HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-24, Page 1I C.H.f. ME4 Ti VOL XXXI.—N-0. 1563. WINGITAX, ONTARIO, MIDAY, JANUU 24, 190, $1 k YL R IN ADA .INCH it& J. Mo- O:aAu Fresh Oysters Ar4ving daily , _v orders, for sales Jett at the Tairm 8elvio s. '0 will onipt attention. J. Stock Fr41:L ON SID10 A Tic. —Mrs. W. S. i0iirriA. anctiut,ePr, i Mr. R. 10. Sillib of (14oderiolk was in Anderson while a town oil Monday SPE`0141, UrR,tj special kneet- i town oil Saturday.is We still base flue slipped And fell o the sidewalk, When In," Of thO Town :iourion Was Deis, on Miss Manning of Tc,:outo is the guest collection of picked up and be g examined by t Siliurday ovenjill last, called for the Air. A.E.Smith. Of ATTENTILIN. ry e prpose of conplatters in Mr. Jesse Button is .lowly recovering doctor, it was. fou she had sustaine D quite severe 111,1311 * 14' h will keep coullec-tiOn with the National Irou fVOILL a severe illness, es. a ,e her in the house a ow days. letters which bad Miss Lillio Gray 1wisited flieuds in I I I Works. . Severn lc Beforo purobastog your N t Maxwell received be,,, received by tbu Mf%vor were read, Teeswater last week. N D=D.—Urs. Rf Miss Hazel Johnston visited friends in winter supply of word on Saturday of the death of her but no notion wit- taken iii the matter. I Brrissels tho past week. E Aunt, Mrs. Wil % At Milne, Mich. I TX,1,NFUY SoLl —Mr, J. A. Cline has 1 R Mrs. Maxwell bat niado her home with purelinsed the I- Walk property ilk the 1 Mrs. D. C. Ross of B -ussels is visiting I.Sulpher, salts, Sallpeter, Etc. i at Mr. Robt. Johnston' A Mrs. Wilson bef ire her inarriogo And north eiltl, Mimi as the old tannery. Mrs.$. 15. Dent, of outhanipton, is This is the ino t convenient site in . R illfeel the loss much, fte left on I CALL OX The Saturday afterkt.3ork' to attend the town for n maltut cturijig istablixhatent visiting friends in Wing apt,. E NY Mr. J. G. Ward, J. P. c.1 Dungannon To choose from 5, funeral, Wbllopo'Air Clin play to our tot ti, its the situ Ili 0o visited friends in town t is we( no < We pay, the -1jo utilized. Several Maxwell Tnri u Christmas rush highest cash price in Canada. No, I good It 011() not t( 9 U $ 1 nothwithstanding the WANTnD.—Roll Batter— Mrs. Win. 111111�arry is ut -- gy S successf 0 Mink or Fox, 811,50. G. H. Xmia. others wore aftoi- the property, bat it recovering from her rece it illness. bas no doubt.falle ■I into good hand 1%r. John Robiuson,sr, of Taruberry is And get quotation,,. bas iduy Jan 17, there improving from his rece t illness, passed away Mr. 11 M(!XjnjjOn;Vt the 1 Buy The Natio{ il. Cream Separator. 3jrs, John Slliejls, of Con. 10, East' Man ago of 62. 11VIle do aced had been for Modu in Canada. alany years a resitt it of Turubtirry, IL A. $uLitirp, Apt., Wawallosh, is Very ill W� th diabetes. Whiteeburuh. Thos. McClyrriont, of Dauphin, Mail., hard working man nd highly respected. i Merlical HalI, Wingh,,= The funeral totr. ace on Moriduy to F -Suppleirleritary is renewing old acquairiti nee in town. Is nearly always a well the Teeswater R. . cemetery. Tile Farmers' Institute meetings will be b Mr. August of the *1 mperial :Bank. at Wingliam, Tae<ay, Feb. 4; Auburn,Listowel, spent Sunday,, at Mr. A. E. N. A. Farquharsh bereaved 7f aineirly Rh a a the sympitthy of dressed man. A well jF*kb. 5; Fort Albert, Feb, a and B Smith'& It many frieudsi KV— A( -;r -,T G. X. W. I Miller Feb. 7, T to meetings Open at Mr, Russel of Mount Forest Was in dressed man is always CHI'NA HoUarj S. 8 ENTERTAIN NT —A concert Will, 1.80 And 7.80 p. in. Mr. Win. Elliott %j"towxi this week lo( ver the Bruns- Young Man Oetiiiar Opp. Bonk of 11arnilton. be held Ili Holm school houseCeti on.' Galt, and C. W. hash of Toronto wyllwick House, with 801! Le thought of i Ready for Soi4cess in 1902. ,iken for a succes give addresses on r2bject-i of interest 60 sful Thursday evening Jan. 80th. The pro-. buying. 