HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-17, Page 6�, - .,,,w,rcadr�ao,awzsNrrr ., -Tow- . al �-# 1�k,-j,t 1st: .....� at.
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WTAW.itallFlk Ib:,4. t { Irit ,
N�W� iT�M� TA 17
'- • TOWN D 1 U1i,Y. � �~� BY�',�ISftt3il a W, 0x T, U, PLATS M,
f � 1l 1IH11� . 5t. Xury's waterworks putupecl J2G,- BAIT rxwr CaurtOu--64bbatli services ut q ��� l�i����� has t �, _.
+. li. , , , i 100 91lluns 4f water in tht• ttlf)11th of I),�. li eL ill Awl 7 lit. ;:iuliciay School tit X01.111 SURHIOU fm'tlit• r,utI �smoke;,
�-10C 1. t 1TUI4stfiili AND PUOe -4111=0 it , � IS PUBLI1aIMI) Xviltut `cuflaton for till• ol10 thinks,
" ' "I toss i4 anaatyr t4 Slck find NorvQUs ?lead OP110,n)•, 1i101, bril;K ati itveraile Cif' alt,- 3,80 111. tX@azerlil p,iLytlr alleatiug' 11 ",'I
,l Huaslon for the drut nuticer,
on Wednesday ev)nnt„n. Rev, J. J. PaL• E FRIDAY MORNING NG 111T.- u+ laalon for the stabreal'or.
i''flFat�Y. JA;CiTARY li, ltS02. aches caused by Coast#pat#1)u, unaL for `i4 guilunsof tvatur per tlliy. In D,i- tersou,l3.A. piistor. i'V,J.Ghitlnilaiz,S.S. Al -
•+-*�•�•-,= -.�, - . s bas#ueoa on an average 3 dayu a 'week ceauber, 1900, Gt10,000 ti'ollous of water Supetinteuclent. � Tlie Time3 Offtee, BeaVep B1t)elt �i`'t,tincNhedd 1)t Chisholmall, fast aucl
' sazuo pills helped oto, 'but Dr. Agnew'll wetropuutpeti, beilig pU i'tvpraper, of 21;. Mr'alit)vzal ultl_ilcCii-- $iibbatliscrvious ` IXGHAbl, ONTARIO, this Tat sties in f+itch ulontil nt a 1)U u elot'k. A
altt)�r,y :ti )I 11. t't)11tD1 I�R1Ts. corarua illvitatiou 14 a xtemb-d to tit( imort,stect
Th town of Clnit has n r-niarkable Liver PiIiB. at 10't:La. a vial cared iuo. lei) ;;uJluils of tvtrter pez cloy. At 11 a All and 7 1) ill. Sunday School at �Y in the, suppri, tion of t)wdrink ctnilt:s,
z'+3 ecord. Vast year the brtgAde re- { This is my own, testimo Anal its a fast. -':301z zit. Epworth Leagtta every 1Flotz-
y Silvt'r coins with t o is in thele aro day vvviiing. (4enerul prayer mecttuig Txatnt OV 81TWO1111-4ON--$1,00 per onnum it) The pro„resa of wuulen suirrage has,
9) . eel to tevFlve trolls, acid the total Noor I never 19sa stn hour or anus a meal, n 411 Wadlttls:l t � adv'►ace 6t.6e if not so paid. No payor di yon
tiro) )iu to tote l:uttour iu the c hltuttale y evenings,
Rov. Rioliaid tfIyuoa t#1I aII arrears are punt, except at the been Aptly compared to a sprits of wrest-
loss ns X50. In 1000 tltert+ were fifteen This is the written testimony of a well known i 1 n , Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup• option of the publisher, ,
galls , with n total damage of $21, while � Toronto journalist --fou can have lits name if t)f mouetnrr dreulatou, The Wilks ling bouts, between all old Ulan unci a
j . griiltentlant. AuvERTrsrNci amms. - Lofinl and et!]pr
1n5urailCa eonlpan#es dotal; business (you want tt. Agnvw's are t11e }nest pills enc! liar- agret d a,ot to ulTept mutilated piirsi37i••CS1tIAY 01rultCH-Sabbath ser^ cnallt)t adYarttseiltonts,soperNon arielfll"f"r grOtvinp; boy, ,The niau C'u;: throw the,
ria insertion,
t8a or
r1 brie r
.ti the town p;totl out �i for losses during i x-S:o cheaper than any other. 4a gills x1) cis. I coins. They La retiredby flier vias& tit 11 a ui nu(l 7 p mi. Sttuclay insertion. 1 f1) eac�� subavclutnit boy As yet, but it, is only a clutaatiou of
the two years. loo plus 25 cis. 2Z Govbr+attaeuo bN-Turn au issue of Ring School at 2:$0 p til. General prayer Aclvertixemonts in local cahtmns ora cluu•ged tilIGO when tlw case will Le reversed._
GeriuAu Chemists li4ve fotiud a substi- . teelel by A. L. Flttinilt-)u, Wingllanl, , Meeting oil WednesdAy evenings. Rev, 10 ets per line for first ingt +rtion, and 6 conte r ,
tote for alive noel cotton seed oil, ill rho ' "^ `" " . _ _ a Edward p cues cuuits from the -new Cun' D. Perri- pastor tLnd S, S. Su ritztau, per line for each dubsoquenh insertion, VTI Oniau s Column, Boston
�. ; I:1 Hicks? January l o►oc:rvca. r p Advertisements of Lost, Found
ail of the bun flower, It is said to be adittn Toilet. , 13ttnved, Tllte TI+l1ES has said the Nety Xtttr's
dent. Farms for sale or to Dont and ainyilar, $1.118 £or
Convertible to many uses, such as lautp Rev. Ira flicks, of 5t. Louis, gives .q ,`,,�, Ol. ST. PAUVS CHUKOXI, 14PISOOP1L-Sab• flri4nluutl)aud 50 cont$'for each subsequent Day I'•ratertaturneut for the young uzen
' 0 oil, for dyeing purpusts, and will be of i Ih�` following forecast for. January,-•• i' h 1ld rG t Cry bath services At 11 Ili ul. and 7 p,n. Sun. month.
