HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-11, Page 142ND YEAR, NO. 14. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. —East Middlesex by election—an- other one of those moral victories for the Globe. * * * —George P. Graham, of ballot box fame, has been very quiet lately. What's being concocted now ? * * —Leader R well of the Ontario Op• position had better h ok out for hie job, He seems to be leading his party backwards. * * —What has become of Hon. Geo. P. Graham We used to hear of him, but he Eeetn3 to have been crowded aft the stage. * * — If the new "ftae food" policy of the Grit Oppoeition means anything, it means the ruin of the Canadian farmer. • * — Leurier is calling on the Carnelian farmer to give up his home market. Where have we heard that before ? * * —How much • free food" is to be expected from a party under whose administration the cost of living went steadily up for fifteen years? * * * —Laurier wants free food just as he wants free naval protection. The people of Canada have no such beggar- ly spirit. * * —Premier 1Threlen ia hack at the Capital in splendid healb, hot there knit enough good Canadianism in the Grit prese to be glad of it. * * * — The reintroduction of the good roads bill will give the Lender Op- position a chance to do what they ought to have done two years ago. 1 * —it used to he "free trade," now itar "free food." If Laurier went back into power there would be much as free food as there was free trade after 1800 * * * —The contract has been let for the first section of the new ocean terminals at Halifax. This is a long step towel d keeping Oanadia,n traffic in Canadian ehannels. * * --When "Bill" Pugsley bears of tee latest conepiracy agaiost Lauder he will doubtless hasten to Ottawa. He has his eye on the Liber 1.1 leadership and will make a fight for it. *1 —The latest Laura r policy is a direct eiap at the Canadian fat mer. The Liberal leader and the interests he re- preeents ohjsct to seeing the framers of the Dominion getting a Fquare deal. * —The Grit Opposition are now talk- ing about the high cost of living. They want Eoluebody else to remedy PL condition which they created by fifteen years of persistent neglect of Canadian a gricul t ure. x x —The liberal expenditure necessary for the great national undertakings upon which the government has em. arked will do tnuch to relieve the fin- ancial strain in Canada, despite what army t Ake place in other countriee. x x x —Tho "tyea.cherous trio," aleckerez'e King, Fisher and Lemieux, are now out for Laurier's scalp. They basked in the sunshine of his popularity for years—tm`, to -day thiugl are differet t. The true cabbie of the men is exhibit - pd now. X X X --The prompt assistance given by lion, J. 0. Raz -n in placieg the re- sources of hlig department at the dis- posal of the searchers after the storm en tbe lakes .has been received every- where with, the favourable comment that it deserves. x x x —The Ontario Reform Association - at a carefully organized and closely tiled meeting in Toronto has endorsed t he Lamle'. and Rowell policieP. That ought to be the finish of any chances tbe Opposition might otherwise have Iliad in Ontario. x x x _ —Sydney Fisher did tell tbe truth after ail, lie declared that the election Chateaugeay was the most corrupt be ever went through. Forty-three affidavits secured by the Conservatives charging the. Liber - ale with wholeeale bribery and cor- ruption proves Sydney was right. Was he so peeved at defeat that he .eirnply had to tell? • x x -T.he position of Canada in the money market of Eaglend is as strong as ever for those who wish to do legi- einatete bueiness. This is shown elo- quently by the confidence shown in government bonds by the email Bog. ieh investors. Annual, returns show that the funded debt of the Dominion Ps practically all held in Lenclon, Eng - Toe funded debt of Canada payable in London amounts to nearly t wo hundred and 6ixty nrillions of dollars, accotdiug to the financial statetnent on October 30sh. 