HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-01-10, Page 1rA
A^,A 04, A", A A^A Big at Isard &Cols during
4NAAAe~-"0A, all Fresh Oysters arriving daily at. X, Me.
III tautIty Clearing Sale. See advt. Kolvle's, PERSONALS. Stock Men—
on page five UNTRUE STORY, The board of Health Mr,. Percy Coad (A Lindsay, is in town
F AUDI So r. a S. Laidlaw of held a m?eting on ednesday evening, this week,
We Still have al fine West WaN=I t! disposed Of his at Wlli011 the Medi Healtlfl 0111cer, ' Dr. Mr, S, Gracey QcBlyth, was ill town
collection of farm to Mr. W, R. 1b6on, formerly of J. R. Macdonald, r orted there was one on Monday. ATTENTION EI
the Crow's Nest so, N. W. T- Mr. case of chickeg po in town, lie had Mrs, R.. Vanstol) is
D J. J. Maguire. real estate ligen; affected had Dr. Blake, th Government dost . in Torou-
► arty the sale. froln. Whitechurc out here on tai.
to this week.
I,. Ha'penny of D Mau. has Beforo pumbastng
FOIL SALP�,—A new calved cow anti, Separate days, all lie pronounced 0 al your
I es
are ,
,lai tild to'
NEs office. disease but thio m p, x. tram this, moved to town. winter supply of
Film Rux.—Aoolit 8.10 oclook Oil arOS 6 the SM4IIPO tall, of th Mr. G E., Kilig is in Toronto this
calf. Apply at 'JAM
a beginning - e
a doctors V Sulpher, Salts, Saltpeter, Etc.
R Monday Wo clanA of the fire bell brought of, the week. T doctors of the town week oil �111ZSI(11108.9. 1
WA a crowd to the sty 't, alert est
Yd I run for the are oil the ale i d will quickly report Miss Oreighton of Brussels is it guest
firemen to W stone's house on the least Euspic. n of dangerous disease, this weak at 1-1. Ball i.
R John street. It i c litable, to the fire- V onlry YzAit: Witonri),—Tho South- Dr. Snell of Exete: , wa a visitor at CALL OIT
The E men that ready for the water anipton Beacon has this to say of the Rev. Hobbs' last we It.
To choose from ��rell Xf
�<Cc noll,withstaiiding the in about live injir tes. It was just a parents of the proprietor who live in Miss McLean of odea, is siending n The
1 Christmas rush chimney, I Wingham: 11 laMonday of this week .tewweeks inwinglain. U Druggist
Successful WANTrD.—RollButter—We pay the Mr. and Mrs. J lines Fleuty of Wbigharal 0,ft U, V I SS
Miss Bowles of P iladelphia, was the
highest cash price in Canada. No, I parents of ye editor, celebrated the And get quotations.
A A Mink or V, ox, 83.60. G. E. Kixu, fortieth annivt rsary holiday guest of Mi s, Reid,
man DON'T GO.—Rev of their weddirig. - Rev. Nowton Hi of Toronto visited
R. Hobbs Specially The deal, ol(
I f, Iks at home are up In
P i.
'i S
la Ilin "
called the attentio-i of his congregatiou the sixties batt re both lisle and hearty, at Mr. H. Ball's in own last week.
to the evils of I ypnotism on Snud4y Talk about no seeing brothers or sisters Mr. Jas, Cumi ug of Thessalon is Medical Half, Wiligham
evening last.- He ead a letter wr.tten f mel Mother's brother, visiting under the )arental roof in town.
r a. 0" 1 -
Is nearly alwa) s a well by a man in Sr. Catherhies, who bad Joh, B�ildsail a well-to-do farmer at Mir.Bunting of Shoal Lake, Man.ls
A N, 9. Far oharsoo beenthroughtlib lypnotic college. The Huntsville, Mjskoku, surpribed her by a visiting his sister Mrs. R. A. Douglass.
dressed man. well writer gave -a av-.tuber of instances of visit a few .ays ago after 33 years, Mrs. C. Alta f London, visited ZW' AGLNT G. N. W.
