HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-10, Page 2TM, IM Boors t� 1, iA tt,a��F3t.l pit:/ FROIN-41 offs i m �Vely sh:it 1'y 11,lltlt•li. S�A * �t ih+ tllrl wero parloyitll; ltl,ilut .�1GtIT411 31111,L stet• iai,rrender of a tlunllier of Ghon httter. --,-n Tt i, ft+.ht)1'tksl 11tat t11t+ l ttitiC411a Gov uuunn nunl,annunnn u I Ij nn. nal ui ut I g p � a a taut c:gk'tt•t{lliltkttt �duntiu;;; seta Co. �a,ra -ra s i'rom our 1"geha�ll es. !t't't„ 1 �! 11 , The Iaxeter grist ul4ll �thislt slits ba�elt • l'tAl:t t Irdtl ax 1tCitellan lialn nisi npu.4er, Y SE E Qwued and conducted by Mens,s. Jos,. TheIeWC� eC he a ld wa5 Wallin i"or. Ci4bblediUk $441 Ou ll�Otl(ljtl' lust twos isle frtntl a hey: tuft onto the barn floor y _ sold t0 )Uesllrs. Harvey of Huy awl Us• , and dialocaled ; his neck, death folloxving • borne. Posesssion will 14t, it Heart linin afttar: -�- T THAT ` give,ll 1liara,t : _ T This 1% PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS in Ist 1002, Mr.. W. J. Philp, Dromoro, sent to 1111a1taI7t5 cal the v►'orld USE it. Wm. Reullie, Toronto, five bags of Alm Now , O%ildretl Cry far 141ke clowr seed and reccived in return � FAC -SIMILE. l ow manufactured in three of the great coulltres, viz .' r.., lr„amr the flattering . sunt of $100. Canada, United States and C=t'xn�Yn N4� Year Da the Jultt iUA I AY1111tableYreparakial�forAs SIGNATURE Y ICASTORIA, he Canadian Pacific R ailwa have ever 2Qa i 1 use I v 'a y 4 1, �� � � ski . �sot -OF- pretty �• andAoSve . A 1:now a GOOD thin Bain of Goderich was thQ scene of al �Sg odAndRe ala - They < v . ,pretty wedding when llis yonugtbtl ^fir ri4' + S0laF, OF IT6 ADVMNTAGES ; daughter, Xataerine l eKcIllar, and It 77"r I...�Gni"g fled Children, pI �°•'. -r- Vlatltle writing staxo to finish. 1'urtalAuty, weighs only 1G pounds. E. Troth, Of 'Wigr toll �y ere jtJinec i11 ' •, eiFu1� , it ea PromotesDi estian, lkianifolcliu);, beats thorn all, Alignment, positive and permanent, wedlock:, by Rev, J, A. Anderson, k•.:110 Ea ` 1 p:,cattt;o� every (essandRest.Containsneither Durability, hardened steel parts. Situplmlty, GQU parts as against 1400! British `.Croup Oil Liniment is without r'' a o• prapp�' IIO tUnl Mor bine 1lOr1rT>xler8l ` /1�T WAiiRAir'TED by a well-known Canadian Company here to back it tilt, exception the most effective remedy for F,� P ' IS �•Iy� E Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, Open Sores, A ease of small pox l -as broken out in NOT N.OTIC. ONLY O. RLeuwaxiem, Bites, Stiugs of Insects, _ ,,, l� L etc. Alurgobottle25cents. l Heusull. A y°nngman uaut4cl $ydd, �Z y���PER Orangeville is likely to have it tele- haven returned from Manitopa brought �,,,� prgpJ,i-g1tF1p `/�/ YOU W ASTM; that much if you BU Y any OTHER, and ycu DO phone system of its own at an early ditto the direaso with him, and jIe is now ;� f,,,,,pr;n Seed - NOT UHT SO GOOD a machine! It is proposed to fix the rate for busluess quarantined at his home. p p i BO�t'"��s"�r�- OF EVERY The friends' of Miss Fra ks of the ifd"Ared • phones at $1G, and for residential phone~ � - If �, �� - T' '1 for 10 a publio schotI teachiug staff, Goderich, THE WILLIAMS Mir -x, Ce., Limited � peal. The Bell colupany ? 