HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-18, Page 1The Wingha la ..•••• 42N0 YEAR, NO. 15. Scott Act. We read in Mr. Ransford'is article on Prohibition paper No. 0 , that; he assigns two reasons why he is eel anxious to teach the ignorant election, of the county, the truth. The &se reason he fervently admits to be sel- fishness. We don'c 6oppose your read- ers, who know Mr. Rumford will ques• Lion the truthfulnees of this statement. But is it true Mr. Rauslord min& only his own bueineee ? "The good of the masses" should be the goel of every good mart as well tts every wise legis- lature. But Me, Reneford insistthat, an unfair measure of Peohibition namely, the License Septerio (should be retained, which prohibits 008 persons out of a 1000 front traffieing in the Liquor businees and the two who are licensed are prohibited, and these pro- hibitive features of the License Act have been pointed out to your readere, "00 wisias the reation why it siaouid be retain- ed, It mast be evident to you Mr. Editor that even M. Rensford regards the Prohibitive Sections of the License Act; as the only redeeming features. We view this differently, If the teal- ic is a proper traffic, why any need of Lieeose? If itneroeor, why allow the retail traffic as a beverage at all? Clan ie be the dreadful offence Mr. Ransford would have us believe to ie,o a little farther and prohibit the re- egaiaing two ? -e-Ir. Ransforcl tells us "Prohibition is of the Divine." Ma Rumford has done himself a grave injuetice in mak- ing the above Statement, apparently in a thoughtless mood. The good book begins with prohibition iu (Serie- eis and ends up in the lest ctiapter of Revelations tatth Prohibition. In fact we are hedged aboat with Prohibition Law, The British code on which our ownhenign laws are besed, is founded upou the Moral Lew, which is emptier,- ically PeobibiLive. The "License System" has long been regarded by Moralists and St ttetitilttn 011. iu every civilized country as a make elaift. Oa two °cc -lesions the people of Ontario have pronothiced itt the polls their desire for naore.advanced legible- tioa, The eentitnent of the people is undoubtedly in advance of legislation. Large corporations demaud abstinence from tarter empluyees who occupy re- isponeible positions. Hotel men who are sagacioue business men want a bar- tenler who is ars ahstainer. Tha post - Master General at ()wawa late issusd positive inetruction, signed by R M. Coulter deputy postmester gen• eral, from which we quota "Toat the moment it is credibly reported to hirn that any railway clerk use liquor, he may as well send in hie resignation, be- cause he will be diernissed, and n s amount of influeuce, will bring aboue hie re -instalment," the object being no doubt the protection of life and prcip• , erty. But what about the poor fellow ; who beeom i peesive to the alibi -ince of li* alcohol, emad we not rem ,ve this ,,. dreadful temptation which arousethe fiend of ptssion for drink? Or mast , • the drunkard still stamen, on our streets? muet 'the children cry for bread? Must the wife and children ; . ' hide from his presence as Peoria a wild r' beast ? Must we license a system that 'produces evil and that. eootieually. ,But Mr. Reneford laments the alleged loss of revenue to the people. Where do the hotel -men get the rneney to rely the licenses or revenue? Mr. Rn -ford oalswere, "from the people.' DJO'D $701X think Mr. R tnsfard, it a foelisti • pies e of linancing, for the people to neve the Licensees two or three dollars to get back one? Why, any cbi d could surely figure that. If you apply that kind of fieance to your Salt bud. eSS, 1 WOYIlehl% be sueprised to hear demur going on the rook 4 . You's Sincerely, M, Lockhart. I -I. S. Literary Society. On Friday eveninglast the Assembly Hall of the High Scbool was filled with stuth nts and ex students, their parents and friends. The occasion being the closing meet- ing of the High School Literary Society for ihis term. The Hall had been nicely decorated with flags, and the School's colors in butatng, and all possible arrangements bed been tnade for the comfort of the audiences. The routine business was of more than ordinary interest, After the reading of the minutes, the report of , he Field Day Committee was present - 4 sby Mr. (I, la Smith. In the latter ihe work of the conunittee was out- lined, and its financial statement given. After the report had been adopted the Oortintittee Was honourably discherg- ed. Tire Secretary then read a letter front Mr, .1. C. Smith, B A„ the form- er Principle, in ,whicit he expreesed his eh regret at not being able to be present - at the gathering, and extended his beet wishes and holiday greetings to the School. After the business had been disposed of, the President of the Society, Mr, Gordon Young, gave his addreas, In this he outlined the life and writings ,of Tennyson. It is the customof the 'Satiety to have presented in this man- ner the biography of some person whose writings or career are being etudied in the classes. The chief literary feature of the pro- gramme Was a debate on the sul•ject "Resolved that, greater refs)1 ine loose beer* brought aboot, by Violence than by Peaceful means)." The Affirmative was taken by Miss II, Weliween