HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-10, Page 514 UR •`�rINGR,A,� TIMPSt J.&N. V% '19I-21 ...... __ ._ �, ._, . _.: _ -. . ... - _ _ ,r AGoott Ile.0; I* 1011looRtule I duffer fmin'e'ortfuslon of ldva:s. Gheer 1 the tonfliet, partttt; to VA the• par. naid� tho l eotch literolIant.' "I want to tut regalw notion of til•A'kt vols. A Happy 0diveraw From The 0,P u3tid domini^.Y Iliad ductots. The � sued Pates, .but coming together tel t:.,. � to .get crealt+ 0,:p soca leatlwr, ml !..t', Sluxa• •"• Pills irt+Rnlato the 'bGyrells•Ham� Oil 81111 �5 l,:nl says 0*4 foxgA-ti our --itis Witt%t ouzo c : tlpstttt>tt, idyspt�pattt, blllocillt+aF, onus of Rheumatism, W'. repent of theta, bac hit never for. ! stroY the pursuers. 3Bldla'niie9 and sale." "liavc you referenr:esf ' ,rI titok hutu yc.he r�ucl Nil ttfYrCttnut; w,f the �'� gets faithful ,servic.s rendered., Ile � ofd Att>alekites were like graaahal) thiol[ I c+lit jgrat rt Eerencos, Illy E::th- ,vrganNor dlgt,stn +n, Prteo MGeels%.;, All sermon By Ptev. T. Thew Witt remmibars that revival, where you . pars fou• multitudets, but three hun, or ha,s friends li,st'o."'rXrntyng man, aid ,dcutZgists. Talri7.a e, U. i).t t• OCYL watching the. wads that .eame) dred ,mei, under GLdeon canto down, i f not, we, you yesterday in Mr. Lollox'ss; T— railo's ds cls ud-s and as dovats to the win. their OnlyweA # ocher+andi.jx;w?'' "1 do not kltow, sir. I tvli,at C , houildc1ri." He. has lndicatod b,f your, l' church and a kind gt,iLit-Mau asked Tho reeideme of S Iiaunie, 51r.rialt was tiir ar►2 Lai,;tart. D, C., 11.'c..:''.J,� 19111. -- physical ar inr.attal condItioll that it IAlnp� and trumpetie, and as th y h; !d law to sIt' ill 10,.4 lxn� ," "!lvd, young t]lo scf'ite of euryery hilppy-rc::ddillg o0, `'t brie this disc ours;: of Jr1i. Talmage is Lim- tar you to estop. 13o �ontent up ties* lamps and threw dowlt ilu+ man. that Al ti 1 li•,ix'rt l.ellua. l at'd11 iebalrots arrogance, it enzautaoes ')Ill I Effects a Cure After Failures. ei t, ,top. Your helm.t U. -ars. th_ murk pitchers aztd blew that trumpets. the Lritst tiny rav- tlu,t X12'. Leuva, invites Now Years ttloy, when hist danttliter manity, and allows !tow the cverung py of many a battle.ax; your sword is flash od the light .wild the blur., of the ini.0 Ills wlv. 1w.1 ti,• it iwt trouble -Jessie A wile undto(l i0, mord.af;e with of life may W brightened. The teat Physicians Patent Meglcines. Physicians, < .. b sit from many a holy struggle;your ` lustrnmeluts and tit r rartlt of the yaut~retf about ietvrt:tr s. When Arther Steldlc of Man. is : J. Kings. 20,, 11,;-"<l.ret not him and Medicinal Springs 5hie-Ill is deuced with the thrust of crockery made their runty tail bacit th, it guudy ary sour:, c•an • and get Lhat,pirdeth +o0, his bazWc.a boast h:in_ many a Ispmx. Now hand up the ar,.. ( in -v.!itd terror, ! ni,i v.'' 'l'ha L young )n t; ,., 00,116 un - :�- : self•us he that pattuth off." mal with gladmitlss, "I.,+t ztot him Notice, also, that my texL takes it luiuia.nt merchant, ar.,l muco than Iii.rnt�ss is tilt obtoli:te -yorst for The Wonderful Victory Over &Ter- that Qirdeklls on his harness ho -est hien, f<:u• granted that you must put on tii•tt, a t,�hristiul� 0,t, rt:h:tiit, and he "`I '"19 al'mi;r. It merits liaruass for the man, rible Disease vouched for by i self an, ha tikv,t putteth it off." That th t h•un^ss; else, bow cuss: you take � attributed all hiv sucee.,s t,i that first A' not ilerm.4i,s for the Jo.tmt, hariaLss for, One of our PromAneut was a &uggestive and tender scene It off? Life li a Itiattie -a thirty Sabb::Lh JIM Clic city. ):ouilg man, I blGtl.., mot , ,• , , haemes•-- for the plough,! Dru$ !Sts. when the aged Mr. Finlay, of !.,din- year,, a forty years, or a sixty just arrived, pt L yt,urself undo•: good The, asackont axiinev .can fisted of helmet bargh, said to at girl sJzrking in rapid years' war. helmet ycnt mu^t l`at'e, infra •rtces gout• fit'.stt 04-Y .a tone, for the head, lorva::t_platc and shield Sf.yoia are asulYt3xrer trotnrheutnatistli doolizte: -"Wee!, my dear, You're i for th-* battle-u.st's of scePtlolom asIft Tii: r,t Uangs y.:ur lt:ltaa, , :.aka it fill the heart, ,grsauvas for Cite feet, afartt m�;. You're ni-mteen and are r. 1 i0, uliY,Of ice terriblu Yurws-utascuiril ; 0,:,n )ilicrstn axil aim -it 0,t scut: be -ill. daft n fli tv is y out bi-ra,i',•lut.s; Ili:- 1'Jt= text retlas a cotnpurisrut b:.,. ' almost. aotbas the river. I'm almost Bvr bite effort will be nerdo to! j ,, it, Thete is .Ill ,lt': t, rr y f,•r auflatuelatory 0,r ttuicttiu, be u:rsurtd of j Y pyssl , SEC"MITY� Lvinevi mita ell. ,;flat; for scene war scw,�ucy, and may biz 1'll have --cnie I teal: ;:cu think wxort, . Phs scan; .v<•Lc'} uirtt trio:ell>lt; put i, au: trio Juttuutl traria that Paiues (�tierYlharil at.ps uftnre. I h ar itN riirp.e,;rna1 who gilts his head filtad Aviih A;a, s:0, iii lay an j 0,t : •--.oily of pari p veteran )re ,),r, in"I the one ,, __ puffin; on the .aLmor, un 1 th; other 'i,uu.