'a aw t�s�. charges 20 a year there now. a were ,greatly shocked and grieved t4 Ttwm• feed- 330TTLB O� 'Write to -day. MONTREAL, P, R. $ ) >, i .Gv�lrcd.hry®• • St. Mary's corporation owns its own learn of leer death, which tools placta on f� fitiavyncw R -n r + Friday last at Woodbridge, where she it waterworks and electric ligbt, plant. ;i F erfectRetnecly forConstipa- ?• was visiting her brother, PFjrteeulars of P •During the year the revenue fryut both '?I boil, SOUL' Stomaeh,Diarrhoea, _ 4,A4,. +,+z 6 , 1 t f the sad and unexpected occul,ence have I _ �'�'�s���'� �a���a sources amounted to $8,825; expenditure .i! �loraXis,C;onvulsions,k'everislt- i a'""• �a ` ' $4, 727; surplus $3,GJ8, with which to re• not yet been received. FOG The greatest number of a plications ,1tS �tric1�,43� y ®l" �vi,ElBri'. . - A - duce debt, This looks as if in' nicipal ,iI - F are all + p g pay. receivedby the De lla:ve been l asc�it11i1e Signature of Fisc he most ate andhimtiorrtantasystemt`inntho o`Milburu's Sterlln Iieadaclle Ppwdexs re the history e D the Prov •ur �j �- but then are tie- specialists. Tho sexual organs cam-�..� pp f >;duca- human bee and require the most skillial treatment. Contain neither St r mor ea p tion for entrance to the Norte 1 So!aoul� i�E p p • y, Fun meg at as w^ll expect a blacksmith to repai- your morphine nor tum, �•+I r. N� XORTS. Cnstor)h is tit a in one -size, bottles only. It watch, as a iamity ph sician t., cure Sexual conir,atnts• I They promptly cure Sick Heao he, at TUrotito, Ottawa and Loud a for uox• a. +f�ya � Y� �'t:� � � I is not cold in bulls. Don't allow anyone to tell V"a ltavo made a specialty of these diseases for over 30 I , i c," jj 4 n1,0111 an thin also on the lea or promise that it ears, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have I Neuralgia, Readaoll3, Headache of terns. The probletit Of findin' room for rig } • ',. ' anything P t4' every facility L -roan to medical science to cure them. I Grippe, Headache tit delicato ladies and , pv��t "1 I i � �;' � ( { � isjnet as good" and "will answer every pm - at y ;applicants is a nresniug one. ae dl gr(nte^ 4.M,. Sia,. n gooey case is taken with a positive guarantee of ; j Headache from ttlry Canso whatever, pogo.' Eco that you get 0-1i-8-T-0-lE-I-g, Ass Qvirro--No pay. 1 Price 10C alldxFir. Normal School accommodatio is plain- _ -. • )FLOOD lnO LISO 6 -Whether inherited nr acquired,,,, � ly and urgently needed. 1 1 pfmilo 7 ���/� is on ;". is oositively carred forever. The virus is elimi,tate frau, .• , the gang oL n en employed at putting tl� E QCT COPY OF t✓RAPPGIl. dznatrso ,r �n r ove:p i,.e;;yatetaro no dau_rer of return. Ifut dreds of cases' i An ong holiday visitors cam Donald ski e i d� } cured by us' 5 years ago and no return; best evidence of a , 1~ 1 down the mains for the waterworks lib Sys- blrLauehlln, jr, ( Qf Langdon, North `" ` r "'°"' �� of M wrapper. i tent knocked Qlf wtn•it on Saturda morn- JL4 40' .