HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-10, Page 6Tail. WINt HAN TIMES, T-SN, 10 1902.,, F., .. WIXGUAAI 411AUKI',T ItYWOUTS• a �� lei •4�e 4 Moved f,�+� Vill; lialn Jan. ,1, IW?- . PILL-PRICE � r a y��y ��,,.,���J,+'loux >er 1001bs, 1 (JCi to 2 50iIIA r€F Fall Wheat ........... 0 75 to 0 6 i� S Thee. da is oi' 2s +cents for a box ` Spring Wlu pit ..... ... 0 00 to 0 CO Allc, ��E� °°°Jl �? p(/q�,o,�a�...- containinz 40 piftare sociis,..,.. 0 31 to U !Is> � 0 JOHN KERR THE � S H4 K R nuimOored. I Carley .... ..... . . . . .... 0 45 to 0 50 � POPULAR v �� . Peas ..... ...... ......... 0 7r to U 80 STORE Dr, Agnews Liver Me at 10ots., and 25vts. Turkeys, drawn..,... ..,. 0 0J to 0 10 Calle into our shop the a t&keaJJnd are are rsupplanting , safer and pla7l others- Butter pp lierpair ,, •,..-.,, 0 16 t0 016 other day, land after 1CaV-6o®oC�OS�At�aOmlbe®QstataOf9�©®Q�tb®llotam��siDGl®®se@fir .Ali, druggists sell thein. Eggs P rr � t ou will find us in the . , , , . , , , , , , 0 l6 to 0 iG in,, us an order for t suit o store recently vacated by Cure Constipation, Sick and Nervone j Wood per cord ...... , ... , 2 00 to 2 2,a ! n ga s cr oz CxELlli(Tk: t,l�x,l;.t, Headaches, Dizziness, Lassitude, Heartburn, IHay per tell.... .... .... 8 10 to J 00 of clothes, Elild it vt.ia villitis ® w' Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite and all troubles Potatoes, perbushel , . , , , . 0 2fi to 0 80 w one tiger south of (neo. &rasing from liver disorder- 40 ,pills 10 cts,; � Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 Orz at leastZM Xasoii'S. We will be loo pills 2$ cts. tg (:Gard ... ........ 0 14 to 0 14 �I glad to see till our old utA by A. L. Ilamilttln, Winghnnt ( Dries apples per lb ..... . 0 03:1to 0 04 customers and many new Wool .. .. , . , ..... 0 13 to 0 15 FIH Live Hogs, per c�vt 6 25 to 6 25 y _ ones lel Uttr lit\�• 6tui'e, . I C L t"'m 7 G SAL-=:, ASLUvoLLARS N •.�I ri, Chickens . ..... 0 30 to 0 40 T1 Christmas season bron„lit in its L 1�m have a suit made tofa mKa w :rain rile usual ctlota oY visitors both to ! C �p� a4'� `ids o e'pS, �q VA„"Yih''Si'� �'► M ., and frons Blnevale.. Here are sone of AB N ER N your satisfaction, and in a....�.r.�,a�.�T.. tt • thein; Albert Denman of Halstead's LOAN ASSURANCE AND . ._ _. ..•. ..... •.... ...... , the latest fashion. What � ' Batik lit. Forest at his home here, Vic- REAL ESTATE AGENT. � REAfl�'��A�3E CLOTHING la ^ill,; we can do fol• one, we do for Jormyu pupil of Clinton } ,•� �t } .4 new broom sweeps clean, but sill sulci yin 0 � b+rpggi�l Fiigh School with his parents in Blue- lcensthonornei: " for all. ® FOR MEN :AND ROB'S w !+® vale. Miss Alice Duff school teacher at s Insurance dint insures. Forestville at her home dere. F. B. A� A °] 1 Policies that pav, � us a see. � FOR D L Try and see. Y a7 1 • Scott spent Christmas in Seaforth. Mr. i BnAL ESTATL { Snles that Satisfy. � Putland ate his Chrismas dinner at his ► Lo txs{ Molloy that s Moderate,y �tt A 30 DAYS O TO ADVERTISERS. sun's in Ripley. Offlee-Corner of Minnie and PatrickEN U a CLAT" .;l�t1 n t Notice of changes must be left at this The young lady who found a potato Streets. WINGHAM. 9 8 d office not later than Saturday noon. in her stocking when site crept down T , a Our ClothingStack is not old shop worn goods, but w The copy for changes must be left ; r At home Friday afternoons and Saturday Now the fire is over I dui upstairs in � 1 � � not later than Tuesday evening. stairs in her are fees at 5 oclock on the SHAW BLOCK. o new and fashionable stock. We must move it out to Casual advertisements accepted up Christmas morning had presumably the to noon Thursdav of each week. same wild desire to have it out with T. J. .iV.iAGUIR•E 0 matte room for spring arrivals. p somebody as the other, young person ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, Nowfor ESTABLISHED 1872. who got a rubber lied: parcel oft the INSURANCE All) LOAN 'AGENT. oma„ ...... .