HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-17, Page 7_ .... -... '7-.; M...... -dam ..,y.rr _ ,,.n _ _- . • •: , .-P wear .1 .of her lost o.ouf the woman * R*R,R ..•i.tnin Too Went the thought +ow Iu a,R 0 0 0•R•Rsadly replied. t cs ch uinXs ><'nind filet tklls was to •tee w+r,•rTr-MM, ..:. q•wRw,r~• w•.•R+ ..tR..' s ) ► • "Ila I t see- the likeness now, fide elle probability of his being • R . • P Y 7g [auy* ladies .tivin, ill diZtint x >ur . . ,er . You are the woman ;4eael, mother kir '$ suspected in connection, with Ruric s diatrfoes, audreuajar uoera of Dfa>uond ! RThe Ro• of the young villain who beam thea dksa peafianee. Dyes, Allchug is itapossible. to 1vocurs, uk :•: ntlinel l.euxe my palace at. ante, 1 rt lrailol their .tteueitti Eieaier patGeriia for M ' J thought you anew that pian, ,lR.. •-,i•,? : the making up of gnats and rugs, asked, 1 tR .. and clop t you dare to miter it the vomit said looking the riest .. • ••. n „ , b p rite nianufactniF rn of Dianloud lyyeis to ,,. , a ',•', sharply in the face, supply tbsitl frn]n ti we to dule as re,, r: . Moscow isle poor woman tried to ppeak;, No, I may hove seen Nile bQ- gnlred. z1tfH nOceFsitated elle importing V. •R '. = but she could not. With a, deep sob, fore, but I did not snfiety recognize troinmialtufttc uii'dsili ;"caGT., tl, of the t^• ;•. , .the turned awe aper slows walked him then. I asked liiin wit he ;vas hos • _ csSfan, Ilse Fmplo7mP)lt. ()!~artists, • i 0from the room, here, brit he would not answer xno o uRlltes to print f'rotu. luta the era - 00, mrj{ .• . By S.YL+TANUS CO$B, Jr } •••• `FNOw," resumed the duke, furl;- save by urging me t0 silei]co.. Who color designs. The nt:lnufa\tnrerd Ot'++ri ••i ` } ••. or a largo staff to ptttit and r' ••.-' y.SwF.MNN••M •M•.' .}M•.M.••.-M.,•M!MMMM,M,.•, N•! W+ « w wW ..w r wMMNR. q.'# y Ing toward Rosalind, "what means was be, my son?" Diamond Dyes are now inn pnnttton. to. 3', •- G, ;r • • • .• t• . • • • . • • •1• 1 • . • . f• . . . . . . . . . , f: . . . * . . '' *pq. 77 supply their p. nerns iffy null As well ns i f5 :, '• ' ` .. , this secret .cauncily The count was at first inclined through the best Dry (;foods werchattto. :+rte.0w .. • • • • • • • • • . •I • • • R ui d n r1. 1E ,). " " importtr11y rz h d t e e r answer, but lie thought bet- aheetsof uat0mis au(t designs sent 'free td hon i unerea the mliicden frame as she heard it, for its y lord," returned elle countess, not to d fi 1 1 , s b„ ins; ar o averCom a ter of it an na ty to d the priest to. any address upon rccelpt oY a Postal. r ,catchingthe whole fear now, was at once apparent. ., r Che Weiss & ILiOhards0,1 Co., Lultited, 1ff S will outwear `FWitlliIl these three days." "Do you suspect"- She bad Powerful emotions, they were here that it 1v.as. Ruric Novel, Tho cif- Wt•di 4 y—to-to"--- 200 Monutaiii St., Montreal, P. Q. two pairs of « started forward and grasped the lain seemed much surprised at this dust then. Day before yester- monk's arm As she thusmpted the But she could not finish the sen- and professed to wonder why the common nibbers. For three ,day he was here -in the forenoon, tence. icer soul was too deeply fellow should come to that place. 