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The Wingham Times, 1902-01-10, Page 7
1 1 AR'EWING110 TIMES, JAN. 111, � ���►,a, V` !�TV 11 T t. I CH]WHOOD DIG. ESTiQN .`�,.*`•` � Yt.� V t'Y :.i. a ' I:, A 0. a, r�,, 't,► �,� l 1 Often T Tads to Norlaue! Trouble Vale$* 7l'ro)up>:r,talra�lreTaken toCl1(teklt--• �5 k t� r}� { p January f[�j� � fl I�j� F�1 �� $TOR - HOW This Coll ,ileal:: Ile Done. ttp �,1411r�G�ns � ' lam' �i�r �� �Q�• v i1 \11 + EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, Indioestioll is trouble that is very.n..,R•:�..,>.,,,.,,.,.,,,, common fix infancy find early childhood,.: and unless prompt menstlres tire taken JA /��gWhat f Communicate Widaawake Times Correspopdents - Other to control it tlrr result is often very items Clip ed From Our Exchanges, TheAgonyofhienrlvaanc$a T]! < �tvarr;> , serious. It prevents the proper growth of the child and weakens the constitn- doll, so that 11e is unable to resist other?�L E = E A R B YMF OU 8 AHS fl I11�10 Ili *lit ill Mr• R. Campbell, Teeswater, pretty Did y oV r p sg t, diseases that Lire more dangerous. For. .S' � �Ai, �T ► rolling walceftll misery tosQinl, Gild 101 cols I nearly lltl(l afireAthis house0210 eves- tunately, however, til@ trouble is one wL , bed, tryiut* ill vain to sleep and longing ing last wick. He wAs nursing the baby I that is easily controlled, Proper food-- ._ - __.. _ .._ for morning to coin@? Gall yeti �ua; _ which in its nlavfulness Framed the I not too much but ahsointely nure—nlen- Igrowing-tyorse and worse? This isthe floor, where it broke and the oil took freelyadwinistere(1 according to. the di- depends i °�""'• ''r'° 111uu(unci lJrlllills lTl dependVstruu upon the 11'lost dreadful symptom or Nprvou i lire. The tire tvas put out with gnats, I routionv, will soon put the inlr,�rer right, hard cash by I''I;WIUAR ]� IRST and quality of that ars upon I EahaListioll Sud• Debility, %(u bi etc. before ally surioas damage wits ! and ln:+kr+ h,•tl) ;uolht'r ,Curl (•:,ilei ha "i'll NIr• stock or Twelve Th(caand gradually anti thoroughly exit@doY ' (, ppy'the shill of tkzur. ISieeplessllesQ by ilia upbllildi la flifluenee 110110. bit's. `1, E. Fassain of Ri llgiton, Out. ().,I in re r t f 1� Eli*, IiE4I 1J31.E, I i' TO D,�1'1; A -•-The snj)(14(Bell Iof Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.' It cures In It wits at vloven o'clock on Thursday is nue of the many item hprs who has Ot"i is in Twelve Departwenue well-Pirinuisthdo- nature's way, by. creating new nerve JrOvnd the truth of this sr ' 11 g, last that the wt+rds were $ill(] w11ic11 I l atement.. ;1 t'r lr tr +,r / —herlitilim-lial to predticit tho cells and reatorin,r+oRt vitality. 1 ('' „ ;• 1tr{ l for quick selling• and sit such maria Miss Xwllie Geddes owl Air. D. She says: Wlu'u in„v litrlt• ! irl wits IB � -.-wit ie hit; t -.O t pussibl,+ � pt i:�es as quoted below—all real tonnes -with the hit;ilt,et quultry of t,ucicNuw. Kial(lalld, Teesrr°£iter, One. P/IirtPollv(rk about Yh*•ell n?otlliln r l l s'ip ll:trl i1!rli�res- ; —material and the m1tyC eo ,- n ' tion very badly, , She WON Vt1lnitiag alld .I Vil10 Sna 9 t bit. Sillib from Hoar Dungannon, sold of Ii`iltrt,r(,inp, supported illi bride, � ;1 ^' � p., with g•tyo•j attention --able and c xpetiencudl %N of ic•' to W. T. Murney the other day as fine it while tho proozu had as his attendant' had diarrhoea alta st vo'l�tautly, She I ��' t 1 -i4toniers should make this