HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-11, Page 44
Most Compiete
Stock ,of Holiday =�
Goods in Wingham
Everything in the Fur
line for Ladies, Men
and Children.
Fur coats, fur lined
coats, fur trimmed
coats, caps, gauntlets,
muffs, stoles, ties, col-
lars, etc.
We have made special preparations for
Xmas businet:e and are now in position
to serve the public to best advantage.
Gents' Collars
Fancy Shirts
Plain Shirts
We are .looking for the largest
Fall business in our history. We
cannot explain to you how ready
we are, because there is SQ much.
to tell, so many lines to deal with
that space will not permit, but
come and see.
Overcoats and Suits.
•A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats. 15o to select from.
Sweater ° Coats
For Meir, Women and Children, all at moderate
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.
The Shoe section is now in first-class shape. Many
new fall lines have been added this week. We
buy no seconds in Rubbers. We keep none but
the best.
Blankets and Comforters.
We have a large stock of Flannelette Sheets,
1 l x4 and l: 2x4, at the old prices. A splendid stock
of Wool Blankets, in all qualities and sizes. Special
value in Comforters.
We sell Royal Household, Robin . Hood, Golden
City and Universal, all give the best of satisfaction.
Also have Bran, Shorts and Feed.
Phone 89
J. A. Mills
(Successor to T. A. MILLS)
Hoose Coats
Bath Robes
Fancy Cravats
Arm Bands
ing Bros.
Our Clothing Department
ftffotdy 1(j one of the hest ppm -
tunitiey fur chuo,mg useful Chr'i.5t-
mss presents,
For Children ..Nuthiug nicer
than fine walla coats for the boys
and girls. Protect them from the
,den's and Boys' CI"othing.
Special attention have we paid
in collecting these suits and over-
coats, and can show you every-
thing thsit is up-to-date. Exclu-
sive styles
shill 11:'' feet '1 i rk11)'.n-
Very neat and
of first quality
are the gloves
we sell. All
Men's, Wo-
men's a n d
Children's in
staple a n d
fancy shades.
Fancy Linens, Handkerchiefs, Hand Bags, Beauty Pins, Silk Hosiery, Needle Cases,
Silk Dress Ends, Priestley's Dress Goods, Waistings, Plain and Fancy Ribbons, Mitts,
Gloves, Etc , Etc.
$7,000.00 Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Cut
Glass, Jewelry, Silver-
ware, Leather Goods,
Ladies' and Gents' Um-
brellas, Wall o Paper,
Stationery, Window
Shades, Fancy' Goods,
Etc., to be sold at and
below Cost as owner
is leaving town.
Everything must me sold.
Sale starts on. Thursday,
December 4th.
A. M. Knox
FARM E RS. -Wer,;want large quantities
Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers,
Beans. Highest prices, cash or trade.
rests with you. The cutting and making with us.
If you are as well pleased with your choice as
you'll be with the style, fit and finish of our work,
mutual satisfaction will result. Our
•_ ., . Q'' : 1I TI'B^I AUtG I J_,
High Grade Tailoring. I
with . the approval of stylish dressers and
our, prices please the economical.
Ladies' and bents' . Tailor.
Music Emporium
Wifgham - * Ont.'
Carries a complete line of High Grade Musical Instruments
of every description.
Pia}ser Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Phono-
graphs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed Instruments of all
kinds ; Violir:s a specialty ; Sewing Machines, Canadian
and American.
We wish to impress you with the fact that we will sell you anything
that procluoes tnuaio,at prides awl terms to suit the purchaser.
Anyone intending to purchase a Plano should oonsider well before
purchasing froth travelling agents. We are here permanently and you
see ti 0 itatrument you ate buying, Give us a chance to compare.
Two Stores. Opposite Skating. Rink, North End.
L. ,P'hone 2. P. O. lox 1-56.
The following is Wingbant Public
School report for November :--
Dept. 1 -Total 300. -Neil McLean
227, Edna Scot 214, George Allen 208,.