4%;formatio AEttiaa•lam. Sears we have proved that wh1v ,,And I have not soon him since!" but she could eat continue, The moved, She only gave. the foul Urzen, who knew nothing of the C!hicasgo, Jtm, 4. -)!or 10 y: ars II -n:-v ,. >'a you care stuffs the poor woman groaned, thought eff tie et she would have uttered was wretch one look of hortor and dis falsehood which rested under all Il evatar'nn. h .s kit eia;, tbattt t-. ad 7t11a Sat . Jr your foot„ "Not seen him? ;;uric gone? Oh, gust, and then, covering her face this questioning, went on and eX- n h' but you cannot stub the rubbers. + Go ori, whispered Vladimir, a 1 a, , b•r'n tryitu to get doctut•s in the Lrn_ -,where, where; bendier* his head love down so as 'to with her hands, she sobbed aloud. ploined the nature of Ruric's mis- 1tecl States and Germamy to listen to , _•Count Damani!° wh"Ile said lie was enlieleft here to see he catch her very thoughts if they left If the bad man had anything fur- Sion and its result. And thereupon wv m 1 aid st rThey told of he r ar s t a rlll t 1 lie e d interposed Zenobie, who joined in her lips. "What would you say?" future tber otim : he reserved it for some Slee tof o oxpandedratifit at o 1 wondrous and was. crazy, Upon the sole of'.each rtilabei Fr y. g j Y br , A skiaa;raph pictaxe lift; stow oou- thc grief. ()l1, I ought not, and et I ;;tth our copy- r _ g he even presumed to bless God that itm^1 his wards and r Infused the 1110 0 "Aye; so he told me," returned know his lout is capable even of CHAPTER. NIII, It •rirta,t,i who sant h, was demi,ni_ ri4ahted Hanle gr the mother. "I have been there, that." Thus much the fair count- such a reconciliation had taken p TnT TLOTTI R is AT w0a& d. Tlt•• ;S_rar examina.ti rct w:ts m;rdc do lx t allow your- Af to be cio- and they have not seen him Since ess murmured to herself, and then Count Conrad l umonoff was able place. 7, by Wolfram C. Fuchs, when level- ceivcd by imitations. that evening. The surgeon who at- she gazed tip and spoke to the to sit up. Ile was in a great stuffed And now, the priest resumed, *n it tuna n' plainly a snake Coiled strange man before her. playing g after this matter had been disposed v^ thelh'e d's si>"inaT;h, rhawigg i&ii.'rg'sLEATHERTOPSri lends the count went out to Ilio inn "Do you suspect m guardian?" chair,with a favorite dog, of, "Novy happened this sudden where Ruric put up his horse, and Y P Y „ ahile near by him sat Stephen IIT- change in your disease, my son? Ilur-Tetmann says he swau7we!1 th:a the best on the market, 6 -inch, the animal was still there, his own- Do you suspect him? the monk zen. The young nobleman had gain- The doctors thought you dying ;;:t+ m: ah x]i Nile ,,h mitv.- ,s tine n 9 -inch and 12 -inch tops, with ter having not called for him," returued. eel rapidly since the visit of Ruric, „ Roiled Edge and heels. They "0 God,'havo mercy!" ejaculated «Oh, I knownotwhat to think!" for the antidotes ire had taken had vvl< "Yes, I Jas eno `,"re answered the well wat`r in tthinks btheil snakef di l\was are carried in Stork, and your the young countess in a paroxysm But listen, resumed Vladimir proved ellieient, and lie soon camea p a t tr vn I,vcnhe sw il6wed it, but has dealer can order them, for you. P Y , 1 count still hiding the dee di$r*ust ,of grief. a earnestly. I would know all that back to the point he had reached be- that moved within him; "but a new has suffered ac;••:rny foceyears,'ays hF KING At this moment there came a rap you know, and then perhaps l can fore the administering of the poi- physician was called in an @ J. D. I 11Vl7fCO., Lirrl;tetl upon the door, and Zenobie went to assist you, fear not, for as true as Son, P y d lie pre- —. _..._..