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The Wingham Times, 1902-01-17, Page 8
THE, GII A N � ai I' t , JAN. tl boo. Jobb, rel.wa,4 40 369k1......... JB +t a 0"I N 0 0 0 !Ariuettang: weod• • ... ..... H2BIG Something V'ry Spe lal . �IVicE•allum, wood ................ 14 30 . s ...... ... Ott Moline ... ... ."""'""'"'"""""'•"„� ' lkliss Campbf+ll, elle ueSr teaolter, wish- . .� be to hat ed a sit this week c . she had I)ii whiff offered it situation its Arcola, Assts., whish slid hat applied for in d. refer, laSSF.lt has .5 36 Wench, She would not leave, if fila+ Board re£us• BA NKR We �7txve been. fortunate • ed to release her. It was finally decided bevel Mir , fancy shaped oh' motion of Messrs. Griffin and go- in securing S top, 0 big drawers and, a, moth to rel, -ase her.NAr number of Horvath-Alimliam - That, if Miss cabine6 with door end Smith of Bruasels, cannot be had, the S drawer. 1 .4omoot y advvrose ill. Stttarday's Mail � end Globe, Carried. STOCK1 Very WASUSTA>\D has 2 drawers Bard than adjourned,MP" and 2 -doors, fancy sbaped MINOR LOCALS. �s top and back, with brassFy '} TA � t -Holts have been up to 0.50 this � �r towel rook, week. Of nearly $10 040 worth of Dry Goods, Read; - � BFDSTrAD--beAvy caryings `,`i -H• IT, Chisholm sports handsome made Cl.othiu�,g, GGnVs Furnishings,����►�4� with rinsed panels and new sign. a, 1. Fancy shaped foot end. ALE f -Thos. Field, butcher, has put in a Boobs and Shoes, Etc. ,,,....- • new safe. Ilaving purchased the splendid Bankrupt Sumak of A. R. Smith at a ISuites Rt•gular price $19.50 V -The comityow rate o lodge L. U. L. will meet • low the dollar, we are now in a position to offer the Ot.d Ends and hemuants of cit Feb, 4. i publiB oft but. our price. $�, %.QQ b 1 h t 1� lixtiatn and vicinity Up to date Goods Away Relnw Regular PrioeS -DRESS GOODS, -`1 hat was It pre LL'y RIOW taw t .t struck us on Suttlyday lust, '1_,,v6 da will be "Bar a n Day" and every article offered will be a _TWEE DS, y Y �"' Y -SILKS, -All the Diunicipxl Cuuucils utgot oil bar ain. �,tAs ® y Aionday and took their curonnti.,il until.' i; Rxsiz�avcE-rmer remi Sr. • -PRINTS, -_,This C. P. R. broke nue of the driv- Conte early if you want Snaps. Remember the stand -A. It, Smith- t?. ctracn�'�g former resfclenoe, -MTTSLINS, where night c•alLy will receive Furniture Dealers --2ABLl!, tINEly S, ing rods on the train going east last Your Bargain Friends,1. nromptnttcntion. -EXIBROIDBRIES, Thursday morning. — "' and Undertakers, -SHARER FLANNELS, -Mr. R. Gruvus was in. Georgetown Ken's Block M�,-1�, IR & Co.v" The One Price Furniture Store and Always the Lowest," - SREBTINGS ana I last week. He hits some iureutiuu of -COTTERS. Moving to that place.I ae•••o♦ode•o�e�♦►sPte�•oe�•o•e••••e•o��a�oo••s�♦ao�o� Revs. Swann of Bluevale and herr of gL� W4VM,0_AAMd Alio balanco of Far Coats, Ruffs, Teeawattr are expected to address theLeycp w � Caps, ()auutiett, Mantles, Stiawig, 1 League next Monday evening. • Readymaile (:luthiug, Underwear -Tile aiifereuc chore a emirs of the -�j 0 and Heavy Dress Uouds. town wore assisted on. Sunday last., by . Soals ` members of the Holy City couipany. -Ur. George