�uuud will work fol }0,u i0, and s>lof Oil, lassie,, this Ls a swvei. day f<,t ,wr•r=i z nations. ab-nzt God, about underesti)ri.tti.ig int: t:ut.tu. T.Iut wad taut• it,ud puppy c,atu, lire ttlttuaauds of I parttime;' it au. . p ` letters roculvea trum people wh� have Y(.u. You'll ba hom) first:' i C'hiI -r, about the e• ml al.out the ter at Lieut, ,dad's iAL:t1+1116L,6ta:. 11 001LItl Genuiime Bonhuditd, th,r!k n;, o, Syria,thouglitt throk,ill ult thrtr ►iprr►eli,; curd r A;aacn, I hear tram Benhadad'.s b• -I b:'yojid, Ls airlady ,oapturcd. Put while ;b,:m L:afwv anndown. 11 wratit- ,. ales. Ire eauld uaslJ,q overcom. the, king of prix -o cumluslmt•ry eoat•1'aiuu'a Utaery havior, t.hc unwi;dom of boasting of i •)n t}), h^}met, the latchet well ad- eel 1er.; 0,1.1,, hilt a - - a; ,)tura 93% y Israi l ; Imdecd,'the 'SgAan was sosur•e kdoMIpuutlU is iuiu ui,o gftuc• ni+eciliu fur what aa, Ls g•oin;; to do. Two mt.st- I ,in. Lt•d under the ch:n. Think r}giti, Sam.-rlt ati•1 i;c lkio the king .,T i:.rael M a csf Llie vii tory that ha tp�ead an un GbiliIttttltl OlSeuaN. 'I:ho iul,uwittg,101Wr t + had to b: sent to the kin;•ofIs-: N:n•i yor gill riot right, Y:* . :h -o pitul+tc. L`:tt what ho tliou,;ht was ' N ,0 �,''Q,,) LabAlum baia;f!uct, W idi. thirl,y-tnva ,flute telt, J. Levurillgrult, 0,Y ,V,.,deu, r0, A, b*Ah massage.,i full of insolilirce I, � ,.plate for the heart. That is the i w e,.sy t urnt•,.t, out to ba thu impo.s- Ling:s, lie -rias celebrating what they i<iturl., anti dt:dor:sed by 1111. d:. W,R card br&Ggada.Lo. With b,ilinm'a3 b:a-.:no t st.rpartant p:lrt to b: dtefende.l, sibtr,. Butter over-estimate than un - . 4 wmxu going Jlo do, They were in all rT. ker tar haral, h: L•i talkie; with xlw : Tb:); draid�3 what you love and what l der -estimate the other side. Wit who ' �& ' 7 ; Ll+;T'9 • .thirty-three :kings at the cerousay anll i1,i,tuLutliwu), Uruggiec, 0,t tlzu •sautd •�� }��j' ,� tuwu, rittuttlnl uvllviuue ail s,ufitt,I'ut's that royal group about What h. will da s ,ro l derpi. o. That deciles east hly i Ileo, trying to maku tt)c world Khat it I1a+� tL.► 4 a• a •their ocndillon is desaribtd in t:he with the bpails of the victoryf het Is • :.ap; *un +•i and eternalI des.iny. Lep! ought to be, contend not with homun- Bi We, not as,convivial and stimulated file iniuteslattd list,- 0,t Palitns'6 4itllcir. g 'n(S to aehievu that afternoon. He ! the he..rt pare, and tha life will b:' out!. We wrestle not :with striplings• a caultatictrl, out drank. Their lded '0otnpounrd its their uuly Ib,q};)e. 1Vlr. %,Must Be nr CI.Mnnturro viii evorbigu-i. tm.%s: taken Lt for granted. that :iamarla I par-. Have, the heart corrupt, and wv have a wh.:le army of antugon-• I;und bannered pavilions were aur_ ,.Fur Laure tiuut it your I wusimileriul; will surrsunder, 'He gives command I y.mr action, twill br corrupt, Oh,that Ist,a trying tit halt th.) Icing of God ' :rounded b8',hii;h-m.Itticed horses,ntligds= for tit': eap.ure Of iyom of the inhabi-' ail of u•i might have a new heart,cov- and a•veI I yr the ono o of righlcuu.s ,. and Y,ht ping, and hitched to Eruw tllaati;uu)ztui; puiusut st:itstica, ltuu i, after tr du •all butt mrdicatl shill cunid tants of .Samaria who .fro approach-' I r ill with a divinely wrought bream- axss. It we. secure the victory it Willi, , . G��/, �/.�:i.'� ,chariots such as kings rode in. lien_ y t, r ia;, saying:-"Whetlt a they b' cine 1t.at.c! �c9, grca'ves far tl)e feet. 40 � rxd a stru�*xl{++ as fL6rc:a aN' :vhen: `t:Itn dc:vi,e, and usiu many tuat,eblius„pakeuG hudad --,tads officers over to the .king b ouL for para, take thsm alive; or ; m:any dangerous roads are wz com_ I GreAks and V er�iln l wit, at - I-ira- See Fuc•aim.:o 6:'rr^r; er Below. ; •of I%rael demanding th.; surrendur orf aur/ uthtirw it,e 1 cunclut;asct tGv .cl;v the r , EluG t3 rtu s 0,i, Banff, uiirua• ,bhe auix+r- Avito-th; r they kt,: c••'ms o0,': for aver, ; p. lt.t,i ti, walk. So many peopL,t treat! l than, its tvii,:u L.t•,u, ;frit, .,lea.."ver t— ! the city, rsay: t,;: "Thou shalt deliver ,itiut sps iti of a anff, pi wx 4t I fault take them alive." liuL b;hold the + c.at sharp prongs of temp atiou, and grappled each ether at Arbella, as I vary Illannl and au I.wny � rMo. thy silver, andthyg•lldn.,aa>d thy Glsb trtbttn)e11t G13uruo; Jtdrr,ttnd •cur Pully fugltiv.