`a ff�'�: i"' ct "t"n�"e`"�` "'"� vimn' -- ttf"1IC GttT� SZ�i1?;LI1^Y-and other oo:aFl c tions, I S' Di+kola, a nephew to Thomas, Neil and Stich as anti• sious, drains In the urine, varli ocele, sexual linglast week. All the worIc has been 3 tae..kuess, e.c., are cured by our %k:vr WItethost ')t`vant- 1 Alex. McLauklilin, of BratFel, and a t aaotantt nod. r a positive guarantee -I10 CURE --NO NAY. i do -it, that it is advisable to do until „ WE CURE ALL DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. spring. -Southampton Beacolf, I former Greyite. Mae owns bix hundredAl • Coneultatlon Free. Books Free. Write for question blame for 'e - I acres of land and had over 13,000 bush- , _� Fr^=, Ir --«+«,n«+ F!7er flit «,. .,.,,,,:A„«+,a,- 1t.T« tit...,, t, o..,•,-,tt ___,_- r--•------- - .- --o -------'-- .•�.. - ,r uv aur au . els Or. grain In Connection with the past ( �,, ,'''! K DRS. KENNEDY it KERGAN,years has been connected with alio whole•i harvest. He tills several rented farms ( !�$ ANY sale department of Rice Lewis & Son i,; :• " - 'r + too. It is sixteen years since 'Mr. Me- w ,�� MICH. - Toronto, leas severed his eouueotion with R �v ,. ,� , HEAU 9,85 CZiL$'9L1�Y s'S`?Q�?S�i'i' ill�uTlr2®ll:b°,Laughlin went West and he has done that firm to accept a position with the wall and is satisfied that North°. Dakota wholesale firm of Lewis Bros. Montreal, is the spot, � %� I' �� `./ �� •, /.,; -- `- - --� "- You Used internally Hagyard's Yellow Cil DEAF ' , cure Sore Threat,, Hoarseness, Quinsy, WHY NOT INVESTIGATE y � !, ,;?v' 'F'NOISES Pain in the Chest, Croup eto, Used 11 !l+� ' 11 1 C1111�±J_ externally cures tRbeumatisln Stiff FYhile we claim to have the m t Com- ALL CASES OF ,ti f4d( wee that SLa Joints, Contracted Cords, .Sprains, plate dispensing of pure departnioo elle, est les DEAFNESS 1 i ;,trains, Burns Scalds Cuta tlild Bites sorted stool: of nee dru �s and medicines t of Insects. L, t. , as well its superior facilities forg,erving r 1 A pretty home wedding was solemn - our customers, we ask you to, I vor us ARE NOW (DURABLE When you ;;et a gvau- ized on Christmas afternoon at "Maple ' with a visit that you may fully uvesti- �.. ,� ,•;� 4 � P i r y 3 . � by our tie}c invention. Only those bons deaf are incurable. ink " 5ovcrei'-n Face it � I Grove the residence of Mr. and Hers. I bate for yourself. I :11k•x, McIitnzio Kinloss when their' GIMAT Rmiums I tima Orr, Bo1TLL•'. HEA' NOISES LEAS' IMMEDIATELY will have that ^::ern; tin Cite : , o \\� �,,t iii •< 1 daughter Ohristena, was touters in mar- I Outa bottle (if that luarwellcns nu,dii- F. A. ONL•Rit91AN, OF GAL7114i1®l:i , SAYS: sole. cine, Prine's Ctnler C(rnl Lound 'is often i .• 1 y ) Is.tr:•rtasnrt:,:+hl.. 1lard: -^, rocz. \ rila:Ie t0 Mr. D W. Lawrence of Luck - j : i Sti171(al'Ut to btanis)7 the fiPe(ls of ilangi•r- GvnYle,xrn :-Ileing entirelycnreti of dcafnes., tttnulsto your Lseutnten;, i toils now ;;are ;:ata That naarit t::Jn.