__ have esclus%oe :answer the summons. it was t Io God lives I meth to save Ruric if I "Stephen," scribed i eery medicine. He said ' g Stephen, he said, pushing his the medicine i had been tltkinr* was control of la•:1► lr ➢' `black monk, Vladimir, who thus de- can, and if 1 can but gain a clew to clog gently from him, "has anything unsuited to my case, and so he gave 11Id P@E (+Py for u•,l„=. rd, manded admittance. At any other him now I can surely save you both. been heard yet from Ilu'ric Neve]?” me new. You can seethe result."CAT I .•.• time both Rosalind and Claudia Trust me, for 1 ,possess a wondrous "Not that I know of," returnedco might have been startled by the power for the good of those who Urzen. "Yes, i see," was the reply, "and s,,,•', .• ,- r4 .*t .strange visit, but now they instinc trust me. Now, what end could the "Oh, I wish I were able to assist as you seem to have very good com- 111outtuyK tJmler tively Bailed his coming as a source duke have in view in wishing for pang 1 11 ttil:e my leave. I havo _ `of hope. Puric's removal? I know what he in the search! But here you heard several calls to make tonight" re ziat>1J`tncicrt i noel :o ;i njl P had in view in cOnCoctino the due]- amthing of whist suspicions may be The count made no reply to this, of modern rims is now baht! l;:ou,;ht ' ` " = 'li', a t "Ladies," spoke the fat monk, ap- a afloat'" and as the priest found that he was by D.r. Unci gay J,ral-t-on. F.Ii.C.ti., to preaching the Spot where they stood it was the death of DtlmonofY and "Only that the humpbacked priest not urged to remain he arose at til;' .oto of its earlier sta;;es. '` '` ,-•.\ ,t- 1 cc .and bowing very low, "you will par- the undivided possession of llrot- is looked upon by some as having, once. Ile stopped twice before he It i:s s:. m years a o mo•w sine; 'the l - " " •don this unseemly method of gain- ten. Tow, answer me, what does he „ < o...ar, l:*ad. i„n x c rt. i i app a, ances B p 9 ing admission here, but I hacgl'no aim at now?" had some htzncl in it. reached the door, but in neither case _oil 1 •d th_ '.a,ldt] scut:' —a: th; r M:. .1• ,1 R" I ', "Ha! And how does suspicion did he speak. As soon as he gained b tc1 nr tat. hu -non. eye, !:c',_an to won_ - -cther choice, for I feared the duke In spite of all doubts It.osalind point toward him?" the street he turned toward the up- d— wli.•ther Ir ,niVy: 1?7ssegacrt the ..m•.. - --+ -would refuse we did 1 apply to him. found herself trusting the monk. `Wby, in no direct way, I believe, per part of the city, and Ile stopped p vi s ti.- + i nv.: o c: luteaof at•yyi_ „ re1,1;; tool 1!:ce to tic true-- s I have come Novel learn, if possible, There lyes an air of conscious true 11 1 cannot understand it. All I knew not until he had reached the pal- 7,,r%v tw,t—th ` rax, of th , eye in. man where Ruric revel may be. and power in his look and tone that is he is susiiected" ace of the Duke of Tula. The old whleh is wr, _. but don't discredit it' until s. The widow tried to answer, but won upon her. , ` 1 vat .V ioJ P The count pondered a few Iilo- porter Admitted him without quos- H b trek hint t ° ,o J:%mrrr^h•7 tio'_ you've cliiy:a cold yourself p -instead of speaking she burst into "Good father;" she returned after meets, and he thought he could see tion, and he made