service Ili sent,-tunking. As the suit-, l A vulean storm periodicovers the first �� y ''a do School at 2;30 zn, Gentual ra er OusTRAO2. RA'v9s-Thefollowingtable shows was A "howling success," This is rath-
J p p Y our rates for the illyvrtion of advertiseinents er u doubtful Compliment, Nevertheless•
flower is larp;ely grown in Ontario, we Kix days of January, be ing central on * •••' � meeting on Wednesday evenilzg. Rev, for specified periods: -
may expect soulo experiwonts will be1:1114 the 3rd. Winter ,storms will develop 't• o Will, Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, a. S, 811AO>;, 1 Wt. 0000, 8 aro. f'vo p)any en jOsett thenisellIvs stud it is to be'
shade, toad probably much to Our profit. p']ss from west' to east, followed If Mr. O. Jarvis of Goderioh township Superintendont. One Column .........$00.00 $85.00 $14,01) se(n hoped that another Naty Years Day will
by colder weather. from; the ninth CO\GztrGAxloN:tL CsuItCH,-SrLUblLtli Uatfauluinu ...,,.,,, 85.00 18,00 10.00 4.v0
Despatches sr( that the BoIgiazi 011ie- hall ulatly trc-s like tine outl lie reotlutly dltntrtordolumn .,,.. ls.0o 10.00 0,0000 2,00 b p „
p Y to 12th there will, bo a return; to brio • sonic Improvements :tlon<� with
ants in the CUu);a FreeState
+aover � li)11a11-lLit 9tctnt conditions, with more rain and 801 i lte wu)ticl stion become wealthy Sisilwioolbattt]a l� niaMidwedk�ime(atisau pit wilt be tvltliout s>vcific <tircottons the eutertaiuntent. For instauae,
tivest to cannibals ice of co be eatrut ! Sume of "''tory; again followed by colder and (rout his bus�a. Last Wednesday lie Wednesday evenings at$ o'clock, Gtv zit iusly, Tian uttad er� sine is musi,t iso paid Juveniles alight be entertained oil the,
the minor officials baro been iS0111hed clear weather. The moon+ being at sold to the Messrs, Rausford for the Wilson, S.S, Supt.; A. 1�1. Prior, pastor. for litndvanoo.
south declination during the disturb. > S<wcAmzox e111t+zx--ti�rvice at 7 and 11 Tire Jou Dlar�nzrlrivr is stocked with tin day ioliowiug ; ratreshnl0ut» served
i,ut it is sal:? Only its abliud. AucOrding tineas of til) 0th to 1.2th, the, cold at- brapltltou .Salt 4irorks, fv1) I . foot lug' ii, in )tad 3 and 8 m 1)u SnudAyy and extensive assortment of all requisites for print- apart from the place of amuseutonc; A.
a& this is true heri 5 aneed s t is rte OrY d '(•))ding these .storms tt illi t)1) general 0111 from tt s,)ft tllin trrtl evhiall Measured every evening drill„ the (voelr� at 8 t6, affording facilities not egtuyllca m the short program in the tiYCeruuclu, and
+ • , g county for turning out first ahtss work. Large
ary work ztz Belgium,ura biti :aid ,severe.. Q Mercury disturbance 380:3 feet. Three of the lugs were first o't;lock tit the barracks. typo and itHand) rope ate outs for allstyles of .t Ipont more temperance sentiment from the,
thexitiin4 on. It of s-assibad itstheextends from 12111 to :)3rd, Central on Class and the other two were' nOt 60 POST Ovirroz—Ill Macdonald Block. caslioicti flInc,F type for the nite118, etc., and tlrre latest 8 os of
classes U print, Ir p
g 18th; during the fir•,ti half of thin a type > public 2titfornt.
anassaere. vulean storm period also prevails, sound but nevertheless he racuived $35.- Otlice hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p ni. ing• tvouyel)'8hairragu.