•. ��� T Christmas tree the Sallie night. ®� �zy®q�y��gy; �q�vA�rpygpaygp, Ram , rr Will Baileyof the Census Dept. Otta- Accounts, Rents and D7oteb Collected. Con-� P veyancing done. ` a i'��d��m Tins. ova spout New fears with his mother. OFFICE-Over D. M. Gordon's store. Weather n �' E. R. ELLIOTT, PutiLlsaLR AND PROPRIETOR His many friends congratulate him on RESIDENCE-Leouold street. 0" 'g passing his civil service examination �. �ittire 'DLONG BOOTS PELT BOOTS • SNAG PROF RUBBERS FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1942. successfully, Ri + BOOTS, i Mrs. T. Coultes and ,1o1111 spent 6pa� ' AND ALSO SOCKS 0 -A meeting of the members of the Christmas at Ripley. A U C @ 1 G EA R f We have everything ready At DO ��" 3 Days! '4,'17ingbam Public Library- will be held Mac. Messer of Detroit spent his huli- Will conduct the folio ® 9 9 g sales nest to meet the demands of the ®FCR����� w on rlonday evening next in the rooms, days at his home here. week: w for election of Board of Management. The issuer of marriage licenses has Tuesday, Jany 14-Yra Etcher, Fall and Winter Season, p All members requested to attend. had to work over time. south half to 23 Smit P,4, con. J. e9 m q Mrs. Thos. Morris; farm stock andirz lements. ® These goods are all new, but we don't want to carr w Cornell and children of 1 P a � y w iVianisti ue, Mich, returned home oil Wednesday, Januar 1 Ea Geo. a- �e OVereoatln s OBITUARY.- James Wilson, �'. S., y � A w brother of John Milson V. S., of town q Walder, lot 38, con. 12, East Wawa- The Latest Material A over any stock like this until next fall. So right now we + ' Thursday after a few weeks visit with slosh; farm stock and implements. shed at St. Joseph, Missouri, at the age relatives here. Friday. January 17-Robert Shiell, p T � offer irou these seasonable golds at Cost. � of 41 years. The remains were brought The annual entertainment and Christ- jr„ lot 37, con. 14, East Wawanosh, New Suitings Oc I rouseriugs to town and interred in Wing" cetne- farm stock. To Suit Everyone, and � ..... .. .......... ..• mss tree of the Methodist church was � w teryou Wednesday. Afartheraccoitnt aonsiseld lcdChristmas of choruses by the program �� �� WIN. Satisfaction guaranteed ® � � � � • 4 A will be Given next �veel:. • ,, r � Sale Register. School children and separate glasses, re- Wednesday, Jan. 15 Unreserved sale citations, dialogues, solos and instrumeu- At a meetin be Board Health Both in Malting and Price aG�c��®OS t`d�ii'$1 `cbS Cash. �l`re want I,000 of farm stock end implements at lot 33, tal music by the string band and the of the of Win lain held ® bushels of Goad Potatoes. We will pay highest market � con, 12, East Waivauosh. Sale at 1 old reliable harmonica organization. is A on the h lust., it as resolved: o p . o'clock. See advt. in another colmmm Space and the length of the program Come along and be made warm price. Bring them in as soon as possible."Thaw It for full particulars. Geo. L. Walker, prevents particularizing. After the pro- cases c nsiallp the many I cases of Smallpo prevalent in slid happy, and have the assurance yJrop. J. Currie, auctioneer. gram vms over the presents were distri- I "the viciuit of ingharrl, suet _ Friday, Jan. 17.