sale a � -Ilion, was ver tltitl, weiAlled wig Pour lot of chickens as has been well in God- D'Ir, A udrEtre i12oIfat;n(, After the fere Y Y c t; o; it iitleCess. Come early and, we Come and learn our erich the ast or reseut year. The moray a bonutiful }veddin • repast waw pouu,ls and aldlo"g;r sne hail a ravenous Easy Piano Terms, were rine ail of Barred Rock varlet Y arCtak, n of be&)ru elle )roan couple left P' t Will he ready. ('lir 3'q>l. Quick action will save ,you money'. principally Y y, p t, ever, (lite her folie dal yr u) tl cl what• r y T v �3� and some of ill@tit weighed six and Qey@It for Toronto au the afternoon train. elvt'r, i Berl tried s )vr•ral ulpdialueQ but s • l !L � �+ 3, - they dial nut hvl 1 her Ti en I heard of , Flannel pounds each with rile feathers oar. 1 �i1lNGT.3AId. 1 To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY +• I Dress Good; On Sunday morning last }veep: about � � Baby's C)r{ It 7.ablrt::, and procured a •i"1 Yards b'itle All Wool Gray Fian- Take Laaativ4ti i o7mo QnWite .tablets. All „ l nags vviclts regular price 2i:c. Sale IO pieces Ladiesl Iir,+ss SuitiugQ, � %•"�illlmll'�nBl(:a.l It1.4t1'L1711AIlt,N, t'llll:et lt'1LL�iC, flY8 OCIUCIS LL1Ciin0}y waQ HtartlCd fl'Oln drug {; gists Iofit rid tilt' inept -y if it LaiN to cAt'e 110x. ,:iYtt'1• rlt'ill� h(tr ilii tablets fora , + �'•(lEj C61ar8 6err-ilig Mnehines and Supplies' E lY'. Cl uv(+':- bit;nuLnru it, on Eneli box. :( ')t'lt :t, ,regular Txice $1.00 upd .__ its slumbers by the blowing of the whis• - few days, l lir+ vonlitin_r ant: diarrhoea .................. • ....20c ,51,25 January price ............ 7:,c �a.illllLSTO%VN. _ tie slid rho ringing of tyle (lintel bell. all I cowed, shr i, -gall to in,prove at once, Blankets jJ I] ,;'t'i�Ti3.} t' 1 t Dir. Daltou T7lsuer returned 1101110 last A blaze was discovered issuing from the About 7,30 1), lu., aIh Sunday pec, 20, 1 and (;rew plump rind l•, t. I stltvays give hlu pair flue White Wool Blankets, 5 dozen ;Vleu's Fleeced Lined Shuts Friday uicrniug to Preston after spend- back part of the building o}vuod b W. her the 'Lablt•t.: wAv wlwn silt• is ailing f).xM, ;wood value at :1.1.00. January E y when the vii izeus of Blyth were ill pL•i0u, $3,25 rnld Drawers, all sizes, regular value ing two weeks with his uulit Mrs, Jas, J. Raine as a shoe shop, on the north 1 and the result i� pl vtt% s t to I, Ba .."" ' 000. Sale price........... . Y P clrurab illi tiro ahtrw was sounded and ti Wright. side of Oampbell street. The fire had the churciren ware soon vneated. Fir@ Otvu Tttl,1{,t'ri ars til+ i, r In, glue Il�ec'ting clothing + Mr. Isanc Temlaut teturued last Sat- gained a good headway inside the build' I was siren issuing fruui the stabl0 owned ,lava ev, r used for a chlltl,'' One piece Gray Flannel Sheeting, urday evening to our villa.l o after sP(lid, ing before being discovered, and the by A. Taylor. It }t'tLs sone time bafure `{ Tins— tablas will l)r trr, ly t ure .all 72 inches wile, regular vtLlue 601. Tile largest and best Assorted stock is some time with his sister ill Wiarr011. Sale price ...... . ................ 