• kia; in, frightened re.re.11; t; -I, ,lila• and limp'ngr all the rest of � when. Joa of Arc rode triumphant to taim as jug=. . wives, asd thy hi d tn, fur six weeks and Curue J]tenuH,aC illq rllrl b_,&r:: cmndowa! Bet ler not tell � th4r days. Iran -mat -id shine for the at Grleun:i, as when th-a Itussiaas ,net ! wart! stv.tts (Aher a.fleers,,,ayin:, .ghat: ' , bn•t,L:n'Sl,y mvhat you art going to do. i ,t,..t. I the 5wed,ts 0,L' Pultowa, its when: 4 Ff ilE�t'?AlvRl •. I the: palutoz of the kbn; will !b' of thpt'rtusl:uta with pAn .unci weighilig W;riL Ila: 11 it is dcrne. Y•ou tlo mve}l I ~ 'nun; mita, ace that you have on :t :Xurlbor•ough commanded the allied TARTER's ©1�biiYESS. 11 cn urchuil. and everythinv4 Denhadad }” polutt,s le,N, At tl,�tpuuu0ttre, whoa <rruitss at Blenheim. Those were hope laud ultuu-t fled, i,hvcrrul of .Prtinu r to Isy out year plails, 'bat thi re arse I of,mp'.rre armor. Ail looks brigh new 0TTLE F(M altIO lSKEISS. . 1i wants he will taka with<rit .asking. C finery 0owpuuad. 3,tmtrunted.-suited to as tr tslg mis.takrs .and disappoint- ; alirl it skernts as if you could march fights for earthly crowns and domin- FQIr TtJI'ti'll1 Li'$t6i. i lh•.m, the ,king of Iixacl called .a coup„ w east• and I.s�ut iu,st trait est ;kir. nn.ati in life Lltatt you may, r-ou bl ; riz 1. c.ra wat}tottt oppo ,.Lon or attack, vans, but the fight that now, goes; an t I E I oil of tsar, u,ncl word Ls sunt ibackto Y • 1y' a,b:t,, t carr out your plant: ,and 1 1) it bo not deceived. There are hidden Imtw'een til} the allied armies at hea PILL J. ed 1b or rtubutlituu a•)f nimeazul �I y F33 dH ^�01E�SYif�I1Y101�1. ,s l: ath;tdad that his rinroat oaaable de_ ^R place,thtr;: l acs need of iuvukia Cha I foax ready to halt y au an your way. >en and 0,}l the allied areata-- of hell; a r AtNlted abnllt lt. FIr, 11HauultLeud6d is to rQli SALLC4W SKIPS. s .a:;t.l uitl b. re.Lsted. !hen lienhu me, and I took tL bott9e.. tofu, bei;ttu to w'c)rii'.t cicrilsiaai 0ni eurieaiur:. Nal)o-' Tht, fian4� cup that Bcnhadari drunx ; :c to srelLle: whothor God or Srjtan is. FOR THECOMPLEXION .I ilad stn& an -Di messa,,. to the.lc;n; feel better, stud uftce ttakitsg rliio s, cured tti''cn asr.t.s r.o sax; of ccnqut rift; 1in1- j .,tit of just b fo.r his defeat will I.e., to h;Ive possession of this 11011: t. L"�wvx�x Mu.TNAVC y� <�� �., oL I,rtieJ, a rnassal,,. fuL 'of a.riwgunLyl bottle' I was a eluwtl anau .and threw land, :xotlan,;i .and Ireland, that he • ,•,,.,'.red to eff<•et ysur defvw:. 1i5s :m- . C congratulate all those who the PDrke PurelyVeptabla- -YezftloovG an;l bravado, part calif st:y.n,.:."'W,e had a mada.l --,truck celtbratin„ :1101 ;,>:<Loated brain .i►w victory wh tl iuw in Owl thickast of life's battle ,_1� cetrtsI I atvµy my urntcheN. lt,htnvti always bt+eb I w ....:. - I iv,ll deatr•ay sort 0,:.t; rly. i will grind tat:iqu r,/, iv;xicia ha never made. Dn , rheas -vu:a nothing lint twat and ruin hist the tiinc is esm:ng -t h tn' Lpo .am:tria into til daw,, bat there u farmer, oust cru ,u, ,.btu •t. eso lutrd , , ,tro le. will enol lanr1 . CURE SICK, HEADACHE. work pow its ever I ,wtis:" I that rri.•c.al was r,•prescanit•d hie csvn I What work Bemhndaci :, cup nLtde f: €tg ,s y:.0, will put w.11 ,uoL;.b: dust cnuu;h to make t , cram 0,M hea.l. j B, uibadad's army! What sh!pwtcck,, Lire ha"It�e's off, hclmat and greaves i haladl'ul for each ont of iuY tAOrtp:, Bir. ,Pond!:tax: and Air. St:unders c,n t9te reit, what dipastrtrs on the 1 n , and breastplate have' fulfilled their ,� Then the kin,; u: i;ra l .t+li:ILed in I M- --_ w;r,e talkiut i^- th.t Lim- -rA p: r:rete- I eauied by inflaming liquids put upcat uAssion. You enanot; in one. visit to �i�� lscnhadad, praatioa:ly s0,, Inl: "I..•t c; hand up sane lilt lm•:t, ,unci eheathe I lion utadi,e Queen ;y1:Lry. Saunders the t,ougu; to ret racetni.ng the brain. London 'Power acts all. You must', go ' ,I m: sa•e, yea do what you ;::,jr. Pau yv:.;•r sword, tad free .your •hanals from wai trembJ'ai,; .an;i afr.