'The same htatentent shows the funded debt pay- able in Cenada to be two and a quart- ozmillions. But on November let the government paid off about a million read a half ot tide, being the amount of a domestic loan at four e er cent. raieed in 183 This reduces the fund- ed debt payable in Canadi to about three quarters of a mall on only, con- eieting of eavings bank btock issued ietsny years ago. The only borrowing 44' tbe government in Canada is re- presented by the denotits in I he gov• *ailment and post offiee savings banks, amounting to 835,41500, and which, of course, differs Loin funded debt in that it wily be reertIled by the de- positars at any tinne, Real Eetate Salee. Are John Meltee of Calross has pur- Autereel lot 2$ in eon. 1 of the same township, known at the Ilarknese farm. This farm lies et the back of Meltarfir One 200 acre property and will shit him adrnii Ably ae peeture lend, ...Mr. W. J. Hutton of Frances St, has purchatted front the John Elder estate the house in which be is at yareatent Helves. Both tif theses soles The Wingham Advance. High School Notes. Wingham Club The first meeting of the Literary Society for this terin was held on Nov. 21st, 1913, President Young occupied the chair and the following programme was rendered — Secretary's report, Chairman's address, stump speech, Fred Colvin; stump speech, Weir Elliott; reading, Chester McLean; stump epeech, Miss E. Sanderson; journal, A, Shaw; critics remarks, Miss N, S.* -Whyte. The second meeting was held on Nov. 28:h, 1013 The following was the programtne — Secretary's report, J, 0, Hutton ; Auditor's report, Alex, Henry ; Preeidenters address, Gordon Young; vocal duet, Misses Smith and Patterson; debate, Country Life vs, City Life — let speaker, affirm , C. McLean; lst speaker, Neg., Miss A. Wilson ; 2ed epeaker, Affirm, Miss J. Johnson; 2nd speaker, Neg., Mr, E. Taylor : reply of lst speaker; instrumental duet, Misses Biehl and Haugh ; quartette, Messrs. Elliott, Muir, Buchanan, Muir ; piano bolo, Miss M. Nicholls; Judge's decision, Mr. H. B Ricker, M. A. ; critic's re- marks, Miss B. E Anderson; God Save the King. At a recent meeting of the Executive it was decided to hold an open meet- ing on the evening of Dec. 12 h 1013 at which the Field Day prizes and Medal, as well as the class prizes will he dis- tributed, Parents of•the students and the ex -students are cordially invited. The Standing of the Football League is as follows —Columbias, S Donald. Eon; Vixens, E. Taylor; Hurons, W. Buchanan; Never S wesats, J. Campbell. Examinations will be held the last day of school, Friday, Dec. 19,h. 1013 The prize winners at last year's examinations are :—Mr. G W. 0 eddee, Dr. A. J. Lavinia prizs of ten dollars for highest aggregate marks on Facul- ty papers. Mr. J. H. Currie, Mr. A. Cosens' prize of five dollars for highest aggregate marks on Normal ritrance papers. Mr. G. T. Ctuikshank, Air. Dudley Holmes' prize of five dollars for highest marks in Mathematics on Not mal Entrance paper, Miss Mabel' A. Gilkinson, Mr, J. G. Worknaatee pr iz 3 of five dollars for highest aggre- gate marks on the Lower School Examinatione. The Literary Society will hold an open meeteng next Friday, December 12 h, at eight o'clock. Parentsand ex students all invited to be present. A program will be given and the medals and prizes won by students at the last midsummer examination and on Field Day will be distributed. St. Andrew's Church Notes. - The annual meeting of the W,F,M.S, of St. Andrew's Church was held On Wed- nesday, Dec. 3rd. Interesting papers on "Chinese Leaders" and "Bible Women" were read by Mrs. A. Campbell and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows :—President Mrs. Perrie; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Camp- bell.; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. McGillivray; Secretary, Mrs. J. McLean; Tidings Sec., Miss Waddell; Gwalior Magazine S.c., Miss Lockhart; Treasurer, Miss Lewis; Organist, Mrs. Clouse. Happy Gleaners Mission Band—Hon. Pres., Mrs. Perrie; President: Airs. J. W. McKibbon. The Ladies' Aid Society of'St. Andr.ev's Church met on Wedneseley, Dec, 3rd. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows :— Pres., Mrs, 11. Campbell ; Vice Pres., Mrs. James Cummings ; Mrs. J, J. Elliott ; Treas., Mrs. Alex, Campbell ; Organist, Mrs. Clouse. Col- lectors fin the different wards were re. elected as for last year. The Society re- ports a very successful year, having rai011 about $105.00 during the year. It was agreed that the sum of $100.00 be given to the Board of Managers to help clear off the church debt, Prior to her removal from town, Mrs. John Linklater, was presented by the ladies of St, Andrew's Church with an address and a teneeet ef Limoges china le appreciation of her long and cheerfelly rendered services in connection with MO