his way at once to .Erre '•r:] of on4a il; and w lwr nl;n.:_ and tested the eflicac of _ ,tears. Rosalind struggled a moment a fete moments thought, the duke it. Urzen did not know the secret of the hall, where he inquired for the 1't{' a:l lth: rr1nkc 3 ytai!i fro n4 s ttrat y with the deep emotions that stirred lias sworn by a most fearful oath his friend's strange relapse, for that duke. One of the servants went in ,t, :t; in Tq,lr►, t>t' ttta . it v:'ziE•d I this perfect cure -- within her, and she, too, fell to that he will have me for his wife! heel been kept private. So he had search of his muster. and when he with earh ;r,nn-,. len towing up this , r - wceping. Zenobie was obliged to "Iia!" uttered the monk, starting no clew to the priest's true charac_ ciu . he d v`lran ordtrevo efa family ly I L v'T ' 1 • TA =answer, back a pace and clinching his hands. ter, as the count possessed. r • "Good father," said she "we here "Does he mean that?". E P 4 tis;ilc: t,pa •a•rance •o;; its own in a aFP'1 ie I believe the fellow is a villain WHY NOT INVESTIG.ITE • it;, r yp, by whFch anyme ecin; the y .are after the same knowledge. His "Oh, most truly he does!" the Urzen resumed, "He is surely a vil- - b :k „G t:h•+ "y• w'. h' :ln o•phihaim T * , ,,42%1, .r' poor mother has come here to try young countess replied, and she n " While we Claim toituve tin•, tout t com- eovp an -i a ii::ht -w:?-alcl b. able io I -(- if 1001{111 mall. if she might find some clew to the spoke more firmly now, for there rrSo he is," responded the count. pt, r,: dispa;,lt,tllat• ,a•i.,lrl.rtlt,,.,, the• b<lt t.s :-: *]; + n:It on'y alt., family, b.li. ,h•a 1 never fails—thousands of 'noble youth, and thus did my mis- was something in the sudden energy "I never saw such a wicked loot{ ;,y' v il a a ti orlf it ,'es1,14 lYlrt .l1 v111; itits xlltl t n :x tc tt ys'.em:`ticnlly to zasey of cold and f rippe tress gain the first intelligence that of the monk's exclamation that gave ,7 t arf- on recol"(1 a5 ' ` carred before in any htuntul face. uttr rustunlers, w,• r Fir: y,nt to favor ns uim tn.• alt th ori m al; t•, b •:r•en to 11e was gone. fray, good sir, do you her hope, "Ah!" uttered a voice close by tlxe with it visit tbat yUn tatty fully ]live:tt- th • zoalofd,;t:tl Ga.r•rbui, o , :I,onlo-l. I in a l,iglit " by iTvaanta :know anything about him? What "Then he wants your estates too. door. "Who comes in for the flatter- sate for you,st If. Ln'w rp• Amt;FE:rEtti,n.' EI:tlnbt:. and canstile. — shave you heard?" B m soul, he is aiming for wealth " G1 FAT Rn,-UV'S 1"110M, ONE BOTTLL. ,`lv;,vwhrrI ; an.1 a;s a t any c:. all. Y Y Y a ing remark, my friend? :•ia•n:vt.i!+ Llb^,r h four.•1 many n vw rn.l i {,,, Il. V. ilKou, of Attn,vn, r^ , Both Claudia and the young with a High llanrl! And do you sup- Both the count and Stephen turn- One LotttH, t thtu,tiinar\E•lttnis m, di- srl:ki:n, facts. Por ins:an.,v, ll, r a,- S,\•K: •' I bad n lma ;lE •QKFA a t P uinc+, l?aiuH„Cs•1.•ly CLulpunad is often •z.,;l that c-ea!m cr^,a.n:. sail] as the •Rrl;!-, cnrd—I .tank - countess now raised their heads, for pose he fears Ruric Novel in con- ed and the hum backed priest him- ,7 7 11 sufficient t,• 11141111:11 ThF' nerd» t f Elitnt,r r- , ^t^,t. \Vhtpdt f'l:v our fno•n Ill:• thi'ce lr, pin ley as Pia'••rf• `,t'•,,,:i>l: , they would hear Khat reply the vection with this scheme? ! self stood in their reseneo, rins diseases to Cl, tu1s0 the »ysteot lent 'monk could make. "Yes, father—I will speak plain- "Hal" he uttered as lie noticed %tabllsh good heath, 1't4l1lH' i t), lel'y 11 t'Cl't, t1'ltll!RL (`\C l la t, S l']l:l of af c!