and Mr, E Wilkinson of Form 111 A, and the negative by Miss 0 Irwin and Mr. W. Buchanan of Form 1V. M9 arf:01- malts were Well presented by all the speakers, send the whole debate ehow- eel the valuable training to he Wee/ten ' the Literary Society, The bulges, deserts, Mutgrove and lit Buchanan and Rev. lair, Perrier, gave onanineoue decieion in favour of tbe negative, The other bombers of the program were very /ruled in character, there Leing is zetitation, vocal solos and theme, violin solos, piano soloand audios, the bartnoica hand, arid chor• Ince by mixed voices. All the mothers were eendertd by pupils now in atten• dance, and Wfle muelt arpreciattch The reeding of the Journal tiy otie of the editors was much val wad. Oasts of the most intert rising feat llretli of the evening was the preeent alien of the snips nnd mediae won by the ittudente et the 'mid -warner exeminee flows and at field eports d i y. nate medels and Mena eighty books were dietriletted to the MIA (ley win. tiers by Mite Andeteop and Me. Small, *Nei ,ted br Miss Oraea Holmes and M r. A. "Idles ney. The ehamplonsh•p medal* Teel is won ley Mies.% 11. Iseeh- *eau. 11`. Deseret and Messrs. 11. T ler ea este. Advance. WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913. the fou e special prizes won at the midthan Jones, or does the possession of stammer examinations were given. money vendee him one whose wishes must The Peineipal, told of the success of be considered? We ,state a fact when we .N11S8 Mstbel Gilkinson in winning Mrbrand the Scott Act in this regard, as an J, G. Workma,n'e prizt for bighest infamy; and an inselt to an those, who do standing at the Lower Sehool Ex. not 'tapper, to possess a certain amount of arnitiatiOn. Miss Gilkineon could not money. It it's wrong for Jones to buy a be present, however, to receive her glass, it is 14 times more wrong for Smith priz RAv. Me, Hibbert, on behalf of to buy a bottle ; 00 the assumption that Dudley Holmes, K. C. presented to one bottle equals 14 drinks. George Cruikshank the prize for high- We object to prohibition under the guise est (standing in Mathematics at the of Scott Act, because it. drives drinking Middle School examinations. Mr. IP, alcoholic beverages out of the aotel into Buchanan acting for Mr. A. Cotter:at, the home. There's no getting out el it, geve Jae. IL Currie the prize for high- This again is an incontrovertible fact, eet aggrega,te at the Middle School ex • It removes drinking from the hotel to the lamination, and Die A. J, Irwin pre- home, One would think that all those sented his priz for highest standing dear people who are shouting "Save the at the Upper School exatnination to boy" would shrink with horror from the Wilson Geddes. Those who presented bare idea of doiag anything that "would the prize, and afterwards others, introduce, in any degree, drinking in the epoke in high praise of the work done home, where the boys and the girls are by the winners and by the school in supposed to live! A man can go into a general. hotel and drink and his children never see It was expected that the diplomas it or know it, But how long will it. be, be. won by middle and upper school pupils fore both boys and girls will know he could also be presented, but these un • drinks it in the home, and possibly sample fortunately had not arrived. it for themselves if it be kept in the home ? Toe evening seemed to be thorough- And kept it svill be as sere as the am ly enjetred both by pupils and their shines. For, one mere incontrovertible guests, and the Literary Society and fact, as prohibitory legislation increaees, the Staff are to be congratulated upon so does the manufacture and naterelly the the success of the eveningconsumption of spirituous drink increele, We object to prohibition on the groend of ,the a, solute folly of attempting to pro- hibit the use of what the law sanCtions the manufacture, sale and importation of'. If one pauses to deliborete orlon this plie of the Scott Act, it is almost incortecive- ble. Here is an article, perfectly harm- less, perfectly good, the use of which is actually enjoined • in Holy Scriptures, which for practically all time has been used by the good of every clime, the man- ufacture, the sale, the importation and the use of which, is still sanctioned by the lews qf this country; and it is proposed te forbid it gee by, e portion;of the com- enmity, by mu:Otter postioe , (age cetera oonceive a more groteemie tY4s4rdity ie legisietion. It we all, or the Yery lerge act when petition was properly sign- • maiority, think ninoniih bever;ws 4;ee ed. The report of the Executive Com• raittee, appointing the Clerlea salary tie follows, Clerk taid Teeiteneer, $050, lt.1(ectrict Light $235 and Water $125, WeL4 adopted on motion of Isbister and The Chairmen of each depertment reported the oondition of their work. Ic was moved by MaKibbon and Itbieter that By-law 092 repealiug transient trader hy-law and substitu- ting another theref we -carried, Moved by MeKibbon and B 41 that & Beocklebank he appointed vveightuester, beginning Jan. 1st, they having purchased J. L Avtdis'e busi- ness,. Moved by Youna and Bt•II, that, tome' rebate of $31 55 be made to \V, D Pringle on his taxes as per agree- ment -carried, Dear