HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-18, Page 8c
This is the season of the year
when we always have the pleasure of
waiting on an army of Lady Patrons.
We enjoy it too. Wish there were
more holiday seasons, for the ladies
can't. come too often.
A Man Likes Something He Can Wear.
Get his p-esents where he always buys his
wearab'.es. Get them here and then you can't go
Our Christmas Ties.
Here's a beauty show, surely. Every man
and boy always expects a Christmas Tie and gen-
. erally gets it. 25c to $1.25.
A Few More Suggestions.,
House Coats, the limit of a man's home com-
fort. Umbrellas, very appropriate this season. Fine
Handkerchiefs in pure Linen, Silk and Exceldas.
Silk Suspenders, Mufflers, Garters, Arm Bands, Half
Hose in fine Cashmeres, Silks and Worsteds.
Gloves in Grey and Tan, Mocha, Cape Suede and
Wool. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Cuff Buttons, Collar
Bags, Laundry Bags, etc.
When Christmas shopping, come here with your
trocIbles and you'll be surprised and qualified to
see how easily and satisfactorily we can fit "Him" up.
The Clothier
MacDonald Black Opp, Bank of Commerce.
The latest novelty in up-
to-date Christmas Gifts.
See our display of Christ-
mas Perfumes. The latest
designs and most popular
Successor to A. L. HAMILTON
1 2 3
Best Best Best
Wheat Machinery Mechanics
These are our First Three Considerations in
manufacturing and marketing our
Quality' and 'Five Lilies' Flour
Farmers l We cart satisfy your wants.
Townspeople l Our ilolur will please you.
1. Special prices on five bag lots,
2. We deliver hour to 'sty part of the town.
We guarantee our flour.
How ick Bo undo Ty.
(Too late for last week)
Mrs, W. J. Gallagher is yielting
in Guelph,
Mr, and Mee. Geo, Doubledee called
on frieude in Rarriston over Sunday.
A large number from the bonndtt,ry
attended the funeral of the lata Mrs.
A'toiutpsh on Saturday last,
The beautiful weather of the past
two weeks has enabled the farmers to
get things in shape for winter..
Me and Mrs. Jos, Underwoed of LI e
15th con, moved to their new borne in
Wingharn. We are sorry to lose Mr.
and Mrs, Underwood from Howick,
Where they have spent the most of
their lives.
The funeral of the tate Mies R, Mc-
[ntoeh of Blucher, Sask., which took
place from her sort a residence on Sat-
urday afternoon to the Gerrie ceme-
tery, was very largely attended, De.
mimed was agEd 59 years and three
months, She leaves to mourn her
loss a sorrowing husband, two daugh-
ters, and two sons. Mrs. McIntosh
was held in high esteem by all who
knew her, and the sincere sympathy
of the community is extended to the
sorrowing friends in this their time of
Weep not for me when I am gone
Where wordly troubles cease
But strive to meet at God's right hand
Where all is joy and peace.
Welding bells are ringing,
Mr, Frank Doyle was on business to
Goderich recently.
We are glad to hear Mrs, Peter
Mason is keeping well again.
John Martin ie away on a'business
trip to Guelph and Toronto.
Mts. Milner spent 'a few days with
her daughter, Mrs, W. Champion.
People are beginning to prepare for
Xmas. and Santa Claus will soon be
around again.
Mr. Stuart McBurney is looking 'as
well as ever and able to work again
after bis hard attack of fever.
At this season of the year a great
many are planning their winter tours.
Considerable numbers annually visit
the ever -popular California Resorts,
while many prefer the fl ewers and
sunshine of Florida, together with the
very even climate.
Numerous people in comfortable cir-
cumstances, well able to afford a win-
ter tour, have the mistaken idea that
a trip of this nature is most expeneive.
