulsion. The lbody Jackson—Shaw—That file painting a balance incash of$25.16i The receipts year.—Carried. by similar cone(mis. Isitnot aneasy matter to figure it out to showyonrself this
Carr—Beecroft—That Wm. Robinson be As-
tfor the current year be awmilled ,to the -of the Sabbath school were $71.74, of !ystens will bring us not far short of doutle that we are aconstomed to receive. It
'bas to be TCJ�airGd lit I q(1.4sor for 1W.1, salary same as last year, W). is confidently believed as much can be done in apples and po,-tltry, as has already
cc Other Brussels Post for the suni'Of.t2l. which abalaijee of $1031 remains OIL Cnrried. been done with hogs. Both railroad and steamship lines have arranged for handling
things and. -Scott's Emulsion is iOode— Taylor — That the taxies ,of land. The session reports 67 faiiiiijes at Dr. T. MeAsh. DI. H. 0 , interviewed the court. Our produce in cold storage and it, remains for the farmers to take advantage of the
John Parr, Jas. Bailey, Jaue Parker, 'the bAginning of the year, four -with- oil, principally regarding the disinfecting of tilt' I system now in use. -.Every farmer in Huron county and tributary townships may
the medidnC that toes it. 0 ' ral shvelling houses in the town'ship, at pro- I become a patron if he so desire and if he wishes to secure a 'handsome price for his
Sarah Fleming and Will. Wiley..11nouut- •drawn and four added, leaving 07 at seve
sent quarontinoaon account ofwhatissaid to:
Thesepoor bodies Wear out -Ing
in all to $6.80 be remitted. ,present. Members at last report, 143; be sinnl1poN, when the proper firee come.A. Apples and poultry this coming season, he should immediately investigate the matter
Tay-lor—Shaw—That the clerk be in-' added durins, 1901, seven; reniuved, 12; Coin. front Angus Smith, C. E., Stratford, I for himself.
from NVOrly, from 0,vrer-work., 1i etructed to send for seven copiesof the, present mewbership, 138; Goo. 'I'aylor again asking to be appoilited to the office of,
Town -drip Engineer.—Yllvd.
Nunioilial, World for use of Cowicil. is Treasurer and P. V�. Scott, Secretary. Core. froin.T. posy Roh(rtson reeeived, a"lcC.
frxim disease. They get thin
N c I N
o 31 1%1 E
Code—Jackson—That Messrs. T Laid. The session consist-, of Rev. J. J. Hithtio, nig for a donation lit aid of Sick Children's
and weak. Some of the neW IaNv, L. Hord and W. Johnston be nioderator; W. Wightnian, Sec. -Trolls.; Hospital, Toronto. Ordered,that0begrautt-1
for that purpose. Friday, Jan 105102
Ones are not well made—and members ofBoard of Health and Dr. Jullil b100tilluill, Jain0s; Furgu.-oll itilit !Che Collector was allowed to the 20th of! GREAT
McAsh Medical I-Ioalth Officer. James Cunningham; the finance cc,,, March n(%xt,,Zor the final return of litroll for
all ,of the old ones are racked Taylor—Code—That after hearing wittuo is composed of George Taylor, 1001 this being to accomodate differ ! parties
cAiai1.1....11; P. W. Scotti, 1). Scott I
Messrs. Ryan and Grigg respecting job ) ' * I in the township, at presillit plaml in rnther
ILillidity, J. J. Fvrgusoti, Win. Alichie, -ircumstances.
During NOP a 18 for 0 8%
Teo, Procter, Will. Knox. 11. Me. peculiar t
from long usagge. of glavolling on boundary between Me- jr., A large and influential deputation
Scott's Emulsion fixes all Killop and Morris the matter be referred payers from Donnybrook, and (]tit it ---- Lk Mys
to the Council of McKillop for settle cession lines were present agitating or, and
kinds. It does the Avork both mentos this council has no knowledgeTurkey oxpoits abotu$3,000,00t) worith strongly urging upon the council the great lit-
cessityoP building a bridge acrosstho river-:: T. A. Mills will offer for the- next -o days Special Value.
of letting or inspecting the work. This of opium annually.
inside and out. It makes soft with council (-,oil%. nand 7. J-611ti.lefterson, John Alan -rood.
council do settle accounts
Jas. Armstrong, Alex. Mortonand others WON,; in all classes of Winter Goods.