45c in town. Fit gnaraliteed. Cat g blaze soon spread to the buildings occu- the ell,>ine c"ul-I be made to work, Chile. f the minor ailiueu of 1 t, u's , $ugh as prices fur January. Miss Diary Simpson returned glome pied by Webster Bros.' butcher shop, Hamill otl's rat (ile scion cau[;itt flru al,(i; sour sh marl, in. ' oslimi, rt lir•. consti- Blouses wits last Friday evening after sp;tudfng it few • Goo. Glrvin's barber shop and two other also til@ hou::a aucnpied by Dire. Joset1111 ! pariah, allay tho irrit nti,+n n-e(mpany- Special line rtof Ladies' firs' Blouses, t . days with 1VIrH. Job icing;•. frame buildings, all of }veto ball int, the cntt.ing uY trerli, o o. They are fast colors, t , regular 10 Mau s fine Tw@ucls Suit, wrll f r g , Y Carter, The fire was confined to rile ; > l price 50o and 600. January price 30c made and lined, rwet)(lr pries $0;00 = Mr Dougal itrautiau spent aituduy damaged. two ,,tablos twtl it kirelien,. I t,norl for childrt;n of rill lir*. olid crush- to S7 50, January price • ,.. ..$x'5,00 with ; R. Simpson, Dougal returned - r(1 to a. povvder lir dis;olvod ill water can �Caperines 1017ea t on Monday morning to resulno his Mail Clerk Iluris ,u, E y til, who has bo given with absolute safety to the. Ladies' Fine Black Fur Caporines, studies. man exDeaf press oon, butNall. uite true Not loflmaliin i been a mail clr'rli cautiuuunQly for forty- I ; ouug•st inf,nit. IC you 1•ttllnot obtain i nicely lined, Itieh collar, regular val. Ladies' Fine Litiod Kid fxlor:+q, Miss Jennie Snell is cond,uetl to the people whose h©nring gall be perfectly six ll y1 ars, m• `de his last run on Monday � Baby's Ow n Tablets at your druggists, no $1,50. January price ....... $3.50 gular value ,41.00, Junuitry priou 7uc house with that prevalitit disonso the restored by inhaling Catarrhozone. It a 1 s nut. %,!I the -inperativation li't, t they gill Le serat i7crtpaitl at 25 cents a ElvSe C:a1perines quickly relieves and cures till kinds Of For sevbral year's past lie has bran run" ' I,ox I'y addres:;ing the 1)1•. Williams' Ladil s' h0avy 1'll)bed all wool Hose, Fine Caperiues fu ditrerallt style`s . . IIleasl,s• Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafnss, anti dis- izing; between London Hurl Windsor. ' ;1Z©rlioine Co., Brockville. O, t. fast blauli, regular value 350. Jan• Win.! furs its follows; $1.50 Vor -$3 5(t; Fannie Moffat hits the Chicken Pix, eases of the respiratory organs. Don't .55.550 for $4,50; :1;7.00 for$5.75; $i0,00: - give up hope till you have tested A happy event took place at the resi• ; A GUARA.Nr EE -••I hereby certify nary price l .......................26e fur $5.00. b 9 }vae,e life l0 'Y,al'' Catarrhozone. It has restored lost duitcti of Mr. Adam Gloucher, Blyth, oil! that I hitve nude it cart'ful chemical Flannelettes elettes 4 If you are iL vittdilz of piles, as one hearing to thousands, and call •do the Christmas Day when hi. daughter Au- I ,ru:il tis of Pabc'R ()wit 'tablets which Coat s person in avery four i,, you suffur I "AllY sante for you, Catarthuzone is a ilia beeatue the wife of Mr. Geor'•u y , 10 pieces Striped Flannelettes, very tv+ frons uuu of the anu,t trn'tnrillr; at lrz "rat vegetable antiseptic, pleasant anti 11 1 1 rl'•u lir 1 ' �� I 1"'rs' ncilly purrhaspd ill a drng store in wide, regularly sold at Jc. January ta.8 Gtrlely s ShoregularC ts,ri eow3.5tIt known to man, and I'Ll wall tv,luripr if .t t e , o' C )tl ll. The iutereathip rZronr rval, lay analysis has proved that price .... ....................... 