W. F. M. S. and Ladies' Aid Society of that Church. Dear Mr Linklater 1—Itealizing that you are about to sever your connection with the W. la M. S. and Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's Church wethe members of these Societies, feel that wo cermet let you leave our mdist withont ex- pressing in some tangible form onr ap. preciation of your labours amongst us. You have given unsparingly of your _ time and strength and this small gift, which Wc., ask you to accept, expresses only. meagrely our appreciation of those services. Our earnest prayer is that deltest blesing may accompany te yotw eew home and sphere of !ahem., tied that you may still be very instrntjota ii His la11d in fertheriett His cage() awl 404445 His 1ii1/0014 14 that part of Hie eineVerel• Signed on behalf of the W. 14. S. and Ladies' Aid Society. Mrs. D. Perrie, Pres. W. la AL S., Mrs. H. Camphell, Pres. I:adioe' Aid See, Leatieg Town. It is with mueh regret that we II&V Lo report the removal ef Mr. and Mrs. N. EitattS from Winghere, Mr. Pavane, who has been manager of the DoinIttiOn Benk her for the put two years, hae ,,leeett promoted to Bereltrie "1 V"Thtle WINGRAM, ONT., ,TH:ETRSDAT, DECEMBER 11, 1913. Now open for membership. Club to be opened on or about Jan. lst, Will have facilities for all outdoor and indoor sports. Will also have a literary departnaent. The Club has applied for incorpora- tion with the following provisional directors :—N. T. Sinclair, W. H. Gur- ney, A, H. Wilford, A. E Posliff, G. R Smith, W. A. Otenapbell, Dr. A. J. Irwin, T. Ritchie, R. Currie, E. B. Walker; H. McLean, Dr. G. H. Ross, Dr. IL J. Adams, 3, W. McKibbon, L. Kennedy, W. Miller, R, Brooks, G. Jaques. The membership tion ; $3 00 annually. Application made to any provisional The Club will classes. Be to fee for is'$2 00 membership of the directors. meet sure above the join initia- may be mentioned wants it. of all Calendars for 1914. Our Calendars will be ready fur dis- tribution Saturday, Dec. 135h, You are invited to call and secureane.—W. 3, Greer. Winghamite Successful. e At the Civil Service exeminetions recently held in London we notice the name of A. K. Copeland among the successful, receiving honors. Mr. Cope- land is a graduate of the Wingham Business College and we hope to hear of his appotatment in the near future. Finds Salary insufficient. The pinch of the high cost of living is being felt at the Brantford City Hall now, City Engineer Jones asks that his salary be increased to an amount which will enable him to cope, with the high cost of living, He now receiv- es $2 400 and he asks that this be in- creasei to $0,000, Visit To The OM Land. Mr, Harry Wakefield left on Moi day to spend three months in the Old Land, lie came to Wingham three years ago and is one of the English- men who has made good in this country, being able to return with a good bank semen'. Died In West Wawnosh. There passed away at his home in West Wawanosh on Monday, Dec. 8 .h, Thos. Cummings, aged 65 years. The funeral took place from his home to- day ( VVednesda,3 ) at 9 o'clock, to the Roman Catholic Church Sr. Augustine. Interment was made in the R. C. cemetery, St. Ausgustine. Hospital Donations. The following donations have been received by the Winghani General Hospital ; R. Z irbrigg, 55; Wing - hem Lodge 280 G. R. C. $10; Tho. Hall, re 1Viceloy patents, $6 07; j, C. Currie, $25 ; G. R Smith, B. A. $10; R. Mooney, balance of $10 eutncrip• tion, $5 ; John Anderson, $5; A. J. Irwin, T as, Straa i.e.ries in December. Tit tt. this season has been a remark - :0.1 one there is convincing testimony' 1 ,,not unusual to hear of apple blos• ms and apples found out of seasoe, and also of berries being picked long past the usual time but it is seldom that strawberries Can ba picked ill De- cember in this part of the country. Mrs. Wm, Murch, 223 Oubourg street, brought to The Beacon cffi ;Er on Mon - several strawberries which she had picked that cley, pert of which were ripe, Mrs. Murch states that from the same vines that ripe straw- berries have been picked every week since June.