This is not so. Thanks to modern
railway facilities, an extensive trip
both interesting and educational, can
be made with speed and comfort at a
comparatively small cost. Why not
The Canadian Pacific Railway offers
particularly good service to Detroit,
where direct connection is made for
Florida, via Cincinnati, Ohio and At-
lantic, Ga, Jacksonville, Florida, is
reached second morning after leaving
Detroit. Excellent connections for
Florida can also be made via Buffalo,
The Canadian Pacific -Wabash route
will be found the ideal line to Chicago,
where direct connection is made for
the Southern States. New Orleans is
reached second morning after leaving
Direct connection is also made at
Chicago for points in California,
Texae, Arizona. etc.
The Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car
service between Toronto, Detroit and
Chicago is up-to-date in every parti-
cular. Connecting lines also operate
through Sleeping and Dining Cars.
Those contemplating a trip of any
nature will reaeive full information
from any 0. P. R. Agent, or write M.
G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent,
Turn berry.
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 2, Turnberry and Howick for the
month of November. The names are
in order of merit. Sr. 4:h—Greer
Wylie, Olive Turner. Sr. 3rd—Willie
Orr, Viola Sharpin. Jr. Sid—Gladys
Timm, Ethel Hooper, Stuart Turner,
Andrew Hooper, Jennie Stacey. Jr,
2nd. --Alice Wheeler, 1st class—Eva
Bolt, Florence Hooper, Z,ra Bolt,
Alice Sharpin. Pr. A—Gladys Hooper,
[da Bolt, Mary Finlay. Pr, B—Harvey
Timm, Glendon Yeo, Pr. 0—Wesley
Yeo, Maggie Finlay. Perfect Spellers
—Greer Wylie, Viola Sharpin, Ethel
Hoopes, Gladys Timm, Eva Bolt.—
L. E. Holmes, teacher.
Our township fathers have run
against a pretty hard proposition, just
now. For the last month back a gang
of men and teams have been engaged
in trying to fill up a sink hole in
Eadie's swamp, and strange to say the
more they dump into it the worse its
getting. One day Iast week Mr. Jno.
Weir was trying to erose it with a load
of wood when one of his horses got
down over the back in the water, and
only for the timely arrival of Mr,
David Eadie, Mr. Weir andehis outfit
would perhaps never have been heard
of again. The Township Council has
had two special meetings on the spot,
and they are completely puzzled to
know what to do with it. We would
thinktae thing they can do would be
to bring on one of those railroad con-
struction engineers, ,who bas had
experience in such things because
there is no Paying what is gc'ng to
happen there if its not fixed pretty
soon. Barricades have been put up at
both corners of the block 10 warn
people of their danger. We hope it
doesn't prove so serious a problem as
the sink hole, up near Lengside where
the road -bed dropped about sixteen
feet in one night and swallowed up a
yoke of oxen and other things a-
round it. The place of danger is over
one hundred yards in length and what
seems most r;tra,nge about it, is that
its only three or four yr a? s ago there
Was anything noticed about it.
Painful Effects of Chronic Rheuma-
tism Quickly Routed by Rheums.
If your nerves are all crippled from
attacks of Rheuinatittrn, Neuritis can
easily get a strong hold on the nerves
This most painful disease is ono of the
hardest known to expel, but RBEU NCA
can reach It if given a chance. This
testirnonv ie positive proof:
''La,4t Match I was so crippled with
Neuritis in left limb I could walk
scarcely at all. 'Tried all remedies I
heard of and had two pbysioiaas. Noth.
int, did me ens+ good unto I teed
Rhi 1EU 1i A # -- a't,.00 worth of 3 Our
rrrerltrines sweet cord nee. --Mrs. 0. It.
d.v , f na ij, nice,
. ^ ai'h�t#ili t 1gCl a
Pit 110,.4v,tt.rl�kiri
There would be lots less sickness
during cold weather if folks would
only take ordinary common-sense pre-
cautions against it, When you hear
there is stnailpox around, you don't
love touch time in getting your family
vaccinated, But lots of you do not
use the same good sense in preventing
colds. the grippe, bronchitis, poen-
amnia, typhoid fever, rheumatism and
other diseases, some of them very
serious and dangerous, and some of
which nearly every member of your
family is almost certain to stiffer from
before winter is over unless some
medicine is taken to build up the body
and put it in perfect order before cold
weather sets in.