Mr, Editor : -I think as citizens Moved by Mills and Bell that the we should pay Mr. Mill's fine of Mon- reipiest of W. I. Boyce re unloeding day, for not many of us were aware stoves on John Se be granted - h•abte for our denseness.") that if one carried, ef oer water pipes beret, that we hed Befora closing }teve McKibben ex- to bent tip eertain individsial ("ae- plained that the Ceunty never assumes ehorized by the town") to do the fixing, sidewalks for the hundred feet a p• . no matter how we neeaed the water, proaching a bridge as some thought but the intention of the County Coun- cil was to fix the embenkment in a permanent fashion at, the IVIeKenzie bridge. At tae invitation of the Reeve all enjayed a supper at the Miller res. tolerant, then "all went into the dark" wondering whet sentenee the great tribunal would pronounce at the J uaey elections. Accounts are crowded out this week owiog to lack of epee but will appear n sect we k. Town Council. The legit regular meeting of the Wingtuun Town Commil was held on Monday evening with all the members present. Miriam of last meeting were reacrand approved. A petition by William Fergie et al for an electric light at the corner of Feancie and Alfred was iefered to the Electric 1Oght Cornniittee by B ymet and Mills. A polition of David G illaway and V, S. Bialagh was read and on motion of 13911 and 1VIcKibbon was referred to the Sweet Committee with power to bad -then stop the manulecture, etop the important); stop the sale in overy way. Do as the Chinese have done to opium. But do let us act rationally, let us not act as fools, but as wise men. One more incontrovertible fact, in the words of one far abler - "Regulation of appetite is beyond stat- ute law. The appetites have their place tytyd function ; but their regulation must he determined by the inner sense of moral respoesibility,n HugoN cowry u,.ustNsss MENS ASSOCIATION. John Rensford, Presideet. Wm. Jackson, Seeretery, Three Funny Things. Huron County Business Men's Association. Articles On Prohibition -Paper No. 7. nor how long we had to wart ; Well, well, well, that le funny thing N 1. And then supposing M. Isitrd should feel inclined to meke the slip pery sidewalk in front of his store - safe for pedestrians to walk upon, thus saving lirabs of individuals, and lawsuits to the town; would he have te get a perueit frotu the town, and a certain party to do the woi ? If so - we think this, funny thing No n Aegean by the sieso tu, boA, wt.4 which ogr worthy police thegistrate administers the (tittle to e wieness we Poes11040 it is neoltet testanolant, therefore loot h Of the bible, we have had the oath Is iminietered to es, bee 11 was always whole bible complete, With this fu ny thing N 3 would remelo, Yours Trely, A runny Man. In outs last paper we gave some of our i • . -- views against Prohibition, from what we Odeons rown. called a selasn steedpoiet ; because they An el ler known as the Gideons, were our objections, hi 50 ler es Pro- twin.- t-sociated with the Commercial hibifion affeCted ceir peremptl PI/attar: TIntei• leer) Association had representa This week, we will erideeverot tpelitiw Lir,:j town last Saturday and enrol some of the basin that prohibit* pees 1, i tat membere a !leather of the loctl duces. t 'evening meta Clu unday morning In the first place, prohibition prodecee `ft, Dole flywheel in the ilisthodist a contempt for law. No man, worthy rf Church and Mr. McKeneie sang. In tire name of man, will permit an associ- the afternoon stg 4 o'clock a coetals tion composed of what he considers meeting was held in the 0. 0. F. Hall ignorant, misguided, fanatieel peopie, to where Mr. Cole again spoke kr. Ittc• dictate to him, what he is to eat or ciriek. Kenzie singing, Ia the evening they Human nature is naturally averse to it, took part in the services in the Pres - And you cannot change human nature to byterian °march. The organiption fit in with any sumptuary law you may Bud the work of the association was wish to place on the statute book. The explained, One work which the society late Dean Farrar, a man greatly beloved, does is to place a Bible in the bed -room and admit- d, by all who knew him, was a of every hotel in the Province. Two total abstainer), as an example to his of the Comenerzial houses in Wingham weakee brother. But he never would have already been supplied with these support prohibitory legislation of any kind, Bibles. The speaker geve a number aectiese, as he put it, there is something, of instances where great good lied art ; hidefieable something, in human bee h accomplished owing to the pick- netere, diet Om forbidding of a tee rip and reading of The Book• thing may, and very frequently does, pro- duce an appetite for the yet", thing for_ Town Council Election. bidden, that may have never hefqre exist- Ou Mouday evening the Wingharn ed. We purpose to write somewitet Epworth League opened ita poll for tersely, and confine ourselves to stetee the election of its council, The school - meta of fetes, so we will ton elaborete or} room was the pcone of chaos and con - this po nt. Arg.ereent meg be met with fusion, The verioes candidates wore argument, and stropositloo eith seppoeis smiles and glances from reotny an tion, but facts are incontrovertible. Atel