dressed man is always CHINA HOUSE the evils of the IS -I. Mr. Hobbs advised absence. H n I
(31came down to attend the her parents, McDonough,
Opp. Bank of Hamilton. 5 his luearers to not go near such entertain- winter fair at Guelph." last week. C
oeie taken for a successful 3 mouls. He fart Lor stated, that, after Any Orders'for sales left at the Tf:kLs Mr. Alfred D Intilson of MeKillop,, is A STUDENT
VVVVVVVVyVVVYVVVVVVVVVVV04 a porasal of the 'orks used in the col- office will receive prompt attention. J. r
roan. Our logos, he could t follow the iustruc- Ourrip. auctioneer, now clerking fir A. R, Smith in the At. this business col,
109W 114 surroinadod by
Notice to Farmers. tions in the bol of
be a christian. WITHDRA,7 Ri1si(WixATioN.—It h4s, Chisholm block tm-ryinccativol and as�44t.
0 to once to good teen Ie.
I it
to ns
been the on! and villages, I Mr, and BTrs. Hutton of Brantford, 1� '"hat is the reason oar
If you are not sa11911ed,,;Jtt1, the .4tua- A. H. Oarr has just received a car of ra vtudwits learn no rapidly
t1t1sms 'reapl
moved, as I have tV atiouHVfiKni.,FLlpart,9 of a car of Floar. All a ho• and also the reason our
of your farm, bo easilY re- Bran, a car Shorts & t the time of mlpilc pal election, for visited at the laoter's home, ilia Mat
�ii r 9 withdraw dist parsonage, ca Now Years.
J)Plicr atloiiNest possiblG prices. nominees for con t gladuates are in cou"'taut olt-niand.
. of J 1�
$16.00 the country for arni .14orption,
some to buy, others to excha ge, so that I as- their resignation there were not the Book-keeping, Stotiography.
.uro you that if on. give In an idea of what WEDDINGBEr,*A fashionable wed- Miss McNaug'ttou of Arden, Mail. is
you-minbleanassis you- udinno case trill required number. This was (lone to Spending a few -reeks with relatives Id Typewriting, Pennaanship
ding tooplace Maryboro, ucar save the expense f a new nomination. ane Bminess Practice.
by any costs n1 nocomplisil. your it
t 0 get, Palmerston, oil a. 25. Miss Sarah A. It appears that t is plan has boon illegal friends fix Witiggaru and vicinity.,
T cltgon would care exchange ,garar farm for
Nv city or villa ) erty or a farm in Adams, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and it has not b n known un Mi.. Clubb an( family are moving this lForrest City Business College,
Manitoba or the Northwest Territories, call til at he
�s f
is 9
b n t
rRpo what propositions I can oder you for was married to Mr, week to Peterbo -a, where be has all oil- Y. M. C. A. Building, London, Ont
L ate election ref red the matter
to the
Adams of tow
lends the finishinry totich Andrew Aitchi. n of Palmerston, by gagement with Mr. Thomas M.cIndoo.
Town proporty for sale to suit the pocket of Attorne7 Gene 1. The result was: J. W. WESTE RVELT, Principal.
any intending purchaser. Rev. H. A. G sham. The bpautiful, .Rettiritilig 0 _er McOarta6y of Galt Miss Nellie Tr iy at W[litechmoll, Jett i
to a well dressed man. T. J. ISIAGUIRE, bride was attir din a costuiile of Palo January 3rd for Brie, ITaIdiniand • ............. 17
nenlBstato.kgent. has d3ci4a,I, oa lil a.lidca 3f Al.%J . X Oil
Oftlee over D. M. Cordon's stare. blue silk lace a d Insertion and war county, where so a has been a
o 11 Glenn, K. C. t -iat the election of the D,, g d au
wreath of stall x and carnations and it ' Wiliter Telrn,'i 0,13alls'Mfo +
three cauditlate for the Go licil who re- teacher for 19N, oday,
Who Wants a Farm ? boquat of rose_ After the ceremony a .10
signed and then withdrew their r 819K, Mr. George Harris of Carman I JanuarY (5th, 1902. +
114. YOUR +
I have ovpr 4, sumptuous din Ler was partaken of by
000 acres of choice farm lands tions is illegal, d a now electiol will Man., is visiting ais home near Wrox- I +
for sale, 111 50, 75, 100, 160 and 200 nares, lots in the inithy gues"s. Mr. and Mrs. Adams +
X.inloss, Greenock, Bruce, Xtuctirdine Huron 1 be held to fill th vacancies. oter. He clime i -i and venowed his sub-
HOMUth ,-
andiAshfield Town.4hips. 0Z lands with of tuwn were .)resent at the weddhig, + yo
Loslr, —A br Cli. Last soriptiou for Lite home new.4parair, Tho!