Vaccination prevents the growth of
germs of smallpox in the blood, and
puts the•syetem into a proper healthy
condition to resist smallpox. lt,xall
Olive 011 Emulsion is designed as an
aid to prevent as well as relieve
disease. It strengthens the body to
overcome the germs and helps to put
your system into the right condition
to resist di,ease. Ircontains the four
FIyrophosphites recommended by
physicians to tone the nerves and
blood, in combination with purest
Olive Oil, to nourish and strengthen
You who are weak and rundown,
and you who aro apparently well now,
but are liable to suffer from various
cold weather ailments, use Rexall
Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keep
well and strong, For the tired -out,
rundown, nervous, emaciated or
debilitated—the convalescing— grow-
ing children—aged people — It is a
sensible aid to renewed strength,
better spirits, glowing health,
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion—king of
the celebrated Rexall Remedies—is
for freedom from sickness of you and
your family. Pleasant -tasting, con-
taining no alcohol or dangerous drugs,
you'll be as enthusiastic about it as we
are when you have noted its strengl.h-
ening, invigorating, building -up,
disease preventing effects, If it does
not help you, your money will be given
back to you without argument, Sold
in this community only at our store—
The Bernell Store—one of more than
7,000 leading drug stores in the United
States, Canada and Great Britain,—
J. W, McKibbon, druggist, Wingham,
Miss Myrtle McLaughlin spent Friday
afternoon in Harriston,
Mr. N. A. Gibson of Listowel called on
friends stere on Friday last.
Miss Janet Hunter is Npending a few
days With Harriston friends,
Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson visited
friends in Wroxeter on Sunday,
Dr. Workman of Kingston is visiting
Dr. Montgomery for a few days.
Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong of Gorrie visited
at Rev. A. B. Dobsons on Friday last.
A number from here attended the anni-
versary services at Maitland on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dane of Gorrie
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Ed.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the p-�
Signature of �u y-��ctiu(
Wheat $ 82
Barley 52
Oats ' 31
Peas 1 00
Buckwheat 52
Beans 1 50
Potatoes 05
Hay 15 00 10 00
Straw ('.undled) 1000 12 00
Bran 22 00.
Shorts 24 00
Flour (first patent£) 3 00
Butter, roll 24
Butter, prints 25
Es 40
Hogs 8 00
Lambs , -, , . 6 50 7 00
Sheep 4 00 4 50
Chickens (live) 9
Chickens (dressed) 12
Fowl (live) 7
Fowl (dressed) 14
Ducks (live) ....,10
Ducks (dressed) 10
Geese (live) 10
Geese(dressed) 10
Turkeys (live) 10
Turkeys (dressed 18
Cattle (see Toronto market on page 2
$ 85
1 03
1 75
Notice To Contractors.
A contract of filling with st.ne the
sink hole on the prairie road south of
Wingham will be let on the ground at
2 o'oloek p m, on Saturday Deo. 2)th
The work will be let by the yard.
14.15 Reeve of Morris.
of valuable property in the Township
of Turnberry.