anxioue eye were rampant.Offers of we submit that this feature el prohibition good fellowehip, ete„ were howled in is an incontrovertible fact. proration. Finally at 8 20 p m, the We object to prohibition, becanse it polls closed when it was found that lowers the etandard of character lettere nearly all tet. eligible voters had seen men come inio contact with it. As we lit to exexcise theie frattchise. Here quoted previously from Sir Richard Cart- followed a period of intense sutpense weight, who wrote deliberately, that "not during which pins Were heard to fall. a few of tie; greatest seouedrels I have At lest the verdict came x -For Meyer, Oilmen, and my experience has been ex- B. Conikehank ; Reeve, Miss fletn• ecesive, have been very a cleat temperance mond Councillors, Mr. Howson, Mr. advocates." Why this etiould be, is not Wilford, Mr. Hammond, Mee Ham. hen' to seek. Prohibition of alcoholic mond, Miss Cottle and MY- Coutts• beverages is unnatural, unscripteral and After due comment the elected council therefore lts influence cannot be geed. WM sworn to ofilde_, each member It turns men into sneaks, hymn:Wee, pletigibg to do all in his or .her power liars, and even perjurers, Many would lin to ferther the interest of the said surprised if they were told it even acts corporation of Wingbant We feel iejuriously on the purity of the life. Wst sure of eafe ancl goad legithation feom will fmmisa statistics, et a later chite,;tq their worthy hand'e. The editor of the prom tie. ecss iq qtit)10)g is riot the Advance visited the polling booths only eh) meg atol womet) ememitotelt while 1140 election Was purer:ding, so though to Wee to ,itytly0 SertIrtr, glity this, he might get some pointers KS to would be tempted to thiek ete conduct of electiona, Cenvaseing vvas Wo object to prohibition of the kited vigorsolos and Coancillor °mitts; hed the So tt Aet would ban:duce in the ear& isplayed ab mt. baking for the Couto, of Huron, becatese it ie so auffeage of the people, tin the etir fe.sdy upfeir. Why in Canada should we face it appeared to be a elven eleetion, have class legisletios ? Why 81109l4 Nye hut a buntber of defeated ettntlidetes have e law that affecte the poor man, and have since told ue that there wee un- does net affect the rich, nor eves) the j1ilhtng bribery, gross corruption, in - moderately well to do? This itgltstiee r imicletion end 14 dI ta witehing, Kush Alone Should cause every ewe nialette, • hee been enheatel 1s1 In any Catiatl. vote egainst it ; erre tvould Nett epees. sal Donetiteenrso, Peoteete are dont. ehoeld Smith, because by eceitierg tec"%trionly t, hat those will !we has money enough to boy iein efh to be petered within tips next thirty wbisaey, have all he went,- to cheek, tool day' tit We mut eonginoilete the Jove lweetese he by aceettott can only young people of the Methodist chutch effortl to hey a. glees it a •iine, be de: on their progress:dee 'dean al lunch p ived of it ? Dote the pwoussion of the r.0,1 will no doubt dome to thorn nor. wens" twreler Stri:th* pigeon more wortby *regally, and there le net a dotthli b'tit a wag own tomol ft ersesier (lielof Christmas Shopping. It surely pays to shop early when you have a large stook from which to choose end not be rushed. Take an .hour off and read the atlyertisments in the Advance, they will assist you in yoor selection, All of the live up-to- date merchants have s message for YOU in your oolumne. Business Change. The Northern Brokerage Co, haft puechased the General Stock of Mer- chandise from Henry L. Thompson of Belmotsehet a low rate on the dollar and opened their great slaughter sale yeeterday. As the stock is to dispos- ed of regardless of cost, there will be great bargains for those who are for. tunate etiough to investigate. The Best Chrishnas Gift, The very best Chrittneas gift you, can make yourself, your wife and all the members of your family is a year's subscription to that great paper The Femily Herald and Wcekly Star of Montrea), It costs only one dollar and its visit each week will make your household happier than ever before. No borne in Claneda should ha without that great paper during 1914 -Every issue is worth the money, Santa Claus at St. On Fridey evening of this week, the Annual Christmas entertainment in connection with St. Paul's (Anglicao) Suradey School will take place, Com - at -teeing at 5 p.m, supper will be serv- ed the members of the S. S., and at 7: 30 the program will start in the Mills Memorial Hall. A Cantata, "Santa, Matte and Co,," consisting of chnruses, recitations, solos, etc, will be given. and the entertainment will be worthy of a large attendance. Silver collection at the door. Junior Leave Enterteipment. 