—(Stratford B secure. Public. School Board Meets. The regular meeting of the Public School Board was held on Monday evening, all memberspresent but Irwin, chairman Trueee Tipling in the chair. Minutes of prt.Vious meet- ingevere read and alooeed, on motion of trustees I rard and Ate de. On motion O f trustees Campbell and Isard, secre- tary wa,s instruc'ed to write the Minister of Education in appreelation of Mr. Beall's work. Hulmes and Awde, tea there and care -takers salaries be paid, A number of accounts were ordered to be paid, on naotion of trus- tees Holmes and A.Ilen. After the meeting they adjourned to Miltel'e restaurant on invitation of Mr, Poslitf, Principal, , Anneal Meeting L. G. L. Wiragharn L 0. le No. 701 naet on Friday evening last with a very large attendance, Worshipful Master Allan Pritlick, in the chair. A summary of the yeat'a business showed this to be the most prosperous year 10 the hire tory of the lodge, and the W. Master and others have reason to feel proud of the progress made, Trld chair was ably filled by P.). Master Thos. Stew- art dering the election of ofillere which resulted as follows : —W. M , jelsri F, Woes; 11 AL, Rev, H 11 Croly 11,re, B Elliott; Chap Rev, S, W, Hibbert I Pin. 0., A.11,en Prallek Teearturer, J. NV, McKibben ; Lim, W. attest I 11 of 0,, J. Guest t Committee—It iy Stephenson, Robert Deyell, J. W. Metertaghlin, E Plow - right, B. E TAM. Irestallation will ena thedy1t Ulm, to lase thane, ealee . fit,' "? ft.rift..aSc..r•ifO av• (.4;.' Temperance Meeting A meeting of the Temperance and Moral Reform Association of the town of Wingham for the purpose of organ - is -tion for the Canada Temperance Aet Campaign will be held in the 0. 0, F. Hall next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The Rey, John Muir of Tor- oato will address the meeting. Santa Claus & Co. The annual Christmas entertainment in connection with St, Paul's (Angli- can) Sunday School will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 19.h, in Mills' Memorial Hall, when the cantata "Santa Claus & 0o," will be given. No admission will be charged but a collection will be taken at the door. Quiet Wedding. A cutlet wedding took place at St. Paul's] Reetoty on Saturday, Nov. 29.h, when Louise Eliz sbeth, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Blanch- ard of Bromley, Eng., was united in holy noatrimmay to Mr. Arthur T. D arey of Wingham. The, bride wore it pretty travelling dress and was given away by her brother, Mr. Geo. Blanchard of Kinloss. Mr. Albert E. Dovey, brother of the grown, was the other witness, After the ceremony the bridal party left on the evening train for a short honeymoon amidst the oongratulations of. their friends, Brother Gone Messrs John and Williaan Davidson of this town received a telegram on Saturday of last week announcing the death of their brother Frank in Pao- ia, Ill. No particulars are known as yet. Mr. Davidson was well known in Wingharn, having conducted a dray business nere for some years. Ile was 59 years of age avid is survived by three daughters, Mrs. 'Martin Fischer, Peo- ria, Miss Myrtle Davidson of Joplin, M. 0, We. Karl Smidth, Hawsers; Tex - aa Tuts Advance extends sympathy to the bereaved. Special Council Meeting sp cial meeting of the Town Cauncil was held on Tuesday evening. All members present except Mayor Spotton and Councillor Bell, the R 'eve in the cheir. By-law No. (19), to grant 8. fixed a isessectent of $10 000 to Walk er and Clegg was read twice. On motion of Mills and Young it was or- dered to ba puldishel in the Winghem Advance at required by law. By-law 001 to fix date and places for holding the election on By-law Ni.ON was read three times on motion of Boyce and McKibbon. By-law was passed as read. S. A. Eutertainment. At the Salvation Arm*" Hell, Mon- day, Dee. 22ad, at 8 p.m. the annual Xmas. tree and entertainment will be held with an excellent program con- sisting of music, dialogues,...recitations and eougs in keeping with the festive season. The S senery representing the interior of Colonel House is yery beautiful, and an entirely new feature of a hovel character, our old friend Santa Olatte, will be very conspicuous. One of the prominent gentlemen of the town will preside. Keep your eyes on the bills ancl remember the date, Hockey Club Concert The entertainment held last Thursday evening by the Winghain Dramatic Club in aid of the Hockey Club was well at- tencIdd and tnuch enjoyed. From a fin- ancial standpoint, it was a decided suc- cess. The Wingham ,Citizens' Band furnished excellent music and the One Act 'Farce hy Miss McDonald and Messrs. II, Jebb tied 4. Coutts was well given The sopg eetitled "Three girls from Lee" was grpetly enjoyed es was also the drill by flThe Boy Scenes." Solos by Mies A. Matte, Mr. Lem, else