•a,'., but Peaa- i Ixc,w many kinrtec of thought and ;T- .again and again t0 that place, -:hieh a t ) a , royal br.,",art, you migli: b itor:ha,.e ..11 • 1;auntlets, anll ;tvaur :_pelt from dleLi)•z sai<1�= ui'hret! 1liurr. tliurc is ilucncte, with crowns brighter th n' Ls associ:Ittxl with, the story of Lady, "'nen sole liver isn't 11Ctiri I n.stprpad your b,ln:lue. un 11 aLltur i Jane. Gray and Anne Boleyn .1ncf. ,s 1 -li + taouts of mai}. much mcr,t nttu•ut fu. m., to fear than rite one Benhadad worn, have, by Walter ,talo',* well. toll Suffcr from bilious- `,j Lht< battir, instea J o-' spreaditlti;ill, Ut•- i :it the Soldiers` ],lout. :Ln the tubi- I yi: a. You ar: wast}}, arld I haw, a ;teems drink, b+en pat into flight ng Raleigh and Sir Thoma Uar•, that bat,le. Ya.i huzza too :,con. Ibbs of this ally 11 IiAtcn.admire tit,.! largo badly fraam•, but you will, set Ibwuu az that in which Denhadadrale! .3/are, You will see the e)"ownst of 1[leSS) constipation. Ayers ! `Lt•t not hi.m that t;irdt,ih on hit has t>•,treful .0mi comLsuteii .lucks of ihe the I:tgt pact c)f Chi+ flesh conaurue*rt,i rG've th•m to me," saps the demon king% and queens, the robe worn by , :Pills act diretrtly on the liver. 1 tuts boast himself as ha boast imittath -vc aarablu heree s -as 11it;y sit unAer � i<r aihes b •fo.rc i cv; r forsake Jestts , oC k e),riacy, "(live them to me; hand fun i from Prince, and silverainbaptismal It off.."• : the trues or ,*o in ,and .out the tine ' ::Itriit• aa)d hit tr whit h I have ' til,m 4,,O-,v,a-the hrbxh;.t,st. legislators funt3 Exon which royal infants were 'Fair 60 years they have been I An avalanche of cottra and right: ,!b ale that o0, Grovernuumt !tui up_ j I)r<,"•'' :--ted.'" Not leen, tier iaunclers, c t the Jand. I wLll altink: n their tem_ u}rristcned, and the' block on which 'the Standard Family Pill. eau,'tlaw, the I:nwI'.,i•;h trr,my came „•;,rs:i0tel provided for .thorn. The i t„ )iint-h;*ar;ed, Sravtt u his f 'Lord Lov:tt was, beheaded. But no y i I Y p y 1 f p lite .or I fur ; I LU bleat their cheek I will :Small doses rice. m5c. down o0, 't;. rrhudacl --Ilei his •haat. it i ,t r: not longing far other Chapulte! Christ's sa',r:t, while Ptztdlrton, who sLvmg;.r' their s`,r•p: 1 will damn their part of London Power will more inters- Alidrugaisb._ ' w•a, a hand_Lc-hand ii.;h., each I:- ..P.ii's, '!'lefty cio not avun,; to undertake. hail talked eo big„ played coward and I au}. ,land them dottzn to me- the est you tltanl the armory, i>ti which i� Want yourmouetnetir.jorbeardabeanUfut raoLiee hewimy down a tiytuan. lien lu,100tter Sou;h Meauntntn. •l'hrI.- foot r7arr, rip rvIi-gi-tn when th•t te.;,L came.I pies ,ciao c.ut of iris labor•aLory, the skilfully and iuipressirely arranged brown or rich black ?%Then nae 1 hadad, cm horseback, geti aw.t,y-wAll I,t,;,s not aoha to bet into till` Ntirl'up� ki7 {b+•rfW'c: dil not 1x11 -vhat ho t�liat;iltar'n?}• trove. the Court room, the Av 011cctdans Oft all ,styles of armor ) ,,af he cavalry, but is cul :saved f a between the thirteenth a n�/ �fu n■�+ {/ for the ' �:utv. t y, Y :i the cuvalryntan. Th;.y are not t:;+)!mg to c!o Ait.h tit;, sl.:rvr tr•rcle, IXIt: � tu',:iislur Of the GOsp:,1 from the alters tltl. L1�INUPIJ�Ii1.Jt� D1 E Whiskers ! for ,a ,worse defeat,in whick are hull- i k,-.n';i1L;,• for the "ltaril tack'' of the how nlu,-h h:• accompli Il ;:t k all-.'--.! ,rf G.nd, Ii. ,yd them down' to m4,.-ths 1 erg}'tcxinLJil centuries, ,suggesting five noon.o.onuca.Ts,oeR..R,Hu.t.aco.,Naenu.,N.N. ii tlrc<t.thousund S• rian intar�a.ry,tvrrc• r 3 t t; hundred years $' ,•c,l•1L.rs brenk.;lst ;alone the C.tick;:_ l;:• --ted by Lrxd Broaz.itrn' i nl:irk 1 rl;r,,.ns c}' the dr:,wi.n; roam, and I f y rs of conflict-cuirass,and slaug•htIm tar ogre day. Itoxc .ave ace Itianl:fly. '1'h•:y have no ,'aster for xn_ cruocrnin, Wi Ill ro . alter 1'!s ! tv•!1 d;^g'r.• - their names, and blast 0,i ck-guard, and chin -piece, and lance -4 the sarcasm anc(, the epigrammatic' outer ride in the a xibulanoc to the decoase :-"FIa went to Heaven w•:th their ham e , and throw them down I retst. un<1 .gauntlet, And girdle, and I power.aC the mrestpage of mp text sent! ti l l ho.,pital. When Lli;: �panishwar ei.�ht. hundred- Ibmitand bralcen A` -i farih�: Cheat Jezeb l fell id the da>gs mailed apron. Yuu!;gee just it0-t;#rouxPain a:'y I lay the kiting df Tsru�l to Ilexiltadaci if rhr•i, rheumatin kncac ,tvcsulrl allow tc•rs in, hie hand." Someont+ trying to I tj;at crunched her rareav%." I bread to llcel tthese old time warriors• t.