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The Wingham Times, 1902-01-17, Page 4
• _ .•�_..Z _ . ''����.kM.k *.Yn'w,.hry MMNM•,AF.eMMM]q.,A Irmo hoel ."owed, You will illi * • In tht' store recently : a ..tett ity •}roue door s in; a t is C Fvo. 117ttoii's. ;ti'•+ -.rill be €;la(1 to sire •.ii, t•ur old cnsroiuers tsl,il l:::ui, ut+iy ones its 01.7r 1:-N' THE WINY411AX V.9148, JAN, lig 1902. 'a-<--.-a-•.tr-.-�.tvzv-••--os..•n..-we-w.. e.=v.m+v..a.�r.-.a,trv�rr.-s+..rs..+w-+woQmswwa.wm�. _' _ _ .. ... ... ... . .. .... . " { i`:.tttlsitaa l�.t•:�,1°.I>ay. or 11'rxSrr offie*+!Nf+!ar�IMf!rlflt•R�ltgwitit.��•e•f#Ir•+fc#!�A. lbbll`#11NbibbO0b41�C19Pb�Cat!!�btlbil0l�bblhillbQM�liiYbbbiM* i Will bo observed by the AVint ham 'IV. r e Q V T. IT, in Ohisholtn's hall on i'nestlay �� t � &� � afternoon, January �lstat K.t;llo'clocl., � � �. Our Best Salesman, � • t Ottdnrted by liZrs. t1Zevi J. J. Ratter. M +s JOHN KERR- 1 PEOPLE t+ JA KER', sou, Supt'rintenclent of `:'tln;;eltsric re Mirror, ° j, c!'T , , KE t6 POPULAR STORE Work. Pro rain will consist (f thanks- � �} � v giving alid player: thallLing Ood for Clip ++ w" a X O � , r . , decision of ta Privy �Onicil regarding ' You 1aviCI1QV the lrild of gar- So bIb Manitoba liquorraise ttesti- .^,. n0n�, fl eill t nto addxabsex ort the fol. mens. that suitsyour style Tllcll you ;ll!•! lour iu:€ topics: '"The worlt of the holy t to �. , , .. „ „ see it on, but you may not be able to �' r {. ; :.pint by Mrs. Ford; What are the, . � � * � � - r w liindraneert to the work of rho Holy " describe it to a tailor. -_ _ +t+l?lrit?" Mrs. J. Ritcltic; "ii'4o is $i � � ' • eligib1H for ,the bnptisnr of the Holy!! 'It is this that ill eS p � i SpiritY" Miss IC. X. Fisher; "The re- � v , W RA 1i ttCCS1V1thspotthitiility of mothers in training their1, children" Mrs. hparliug acid Mrs, Ross. .• `Suitable musi0 will be provided. a�� i]N ecordial iuvitation is hereby extended to w � X10 � • OVERCOATS SOOTS a :$10,00 Overcoats tor......$7.60$0.00 F It Boots for , .....52,25 8,00 " ... , . 000 3.25 Long � i Boots for ...... .,,44 • 7,00.... 5.25 3.00 JA it2,25 , p 6,00 . „ • ..... 4.50 2.50 /1 11 ...... 2,00: • 500 11 ........ 3.75: 2.00 1. 1,50 ; N MEN'S SUITS ; SNAG PROOF RUBBERS $10.00 S or .......... $7,a0.`12egular $1.40 fcti......... 1.05 a i S.CO <t a .......... 6.00' a - 7.00 11 11 ...... . �r 2.00 for....... 6.00 • .. 5. J�' ,. :.x.25 for........ 1.75 � 11 11 4.50 5.00 11 ,1 ........ , . 3.75;1 SUCKS FOR RUBBERS • BOYS! SUITS'Pegular $1.00 for ..........75c': 16.00 Suits for ...........$4.50 „ 70c for ..... ....,.55c 5.00 .. .. ........... 3.75 ,. doe for ..........300 , 4.00 .1 ......... , 14.00 3.00 .1 .. ........... 2.25: MOCCASINS • 250 11 " ......... , . 2.00 Men's, regular a2.00 for .... $1.50 • • LADIES' FUR COATS, �Ii3o5s', +' 1.it 1 50 " .... 100: CAPES, ETC. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS 488.00 Coats for , ........$28,56 80.00 :2.50 ligular $1.00 Caps for ...... 75c •• 28.00.. ad 21.00 50C Caps for ..... • 38e 2' 00 20.501 25e Caps for ...... 19c 20.00 Capes fur ........ , i Y, 17.00 12.75'I REMNANTS 15.00 ....... 11.?ii Big Remnant Sale. They ale a 12,00 " ... , ... Bargains, every one of them. � 9.00i! � •a O+merit¢goo®g®ofsmso�a+st•®oaao$►�a�®�r®seas®00x4©•®o� ...... .. . • JOAN KERR MaCdonald BloCk, Wingliam, JAS. R. KERR ®tots®eras,+ataoeraaa�maefafinea�®mc+s�o®ara�eioaflvsafe+o••t�a�afao•ooba•� e itate to tell her nei.