HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-11, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913 Worthy of the world's best music To most of us the chance to hear human playing of good music comes infrequently. Only in the great cities are the appetites of the music -hungry satisfied. Even then one can hear but a small part of all the worth while concerts. Fortunately for those who love the masters of the past, and who 'have the judgment to recognize in present day composers the masters of the future, there is the Edison Phonograph, It is worthy of Wagner, of 1 Bach, of Puccini. The clear, sweet tone, remarkable in its purity, is simply a transla- S- W`r� tion of human music into your own home. Unless you have heard the newest Edisons, you have no conception of their wonderful mellow quality. You never realized that such beauty could be applied to sound. Ask your Edison dealer to play one of the Blue Amberol Records—then you will know that the whole world of good music —past and present—is open to you. TRADE MARK' p�vgl t� W & VVVaw. 't EdisonAmberolaI Has Diamond -Point Repro- ducer, double spring motor. worm gear drive and auto- matic stop. Beautifully de- signed in maho any,Circasaian walnut and oak. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will ;pe found at DAVIT) BELL •,..••...••....••.••OE4... 4496••A••0446••••••••••••••• • ••• • * s, T M,: 1.J • • • • A • • In Favor of • In Advance $800.00 Voting Contest Good for IO Viotes • • NAME . .4 • ADDRESS 4 • This Ballot is not good after Dec. 18 Cut this out, send or mt,i1 to the Advance Office, made out in favor i of your favorite candidate. With subscription to Wingham advance or Canadian Country- e • plan -good for 00 votes. With subscriptions to both Advance and • Canadian Countryman -good for 110 votes -in additieu to'regular • ottoting valves. o ...see'..e....o.00..eoe eoaeser•o.•004••..•..ao•.000 <>440 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O 0 O O O O O O 0 O 0 0 O O 000 as 00•••• >.<06•••0 ••OOc:O•00•00•0000••••p Flour and eed Sale. Having ,disposed of my Flour and Feed business to Messrs. Howson & f3rocklebank, T offer my entire stock of Flour, Feed, Grain of all kinds, etc, etc., at closest prices to clear out ail possible stock by Dec. 3oth. I may say I have a large stock of seeds that we will sell in the same man- ner. This opportunity to get Flour and Feed and Seeds at prices which we shill give is an excep- tional offering to both town and country customers. We wi,l conduct th:s sale on strictly Cash basis and positively No Credit will be given during the time of sale. We will accept grain of- any kind in exchange for Flour, Cereals or Seeds. All accounts owing me must be settled at once either by cash or note. ••O J. L. AWDE 00000000000.0000 000000 00000 O 0 O O 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 O O O O 0 O� O O 000 O O 0 O O O O 41' s 1 1 1 1 ► ► 1 1i 1 4, ► ► ► ! ► give you entire ' ! guaranteed to `SUPREME' 4 4 4- 4. 4 Now is the time to sce about that new Range. A Range that will It satisfaction. It is save 50 per cent. in fuel„ and better results. give ► This Range is d ffe:ent in construcbion from any others and while the old time makes of stoves and ranges bake from the top the Supreme bakes from the bottom. Every Range given on thirty day' trial. If you are not perfectly satisfied it does not cost anything to make tins trit.l. Alex. Young SOLE AGENT .. WINOI-IAM 6 T H 1 I . ,4 N VI U A M ADVANCE Letter Front California, To the le'l for Dear Friend :,r Agreeably to my promise, I drop you herewtth a few lines from luuther•n California, from which you may select such paragraphs. as yutl judge will be of interest to your readers. The Advance reaches as regularly and keeps us in touch with the duingein, our former home town, Our bungalow is completed and we are now occupying it, and hope soon to get stented once more ; some of our goods packed last May were not open- ed until Nov, 10 The writer has hed a times time 'fur the past three months, overseeing the building of our Oali• fornia buugalow, erecting poultry houses, grading around the house, and getting the garden started, we have put in ten hours a day faithful work in the "out-of-doors." Was I tired? Yes, rather; but always ready for meals and sleep well, The insomnia that troubled the ex -editor is