Prof. Loeb of the Univ -,sit of Chi- r Peter Fisher, postmaster. H. H. ELLIOTT ,
Y central on 15th. Some' of the heaviest 50. RJEOWLNICs' IVsrrrgTE--y and Proprietor and Publisher Petition$ for women's suffrage are eir-
tcago claims to have discovered, the real storms of the, month are, probable There died at her home oil the base flee reading room in the Towu Hail, culafed throughout the province by the
viixir of life. He thuds that, in brief, front Tuesday, 14th to Friday, 17th. ) tvl11 be open ever P. KENNEDY M..U.. M. C. P S. O W. C, T. U., which will Ili (lite t;tuu be
electricity lis life, and life is elecaricity. Moon on the equator on the 14th will line of Hulett, oft Jan. 2, Caroline , p Y afternoon from 2 to (Member of Tho British M0(iical Assceln-
6: #) o'clock and every evening from 7 to tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine, tipt+cI I presented to Parliament,
We may expect if this theory be correct n�sou tltrrnepaxts thunders ctric azld liblltn Hooper, wife of Wm. Bnlleu, egad Gl 0:30 o'clock;. Miss Millie Robertson, attention paid to diseases of Women audtililla Woman on (puarterly l)oaraN.
that man will become a sort of machine. years and J wouths. She was born in librarian. ren. oilier hours -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to 0 p, In.
•eating only such foods as gender elec- lug. stain will turn to sleet or ,snow, Curuwall, England, lit 1840, auluiur to TowN Cousom-R•. Vanstone Mayor; D0 Methodist tvOrueu know that they
tricity, and rejecting those which do not ending in blizzards to north and wast this country in 15G•3, anti stlttliu;; 11,31 Wnl. HOitnes, Thos. $ell Rout. y11i0- P DIACDONALD, have the right
t and become Society /Reprhee
,give him the proper electrical substance, with swseping cold wave. brpnglug up to the township of East Whitby, where IudoO J J. Elliott W. F. VauStone, r• 'so
'Taking his theory as correct lie has not, the rear. About tho 20th cold .viii ,the was nilited ill marriage to Will. Bnl- A,. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. Iyer. Church Quarterly Board.
�eb, explained
food. rent pe ell re- a bawd and rain tr ca:stmay o lox- leli. Alter AviuR there fen• Veit vears guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Centro Street oil, afterwould electing 6e�eue,nen
ell , 1x , they eftmt. to O lutoi,, three) years •larai Y•ouhill, Assessor; Win, Robertson, Col. Wingham, Ontario. ' Y S b
,prise in the future if an expert electric- turn to .sleet and snow, and during they set tied oil the burse hue, where her lector. Board meets first Monday even -
,t0 rrpreseut churches ill which seven
tan is called in in case of illness, instead 20th to `24th winter, storms and; bltz- remaiuiug days wore spout. hug in each mouth at 8 o'clock. out or ten of a membership are women.