Kargus and family of '\N'e are prepared to pay the Highest Cash ig +il Bulmore have moved to Wing;hanPries for Saw Logs_ n and + taken. up residence on Francis street. � Woo Vail!) "TH 00c —z�he xt,lton c;ansF�rt•ator has been ID . When in need of something choice in x �3 in existence. about four 1nouths and has Button & resent. ® Toilet Soaps, call and see us. oayeulur red to a seven colnu,n. It shows I We keep the following lines. a wt►� t aY f push. OPERATED BY ♦ T t -We are sorry to learn of the illness The Canada Furniture MTS, Limited. Y I of hire. Wm. Maxwell of the Bluevale • for the balance of Januar sail �, Blake l,riue to clear at fruui one- road, and hope the may have a speedy _ - __ Tarldsh Bath at be recovery. g �Air. and Mrs. Juo. Bugg are in Toron- Prince of Wales at Gc p �' third to ane half off on odd lines. -The "Young Ladies' Fortnightly this week, Mr. Bugg is seeping to have sAigtnolnette at 50, All high Blas•±, new goods to sell Club" will meet ort Mouday evening, I his stealth improved. j ' Wild Rate at 6c. January twentieth at tete home of Miss i bits. C4as. Itlales attended the wed- Fldttr vitt Lies at ,ic a 13k• ' t dhite at bo in; of her brother, Mr. Geg, Sills, iv } \ L 1 Awed Tar at 50 ¢ Corbould. Owen Sound this week, q,Q Table Qd -We inadvertently omitted the name Mies Annie, Porter 1pf; on Tuesday What about a Cream Separator i' • �= �' cCopoo at 50 e° 'See, Gi.,r I a; tt ill i of J, B, Tyermau front the Board of for Tprogto f(1 t9ke a I?9.94.191i in a, �'nyy iF th9 lime N u>tw ! Comm in and 2 Itafant's Deii,tht 0t 14Y �,gt Directors of Tlil gberrY Aricillturttl S9• \i llttltaitl0 Illllli_ii©i'y u#talih''�';nant, t -°1v6 it eLai{ffli nn� %.bout them. T can 1liliO�TPII a at l00 �iQYtGs G llti Hosiery. supply lou with one on easy' �`ttu5. • „uu,(ay �eiety lv$ week. Mr. anct Mrs. Stallwood of Reston, A Penn d Espagne at 10� ` O♦ —The annual meeting of West Wawa- who have been visiting at Mr. J. B. Fer- r 9 Bouquet Ideal at lUu g i; W G A N N E T T Bou it nosh Fire Iusurau^e Company will be g;usou's, returned bonne on Monday. . t jYltite Rosa at lOc Mrs. R. C. Porter of Medicine Hat, AGENT FOR ♦ Club Cologno at loc. � held in Dungannon on January 22nd. g • y frost & Wood Imnlements.� � ' �..�..._... _..:..ti�.�.��..-.�._.....t lea See seat. in another Column. some Time left this week for her home. / -The trustees of Zetland school at a Mr. Alegi. Cook and bribe of Arthur i� who has been visiting friends here or - , Valley violet a......_...,.. ♦. iueeting on Thursday last week, decided ( tilled on. Mr, Ales. Ross on Thursday �I to close the school as a precaution and last. iTey had been spencIing a few HURON COUNTY CO a IL,. S � °°i� FIN'S ;1 i�� � C l tj 0 � y p clays frith friends near Goderich. • A,� ♦• (lM� r, c i �J a not because of any smallpox fit the sec- Dr. Cxifiurri of CTiuton >;n•ce aneaeel- The January sossion of a Council of d cs aa„ o- tion, lent missionary address in the Metho- the Ooi•pbration of h ouuty of Huron, . • ,i �_�, .• -,_,- _ -Mr. Alf Sebastian has returned dist church on Sunday evening last. He will be held in the ♦ a from Toronto. His many friends were als') preached in the morning tend ad- ooUlvai , p1iANitElt • ►♦`i♦..1►.