dis- appearing, and the healthful atmos- phere of the fuot•hills is delightful. Mrs. Hall is also better than she was, though not altogether free from the asthma. The rest of the family are well. The J. Herbert Hall Co, has a magnificent etore in their new location, and on Saturday last held their formai "opening". Several thou- sand people visited the store, to hear the orchestra., look at the immense stock tastefully arranged, and see the floral decorations sent by wholesale Arms in New York, Sets 1't•anol ec', and other places. The other jewellers of the city sent a pretty decoration inscribed "Success." Walter T. Hall is Secretary -Treasurer of the Co , while Earl is making himself useful in many•ways as he begins to climb the ladder of business in a large city. Pardon the writer Mr. Editor for so touch of personal reference, but pos. sibly the many readers of the Advance may be interested in knowing how we are situated. Our bungalow has seven rooms, spacious porches ; bookcases, buffet, linen and kitchen cupboards are all "built-in", saving the purchase of mach furniture. We have phone, mail and daily paper delivery, electric light, but as yet have not the con- venience of city gas. For 000kiog pu^poses, we u -e distillate, which after it has burned a couple of nnintees emits a pretty, hot blue fl tme. We like it very much. It costs seven (7) cents a gallon delivered in 59 gallon lots. That goantit.y will last an ordin- ary family from four to six week, according to the cooking recs.-deed, so tbat it is a cheap fuel, Electric light, ie five cents per kilu:v.>,tt, from either the L•lison or the City plant, which 1- cheap light, and no charge for metre. When a bulbegoes "dead", the city will replace it on presentation of the useless one. We found some eu aLy. pais trees on our ranch and these furnish ue with winter's wool for heating stove and fireplace. So we are very comfortable and surrounded with convenience"'. Our ranch of orange, apricots and peaches comprises about seven acres, situated just at the city limits. It is composed of 32 lots, two of which are within the` city boundaries, and we are about 2e miles from the civic 'centre, with car•line 20 minute service three blocks distant. O.1 one side of our ranch •t beautifully paved street terminate, and at the other end, the country 1aselevard (a, magnificent road* way) ps ses. It is daily thronged with aatorn `tiles. 0 re evening, I counted twet•ty within the length of a block. W 'see located near the mountains,. r just across the "Arroyo" (meaning 1 ,r river -bed) is one range, probably u tlf•a-mile to the west. To the north, is another range from one to two miles distant, and between these lies rhe beautiful La Canada valley (accent on the "ad" in Canada). To the south east lies the flourishing city of Pasts dena, and beyond. that, Les Angeles and the Pacific ocean. Our ranch is on the records as "Vista. Grand" mean- ing "grand view", Mount Leese with its Observatory and incline railway i' clearly, visible, and sorne nights we come within sweep of its powerful search -light. Even at the risk of wearying your typesetters and readers, I may Bay that although we have only made our tlrst attempt at gardening in this Ilimate,'where operations differ from eastern methods, we are getting on fairly well. We are now using green onions, radishes, lettuce, etc , and our garden peas are very promising Potatoes here in Ostober and Feb' te ary i' b'tr- ary ; we missed the 0;tober planting by not being ready, bus will catch the next planting. On November 15 h. 1 set out cabba.gs planta; and my heigb- bor sowed hie barley the next week, Green vegetables can be had all the year round. Property in this section just outside the city limits is held, at high value. tion, and those who have resided here for years, predict additional advance in values, and the city's growth will naturally tend in this direction, The first rain of the season fell N rv. 1st, and another on the 120h, and as we write, rain is again falling. These rains delight the hearts of the people, and already after the rainless summer, vegetation is taking on new l.f.e, Orange and lemon trees ore throwing otrt'an 'abundance of new Bhootei, for fruit bearing next' season, That naval oranges mature In .December and trees are wall loaded. Near our Ritchie door in an orange tree with abund