Under and by virtue of a power of Salo con-
tained in a registered mnrtgsge, which will be
p educed at the time of sale there will bo of-
fered for sale by public auclin,t by Frank Mc-
Connell, Auctioneer, at the Queen's Hotel in
tiro Town of Wingham in tho County of Huron
on Saturday the 3rd day of January A. D. 1911
at 2 o'clock p.m. the following property*:
ALL and SINGULAR, that certain parcel or
tract of land and premises situate, lying and
beinpv in ilte Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron and P ovinoo of Ontario and
being composed of those parts of lots numbers
F ur and Three In tho Seventh Concession of
the said Township of Turnberry described as
follows, that is to say -Commencing at the
po-tplanted between lots Three and Four in
the said Concur ion at the southwest corner
of said lot three; thence Easterly along the
front two olivine and seventy.ono links to a
spring ere.* ; thence Northo+ly parrallel to the
aide of the lot, eight chains and keventy flvo
links more or le -s to the river ,Maitland;
thence Westerly Wong + he river down stream,
flue chains more or less to the West side of lot
throe aforesaid; thence southerly along the
side of the lot, four chains more or less to the
plane of beginning ; again comment ng at the
Southeast angle of the said lot number Four;
thence Westerly along the front of said lot to
tho Fest aide tinsrent; thence Northerly along
the West side of said lot, six ehains and fifty
links more or less to the river Maitland;
thence Pviaterly along the river up the stream.
twenty chains Moro or less to the East side .
said lot four; then Southerly along rho said
Easterly limit four chains more or less to the
place Of beginnintg, said firstly described pare 1
containing ono a re and three rode mora or
less and s std sec nndly described parcel Contain•
log nano stereo and three rods more Or lees.
This properly Is situate on n goof gravel
read abatis n va mites fr m the Town of 1•Vtng•
harts a taboatfour utiles from rho Village of
Wrox^tor, There aro on the properly a good
brick lit enc ane a good frame stable with
stems foul,iat.ion.
TERM Or5t�4.tJ : The p• sporty Will besub
Jed,, to a rooetvo bid Ten Per Gent of the
nrehaae motley to bo ;said to the Vendor or
13o13e1tor on, tho rift of the sale and the hea-
wtthin th�lrtyd thereafter.
tt}391 pc't4roul ward oondttioiis of the
0 Wrap at ileo thee of sale or
' AtoielIon re 613m itACt rel atsd,
By -Law No. 690, 1913, of
The Town of 'Wingharn
To grant to Messrs. Walker & Clegg a
Bonus by way of a fixed assessment
of Ten Thouoand Dollars on their
Manufacturing Establivhment for a
period of ten years to aid them in re-
building and enlarging their said
Manufacturing Establishment in the
Town of Wingham,
WIIand Clegg, carryington M.Walter
the Town
of Walker °r Clegg find bong the (solo ntannu
facturers of upholstered furniture and mat•
tresses in Iha said 'Town had a portion of
their manufacturing plant destroyed by Piro
in the mouth of November, 1013.
otetnioooher have doeided coran xe.ttipreselt manures).taring establishment,
Municipal(WHEREAS 1 1: Lee Corporationito the
Town of Wingharn for a bonus by way of a
fixed assessment of Ton 'Thousand Dollars on
their marl faoturing establishment and on the
DOW portion to be erected, fora period of ton
AND WIiic]REAS the said-MunicipalConn-
oil being desirous of assisting the said industry
ant promoting the said Manufactures, have
deemed it expedient to grant the said bonus
to the said Messrs. Walker & Clegg upon and
subject to 1hefo'lowing terms and conditions
as to the rebuilding and extension of their sa'd
ntanufacturing establishment, namely: That
they w.11 build and area a builaing suitable
for their manufacturing purposes having at
least the same amount of fto•,r space as was
contained in the building destroyed by lire.
Messrs.WalkerCgghavgedolp sold tering
cOnditio s.
!(NIT WITEIU1'.S the amo int of the rate-
able property of the 'town of Wingham ac-
cording to the last revised Assessment Roll
thereof is VS12831.00.
