HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-11, Page 3TIIURSDAY, DECEMflik I1, 1<)13 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Winter Term from Ja 8th CENTRAL ed.,,, $Ti3ATFO fi D,. Ontario's boat Business Training School' S We have thorough coursoa in Commcr- j mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partments and nine competent instructors. Wo offer you advantages not ell:end else- where You do not know wl at an up.to- dtte business school can do for you unless you have received our free catalogue. Write for it at of co. D. A. McLACBLAR Principal 3. F I.« ,., - 1-s'-7='•:5 -.. .... .4.o... :it:.r6e. eaHA., 4,1 1/ 1 Capital Paid Up $3,000,000. Reserve AA $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $48,000,000. Your Present Salary. yOU once earned a smaller salary than you are now getting, and managed well enough. You alio ejeytd about as' many pleasures. Have 3 t u ever comidertd hew mirth the diff. rt nee between what you are making now and what o rr wages were then wou'd amount to in a few year e if deposited at interest with this bank? Make up your mind to save a certain part of your salary and deposit that a- mouLt esoh pay day in this bank, where it will earn the highest current interest. One dollar will open an account. C. P. SMITH AGENT - WINGHAM 13USINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y, M. C. A.. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in. session front Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free: Entcr any time. J.W. Westervelt J. VT. Westervelt, Jr. Principal +7Charvtee dAe-Pncountantipal ,, BELL'S GROCERY Vegetables Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed Prompt Delivery. . Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson RAILWAY TIME -TABLE Trains Icavc Wioghanl stations daily as follows r G. T. R.o TO TORONTO and Intermediate ,Points:—Passenger, 6 45 ram ; passen- ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p,m.. TO LONDON:—Passenger 6,35 a, m, ; passenger, 3 80 p in. TO KINCARDINE : — Passenger, 11 59 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 9.15 p.m. C. P. P. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points:—Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen- ger 3.05 p.m. . TO TEESWATER : — Passenger, 12.50 p.m. ; passenger, 10.32 p.m. Siam N. G Shari l 1 • FURS: We manufacture all kinds of _ Fur Garments and can sell sets of - Furs from $5.00 to $15.00 cheaper than any other place. The genuine stuff. All furs guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Old Furs repaired to newest styles. Highest prices paid for Raw Furs. Joseph Graf _ FORMOSA - 1 1 Or a e . ,i. =GO Oil Stoves Lawn Mowers Hose and Hose Reels We specialize in Plumbing and heating. W. J. BOVC[ Domestic, Sanitary and Ileating Engineer Here's A Friend Indeed Constipation Is the bane of old age—harsh cathartics aggra. vate, avoid them and use Cham- berlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest oflaxativcs—best for the young, the middle aged and the old. 25c. bottle—Druggists and Dealers. or by mall. d CbambarLis Malkin* Co. Toronto. In the seclusion of your own home let me select, fit and show you how to wear a Spirella Corset It adds beauty to your c figure, subdues irregulari. _ ties;abasisforcorrect,tasty, becoming dress. The flexible, unbreak- able, non -rusting Spirella Boning found in no other corset— positively retains its shape; admits of frequent laundering. The Spirella Corset is hygienic, comfortable, modish. Ta know su- prem . comfort and tasty, correct dress wear one. Phone or trend post card MRS. ISAAC DAVIDSON, Patrick St., Wingham. Box 276. 1 I Pend tho Sp�Irella advartiaeinente In Ladles' Home Journal, Deltnen[or, Denlsnor. Now Idea and Vogoo. HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 - Is like what you want your hair to be— Lustrous, bright and glossy; soft, silky and wavy. - To have beautiful hair like this, use It'c j:•ot vehat its rlar,'o implies --- just to 'make the flair glccsy, and lustretie, and rnore 'beautiful— j tet to make it easier to dress, and more natural to tall easily and gracefully into the wavy lines are/ folds of the cciffuro, just to give that delightful freoh and cool effect, and leave a lingering, delicate, e1;_i; ive perfume. Wi: not change, or darken the color of the hair. Contains no oil ; therefore, cannot leave the hair stick y or stringy. • Very pleasant to use, very easy to apply simplysprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. Te thoroughly clean your hair and scalp, use x armony h am oo liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, smooth and beautiful. It an instantaneous rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part of the hair and scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only a few moments. It loaves no lumps or stickines3. ---- Just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness, --_ Just a dainty, pleasant and clean £ragranGe. Bothe in odd -shaped ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops, Harmony Hair Beautifier, $r.00 ; Harmony Shampoo, ,see. Both guaranteed to please you, or your money back. sold only by the mere than 7000 ttezall Stores—The World's Grentost Drug Stores—and rnnde In our own big Toronto Lnberetorie.,where all the delightful HARMONY+VIOLET y . OULCFI and BOUQUET JgANICL Perfumes and Toilet Preparations ere made. Sold in this community only at gives tr11 =MP —• •IIIM r&la a r��r K $1 arn....iA ip- ss WIMP. .re 4s1ar 'rum' mss' .