-lib rs, Mrs. C. J. ! __ -- - - - I small, This firm would also manufac- i Office• -Corder of Minute and Patrielc -� - -- _..__ -_ ___ _ ._ . __ _ . __ �._-___..___.__._... . Piney, Brockville,says:- I have 1 tune other articles than those previouslyStreets, WINGHAM. = O +++•+++G+d+++++*PO.rr4>•P+++3- a.pd•+d ♦+++�64+4+b0++4+�+++o'y a giving my fifteen -months' old baby ' manufactured. A m + ty's Own Tabtota, whenever neces- ' F. 1-il, + A 1 A letter was also read from Assign At home Friday afternoons and Saturday - + + r, for some niontlis past. She was ! - i Langley, in which lie suggested a - +hiug mud `vas eross and restless. , �', .T. 11IIAiGI7IE I°+ gams were hard sad inflamed, probable speedy means of disposing of / ++ a `tire difficulty was for file Council to join ACCOUNTANT, RE AL ESTATE, +T H M A -i, er using the Tabs+ts she grew quiet, t with the Creditors and have the Works INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Came into our shop the a inflammation of the gams was re- + + Sold by auction. ed and her teeth did not seem to Accounts, Renta and Notes Collected. Cou- other day, and after lean- ' Mr. Clegg reported that he had en- veyancing done. ' � + ler her any more. An improvement I or6ICE-Over D. M. Gordon'sstore. ill us an order for a suit +o aby's condition was noticable almost gaged a uight�vatehman in order to 1 g + R1±8ILEN(:E-Leopold street.' + ace and I tltiulz there is no better !make the insurance sure, at $1.50 per of elotbes, said it was worth 4. _ _ _ _ � P + ' y night. Tno. Murray is in charge during a,lve Stoelc 11rdid(ets. + BUTTON B LO � -��� WIN A + tone for teething babies." Baby's , at least + I the day. He keeps a little fire under the Toronto, Jan. 14.--Uecei t `r a Tablets can be precared from drug- • p s at the a A or will be sent postpaid at 25 cents boiler and everything in good condition, Western , cattle yards to -day were 82 o On motion of Holmes and Ehe carloads of live stock, indLidin 1,200 + -v; by addressing tiro Dr. Williams' j s Elliott,' sheep and lambs 100 hogs, , g DOLLAR a'�++4+P4++4t++44d+9 Ad+O+yo+Ofi9f,�0064+0�6bdO++O A4994(communications relatiu„ to the N. I. W. i P , 1, 1 383 cattle gg ���jjj ��,,44 Keine Co., Brockville, Ont. 20 calves, and a dozen ibilch COWS. FI., were referred to the Executive with Prices for cattle and lambs were + GUARANTEE -111 hereby certify power to act. ,. +U 0I SETS + stead and unchanged; sheep and hos + I have mane a careful chemical 1 y b p g +A , ysis of Baby's Own Tablets, which I Collector Robertson appeared before were easier. To have a suit made to + the Council to ask for an extension of There was a good demand at fain + F" 3 sets only, which are slightly + anally purchased in a drug store in prices for all good to choice export and your satisfaction, and in + checked regular rice 6.50 ltreal. Aly analysis has proven that i time to Feb.1st, r + � b p $ J butcher cattle. ' + McIndoo•-VanStone-That the Col- the latest fastlion, What + now 14,00, + Tablets contain absolutely no opiate There was an all-round fair cleartance + TALKEU + lector be ompOwered with Ilio collection by noon, we can do for one, we do + t1 97• iece Dinner Set in peen +' arcgtxo that the can be given with p g y CATTLE. . o� Cages to Feb.1st, and that the time , ect safety to the youngest infant; 1 Shippers, per cwt, .....3 4 50 25 25 for all. + and brown, regular price + for the return of the roll be extended to Butcher, choice do. , ... 