-of a physician, Thera is no doubt that zat-As may be expected. The last SCIf00L BoARn.-Ii. Derr, chairmail), DR. AGNE W, We'll tell yon what one Clltiroh did
about it. A few of the woven talked it
J'rof. Loeb is a. renowned soientist and ,storm period is centrall on 20th, cover- Franklin J. Moses, once governor Thos. Abraham, J. J. Rllltt J. J. Physician, Surgeon, etc, over and decided that the prinoipie in-
dooes)not give out a theory without fours- jnghf from
r o 20 h col ]f er v2 trill' of South Carolina, was sent to jail Homutli, Wm, Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. 0111co-M„caonata Block, over S. E. Davis' volved was bad. It tended to give flee
fi on Thursday for stealing an over- Button, 0.I\.Grifiiu, Socrotary,Wm. Drugstore. Xightcalls answered utthooilice. lords of creation an unduly exalted
close the montk. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
I 11. the $i. 7:cr:is exposition it is to Coat. _ _
cent ra:platicn I5 `set aside a large ) • Georgo P. Sills, formerly of Orta- Meetings second Tuesday evening in each VANSTONE, — opinion of valuable
It ileprit deprived the
tract of land, parhapi ten: acres, for OUR PAST RECORD. wa, Oitt., was killed !ly his son, ITer- month. 11, Board 1)1= vh the advice on questions
I 4 -he constractiaa of a model city, I ey, at Barnet's Rapids, 13, C. It PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACI'IEns.-,A• H. • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. with which the IV helped
were poor-
{vhere would beshown, all that is best Our past recortt uY duccessfttl catering teas an accident, 1lns Privutvuna Coma Enna$ to tont2 at le{yest familiar than moo; it pulped to perpetn-
in laying + grove, Principal, Miss Robertson, company ate the ecolesiartical snbjeulion of we-
y ng. out th etre cts, in arahitec_ to t!e wants of rt critical public is the . It is asserted that the Ithaca, Wall .12iss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss rate of interest. No cuiluynssfoa charged, Mort
tu.re, in bridg,vs, sewers, lighting,etc, best guarantee we call offer to till who Corp it gages, togas and farm nj1r�1)pp�rty bought and moil. At tlo- i)lirlueek prayer service,
-with special attention to the most ef- are not yet itumbeied among our per- Paper Mills will build a branch fac- Y , Miss Campbell, Miss Matheson sold. 'Office, BsaverBlock, Winglutm. -ti ]tell the electiuu of rei reEewativeswas
I tory at Niagara Falls, Ont., for and liaissReid. to take In
firs nt m�thols of city administaratian, maneut cnsrouyers. Pleas- rtlut-tuber $oAlm nr, HEALTIi—Ma or g place, one of ti,eir re number r e
their. Can .(lien trade. y Clegg, A. MORTON, Crim- spokesman for the rest, nuts after
e laced i.I erctive feature con- that we prase i specialty of r sItlo' phy- Richard Stewart has been commit- ory, tzzan), C. J. , J. B.'F Thos Greg- V • a few remarks boldly nonlivati-0 a we-
' xemp:algid is .i cres:•,;pctit:•(i of a m-.siaiaus prescriptions. Our steak of , cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. $.'Fergnsolo, Sea- BARRISTER, ,itc., , y
pet 3enia,iv, t;irert of Paris, London, I Perfume,, Tuilat ariicl-:, liruslics, ted for trial at Niagara Falls, Ont.,Dr.J. man• the men smiled indulgently, and
Now Fork :;nc other typical cities, I Sponges, ate., it lalrge and varied. for assaulting Mrs. Zachania D. An- gem j�•p�cer. R. lliaodonald, Medical Wingha)n, out, tvlz-u the ballots we,q couutet9 tiI- too-
.showiag nat -)nly tlle building and t$e i T1IE ]iO T 1(ELTABLE AtiD POPI'LAit, gels. The case will be tried oil June mtln headed the polls. That Board has
paving, bat al: the tsubterrarioan ar-I ,, ., 20. • �q y9 ' never since been without two elected
R i Paine's Celery Compound is the most Pl i�'ii g AND T H E � R Y. � L. D7CKEN� t0N, woilten members . as well its women
ran iments, cetyors, water malnr The statement of the treasurer of
' reliable told popular family medicine, e' Harvard University, just presented BARRIriTER ETC.
rcaiduht9 for t: tees, gasp2nes, subways, and is specially r<coutttrenclecp fur the MISS SARA LOUISE 11i00R1. L.C.M.Lclass leaders.
' England May Have wouyon Citrates.
4n p tlatic c -tints, etc. These would cure Of:1leuututl na,rtauxalgilt, cry:p-pain, u the overseers, showed that the ails rio,is;r of't}re Assoofataa Musicians of Solicitor toB:uilcofHnlniltou• Mune to loan. London, December 7.—Quite a shook
1 I>: put adj c•2nt t+a each other, e1) ih^t university ran behind 4321,57:) for Outurio,isprepared to receive a limitednurn- Oftice me erBioeic Win h Ill. y has been nervous diseases a ikd sleeplessness. if Y c bee of pit its Tor instructf u on piano and in y g Q
they could b= oagtly and effectively ),1)u have not succeeded in banish- the year ending July 81, 1901, bee ors. P given to the more formal
l aompar d. 50 far no application has ,�bottle • church circles by the sugt;estiou, made
I tb,N n received far a model of Brant_ of P i ne's nCelerytoille Compo used, r It will Thursday lafternoon disc ssedf the car 1r examinations.
yl attention given to pupils preparing ARTHUR -T-
D. D. s„ L. D. S. half ostia •1 b the wit's of a Derb
for esnmblations. J b Y Y Y^
YatlTl'S pity hit:, but doubtless this ztotdisaproilityutl, shortage question for two hour's and P.e4idvncv--o:li,ositor.C.Chnroh,winlBall. Dootorofbontalsic_bcry of thoponnsylrania poitzt-el to ahire ssistthat
thty+0a18 gymau'sNvoinall bhelp-
tyill Coma in tame. i �} L. I•iLUULTOX, Druggist, then adjourned, It was a warm de- Dental 05tloge atria Licentiate 1)Y the Royal
11 „i, 11111 Colle •e of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office mate as a curate of the parish. It is
Catarrh Cannot be Cured Wiunluuu Out. , bate, all intezests being represent ullil I,li,�,,�,�\ � Zh
ed. t IlIi11'1I , : ' J. �. �, �, over oseOulco,wing am. needless to recall tine attitude of the
with LOCAL APPICATIOSS, as they cannot : y�I II�, 1' "' +;I Elliotti Established church 1)u such questions.