-e.-ns,, se t ",I,ot :•not hitn that 1;irdeth On his them to keep step in .a tmaroh, and diti•stiad-: Napa'loon from his inva,ion . We. bold our breath La horror .as were, defended against ,sharp weajjons;,c 1 harness.bxtst himself as he that.put 'it their siXttC tv:ts goad onough to sac of ltu>,,iu, --:till:-°'sllatt propose>., but, •;aver Ln tt tvhila we hear of some one, that would cut or thrgst or brui,se,- Kidn tethAt off." ++ and allowing thelnj to coma out of j Ilia advrincitis Lo;naan, rand tit their rrtr' Gnci d!sposes. Napoleon n plwd : - 1 ei Cher by neeid:zrl o^ suicide, going + All ,up and down history two• see+ , battle unhurt ;when otherwise they Cy o was alert enou;li to ]lour t•h, coin- I prt}ims and I dispas ." lint you Ov; r ; insSa,.t Falls, bzt the tldes,fhe Y such too early boastimg. tsrIndt, the • m;Iud, „Charge!" But for the most rememb:r Mo - and n:neiy_five 1 dep'ln, the awful surges of intemper•_ would huv,+ been. slain. LTihevworst tlun;; a BittrAhall of Fra•ncr_, was so ,aeattaiA part they are glad that there is no Llivasand corpse:: in the snowhi-it .s. a pen are every hour of every day rush- O, ye .soldiers of resus Christ, when, F painter bas to con. , that tit would ocequor that Ile had: m«ra war for tier m. So let all of the The only kind of bxtstin� i}r:It pro-- � img sacro; of immortals doom into tut_ the war of life is over and all thevie- t�' �� •9 tend- %iith is the tar- It 11se,;:Ian)aiiost pt)n.ad, artnoiindrtlg ag,ed,in prams with God, Lhr.uugh the p,ri wits that of Taal, vitro ericii o0,;,; fathatlt^rl abysm. :iuicidea by the est in the soldiers home an the I„_� pentina himriolf.king of loituga.l, and.hall biassed Christ, eulgv:tte content. "l ;.;la:ry in th^ cro'is of C'hrist;" :tr.l' mt;li!n! }? ware at the cup out of heavenly hoights, parhap9 there may ' 3hcicad,ofcourse, erum:! fcu:st prepared ii)r foazr,n'clock; urrut. trntl thunk alta Lurdstheir Sedan t:}tat of Ji,h•-s Newtot, who .^::eclnr�d:i which B.nh^.dad drank personal and be � the -,city of thes.sunt a tower- of isbau.too. that nfternaan, bat b2forc that hour' „ t I spiritual armor ,such as encased the, leas Won fought, and the war is over. C am tthat 10,^,t -,ht. o b•; .r am cr:ct. , not:c,n•tl d:niolition. -4\� Jdut;tho turpentine he Pled in ignominious defeat, and; +'Let not him that gLrdeth on his liar. what; I wish to b ! I am not what I 1 y,.6, you must hava full armor. warriora for Christ in earthly combat. cutcAlic'k-'dneys, in- Welliagtcm, of the conquering 1ros,t; s-I3amts day wcr may ba inl that armor ,�.►-` - v g .nets boast himself as 13e rLhat putteth hop, to b,,+but by the grace oiC;ol � T}t•r.• err• t•�ntp'aticits to an impure and hear th©;heroes talk of how they!• :r/l / fatltes:and weai:ens silt down a.t four o'clock at Lhe very:. it off." I are' not: what I wet;." Iif, all Lb•: tune multiplying erred in thcvi, ;rrral:cs tbo I I fought the gcodL fight of faith, ands buntyuct the Marshall of Frantic bud � T.hcre are clot farmers who cannot Donot bans: of your mor0l sit•en;tlt. ••z.;;#y;n;. iLi•ad in private and dil- painlet:s.lifc a, dan- ordered for h1mrself. Charles Y. ir. qua thorn with: the ,scars of wounds do cmc mor, da 'a work. tiVhat bar_ Cine of the mist: brilliatri m •, of t hit I n y for that tower eraas'and trouble. , y ,gwn cin pi- rlor b the refined poisoned mo,onc.3Vlten a ytnter:,backaches its va<led;i;rana, trail was so sure cot lite vests they raised in 18+U! They knew alinttteenth century, harm; lcmpo a _ : i<•gant in plrlorn are b:)ukti poisoned I Tot heaven, a the with o� P d r r conquest that he requested Paul. the rotation of crops as well as they ily refortn: d froin immbricty, s'•.00:l on ! ,'•ra•:n lid to lid with impurities. Loose phis of offbeea and a Chao with :dintwrar hi n to begin ircatttl the kidneys. s. P I which they became more than con- n �; vb^?7 �7y-r Y Jovi>ffe ;tUur historian, to gather to knew the rotations of the seasons. Ihe' platform of I'rnadway T;ib.'rnae',,�<, rhnract•,r.; :.l the novel applaurled by u out +� �T 9 >C�l1.✓l �7Jf:i� tether .a lorau amount of paper On Under what blistering; suns they Nv.Nv York, and ,•.