^.S a : SIUw'• - oils (Iist,as,, , tU Cletilltie the system and a fun history of ntv case, to Le uncd at roil:' digestion. 't About five vears nqo uty fight car began to :;.ug, and this Lent ou getting t:•cn,c, issues I ICA hundred ts; % of Hiss Collins who camp up from Lon.i"`tublish good health centvon. Paitle'ii• (jelvey myn£l hearittgiei;;eari'ntirc•ly. -` - C tmpt, incl is tho true, me,dinit fnr the I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for thr(c mcnov., tri:hunt :::tyo-u r:: r<nt cL'c,t;: �� (` +t+r =r*.: value i 1r ct : r i . 'lar d,(ni to Exetvr to spend New 7fears Day < t lire Of 13 r1 T)lt'S Ci1t eflSl'. I11a,11(ii`IkCk'S Blood ber of ptiysiciaus, tenon q other:+, the tuo't c•tuinrnt r::r �-Iwvislirt ,if this c it} . wi:u t•+;d r:,• v:u: ��'-"•••-.j'''.�t"'"''`��?°t ;t �M •~• • \Cull .x,'[185 .L'•Llln I3atttr, Tn(at twills •i 1 (liteaSCS tlI1Ll Stomach �trUilltlr'S,' '�Te only au olm':ttion coulrj helj, fate, Solt• Cy¢•tt tyct.tto"IN' nt1,c?ra`,ily, Lltatt:tehr:,daui�c:;uc,.taI f , y then Fea, e, 1 tat the heariu^ ,u the a!F t d car r tit 11 e- 1, , t t t t Q char *ed .r:.lt•:•..7Nti. t tllw'ayS 11aVti the g(,T1Uille PfliLie'S IChcu satvvouradva iisenteut neriactitailyina xtty loll pair, t, null onL. t.l er,ertrtrat- i Cory nasty accident. tithe S`atpptdillt0 all i , sit it. After i stn<t aced it ants n Cott• days ncf-ordnt;; to }•nt:r dtt•rvoa�, tit•• r.••i.=c:c�:,..,ai, ru$ p � . Lelel'F Compound in Ft001i. to -day after five week.;. my hc.ii-ii- in tlty diseas d e:a lias been sea irt'c l ! "" "So«r .,;:I :::res'ur ' ctpetl trap (i,tor Sect fell into the cellar c a �- -•,,y - 1 , GOLD A. C:i:tIPBjsLL, DPUy�,%.1St, heartily Hud beg to ret:utia V c•i r tr:d}• c.,t:r-, sustaining a severely sprained ankle and Wingbaui Ont, t R Ii, A. t� I;1131 VI:.-.:,;; n , : • , , ,,:, �;a. the best!:' a.,e;;-,.:v tvc::r i l 1 1 t , 3 %V (ttllErw'l P shaken nn. iidf.7' ii'C(GfiJJLeJFf (?r1t?fi+;:Jl l:lf.^J'f'i'J'r tP'tftt ]j:ii!)' d( Jr r M b best Lecau c t::; are the M j '1'ho breath of the mss is tfy a breath 'Mr. Win. Callfas of the 3rd aoucession ?~xatuitmtion Hua p' E ti r e; f - y� r r,�,F• ta. ,;.c,utr ` 4� ;r 3 F Ij advice free. 6 i, ? 4.11 k�f ul. ' (,,fJ , best mads. 11 of life to the consnm five, ', Nortray of Stephen received the sad intelligence �� l i t' ,.4f ;'.,. ? 'L�itIH I't1 contains t ' EPaa . a?t'11 I'I i'iy ,a•„; .,9 r.E ,. !:.','.r tat Syrup p vfrtnes and of the death of his father, Philib Callfas, Every pair Goodyear _l and cures coughs, colds b�ouchit•is who died in Plymouth County, ]towa, on hoarseness, and all throat a d lnue 1`i"� �` r `, S troubles, which, if not attended¢ to, lead I December 12th at the advanced age of welted -whsle you et a -------- - +r " t "Sovereign Shoe" you are to consumntion. I ; 81 years, 1 month and 14 days, ' Infir- 1 R ; m0i•,F of old age was the cause of sure of a welted shoe. 1\Ir,CliariesMetellan of the It+e s.ioro ; , , b T I M met with a serious a.nd painful c^iflent i $3,00, $3.50 and $4,00Ur, S. J. A. Boyd, who has been on Dec. 31, and one that will confine him L U B I N %cm per pair. to the