- - monk ASl t'yoi4r tants ,i<t for r r "1 only know that he is missing, ly, for I trust you. I do not think " v C nupound is the true medieino for the tater r t !1 • w.ts a1v . to b` foa td !n! i'"' "`'' " ""'''' "` "'' 1 ' , the position of the invalid. Up.t I -- Vladimir replied. A little while yon would betray one who never B the hof Vir in you are recover- enre of Bright -'s ctit,t•r%se, t)ulan des, Lkx,d it km. r; Ttnr;tb•` <" t!l+ invwrr m:,m_ three 7s "rata i°T a hos :ago I called upon the sick Count, harmed you," ine l„ Y g ' Y diseaves and Stunlaeh trouttles. \'t 1;11,1.-r• 1••ni•a and mat^•a ' 11;. Th:v i dirccEw u aalways :+ if \ca T ^ta its' erpvt in * p'ep^ e:f.: a ;. VVA.XTA A3 1^ Gr Co., 1L te. .and there 1 learned that Ruric Ne- Let the end of these things tell Have tb<{ Euun,c. Pnit,E•': ., F* r' "A 'e," returned Conrad' "I am Oelery Cou,ponl,d ill stunk. \•[`i . ^, is ^:`»ii •rt oo the 0:ivw:n'r•rl j Gttans+t•ca, Oa%S. vel had mysteriously disappeared, you that. But now finish what you iiniiirT fast novo, as you may see:' (7oLIx A. LAan+ilr•.LL. Druggist, =t.,••t.-'n^ no evolm"on : hu' • hp do^to °= i-... .,,. •.. d 1 I d t f th bl h d b b t tl r*1 is of g' a Vein"bum Out. t' r t b^ f 4<' an earne a so o e no a u. a e°un—a ou our ion 1 , - va] •.:. , E t,•ov, rl(s are - e l _, _ P Y o The ])rICSt struggled hard with - ----- , (xvdt'd In th, prOCcedin!_,9 0: +.h ` Iloy_ ' \\ \ ?\\\ yi\ t q,tt \ ` \\ :\\` \41rit I b•` Bose for w hick he visited the count." they duke." his feelings, and tit length he man- 'Thos. Da.1H of Flullett one 0f rhOE nrr,r- \\\ \ \ `\ \+ul t11111i! tl''t Aye, interposed Claudia, with Ile knows, holy father, that I al c t i \ \\ , ti illi ' l aged to conceal the deep disappoint- risin`r noun}; fartners 0f tho tnwuship, H' tit, th i of roves: i ;nli.nr, how_ \ ,. , •sadden energy; "he went to try to love Ruric, and he knows, too, that p v •.r ills ]l,• yet b•en rec-•rrded. and i "V \1. ' t t 1 !I gain the count's forgiveness. I don't Ruric ]ores me. Na he not under nt(nt hefelt—that is, he hid it from delivered it couple of good cattle to ;, 111, s n •rat p lbti will he : "=' g a Y Stephen's eves, but the count knew v ? " kI S1u1th of Olinrpn. One Zi rornnL \\ think they spoke falselp there. I such circumstances fear that the no -i, lr. ^, i•zterpst;nr portion of the \\t;,, • ' ' • i l Y , Y p77 hint too welt, old. weighed ttW pou'ids,thu ovittr ,t -v crP hr, wo-k To orom'n, The+ "%\.-.., " l ill, €lor,'I think an there would wish ble South will tr to thwart him. r, "You have not been ver nbnctlial f Y 1 livifer u•t•t!; hrti J-410. •y c of tit:` a-•ihnoi-i it. wa a nvf-v,;sarp ' \` ; \ 1 \ .. f 1ll ` him harm from any lingering re- "Very likely," returned Vladimir „ of late father the latter said also r Dr. ,l,^hn•ro>t io dark•n +.h, enrae.; avenge." thoughtfully. "I will profit by this, ' ' '° Mr. J. H. McClinton tits <rillecror ft,r i, b-! I- the :vnimnl with a Irma i \\\ 1 \ \ « „ trying to conceal his real feclinas. Eavt VJnwauoi•h tt wwshi hits this year h 111 ,..1 !t - h `n`l, am try leo': ihrour \ No, not returned the monk. and I am much mistaken if you do +Ino no," returned Savotalio in a p 1 b ` \ •`His mission thither was most nobly; not also profit by it. I have those in ' , C ,Ih+Otr(l 1111 rlaat hie to 1 Cr.11H i for t x• ' h' cph ha.mra:Eoi1, tit a Elia once of ,\\ 1 w' i'" ' . • f fulfilled. So far from cherishing Moscow who will work for me. I perplexed manner I admit it. But c•1•lu it row d,ilur". He has to=f=u t,ix 'cult t: l i.n^h frru:n th\ an:mat'a tis,,, ,v\ 1 1 g the fact is I have been called away. 