Irene Hewer 200, Viola Schaefer 102,
Cameron McTavish 188, John Ni,holle
182, Vera Davidson 181, Noal Drum-
mond 180, Annie Davidson 177, Archie
Williamson 173 Jean Ohr•1stiti 105
Hrruh Angie.Angie.105, Winnie Walker 161
O .elle Smut. 102, Ks,rhleer, Mills 158.
A, lee Hit bar 158, Ha vey D nnle 158.
' Physlris Johns 153, Howard McDonald
158, Jennie Scot 140, L' attie Zurbrigge
145, Ruby Hewer, 143 R ry Forsythe
143, Lizzie Currie 143, Jirn Soli 142
Jean Currie 141, 8 trnh McLean 130
Ella Cook 138, Vera Stricker 137, M
guerite,Piper 130. Teddy Murch 131,
Olair Crawford 138, Charlie Isard 133,
Cecil Abgie 132, Fred Sturdy 131,
Frank Robertson 120, Willie Dear 119,
Harold Mann 110, Annie B.sker 110,
Earle Huffman 39.
Dept. II -Examined in Arith , Geo,,
Spelt. and Lirerature. Toral 307.-
11 Atcheson 287, FI Angus 280, S Beown
280 T ..grove 28). J O rsh- .n 276 II,
Anderson 270 J 1) ell- 233 1 L •••k
Bridge 208, t) 13 os 267, L Jarvis 230
P Joynt 202, G Fr•yfogle 257, 0 Adams
256, M Coultes 254, M Allen 241, V
Hamilton 240, M Passmore 209, A Im-
lay 230, E Angus 231, E Dobie 228, L
Sturdy 221, 0 Merkley 218, R Smith
218, M Robertson 218, 0 Wild 210. 9
Robinson 212, E Bloomfield 200, F
Hinscliffe 209, 9 Bell 201, J Saint 107,
0 Lloyd 193, M Irivin 182, E Johnston
181, A Kennedy 108, N Irwin 108, 0
Pocock 167, T Sanderson 157, K Nichol
159. 0 Baker, M It .bertson, J Dobie,
H Atcheson and V Hamilton perfect
in Spelling through the month,
Senior Section -A Thomas 727, M
Walker 715, A Vtcaers 669, C Hardy
658, A Williamspn 656, 0 Hutton 019
0 Bell 629, G Cruikshank 019, J David-
son 616, L Oasemore 600, A Taylor 598,
A Galbraith 582, H Hamilton 574, 13
Showers 551, W Currie 552, V Johnston
522, H Gannet 491, W Alt cheson 318,
G Scott 271.
Junior Section -M Robertson 606;
K Wilkinson 598, E Rintoul 597, M
Reid 595, H Huffman 590, 0 Robertson
590, I Reid 5.10, A Blackhall 506, 0
Pocock 495, J Lutton 492, J Allen 471,
O Dickson 430, V Hill 425, B Stevens
422, I Dry 391, M Walker 305 I Sim-
mons 272, R Sanderson 261, M Dalg-
eish 255, W IcNevin 141.
Form 4 -Sr. Saation. Total 766 -
J Vanstone 703, D Fells 691, E Kew
077, 0 Zarbrigg 008 E. R.cker 60),
Laura Ellacott 058, D,Lynett 049, 11
Mills 640, N. Varey 633, A Anderson
020, V Joynt 610, 5 Donaldson 601, M
Oarruth 579, M Johns 578, A Sturdy
532, F Spading 515, K Hutton 525, E
Hart 412,
Form 4 -Jr. Section, Total 780.-
A Baird 675, A Munro 011, 11 Wilson
Q27, D Perrie 021, N Boardman 607, L
Johnson a8I, C Hingston 561, W
Angus 538, W Ellacott 520, J Ard 442,
O Henderson 411, F Piper 430, I Bell
423, V Forler 424, R Williams 419, R
Barrett 403, N Morden 376.