house for some time. He was Principal of the Exeter Public School, for the past two and a. half years, has driving along the boundary towards \� Stamped on the soles, - resigned the position, and left on Mon- ' Nt Lucltuow when the horst: took' fright day of last week for Haunah N. Dakota, and ran assay, throwing him out of tale (tt] Sovereign Shoe." cutter. In the fall one of his legs was where he that assume charge 0f a news- - broken and his knee cao badly injured. paper in that place. Mr. Boyd its a teacher has few equals and is uniformly At the residence of Alex. 4,1unn on the obliging and popular.firm M"! '2F E R Ike' �4` Sold in Winghatn by W. -J. GREE R. 26th December there passed away an- __-_ . „,- other pioneer, Margaret Bari•, relict of p,� - n - the late Robert Munn, of whom Huron CARE -LINED FACES County has had few to equal, in match- Are not always tete sign ofT��D B t less perseverance and unselfish industry. mental woery, for many a ��� B. '��'��� �� �'�'�'� the f. ®r Being left a widow with nitre children persona goes silently! along F in circumstances that only the strongest day in beyond out, s from low, in clu bbin.g offers for personal effort filled with the brightest alr•ttost be otr►d tellingfrom t P g bodily pain, and the only signs u hope and trust could surmount. She that betrays it; is the caro - 4 was born in Givin in 1822, came to Can- lined face.gStomach out of order? Inde estion with its 1902 AN a '= ada with her parents in 1841; but soon i cutting acids making every breath you draw a u .s3.� •+ ••*'• +•. �l I after landing her mother died leaving dagger pain 7 Dyspepsia gnawing to almost the five children, she being the ell point of distraction? Can't sleep?- Nervous? i I lou needn't suffer -South American Nervine Tithes and Weekly Globe,with tty0 magni8cient pictures, e est the responsibility which' developed puts "all things tor,ghts," chases- the seams ,,„ from the brow, and uistead of the care lines The Dtlke tend Duchess of York, and "The Farin t1 the finest principals was laid upon her. therell be the glow of health. First bottle Pets," till January 1St, 1905 .............. . . . . . . 1 ti l .t After her marriage in 1844 they setcled Times and Bdeekly t� itncsa . 1 60 ki, ¢ ». ,-•.'1 helps ; a few bottles cure. i8 t lti Da11rOt1isC, Lanark enunty, but after Sold by A. L. Hamilton, tvinsltam. Times and Fain![ ' Her�ilcl a.lid Weekly Star, wittl• prelniuni 1 75 three years rain/ o Huron sc it. length Tithes and 'Weekly ,Mail and Emipire............ . . ...... 1 75 ' made their home on lot 16, a n. 3, Hity, where she remained until it. loath. Tittles end Western tldveri)sor .......................... 1 50 } p Times and W(,tkiy Sun.. .., ............... .. 1 75 Wornls affect it tt child''health too Times and Dcitlt V lol,e . . , • • , , . , . , , , , 4 25 i _ ,t seriously to neglect, S nuetlmes they Hurt � Putes and q't,a n,h1 D tilt `itttr, till �J;jnttjlary lst, 1903 '3 50 A Go c 0, cause convu.sLom and rle>ath. If you Tithes and k'ttrnik•r'• i:tvncl+.e su,lIvet ,thorn to be pleneur, give Dr. ` ` , . • .. + • ..... • .. 