'n* a (),`riot of not leve thaml Iwo any spirit of revenge is the count cannot, of course, direct] assure y im; enllecton in t•,rree. of \\hick he 001- L ol- i ^u^,. nt a ii.rno Th` tot -al. time ••t,••nt Y LCt S SCC. I 11AVe IlOt been here I t►\\ t 1 T,a3o to neo ,fir,,' li, flit that be will ever bear for Ruric the you of salvation, for Ruric may since the evening 6n which I found i erect vvvey_eent of Ili-, r_il. .•.v••,• each ,T•Ziinal wcwut t vary front i +`t'fl ,i\\\1 i tht to "i Ci `:•ri lvoaty. He exnminpri holiest gratitude of his soul. never be found. Do ou think so?" the widow A quick groan escaped from a stranger sitting, by your side while tc=t4:a •Ct,us<+s 11a\in' ; h emt'g C., rr 111011-and n m s ' ,1\11 \ \ f :i you were aslee r:1\vi l s 1 1\ 1 ,v ,t { ,1 ! a y P i1L"st 1> tits and ac:hey come front (I a 't t as hopefully. Claudia's lips As the monk thus "Who was the stranmr?" of uric twia poisw.s in the ble,orl, ante to rr ^r «''tint, •b,.,v ` ro far b`ra )pnt:lisl,- t . They gtvc w nsna "I know it," was the monk's as- spoke, but before Rosalind Could Ec , " by i',t ` ltn.y:it tiTCicty*. that's rich acct brit• 11 W I dont know. I thins: I never deratiped kiln, Vis. rheunia,ti:nu, ba- k- "' ` \ \ 1fAnt zto odor.; tiuTed reply. "But," he continued, spear{ the door of the apartment was ache, ln,tibit},U' l,uius ill thE, »;rtes rt;,d In ttlp r :Qes of tl]p Lt]rer an'nt:, is I \ \ \, ISanq Styles, sola tl,• saw him before. He was a good :1 \w:I,-, rX ca, rs-, n vess:u•y t o con- ' relapsing into perplexity, "I cannot opened, and the Duke of Tula strode , limbo; sr•E+,•tupa..tied by hlndilt r and, , i everywhere, ,~t looking young man. Perhaps s Ire fin^ t}tcir movpmen a. Thus, the al 'r a , Y a P uri ,,,ry irunt It s. tit's Waroiligs tOf) imagine what has become of him. in! Ile stopped as be came nigh to was some relative of Tours?" serious aur; t,a:lttrt ru l,Fi tit• 1E'c ted. i ttrtnt-, iv -r- chain -1 down. Sacks t I oil.00 Rut, holdl Aly dear child is there where the company stood, and his „ y •r+!r1,^ eight feet 'fon!; wrrE made for ; This downright falsehood, so bold Di Gt.i,st' i dau '-I,ivet Pi:la act rli nm EavEr the biers, which were k " not a humpbacked, ungainly priest eyes flashed and his frame trembled and flagrant, astonished even the directly and , pecSfica. 1 on rhe I icb,clys. t*. th •n c;:n:[in'd in them. with ropes. The who sometimes visits your guard- with passion. make them twOW. 01,orou-4 land ian?" "How clow?" he cried as soon as count, for he knew the conversation thoroughly Curr, thesa ailment Ono tit '^•!1 encl9 of t11i Sacks \v,^.i'E next` crdy", t YrYlft i'ti ara a6't:c l+tlu4lr>YthM1i't r tr►h M he could command speech. "What which the priest had held with Ru- z3 ce,tt tin. of thio Bleat iciaw-Y ")it, with a knlfr, ltn:l as Brnin This was addressed to Rosalind, P Tic on that occasion. and, quick as 25 crit will do ytna n world (1t good. i:1'il<tcd his head ,tie MIA t,rc•11p! ty r and Ia fearful tremor shook her means this gathering here in my fo r -r the and lifted on to ttt t.atlteMAKE 3i _..., own palace? Meddling monk how -.