0,11101111ovylio'lilovVywVVYVIO Hoot lulliviwo.ivoto seeds will go t Ards purellasirig A farmers. In ad ition J. J. Elliott, of, Mr- and Mrs. Thos. St wens, of Gris� iy man. Our Tqlis bnsi- library for the S , day school. No. 61 Wiugham, itud J lin Meold of West' wold, Man., aw visiting friends in this College of ltirgv teltellin;r", , 141".Inc(l oil Ill WaNvancish will 6 leak oil special sub- section, being the guess of Mr. a pVtIvtj,,;'l oriilw.nq Notice to Farmers, hasalivas sustaii ed their reputati and If you are not satisfied with tile size or situa- this line. ability wail f-,*,- r effulp tion of your All 4r; invited to coma and Mrs. Edward Bosnian. - farin, this matter can be easil;r re- 1 jects. For furtbe-l'particalars see advt. 37011.ng Latin it,(! NV,Pjnt% moved, as I have %plivatious from all parts 0 help in a goud cau e. Admission, adults -11, for the w -tire dut Vs evatury I the Pouutry for arms of evvry doRcription, another colum it. The Wingliank; X13, Fairley and chi on of Winui. I Rome to any, others toexchange, He that I as- I 5o; children 10c . Teams will be in Women's Inatitu( will meet in the P091 who have been vi 'ting friends at' k Ping, 1.3tallograp'.1y. $16. it"i - I - ee sure you flitit if you give me tin idea of Nirlint ?ho want I can a"14t you,, and in no t Jiio. & Tas. H. Korr's star(: Oddfellow's 11 T). ill. 0 Seafortil, Clinton And io-her places, are Typewriting, Penmanship n cast, will Wal"D98, 1 4. el,Dbe any costs unless I accomplish your until 7.80 p. m. ij convey those wbo! visiting at.-Ldr. Ale, R,;s'. olp?ct. I i auct. Business Praetice. V r cuo a 'U you would care in exchange 7 wish to go. X U. T. I Our farm for 0 ...... Off'00i"i Miss Peake returnei to Toronto 0111 Resolve to enter for the nmv terw,-' ;,All and r town, city or villal; property or for a farm Ili for Wingliam Ter; i No. 08, K. O. T. M. Friday last after vViting at Mr. H. matte stvTsti in businois �,ouns. Manitoba at, the orthuresb Territories, call Culmim..-­19lie i-JIlowing is the result j were inm oil ruesdav evening by Davis' in town for tule time. Mis�,, And see what propositions I con offer you for stalled I consideration, of the match beftreen. WiLlgliam. and,, Past Oom., W. J. Xeil. The a 31p, Forest City Business CoRmige, Fawn property for to stilt the pocket of 111cers are Mand Davis aevoi lends the finiAing touch To at ,or. UY intending purchaser. Lucknow at Luck. low on Tuesday, ill �As follows: P. C. H. Hopper; Coin., James Cw9sels, of elinont, Man., was i. Y. N.C. A. Building, London, ronta T. J. XAr_7H,.tBt the competition for Ontario Tankard' I'Wm. Carr; Lt. Co -a., F. H. Sell; R. I 'J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Re Niiewing old acquai tances in town this w a well dressed man, Office over D. M. G , , e Agent. Wi cordon's store. nghank. Lucknow. J. W. Dodd; A X., Jesse Burton week. Mr. Cassel worked 'in ' T. A. D. Dinsley Goo. Lawrence Chap., A. 113 Sittinmorts; Physician, N*� H. H. Chisholm Win. Treleaven 1)1:' j Mills' store here for some time. Who Wants a Farm ? �T• ClAsholizi; SE age W.J. Elliott; M. + V. Varknormark J. 1-1miter Mr. And Mrs. 11. . Kerr called on the + I have over 4,000 acres' of choice farm lands F. Paterson, skip 28 ;Wm. Allan, skip 23. a� A. Alex. M�cNtvizx&F. M. of G., former's sister, Arr . R. Glazier of Clin. I + PREPARE FOR for sale, infi%75,100 150 and 200 acres, lots in 0. Knechtel T. 11% Caill, A. Doubledav; E. M. J. Bell; + Kinloss, Greenock. )Bruce Xtucardlike Hot tou,orktheirway ouie from Attending + and Ashfield Townships.' roil oPherson Spilt., W. Doublec sr.; Picket, Jus. ir Good lands with E. McAlpine A. M + + good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. A. J. Alderson Bryan the •funeral of the late Mr. R. Miller of Ad. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling In con- C. N, Griffin, a1c 16, Collins. The K. O. ', M. is now boom- I 11n1lett nectionl doing a good business, for sale cheap. 0 � IS 11th G.Muldo h, sic I + + ing. A numW4r at upositious were re- :firs. B 11, of Wingliam., 2 HUM.,k hotel 01:5- good business for sale, cheap. 11. and A. and 11. + neral store with largo + + trade, live village. Also a large amount of Middlesex and of l r counties report- Mr. Cruther.q, -of Smith Fails,a brother + F,�itxknitls BENVA P.—Farmers iriceivedat the meetin onTnesday L`vonL AlsolLWagO Lop. A I Ing. money o loan at 5 per cent. 06i further par- of Mrs. Ball's, have been viAting in to cases where tillers the roil have been 41 AND 'YOUWILL UET IT, + 'Dr. Butler, specialist ill the diseases Brussels and sic city during the past I + + T. A. McKENZIE robbed of clothing a man who apper- + + T711.411irance Acen't. 71olvrood, of the eye, ear, no. -he aud threat. Bi week.—Brtr�sels ost + eptly has made this ractice a wealia of tested and illimses supplied. Of1heop-, Carrie, of Wingliam. + $1 gajlIiIgalj7ejihqq4, TJje Our friend J. + 01 butario. was it. caller on tl New Era 6titurcht I NIRRAL IOCI�j- NEWS. to as helper, y, + I GE Mr. Carrie is 4 p ornitieut citizen of our A7TEND T1113 and, After securing be same decamps Mns. CAw=s DEITit.—One (it tho old + I + See Halsev :',iik's advertisement, with as much of his wriployer's property residdilts of this vie pity passed away Oil I rk�rtherlk town a d when eljetions corne! + + I as he conveniently I aromid he is a rays found fighting Ili + u Cot, + Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- �rn. The fellow Wednesday, Mrs. Ifilry Cassels, aged + cantral ousin-us. Cot$ � + i the Liberal rutin( —Clinton New Era. + teed to cure headache. gives his itailie as -X+ i-iin, �aud is about Q8 years, relict of ti e late Unit It Ca9sels. + + STRATFORD$ ONT. 4. Uarriage Licenses sixty years of age, d4k complexion, aud The deceased came from Clinton about + 4. RicUOVING. tBrown is having + + about 5 ft 10 in height, i 24 years ago and a. tiled with her bus- MINO LOCALS. + + Victoria the rooms fc— occupied Geo. I . 1 + leaned by p.&TrrksoxXo. 28 Irlm=er I tittionof this Is V1101 lcriowl: wsi, + No witnesses required. onloiithettlefarma—Voining the town inj oul) Payne renovated a fitted p for her MOI%rY To LOAN.—M011ey to loan _Tlte (� + ninny bus)ues: rii-jus nrinly it) 1.), + tv ouncil meets next notes, and notes cliscounted. at reason- 1 .Cast Wa-warlosill, Niliere she lived until + omeoltv1p. own use,: owe I o them soon. i 11 1 1 Tuesday in God' h. + Catulotrut. free. + Lt ablo rates. Money advanced on most-' after his death in Pec. 1807. The cause + + Servant girl teat - Good wages a, with privilege of paying at the, of death teas pneu rionia. 11 —The Maitla id sbytory held I + % She was of I I their W. J. ELLIOT '10 Principal. and steady employ t. Apply to Mrs. gages, of any year. Notes and Accounts: ! weeting in Whigbasn on Tuesday. much re - MINION BA NK, (Dr.) Macdonald. collected. Office—Beaver Blook, Wing- I the Presbyterian, faith, and Bain' ROBT. MOUID007 spected by all. Sl.,o leaves to mourn her i —Mr. A. Benne 't (if winglialli bas Punuo LinitAit Tues. loss one daughter ud five sons. Thos. 1 opeucd a produce at )re in Luck -now. Y t 8 tie Lowor Wingliner p sl:i.