- r HARMONY; t i tIAIR L3E111J II IEi? PH AR•Met�, MO t F tI R AFI anti 'Apr 1l AVIV&■I • gawp ,.■r' "VW 'Ser Gael « .> rn = 41r_iw¢ iM,.r ,vINA Dairying, Fruit and Cold Storage. Without cold storage the dairying and fruit industries Would be greatly handicapped as much valuable produce would be destroyed by decay. Under such circumstances the cost of living would have mounted much higher than it bas, and there would be little hope of eetabliebing outside markets. Be- cause these several lines of industry are closely allied they are all grouped under a single branch of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, that of the Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner. This Branch, under Mr. J. A. Rud- dick, has become a far-reaching organ- ization extending from the milkirg she& and the orchards even to the great markets of the United Kingdom. - Through the Dairy division encourage- ment is given farmers to increase the production of their herds, instructions are issued to teach the beet methods of turning out fine butter and cheese. Phe Fruit division seeks to enlighten growers on the condition of crops, to teach correct methods of production and marketing and to establish con- t[ lance in the value of Canadian fruit. The 0 -ld Storage service assists in stitutione that require refrigeration to erect proper warehouses ; during warm months aid is given railways that carry fruit and dairy produce to main- tain low temperatures in their cars ; and help is provided to secure cool ,emperatures to export produce while an the ocean. The Extension of Mar- kets division exercises a close super- vision over the handling of perishable farm produce in transit and, as oppor- tunity offers, transportation companies are advised of needed improvements in ''their equipment. Besides other duties it keeps a careful register of the wholesale weekly prices of all manner of farm produce, and publishes these in the Annual Report of the Branch. The duties of this Branch of gover- ment service enumerated are by no means complete, but they serve to its iicate the nature of its work which hears a close relation to the cost of liv- ing. They are selected at more or less random from the Annual,Report for the past fiscal year, which contains a large amount of useful information. This volume, which is made up of a general review by the Commissioner and eight appendices, is available to those who apply for it to the Publica- tione Branch, Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa. I — 11L -11E r rAL-11 Encouragement of Ploughing Matches Ploughs have b• en mod,fled to suit modern ideas of cultivation, but the change has been more towards speed n turning over the soil thin in bete, 1' methods of doing this,. May it not be that speed in ploughing has been gain- ed at the I xp nee of efficientoy in the work done. Good ploughing is not so much a question of good p'.oughs as go: d ploughmen. Of late years we have depended more upon the plough itself than upon the man between the hand- les. Improvement in ploughing can be brought about .by training men and boys to do better work. In Ontario and Quebec there was a time wh n the annual ploughing match was an event of unusual impote tante in many localities. Interest in these competitions seems, unfortunate- ly to have died out, particularly among the younger men. While they may not have. been all that could be wished for from an educational stand- point, they were certainly an incen- tive to good ploughing, The scope of such matchess could be widened to in - cauda contests in soil cultivation on - stubble land and testing the different kinds of implements for cultivating the soil. Usually thareare pri'z:s giv- en for the best plough -team and equip- ment. Why not extend this valuable feature by giving several prizes for reams and also for colts, thereby en- couraging the raising of good haloes? A few pithy a 'dyes: es on farm topics would make the occasion still more in- structive and interesting. To get the best results from a plongh• ing match, it should be managed by the local Farmer's Institute or some kindred organization. Municipal Cannella might very properly be urged to contribute, because undoubtedly the mineyso spent would ere siert great- ly in improving the crops and stock of the ;at ighbourhood. Newspapers For Walls. The Chinese are, it is