D 'pt, 5 -Total 450. Sr. class. -M
Oosens 435, G Fixter 421, M Redmond
mond 418, F Frost 417, N Ieard 413, D
Piper 409, M Vanstone 408, M Dennis
399, L Compbell 307, S Harrison 393,
A Scott 387, R Ola.. k 337, A Gould 376,
A. Irwin 371, 9 R ibinson 370, A Brown
353, E Wild 317, K Donaldson 336, N
Olark 327, L Berl 301 H Williams 299,
M French 125..
Dist. 5 -Total 450. Jr. class, -M
Pilon 429, A Forgie 427, G Bowers 421,
S Frost 417, G Bisbee 415, 0 Hinscl fie
41?, W Brooks 410, E Stevens 401, E
Gibson 397, F Pocock 303, V Amsbury
389, 0 Mawn 330. W Mann 303, B
Irwin 307, 0 Dobie 365,E Rogers 301,
O Casemore 357, L Sanderson 354, E
Taylor 339, A Williams 327, 0 Hood
210, 0 Lockman 208, A Carruth 201, D
Oloakey 197.
Dept. 6. Total 356, -Sr. class. -C
Cruickshank 356, I Lutton 355, A
Brown 354, E Varey 353, E Cureie 353,
F Aldington 352, J Johnston 351, G
Simmons 350, 0 Cooke 340, W Locker-
idge 314, G McTavish 343, V Robinson
337, R Holloway 335, L Zurbrigg 332,
✓ Bell 327, F Vickers 319, G Gibson
318, M Angus 300, 0 Boyce 290, J
Hayles 282, B Boardman 230, J Case -
more 205, H Aldington 105, D Thomas
Dept. 0 -Jr. class. Total 360.-V
Robertsou 300, L Kayser 300, K Monro
364, L Hanna 303, K Cruickshank 302
M Hendrikz 301, A Williamson 360, 8
Hutton 356, V Dennis 351, M Shaefer
350, P Allcorn 350, 13 Joint 319, 0
Benne 311, L Holmes 333, 9 Page
331, It McLeod 331, B Coutts 329, M
Holloway 323, W Sturdy 304, D Levis
200, J Carr 292, M Srratton 278, 0
Donaldson 253, W Clarke 230, 0
[lardy 230, 0 Arde 232, 11 Aitcheson
102, A Oloakey 138, J Cooke 40.
Div, VII - 4th Class, Aggregate
875-J Carruthers 875, 0 Pattison 775,
T Stricker 740, D L'oyd 740, W 13 tiley
600, 0 Tennant 680, 1i Nieholson 639,
0 Shywers 580, 13 Forgte 470 W Mark.
ley 405, M Holmes 410, r Bell 405, M
Hill 405, G Simmonds 370, E Lynett
3rd Class -Aggregate 750--11 Oaslick
740, 13' hart 070, 13 Amesbury 010, L
Flicks` 570, M Hendrtekz 630, A Pieta
505 B Dobie 505, 13 Blackball 985, 13
Jarvis 480, A Doyle 905, K Carter 455,
W Kew +370, I Aldington 1370, M Swan.
son 350, M Tennant 810, T Isird 205,
Sanderson Z9 'I'Saintl5ii M Fells GIS 0, 1 30,
2nd Cl;es -•-A Corbett, 11 Fixter, f.
Bennett, 11 Wildea, P Piton, it Xtwln,
1 Eliacotte, 1.•' Page, F Angus, it Carr,
M Vansickle, 11 Wicker,, 0 Dickson, 13
Williams, 0 Louttit, li Wolfe, V Fite
lag, W Boost G Witt, 113 Thornton,
Hair often continues to live wad
grow long after the death of the body.
But it is often killed through neglect
or misuse. Almost always the woman
or man whose hair is falling out, or is
Stringy, lifeless and dull -looking, is
entirely to blame because of not.
giving it the proper care. It is easy to
take care of the hair -easy to make !t
more beautiful. UNP B errs,' rev Harr
tietutifier, 1 soak.. ,• el.,.ny, h.,tt nr,d
.rtky, and Rio w'.ny Sbatnp•ro to keep
hair and scalp thoroughly clean.