7( x.00. January rlcrl .price , , . , , ..52,75 Y convenient to use, absolutely certain life is really worth living. Corta'n relirlf to quickly benefit and ultiulately cure, ceremony wa;> porforlued by Rev. i'r. 1 the Ttihlr-ts vo; ta.in obsolutely no opiate 1 Night Gowns Januar vrette and ultimate cure is awaitin;r you by Two months treatniont $1.00. Small Pt nhull in tho presttuee of 1L icer; a nidi- ; t,r narcol ilr; that they alto be <*cyan }villi pp means of Dr. Chase's Oiutntput. It 11118 Rize 25c. at druggists or b • mail from N. la Ladies Night G,)wns, fine white 3 . ber of invited raests. Miss Mrlgl;ie (p,+rl't'ut• s;it,,ry to the youngest infant; canibric, nicely trimmed, just arriv- 10 pieces, new pattern WrApperette- never :failed to cure piles Pailil. ssly and C. Poison & Co... Kingston, Ont. Gluuchar, > s: is'o i the bride, and lir. I fast colors, regular 12?✓0. Januar naturally it allays thn inflan)otariotu, -� that they aru it sa o and efficient ed, rennlar price 51. Jan, price 75c Y heals the ulcers and thoroughly fur.:: , John It oit.n:,' of Clinton, malsted lite „, ) price ..................... . ..... lOc 6 Y Ilr':LGIin.e I,', I g ediciuo fur tilt,- troubles they are ill- �'iOt7tS ►�"JileetiJllg this wretched disease. Mr. 'rhos. Proctor has sold his farm room. 1 ! dicated to relieve and cure." � 12 pair Ladies' Fine Dongola But- One piece fins Cotton tin Sheeting, 2 EAST wAtt'aN0811. ou the 3rd line of Morris to Ches. Gar- Justus Good. ! (Signe(;) toned or Laced Boots, reg;u:ar value yards wide, regular price 20c. Jauu- Mr. Alex. Pattorsan is slowly improv- niss of Bluevale for the handsome sum Perhaps! a Q n't vo ran the s tLn 1(+111'''.- ' _ �1.J�. January pr'iCe. , ........51.25 ary price .... ... . ...............150: , ! gill ro L EIFlltilsY, M,A.Sc., ing. of $4,500. Y Provincial Analyst for Quebec. Reefers Overalls )o a ru cure- I m Mr. Wesley and Miss Bail C�ninn Thos. Scnnclrett has sold his farm to I POP ° urns s Painless Corn i Dlontre ul Dec. 22'�l 1501. I1lett's Dille Heavy Beaver Reefers, , , = Extractor. Sure,safe, and painless, + ' , 3 dozen taiga Mon's Blue DenliOn spent the holidays in Brantford. Thos. Proctor for $3,725. Patiraw's remoes c )rlls painessly ill ni')t+ly �linocl, gaxl vu,uo, regular Overalls, gUlUr value OJc. 31161111 - Three Three young, people had a pleasant 11'-l`ay of Calulnet,Mioh.,had the mis- pricer 0.00. Sale..............$3.95 p 1 N Dir. Wm. WatsonQD'atsoll left for Toronto on tw@nay-four hour:,, If your drtt;:'g;ists i . )try price , , , , , , , , , , • , . , , , , ; . , , , 50(; set on Sunda night while driving north does not sell it, send 25 cents to N. C: I tortnutr to mut his arm cut very badly by UnderWear r lr Y a, g Tuesday morning in ilio interests of Mr. from Blyth. Fortunately la=) ono was Polson & Co., Kingston, Out., and the. falling 01, a circular saw. He is a ,J';1'Z:s>,+�.v'a y y , Mitchell ill rile roll business. will send it t0 you y r NbAn's fine Quality Wool Fleeced 10 Ladies' p!"til tuckers, tailor injured. Drive a little easier. Clegg and Armstrong sill ed a car- Y post paid to any �,on of stir. Vex. 1Ic1T_tiy of LucknOw• Shirt rani Drawers, rogularvalue 75c. Geo. L. Walker has sold hf:l t'urnl gg g pp address in Canada or U. S. y I 600 made, regular price So.50 to $7.5:1• load Of Cattle t0 TOTO11t0 oil Tuesday. ,- + =X:rats too young^, to take medicine racy be r1Y Januar ' rico January p/1uH ......... . to Arch. McNeil and will 11fLCe tL sal. of I •u- • t of crcu^, whooping cough and colds b ft7 ' "�'� 00 his fano stock and implements On JILnn- Mr. William Anderson who has been CLI::Tor. I 1, 5 Y utherS %try 15. Mr. Walker bits since Inircllas- in Dakota for the past three years, re- .Dred Buites,sou-ill-law of W. mcicown ; ya`Q"('rusoici>r-they breathe it. 