AND WTIgREAS tho amount of the exist-
ing debenture debt of the said Muoieipality
bsoialreiannnntbtih1edypolatsd esuos)s$)1 -
2i3.04 of which no part of tho principal or in-
terest is in arrears. •
WIIEIiEFOal.: T110 Municipal Council of
the Corporation of the Town of Wingham
enacts as follows:
1. The Municipal Corporation of the Town
of Wingharn shall grant a bonus to the s id
Messrs. Walker & ulegg by way of a fixed
assessment of Tea 'thousand Dollars on their
Manufacturing Establishment and on the new
portion to be erected, for a period of t n years.
2. That said fixed assessment shall not ap-
ply to or aired taxation for school purpose 1.
3. This By-law shall take effect on tilo;j0th
day of June, A. D. 191.1,
Take notice) that the above is a true copy
of a proposed By-law which ]las been taken
into consideration and which will be finally
passed by till Council of the Municipality (in
the event of the consent of the electors being
obiaiued thereto) after one month from the
first publication in the Wingham Advance,
the date of which first publication was Thurs-
day the lith day of December A. D 1913, at d
that the votes of rho electors of said Munici-
pallity will bo Laken on said By-law at the same
time and places and by the same officers as the
Annual Municipal Election
19101 the Mali or of the the tsaid Townaof vting ham
shall attend at the Town Hall at 11 o'clock in
the forenoon to appaiat persons to attend at
the various Polling place- and at the final sum-
ming up of votes by Lho Clerk in behalf of
persons interested in promoting and oppo •iug
the passing of this By-law, respectively.
The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham
shall attend at the said To sen Hall at 11 o'clock
is the forenoon of Tuesday tbo 611t, clay of �
January A. D. 1914 to sum up the number of '
votes given forand against this By-law.
And also take uoth e that every tenant who
desires Ip v cte on this 13y -law must deliver Lo
the Clone not later than the seventh day be.
fore the day appointed for t•'tking votes the
declaration pro id ed for by subsection 2 of
section 205 of the Ittunioieal Ac't 1013.
Sale of Debentures.
The corporation of the township of
Morris have for sale $8000 worth of
Township Debentures drawn at twenty
Years, bearing b% and aro asking
for bids on same.
14-15 A MAOEWEN 0 ark.
Teacher Wanted.
For S. S. No 7, Morris, Dirties to be-
gin at tho New Year, Applications
stating salary required aud qualifi-
cations to be directed to --J, D. Irawei .
R. R. No. 4, Wingharn, 13t1
Shorthorns For Sale,
Broadview Shorthorns, herd headed
by Favorite Oharaoter (Imp). I aim of-
fering 8 Bulls from 8 to 12 months of
age. These are oheice young Bulls with
the best of breeding and will be sold
reasonably. I am also offering a few
good Oows and Heifers, all are bred to
the Lop bull, souse die to calve in De-
cember. If you need anything, write
or give us a call.
J. G. FYFE, Wingharn,
(Farm 1, miles south of Wingham).
1. The Council of the Municipal
Corporation of the Town of Wingham
intends to construct :-
1st. An 8 -inch sewer and 6 -inch cel-
lar drain along Victoria Street from
Josephine Street to Diagonal Road,
thence along Diagonal Road to corner
of Frances street, thtncs along Frances
Street to corner of John Street.
2nd. .An 8 -inch sewer and 6 -inch cel-
lar drain along Shuter Street from cot;
ner John Street to Diagonal Road.
2. The special assessment is to bo
paid itt thirty annual instalments.
3. Persons desiring to petition against
undertaking the work mast do so on or
before the 27th day of December, 1913.
Dated at Wingham this 24th day of
November. 1913. •
JOHN F. GROVES, Cr -unit
Prompt delivery to any part of town
Try our Hardwood and Kindling -the
best and ,,heapest in Wingham,
Orders may be left at R. Mooney's.
P. 0. Box 127
tota®aaoes.M-e rxmNw+moifirfp/IMMmca
Dec 21, 25
good for return
until Dee. 20;
also Dec. 31
1913, and Jan.