—The follow.: --Tile trustee.,; ot i day evening. Jan in a meet- ; of Wingliam, Jai Les of Toledo, Ohio,! --A load of youn' people from Bras- I SOUTII AFRICAN Lf in of the memb rs of the public ing is a rough outlin of the � terms of 1 4(1111001 are ifskiiig hw tenfler!, for the 'Capital ...... 0,500,000 1 � Goo. and Dr. RobitzA, V. S., of Roches-!'sels spent Tuesday a euing at the rink. 7 $ library will be hel in the Reading future colonization,,_ British settlers on i Iffich, and i snnpl�lj•tr of J2 vvi, Is of greon hard Reserve ..... • $2,500,0001 Room. A full atte dance is requ� Government land in -:)range Ptiver Cul- iter, UU3., Willi&L-_ of Flint, —Easter comes o March 30, this 11 wr;od., Win H. 11 i+ th.. Sevre- as business of impo , nee is to 0 c be - ,Cony: —The land toil be offered ata IbIrs. James Golle,%, of Morris, at whose' .-fear. This should Ili in an early Pill irig 'home.- ! rnry, to %% no; -i tondt-, ,� are ! u bt, be died. T �e funeral takes place � fair valuation oil a b.sis of 15 years'! I Read tile advt. iolf the fore the meeting. , I I this afternoon fro) ;: lot 1, con. 2, Morris, - in Al. R. i purchase, with the 01-4on of buying the, FOUND.—A suni of no - Jos. Galley's, to Whighain cemetery. WING"HAM B A N C H i McIudoo's store on t 'day. Owner r frealiold nt, any time ifter three to five i The mourners hay. the sympathy of all. colunill• day lsigltr, ulaitunti. a :It the now may have it by provi property. I years. Government, rill 'end the money; Lt likes Steel of Ill i * oil, sold it year. would 1111A mueh i i the valtim ef the SHAW' BLOSK, lt�AL E13T.kTr �.—Robt. Yeo of to the Bottlers at a avorable rate Of I WHAT A Glinw, I CosTs.—The rolls) io lt� '41 Ini propin v Pit-, S-1 1:14-o 011VIII B Frank Ashton's interest for the purpr=e of stooldug the j119 item from ni rugiii old bull to Win. Barbs of near Wing-! tolyl rt. Inevale has le haut, for $100. an oohflut­� liml not, --ioviii pl."-A --u All A General Banking Business Trans- i farm, 18t Con. Mo Tp., for a term of -farms flaid making ir,provenieuts. Thu " intercst, our how1h pellib I-. Acted, old E..Iglivh "allie f bowls, whit.h. bus! —..hiss, Lily Shark ft, 101) the gore near W. Z. 'three years. W. Gibson who has settler is ext-InlPt fro a rent, except a': Partners' Sale Notes Collected, an( t trona tit tit(, lint offli (- on Friday lasr, —West. W.o% aw vwiw�ll L;*�-;-Cit*, advances made, on same. purchased the 100, Of J. T. quit rent, for the firs ypjkr,s occupkjl,i,..u.'ot lato beo,ime at) toptilar, uppeare, to lie 11 farm i (if meet- ,-niel't i, it is to lie and 4praine-(k her wrist report of Presimtoi Drafts bought and sold on all points Laidlaw of W. Wa noshTp.', has leas- They are also athilig for puLlic sehoul: I'Ll �NMI�'" aillik ow - Canada, T�lriied States and Europe. 'teachers from Cann Lt. playt-d upon it I ly govol greeii. A —Wroxf-ter. Lucirl tilld X-blefildill".. ed it to the form owner, Mr. Laid-; SA'VrL%TGS DEPARTIVIENT—Interest I � sublirlian girven, -()lilt- sixty yar lwi with W-Ingliam tire to minpotil at ickeorreSp011id thin Mr. Gibson Navinl on Saturday last 11--dpath's G1,gWliat- I "N and upwards. la"W for one year. t,-1, �Or -U0 • (.Line -(ilitly oput RR y oi Winglinn rink. j issue. Wroxe r allo%yedoi% deposits of $1 wliiv.h wit recently 5, ing Nidn I one back to Cralit ook B. C. eel sugar was the lowes it.ba 'to hand too hao. >,K�r boviv: square IL E. 619SON and we bought noar of poity barrels.! play, cost nearly C300 to make and —A load of Masonic members drove Nanager. Lo,,T.