3 75 4 25 the are a safe and efficient medicine that date. -Carried. T'ry us and sce. + $6.50, now for $5.00, + the troubles they are iudicated to) Butcher, ordinary to + + Irwin -Elliott -That the tinges of Mrs. good .... . . .......... 3 25 3 75 + OF A 97 •piece (old Blue) Dinner :ve and cur j." Brown to the amount of x;9.55 be refund- Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 3 75 -Es + STORE Set for $6.50. iigued) SHEEP AND LAMBS. + ILTON L. HERSE1' M.A.Se. ed, the woman being very ill. -Carried. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 25 3 75 � CLARKE + ' The Striking Committee reported as Butchers' sheep, each... 2 00 3 25 v � _ + Provincial Analyst for Quebec. follows:- Lambs, per cwt.. , ...... s 50 4 621 � � _ TOILET SETS ontreal, Dec. 23, 1001. 1Roads and Sidewalks - Mcludoo, Bucks...... , .... 2 00 2 50 T p p �,1• 1,ttLiitytts eNb CALi'tss. I`o�v the fire is over I auz upstairs in 10• iece Toilet Set for .•2 0, ---ter--- ; Elliott and W. F. VanStone. r the SH_i`P BLCCIi. + Ci- iece Toilet Set for $1,75. Finance --Irwin, Moindoo and W. F. Cows, each............ 30 00 10 00 �... ___ _ f -The presence of of a bird known as Calves, each......... , , d 00 10 00 - + �� p + A good sized Platter for 20e. VanStonO. Haas. � i- gzossbill, rttueh like robin, a native Waterworks-Ifoimes Belland'Elliott. Choice hogs, per cwt... 0 50 6 621 Now ; Odd Cups and Saucers at 75c a he New Enbland :totes is an iudi- Executive -Mayor, Bell and Holmes. Ltgltt hogs, ger cwt.... 6 00 0 25 a dozen, s on of a mild winter. It has done Heavy hogs, per owt... 0 00 0 25 p + i The first named on each committee to Sows, per owt ......... 3 50 400. : � OUR LOIN PR I G E S + well so far. Stags ................. 0 00 2 00Gold Weather _ _-.-----_ �. be convenor. .+ e' N BYLAWS. + BRING YOU BACK - lace amp Burner. See our Electric L it.t'i�r'!EI r yes for he Af,; d j! whon print blurs dY and reading is only possible at en locoh•• ventent distance, eyes treed bolt,. Our glasses restore the vision of youth. Halsor Park scientific Ckfltlolm ft €.ritat J`lswb'ler .ai'i' �%13''lgitibtm, oat. r Bylaw 0.41x, gol!erning muntctpal ,,.,,,,.a,,M.,,. , ,•.,, _•.,:1 -.1 1 + ti department, and for repealing bylaw ; Attire = It give. better light and burns + No. 10, 1880, and 364, 1899, and amend- Y 4 less oil than the, larger burner. + ing bylaw 353, 1898 received the required ( her ,++ � " A few Teaspoons left at 25x; a readings. This is a consolidation of the AWe have everything ready dozen, bylaws. It was found necessary as some W """°'° `" =.