8, member the Junior League en- tertainment iu the Methodist Oburoh, Taursclay evening, Dec, lff b. at 8 RM. A cantata eu titled "Waiting for Sento, Omit" and oilier interesting items will be given, Two Christmas trees, the one to receive gifts for the Deaconess Home in Toronto. for distribution among tbe poor of that city. The other tree to be used by everybcely to beetow gifts to their own children and friends,. Silver collection, Everybody welcome. Come and sec Santa (haus. Huron Medical Association. Tee annual tneeting uf the Eloron Medical Association was held in Clinton last Wednesday, The following mein. bsrs were present-Dre, Taylor, Hun- ter, Macklin, Emmerson a,nd Whitley, of G elerich ; Drs. Gunn, Thompson, and Shaw, of Clinton • Des. Burrows and McKay, of Seaford); Dr. Kennedy, of Winghatn, and Dr. Machell, of Dublin. Several interesting papers were read aud discussed, and the fol- lowing officers elected for the ensuing year -President, Dr. Burrows, of Sea - forth; Vice -President, Dr, Kennedy, of Wingimen ; Sec. -Trees , Dr, iVicKaY, of Seitfortb, At the conelution of the business; session, the annuat banemet was held at the Raitenbury Route. $5 Per Word. "The way of the transgressor is hard." John Douglass undertook to use some vile language which cannot be found in Webster's Dictionary, and for this transgression, he was bronght before Police Magistrate Morton, and fined $25 and costs or in default of pay - Mena twenty-one days at the seaaide cottage, Ciuderich, cot. 4.htany was not in (Newt to defend himself and has not been her,4 fienn since. While we are sorry Inc Johnny, yet we are gists:I that this eaample has been set for it is (-pita clear thet they who app. ar he. tore the Police Magistrate an similar charges will he similarly dealt wich. There is altogether too mucb profanity beard upon the streets of Wingharn and this no doubt will be a warning to others. Morris Wedding. A very pretty event took plane at thts home of AitT. Jermyn, Bluevele H)ad. Towosh it) of Mortis, on Tuesday, Dee. Nat, 1010, when the youngest claelhhter, Anna EIva, was united in reetrincemy to Ir. A.rtatue Sinclair, of Parker St. Met odist Church, Sonia. Promptly at 11 o'clock am, to the strains of the wedding march, played ley Miss Gray of Meryl's, Mr. Russel Jertnyn gave away his sister, road the yoring Couple took their places under the bridal arab and the unystic words which made them man and wife, were pronounced by the Rev, J. W. Elibbert, of Wingham, The bride was &daily dressed in white chiffon over white silk, trimmed with shadow late. After the dainty dinner, the young couple took the 3 30 train for thew new home in S trnia., followed hy the beet wishes of their many friends. Sent To Children's Shelter On Saturday last Provincial Officer Phippen was defied to investigate the case of Tittle Win. MeNiveu, 12 or 13 years of age, who bad' heen stealing goods front W. A. Campbell mid W. H. Willis de Co. ile searched the horn t of Me gtowdian Me, Alexender MeNiven and found geode which had been xtolein from loeal storee, The yoong lad admitted stealing the same and wan brought before Police Alegire trate Morton on Tuesday of this week Elie Worship thought it in the beet in- terests of the lad's future to hand him over to Mr, Elliott of the Children's Shelter, who hv a good home in view for hint . Mr. Alert McNiven was sent up foe trial, and was taken to Gotler- lob on Tuesday lemming, he, having had the stolen goods in his possession: Business College Social. Tne students andleachere of the WIngtman Bosinese Coheir() spent'a very: pleasant and enjnya,ble social eveping at the college rennet on Mon - dal, night, the 15th. Neatly every student was present, aud all entered ined the activities of 'the evening with a eest Which betokened a most hearty good fellowship. Varione gsunes Were played Mad greailY enj tyed by. alt. itlection" were' given by fhe Missies Rinehart arid Farrell, also Air. Oloeltey of leat yeti' e chow,who heel tit reterhecl 10 eomplete hie we've, did net forget to bring Lit; violin with hitn, and rendered Several eelettione which were highly appreciated by the entiee gethering. A well esetteetet raielling reach vine won by Mine Mc - Timpani, the Shorthend intents:net Mr, flertwell Strong of the Comm we lol depertment watt a close Owl], and malt the winner work f rr the victory. roe the grat kat ; he feller re tth ' tat levee di wand whola , Hough's Celebrated Cider, What gives promise to be the host popelar eider ever placed on the Canadian tnarket is sold at the Hough grocery, It is a twenty-four hour variety, Int as much as we are told, that xt so tiff -toted one of our citizens that twtnty-four hours after quaffing a glass of this famous beverage he still had a slant on. As soon as our citizens learned of the.glorious privi- lege that was 0:litho, 'ea., the banlith- neent of all trouble the accumulation of great riches, the relationship to aristocracy, the gift of song and story, and this to last for twenty-four hours and all this for five cents, it is need- less to say there was a great rush for the barrel, The editor of 11318 paper being fleet of foot outran Alderman Young, Alderman Bell, Town Olerk Or ryes and others, but this magic elixir had no affer,t upon us. The editor's overdraft was not transformed to a surplus, his butinese worties did not varasb, he discovered no wealthy relatives, however, we have since discovere4 the secret that the cider must be allowed to stand in an open pall until through age or the visit of a friend, it becomes properly energized, As sold by the '-Tough grocery it is innocent sweet cider, but when proper- ly treated can said/to be "the cider that makes Milwaukee jealous 1" L 'Local Items Mr. Wm, Fessant is able to ba around again after a severe illnese. Mo. Tompkins, who