�+OOa•ba0i6♦♦♦.Pi t F40•• .................... MISS CAMPBELL RESIGNS pleased to welcome him back. He has dressed the Sunday School in the after, _ -"— a pretty iuvidug shop in the Tamlyu toon. IN THE TOWN OFGODuRIGH, Her Position as Teacher -Having Accepted block. commencing at 3 o'clock on �"„`�3 "HOT L / C g 9 a Position to Assinibora—Schoei Board Mr. Cavin Bowles of Brussels, a stn- `� 1. burry Through the Busluess-lReport -The bye-eleotiuns for the Commons dent of the Shorthand department of TUESDAY, THE 28TH INST, for Last Year. on Wednesday went Liberal; Camp- the Canada Business Collage, Chatham, W. LANE, Clerk. i 1`iiiJJJpuuul IR t9 .It takes the. Board of Education to bell in West York, Beith in. West Dur- Ont., passed through the town on. his Datcd at Goderich this 18th still hurry through business when they want barn and Harty in Kingston were way to resume his studies after the day of January, I=. I i to go curling. There was no time lost elected. h oliday.. MAY have a slangy significance in unnecessary talk on Mondayevening;.-Fordwich is troubled with a super- Dr. C. W. Cxordon of Winnipeg; well that will not rove ver attractive if 'The resignation of bliss am bell abundance of dogs. Nearly every house- known to Wiugghom people, is likely to AI�I11UA1. PEETING, • p yg p,� printed in .oar advertisement, when occupied the most time. hold has from one to three. This is succeed the late Dr. Robertson as sup- �, „ There were present Messrs. Kerr, Esquimaus style. They have too much erintendent of Presbyterian Home Mis- WEST WAWAPOSH MUTUAL the thermometer is way up, but Homuth, Abraham, Griffin, Moore and of a good thing. sions in the Northwest and British Col- FIRE INSIRANCE CO. ',Christmas is corning" with its Button. -Mr. John Clubb and family left on ulnbia. Dr. Robertson was a brotherPlenty "way down" thermometer, when T11e annual mectin of the �Pe:yt Wawauosh Oriffin-Moore - That H, Kerr be Tuesday morning for Mount Pleasant, of Archie Robertson of town. aiutnal Fire Insuretn a Company will be hold you'll be anxious to have file air Chnf man .for 1902. -Curried. Durham County. Mr. Clubb has seeur- )fr. Horace Turner, wife and family in the The minutes of last meeting were read ed a good situation in that place. We of Manitoba, nitoba, are the guests this Avvek of AGRICUL URAL HALL heated unit right. carried just whore and adopted. wish him success in his new home. Mr. and Mrs. A Cosens. Mr. '.t•urrt•v DUN ANNON. you waist it, and in just the right The report for December of the Prin- -A Detroit woman was married to a has sold his farm in Manitoba and aftor Nothwithstandtug that the quautities. elp eipal was renal and adopted on motion of spirit husband last week. We think a short visit to his old home in that. ON : holiday ding with ns have : give you Messrs. Button. and Moore. she will find. very little comfort in a Province, he and leis family will remove 'Wednesday, 2nd day January, lain exceptionally stock leftod. we tato ; than o can iif you NVi h tottreplace, Dei t. Boys Girls Total • Aver. husband who cannot get up and light to Los Angeles, Cal., where they will '1902, when the afro tors' Annual Roport wilt choose from. All the best 1 1& 38 54 45 the kitchen fire these cold mornings. re- de in future. be laid before the .