bones hard, thin blood red, of McKillop. Carried. I r -ft 0 9 heard .1 considerable length lit favor of tit(, I V
j paid. as a britlge, when the Council after soverally ex- See our Mens Dress Overcoats at
Accounts were ordered to be .1k in S V 1*1
weak lungs strong, hollow follows: AicLeau & Son lumber, $4,1.2; �v V40 prossing their opinion, concluded to ittv this Ladies' Fur Coats. Capes, Caps, I $7.60, also a line of' T%vvea Ovcr-
places full Orly the best ma- Corporation of I-Itillett settlement of B That is Scrofula. matter over for further consideration. I 6perines, Ruffs, bluffs and Gaunt• coats to c
DO)ontures N% ere issued for payinent of the lose at $6.00—go-I value,
No disease is older.
terials are used in the Patching litre account, 161.1.42; H. E. Huston, or. 1 folloving accounts: P. Porterfl(,U, seder y a., lets at prices to suit purchasers. See onr line of Uji(It.1,wear in.
11-1) bitratiou costs ra union school $171.75 ). 1�o disease Is really' rosponsIble Ivr �a clerk, IMI, $8.5; ro., Do., po4tago ana station. Also a nuxuber of Cloth Juchets to fleece lined, ut.lonand aliw,,ut.
and the patches don't show larger mortality,. cry,1901,$4.00; Municipal World, blank forms close from 82 150 up. Fleece lined, dt,ahlt- hrellsted.
I Municipal Worldubscriptions andblank ConsuriLption is commonly its outgrowth. and pogtagos, $IZ54; Ucljean & Son, 'Wilighatil
throug•h the new glow of health., fa,mssn).w. R. Iterr balance printing 11 ng it'"It 800 feel, of elln, plank for bridg e at Belgra )ten's Fur Coats in Racoull, 131 ae' k Vnderweir, u*.u.,Al p, ice for -)Oa
In t> There is no e.teuso for i=fectft V(.
No one NIS to wait his turn. for 1902, $1,0; W. Clark nomination ex- makes its presence known by to luallY $12.80;W171.0. Gray,wilighint, filling 13ulgarian and 51arrhot, from 61L) 5() Union, uzaal IACe 50e, for 35e,
pollses andposting financial statement signs, such as glariduldr tuniors. cutaneous I gravel roan, $21 z It. V. Httsit(n, 'Povtor, Vmqt. .7p Allwnol T'ndprwear, 11sugtj 7�ric. line.
'You can CIO it yOurSel r --YOU $5, Jho. Mooney tares remitted $6.30; eruptions, Ingamed eyelids, sore ears, tiCk- WaAvanosh 14h6re of school arbitration at tvl- - 500 to wear.
catarrh, wasting and general debility. grave, Dec. 20th, 1001, 1109s Robertson, -lien's .ind Boys' lei ieze. Overcoats j' To,
Sao, Mooney, co salary $85; P. et8 1. 1 Als') 111 full range Of Stanfl(Ad's
and the bottle. ilea Jmvkersat specially redue.
Children of J. �V- ReGinn, Woodstodc- . : 1111 s It r illizable, Underwear, Sizes
.. Barr part Pity for digging draill *12-0, Blanielpality of 110VA4, diffel enev I),' mpoll(i.
This c11 purees,
picture re resents ByI1,Nv No. I and � 10M were slu'y read Ont., ', had scrofula sores so bad they Could tuix. oil castorn bortildtirs" B Zst Wllwallo4t .nd ra ug, oo� 70 46.
• not attend school for three months. NVhen 0.34. n
tlid Trade tfark of Scotts and passed. 1 1" -g I ' BlanketsW eb
Emulsion and is on tho . different kinds of medichies bad been used ille Connell then adjou'lle'l till Zifte-, Me 1, i:� % tv .1 lat N bt( ick is( Union aricl hi Will be
Council adjourned to meta again ell to no puroose wbAtever, thesp- sufferers were eth of F00anty, nt xt, il.k. IlTd tout or, P.�JRCkll Oil" Prb!(Is. Sev goods before pt,.roh,,.jS1rjg.
p- Wrapper of every bottle, to Mr, WGIIIII'S V0111110tY
cured, ficesitiling P.
Feb 10, neNt.
Send for fret saitiple• linonlal, by
p N W. test
scOTT KZ ood*s J" av l`a
�gdpalil- Stops, the chough
1 tAxittive BroinoQuinint, Tablets curo it cold In TOO L L
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