has been serious- ly ill, is now improving and hopes are entertained for his recovery. On Dee, 9 h the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier was gladdened by, the arrival of a little girl, "Olive Gertrude. Mr. W. 13'. Cornwall, who Was em- ployed at the 0, P, la, section here, has been promoted to tiinekeeper on a special switch gang. The Young People of Bolles' Church have decided to have their annual Christmas Tree on the evening of.Dec. 23.a. A good programme consisting of recitations, music and dialogues is being prepared. Admission 15 cents. The Women's Institute will hold their regelar monthly meeting on this Thuredev, Dec. 18h, at j pm , at the hotne of Mrs. A. Rantoul. Subject - la -port of Convention by delegate, Alva Cruickshanks. Ittembers please note change of date being cne week earlier. All ladies cordially invited. Crourcb Flews On Christmas Morning Services will he held in S. Peure ehtirch as follows --e Holy Conatuunion at 8 o'clock; Morning prayer and Holy Communion at 10130. Another of tho interesting series of eermone to men was given by the rector of Sr. Paul's on Sunday evening last. The eultiect was The man who rnekee the most of it," levied noLhe words contained in St. Matt. 25 ; 22. The following are the resuite of the S. S. examinations held in St. Peril's S. S. on Nor. 20,h :--Senior Division, atria Haines. Middle Divieinn, leeloise Kennedy; May Allen ; Vera Strickisr, Junior Division, Aileen Kennedy: Mildred Walker; Mabel latlyer ; iantthleen Wilkinson; Emma Calvet.; Ruby Brown, Senday, Dec, 21.st, there will be 0 -oast dies services in the Methodist Church. Service, 11 p.m., pastor will nersach biking for his subje.ct "The Home Gathering." In the evening the pestor will take for his suldent "Meat am I going to give," a Christmas soliloqy. A full choral services will he rendered by the choir, consisting of entherne, roxertettes, and Bolos. A eplenclid Ohrietrnes service, 0 Personals Mr 3 H. Short, Aaborn, was in town Monday, Councillor D, Bell was in Toronto on businees last week. Me. Robert King took a business trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. McGill, T wont°, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Hambly. Mr. William Feseant, who has been seriously ill, is we are pleased to report improving. Mr. Ed. Corbett went to Forrest on Monday, where he secured a position sts Selacksmith. Mr. Walter B Haines of the Ds> minion Bank staff, Seaforth, visited his parents here. Miss Jennie Town of Wroxeter has bet n staying with Mr. and Mrs. W, Miller for e few days. Mr, and Mts. Alex Reid have return- ed after a week's imj tura with friends in and about Kincardine. Mise Clara, Weiler of Toronto 18 tak- ing a few weeks; bolirley with her par- ents Me. and Mfg,. John Weiler, D Jemes Wi1801:1 of 11.018t0111 was in town feet week meeting many of his old friende made while practieing here, A large number o2 oar Citizens at. tend the Winter Vat a"tock flow nt q apt ph and were well pleased with the exhibits, Mine I, A, lthils and eon 'Mold have gone for a few weeks stay. At the (omelet ohl hente at Ohesterville in the county of Hendee. Mr. R. S. McGee has 'been ossiting in stook taking calved by the sale of the general Stock of Henry Te Thome- sdn of Ilebnere to the Northern Breit- eroge Ore Mrs, Harding of blocrie visited her slitter, )Y4ia 14 D. Cunningham, ads week, We regret to hear gm Oen* ninghant is still Confined to lied tip otigh illnese. Mtv, W. B. Illiott and tent little denghtere 'aro spending a week et Mee. Elliott's pat ental holtil near 4o.tk0a1(3 attil were in attend:trice et the Wedding uf her sieter ou Wedne.dsty, Mr. tTolm 8 Pringle I.ft tin Weaties. thy of this week for his home In 1,--krOnon efter unsmiling a 1101100 of in violet wirh ither end Slitter. ewe t'vn little 4 eughliers A Retrospeet. On another page is an article entitled a "Retrospect" written by an old pupil of the Editor, Rev, Bryon 0, Simmons of Burford, Ont. It is well worth the perusal of our readers, Children's Contribution, Last week the pupila oi Wingheate Public S ;hoot entered nport a min* paign for the Sick Children's Hospital of Toronto, Their efforts have result, ed in raising $12.20. The children det serve credit in manifesting so practical a Xmas, gift. Doing Things. • The limn of Walker & Clegg are men who do thinge, They have cleared away all the debris from the recent tire and have day and night` gangs going on the re buitcling. If the weather remains at all open the erection of the building will be rushed with all possible speed. Salem. tlen't forget the Xmas entertainment on Xmas 13,70`. Mr. Chester Higgins attend. the Fat Stook Show at Guelph last week. Mr, and Mrs. Mathew Dane from near Gorrio visited Mrs. Wm, Weir one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Scott from near Mild. may spent Sundey with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Palmer, Mr, Rohe Strong of Toronto caned on his sister, Mrs. Reba McMichael, the first of the week. East Wawanosh. Will Nethery, gravel road, spent Sun, day with Clinton friends, The Westfield gun -club bed their last shoot for thie fall on Tuesday teat, ' Miss Margaret Clark of Chicago is visitieg tier sister, Mrs. Marvin Mo - Dowell, at present. Mrs. VanOamp, sr., 