•lid : "'Jere that 1 rhetorical piens, ani proprLzties of thorwea In even healed, and loolq at f� \1�AS V which to write th; story of his many %wan the sc •the and the cradle. great gh.b, one cr stallit0, aa•1 I 11', pons of tZie .spiritual conflict ,��11��'' �. �i T� ��++ ti.tarii:s,;Uut diB;:Ica aacl iam:»u scd� g } Y• tLe caricatured as pruAery, and Lr_ ara examined, St. Paul may �tZJ.i�S ed up;9a .Ilia troops, and he retreat__ Through what deep snows fairy drew -w-wat offered the glass of it if i I fid lits off b havior put Lira way to to us the armor with which heradviat" a,*3jI,f:x:thcm:r tolceout6c'inflammation the logs or Out their -faYf the fill_ w<)aLl drink an^ gl;iss of brandy I I •xciL•e symp•rthy •ctii half approval. ed the Ephes}ans to equip themselves, P- , ed in dismay. So Iienhadacl s. irwllav_' derin, of the cattle. What drought--, would refutse with soorn; and I wan_ 1 J2 wonder Ls not that so mein •;,cul<ttongestion, give ease "itha ach}iib tar has ilr_en copied in all ages of the, what freshets, what insectile invas- no religion to help m,0,.•' But that I a:itray, ba'. ray wonder I that y tcg,.n and ,say,- "That is the shield Ott a- bael world. Jtt .will'bi my obj.cOL, ,among; ion the remember. To clothe' .Ind gain, than died at P likeepi ) tim.!.-j as mann are not dt.Uauched. faith. That is, the helmet of ealva- J'11r. J. Evanson, the well-knmvIn painter. Y r rY tion. That, is the girdle of truth. �°d ,cacoratorp 5o Oxford :S.t„ 'Toronto, otlutx .lessans,•to show That he avho feed and educate the household they rlrunkon pauper. Better un:1Lr-rate i T}t,ra are iluluezv es at wort tyhi:h, That is the p righteous- , .dlloutcightwccl:sagoIwaa puts off .the axnb:ir having finished avemt through toils and self sacrifices t}taai over-rate ourselves. if r::arre..l::l, will. turn our cities in- ti breastplate of ri oes ,- the, bpcttic isInto're to be congratulated that the world knew but little about. Aly subj:et is also a refutation cf :.a l:;Odata+ incl Gomorrahs ready for nils. Those aro, the mailed shoes in taltarl•with an•ot:crur.:attn;; p"!n.rn,my back , which they were shod with the pre- ovar al a kidney:r.. It was so badrthat my than ht* tw1)o :b. Lns. a Itost, aged man. Let the biya do the• tile• famous sentiment that- Go' I is on , ,.ho hail and fire and U: iwatona of „ v6& -had to a hot cloths li„1Jltetdoctor Fust, I find encouragement i.n' shovelling and threshing and eatting Lhs side of the heaviest artilloy, Frca.x: t;,:,•;'; inr,i;n.ttion• Partition of the Gospel. There and came�uiti gave n c morphine. this subjset for the aged who have: aatd sweating. You have at the bar. all i can read ab -pat th e; si ru„ k, 1 thea you hada recount the contrast P R Ye ,you mu t have full armor, for y ;when o L got throe h the work and struggle Christi Z the da netts off, Blvd 'cio not try 1:o put it on l,cnitadad spoke Cha truth when b:. Lhero all th•s temptations to gaming Christian conflict and, the day when He Haid the trouble was due tm :a.stono g gg � � you enlisted in trssirag from theD,I ney to t}tel Ladder, of earthly lire. Aly venerable friends,. again. raid: "Thr. gods do so uatto me, and practices, either id gambling halls or 11Iy u:mter was Iloaded with a yric a dust if scar had lead at twemty_fivs` years T}fere. are old mechanics that can more• also, if the ducat of Samaria --ha}} in• thu money markets, buying what heavenly ou closed it, in earthly salutation; and the farewell text do )osrt.and scalded on passing-. of age full .appreciation of Wh tt you no more sh-we the plan_ or pound suffice for llanldfuls for all thse MOPIC they rover paid 'for, and ,selling what which has so much meaning for us �l luln thiscgndition I heardeDean's would have io go through in, the with the hammer or bare with the: that follow mi.,." He was so confident l they can never deliver, first borrow- I now, will have more meaning for us Kidney Pills and,startedtaking Own. thirties and the forties and the fifties bit ar ran tip the ladder, to t.hescaf- that with his ruixxior numbers- lie ling -what they atnnot return and .< Itwax •atotlong before Igot relict'Orrow of your lifetim,,,syou would have Igen faiding. Master mechanies the were could def -at the king of Israel and � stealing what the cannot borrow. All then.- Let not him that as he h on rin,andfiatvebeeninl)rovm in appalled. ifoxttunately, that bereave_ Y ' ) g Y his harness boast himself as he that ( g or subardirlat.es who wrought tuith_ capture Samaria that he left Lhe, bout:-- of the day and all hours of ;the +, since. Aly urine istlowclear and does not mints, the temptations, the p.