mai- d goad fruit, and it is also dratted with the fragrant orenge blosco:n• Roses are beginning to Motu alma dantly, and within a few weeks :s ;nth ern 0alifotnfa will look its pre+ttie,f. and gardens ‘1' .be bowers of lbsattry rr sly i5' ,fit .i,"x, , '4 ire California. As an index, the building permits issued in Los Angeles front Jan, 1 to St pt. 30, 1913, numbered 12,- 774 for buildings valued at $20,583,203. Pasadena is sharing in the general development, The latest assestet:lent of Pasadena is $$1,51•1,221; adding pro• pert value exempt, would bring It up to $100,000,000 mark, With the open- ing of the Panama Canal, even more rapid development is predicted. For the information of your readere, here are a few facts gleaned from Crest -worthy sources, that show the wonderful productiveness of Southern California. The, citrus trees are - 01 engete L onons and Gr'ape-fend. Deciduous t resew (those that shed their leaves) are peach, pear, apples, etc, The country of San Bernardino alone bast 77,379 acres of fruit•bearing trees; of these, 43,355 acres are citrus trees. For the season °commencing Nov. 1, 40- 000 cars of deciduous fruits were shipp- ed and the deciduous fruit crop of the whole' State is valued at $18,000,000. From Diouba, in the San Joaquin val- ley, in Sept. fast, there were shipped • 10,781 tone of raisins, and the estimat- ed ehipments for October were 25,000 tons. Of walnuts, the State Grower's Association place the crop at $3,000,000 At Brawley, in the Imperial Valley, the honey shipped is placed at 3,040 carloads. I wish I could picture to you, Mr, Editor, some of California's gorgeous sun sets', but it would require an artist to depict them, and a more gifted pen than mine to describe them, so I will not attempt the impossible. Among the many adyentages cf California aro the"°splendid° country' roads. , They are really a necessity, as automobile travel is enormous, For hundreds pf miles one may travel on them. Tile State, or at least, this por- tion of it, is a net -work of electric roads, One day recently, just as the writer was clothed in his working suit, and scarcely "presentable," we noticed an auto coming up the lane to our bunga- low. We were delighted to welcome Dc. and Mrs. Towler and Miss Lou Lloyd, formerly of Wingham. They had come from Los Angeles to call on us and extend an invitation for us to visit them at an early date. All are looking well, and gave us a cordial welcome to their sunny clime. Now ) must really "put on the: brakes." We have not forgotten our farmer pleasant association r in the good Town of ,Wingham, and the rainy friendships formed there, We regret to note the passing away of former acqu tintancea, bat the "It 'ap- er" is always busy. I should have written m my friends personally, but the busy summer pre vented. Wisbing the Advar.c-', its edit n• and staff, and all our old friends the fullest measure of success, I am Yours tt uly, Then. Hall. 1l .. . Orrin fir Drink Habit TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE. We are in earnest when we ask you to give Ocrine a trial. You have noth- ing to rink and everything to gain, for your money will be returned if after a trial you fail to get results from OR RIVI'+., This offer gives the wives and mothers of those who drink to excess an opportunity to try the ORRINE, treatment, It is a very simple treat- ment, can be given in the home with- out publicity or lose of time from busi. Hess and at a small price, ORRINE is prepared in two forms : ..N". 1. secret treatment, a powder; ORRINE No. 2, in pill form. for those who der -ire to take voluntary treat- ment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come in and talk over the matter with us. Ask for booklet. J, W. MCKibbon, dr uggist. • Ll. 11 Wanted A Certain shade Of Blue. The Crate Fattening of PoultrY. Practical experience has shows" that crate feedlog to not only a very satire factory but also an economical method of fattening poultry. The saving in the amount of feed rtquired to pro- duce one pound of gaits is write mark- ed, and the feeder is enabled to obeerve to greater advantage the progress being made by individual birds. lie can also, if necessary curtail the dura- tion of the feeding period in the case of birds which have attained their maxiume weight and ate ready to be pieced in the flniething crate. Crate fattening cannot with Euceets be carried . on in a haphazard way. The feeder requires to understand the principles of what he is at and to give the necessary attention to the details of his work. In order to teach the proper method of feeding poultry in crates the Life Stock Commissioner at Ottawa has had prepared a seasonable illustrated pamphlet on the subject BALD AT 35 Kill the Germs; Nourish the Bair Roots and You'll Never Grow Bald—Use Parisian Sage. It'd your own fault if you grow bald at 35 ast housands of men do --yes 1 and women also. If you have dandruff it Ai/manse .