• ^ • .-•„.- "" "'"""' f! r +Ile eyc_testin:t. +• l a .__. ... _..-.--._-- .... ..-._....-...__._-- ° - .. - .4 %tib»t.antini 1•retevunEtc•. In the• eases of lianv, Ieopa:rds,ti,,ers dare you drag your detestable form dere is, It Copy of :t tramq bill' cir- n+tcl larrE* "ts m+tzzlp4 enuld not b., ; a t`r hither? Out, reptile, outs And let „• ngvd. as thoy fri;imt:mvil the animals FARM } h' u e ye, WOOD'S cutntcd in Glasgow by ; lcrtriio kroe- A t h S j me catch you here again and my D ' © ` e,y ;feel l:rovisian, firm; it sltoays. the Twirly to death; and the dtrro tar h. -id a AP dogs shall tear you up as they d0 ` \.tltr:+ i.o that Canadiau Clt vie, indus- i n „riraotwlleaer t artb to vrre te m Irvs r. _ Too many asthma sufferers give up carrion!” 1` '. ^•,.Y .. try of the: freC siiTtribntion of Progressive stock breeth:rs, dais their search for cure, believing that (/ r wart. Ht rc h=+ f0alnrl it. ;idvi=nbiE to dairy - their particular case Is beyond the con- Without a Sword the mons{ turned ;, 'c ` wtintP!c. l rat thct ? xpCSit ion : ; men, poultrymen, };rain, root and z4 CANADIAN CIILL:,I. Cuff. off tltr wltf th.- c4f the brtlu,- n4 '• °- "fruit growers, beeke<:per•,, agricul- • krol of scientific treatinen t. , -- tilt• tcuc.liin of the whi4kery elu•in 5 "' a\vay. Isis face was pale as death ali+ r turas students, and hurna mai:etti t,•= It is only necessary tq point all ' At (;lav,z0w's 1!Ip1 Exhibition the examiata.tiaYv made them 'n%p. fi,tcl the articles and answer, tt,:>y Much to it new hope in Dr, Chase's and 1115 lltlri(lg arCre Clinched till x118. ' BYrup of Linseed and Turpentine, the fingers' ends seemed to settle them- ` t hr:u.5nn`ls of free samples We,;: i Th' .rE`fiauistaninrv,q of the Elnpior Questions in every is."lle of the 7 a , v , ul;l }tiff a ststlni t had to b' rodless. one great remedy which has proven selves into the alms. t Gilrn A\vay by i:hti C•anad!sn lt,; efficiency pert only'e,1 a prompt re- P Government `^'n of th!+ bir.iv w rr in:tu rd to .... '13ef, but also as a thorough cure for "Remember," the duke exclaimed ' :h- }, ,i i've.ryt,r dy Dolicht.ed ! I thru.t t.h^ir billy into I.:trm, mrk•4, V asthma, as ']adimir reached the door, "if At. BLACkW.00D <C CO's., 1 inti the fichpa list+i to b•+ trcaied very FA zx mrs. George tudden, Putnamville, se /jp (@ gyp r You win nity the. Genuine Articlo, int- ! *incnrly i.E7 avoid •ht'1r Ruffocation. ibnt„ trays_: -"I fele it my duty to re- you dare t0 CTOSS my door Stool :011 P 6i6 o$ l w commend Dr, Chases syrup of Linseed Arraiil NORWAY tl r N SYRUPI ,direr t irt7rn Ontario, io, Canada. I Ttt•' bta_cnnatrirta,`s ani pythonv a , 5 - and Turperitire, as I had the asthma ga „ 11very 0hens, guaranteed ('anadinn wrr,+ throw . into .vacky. 