0th line, is very low at present and no hopes are held °et for her recovery. Me, and Mrs. B. IL Taylor spent last week with their daughter, Mete W. Taylor, of Mildmay. St. Kelens. Wedding hells aro ringing. Mr. James Pardon lost a valueble cow last week. Mr. 4ames Barbour exhibited some stook at Guelph. Mr. John MoGeire is home from the West look as usual, hale and hearty. • Qatte a large number Prole around i•here atteuded the Fat Stook Show at Guelph last week. 11,Ir. Turner of Fordyce is suffering from hifiammation of one of his eves. We hope he will 80011 b3 restored to health. A eertaio young gentleman of the lOth conwas otit looking, for pnlletts to hay the other day. That makes things la* suspicious, Jim. Go rrie. BLS'S Mary King, who hes been very ill, is convaleseent. Mrs. Toltort is the gaest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Edgar. Mrs. Thos. Phair visited with friends lit Fordwich lest week, Mrs. 3. Armstrong visited at the mense in Fordwich on Fridey last. The wetly friends of Mr. T. II. Mc- Leughlin will bs pleased to hear he is moo veriog. H. V, Hohnes, mating r of the Bank of Harailton, rnade a hasiness trip to Wiugnara on Friday. The Howlok Clounoil met in the Town- ship Hall on Moulay afternoen to wind up business for the year. The Eng WI °hereto Sabbath School wi 1 bald. their entertainment in the Town Hall oa Friday evening the ll)th Mrs L. Shire an 1 daughter, 'Alma have gen 1 to Port Elgin to spend the Xmas, holdays with the formor's mother, Mrs. Darling. The Liolieal Ail of the Presbyterian Churela hell their Animal raeotiug at tiloeayra‘fstyearsnvoectray. eTtichoeurreoritirtg,fosrhotvibeippgasat alone:: of Mrs J. Armstrat g Moll - b ammo of over0 bauldred defiers la the The lectnee given by tno Rev, Mr. Beedley of Tecswat«r on Thursday evening last in tho Pr, sby ter a,a Church wasquite successful, although, as usual, a feast for the mind did not appeal to the Community as largely as it should have dont?. A free concert will be given by the pupils of Gorrie school on Friday 19th at 2 p m in the sole:re:1-room It is to Ite lived that the parents atol Montle of the pupils will eyed themsslvee of thie oppertunity to hear and eocourage the chtlareit tiod also toe teachoes. Myth. (To late for last week.) Aliss Thompson, teacher on the public echool staff, has resigned, Watson & Saos thieved a oar-loal of cattle to Toronto on Saturday. John 13etr shipped some of his cattle to the fat stook show at Guelph this week, Mr. John Cott of Goderich visited hie brother, Ma Jemes Cult, here during the week, Mes, Joseph Stothers atteneled the funerel of her niece, Miss Mallougb, at D.ungiumen 60 Weethesday. Mr. Sae. Onnninge & Hefferon ship. pea 0 coneigment of cattle from thie eta'4n to Toronto on Satorday. Division Outlet eves 404 here Teri. 4ayt 4 number of meet; Were up for healing and 4isposed off, Jedge f fait presided; The pestime Sewing -Club met rt the herge of Alm Mt McKay Islet Wed- nesday evenihg. All report an enj ws, able evening. Mr, and Mee; O. H. 13eeve visited friends itt Graelph daring the week, The former Was in satendente at the Milletel Convention in the above oity, . G IS. Alt:Taggart, 0,T,R. Agent, is attending a meeting, of the °twee- rwe in Toronto and ele.ewhere, Mr, Porrestet'oi Clinton 1184 charge of the , station in his absettee, The entettoinesent A/41 X Wit tree touter the rtoseiets of Methedirst Sun. deer Sehool will he behl In Industry 111411 Friday evening, 10 h. The member.' of the erhool ere 61111.1'- ing /CM twin* to MA e this an 0. joyebie evening for all. Ar"rideeion„ Children , 10 etto A.dnite Klces, '10 e440441.80 smotretalet nit tat.X...rize tree, gui3801upTioN V. 00 PUB Yeartri A0vetieu. 1160 WY StrasMantasts 8, Sonday School, will be held in Indus. try Hall on Friday erenbag, Dec. 1903, The programme will conaiet of drills, choeuses, recitations, dialogue and a cantata, entitled "Santa Claus" dream. The members of the school are sparing no pains in making this an enjoyable evening for everyboelto The annual Bible Society meeting was held in the Methodist °bora, Thursday evening. There was a good attendance, all denominations being well represented. The following are the oflicere elected for the year Pres„ Dr. Charleeworth ; Vice Pres,, James Snaith; Treasurer, Henry Hom- zy ; Sscretowy, Alex, Elder. The fol. lowing gentlemen compose the Board of Directors - Remy Young, Wm, Sims, James Tierney, John 13righan, Ernest Bender, Robert McGowan, Robert Slater, BeIgrave. Don't forget the Xmas trees on 23rd and 25th. Rohn Stonehonee spent a day at the Wiuter Fair in Guelph. Miss Coulter of Bruce Mines it,. visit- ing at Mrs. W. Hoppere. Jack McGuire visited his son and daughter at Holstein last week. Rev. Kilpatrick and wife visited the latter's parents in Goderich hot week. Mack Walsh and Jack Stewart at- tended the fat stock show last week in Guelph. Mrs. Porterfield and Mrs. &nest Geddes attended the funeral of a rela- tive in West Minister ou Saturday, Mies KIIOX returned to her home in Goderion alt er spending several months with her iiister, Mre. Kilpat- rick. A few boys of /he vicinity held a high class ball lent Friday night. The boys had "Some" fun but the Loudon Harpers got the money. The Methodist Sunday