'tlfen's Heavy Rubbers (Grtmby), Prints {'d A. Hewitt's sale barn at Brussels anEl turned home on Saturday last to spend who recently loft for California where he I Ct,1• i -'elft Ines staled that he is pro. ' Soug Prod and others. Jrntuary 50 pieces choice Pattern Priors will hove to that place fn tho clear fig' tied tU i:tt e u,i)OU l(!1'He3 L month frOlTl bile .....................Cost pr1Ce hest goods, ftLst colors, regular pritie tore. Dir. Walker has forint?d a i,rtct- the winter. intends to spond the winter, writes bagl. pared 121�c. Jtwuttty rice .... ...... lUc nerships with Mr. Moore o! Brnsgyte Miss Isa Morrison of Kincarline was that lie enjoys the climate very much, i Canarla, suitable for thu British army ill � 1 r jq and the business of buying and s;ellt,tg the guest of Mrs. Watson last week. incl already finds all improvement. S.luth :Lfriea. Larlie•t' ,'eal or Sable Rafts, nice]-• ''S'�21 's horses will be carried oil und•+r 01 - Dir. D. Gallagher is laid• lip with in- Rev. Mirk Ruinhall, of Morden, I '"-` ""'"" "-"""-""-"" """"" ” """" trimult .l. regular price „7.,)0. Ju•eln• 1017evv Ovle braek R'a;ssel Under- .. name of Walker (`v Moore. The llltLlly friends of lir, Walker will wish kiln Aauaation of the lungs. , Miss Annie Man., brother of Mrs. Jas, A. Ford, is 1 rya °� try prtue............ .... .....66 00 `kirt,, regular price $1.rtU. Jartuiny every success fu his new business. Galla •her and Mrs. Galla her are also uarantined Owing t ) some members of i D %yspep �d.IL?L 'lilt; , .... • ... . ............... 1.Z6 $ g q 4 �.3'�derv�ear �.-•-----.>_- e.-.�-_^ ^-�_'" ="' sick. Muster Cameron and Eugene his family having scarlet fever. , Ladies' Fleeced Liuecl Vest9, �'o't�)zl� - - - "" Prom foreign words ,meaning ba(i coo,:, '11 ILIA !' Geddes are very ill. Miss Eva Brandon W. Graswick formerly of the firm of heavy, regular value 35c. January A quantity of mill ends and fact.A is has come rather to signify bad stomach; for 250 cry cotton to clear at ........ • ...3C _ is laid' up with pleurisy, Miss Lula Graswick and Twitchel, Clinton, brit the most common cause of the disease is a price ..... • .................. , Phillips is under the doctor's care. for years a resident of Manitoba, lead predisposing want of vigor and tone in Blankets Pants r over 10,000 bushels of }wheat this season. I that organ. 20 pair Piuo Flannelette Blankets, 2 dozen Mali's Tweed Pants, well'. 4 ® ® ® Allure drain Food. On Friday evening last the choir of I No disease makes life more miserable. p` $1.00. k- ullist rel lace the feeling of lassitude and Ontario street church, of which both Its sufferers certainly do not live to eat; gray or Pricewhite, regular value made, regular prig. $l' S. January v mental tiredness li clearness and January price ..................76c price...... ,p'1.U0 _ y 12ad been, members, surpriseri Mr. aril they sometimes wonder if they should strength of mind. Not that it goes Mrs. W. J. 1Ross by presenting them I eat to live. _ j - directly to the brain, that were foolish. W. A. Nugent, Bellville, Out., was greatly F R � �-t H�q G�tt Op� n,•rr� S � HIGHEST !! G H9� E , n !