- fully in the work of house m• leurnor Work- for a short afternoorr. He Is night tiro vast sums of money passing putteth it odf. Smart me, and I fiscal better than inyaars, tides, Lithardships were eurtainen r hipbuildi,ag. You have a right to at mo^.n: in wassail with Ilio royal us- Lr<rtululentiy, for gambling in all eases fscm your sL:;}at. With more, or letss gait. You have finlshad your 'ask. sociates. Tile battle of Waterloo was � is fraud, whether it be a twonty-fivo - •- - - — - .__ - fortitude you passed through the ;;,, thankful that your work is done. slot: opened until twlenty_five minutes cant prize package ar a crash in j �ii.� ��j(� ��Lj �f Ti)ese little crises of- pain and sadness and disap- Than there are al;ed physicians. to twelve o'clook at ,noon, b tt that I Northern Pacific, which made L' om- Lt it U a biack follows ; fxv:ntment an.1 fatit,ut, and •still live What trugedies of pant and accident was b:cause the ground Was too wet I bard direct .Ind; the Bourse aghast net easily and naturally on thu system, i to recount th^ divine help that sur- they have witnessed. Ilow much suf_ to movie tale artillery. lienhudad -vai;:s I e - and .shook thv mations with financial ulemriu6away all bile;and effeto matoriah ta'n.et_n el you. At iwty or thirty yeah faring they have assuaged. 13'ow many until atternoon because he is ove:_Iaxihquuke. ' f;onatipa:ion, biliousness, dyspepsitt, sic Tt t>s your age, at {lire tap of tht•dratrt brava• battles they have fought with oanfiden,t• (Tod Ls riot on the side O.; I t O, yes, yet: gleed the harness• on un- � �l I:liwhwlie, heartburn, waterbrash -a11 Ilia• ; you put on the harm,ss, Now, ttt sixty •ttn0,l; and caLaclysm. 11ow many t}le most swords, or the most war I til God tally you to takcv It. off.' Ill ' t� s� sp}war when they are usad. Price 250. or seventy or eigh'.y, you are poace- {vers they cooled. 13o -v ninny broken oltariote, or i h+: Most cannon, if they s olden t}m N it twos leather armor, nr I Trips four ;:ally putting it off. You would not b mn they sei. Haw many pumas- Ise in the wrorr•, but on the side of 1chain armor, oo ribber} armor, fa,t•h- • want to I,ry til! bittl: of life over I m3 they quieted. Haw many umXlOtrs Llie right. IIow such a preposterous iant+ad in ancient: foundry, but no. tine Diamonds again..'Siol many of just your tempi'-_ I days they passed when they knew <„nt:m-rtt'• as I have menConed should can give you' the outfit you need, ox- ` Dl4i i®a i s I 4 'Better stol` that in -at, and with as, good a starting, that, human lives depended upon their litsvr I;nin:•d sway I know not whorl crept God, who is master of this world ! } .. and as fine a pircntage,and seem`ng- skill and fidelity. They drove back all, history proclaims the opposit,•. De_ and the eternal world, from which \ �” cough now with ly with as much equipo!se of cha,rac- death _ t.cath frotm marry a cradle. Instead acribin; the very'tnaaL battle in which asocnd tlx: miahtest' hostilities. Lay `'` I a few Closes Of ter a% you had, have madu complete of bccom,in'g' hardened at the sigh, of Wnhaclad fmirht, and ,was in}sernb'y hold on God. Nothing but the arm ... -.. . _...- .,........,... _ i D r . Wood's shipwreck that you would mot want suffering, their sympathies deepened, ctofeated, the Bible e lys : "The chil- of Omnipotence is strong enough fi r again to rums the, risks. Though you as, ,with aged Dr. Valentine Matt, drop pi tched WTore deem like t.wo tho tempted- Norway Pirie can lack back an<l sire many mistakes, -vJi'en standing bufotc hie students little !leeks of kids, but the S'*iam9l Young arta, put' oa'the cativo. Gas Many of aur ant.t,f varve Lrltrur i Syrup than let the next time your might make worse ba clinical department and a child filed tyle ccmntry," llow Ln%i•TnLj*L_' pal outfit. If you have come from the find, when needigg chouur„!s, tb•,t, y p ! Instead of b^_i *,' depress. ,. i they more thou rave Lae ca ,else t f 4 Nia� >�op� g the nec,s Isi a nr was a:baut to be operated upon in oarlt were the unartnecl lsraelites, I country to live, in the city, imitate the t { it run on to end rya carer the fact that you ara baing' surgery, lie said :-"Gent}omen, here half-starved and unorganized, cam- example of a young! man who arrived ; their trip by visiting us, 1 perhaps in )Bron- Norway ocminted out or omitted in the great are surgeons who will do this work parol with Vjiftrorrh's host, on tool, � in New Yarki on Saturday night,, in- . ' umdertakitvgs of the church and elle a;s;'w•cll as, I can and you will excuse on horseblak and charioted! But. the tending the following 'Bf'onda to ent- chitin Pneu- world, rejatee that you have alight y ,t I y eve curry M f,r the' .t > Pin6 hie. if I leave the room, for as I get waves, of the Iitd Sen, took Dart rm , bus place of employment. On, bun- staiel. of urauu)u•,* ) , t'. snonia or Con- broke out they sometimes wondered .,ldeT I cannot as composedly witness day morning carrying out the goocU and Syrup. ..._ __-- _--- . .