o n life p /9
pod buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
t.,t good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- The best wishe i of many friends follow seen on road to Belgrt lle. �` Reward for
nec ion) doing a good business, for sale cheap. them to their hpme iiI Palmerston. his return to the adlau Express
A hotel dot
n, good buainess, for sale cheap, Wingham. T. E. Walker �z spenflingr this weeit in
,•I 1 1+
Also a ivagon, op. A general store with large 1� Fw YEAR 2 upTmLs.—A pretty wed- of"Ool 46
trade, live village. A18o a large amount of ! ICY SID�WALMJ—There is too little Brilee townihip, where he is I)urchi,,,iilg t upon thf, pre -,nn -a- "r
o loRn at T) per cent. For further par- ding was that •f -f Miss Sarall Pattison of - U in no i awflv +
thought given 'a he condition of the! cattle. He will have tht, cattle shippi-41 "o .1)ir reveirv. Keel
♦ --vapply to town to Mr. Jan Johnston of Hastings, il oni the so 'ools t;.itt art, net doln,6� +
sidewalks in Wil ll.m winter.
zood Nvork.
J. A McKENZIR liter At i'to his farm near vVingliam. and will sel•l + +
rnan�anoc Aaent, kolyrood.* •On Jan. ist. 11 knot was tied by Rev. +
11, ire careful watchli
0 n 8 a times it requires no to 1 them by anction, +
"* Central Busimoiss College
R. Hobbs i t.ke home of the bride's +
fall an -lieu there Robert Pettypi,ce of Hartney, Matt., 4
Fire nially.
parents at I The bride' revaut a fall an t
GENERAL LOCAL 'MTS. 2 can. Steatford, Ont.
NE "' 0 n -2'1 receiit decigio u Montreal is worth I is speeding a few weeks with friends in' +
was very baco;,�iW% Cl� dl,�ssed in h travel
Halsev !',tik's advertisement. lin- suit inel hair, with a pearl considering: 11 0 Court in Montreal Wingbam and vinuity. Mr. Pettypiece 1' Gives only one kind of busftles.s eduon- +
0, �O 1,g r a -immed with white held that altho I the weather had left here for the Tolest eleven years ago I tion to 11-114 students and that—' ;she +
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- grey ail I ", , Best-" Bight epplications have re- +
teed to cure headache. applique and obi on. There wore no been changeable the day in question and he now sees tiny changres in onr t Z('�RYI)Pvu leceivedfront other bus,
tow + ne-m Collo who wish to fot our grad:
the fact that ice d proviously been al-: n. I
Marriage Licenses Di here sod away on Man- attendants, only t a near relatives being + nates an to-ak-lick-S, but M -t- lave not one
p lowed to accumul to there was ground to sena. Our gri,duatps al.e
we I X.
day week James Mitchell, of present. Amon the many beautiful MINOR LOCALS. il s.
y8atted by PRA XX PAWERSON, NO- 28 Victoria of is for awarding da ges. This conveys a fast as we, can turn them out. L4et 4 -
,street, Wingliam, Ont. No Nvituemes required. Turnberry, near luevale, He ,vas presents was a h nsdome silver tell, set. our catalogue. +
" a
' h it lesson. If the si%swalks be kept clear of —A rpport of tke. Scotch concert next +
aged about 87 ye s. The fn I took The haliny coupl left oil the afternoon A. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
lit a
1 u a )b Ice and snow, an - thou some stress of week. + 4-
s +
place on Wednesjay to' Blu ale come- train for Torout and points east before weather causes P -I unusually dangerons —The TniEs Offlee is headquarters for .......... 1-++++++-: ........ % +
taking up thei residence in Hastings. *- +
condition there I to be some chance a.' visiting cards. -
i S 'Other I The Timiss ad s best wishes for many
COiTOx BATtGAI s. I —The new, officem of 0amp Caledonia,
D 0 IVI I N I 0 11 BANK
ter tasting
lather bale of I rsiapiva paymei t of damages. When —The Holy Oit:!- in the Opera House
mill ends of n list seceived at I happy years. S. S. S., wer6 instal. --d on Monday even -
80 '11). the it is allowe to remain, bad w - er, on Monday evenh go next.