A lxInjO solo by Mr, Hinkley were nicely rendered. ,•,..411",••••Se,,ard"." ',IN Personate 1 Miss Minnie MeKinnen of Glamente left for Detroit on 8 tturday. Mrs. John T. Lennox and little datiehter are v Iing in Guelph. Miss Coeper of the hospit ti staff yisited friends in Clinton last we 4t, hir. Wm. Nicholeon of New Soot- tencl,'Kent Co. was in town this week. Mr, Wen, Mitchelllof Glenennan took in the Live Stock 8how in Toronto this week. Mr. Jno, Coultes of Morris was in (*uelph last week attending the Live Stock Show. 0 Mr. and Mrs, Janees A. Ls river of Wawanosh attended the Live Stock Show at Guelph. Mr. and. Mrs. j. W. Walker returned on Monday night aftee spending it few weeks in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Silo. Linkle.ter moved their household eifeets to Teeswater on Taescley of this week, Constable Whitesides of lieneall called on Mende last week on hitt way to Wroteeter and Gerrie, Mieses Veltlx% and Bertha Chandler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Peter Mason of 11 tit Wawanosh, nos. Inn. Elattisort of Port Hight ie in towel oWing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Itieherti Porter, Mr, Goo, fl Ice took in the Live 8 erek Show at Guelph lest week and also visited relatives at Galt. Mr. Jut, 11, Linklater of Tnenberry ettessled thn V41 Stuck Show in ieey im, arnakt. b ten visiting friends in Wingham and Whitechurch for the past two weeks, Mr, Peter Campbell has returned to Wingham from Oyen, Alta. RIB many friends al glad to welcome him back. John Elliott of Steelton visited his brother, William, of the boundary brickyard, and other relatives last Week, Mrs. Wallace Hough lute returned from Donnybrook, where she has been attending her brother, Mr. Jefferson, who has been ill. Mr, and Mrs. L. Pander were in Komeka last week attending the fun- eral of the late Geo. Stilleace, who died in St, Chtha,rines' hospital. Mrs, Attridge and four children left for Toronto on Saturday, 0,,h, where • *they will visit the rest of the family .10m a week or so after which they Will Mayer for their Western home, Rapid City, Manitoba. Cburch °lews • The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday morning. Mies Knechtel of Walton rendered a. solo very sweetly in St. Andrew's Church last Sandey evening. Next Sunday services in the Metho- dist Church will be conducted in the morning by "The Gideons," and in the evening the pastor will preach taking as his subject "Visione," s R-317. M. MacArthur of Kincardine conducted the services, both morning and evening, in Sr. Andrew's Church, last Sabbath. Lerge congregations were present and were much profited and delighted by Me. MacArthur's forceful serroone. Met MacArthur will be welcomed should he visit 'Wingharti again. Thos. 5, 0 )le, General Secretary of the Commercial Travellers' Associa- tion, "The Gideons," and Mr. Elerbert MacKenzie, a Commercial Traveller and a Gideon will be in Wingham, Sunday, Dec. 14th, Mr. Cole will sing. They will be in the Methodist Church at 11 o'clock a.m. and in the Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m. A men's meeting will be held at four o'clock ba the afternoon, in the Foresters' Hall, Notwithstanding the disagreeable day, the Anniverertry services held in the Methodist Onurch last Sunday were profiting and inspiring. Rev, G. 11. McAlister, M. A,, Prete of the ponference, preached both morning and evening. In the morning his text was lst C tr. 3 ; 21 23, from which he gave a fine discourse-, In the evening teat John 5; 4, WAS the basis of a mast- erly appeal. The choir reedered ex- cellent service, and the duet of Mr. P. I1.11 and Mr. A, EL Wilford rendered at the evening service was much appreciated. , The Young Men's Bible Class of the Methodist Church held a banquet in the schoolrooua on Tuesday evening. Tae tables were decorated with pink and white carnations and the menu was excellent. About 59 guests sat down. After dinner addresses were elven by the President of the class, Mr. W. G. Gurney, the Superinten• dent of the Sunday School, Me. F. Buchanan, and the pastor, Mr. G. R Smith, the teacher, gave an excellent _reading of "The Cotteria Saturday night." Instrumental selections were given by Miss Jarvis and Mr. Beiley, duets by Miss Tibbs and Miss Mae Lloyd, and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Oope• raid. An excellent time was spent and the class is entering utpon its winter's work with enthusiasm. r!Local Items 1.4.4.toW We are sorry to report that Miss Mae Fey is ill at peasant hat wa hepe for her speedy recovery, Minerva Eecanopraent I. 0. 