1n eircuri_ ttC'yll/ trs ~' get nothing to do me Iloldl gasped the mons{ in a A positive care for all throat, .,un 11T. thvi• their E%qu+ezin; lt•`ap:`tt•yiiitiy,the y lrery bad; ronld ,r r , , their hca!ia vverr hE+lEi aytt O'r itu' M and HOME MAGAZINE Ar Good. A friend of mire persuaded me to hoarse, startling tone. Offer no end Bronchial diseas 3. Blackwood 3c er Price. ^ try'-•t'his remedy, I did so, and It cured 4 G1 -2d Per lb. int Cuts' t(lcy by keeps+rs; vvhila with tiwniveq, *Y tee„ more threats. But, marl. ane, proud Healing and soothing to .,s action. Cell and Ta.stn the. Quality, 110 one b.,avery, otiers, seals awl sea_l,ona, , i It is im ossibte to lmagine a better duke, you 'shall see the day on which Pienstlnt to tate, protan and e9ce- pressed tut Buy net'; were thrown over thern, and simply unequalled and inn rpt nya,llt tre'atmlent for asthma than Dr, Chaae's 1yis11 ('rod had made ou a dor► teal in its rosults. Sal>p0rt thr Colnnitiy '1"III'.Y Sul:p ri th"v wort, tat lyt(+d in the IIIc+vllev, r t If you are not already a tinbver•ibt r Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It you'll ' y o 111r 0,as. Johnson, Bear i(iver, ;\', ., The Mother (!ouWtry., Th^r„ was n+r rr`ort: t0 Chloroform. to Ulr• mast h<1pfu1, hest printedand soothes the excited nerves, clears .the CPC he gave you speech to arouse the ,, + and beautifully illustrated farmer's pa x r i4= Ibronehial tubes, gives prompt relief to just vengeance of ' ladlmirl „ writes: I vas troubled frithhuru•seur'Kr+ Thnt last lints giver th+ keynote 'of: I Tlr' do^tor f!Iund that. c0nxing llublitihed, WO invite hi`11611V of U nd when used „ and Tore throat, which thb Forfar r%, I]In foolinit in Bril'ivh Conlm:+rCinl , rviii !t with ihs great majority of lthe frit tttfut spasms, a Illus speaking, the black plonk 1 • +% sample. col,y. A post r.,r.t \\ i ;bring; n, rt thoroll,61y and permanently Ii at nouncerilironcl,ittsandreconiniciie 1itti• i circles f;gw,ird.9 Can-vitu and her tiro- alt man"t' rnnetE+rrd unneer+ +yary the treguta V, :. it free. :t.itiress : urea asthma. 25 cents, all dealers', or disappeared. OInA st'ar'ted t0 pursue to try Dr, \Crood's l 'oraay 1'itlti :+\r11N• ' dnot.s. It iq n prefevmw Imre -inb- n 14 ariifiaint m•'aliy tit trldurtn' Kt liComat: un. hates iC Co.. '.t`nrattto• 11]m but he did not follow out the I dict so, and after' using three bottles I I stantinl than could. i, ltny discrinl!n- i r•il pi , and 1'i Tray Nniy t\ iih ihs iarY <r i= + ' r, Baas rlttlrely cured " i nt0r i:nx In favor '0f the ct:l0nu'v, for lr n f. 4 ;.h tt the nets, rdlios arild flags ; THE 1 ' ILLI:6M WELD CO., LUI:tCtl, to , iso t ctrl also. l.re he reached the boor _ _._. w _ -r y + r. LONDON, CANADA. ^- " ° g p "- "` iif. prises from gratitude in the heart, w`r• elnplryod, ® a &a„wtm wl is tiM „ he stopped and turned back. Tt IvNn i ax t T.iVr!i' fill before w4ir• i nes ihl•autrh any, form of: compulsion- 1'Nr. 7,:h,tson is Iviw lnlvy wiih; rltr ”' ._ „hall u0ili. \VIlUe ,vo;t s1w.11 \till%- •' ; •m e' ° . 'I'h:> titii)Sl!r h''Ctll +t`i:•t• t+E '`': p l ptz, iit ltbr, 1 And you, woman, who art lily. 11111 C:rnldirtn praf.0rcntiat'tar]tf anrt ",'r•r•• nn}riprll isi,t mnt.hr,m:ttl at ul`y •ta x'•' 1 T oC aiu rraswvQ ,t, „ Y f • o !r , opt ;t grilse of pant, curn,g bilirn,xamsa, th0 CiEI Canada Iraq given 1]tt r,nt ir0 ^' wnri;, iE'n!tin, tit'► to tht+ v\•11011 w Tice year, includes a.,a tltu •.ala;, t , 1 thou? he uttered, turning an ,nary enustIllation, sick It adneho and dy-st+E,'11- in Snntlt ilfr%d t err' t;rtint fnhter l to lt' - ,' ref vi•i0*t, stl•t i9 prenartnrt nn- 7it11as 1Vu:/ebur. Y and ° yl s look upon Claudia. Sita ;trot mnio yen feel bettor in 1,bn i the\ tip-luiidinl; 0f inter lmpirrtnl +•ct,•,T ianll r to Nvl)mit to the bynl tbn >t galnc6 b irnaaa}ka stt'ar<%"'r. "I atm a mourning mother in incruirg. Prier3:25d, trade. .+ Ar, ; .lUtF34fAtiY;0.tUlA " r>I Mar.