1, 1914, good for
return until
Jan. 2, 1911
THIRD Dee 21, 23
21, 25, valid for re-
turn until Den, 27
also Deo. 29, 30, 31,
1913, and Jan. 1
1914, valid for ,
return until San. 3,
Between all stations in Canada
east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port
Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara
Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y.
Tickets now on sale at Grand Trunk
Tieket Offices.
II. B Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket
Agent; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station
Ticket Agent ; phone 50.
1.013 1014
Between all stations in Canada, Fort Wil-
liam and East, and to Sault Ste. Marie, De-
troit, Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Good Going Good Going
December 21, 25 i The. 24, 23, 24, 25
Return Limit Retu•n Limit
Dec. 20, 1913. Dec. 27, 1913,
ALo going j Also going
Dec 31, Jan 3 Deo. 29, 30, 31, Sas. 1
Iteturn Limit Return Limit.
Jan. 2, 1014. Jan. 3, 914,
Minimum Fare 25'c,
Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents
or write M. G. MURPRY,
D.P.A.. C,Paty., 1 oronto
W. H. Willis, up town agency, phone 47.
JAL Beomer, station agent, phone 7
Christie's Grocery
Store opens 7 a. m. Closes 7 p. m.
Phone 59.
L- Try Us --
For Christmas Table Supplies
Currants, Raisins, Peels, etc.—
Our Fruits have turned out exceptionally fine and if you have
not bought we invite you to see our stook.
See our windows and last Ad. for prices.
We have a large supply of Naval Oranges of No. 1 grade.
Drop in and see them.
Christmas Candy—
We aro selling a very superior grade of candy this year and
trust to be favored by a visit from all Candy lovers.
FlibertsWalnuts Almonds Peanuts
Table Raisins Ltiytr Figs Grapes, etc,
Christmas Cheese—
You want a piece of Rsal Good Cheese ? Give ns a cat(.
Wo have something exceptionally find.
Finnan Ha (die , Ciscocs Fi11et Dippers
These will always be on hand when good quality is obtainable,
Christmas Toys
For girls and Boys.
See our stock of Christmas Novelties of all kinds.
Candies Nuts Oranges Layer Raisins Fig
Bon Eon Boxes from 10 cents up.
40c Chocolates for 35c until Christmas.
"Wishing all A Merry Christmas.
THURSDAY, DecE;M 11F1: 18, 1913
Do Not Delay
Christmas Buying
Our stock is now at its best. Nothing more sensible
or more appreciated than nice Slippers or Shoes.
Look at this List below :
Felt Slippers
Fine Shoes
Leggings Overshoes
Cosy Slippers Leather Slippers
Foot Easers Hockey Shoes
Suit Cases Club Bags
Felt Shoes
Hockey Shoes
and many other
Shoe stores.
Overshoes Felt Slippers
Leggings Fine Shoes
High Cut Button Shoes
articles as are kept in first-class
Sole Agents
For The
Attention to the newest Novel-
ties in Christmas'
For Ladies' Gifts in the biggest
ranges of Ladies" Collars, Collar
Setts, Belts, Neck Frills, Frillings,
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Silk
Hose, Knitted- Ties, Jabots, Scarfs,
Sweater Coats, Hand Bags, Fancy
Waists, Fur Setts, Initialed Hand-
kerchiefs, Kimonas in all the . new-
est styles suitable for Christmas
Gentlemen's wearing apparel for
Christmas gif ts—
Fancy Shirts, Combination Setts of
Braces, Armlets and Garters, Silk
Ties, :Crochet Ties, Knitted Mufflers,
Silk Mufflers, Collar Bags, novelties
in fancy Sweater Coats, Grey Swede
Gloves, Caps, Underwear, initialed
Handkerchiefs, Smoking Jackets,
Dressing Gowns, fancy Knitted Vests4
Night Gowns, Pyjamas and many
other useful articles to suggest to
Christmas shoppers.