aeach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is .1 Clergyul:tits Protest. At Ottawa aMary Gertrude Spry, Il�i��'� j�+���h Honorary Graduate of W.T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., From its foundation it has acgtltelta to
1 a blood or constitutional disease, t'u`t ill : Stratford, Jan. G.-- If Stratford ate- 15 months old, was choked to doatli (i I College Veterinary
` � Gallego. L.D.S. TM"•+4 tl]- in'LttlCtiOu OY St. Paul that tvOmeli
order to aura it 1)u must take internal. i cc is the proffered donation of Mx. Thursda b a screw nail an inch x OfTice and Infirmary Ne{v method for paiiatess ea• """
Y X p Y Y should keep silent and learn subjection.
Temedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Andrew Carnegle of 41'1,000 For a pub- and a half long. The child found N corner of Victoria and traction. No Oocainv' It is pointed out, how -ver, that hun-
t lfinnio sts., Whiglyany, 61l"Olttl attention to the care and regulation
-internally, and acts directly oil the blood lie library it tyilll not be. with the con-. the nail on the floor and .tried to 16,ijb;�'i}, ,l ; ; Day and night calls of children's teoth. Moclorato prices and aU dreds of woolen have been inducted as
1 and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh ,sent of Rev. A.i If., Going,+ pastor of swallow it. I'i�'7q � promptly attended to. work carefully and skilfully per 0rrnQ, 01Bea deaCouFsses and members o; church sis
y ., ) Telephoneconnection, irlBeaver Block, Wingham,
lure is not a quack medicine. It was Waterloo street Methodist church, of John Durand, hotelkeeper of Bel- terhoods, and that they have performed
,proscribed by one of the best physicians this city. Speaking on' Sunday' even -was ,
in this coup -try for years, and ,s a ing on the aubjeeti "Christian„Manli- Londmonton oil S turdayyeveni ng by their o 'hes u a manner highly Would
, ee
FARMERS fOHN RITCHIE, tory to the authorities. It tvoulcl seem
regale, prescription. It is composed of Dess", he referred tat thea action; ,I a failing down the cellar steps of the and anyone having live stock or other eJ to be but a short step to the ordination
#1ie best tonics known, Combined with member of the Public Library, Board Atlantic House, died at Victoria articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, of women as ourates.
the best blood purifiers, actin; directly in asking Mr. Carnegie; for a donation Hospital Thursday. tine the same for Sala in the Ttuns. Our large winghani, Ont, The Daily Telegraph suggests that the
1 On the mucous' surfaces. The perfect and ,said that if 'not other voice, in, the , , circulation tolls and It will bestraime indeed if "lad curate" would be invaluable to
combination of the t{v1) ingre(lientsis city has raised in; protest, td sueh;.un' the sittings of the Half-breed Com- youdonotgotaeustoluor. Weenn'iguarautee Y
what produces such wonderful results in act, his, at least,, would, be. He was mission at Winnipeg have been oiir Cor tl%nrbiel sor stoeck than it isou may rth. Send JOHN CURRIE, WtNaxAar, ONT, her superior. ate could teach the viil-
:curiu Catarrh Send for testimonials opposed to receivinga dollar' from cially postponed until all danger of your advertisement to the Timusand trythis age girls, stimulate interest in athletics
g �' ” the further spread of smallpox is at plan of disposing of your stock and other LICENSED AUCTIONEER, among her parishioners, and so interest
;fee-, the great philanthropist for three
t F. J. Creamy & CO, Props., Toledo, O. realsons,- , + an end. The commission may not articles. sPectleiityf Fnrnt,Stock and Farm I)nplernellts a them more and more in the ChulC11, and
Sold b;r druggists. price 75c. Tirst, ho was opposed to 'the princi- meet again until Alay. Ail orders loft at T- TrmEs office rom tl generally -sort ti cheery and beneficent
A�p� •�✓ attended to. Terms reasonable. p n y influence. The paper adds: "The bish-.