�R yy Cs The true brain, food must be carried by with a handsome silver caudl@bra. Mr. £roubled with it for years; and Peter It. 6 to l (- �d UI rJ @ 7 5a C 1: i UP ffl l�� I Pd➢ Y Ylc Qaare, Eau Claire, Wis., who was so - �U rich, reel blood. IY mental fatigue Ross }vLLs also the recipient of a Morris �1 RICES �- _ worlros and alarms On loot not to- the afflicted with it that he was nervous, slee i"pits �! Y , reclining chair from tIle employees of less, and actually sick most of the tin,(, C1 -i GU PF�B ° r Babies and children need brain, but the stomach and assimilative the organ factory. obtained no relief from medicines prufes- organs. No ret}ledy yet itiscovered, sionally prescribed. g• They were completely cured, as others possesses the r>a#Crvetlous Uraiu siren We are exceedingly s'orry to know that proper food, rarely ever media r theuing power that Ferrovone hasdemon- Mr. Plumsteel is not g0ttiug better s i have been, by t Y does dot thousands of cases. Ferro 'one uie]cl as leis friends would iflte to sec ' He o ���'cine. 1f they do not thrive q Y �®O� s t fa�•,�apar�����does not stimulate rite brain into aon their food sorrlething is fitYul ;low, bot not by itilprovinc him. Geor'tti lirirs11aI1 is recoveringb A 2% o accordipg to their own statement vol - i 'a digestion, strengthening ,th@ nervous from his siege of fever, Friends aro antarily made. This great mediane , (1 wrong. %lie need 3 little lie;}t streu;yt•}1 to the )lean, it sends w gens t;c strengthens the stomach and the whole "�iildilu4 , Q��'l). i;altk O 1i81i1111011. Thoaa 68 el to et their dl eS41Ve s s i digestive system, Be sure to get lIoctd'e. i y y tom, stilnulatin assimilation, giving, glad to sth lir. Hearne and Praul- Hod - h p strcanl of red vitalizing;. blood to rho i -- - - -' -��- -•ty� Dns oust again. Pow Mr. Howson's ` brain. Thus it is tL trite brain food, inany friends will bar glad to know that tl(- s - t+�' - ing working Properly. - he was recovere(t sufflciontl to be able i I irerrOzou015 sold by A. L. Hamilton Y 1, p p ,^ to take part of his work Inst Sunday.HecLd--,,maC 0 \v-O;.I.T .. Mr. John R1clout is not altogether as � C O lf DI G jt()� Mr. Peter Robinson of Mauftoba, is well as his friends would like to sen hint. , s I f visiting under the parental roof of Alr. Zyv ilio „lura tv l'tau that iVliyy D2aud, I 1C� a*° 0 �" + � � ®�^ and Mrs. John Robinson, Sanderson St. daughter of Charles Wilson of Bruce- : - F r i d d Jan 10;102 i®� ����� OILMr. Jahn Blaclt anti family of the B fiold, formerly of Clinton, is recovering' NYPOPHOSPff/7E•SOFL/ME4S40A I line, Turnlerry, is the guest of Mr. and from her late illness. Last week Drs. ,r „ ectad seeding tilll r J for 1 Mrs. John.Robertrou, ou Tuesday. (xullu and Arm�tr<uug performed au v1) a i + catarrh arms—til disClea- 14Ir and Mrs. Jowitt of Bluovale, were oration fel appeudlbitis, and the grltr(rer + � g ,, i i x will generally (;Wrect th1S z rile guests of Air. 'Phomas T, Appleby , is now cioulg nicely, Our citrons are I gusting plague W1 ' - taislt� ' I nine -tenths' of IlulnaIt 1 difficulty. 1� , on Sanderson street, last Tuesday, glad to know that H. Walker is recover- I race—and vh ' you expe- i i { Air. J. Brethauer was ill Fordwich on I ing nicely and it is expected lie will soon I r%euce t 1st " " T. A. iltlills will offer for the next 3o days Special Value if ou will put from orae- i � sniffle,." fle, Monday, on insurance business, be around again. J feel the faintest dullness in t in all classes of Winter Goods. 