Isard & Cols. 80 up. We i� 7611r,
You take no risk. ZhKyon our is not accepted ais an, excuse." —Regiiltiriiieetngof0oiii-tM�iitlati(l,,itig. After the in etill., the members
ells the
XENV STORr.— Smith is selling Bargaills. "Tlie Price" ells them. I
Specials for this aril �Fi Xt, greatly re.- I Clothing is the "word" d we have C. U. F. this '(Fri h�.ay) evening. Spent a very plomal 1. hour at Johns, re-
-Capital ...... $2,500,000 the well-known H. Shore 's clothing of tw e, I 1101V .Pts were Served in
Xeii'b good t,w ed hol serge suits —Seenre your seats for "Th!) t, whele oy;
Overcoats doted prices in Dr� s. i o d a Laiic
�d Aien's it -
590,000 Montreal. Every ling is brand new— Gloves. front $4 to $15. Overcoats h om City,, Mr. Johns' best sty
Sen our w i es' and i t le , 'I at Park's j.(wpl1vrrstorc.
Reserve ...... $27Men'sukets and till heavy $2 to $10. All.m st be cleanerl out at Wheat is now Uo pe,bpeill- and 1 --Our Yedders wil sue by the BInevale
clothing, furnis ngs, hats and caps. Fur r C o i t t s, i I
Cull nuil I reduced prices by Jain. 310.
Galt Bros. torn' hings, also Redmoud Foods, are in the above sale.
HA,q,*A & Coll shown probability of a sligh . vk-,e. c' "Test)(in, ((it ice that, the cheese factory
enleese&0o,oftiontreal. Are not inspect. HANNA & Co. 1 —The Board of I inclot is no uior,, tb(-�Y bal Ing decided to turn
Goderich Tim HOLY CAT .—That beautiful
these the best buses? They No MORE 11Ltl111.0—The next Wednesday I ell ug at; 0 ociz. 1; their HtterLduu alto, other to the mauu-
this t
sacred opera, Jh 3 Holy City" was
carry the best Ii) ' a of goods. Signal has '0 ay of a young mall„The
Ltl�l —All tho tele 'l hone gang lint two!fuctlire L,f butts. We believe the
VACCINATED.—At their meeting 01, who has been 11iting here: , W. T. produced at the Gra
d last night for the leave tomorrow. They have the work voinuienill
SH A W 6 L 0 U K. VAcO` second time this sea ii,and-wasgroo'ed
Saturday last th , Board of He,,,1h order- McTavish, of ew Ontario, Rainy by one of the larges and most fashion- about flidslied. —W•� n1v ex;nx that, printers, eeL-
be pas oturnod about two till
(� i's
Trans -ad a proclamati(.a to instruct- River District, So far as we clan learn. Belgrave 11 t(M., d I'll 0,01111tic �l with that profes-
A General Banking Business t able audiences that �,as ever graced the s`oti will he bFtror it-Wr this. The dif-
acted. everyone to )e vg t who has weeks ago to his f-rnier home and birth- I I not, likely to nuiti ; their fall exhibition
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and ing e of i chairs of that hall. To say this inass of �reja churAws ft
SJ!/not been it I the two years !place, Wiughaw, after an abse with w1ugham. f t, America have been
-advances made on same. Residents are a -o 4nstr ed to be care: over Rve years. 'Je has becii Wort Hope's music loving people was --Two I loadsof ono{, people t,' -)fforing spevial III, yer Xor "thein all this
Drafts bought and sold on all points in visitin;, I appreciative would be drawing it too
-Canada. United States and Europe. ful about comi g in d t with small- friends and relativis at different, points'
1 mild—evory-one NVI 9 delighted to the Lucknow oil Thni ;day of last -,vee!t nnfl .�'.vcek, Xrvt she) •slut desired we have
SAVINGS DEPARTME NT—Internst pox in the tow ships out n 11 s V
allowed oil deposits of $1 and upwards. . It with his uncl lextreme with the beautiful shiving, not learned.