—.A brown Collie Dog. Lost to have cast R, VANSTONLE. Solicitor. Since Saturday raw >� lit ItUb UU-; on Flit to have oxtst alf as much agai over to. Wroxeter oil Al niday evtkiiii- to' seen on road to Bel =rare. Reward for vailood, 00 per cojirtpe and sugar will itil Nvas siwplest pit t� At& their Wroxeter bi three. jhts return to Olt- Canadian essiadvance ViTe propos sugar to Bell 50 Levelling the Arm , YN�� i office Wiligham , ! barrels out of this car, oil Arrival at the of the operation, ioute GOO drain -pipes 1 —7be lanies of the Baptist eburch To RENT.—A Jo story fiew brick. station, Ili barrel lots At $4.50, per owt, Were used, and. IWtorti; of "hard core," will hold It tea this :FridslY) evening cottage, with or With ut able. First: spot cash. Thi@i Is It good invOstillent-:Iindtobepl,,icedc-t (lie level sitrf.,tee.'irttlitbasemoptofthe ihureb. 6) A N K OF HARTON' class water. Apply t Robertson or j A barrel contains abort 300 to 325 Ills.: Thiswas follo'llvi bybooloadsofashes" Two rinks of curle ;a were Ili LtieLc- at R. A. Graham's ery. i We deliver sugar irk town. Car expected' XLw CmIPANY.— NV. R. Belden, ;nest week. & CO.70 tons of sand n 30 loads of gravel. now oil T d ti g with oilier u S ILY 'If The turf -22 altbunglt. �be proper t!,,,e Outoao'lilo aukard. M ;a, former resident of inglianki now of 11 T. �O. O. IN,,' LTATI0X.—DCP1atY' costs �22 towns for W I N C. H A kind which is sit v to "'be fouri(I only —Tile iuvitations ale out for air At lMolesworth, was in town On Wedues- ! D� 1j, G. M. mug I of Brussels install- I +Capitlkl paid up, $2,DOO,000.00. 1 the sea -shop., would have run Home in the tow hall, given by Reserve Fund, $1,500,000.00. 1 day. Hellasbeen r years connected the following ova in the Oddfll- I ui`�A' I i j. I the iritub in, for the little suln the members of the '�4asonie lodge. With the Palmeroil Pork -packing lows lodgeou viri evening last- 8011 L I 1 1. Fresidelit—Jo" STVAUT. eof -11 —Tile ��-ohool Boar I kriet last nil, aA Vice-President—A. U. UAXaY. factory, but has rece tly severed his re- G.—D, LouLougheNI; . G.—J. Patterson;! — , ,lit to SA. .7 bi n offered and has R. S. to N. G. select a teacher to fill the vacaucy calls- lation. lie hill _F. _'Sparling I L. S. r W as, hold ill 1 3 Royal Arel oethq D.EultoTons titi� 'S, , —A Royal Arel ed by Miss Campbell a resignation. a 11 1 of financier for the t. Mantiol; R,* V. G.-14. Ansley.; Bluevale on Mon ecepted the pW j %revale on Atom evening. liters Il began work- Oil Jolin.Proetor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibqon,Co.,L. S—A, Sebasti Roe. See.—Xot , A�- loll" —The painters M'P* Ruron Packing and Cold Storage Co trof Oraitgenion fro Win Mini drove over A. T. Wood, N. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). Clinton, Mr. Beld Is plaus for group Groves; Pin. see. 'hos. Elliott; Treac/., the now church, lit, seats And pipe' General Uanager�T. TURNELILL. : to attend. savings Bank-11ours 10 to 19; Saturday, lo of buildings We accepted in Pre- —Will. Robertson; arden—J. Hairies; i orgati. will be here text week. It has —A vf-ty'inUrt. iiigitit-(-tii%gNcnqll('!(Iib(,(,titlecide(Iiiotto arpetitatpreseut. to 1. Dt asiti; of $land upwardsireceived. In- forenco to the, of older and more ex- Conductor --R. All LO.