0, F. will hold a Progressive Eachre Party on Tuesday euning, Dec. 16.b. The Rtyal Scarlet Chapter will meet in the °mop Hall on Dec. 14th at 2 eon. M Inhere will kindly attend, A concert is to be held at Carrie's, School on Wednesday, Dec. 17, Re freshmente to be served. Admission 15 cts. Seturday last John Martin of Ripley made a business trip to Port Huron where he disposed of his trea- sure across the border. Why should John wear such a lonely expression on hie return Seturday eve? A School concert will be held at 5 5 No. 9, East Wawanosh, on Wednes- day, Dec. 17.13 at 8 o'clock p m. A good program of dialogues, singieg, recitatione, ete. is being prepared. Lnoch will be served. Admiseion Ric. Everybody welcome, The Junior Epworth 1, 'ague of the Methodist Church will hold an enter- tainment on Thursday evening Dec, 18.h, when the misstate "Ready for., Santa." will be given, There will be no admission charged but a silver collection will be taken, Mr. G. 11. Stnith'e Address to the Hpworth League Monday everting on "Oaf Orly MiSSioni" was enjoyed by a large crowd. Next Monday evening the election for members of the Mock Council will take place and let every member be out to vote. Geo, Moir an Indian lister who was summoned by License Inspector John Mitchell, for being drunk on Sunday night, appeared before his worship j A, Morton Wednesday morning at 10 recloeir, Dudley Holmes for the Crown and R Vanstone for the Defence, After he a p talon of the evidence, the Om.? W3.4 eotarge unUl Pridey morning at 10 o'clock. DNA:alt. Comm it="ion Viuttaigfillargallikilens ka 10,Writi star .yeeriring viet ittr-s• an, - Royal Black Preceptory. Royal Black Preceptor), No. 1211 met In Wingintna Orange Hall on Tuesday evening, Past Preceptor Thos. Stewart in the chair, Nearly all the members, were present, and on reviewing the year'e business it was found to have been a very prosperous year, The fol- lowing officers were duly elected :— W. P,, A. Brydges ; D. P., Wm. Guest; Chap., Rev, E. EL Oroly ; Reg., Jos, Quest; Dep. Reg., W. B. Elliott; Treas., John F. Groves; Lecturers, W. Thornton, A. McDonald; Cans., A. M. Fralick, W. Deyell; lst S. B., T. Brydges ; 2nd S. B, 3. T. Brydges ; Pers., 11tobt, Baird ; Committee—A. Brydgee, J. W. McKibbon, Geo. Spot - ton, W. J. Greer, Jos. Roddy, W, 11 Brandon, Robt, Owens. The lodge spent the remainder of the evening at Miller's restaurant where ample jus- tice was done to the good things pro- vided. Salem. Mr. Albert Gallaher took it business trip to Toronto thie week. Mr. Charles Bush and Mr. and Mrs James Bash of Roohester are at preseut visiting friends around here, Mr. Howard Hooey of the West is at present visiting his sister Mrs. James Wylie jr., also Mr. Stanley Henning and Mr. Chadwick Henning of the same lo cality are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Henning. The Debate 'last Thursday night en- titled "The Irish made more progress than the Scotch," was discussed by both sides. The jadges had a hard. time to decide bat finally gave it to the affirm- ative which was taken by Mr. Wm. Mines and Mr. David Haliday. The negative was taken by Mr. Stanley El- liott Ind Mr, Harry Dore, There was a, large crowd oat and all went away well pleased with the papers given by both sides, The funeral of the late Mrs. Robt Mc- Intosh which was held last Saturday from the residence of her son Fred, was largely atttended whioh showed the es • teem in which the deceased was held. The remains were interred in the Gorrie cemetery. What makes Mr. Jas. Merkley wear suoh a pleasant smile, that it bouncing baby boy has come to stay. Mother and son are doing well. There will be it box -social at S. S. No 9, Tarnberry, known as Powell's school on Deo. 19th. Bluevale. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute of Bluevale will be held at the home of Miss Collie, on Thursday, Dec. llth, at 2 o'clock p m. Every member is to bring a paper on how to make Christmas presents, also a sample of Christmas cake, and.recipe of the same. Etch member is to bring a friend. A good program is expected, All ladies welcome. Report of Bluevale Pablic School for November. x—examination missed :— Sr, 4th, Maximum, 300—F. Tate 238, L. Elliott 221, C. Jewitt 210, J Gray 105, x EL Holmes, xx C. Black 78. Jr, 4 h, Maximum 300-11. Haney 178, P. Stneltzer 151, M. McGee 134 Sr. 3rd, Maximum, 300—A. Smeltzer 237, a MeDenald 203, R Breckenridge 102, 11.1. Mt -Kinney 173, H. Messer 158, S. Elliott 154, x S. McMichael 151 Se, 2nd, Maximum 200—S, Gallaher 134, x Met Curtis 106, E. Elliott 88, xx B Gannett 38 Jr. 21d, Maximum 200—A. Mc- Kinney 140, E. McMichael 122, j. Wat son 91 Part 2-3. Black, K. McDon- ald, J Gray, J. Breckenridge. part 1, Sr.