have been bett r pe ane if t proolam- 1 and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hendersoir. —Dr. Briggs is ikely to preach in the
'ustr ed to
.1160 ftt�
1ps a'
I a /al i magnificieut. seen wy and gorgeous M. -Culross 0oun il for 1002: ve, 1-1.
sooner If "i i new country it
.A. E. GIBSON, fdanager. atiou. had bee on sooner, but cpiz6llsl He speaks highly of the costumes. Thp. PIP tricill effect, Kay. Council ors—J, Don oil, E. 'Mothodist church t, the opening on Feb.
S were
R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. must be caret I that we may n get it I and its bright pr-,spects in the near I w G. Kuntz, Win. eid, J BallnA. I. i 16th, Dr. Carman -exieralsuperilltendent
in town. future. He woi Id advise all young good. ,The Holy sty” is one complete I
I story of Christ, f, his birth to the, —The Brussels Herald entered lipon On the second Su day and Rev. A. O.
uien to do as he di 1-160 acres of land I its ninth year lrst week. The New. Crown. on the thi d Sunday. Each one
Fou.ND.—Purse couta* IF a amnll sum J free and plenty of , vork and good wages. I ascension, are well worth seeing, and Year's complimeAtS to thee B ellknownal ofthe best expolluders
of nloney, be ween I gham. and lotcourso,)ieaTiuv,,fm'wtlieivliolecoml)ary Bret,. Irwin. 1 IS w
BANK OF HAPR ILTON Porter's corners nor can haveliarne 11 It's -whispered are d that W. T. will I is one brilliant star of musical talent, —The town of Mitchell will this year ill 010 01111M,
by applying at cott street and prov-: not return alone, b t that he lins come! be governed by the Ministers of the
5 Port Hope Guide. Che above company I
in property. for the girl he left )ehind him." I to,.vu or their : ollowers in municipal
Gt will Appear in the opnin horse, Wingliain I
R. clsits,—On Monday AuRICULTURAL E, ociwry.—The annual I , matters. f-,
linectingof the Divators of the T onMoudayevening January 13th _.The momb&i of the now Councilli
,Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. 1 evonbi� or
tTihatoyiil Templars of the auspices of th. Epworth League.
Reserve Fund, $1,500)000.00 Temperance instilled their officers for berry Agricultural (I in plan of h- oil MvIlatty
iral oci was 1101 111 noic, tickets are Solt, at will avec at ole en a. in.
to, next for qualific diou, and adjourn to!
the first half o year A their the to-N.V11 hill,,, '01 driesday. Tte Park's Jewelloly a(
President—Jour existance as 'Al al receipts of I
Vice-President—A. G. RAMS Y. If !halo Conn- Treasurer reports the evening.
ail INTC officers in the Royal '$885-92- Paid olt in prizes $513.55; PunWouLDTALl NoAnoutIT-11TIle! _ billson, sr., of Turn.;
D.EBECTORS T a expenses $82 from Glougar 11 by Ralph Connor Mr. Juo. R*
Aau a 4berry is very ill- Ile is on
Degrele 'ar. as fit'llows: Select Council- other expen .8 6bAxWU, a balance;, a of the
4ohn Prcltor, Goo. Roach, Woo. Gibson, M P. - w isthostrougestboo of the present times,
A or, R( pioneer settlers of the township, and
T. Wood, X. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). 'v I Past Councile.r, Mr, on band Th t 0 s a book that people re Omply scramblinq,
General Malinger—S. TURNBIML. W. 11. � :re Green; i�,'O f rice
Councilor, Mrs. W. iner er- wl t attenctaxico so that to get, and what, do you thful; It well up in years.