—W. Haugh; wed, and computed on the 80th No- At tilt', LNItX110 Otl 011dayevelking,whell; —Delluiw horse, 11 away with the I Mi lain terest all? these veryUli * Vembor and 81st May each year and added to I I o is to be cohgratulat- R. S. S.�—Jno. Me 11; L. S. S.—Jus. 1 perieliced men. � Revs. Swaim of Nevskle Auld Kerr of ilkilk sleigh air _4at rolay, 111orning and pritteipal. ed on his sate 5 and new position. nay. Tile order ptagn-essing nicely. &I Deposits also received at current A cry meeting with i Teeswater give 11 1 spe"Puterest. Y, -V was Goes rates 6 All advertisewel for the 110W company The work. is 110AV delivered some of t milk where. it 3Dratta on Groat 13ritain pad the United Will be found in nother column. , I Initiations and deg -ees. After the ill- —11ho 0. 'P. R train front 'Toronto not needed. .Pille was the only Its astonishing ts w iL States Bought and sold, Hifi it of Scottish Concert, was 7 1-2 hours' late oa Wodnesday, L014T.—011 llig stallation X. G., D. Lougheed gave the - I leader takes. everything viltb it. Travellers nj?o notified that the gankof 11am- between WinglialiA and 3rd line of Mor. I owing to snow Vwlrafle. Wo hardly _Rov. 11r. Prio-r t -livered a lecture 41ton and ita Britnelies. Issue circular Rates of ' on Irravel road, lady's ruff, greYl members an oyster supper at W. 3.1 d b en it storm, ill Will" in tho church At edgrave, Thursday ffs�fioiial Provineial Bank of Eri and. Limited, knew there lia: Women'.% Felt Boots— Y'a X �ellektt i 0"421 be caqUedwithout ev'Vego Ok Ulan- lan%b. p juder will please leave at The I SCOWS. W, JIB. 8, 1 vice wrs P. art orthoworld. All, selljoyable, Apr&`1101,1111 except for high wines. It r w Ir, eillitl( 1 1 T1 0 70 cents to :pi 00. V1161c1h, I Nvits evelling of lost w '( ' I %Uy P Tmrs office. a the refrestimeril Women's Felt Slippers— W. 00ABOXILD, Agent the. next two gram of speeches ill. A songs followed. for Ju cents. A BARGA1.4.— Weeks March 20 hut y;ar`b;,fora tit re was Timm* we live in. It Was ACcompallinl 39. L. j):E0=NS01q, Solicitor. it greatly reduced ice will boAccepte(I 4*liouch of it blocka',-il Then we overo for, by limelight views Afen's Felt Gaiters— for 100 nores ill X a T ilea frova A 1,00ii to the ofl—icted, lie is coming week without 4%raiu nil C. P. 11, We! Sa)nuel Wilso- of ilowick has. bo. J for $1XV1 T d a J' do $ I-V WIngbank and A) r I usgels. 000 Again. T. P. Sm th, Eye Specialist, hours this I eolut,,n. partner of he firm of Coolitane Acres cleared, 00 e. seeded down. Will be in Wingbar At Colin A. Cali I ap., hope to efli'Llpe Also Overshoeq and Rubbers at Cost. 'Ve(I as, to largest fttlj & JtAinston, ninr)le cutters of Wing - a le, comfortable bell's drug store of 1XIlursday, January 1 year, N , nes'l- pentga Cointortn'ble Cottage of 7 Good barnaud at r(joln"L in the ViQuIlty of tial T;ktion . — 11 house; riult bear! g orchard; fences Ili (lay 0111 y, It von have any of sliow--14 Inch --since Dec. tuid Brugsel. Air. Wilson will good repair. Thi is decided argairk. 'Ftilon nr �'P 1,bt it Will pay You tury Ilaotor.r. Tour PTP • I Woeliet 'ill, hen there was ill I Chea till(l in Dowill- move to BruAsels,,�iiorfty, �llore lie will W. J , GREE ,r month for ft 00tal"06100"' dwell- and will not be U. pot jocilil jjlk�jj see 11 Exitukitiation free. W 9 1 o business piinviiin] SoLt LOCAL AGENTS fOk )ng of7roorm. RardandhoftWattr, further I particiftl at to T. J. One day only. Cal arty and Avoid the-ber ItaiL, 15 inchel Little of it 1`011' reside. garaan vii'l shtblel- I olu" Swa%,," Skwrc" jtpl)l.v to T. J. WA(Ormm. Real Reitate Agent. Atagyniro, Real I a a Agent, rush. West of Toronto mic I ItanAltan, on tho road for o firm.—Brassels Post. Z