1 $5 4 Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which�0 a I Times and Daily world .............................. 3 00 destroys the woruts without injuriug � the Times and Daily Nears , J.. , . , . , , child. mice 2oc, " ' ' ' ` 5 iptiari oTimes and Daily %'bill ,andEnipiie 'Phe pain, nausea. and dls- r ' � ' S e'&.:Thecelusus department has prepared Times and Itou'll isCotui,NW011 ............... 2 75 _Cr'tress that Dyspeptics suffer �.. .� a "atenlellt of religious in Montreal, ever meal can all be Toronto and Ottawa. Out of .a after popul- y Xvith din Toronto Daily Stier subscribers will r , ation of 267,130 in Montreal, 20 ,107 are permanently removed by Bur picture of Bing Edward VII., til nine colors by htviltl .t, n j), or fol Roman Catholics, Of the other Jeno- dock Blood Bitters. payment of a t.0 thaa y 1 1. �a (til, or ou C-4 l,relttiutu wine tea �tnr will be a boob 1 11 minations, It tones up and restores the "pictures or jna=nd the Episcopalians are first cine (atnadir. low with i8,019; and the Presbyterians fol- stomach to normal condition so We could c xivit(1 the1.16t, bac it. is not llece�s2rr, t1 (t can ' � with Z3 0 18,(010; the Methodists,. 8,189; that it df(lests food without give you clubhinb* rites for any ne"spaper tit Ili that Baptists, ;,04111, and Congregationalists, b L+very subseriber will receike, it c()pN of the Ilxtld4orne Illustrated 1,218. Toronto There the are also o utas%u48 iSSews.08 041. causingHere's proof positive our NF xz>; n �T It ,aA`r E q, ti �Y 1 L F(f ilr It 191 i i P p � - The •th(=ve etre • Ten tar Ave eentr,ti iii d deeeere, liestanrantt; The I'•`. iseo ahans head the hit With02 • down s0 its t0 tl(it1!!t at' 11U Saloon, Newr-straa,., nevi stores and Barbera P p- Miss Magpie Splude, Dalhousie, N,I3., 1Cductiori. Tlic+r(t'uie=, thel-C is tto lite, jskilr{; for che:jl+cr rates, Shope, The twnishpale,lndueesleep,andrro)onglife. 407; the Methodists, 48,2(97; the'Presby. wrote tho following, t have been A When 'we earl ijf'urd lit give t; waper 1',ttes tv (ne, vat; can rive Ane gisee relief, No matter what's the smatter, one will terians 41 03 do yoo rood. 'ren temples tied one thousand testi. , ; 9; the itOmau Cf iholfes, snfEerer from Liver ComplatDt a3id ilys theta to all, monialssent �y�u�Ito tat addren on receipt ofpt'.ee 20,004; Baptists, 11,913, and 00 regal pepsi8, fot the ptlst two year's stud felt Call at tar ridklt'e;s. by theRipattef hdutealCo.,ulSgraerSt.,NewYorkCity, very miserable. I Could not take much tionalists, 8,653. In Ottawa the opula- food ns it hurt rile to eat:_ Illy" frielldn tion is 59,028. Of these, 81,310 a 110• said, I Why don't you try 'B.13.I3t1 I (lid '�` T�'� ��-^"gg"��1 f ! matt Catholics, 10,017 Episcopalit na, 8,. So, uses); two bottlelt, wbitlit made Stich n �•� •l.�.t..lL Ing 'p 03G Presbyterians, 6,788 Mtatllodists, 1,- thing I like rVithout it causing Ili* lis cin •i 1073 Baptists, and 407 Congregationalists. fort,i1 �i'/ngj0h M, "' - - UP,. �� 111;0 --is barrio 11 1 T.i T