1 fourth to half a teaspoonful Mr. Thomas Sanders of Mallitoba. ar- Among the weddings which tools llaco i in baby's bottle three or four rived this -week 1, will stay hvitil the lat- on New Years day was the nuptials of 1 your head, or leave watery sae our Men's Dress Overcoats at + ter end of February, Charles Wiltse, to Miss Clara McGregor � A eyes, resort to i Ladies' Fur Coats. 'Capes, Caps, $'7,50, also a line of Tweed Over- t times a day you ♦v111 soon see rilr. T Urr of Stratford In$pector of + e 1 Caperines, 1duffs, Muffs and Gaunt- coats to close at $6.00 -good value. of town' The ceremony was porforine l tt p See our line of Underwear iri i a marked iMprovement. dor I tho Waterloo Piro Insuralace Company, b Rov. Dr. Gifror.l Lit the arsonag UWAN fA I lets at price3 to salt urchasers. larger children, from'half to s called on .T. Brethaner last Friday. and the couple were attended by Mil ; i a �� Also a number of Cloth Jackets to fleece line], u�lion and •+tl woo; Mr, C. Reis Was In W1l1,ha111 on busi- G IPPS close from w? 60 up. Fleece l tied. double hreasted a teaspoonful, according to m f' Ilellt oughts anti 1.c1. Mted by ness oil Tuesday last. Although rile site selected by the Gov- /l �� � � + Alen's 1'ur Coats ill Ilnr niml 1'1; c: Ultidr'+wear 'snag 01 ice title, f. 1- 500. age, dissolved Iii their milk, � Mr, Thomas Hemphill tools a business 'ernment for the new post office tit Clin- I � � l;ul'�<.r:an anA Marm t, fe,•tn ,1' SJ Zincon, u • al ,.. to Svc, Elie o.itl. i dos so desire, will very trip down the lino on Tuesday, ton, 'lvas decided upon sone tittle also, it i + tl Elllwool U ndt r(' ear, usual i:u uric 1� p hi.. rt)P 1n t�Jxst•'. m 7'110 Masonic Lodge treatedthemselVes wits 0111y Inst }Ve0k that Banister S(Ott, : '.rhey act lilte a Cliartn ill ! \lrn's t.11d Boys' .Frieze Over, o- t- a�1, •]ll' lfl ' of Sttlnfl 'd'.. i soon show Its great nourish '� with a slim toes slipper. Inst Tridil received a the ue for the urchaso rice I Clearin the head, re11c.N•( s py* q p p' i g laid Pei .lact.ets at speclnlly t(duc t' n n , i able Underwear, sizes Z In poWeP. the mother's x l oveuin6 Wild all that were present spout ] t class ,yet to lis signed by the sever•:111 headaches, reduce inflaulnla ed Ije.,. 1 I.71 • gmLr w 46. ill{ does riot nourish the' l an enjoyable time. 'rile Fathering parties of thePotterestate. tion, ileal irritations; ileacl r 1 'o a is which ill be ! m broke up about one o'clo(k a. lit. Ill St, I'ttul s church, Clinton, on Dec. 1 Colds sttccuili'a to • the treat- ' We h ISP :1 IA., 1;P tiro 1. nt 1, ttlun and t� Irl of 111 ogre VF 13abj►, site weeds the 81`17uI The skating rink teas }yell patronized s8, }vns solennlized tho marriage of Dr. i Spent surely and quickly. � a cleared out at Special Cut Pi'icem- S,p itese goods 'before p,046asing .cl{nl�,d It w111 show an affect last week, Elgan of Toronto fo Miss Jemims Holm- Your druggist aliould Itavc it, If lie j elsewhere. at once Both a�po11 tYl0thel" Mrs. Donald pisher, who has been ars of that town, by Rev. C. R, Gaillle, I ]ihsu't, oreler'cilreet, LtIC105C 25c, to 1TV. 'with leer brother at ilarriston, returned Last weekUrs. Xh mens of Mutt uy I p tJlLtltLNT�# Y+![�F'Gr CO'.. i<.ttlt.r iand child. p otts.�m. okict.ti dr,;;; vt has undergone soveral operations, is do- fracture acon le of ribs. This twill con-'IZA last Weele and says that her brother,who had the misforttlue to H1i down tiiid „ h . S. S(.O•r'r & 110WNb+j Toronta, Cin tda. ing air Well as can bb expected. fine hor t6 the house for some time, ' 5