- •--.- , pain as anile I could, especially this -.--------i- ... I advice befara leaving his country only byllrer;tu rN,1rlevs �•tn`t.,•t.1.I1 1:u,o SUITI tion. Its �q suffering of little children." God tom_ home, he went to church. Standing ALI i COVERED WIT ECZERNA the enttcas t t „vast• t r 1 awonderfullung fart acrd bless the old doctors, all'o_ Ij I tho door, he was aba.sbod as tiro beau elln'-I-I•:r •• "It'. r, r ,Ill In: Jjo ' i' pathic, hcintropatltlo, hydropaLbia, and TASTY T� �T I ty and fa.ro2liam• and wealth ,swept Int;O'N ',roil, s healing remedy The good sisters of St. doscohpa eclectic, and make them willing to ba $I i through the doors• of the sanctuary, ` r � � � � ' I that Cures the t infant's Home say of Dr. AS- out of practice. Before losig they will DOSES And he, daredl not go in. Al hes was : , nevi's Ointment -°i We give li hear the benedictLran of him who said, I about turning Let go away, a gentle- , j If T -em ennn,'• ennin to )til we can 11, worst inds Of our high©et- recommends- "I was sick and yo visited me." ata Gin!nent physician, whose aohooung ,,aIle suLd,- "Haves you :t ,seat, young I ° voter to }tar irp rat :it Linuurh it, I. . hoe slWaye boon along the line of" strong I , „ „ „ coughs and colds '„ tion. We use it freely and And thele are the �bld ministerq. tonics and bitters" for stomach troubles, mant ' 'IN,). :sir. Do you belong; to I - Cabilog'tir. -Try !t uneo and 1.0, when others fall. a p Where is your t , couvrnretl, ! 1 find It a great curd. Once, they ever,, faremosL in gcnara} now reacribes what be caul tasty tablet tho city? o, --sir. •.. St, osc tris Infant Home. South Troy, N.1t. ; assemblies, and conferences, and ao- donee -Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets. homci' rn their cat ntry." "flow long . - +, u Price 25C- OC, All dealers. rr j p sc:c}atians. They have preached in ha vo yon bei+n' in the oity4 I camo ... -. . 5 5 boxes weSAeish r.eu would --Dead 0,a totairlmvcs Pe:ntecosts. Tiley have stood yby, pr Fcsionbe twli t ttnc�ei u�soutof the r0, ed� d : in• I,trst night." ``What are you, going - tr ' price for it by buying In large quantities. mal r, Christian dca,th_b.,,ds anti seen Llt•, taking the common-sense view of things, and ! to do here, : Iholm to go into buss- ! i L ,, E $. s ` $ a sl children are brought to our home coveted with jalis 'go ,up in 1`:laming chariots of instead ofstron doves are prescribing for Mom- ; Iruss to -morrow. chat Is right. Von I Coit. YONG13 AND AY>gY.At Cure eonatipatioa, billourtaes , dt g� D15 Lj"A. Eczema, and of all the treatments and ointments glory. The Gospel they preached for ach troubles an thoills that are akin, this pleas- harp begun heli, young man, Never = IiTREPTS, headache and dyapepaia. livery webave used Ave find Dr. Agnew'-- Ointment to fifty or sixty years illumines their ant and never tailing treatment. Everyday secs for:sako the God of your fathers. Como : LIVERIll ruarcnteed perfect and to act t the walls of r2 udice crumbling, and nature " ► + • p • p be the most satisfactory -,that made.,otne grer*t ev�cry featu't'�c. They have stopped p J I wtl} givo you a ,s�,>a.t Cul; my, pow.111 - � R O i+�' f, � � ', : without any griping, weakenifirt os cures for us. We sive it our highest recon reel. preaching, folr their breath is short, getting flits recognition she merits --for nature!-- The, tnext morning the young ]non pro- slckentng effect~ ssc, at tali drug. dation. 35 cents, ss cute% arc surest. Sixty tablets, SS cents, x6 - ... or their tnawrves are a.jan'gle, or rites, ,ser,ie<l big lett:gr tit business edralc�. • P1IL r$ gist!. Bold by A. L. Hnndlton, AVinalrttni, lase their' thread oaf discourse, or Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Winghant, "What do your Want, Young rstaili" ,, i' __ -, t' 1 ♦ . ",-_ _ _,,,ir..' 6 --.. .rWfil i- sS� N,., . —_ - .r.� _ - . ...1ma b.rOUNS, M .+d. w. -„-,..t--.... � z___ ..-..... _-