—A. Cook, 0 FIlliott, 0. Gannett, W. Mundell, G. Elliott, H. Etli6tt, Jr. R. Thomas, It Elliott, E Wilburn, 0, Stewart, E, McGee, C. M, Messer, teacher, Turn berry. Report of 5. S. No. 6, Turnberry, Names in order of merit, Sr, 4th— Robert MeKa gue, Henry Holmes, Percy King. Jr. 4th—Norma Foxton, Lizzie McKa,gue. Sr. 2ad — Harold POLO, Clifford Jenkins (absent). Jr, 2d—Edith Jenkins, Herbert 'Poston. Harold Ewen, Mary Roth, ta Elias, 1, luta Chandler, Oscar Holmes, Frank Roth. Pt. 2nd—Mary John - Son, Alba Johnson, Annie Roane b, Alfred Mitchell, Sr, Pc. 1—Genevieve Roth, Mary McGregor, Ruby Dickson, Joe Auetin, Barbi, Jenkins (absen7). Jr. Pc. 1—Melford Foxlmn, Hilda. Mc- Cormick. Primer—Arno Kelly. Aggie Meltegue, Ilialtlend Porter Herold. Orteremore, Average attendence 25. —A, Ileines, teacher. The following is the report of S. 5. No, 6 Turnberry for the month of Nov, NA meg in order of merit. 5 e 4h—Myrtle Deans, Grace Tuck er, Alvin Hastings, Rey Hastings, Har..ld Gilkinson. Jy, 441—Norman Me Gill, Mary Hough, Fraser Hough, Alvin Smith, Jack Reid, Della Reid. Sr 3 d —Jim Hardie Chester Gilkinson, Learn. Reid. ge. 2nd—Pearl 'an, Minale Pringle. Leslie Deans, West Hough, Jean Pritigle. Jr. 2ed—Jenn Wilton, Etina Gilkinson. Part 2— Rena Hough, Ivan Hough, Edith Held, mucked Yet), Emerson Armour:. it, °lase—Edna Hastings, Emma Hirdie, Clare Copp, teacher, East Wawanoshe Mr, and MVP, Attridge wish to thank the many ft lends who so kindly assist- ed le the removal of their goods 10 Wieghern, Mrs. Attridge will ever retain fond memories of all tire kind acts of her War/am-Alt ft hear, vrhile resident of that township, SUBSCRIPTION 81.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. { 81.50 TO OUBBORIBIRE IN U. S. Belrnore. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eaket and family left for Victoria, B4O,, on the the 1st. Their departure is much re - grated by many friends, who wish them every prosperity in their new home, A tea will be given to the pupils of No. 12 Calyces, No. 0 Carrick, and No. 17 Howick, au Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 17, from 5 to 7 o'clock in the schoolroom, by the members of the Women's Institute, In the evening a concert will be given by the pupils in the Foresters' Hall comnaencing at 8 o'clocic. Admittance 25 eente. Every body come, We are glad to welcome to our village Mr. and Mrs, Inghs of Mild- may, who have purchased the home of Mr. Chas, Eaket. Miss King, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm, McGrogan, has returned to Whitechurch. The Mesdames Lowry, sr. and je., have gone to St. Thom, where the former intends spending the winter. e Wear Greetes Shoes and Rubbers. Get Paruel's Bread at Christie's. FoueeP.—Rohe, in Wingham on John Si. Owner in ey have same by paying for advt. at Advance office. Losree—On or. about Nov. 20th, a Blue Merril Pup. Looks like a light coloured fox. Finder will be rewarded by leaving information at the Advance office. F. Buchanan offers for sale, a first class Jewel Base Burner, a Pandora Range with high shelf and reservoir nearly new, a Walnut Sideboard and several other articles of furniture. As I am about to leave town all de- siring a 5pirella Corset will please order at ofice. Also leave some house- hold effects for sale.—Mrs. Isaac David- son, Patrick St. Wouldn't Mother enjoy a pair of our Comfortabe Felt House Slippers? Remember her at Christmas time.—W, J. Greer. Get sample copies of the "Advance" and "The Canadian Countryman" also subscription blanks at the "Advance" office, Winghane and become a con- testant in the great $800 Prize Contest —you cannot lose, Everyone wins a prize. Another big niglit a,t the Picture House, Friday, Dec. 5th. Seven Reels including that great Picture, "The Star of Bethlehem" in three parts. Admission I0c, F. Buchanan offers by private sale, one Jewel self -feeder in splendid or- der, and several articles of furniture. Get your Xmas, presents now while you can get them cheap. A. M. Knox, Fon Saan-3 Hanging Lamps, 1 Chandelier with 4 lamps, 2 Bedsteads, etc, at C. N. Ca ffinie residence. 