•..w,.. to Meet the demands of the 1` Tablespoons at 50e a doze x were owing to unsuitable, ablesandhe Statutes. illegal consumption mother• wAs troubled with Fall and Winter Season. o _��=a AW- Wire Lamp Shade ,I''rame for + some were i4 mption for many years. At _ - --- -- - Bylaw 452 for appointment of A. last she was given up to die. Then 150. Morton and A. E. Smith Auditors for the tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, = New Overcoath1gS ♦ �� n �: " A good Broom for 15e. + and alas speedily cured. The Latest Material = For the next x ' -10- 1 ddy's Telephone Alatehes for 4 . Jolly,Avoca, N. Y+ Holmes -Elliott -That b Laws as read + loc. + 11002 at es each was read. y T3. P be asses. IVO matter how hard New �itlltlClgS & rrbttserings + 30 days we On motion of Messrs. W. F. Clerk your cough or how 1021 To Snit Diver one and , S 0 A P r and DL' clndoo, the Mayor and Clerk were,•• g � � y t given power to issue cheques for pay. Vali have had its 111ycT'S t. + Smite 4 bars Laundry Soap for ;25c. anent of nightw+itchman at N. i. lx/orks. ! ? Cherry Pectoral iS the Sat15fao loi Guaranteed : 90- 6 bars Sweet 110W0 soap forZi --Carried. 'hest thila yeti can take. ° ' Both in Making and Price � � rp�(j� �� 25c. I114 1ll' The clerk read the frro alarm instruc- l Its too risky t0 wait � =1 ll '6 X 10 bars 0 It Soap for 250, tors which will be seen in another , iint,I you ilaVC Cbn$!llttip+ - column. ' tion. I you site trollghin Come atop an('l be made warm Council adjourned. _ . g today, et a bottle n and. happy, and have the assurance Mowat xo LoA;v.--AtOney to loan oil Cherry ectoral at Once. tight you are well dressed. notes, and notes discounted at reasozl able rates. Money advanced on wort• Yours trttly, 1 ft*eo Buts: Ze , Aribiil�et8 for an araiuxryr �!M gages"With privilege of paying at Clip tins; sac , feet richt SOY loY.aelaltis, hbdtee• t I��Iix 1l�. end of any year. Notes and accounts _rtes.. •Iturd volae, etc. st, U.M. er�ner-tcai A ham. 11unr.14loianoo. "a..t� 11tent RT TAmoil. , c011ectccl. Office - Beaver Block, for cLronl. e..te xna to np on it. Wig• J, l , A1143 Co , 74or .1I ++++o+.+++++++4++s♦s.++++++.fie++4+Pie++++++a.+♦4a.°: THOMAST BAZAAR, BUTTON BLOCKs "' ti w INDfl11I1 •F�v�'P$4$$4t�+DO•?+f+?+b�w�!•d41+hb�s��bO�i'4�rfi4�i�dvr•+Od•+O-ba4f••��lr♦ Y e all who are interested in temperance :work tobepresent. , Ready Tailored Clothing . p i)f!I I Elj t ` ij r stalsS the, +Lulu; la " end -worlcs Or t>f>lfl Cold. I It's up to date style; carefully tailored make Laxative Broino-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Care,no Pay. Price :ti cents. alld general appearance gives us the pull over our TO ADVERTISERS. Tt7lR GOL'NGIL AT li'UItli. competitors who but their goods at auction and fill 7 y otice of changes nvust be left at this The inauguration meeting of the their stores with the tag ends of various makers office not later than Saturday noon, Council was held on Monday morning at because the h The copy for changes must be left 11 a. M. are y cheap. not later than Tu:sday evening. All file members -Mayor Vanstone, Casual rsiscxiifls accepted lip Shorey's Gitarautee Card in. the pockets means ThuoeCouncillors McIndoo, Bell to noon Thiustla7• of each week. Holmes,.SATISFACTION Vanstone, Irvin and Elliott -made the OR YOUR MONEY BACK. ST -` S'21. M` usual declaration and proceeded with ESTABLLSI3ED IS' 21. necessary business. The members are - •p.y•,� Block q� Chisholm ,Ulock TuE7M IMHA1)! TIMES. all there for business eandce there will be Yl( no time lgst with unnecessary s Y IE 1-T R. ELLIOTT, PIIRER AND P1rOPnIETpTt 4rsB � On motion Of Messrs Irwin and and Mc- . _ .. „i,.m q _ Indoo, the Mayor and Councillors Bell FRIDAY, ,TANUARY 17, 1902. _ and Holmes were appointed to strike the standing committees. WINQUAnl MARKET URPORTs- Wi ngham, Jau. 16, 1902.