-vet-ing and for the rcceiv- romodel or repair the heating np- 3 19 29 48 .4527 23 b0 48 ins of the ATiditor' Report of the Reeefptsand ; pieces were not taken. arattis ill your hoaSG. } -It is reported that Chief Vannorman -_-- ---- - ----- D&bur,.,•,nents of t)ie Compuny during the We wish you to notice our ? N 4 21 2$ 49 47 gave orders to one or two quarantine partyear. fine line of Watches, all of.. Tuxltr•.'s No BvrTeit, •. cin TuAN breakers to leave town last Friday. OneAnd also for the .lection of four Directors to the best makes. 5 19 2n 48 45 of them blot+stoned the air liar he had Rheurnatisf,117 All the vnci,of M a tyle o nrd, Incurred by the i �T d for such worst, no facilities 6 22 I6 37 3G ' rc+tiroment of Mayas. John 8sllantynf•, Wm. } We do repairing promptly to go. This precaution of the chief iii Stother,, Futiny nderson and 1w,ac 1411, -her and thoroughly. superior to ours, nor less expensive. 7 27 27 54 46 No other disease makes one teal so cid. whose terns of o `:c will then expire, all oft Q g _40 31 71 59 commendable. \PhOnl are Piil ablf,�ior re eleesion. Command tis any time, but right It stiffens the joints, produces lameriess, -Mr. Bennett one of the proprietors hour of irteetina , i c; clock-1�. m. now is the right time`for right away 19! 221 411 87G of the Holy City company was a former and makes every motion painful. J M ROBEiiTS, secretary. gg 7.110 sellool•%vas open 15 days. resident of Wing liam and will be re• it is sometimes so bad as wholly to ill`s• Dttng:annon, Div. 4, is01. H. H. service. The annual report was also adopted in i membered by old residents. He was a blc, and it should never be neglected. We can . Suit, •'�•ou in a new the above motion. dentist here for five years, leaving about lif. J. McDonald, Trenton, Ont.. had it NOTICE TO CREDITORS. STOVE, HIa,0ER on FURNACE. Clamification attendance: First read- 22 years ago• after a severe attack of the grip: Mrs. er 117; Pt. II G4 • Second 190 • Third 118 • -The Presbyterian church in Bel- Hattie Turner. Bolivar Mo.. nate It 10 lv OTIOR is liere by giren pursuant to R. S. O., -„••g• a •� Fourth 69; Fifth "r0. Total G#2. rave was closed on. Sunda last though GHISHULM Chap, 1.21! Sec. 8s tiwr t,itpet:ions having glaims H` ]B g y , g severely she could not lift anyth,ng a.td amill 4t tilt* estate of Jtrinenn Anderson, tato of pq1 � Twenty eight more pupils registered the Methodist was open. It was could scarcely get up or down stairs: v1. the TownNhipofTaatWtiwationhin the Coanty tI2W"ieE' Cc olltsclan � in 1901 than in 1300. ' thought necessary to fumigate the of limon, Tarnier, cImpa--sed, who died on or �, I H. Shepard, Sandy Hook, Conn., was Satd about the 8th day of DEvember, A. D.,1901, are Aggregate attendance 69507, average I church owing to an escaped quarantine up with it, was cold even in July, ,and required to send by post prepaid or to deliver 344. The average is 6 less titan lash I having beau there. to t.vanwtcmc:, 3oiieitorfortheAdmiaistratrix "" ""' ' " "' ""' STONE BLOCK ;ear were 199 teaching days iu I -bit. W. F. VauStone was in Exeter ;could not dress lbfmself. 