13 15. Don't forget the sale in aid of the Hospital on Friday Dec. Non(e] To THE B PULIC —I have op- ened a restaurant and dining -parlor in Field's Block •' and am prepered to give lunches a,t all hours. Also—regular Dinners. Terms arranged with repn. lar boarders by the day er week.—E. Craig. For "His" Christmas there is nothieg he would appreciate more than a pair of our handeome Slippers $1 00 to $1.• 50.—W. J. Greer. VOE'E CULTURE AND VIOLIN TUITION —Mr. Peter Wilson will receive pupils in the above-nt his home, Catherine Street Opp ,site Public School ground-.) Tuition in the evenings only. Special terms to beginners. Modern methods used. First class baled hay and straw al- ways on hand.—Tmling & Mills. Bracelet Watches from $3 to $50 at Pattersonar Jevvelery Store. Don't buy a Vacuum Carpet Cleaner, until you see the "Cadillac" Electric and Fiend Cleaners sold by H. E. Is- ard 4 Co, Dior Home Made Candies try Alar- shall's, Sdecial orders for any kind ' of candy attended to promptly. LA:twin-V. — Having secured the agency for the Stratford Steam Latin - dry, we respectfully ,solicit a share of your patronage. Laundry called for and delivered. Phone No. 181 or call at Marshall's 5, 10, 15 and 25 cts. store. Big clearing sale now going on at A. M Knox's. J. A. Fox, De (1, graduate Chiropi- actor. Office its Knox house, back of P. 0. Entrance over Presbyterian Church walk. Appendicitis, Cancer, Cetaract, Epilepsy, all Feveta, (laitee, Rheumatism. Reart disease, all Female trouble ' , Deafness and all other dieeas- es tarred withoutDrugs or Surgery. Office hours, 2 to 5 p.m, , 7 p.m, -10tf ApenENTIete WeeeTen—At once, to learn tailoring. --Orval Taylor. Hot and cold water baths at Hewer's Barber shop. We are prepared to pay the highrst price for all kinds crligraha delivered at our warehouse at Grand Trunk Sta. tion.—Tipling and Mille, 0, R, Wilkinson, Eyesight Specie - list, Edward St., Wingham, is curing diffieult CAM'S of defeetive vision after others have failed. I recognize t hat my euccess can only be attained through your satiefactien. Diffieult cases and children a speciality., Suf- ferers attended at their own home if deeired, All advice free and satisfac- tion guaranteed, Closing Of Partnership, „ All accounts owing to the late firm of rhos, Field Ce, must be paid at once at the old plate of blithest to Field Bros,,, who are continuing the busineta, and by whom all debts owing by Them Field & Co, will be paid, 21Er, - not delay Christritas Buying. Mince Smith and Ilesniberrn See our Ail. it% lett lLintapage. CHRISTMAS We are in business in Wingham to help yeti solve the Christmas Gift Problem. We have 101 an. ticles suitable 6. gifts. We will mention a few. Come in and inspect our stock. Brush and Comb Cases, Manicure Cases, etc., in India Ivory (the new white' goods) Sterling Silver and Ebony. Everything new and up to date Stationery, in fan'y boxes - 50c to $7.50 Chocolates, the very kind she likes —75c to $5.00 Perfumes, all prices -10c to $5.50 Pipes, best values in town - 25c to $3.50 Ebony Goods, Military Brushes, Hat, Cloth and Nail Brushes, all prices. Manicure articles and in fact everything that is made in "Ebony." What about a Camera, $2 to $25, Any article reserved until December 24th on payment of a small deposit. J. W. MoKibbon DRUGGIFT & OPTICIAN The couaa Store ,,Ii_,.*_ 1 THESE MAKE IOVELY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Ladies' Velvet Juliet, Fur -trimmed Flexible, 3 to 7 in Black, Brown, Purple, Ruby or Green - - $1.25. Ladies' Felt Juliet, Flexible, 3 to 7 in and Red Ladies' Poplin Juliet, Flexible, 3 to 7 in Wine and Pink - Fur - trimmed Black Brown $L25 Fur -trimmed, Black, Blue, - $1.50 Ladies' Kozy Slipper, 3 to 7 in Black, Blue, Brown, Cherry ,and Beaver $1.00 Dainty and Handsome Slippers for Children and Infants. W. J. Greer THE S110E MAN a 1111111r Coal that is Dirt Cheap May be Dirt but Never Cheap The best is always the cheap- est, so why waste time and money experimenting with cheap deal when you can get Genuine D.L. &W. Scranton The best of the best by actual test J. A. McLean Lumber, Coal and Wood min iNewanam , Manias _ . • 11111 IMMO JOHNSTON'S PRESSINC; PARLORS Pressing, Dry Diaaning and Altering promptly attended to SUITS CALLED FOR AND RETURNED Shop one door north of Pattorson's jewelry store