} P f �I� Q N Y TEETHING BABIES. } McInaoo-Bell---That J. A. Morton be Flour per 100 lbs.......... 1 65 to 2 50 o Trying Titne for mothers wilan Great I auditor for 1002. The Mar or's a oin- pp leo vas A. U. Snaith for auditor. Fall Wheat ............ 0 75 to 0 70 Spring Wheat,........... 0 00 to 0 00 Money to loan on farm property at from 4xz to 5 per cent., with liberal Gare tad •t atcListlttesK i, Necessary. Phare is scarcely any period in baby's Holmes -Bell -That the appointment Oats . ..................... 0 35 to 0 88 terms of repayment, Apply to Barley .... ..... ........ 0 45 to 0 50 R. 'V'ANSTONE, :ly life requiring �ientrr watchfulness ; of officers be made at the first meeting' m February. Peas ..................... 0 75 to 0 80 Turkeys, drawn.......... 0 09 to 0 10 • Wingham. the part of the mother than when 1 i Council adjourned to 7.30 p. ui. by is teething. Almost invariably ; j little one suffers much pain, is cross, The Council resumed business at 7.30 Goese, „ 0 05 to 0 60 Ducks, per pair , .... • . • . 0 40 to 0 60 Eggs per doz ............. 0 16 to 0 16 Butter .. ............ 0 16 to 0 N urability tlessdat anti ui-10t re uiriu so much y requiring I Wood per cord 200 to 2 00 o p. m., aceordiug to adjournment. There •e that the mother is woar out looking ......... Hay per ton ......... .... 8 50 to 0 00 , er it, But there are other real `were present Mayor Vanstone and potatoes, perbushel ...... 0 25 to U 30 Messrs. Mcludoo, Irwin, Elliott, Holmes alters fragreiitly ii^coutpflnying this; W. T VanStouo• Tallow per lb .. 0 05 to 0 05 .. , ...... Is an important quality Lard .. ...... ...... • 0 14 to 0 14 p � y 'rod that threaten elf. ;and baby's life itsThe first business was reading coni- Dried Apples per lb ... , ... 0 03ito 0 04 to look for ill a good ioug these are diarrhoea, indigestion, ; le., constipation and convulsions. 'inuuications. wool ................... 0 I3 to 0 15 . Hos, per cwt ,....... g• 6 25 to G 25 rJiatlO. You don't want , 1 Ex -Mayor Clegg read the letters which s prudent mother will anticipate and ; Rus Chickens . ......... 0 3o to 0 40 one that will s et old in n he had received from r. W. A. - vent these troubles by keeping baby's 1 sel Detroit, and explained their re- mach and bowels in It natural and ' - - - --- - - six weeks. You want yr,to One that will be a5 ferencps. He was desirous of taking . good �� dthy condition by tha use of Baby's over the N. I. works if arrangements 'n Tablets, a mi diciue readily taken i as new ten years after LOAN, ASSURANCE AND Pill children and which dissolved in . could be mado. Should they obtain pos- REAL ESTATE AGENT. ; you get it. ter, may be given with perfect safer ; session, they would floor the upper story y p y ; and increase the output. Several other ; Agency for the best Sew. honA new co I000ni sweeps clean, but an auld sin lag Machines, etc. :vena nw•bnrii infant. In every ; improvements were, noted, They have ne where these Tablets Pre used baby' had an expert here, who went over the ` AsSawa an i Insurance that insures. D. BELL, WIi� GH A.M. ( Policies that right and healthy and the mother . + works and pronounced them suitable for real comfort with it, and does note trio business, only the plant was too pay. RnAL ESTATE j Saks that satisfy. Oppo82te the Rink. LOANS ( Money that's Moderate. OVERCOATS SOOTS a :$10,00 Overcoats tor......