7 with wilt ann 11 on or before the first day of v .E1 �� the year anti the school open 197. Mast week. He reports drat the Reeves According to,testirnonfa)s v01il"f ,,1t nue descriptions' and atfall i tat nWat of p r- even, these sufferers were Perim, tt,y ticatatsof their claims had the nature of tile, Abraham-Homuth--That tiPin. Rob• 1 of Stephen township bad 149 of a major' , relieved, as others have been, by security (if any) hold by thein duly cel lifted, ertson be Sreretary, and J. B. Ferguson l it last year over his opponent This be Treasurer. y 3 pp P Witthat will after ox ai A i i a,ro eed to idistl tbute t year the same opponent defeated him by !,Mood's SQ9•��d!'tG°�',M1 ^. 1 Moore -Abraham -- That Moore be c ti3 This is a remarkable turnover, i the assets of tine deceased among the parties , Chairman of i�lanagement Committee: ' , which corrects. the acidity of tae blend el,tithd thereto having 1e>t,nr1 only to t1,,0 � "�° -Lioonse Commissioners for Iiurou on wbich rheunia.tism depends and 4all6s chums of which thtcv sh. lT then have notieo. CORNER*DRUG ® ' Moore, Griffin, Abraham, Elliott, Kerr. ?ottani for 1:102 hn ve been appointed at: : a the whole system. Dated t3,Ts 2nd cl-ty of January, A. D., IM2. +• a d Finance Committee: Homutb, Chair- :follows: West Huron -San 1. Sloan,' p it. varlHry'ONE,'wingliam, man, Messrs. Bell and Button. • 1 1100n•s PILLS c,1to eousnliunun. 1•r1Ce s leatr. I3olieltor for the Adininistra- Jas. Stevens, Huh Mc uarrie. East j triX with will annexed. The following accounts were passed: ' g Q R. A. Douglass, school supplies. .8 2 7.i ' Huron -•G. Fortune, G. Murelte, A 10 09 Littlejohn. South Huron -David D. '•t�t`�• Boiler Inspection Co. s . . • • • • 73 1 Wilson, Peter Douglas, Henry Doyle. Ydrrnn. yr—ITl Culross, on January, 3rd, the' you i2 � � Won't H. B. Elliott, post cards ESs pig... 1 to 1 {wife, of Toy Murray; a son. t Li � id T. IIs , teacher's agreements.... 1 7•; , I;ArHrna—Iii Cttlross, on January 4th, the •""'- _ _ I PERSONALS. ;wife of Jultnlwtchwr arca. \, SIA1R$Il:r) pp Sell ,' ,.. _._._ .------. ; — • -- i7%1vTAvi4T:—VA(4U—At the 1101ne Of thf� • '�.a „• y " 1pd �Hl. �D'�n t Take Dr, J. J. Elliott was in Clifford last, . bride's parents, Wilighant, on Tauruary lath, by �` ''((yy Rev. R. Hobbs, Wm. T. McTavish of Fort /��j the Flab week. France% Ilainy"River ni,trlot to bliss Ethel, „ „ v Baby. Misa Ella Deans visited her aunt, in. , soeond daurhter of Win Page, �` - y T Strrg—Devtw:—AttlMlP+ide,lrtcotthobrides What N$ a can't Did you know you could Goderich last week. t,arwnts.1wvn Sound, cm Janunry 15th, by rte.. a° ��, j Ins. Arcs , t. Mr. l#we,. F3itly of Carmen, lagan. t0 l ',lila, 7:1 Ie McKay Of Walkerton ip rlis,bl,tg i,• Doyle, of Owc•n Sc.nnd, b0thfot'• h•31,itVgt CONCINQ! CCniIMNgi Guarantee give medicine to yourchi!u. , , RR temlibig la Cuiri,rs. ineriy of Wi•,uhaat i t ren while they were sound 1 buss Kate McKenzie visited friends ± ttiu bili r mother,MiItinlo5y, onln r cry 16the T. P. SMITH, SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST 1 sleeping? You certain:Gm.tiate Now Vortg Philadelphia, and Toronto tile fail pleasuro there is in life, 'We have a aplondid line of Purses Y Y ill Miltltnay last weak. t Rub+•rt D. <}emmlll of Manitoba ta, l,iiSs Katie' + can. Ik is ca',led �1ap0- M: -s bray Snider of Toronto is visit- ; dnMoLtniteiiflr tv I Ri Thog.oIIT>ti Alt Eli trc�,idenen of opt al (Cadges keep well by taking Iron. Tonic pills. -"all good value •-which we, guaran- Cresolene. You put sore 1, in,, Mrs. li, Vanstone. the },rides mother, Howielc on .inm�ur 15th, Call early and avail yourself of hitt Theyare perfectly safe to use under _ tee to be the best value in town. Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the 1Tr, W, J. Chapman is away on it !'M, li .1. n r .daughhlin ter of tiff 1 ti �7ame opportunityaliable eto have'as our el ess orare er any and l conditions and by the = We invite your inspection. lamp, and place near the bed. The ' business trip down East. Ritchie. ltsted, fee of charge. eyes cess most feeble inyalid, as they gently • Call in.. Remember, to inane a children quietly breathe -in theva vapor. Mrs. Sills attended theweddill of her ` TtTa''n• q Y p g work but a scientific certainty, itii• expel the, poison from the syst0m-- cats does not nreau that yon aro ex- _ There is tiothin a uat to it for i son in Owen Sound this week. rtrr,;0rr-in 'Wingham, on Jai unry 13tH, 1 whooping Cott h Otiq colds, cough, I bits. A. Wirltware of Toronto visited + Willia Ellison, l� In ,av ,tin .tniivary 2nd„o. J.l oy, WO1tK GVAItANri.isi7.ly �kkEd.i�i 1iL>G giving nature a ahatice to recuperate. paCt('d to buy—the g00tls will deter - Thera g g ► Pe ► b r , * « , ; ng ltd &I ye ars and i months, aline that. ,sore throat, and all other troubles of a T• • T. T3a11 s the past week. Sri tl•.er esu re i,ti.tiN ]I•�•a. Aavn t• s—Ia M mt•iu, on Jariu:lry 13th, Thcv. the throat and chest. It is ten- ! Mr. anis Mrs. r. M. WhIker hava re- , Urydge s agcd 77 year Tie hay stile, added a (arae nsa0rtmeht oY nrti- ... - _ siomical pleasant safe. n2 tt i w l F,om a short visit with friemis i . ), inl,•yrs tohi, stock. Will be at rapt, Cresolene Is sold byy dtagg i q everywhere. i to ! rgter,,,U�rl>l, ? Avapb•CresoTaneoutrt,iAtlndingthCi7arauyc-csnd . I,r, J. V.ilAnll hna g4n0 to St Joseph, . WALKER UI3OS� t� BUTTON Colin :A, CaIi�p�Iolj's Drug Store, �, �M HAMILTON Lamp which should last a ilfe-times sail a bo t11r o€ I hitt, t9 straig;hten up the affairs of his 1 Cresoltne,complete, $t.so; extrasuppilea of CtEso• dedeased brother, g tlitlCt£ATatC)rl;;i, WIfVGHAM. ( 1eae25eenUAL gaeeats liI ttmted000kWeon'tain- viI,L,LYC�"BAltll., �y nr �r e u ■� + i inKphysicians'teatimcniaisfreeuii,ourequest. Vnro• Mr. Harris Hamilton of the Standard iVight salts at FTuttofi.131oek, tit Fifth , iii�UiCil� 1i�l�ld11�1� GnT?c:+Latt> Co.,,t8o >:uttot, 9t., Nest York, UAA, Bank, 1,:,,:a,;els, called on friends in door sontb of School house. Shop op., ntil� I ALr UNUZ. t T2econitnnn(ied and eotd byA.%.ITarnilton, , , �"-�� n town on. i'uesda , posite Macdonald block. �` 1 U Y"S ii t u lif alf'. 30, rlrnd'tlfbt, Wiltgltnnt. y •••W S � � .. ; .. ■mi iiiuii_.ufi i ?i