Salt's family Pills aro cl,e best. plc of begging for suah a purpose. The Rev. H. S. Musson, formerly of THE ops and many more are deploring the
I , Stratford people were too ;self-respect- Toronto, who was recently appoint- dearth of candidates for ordination and
i It is a happy augury for hAmantty ing to ,stoop to such' means to get a ed rector of the Church of the holy DI"TAICE
E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN itis here that the energetic �
i 111$1 our ingenious American friends library building. f Innocents, Indianapolis Tuts been .and womanly "lady cu_ato will b- a
.have) turned their ingenuit3i to the in- Secondly, Mr. Carnegie wa.s aCfor- made rector of Indianapolis Cathed- WINGlrA.tl „
xestigatioa df biological truths that eigner who aimed tit, the subverting of ral, to succeed Ilev, Dean Peters. valuable ally.
ltria3: have, an important bearing on our relation i 0 the.; mother country. Mrs. Dennis Buckley, ley, an aged andTE 0T TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Goad I3eletlt is Ilnpossiala
fiat habitation of Ilesl>i trhieh: we "I would not touch money. from any p Pu Ila r J Without regular action of the bowels.
#lave to carry around{ with; us, and I man whose aim is to[ pull, down the respected citizen Of Hamilton, trip- Pupils; P opnred £or Conaervlttory of Mttsic Laxa Liver Pills regulate the bowels
3vh2ch has such a. trick of getting out 1 British flag from over our' Dominion, ned and fell down a fiiaht of stairs esuui nat10 a• care coustidyspepsia, ,
aof'order, ,says the Toronto Globe; and to replace it by, the Stars and Stripes,' Thursday evening, breaking several patiOn, biliousness
Is the
•vb, n we consider the; delieatet meeh., I continued the ,speaker. ' ribs. Some arteries burst, and her - _'-`-_ - -'- sick headache, and all affections of the
head was badlybruised, Site may Ideal Rapid Transit i n A organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. All
soleal and oltpmical operations const- "Thirdly, "it is blood money, aa- die V�QLlN ��� Ll��Ti� druggists.
i amtly going on about it, and within it cumulated at the ,sacrifice! of the During the year 1cJ01 no less than Long Distance Equipment ]HISS CARRIE 14f00RE .
•tvc can ,scarcely {yonder, thati some of working man, If Mr. Carnegie wants 8
ihb processes Lesome occasionally to show his philanthropy# let him, do 1,125,501 pieces of baggage were . Increases the speed va London r Conservatory
t°1st to ieceiveaa ALited nuns-
' ta�igled up. Pt-rhaps that recenti an- so by providing for, thei widows+ and handled at the baggage dc,partment And cuts down overtime her of pupils for instruction on Violin and
moducement of Prof. Loebl,ofi Chicago orphans whose husbands and, fathers at the Union Station, Toronto. In Charges. guitar. � i"�,
1 Up��'varsity, bT a •discovery of means were ,shot down by his! minions in the the previous year the number of Residence -opposite R. C. Church; Wingham. . M r� � -`
• of prolonging the lifet of the cell ix the nomelstead riots." ,. pieces handled barely passed the mil- 'The Contract Department v
1.must startling of these biological •dis-, , lion mark. will furnish particulars. �OB PRINTING, /;2-
caveries, although the report that .E'er over Fifty rear$. John Redmond, •D+I.P,, announced
incluc g
i p
t Prof. ltiovikoff of Ann' Arbor bad An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs on Thursday that tVilliam Redmond Th:' �e�I Telep�one CO. Of Canada Howls, 0 roulurss,,',� c &,p elxecuted in the list• r_%` _ i���
1 sound a combina l2on of subr)tanens Winslow's Soothin Syrtt has been used style of the art at moderate y ' `� t'A>-
u g p and Joseph Devlin of Belfast will prices, andon r t , t ):„;b -
g xvjiieh he calls beaeozone q which will for over fifty years bymillions mothers Sall for the United States gat the .Xi. lliti111 +,. (XFAt 6WINu•mt „:, la w. tt %64 short notice. yi {. - _.. l , �Y
BUOIiBr.TD,iP(i.••-Wa are` �.--••-”-"
leer to et toric disorders, thei relation for their ofiAdren while teoth,ng, with end of the month to complete the " that any Boosts or Mneaztn(se to toannouncefor _ Il
Ithat vaccine dee., co szn,tilpos{ is, if Perfect sneCess. It soothes the Child, work of organizing the United Irish Bindill, will have our prompt attentforl it N tt
callable, a discovery whose import- softells the gurus allays all ata, outer League �'"� � � Prices �or Binding in an st le will be �/
It t:ould $carrel bee era 1 Y p Lea a in America.
y g'gerated. wind colic, and is the best remedy for application to y y given an /
Tho feature of Thursdays proceed- 7112 TIM98 OFFICE ✓ � ,
W<.y are inclined to regard with: sus- diarnc�on. Tt is pleasant to the taste. ing$ in the Provincial Iloartl 1)Y SOLID RUBBER Wingham. „... �, % a..+.•-, �..