Harmony Nair Bi -:sniffler, delight-
fully peifumeei with true rose, is very
easy to apply -simply sprinkle a little
' on your hair each time before brush -
lug it. It contains no oil, and will
not change the color of the hair, nor
der ken gray. '
To keep your hair and. scalp dan-
druff -free and clean, use Harmony
Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo
is most convenient to use, giving an
instantaneous rich, foaming lather
that immediately penetrates to every
part of the hair and scalp, insuring a
'quick and thorough cleansing. It is
washed off just as quickly, the entire
operation taking only a few moments,
Contains nothing that can harm the
hair, and leaves no harshness or sticki-
ness -junk a sweet cleanliness,
Both preparations come in odd -
*h Ted, very ornamental bottlsw, with
ap,t,,kier tops Harmony Hair Beauti-
fier•, $1 Harmony Shampoo, 50e.
B ,th guaranteed to satisfy you in
every way, or your money back.
Sold in this community only at our
store -The Rexall Store -one of the
more than 7,000 leading drug stores of
the United States, Canada and Great
Britain, which own the big Harmony
laboratories, Toronto, where the cele-
brated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet
Preparations are made. J. W. Me-
Kibbon, druggist, Wingham, Ont,
Still Follow The Flag.
And still follow the Hag in peace and
in war,
The soldiers delight and brave British
Tar ;
All rush to the standard on sea and
the land,
In victory still foremost beneath it
that stand ;
And love• still' the banner wherever
they roam
That shield from oppression, and
pride of the home ;
Sweet liberty's motto where Slavery
Releasing from bondage, the old
British flag.
The Standard of freedom on land and
the sea,
Releasing the prisoner the captive set
free ;
Where its folds that unfurl on moun-
tain or plain,
And that show to the world all free-
dom maintain ;
Still the dread of all nations that
wherever seen,
And that show to the world all free-
dom maintain ;
And hope for the heathen where ido's
have bsen ;
Still loved by the Saxon, the Celt of it
The floating old banner, the dear
British flag.
In the east°and the west alike the dis-
And of nos th'and the south its beauty
On Rockies and prairies the fold they
are seen,
Where wild beast and Indian -lately
have been,
The peace loving banner san people
admire ;
Beneath its protection the heartfelt
desire ;
Where that man ever trod, or roam
the wild stag,
Now find there erected the old British
fl .g.
No power that humble over foe it is
Which that of all nations for ever still
The rose and the thistle, and shamrock
still green, ,„
Still pride of all Britons and ever has .,,
been ;
And loved by the rover wherever they
Of plain and the forest and high well-
ing sea ;
The Canadiansj ry, and love of to brag,
Tho flaunting old banner, the dear
British fl lg.
With leaf of the maple, the rose that
While shamrock and thistle in Union
combine ;
In progress cemented and liberty's
Dignity upholding of Scriptural laws;
That whore man ever dwelt upon the
green earth,
Still shielding the booty, and honour at
death ;
And pride of our country Canadian
that brag,
Of homes' dear protection, the old
British Flag,
It,bert Graham, Lucknow, Ont,
Rheuma Purities the Blood and
Throws off Complicating Diseases,
Weakening of the blood tissues by
continued attacks of Rheumatism
affects the heart and producers romnli-
cations which result fatally. Rill+tJ
MA puts the blood in condition to
ward rdi: other diseases and eradicates
Rheumatic conditions froth the whole
sysatc,tn. Recommended for all touts
of B otttnatism, 50 cents at .i. W. Ale -
Ribbons, This letter will convince
you of its great value:
"Per 0 weeks I was unable to work
'owing to my feet being badly swollen
from Rheumatism. 1 also suffered
severe ttrre In the hack After int{
moo " "ai g.BPILA, thit tp i-