S%vilags Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 H. Green; Ch plain, Dr. P, Macdonald the representatiol wits','aniall. * The U , I I IS * —Mr. Bedford, �who is a member of it. 0
"it ,
ceived. In- htippoup(O The ser al rights to this Y"
to 1. D osits of $1 and upwards re M. P.; Rec.- W. B. Towler M. 1),; officers elected N,ere Ran. tronpe, giving it a tered play, assisted the
ToNVLA and computed on the 80th No-
terest a, ll !to am president' which is creating -� sensation t ough-
vember and 31st May eft0l, year and added to Treasurer, M 3. J. 14 lath; Horald, Chns. Ilendorson; Pres:, J. Currie; 1st t /ruogrlil Methooli-it chair Sunday evening Rile,
principal. out Great Britain -mid the U/nid States,
so received at current Mrs. J. J. Ho nth; Guard, Mrs. W. B. Vice -President, Moffat , 2nd, lis ri� sang the solo "A ide with ie." 0 n
special Deposits al. have been sold to, Ila P11A s rs of the
Towler; Sentitel, Mrs. Ji J, Honitith. Anicis Tipling. 1>.rectors: Gen. Cruick- —All his old ft, ends were pleased to!
tates of interest. 1"a.mily Herald ind I V� eekly Stor
Drafts on Great Britain and tho United The officars ol the Select or Beneficiary shanks, L. W. Or- is, Thomas James, 8. L sen Mr. Cochrane out again after his late
$tates Bought and sold. Cegree tire: Select Councillor, Rev. R. Xernighnn, D. I,' Anderson, W. J. Montreal. •Won W, never cease.
illness. He reeived ninny it hearty
WraVollers aro notified that thenalikof 11.1in- Tho hAve been enormous, I
Elton and Its Branches issue Cirenlarl.lRatesof Hobbs; Past Councillor, Mr, W. 1-1, Carrie, P. Vowbr, J. F. Linklater. Q, handshake and g od wish for his health.
Natio7m1provilletalBalikof.En and, ed According t routine custqm tile;
ir it and on this contlu -nt it is only a paper
-which can be onshed without alta xge�v4vrou:� Green; Rea -See. and Trans,, W. .8. Auditors: Sno. A,. McLean. and R. like the F ftftiflY IV-Tald and Weekly Star
ble lu any littri; ofthe world,Macdonald Currie, it. Ron. Directors. Messrs. J. wardeuship of ton will this fall AT
Towler, M. .; Chaplain, Dr. e
W. co"o D, Agent that totild afford --Io buy such a story. J, V.V
L. JDXCXIXSON. solicit r. P.; Ste art, Mrs.' W. P. Towler; Morton, T. A. -N,1111s, F. G. Sparling, We feel bound to any that the to Mr. Donald tterson of �Iall . awn,
G AIMM a 02F40 S
Tyler, Mr. Raid; Medical Examiners,! Theo. Hall, H. B. Elliott, Win. Ornick- of the Family Ittv aid an(I Weekly Star'nosh. We be ,?ve Mr. PattL',T'sou is the P
Drs. Macdo Id and Towler. shanks, R. Varsl6ne, Chas. Xuechtel. 4
senior athors.
11-1 C) M ri? The Directors me after and appointed have in more
for horti. a treat boyoll . A
VONVY TO LOAN.—Molley to 101111 Oil their imaginatiol. We understand this --'Miss Calnip*M of Godovich is %low
it mf NVIo Cottage of 7 notes, and notes discounted at reason- Win, Robertson, `Secretary-Treag. It in charge Of the tOO111 lately vacated by
16.60 in t ia loinity of the Mdon I I , ed to h L To two superb we d say niarvellouslyin-.
able rates. Money advanced oil molt- was (eeld a lady Directors 0' Miss Vanstono, aid also teaches Prinitiry
arnitare Factory. gages, witil. privilege of paying at 'rho I terastingistory "Thelfaufrom Glen-
'o� mantle r a commoclioun dwell- end of any year. Notes and accounts to arratige the L(dies work at Clio ox- garry,ly will VonImpTlc(,,(I in t,•
1 .1"rench for a hit f hour each day to the.
$6 00 11prof rooms. Ilardand.,�oftwater,
gtmn and stable, collected. 011icc—Heaver Block, Wing. hibition also to to ce steps to prevent the r, amilV Ilp It
tald d Weekly Star alnio,P Untrionlii tion 0 asA. We wisu her cue- t
Apply to T. J. MAQ111914 real Mtat6 Agent. ham. ROXIT. MCINDOO. handling of the exhibits by visitors. immediately. in all the cork. 5' h