•iI : efnit< ; lready de- vouring the very Irfe of the hair at its roots. Kill these germs with Parisian Sage and stop dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair in two weeks. IL's guaranteed, you know, this de- lightful and refreshing Parisian Sage that is now sold all over Canada, and If it does not prove better than any other hair tonic you ever used, get your money back. It puts life and .beauty into dull faded hair. Large bottle at J. W. McKibbons and drug- gists everywhere. Regular price 50e, As proof that the clerk's lot "is not an 'appy one," the Manhattan Nation- alist quotes a shopper as saying: "Something in plain taffeta, please. I don't want anything as dark as navy blue, nor anything al light as Cam- rilge btu s, but samsthing darker. than Eton blue and a little off from electric blue, and not a sky bele or laboratclty blue, m ere like a robin's egg blue and yet not so light, but not an 1adia or Wilson blue, but sorine- thing like this new tint pearly blue. I think they call it morning glory blue, which is something like a tur• g toise blue or copenhagtn blue, but no quite so light as that ; not quite so dark as this new ultramarine blue or Rickitts blue, or so light as baby ..blue. New, If you have anything in the eh tee of blue. I !save detcribol, sh see is to me." The intelligent salesman, a"ter consulting with Charlie, enrolled a length of Bilk which was a at oss be- tween the blue devil and the deep blue sea, with the rem tt k :"This is the shade of blue you require, matbm. It is called London milk," After giv- ing her the blue desired and bidding her a royal blue farewell, the stoma blew over. A gentleman who conducts a Iarge wholesale business once remarked that his experience wi'h once boys could be summed up as,"hired--Tired--Fir- ed." "And now, my good man," sail the l,ttvyer, "will you be good enough to tell the court how the stairs rnn in the house ?" The (lertnan looked dazed and un- settled for a moment. "flow do the stairs run P'' he (liveried. "'Yes, how slit the etairs 1 m, P'' "V ell, runtime -A, ►' e witness, after a n.'m•nt'e thought, "ven I ant opt. ierere aen r hi 1r aa.l. II4^y,Il.it5kilt 5, .1d IN >it.t l "FAGGED-QUT" WOMEN Will Find Help in This Letter, Overworked, run dawn, "ragged out" women who feel as though they could hardly drag about, should profit by Mrs. Drill's experience. She says: "I was in a very weak, run-down condition, Life was not worth living, I could not sleep, was very nervous, stomach had, and wars not able to work. "I consulted with one or two Bhp: eicians, without benefit. I read of Vinol helping some one in a similar condition so I began to take it, and it simply did wonders for nte. I gained ins weight and I am now in better health and stronger than ever. I can not find words enough to praise Vinol,"—Mrs, W. H. Brill, Racine, Wis. Thousands of women and men who were formerly weak and sickly owe their present rugged health to the wonderful strength creating effects of Vinol. We guarantee Vinol to build you up and make you strong. If it does not we give bank your money. J, Walton MclCibbon, Druggist, Wingham which explains clearly the construct- ion of a fattening crate, the con }titu- ents and preparation of proper rations, the method of feeding, killing and dressing birds and information regard - packing for market, The work which is designated Pamphlet No. 2 of the Live Stock Branch is available to all who apply for it while the edition lasts to the Publications Branch of the De- partment of Agriculture at Ottawa, She had written on the blackboard the sentence, "The toasb was drank in silence," and turned to her class for them to discover the mistake. Little Bennie Sheridan waved his band frantically, and going to the board scrawled the correction : "The toast was eaten in silence," r THE DOMINION BANK 51R EDMUND B. OSLER M.P., PRESIDENT, W. D. MATTHEWS, VIDE -"RESIDENT. 