$7.60$0.00 F It Boots for , .....52,25 8,00 " ... , . 000 3.25 Long � i Boots for ...... .,,44 • 7,00.... 5.25 3.00 JA it2,25 , p 6,00 . „ • ..... 4.50 2.50 /1 11 ...... 2,00: • 500 11 ........ 3.75: 2.00 1. 1,50 ; N MEN'S SUITS ; SNAG PROOF RUBBERS $10.00 S or .......... $7,a0.`12egular $1.40 fcti......... 1.05 a i S.CO <t a .......... 6.00' a - 7.00 11 11 ...... . �r 2.00 for....... 6.00 • .. 5. J�' ,. :.x.25 for........ 1.75 � 11 11 4.50 5.00 11 ,1 ........ , . 3.75;1 SUCKS FOR RUBBERS • BOYS! SUITS'Pegular $1.00 for ..........75c': 16.00 Suits for ...........$4.50 „ 70c for ..... ....,.55c 5.00 .. .. ........... 3.75 ,. doe for ..........300 , 4.00 .1 ......... , 14.00 3.00 .1 .. ........... 2.25: MOCCASINS • 250 11 " ......... , . 2.00 Men's, regular a2.00 for .... $1.50 • • LADIES' FUR COATS, �Ii3o5s', +' 1.it 1 50 " .... 100: CAPES, ETC. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS 488.00 Coats for , ........$28,56 80.00 :2.50 ligular $1.00 Caps for ...... 75c •• 28.00.. ad 21.00 50C Caps for ..... • 38e 2' 00 20.501 25e Caps for ...... 19c 20.00 Capes fur ........ , i Y, 17.00 12.75'I REMNANTS 15.00 ....... 11.?ii Big Remnant Sale. They ale a 12,00 " ... , ... Bargains, every one of them. � 9.00i! � •a O+merit¢goo®g®ofsmso�a+st•®oaao$►�a�®�r®seas®00x4©•®o� ...... .. . • JOAN KERR MaCdonald BloCk, Wingliam, JAS. R. KERR ®tots®eras,+ataoeraaa�maefafinea�®mc+s�o®ara�eioaflvsafe+o••t�a�afao•ooba•� e itate to tell her nei.-lib rs, Mrs. C. J. ! __ -- - - - I small, This firm would also manufac- i Office• -Corder of Minute and Patrielc -� - -- _..__ -_ ___ _ ._ . __ _ . __ �._-___..___.__._... . Piney, Brockville,says:- I have 1 tune other articles than those previouslyStreets, WINGHAM. = O +++•+++G+d+++++*PO.rr4>•P+++3- a.pd•+d ♦+++�64+4+b0++4+�+++o'y a giving my fifteen -months' old baby ' manufactured. A m + ty's Own Tabtota, whenever neces- ' F. 1-il, + A 1 A letter was also read from Assign At home Friday afternoons and Saturday - + + r, for some niontlis past. She was ! - i Langley, in which lie suggested a - +hiug mud `vas eross and restless. , �', .T. 11IIAiGI7IE I°+ gams were hard sad inflamed, probable speedy means of disposing of / ++ a `tire difficulty was for file Council to join ACCOUNTANT, RE AL ESTATE, +T H M A -i, er using the Tabs+ts she grew quiet, t with the Creditors and have the Works INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Came into our shop the a inflammation of the gams was re- + + Sold by auction. ed and her teeth did not seem to Accounts, Renta and Notes Collected. Cou- other day, and after lean- ' Mr. Clegg reported that he had en- veyancing done. ' � + ler her any more. An improvement I or6ICE-Over D. M. Gordon'sstore. ill us an order for a suit +o aby's condition was noticable almost gaged a uight�vatehman in order to 1 g + R1±8ILEN(:E-Leopold street.' + ace and I tltiulz there is no better !make the insurance sure, at $1.50 per of elotbes, said it was worth 4. _ _ _ _ � P + ' y night. Tno. Murray is in charge during a,lve Stoelc 11rdid(ets. + BUTTON B LO � -��� WIN A + tone for teething babies." Baby's , at least + I the day. He keeps a little fire under the Toronto, Jan. 14.