;Pieter., wonders N-0ilah are, heralded, to Sold by druggists in every part of the Health at Toronto were the reading `s a ��. <" •
alt from the other ,side, of the border, world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its 's RAILWAY 7I1lTE TABLES.
t but in the easy of melt like the Profs. value is ulealoulai)le. Be sure you ask of the annual address by the clrail- � ciR00
' Loeb aLd Nov:kcff wei Can be stire for Mrs. W nslow's Soothing Syrup, , and man' Dr. Vaux, and the report of '"` �v RAND TTtUNtt I'tATuVVAy SYSTEM. There is a noted difference
= that they at least are( not guilty, of take no other kind. o p the Committee on Sewage #,y Dr. l7t
t5raPsationalism. Tierce. Dr. Vaux s address stated o p TttArxs r... 6. trot( in the style and fit of Pants we
nn, Palmerston .. 0.63 a.m..., $,6oa.m, y
_ Clever t'iece of Imtective W.)r1c. that there are between four and five London .................. 0,50 a,m.,., 8.10 m,
London, Jan, 4.-- The arrest of Thos. hundred cases 04 smallpox in the IIincardino..11,f0 a.m... 810 p•m.... 8.88psu. mare that altvay5 brings pe0-
t Sellers. the alleged horse, thief, by Province at present, In the last Will carry heavy loads and Aitl(Ivxi ,rnoaz
(� �y p , Lir ,c, rd , o ....0,410.x' s,66 am .. $.10 p.m
�I,!$�°' s�i6 �.9"uC9` Detective Robert N4rthgrcaves al,d Year there tons a, total of 1,$88 withstand hard service. LohaOn.................11.10 a.m 7.66 pan l7le back for another pair.
I .� Constable I,eanard Paisley, appears, to cases. Painlersto)y.....,........ 2,46 p,)r2 8.88
An ever satis#actuiy, easy- R. T. ST7TTON,A p'm 'Then there is the low price
r Dr ing'S �%'I1i0US 9'11 $. have been the result` of a,avezi work, The aomp2ifnfntary banquet ten- , _ stent, ... 8.8am,
3 work, and reflects credit on the ciered Mr. Gilbert Parker, TF1. 11., the riding wheel tire. �iANADJAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.
t 110adache. Indigestion and Cozrati- shrewdness of both officers. The ar- well-known writer, by the Canadian V TRAINS LHAVE iron
llvEry sit guaranteed and better quality of cloth put
W010111 -ATO set the Liver ni; Iit rest wars made about 70 miles from Club, in Toronto Thursday evening, a Toronto
al � ...... 0,67 nail..., 9.2`1 p.m.
a Ton rilnrt Vae Dr. Chase% i(Cidney. London, at a nomination 'held on the will rank as one of the most brit- . Can be fitted to any wheel, 1.82 P.m ....10.48 p.m,
Annty*n ruou in them—cloth that wears
I Idver 1'fllat. county road l)pttvettn Enniskillen, and pant functions of the kind over Ltelcl Teeswater..,..,6.57a.m.._&25p,m.
I ' Sarnia town9hips, thte stolen harness in that cit I4,ulI $00 members of • $andfore atalagua Toronto and East 132 ent, .,1 gh p.m.' See oLli' 11eVlr goods and pelt es.
Good health is impossible when the having r lien »revio. sly located `at the y` Y .T. H. TiEEMI1R, Agent, Wingham,
liver is deranged. The skin tells of b + ) the club and their friends were in DUPlLOP TIR9 Co.
{ 'the poisoned state f the s3ratem by oott 0& ]:nt 9l�,ping
I zzg lletcctfva Nar11z= attendance, In addition to an elo- � LIMITED. -�rn��- -
} inpTes, blotches and liver spots ; the rpuunt speech by ;tlr. T ttrtcer, -lion. � TOAO. r1), 1 V � � +�•v �tr
I tallgue is caat(•d, the heath aches, gr san_rso ihc, thefte of dot. $let delivered a ringing 111 -1� ,[
dl- Geo. I;. l: 4.,te1
I vst#on is impaired and the bowels are p ' Canadian address. ..,____--_. - -
Irregular. There will cone spells of - of harness from Londdn township, over _ ^ ' t..
tiltzzines and weakness, palpitation, a year ago. Ther officers, in their , � w-•,ti'ltr. Ye^ • +,,•;,,.;,,,,q1 ;;
shortness of br`•ath and manstrucll de- bunt for the culprit, heard of more Pret,oto to salsa PrIcas.