0. A. BOGERT, General Manager._ Do Your Banking By Mail if you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank. Deposits may be made—cash withdrawn—or any other Banking Business may be transacted by mail, just as easily as though one made a special trip to town for the purpose. A Sayings Account may be opened in the name of two persons —man and wife, or tvio members of a family—so that either one can deposit and withdraw money from the same account. WINGHAM BRANCH : R1: EVANS, Manager. 4�++. ;44w,ia*n+N.d�re i,d,ms�'att±.e4d Olt, P!41'.. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN GREAT VARIETY AT ISARD'S LADIES' WEAR STORE Great display of useful Christmas Gifts for Ladies, Misses and Children, Make your selections early, while stock is complete. STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT Silk waists, silk belts, lace collars, cuff and collar sets, fancy frilling, ladies' silk um- brellas, dressing sacques, kimonas, dollars, handkerchiefs—fancy embroidered or in- itialed, sweater coats, motor scarfs, back combs, side combs, barretts, hair bands, bags, pulses, satin underskirts, fancy silks, mufflers, ribbons, kid gloves. Furs of. all kinds at special Christmas Prices. VACUUM CLEANERS. --What better or more useful present for the home than a Vacuum Cleaner. We have both hand and electric cleaners in stock. The "Cadillac" does the work thoroughly, it combines all the uses of the carpet sweeper and vacuum cleaner in one operation. Our cut price and Christmas Bargain will be $I0.00 for this guaranteed hand cleaner. MEN'S WEAR STORE A store full of useful Christmas Presents for Men and Boys. Silk ties, handkerchiefs, gloves, silk muf- flers, braces in fancy boxes,' armbands, garters, cuff links, sweater coats, hockey caps, hockey shoes, fancy slippers, um- brellas, fancy socks, fur lined gloves, collar boxes, fur caps, fur lined coats, fur coats. WANTED. Large quantities of Fowl, Butter, ,Eggs and Dried Apples. Highest prices paid. Isard & Co. NITITITTIMIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIitlttMITTIM E BREAD BREAJ:_.----- .� BREAD _.-----...--- w i►�..1.. . -- ... ..., _. Eat more bread ; eat it every meal ; lb is the moat �u can eat ; it is the cheapest food7-1 • -,,4 ▪ you can eat. . 1 .▪ .r Flt iscbman's Yeast. But be sure you get the best bread. Get Carter's new Home Made Bread, made with Delivered to all parts of the town daily. _ CARTER'S BAKERY PHONE 1132. �tllllltllllltllllllliliillillii1111itliltlli111111111111111ilillliltl��fi yAyJyrt..,,. n Rin, 6n4 1„NL„. rr -- N4 49. 0 f lesPropriefaryorPetal &Seineed. AVegetable Preparation fortis•• simulating Iheeoodandlecqular- flag lheSlemrchsatld lloweisor ii Promotes Digestion Cheerful ness and Rest.ContalnSiteilltcr 0 iunt.Morpltitte norMineral.. NOT NAltC OTIC, b!•ripe ni'Ojrlllc�P/I i71F�! Annpfin Seed' 4LA.Seniat + Anfellc8dls- did saStrd + �rnetdd+ aN Nbrtr.S'eidt,7� '. iledJira • Aperfect Remedy fotCConslipa- lion. SourStomach,uiarrhoeal Worms,Convulsions,Feverish• nest and LOSS or'Sinn fe Simile Signatareof 'Mt ONTAURe0MPAXY. MON1'Ri3AL&NEW YOdtit For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of i�.�i>:iii�i it:�►ear:i►:wii�►:i►�i►:ii:ice:�ii:�iriiiY, 4» G ,t, OA ! j)'riii i►:i Ip 1p 1`1G Me. let ►iG IAS :1G :1. iAs :1G :1G sA. .1G }, We have just received another shipment of this ware and wish to draw the attention of the ladies :lG `r; to the quality of this ware. IAS ►1G It will not chip like Graniteware or burn. It is light and easily kept clean. a'? "Try it and you will always buy it.” :1G ►1G 4r. JIG 11,: GENERAL HARDWARE AND COAL MERCHANT. 31G Phone 27. RI rl'+1,Y 4Yfr Mi�,►1�4 fr 4», ,Yfr 4»Y'i►ice, 5 4»ii�.rl�hlr►?l►iG►1GY,11►`i5 4i. 4,Y 4Yfr ,ts ►1� !•�p'a4T IA'q'1A�1A'A5«5A5«5q�IASq�IA>•tp«5«5IASA5g5OAS454545IAS OAKVILLE Pure Alumnium Ware .IG a. 1G .1G �l. :1G a1!• egg "Will out -ware any Ware." .ra IAS ►1G :1G .t. :G :G p• Ply .G * *,rfr :1G is RAE & THOMPSON OSTE RMOOR MATTRESSES They need no word of commendationfrom tis. In Use dor Over Thirty Years CASTORI 4"711 CRNfAUI, 3CMPANY, NOM ',-,,s't CITY. Brass, Wood and Iron Beds Furniture of all kinds. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night phone 135. Day phone 51