--Uecei t `r a Tablets can be precared from drug- • p s at the a A or will be sent postpaid at 25 cents boiler and everything in good condition, Western , cattle yards to -day were 82 o On motion of Holmes and Ehe carloads of live stock, indLidin 1,200 + -v; by addressing tiro Dr. Williams' j s Elliott,' sheep and lambs 100 hogs, , g DOLLAR a'�++4+P4++4t++44d+9 Ad+O+yo+Ofi9f,�0064+0�6bdO++O A4994(communications relatiu„ to the N. I. W. i P , 1, 1 383 cattle gg ���jjj ��,,44 Keine Co., Brockville, Ont. 20 calves, and a dozen ibilch COWS. FI., were referred to the Executive with Prices for cattle and lambs were + GUARANTEE -111 hereby certify power to act. ,. +U 0I SETS + stead and unchanged; sheep and hos + I have mane a careful chemical 1 y b p g +A , ysis of Baby's Own Tablets, which I Collector Robertson appeared before were easier. To have a suit made to + the Council to ask for an extension of There was a good demand at fain + F" 3 sets only, which are slightly + anally purchased in a drug store in prices for all good to choice export and your satisfaction, and in + checked regular rice 6.50 ltreal. Aly analysis has proven that i time to Feb.1st, r + � b p $ J butcher cattle. ' + McIndoo•-VanStone-That the Col- the latest fastlion, What + now 14,00, + Tablets contain absolutely no opiate There was an all-round fair cleartance + TALKEU + lector be ompOwered with Ilio collection by noon, we can do for one, we do + t1 97• iece Dinner Set in peen +' arcgtxo that the can be given with p g y CATTLE. . o� Cages to Feb.1st, and that the time , ect safety to the youngest infant; 1 Shippers, per cwt, .....3 4 50 25 25 for all. + and brown, regular price + for the return of the roll be extended to Butcher, choice do. , ... 3 75 4 25 the are a safe and efficient medicine that date. -Carried. T'ry us and sce. + $6.50, now for $5.00, + the troubles they are iudicated to) Butcher, ordinary to + + Irwin -Elliott -That the tinges of Mrs. good .... . . .......... 3 25 3 75 + OF A 97 •piece (old Blue) Dinner :ve and cur j." Brown to the amount of x;9.55 be refund- Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 3 75 -Es + STORE Set for $6.50. iigued) SHEEP AND LAMBS. + ILTON L. HERSE1' M.A.Se. ed, the woman being very ill. -Carried. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 25 3 75 � CLARKE + ' The Striking Committee reported as Butchers' sheep, each... 2 00 3 25 v � _ + Provincial Analyst for Quebec. follows:- Lambs, per cwt.. , ...... s 50 4 621 � � _ TOILET SETS ontreal, Dec. 23, 1001. 1Roads and Sidewalks - Mcludoo, Bucks...... , .... 2 00 2 50 T p p �,1• 1,ttLiitytts eNb CALi'tss. I`o�v the fire is over I auz upstairs in 10• iece Toilet Set for .•2 0, ---ter--- ; Elliott and W. F. VanStone. r the SH_i`P BLCCIi. + Ci- iece Toilet Set for $1,75. Finance --Irwin, Moindoo and W. F. Cows, each............ 30 00 10 00 �... ___ _ f -The presence of of a bird known as Calves, each......... , , d 00 10 00 - + �� p + A good sized Platter for 20e. VanStonO. Haas. � i- gzossbill, rttueh like robin, a native Waterworks-Ifoimes Belland'Elliott. Choice hogs, per cwt... 0 50 6 621 Now ; Odd Cups and Saucers at 75c a he New Enbland :totes is an iudi- Executive -Mayor, Bell and Holmes. Ltgltt hogs, ger cwt.... 6 00 0 25 a dozen, s on of a mild winter. It has done Heavy hogs, per owt... 0 00 0 25 p + i The first named on each committee to Sows, per owt ......... 