�T � `� ,{
liverethe Ici In Sympathy with the than one rasa of sitniIax thieving; from; , Toronto, Jan, 10.--A number of % AD Y E rMISP,
fiver the lttaneys become olt>ggrel and Hite farmers of tha county, pirklo dealers and .manufacturers met/
the most serious contplicat#ons arise. T i / .� . . 1
Search tyherP you will it is impossibFg A t(•c,l•.known citizen, who tak: q a at the 1Valker Ifouse yesterday to ;,yi ! � I
try :Ind a bettor treatment for bilious• great interest in county, affairs, ex- discuss prices and other matters con- :,a b • � "" . ��• ,1nt �,, %
itaess and livor Complaint. than Dr. pre,sed himself to n reportnr this neeted with the trade. Among chase 1V i l� J[:!
+Chase's dneyT,iver Plils. Havfrtg a morning t4 fine effect! that the large present '(rer4 T. A. Lytle, Toronto; �a IC0111'�IIl!!Y".�)r'�V'CS.
i direut and combined action on the kill• amount of petty thieving~. taking place Fred IT. Zupp, TIamilton; G. A. Ilan- TVIADE MAotslcmRKS
neya :and ltvur thery are So thorough and in rural digtriets sit est;g the advisa ris, Brantford, and J. Taylor, Owen ' The undersigned having been restored to COPVRIGHT!� ikb.
searching as t4 promptIY afford relief Rfi hoaltlr by aimpla means, after suffering for
and cure. bi121:y 0f providing a morce effective sound, Nothing d0finitO was done, several years witit q severe lung (affection, finct 4114610 ascertain onti onirilOn freor�iiei>no'r'rn°�1
o ,, means of running dawn offend:'rq than aceording t o the statement of it that dread disease Cohsunti►ttory, is anziottq to TIMES_ y . a Invent on isprobnbiy?ntentablo. Communim
There' #s seareoiy a hent . ..i titin mnke,knowntohis fellow sufforem the means - - -- •---"- W-• tfcnsmrtettycenddent(at. IlandbeokotiPatelx%
Whole country where Dr, Chase's Kids th.=,v(.ltttitaryandtzndprplidrffortsof couple 1)Y those present at tlta meet- „f.eure, TothowwhodesireIt,liewillelavor• �**ANT90-Sever 1 sentfreo.Utaeatit o,noyforsecurinlr IIlents.
nry-t.tvtr rills are unimotvn, riney coxint.y constables, It inti impossible% i„ g y y p VV n persons of rharacter Patents taken titiroug itfuntt r~,co.teeotv6
ing. Ttva or thee- of the eutleuien full send (free of char�gRo) a TR of tilo re• and good reputation in each state (ono sprcutt rtotico, IVlthout cttnrao, in the
have matte thele rosy by fbr, a 4f merit rural di9tracts to, takej the Sato_ pet•+ are going to Xowznarkot today to Scription nsvcl, which tlrey will iintl a entre for In this county recfitred) to tei1 resent And a&
! g pl opert .stared tis p Maladies.,vartise ovi estabils led vvealtlry lyasinesa IronsO r
unt.l pllyt*iC•Iaris and lt(•4ylt- aill.t re- Catttl4n In .5pcuriri Y COnfer with SUme plClclo i,lant)faCtU13 Gonsntu tier, Abtttntn Catarrh Ilranelti� ¢���e�..
C6gn#ze In them Yncist unusual medico,- in barng or atables•front deprodatbrs, s and all throat And {tt»qa ]31) of soldnhaneinl standing, Salary�$18.00tveck• $`� sy` 1111 a►
it1 Value, nitP pill a tl4se,, ;.':v cents !1 and therefore an bffic'e cern ther0 before ,promulgating tt hopratillsuiivrelsalTI'ti Iyisrernray,as it is- lytvitliexpc.naesadrlitiollnl,nilpayablolncAsll Abntidboinolyil)nidratpd wotkl . 1mrRes'trtr.
1 nt system Of selleme for art all-round rise of invalaahla. Those desiring tho prescription, melt W(,dnpsday tlirtaet front ])and a}Tires, Tlorse ertlntio)i tli any eetenttan innrnrii. Torras, $a h
V CO.t till de tors, 4r I:)dmarsol,,nate4 detorrinn and punishing such, acts is rices. `wh]1 hwillcosj,trhomootldni•, on may prove andearthigoaful•nish(vt, (vltenhro(wsary. Ry venr:lourmonths, $1. 901.1b:r,..a•ioreklealers.
the Moro t4 bo do,sired.r ' p h e lid, l•rrt, xtrv. Tit). foreneeA. 1'lrelom ,+tdf,irltlr•r,. `•`l+,Hoar•tl{n +" ` .., a
I 1't AVO A. 11'11: ,t)`., r3mo'.ly:t, ?r(,w Vorl:, vtlopt•. Dta)lit:;`v-.;Iit•f'ar,te•illclil.tilt:•,<7li(.lst, &t�t60;11 Pr ro." t *•,I V,J
i'L.,.. . I. ,t. .... . . , ,_: 7, , i' ,,