School will hold their entertainment and have a Christinastree on Christmas night in the Forester's hall. Oa Tuesday of this week the mem- bers of the W. F. M. S. of Knox Church Belgrave, met at the mane() and pre. eented Mrs. John L. Geddes with a beautiful bound Book of Praise:and an address of regret at her removal and ot appreciation of her lifo and wotk in their midet. Mrs. Geddes has pur- chased a property in Winglasen and is moving there. Bluevale. Mr, Jas. Gannet is at present visiting his ntother. geite a number took in the Winter Farr at Guelph last week. Mr, Jas. Bargees of Listowel is at Present visiting friends in this vicin- ity. -Doff & Stewart shipped five cars lumber and S. Paul one carload of bogs this week. The Methodist Christmas entertain- ment will id given X m te night and the Presbyterian on Wednesday evening Dec. 21 h. B Ala' schools are busy pre - pairing a good programme. Wear Greer'e Shoes and Rubbers. Get Parnel's Bread at Christie's. - 20% saved on Diamond Rtngs at W. G. Patterson'e. The piece to buy your Xmas pees- euts at Nemec: detain sale. Waage:n-0r 01 General Servant, A.pply 10 Mrs J. W. McKibbon, Centre St„ Wingharn. Bochanan offers for talr•, a fir st eines Jewel Base Bruner, a Pandora Range with high shelf and reservoir uenely new, a Walnut Sidebo led and several other articles of furniture. For Ont Glass and Silverware go to Knox's cleat leg tale. Wouldn't Mother ersjoy a pair of nor ()own» tabe Felt Rouse Slipper's? Remember her at Christmas titne,-W. J. Greer, Fon Sitaii -3 Hanging Lamps, 1 Chandelier with 4lampm, 2 Bedsteads, etc, at 0, N U fitthe residence. 13 15, Anything you want in Jenuary at and below cost at Knox's clearing sale. For °His" Christmas there is nothing Ile would appreciate more than a pair of our handsome Slippers $1 00 to $1.• 50.-W. J. Greer. Clearing sale at Knox's, Every. thing must be sold as owner is 1eavveiry. ng towine' Fst class baled hay and straw al- ways on hated,-Tipling & Mills. Bracelet Watchegfrom $3 to $50 at Patterson's Jewelery Store, For Home Made Candies try Mar. shell's. elpecial order's for any kind of candy attended to promptly. Diamond and Peaels at and below cost at Knox'a cleaving eale, Lennon". Having secnred the agency Inc the Stratford Steatu Laun- dry, we reepeetfully solieit a share of your. patronage. laundry called for and delivered. Phone No. 184 or call at Marehall's 5, 10, 15 and 25 cte, store, Big clearing sale now going on at A. M. Knox's. J. A. Fox, D. 0.. graduate Ohiropi- Actor. ()filce in Knox helve, hack of P. 0, Felt ranee over Preehnlerlan Charch walk, Appendicitie, ()sumer, ()oared, Epilepsy, all Fevere. G titre, slaaliernatism. Heart disease, all Female ets (sutra without Drugs or Surgery. trouble, Deafness, and all other ditwas. Office hours, 2 to 5 p tY1 . 7 p to. 1011 Pendant Neckleta Ithaex's clearing Lugo stock of Pearl Goode and A omuserrico Wehgen-At mice, to learn tailoring. • -Orval To.ylor,M Wo are prepar ed to pay the highest price Inc all kinds of gram delivered at our wrirelionee at Orand Trunk Sta. tion.--Tipling and Mille. Ehonet Grods and Verity Stationery at Kriox'a eleering sports, Closing Of Partnership. All aecounts owing to the late firm of MOS. Field & Co. must b: paid at onee at the old place of business 16 Field Bros, who aro easwinuing the business, and by whom di dzbt-A owing by nos, Field & Co. will b: paid, 20t1, es - Do not delay Christmas Buying. See our Ad. on last one. W ILLISS CO. CHRISTMAS We ars in business in Winghami to help you solve the Christmas Gift Problem. We have 101 ar- ticles suitable for gift's. We Will mention a few. Come in and inspect our stock. Brush and Comb Cases, Manicure Cases, etc., in India Ivory (the new white goods), Sterling Silver and Ebony. tiVdrything new and up to Aate Stationery, in fancy boxes - 50c to $7.50 Chocolates, the very kind she likes -75c to $5.00 Perfumes, all price9-100 to $5.50 Pipes, best values in town ---- 25c to $3.50 Ebony Goods, Military Brushes, Hat, Cloth and Nail Brushes, all prices. Manicure articles and in fact everything that is made in ``Ebony." What about a Camera, $2 to $25, Any article reserved until December 24th On payment el a small deposit. J. W. MoXibbon DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN The Sedre "May your Christmas Joy be as bright as the berries on the Holly Wreath- and your Christmas Mem: ories like the Chrierinas Tree -Ever green !" By the way, what's so suita- ble for Christmas Gifts as good Footwear ? Practical, useful and alwa3s appreciated. Our Christmas Footwear is on display and the showing is fine. It's well wort9 seeing. We'll make any exchanges de- sired after Christmas. Come, see our Christmas spread. W. J. Greer THE SHOE MAN AMIN . eveleasmilseenswonsekeemimelee- " Coal that is Dirt Cheap May be Dirt but Never Cheap The best is always the cheap- est, se why waste time and money experimenting with cheap coal when you can get Genuine D.L.&W. Scranton Tho best of the best by actual test J. A McLean • Lumber, Coal and Wood 1.1111.6, JOHNSTON'S PRESSINO PARLORS Pressing, Dry Dleaning and Altering promptly attended to SUITS CALLED FOR AND RETURNED Shop ono door north of Patterson's jewelry store Ws dent aft aolatAnt :W6 1‘66*6. tet raleYeab.