-Unreserved sale of bitted each scholar received .a bag of 1/the danger o vhich our people that you are well dressed. -farm stock at lot 37, con. 14, East Wa• candies, The proceeds amounted to $23. are thus e. sed, this Board do Yours truly, � g+ P� �1 n "stron-wanosh. A good list of stock. Seebilis Misses Jessie Gray, Grace Newton 'against nine our citizens l JOHN KERR pp�� df np� nn W n ha •� JAS. H. KERR � for particulars. Sale at 2 oclock. Robt. and Ma against cwuiu„ in contact with E! 9plR�otl1��� ���U�i �Y�IIatl16t�U� sy, p Maggie Galbraith of W.inghJim "this dreacled disease and also�������' o Shiell, jr., prop. J. Currie, auctioneer. spent Christmas at Thos Jenkins. "recommend that all persons HIGn ART TAILOR. � ri,®�®®®�®8®�1tp9l,lam®0A®®r88f®e5iki®.Bifl49�®Sl®l�®®+at+�®®mm�m�y Mr. and D2rs. Will Gardiner of Owen "who have not been vaccinated Children Cryfor Sound spent Christmas with Mr. Gardi- "within the last two years have ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardi- "the same performed without ., ..•- w,,,"' C � RIAR ]ler. lir. and lira.. red McCracken t- "delay" ++{•+0+09++0+000+004440.... ..O�t��40i0444aa..d..d90��� �4P.P?4•Pb...O♦04.......... 41 14 S Brussels, and Mrs. J. McDonald and lit- WM. CLEGG4. tle daughter of Goderich also spent the , + W-LsTUIELD. holiday at Mr. Gardiner's. Chairman Board of Health. ; Mr. and lira. T. Robinion and fancily, Roy Thornton of Wingham is visiting Wingham, Jan. 6th, 1902. , his grandparents Mr. and Ml's, Gardiner. 1 ,. .s ,+y + of Manitoba, are here to visit relatives Miss Ethel King of WI ollaur was vis- __ " for a couple of months. They were both n o i ive StoeJcaiarl.ets. P itis her aunt Mrs. Gep� NlcDouald last 4 ,o- former residouts and have made many week. � Toronto, Jan, 7.-The receipts at the,0 friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pocock of Wawa- West-end market to-day were 100 car- + .a a ++. Mr. and lira. W. Graham of Stratford cosh visited Mrs. Rutherford on Christ- loads, including 1,900 cattle, 1,185 sheep + i mas day. Miss Adgle Herbert spent and lambs 20 calves, and a dozen milch + 4 spent their holidays at the home of the Christmas with her friend Miss Maggie cows. $ • + latter, 'Mr. and llrs. D. Dunbar, McDonough of Windham. The market was alively one all round; Button Block, i n ha o +. rices were quite maintained Miss Maxwell of New York hospital, �'� branch of the Wingham }Rblic Lib- ward tendency. Hogs adyanced an + who has been nursing Miss M. Fother- tarp has been opened at tl residence upward is the Fango of notations: + ! of R. N. Duff. g q +++9.000++0+♦.0+++0++0+0.+0 t4.04009.9000000040000040 '�oDO*004P0♦4040f�04d000000004. gill for the past four weeks, left on Sat- Hubbard Cornell of the Clare Bros. a.' .VTLr, •urday last, her patient being somewhat Stove Works, Preston, has returned { Shippers, per cwt, .....w 4 50 $5 25 4 + improved. home after spending a few weeks with I Botcher, choice do..... 3 "r5 4 25 O o p + Li cid Ammonia at 10c per + relatives and friends in this vicinity. Butcher, ordinary to , i bottle, 0 Several couple drove to Wingham on . ood.......... • ..... 3 25 3 75 0Arn�al oP.Ir, Frank Balfour of British Columbia g 4 Wednesday of last week to witness the is around shaking hands with old friends. Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 3 7°' 9 Extracts in all flavors at 50 + anarriage of A, Tunnyto Miss M. Shaw. Tide wedding of Mr. A. Kersey Jack- SHEEP r ANn LAaL13s. 0" g y I Choice ewes, 3 25 3 75 and 10c per bottle. per cwt...., They returned to the home of Jasper son of Bhievale suet hiss Minnie Coact + of Trowbridge, which took lace in the, Butchers sheep, each. .. 2 00 3 25 4 ♦. Cook, brother-in-law of the bride where g P 0� SAMachine Oil. at 4e and 9c erLambs, per cwt......... 3 50 4 50 *> New p Methodist church at the latter place on. 2 50 0 bottle. a pleasant eveniul, was spent. Christmas clay was largely attended. I Bucks............ .... 2 CO �, + Albert S. McDowell of Detroit Medi- The bride ap roached the altar leaning' MILKrRS AND CALVES. 6 cal College was home for his holidays. on the arm of her father, as the wedding I Cows, each ............ 30 00 45 00'Direct Vaseline at 5c per bottle, march Seas being pia ed by hiss"s Cosens. Calves, each, , , , ....... ` 00 10 00 + lZucilage at 5c per bottle. + His last term commenced the first of the y N + She was dressed in a costume of blue HOGS, + A pint bottle of Turpentine + wear, at the end of which he will be a ladies' cloth and cream silk, trimmed Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 50 6 75 fall fledged IA. D. with applique and her boquet was of Light hogs, per owt.... 6 00 6 50 + o at 14c per bottle. O Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McClinton cele cream roses. The com was &teem- Heavy hogs, per cwt... 6 121 6 50 + �� auied by R. Coad and Annie Lounsbur Sows, per cwt ......... 3 50 4 00 ; III.Lportation.Castor Oil at 15e per bottle. + 'brated their silver wedding on Christ p• y Stags ................. 0 00 00 P of Eastwood acted as flower girl. AfterA large bott]eU of Sweet Oil + suss day. 'Their immediate relatives the ceremonyhail been b0 + and a few neighbors were present and performed by Isawan + Rev. F. J. Oaten of Lucknow, a recce- CvnxrL-In East Wiitvanosli, ou January 7th, ' + . at $C per bottle. � spent a very pleasant time. Mr. and tion was held at the home of the bride's the wife of Wrn. J. Currie; a daughter. ® Middle Profits.Furniture Polish at 100 per 4• parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coad and a DEACON-In East Wawanosh, on January 31rs. McClinton were the recipients Of 7th the wife of Samuel Deacon; a daughter. bottle. I some handsome silverware. wedeong dinner was served in the beati R�o11INsoN-on the Gth con, of Turnbe •ry, on + fully decorated rooms. The wedding December 27th, the{ wife of James Robinson; a <' Silver Polish. at lOc per bat, b. n gifts of course were numerous and son-DIED, + BARGAINS ON BALANCE OF Nonesuch Stove Polish at 10c �- Stops the 4:onbL valuable, that of the groom to the bride + being a fleur-de-lis ill set with earls and, WILsWiN n St. Joseph, Mer •n Jannnry 4th, + LAMPS A M PS and zrarl:s of the �`oiQ1. g P P James Wilson, V. S„ formerly of Wingham, + MH�tl1 .�.@�S per bottle, a set of fibs. The couple left on a tour aged 41 years. + Laxative Breirno•QuinineTnblets cure a cold in to Toronto, Eastwood and other points Mlrcilr nL-In Tiitnberry, on January Gth, A small Bedroom Lam in 3 bottles of Boston Oil Shoe + one day-. No Cure,no Pay. Price • 5 cents. James Mitchell, aged 83 years, 5 months and 3 P 5 _ f i followed by the test wishes of the many days. opal, amber and green, com- Our regttla.r 10c Toys for 5c91 .Dressing for 25c. guests for their future happiness and tete for 20c. 15C �� 100 = Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing, R ,_ prosperity. The young couple will re- p , 4-'�d�&" �sideon the 1st line of Morris and we lI} 1 Bedro Lamp in25¢ 15C g �, ,�+Yyjoin with their friends in wishitlg themA d al om gular 25C, for 'LQc, t1'eo al amber andgreen. com- the best of futures. s p ' ±� Eyes. Mrs. Bailey is ill with bronchitis. ���� z plete for 25C. ppLL�' J Indicate Eyestrain, �' F Walter Patterson is caretaker of the + Neglect of this con- w + A 104uch high Lamp in Our regular 25c Kid Body Remember we sell "Grand • �� dition iaavites disease:. 1 Presbyterian church. + g y „ Protect your health' Bert Bailey is hoine from the West. d �...._....�.,. + opal, amber and green, com- Dolls,, only a few left, for 15c. 140gul Tea at 25e, 30e, 40e +. b v r cm o v i n c the II E. Duff, city editor of the Galt R sorter ca + plete for 60c. and 50e. Save your coupen5 strain. 