3 50 400. : � OUR LOIN PR I G E S + well so far. Stags ................. 0 00 2 00Gold Weather _ _-.-----_ �. be convenor. .+ e' N BYLAWS. + BRING YOU BACK - lace amp Burner. See our Electric L it.t'i�r'!EI r yes for he Af,; d j! whon print blurs dY and reading is only possible at en locoh•• ventent distance, eyes treed bolt,. Our glasses restore the vision of youth. Halsor Park scientific Ckfltlolm ft €.ritat J`lswb'ler .ai'i' �%13''lgitibtm, oat. r Bylaw 0.41x, gol!erning muntctpal ,,.,,,,.a,,M.,,. , ,•.,, _•.,:1 -.1 1 + ti department, and for repealing bylaw ; Attire = It give. better light and burns + No. 10, 1880, and 364, 1899, and amend- Y 4 less oil than the, larger burner. + ing bylaw 353, 1898 received the required ( her ,++ � " A few Teaspoons left at 25x; a readings. This is a consolidation of the AWe have everything ready dozen, bylaws. It was found necessary as some W """°'° `" =.•..w,.. to Meet the demands of the 1` Tablespoons at 50e a doze x were owing to unsuitable, ablesandhe Statutes. illegal consumption mother• wAs troubled with Fall and Winter Season. o _��=a AW- Wire Lamp Shade ,I''rame for + some were i4 mption for many years. At _ - --- -- - Bylaw 452 for appointment of A. last she was given up to die. Then 150. Morton and A. E. Smith Auditors for the tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, = New Overcoath1gS ♦ �� n �: " A good Broom for 15e. + and alas speedily cured. The Latest Material = For the next x ' -10- 1 ddy's Telephone Alatehes for 4 . Jolly,Avoca, N. Y+ Holmes -Elliott -That b Laws as read + loc. + 11002 at es each was read. y T3. P be asses. IVO matter how hard New �itlltlClgS & rrbttserings + 30 days we On motion of Messrs. W. F. Clerk your cough or how 1021 To Snit Diver one and , S 0 A P r and DL' clndoo, the Mayor and Clerk were,•• g � � y t given power to issue cheques for pay. Vali have had its 111ycT'S t. + Smite 4 bars Laundry Soap for ;25c. anent of nightw+itchman at N. i. lx/orks. ! ? Cherry Pectoral iS the Sat15fao loi Guaranteed : 90- 6 bars Sweet 110W0 soap forZi --Carried. 'hest thila yeti can take. ° ' Both in Making and Price � � rp�(j� �� 25c. I114 1ll' The clerk read the frro alarm instruc- l Its too risky t0 wait � =1 ll '6 X 10 bars 0 It Soap for 250, tors which will be seen in another , iint,I you ilaVC Cbn$!llttip+ - column. ' tion. I you site trollghin Come atop an('l be made warm Council adjourned. _ . g today, et a bottle n and. happy, and have the assurance Mowat xo LoA;v.--AtOney to loan oil Cherry ectoral at Once. tight you are well dressed. notes, and notes discounted at reasozl able rates. Money advanced on wort• Yours trttly, 1 ft*eo Buts: Ze , Aribiil�et8 for an araiuxryr �!M gages"With privilege of paying at Clip tins; sac , feet richt SOY loY.aelaltis, hbdtee• t I��Iix 1l�. end of any year. Notes and accounts _rtes.. •Iturd volae, etc. st, U.M. er�ner-tcai A ham. 11unr.14loianoo. "a..t� 11tent RT TAmoil. , c011ectccl. Office - Beaver Block, for cLronl. e..te xna to np on it. Wig• J, l , A1143 Co , 74or .1I ++++o+.+++++++4++s♦s.++++++.fie++4+Pie++++++a.+♦4a.°: THOMAST BAZAAR, BUTTON BLOCKs "' ti w INDfl11I1 •F�v�'P$4$$4t�+DO•?+f+?+b�w�!•d41+hb�s��bO�i'4�rfi4�i�dvr•+Od•+O-ba4f••��lr♦ Y