thought the greatest of all consumers of old new. papers., The official returns of the Custetn House at New Ohwang show that that port alone, during the year 1912, received Approximately two thousand tone of old European news- papers rattled at $75,000, Bays 9 he Technical World Magazine. It is not at first easy to discover to what use so much obsolete news can be put. It ie, however, ascertained that the middle class Chineee prefer news, paper to native wall paper as a cover. ing for their wails. It has a greater power of resistance and affords a more effective barrier to the invasions of the vermin that plague Chinese houses, often driving out the inmates. Moreover, the Chinese are experts at eating out of newepapers waistcoats which they. wear near to the skin, These paper 'Waistcoats are said to be the beet possible protection against a sudden "cold snap." In view of these admirable trees to which Bnropeeil newspapers may be lit ins mit se,r,hisisva4galrfata Li TWO GOOD GRASS FARMS FOR SALE We are offering two good grass farms, close to Wingham, for immediate sale. Good fences, and an unlimited supply of water rm each. Never before have cattle sold so high as at present and the shrewd stockman will call and inquire a- bout these farms before the other fellow gets ahead' of him. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELDH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCIIIE COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Ont 71,111 n2`' J DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Orrice : Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Offioe in Macdonald Block— G. II. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE 0171R B:. E ISARD & CO'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D, B O,A,, F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FQQQ SCIENTIST Acute and Chronic Diseases treated. Glasses Scientifically fitted. Tuesday ?1.30 a.nt, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m Main St. (over Cliristio's Stare,) W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Soientiflo Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OPIUM—Corner Patrick and Centre Streets PHONES - s 4 Reeeidenco, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotee special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad - nate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S.Engg L. R. O. P. (Lend. Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. j. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE of LATE DR. WILSON, RESIDENOE—COR. PATRICK dr FRANCIS Office Phone 170. Resddenoo Phone 182. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. rite, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a ileal Estate and Money Loaning business. W INCiHAN' General Hospital. (tinder Uiovernmet.5 Inerleotlon.) lrieaean'tly data*ar nttfufly fn lsheut. e . to all r raptr moapsett hramalotaCs. ieft for est* *?0,4013. inninde ward MI e � 1 ' teat "Ertfttki c, Give Us a Trial dor Your Next Job. All kinds of Printing neatly and - artistically executed. Dodgers, Auction Sales, Station- ery, , Envelopes, Blofters, Bufter Wrappers, Church Reports, Etc. This office has always had the reputation of turn- ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as low as the lowest. Call for prices. THE ADVANCE Wingham Ontario STRIKE ON Thousands of young Canadians have struck from old conditions to higher and better things by enrolling as students of our Business Col- leges and Home Study Department. You can study all in your own home, or partly there and finish at College. NOW is a good time to start. Every farmer's son who intends to remain on the farm should have a business education. You can continue your work, and like Lincoln, prepare at the same time. Ask us now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty years' experience. Seven Colleges. Two thou- sand students annually. Positions guaranteed. Individual instruction. No vacation. Successful people act NOW, not later. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE WINGHAM - - ONTARIO GEO. SPOTTON W. T. MORSE. PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL. s tonna uIIIIIitiiuuI HERR til' V .a 1111111'iil111 .Ia..ii snrr..-r.s.ls.;t us +i.E ss R 3IIIum s.• ...sttasur.s!��"'� a. - w .M w. r III' • es es eataate. 0 0 •a�i 1J dirt,..— Headquarters For Xmas _lifts at Patterson's Jewelry Store We have the largest and best selected stock ever shown in the County of Huron, suitable for Xmas gifts, such as -- PEARL PENDANTS PEARL SUNBURSTS PEARL RINGS PEARL TIE PINS DIAMOND RINGS SIGNET RINGS CAMEO RINGS CAMEO BRACIELETS CAMEO BROOCHES CAMEO NECICLETAS. SILVERWARE CUT GLASS CLOCKS WATCHES UMBRELLAS TOILET SETS MANICURE SETS HAND BAGS' LEATHER GOODS' STERLING SILVER GOODS 20% saved on Diamond Rings ; large stock of Bracelet Watches from x`3.00 to $50.09. W. G. ?AT?BS01 THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR W T. `GRAM 0 T.