1 rnshome for ivetvYenr's. I was given up to die with + Our50cKid B)dy Dolls for 0 ;We examine eyes free ! Thu Blnevale Cheese and Butter Co. babe d° i dick consum tion. I then began + A Parlor Lamp in same col• and secure your prizes. �► e; r, d r e e a m m e n d cidcd to mako�butter exclusively in future. The n P g 35C, glasses only when. y directors arra the same, except beorge Turvoy I to use Ayer's Chctry Pectoral. I 0 ors, complete for 75c. absolutely beneficial.rep,i �y improved at once,. and am now in _ + la ins Joim Diment Our 150 Dolls for 10c. s Bic} lP of Hnmilton spent the holidays „ °..�t �`'~���mother,i perfect health. -Cha.,. 2 pounds Baking Powder, .! d+f, a� a� .• with aTrs.lCutherford I p 1r. Mari .p p g SSMr. Walter Huggin an, Gibbstown, N. Y. 4 E,�e our own make, for 25c. • �� New osar'sD yrnndsono411.S.G.At Er oa I a"rt' , were married on + 2-bottle Casters, decorated ' MAGIC LANTERNS A feK cans of Salmon left at $, we offer besttvishev, + i - It's tt 0 risky 1"a in, •; + opal for ..Oc. Only five lett, Our re ul. + Arthur Helm of Wingllnm visited iris aunt yf p y + g 3 cans for 25e y , ' I - Sugar Shakers in amber and or bir:,.RuthPrford. on NetvYear's Day, g ar 35c for ..Je. , r 4 witdi< your cough. q z in inn s e M H Elliott and family ". of ! y $ greed for 10c. Win�hoo sf Ta .6PINV ray'nr'satI `V it".4.! The first will inn you j a ' ' The roof o£ Tia Cxrnvs'IOU, xa ht faro on ltilOw it Wild be down " tOMfor 25eJu s In opal, nickel y � ' ' ��(11'Ce9te1• Sauce at lOC per (, .1 Dec :•l and ryas badly setlrclred be�ore being y + � p � Powdered Ammonia r �+ Put out. p, bottle, Fred.Johnsto,x ofBrnntford spout liisholi' deep in our dui] s and ,1 + Soap Dishes in opal white/­ household use and dlsinfeCuing ♦' days atllo»]e. p y $ P + , Challenge Brand Corn Starch air.BrueeofSwanLalce,,1llan.isvisifinghet•o., - 1 + purposes, in balf pound pack. 4 The annual school meet.ina i:1S4„d off gtiietly - the play will be over. Be- + for 10c, ages, for 5c. at fie per acka v, 0 caecpt for the election of am iter. W. J. Ditif - A , + g i p P g ' • was cliw*n in place' of Jolnr altCrackon. V n early with Ayer S + _, ,.., , .. --e ms i Petef' nobrrtson of boisova:n, Man. is vislt- l + �.'..,:.; .,. e..,�. .., • fn rrelatiyeshe•ic. p ` i herry PectOral and Stop + Frying fans for + Mr. Ilobt. Strtvart, rinet .ol ra' (3ocicrloti + We. 9 Tea Kettlo fist' 7uc. 'Ha��1� I'ar y 30c, I )Vlrxlal sehr,ol, t3itti arra. btewari, spent the � cite COUgII. + No. 8 Tea Kettle for 600. Saucers, regular 50, two fbr F;a. 1 holidnvs here. St;ieiislYfife Oftilieie►Irl , Thnpresbyterian Sumd y School hold their 1 _ ♦ quart Pudding Dish for 170. A regular 25o Wasli Bftsiil for i7c. + and Jeweler+ •!a .,o' I Antertoinnient on New Year's eye. Tlivvo was, Soap Dish with Sttainer for 10c. 't. Three cues: 2se, enou h fat an ordinary Gransteware Sae " quart r�lpppd Sauce Pali for ZOc. +' 1Nirygl%►ai3rir 0-,t. n fair crowd and a goal pros Faris °f rliorlt4i% told; roe„ just rig{et for bronehitid, boaree• � Bread FtAII With cOVO>` fol X1,00. 4� cart Lipped drinH. dialogue's, etc. Tlie ustal dibtribution nese, hard toldd, este.; $1, mpost etonomieai + Granite Ton and Coffee Pots, regular No, 0 t o aatiroM1fo tOt3li. r Iwo line h ,t.n compelled to eondm,,,o this J. C. ArEu con Ixtwellnd + Brice 350, your choice for 2°r., x ,e 40 pgi.lar T n , « nr•%vsy budg b otvin to lack of s aee,_Ed.l Hsetl. + price, f for .,,1;40. tlC r andies Cyril ni,.cg • P for ohr°n1t Ceded and to ke0 : +�+bbd•a�ae��ba•9�•O��a�:�+0•t��+�Y�•oo003��0n�r9�&•►b4�o�b�r94•�O+va+++i•44o9•P+•oa+a��a••�•b•es i