HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-04, Page 7TIIURI DAY, DECEM1l t 4, 1913 1 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE 111111111.1. WILL BE GIVEN A WAY FREE BY Tra,ric - TO THE RESIDENTS OF THIS DISTRICT FIRST Grand Capital Prize ---$375 Mozart Piano, made by Heintzman Co. SECOND THIRD FOURTH - --$150 Columbia Grafonola. - --$110 Scholarship in Wingham Business College (Commercial and Stenography) ---$70 Scholarship in Wingham, Business College (Commercial or Stenography) 0000000007f)0000000043000WOO ©0000 G t04 (900000 00 1 .,,•fir ' ',d�s,���j���.'�<:.� i' •.ap at;s,a: •tales. fir. Cis easels:sea— etas • s. haw= : tenet stews " The Cut of the handsome Mozart Piano will appear next week, 000c0e00a0000000©0aae+ c0000000oao0e0oo000000000oe : momowooc000mmo00000e7.*G000000Goo00ooa000o coo The Wingham Advance has completed arrangements with t'... Canadian Countryman to enter upon a great subscription campaign, whereby they can offer these two excellent journals for the price of one. The Canadian Countryman Is a new farm paper u< Mch entered the field about thirteen months ago, and is outstripping all other farm papers, is one of the best of its kind that has yet been published in Canada. The Advance needs no introduce' n. It is known far and wide as one of the beet kcal papers published in the country. Here is a great opportunity for the people of this district to secure two first class papers for less than thi3. ever.will again. To all who enter the contest, we offer prizes worth working for. o „ 00000000000000000000000000 300000000 0000 tC 00000 0000000(30000 JCn3 0'0000000000000000000 • O he Advance has inaugurated the most important voting contest ever known in the history of newspapers in this district, $800.00 in prizes wi11 be distributed to the parties who -engage in this big circulatidn campaign, and they will all be awarded on a basis of votes .secured in return for subscriptions colleoted. Every one in Wingham and district are invited to enter the contest and compete for the prizes. Votes will be allowed on all subscription pay- ments according to the vote schedule appear- ing in this announcement, and candidates will be permitted to secure subsoriptions anywhere in Canada. Nomination Blank 100 Votes Nominate a Candidate ! $800 Prize Voting Contest Campaign Manager, The Wingham Advance: Dear Sir: Please anter name of M Address Nominated by Address as a candidate in the1800 Voting Contest, This blank is good for 100 votes to the oan- didate nominated hereWxth. .,a. 6 - Voting . Power of Subscriptions The W inghatn Advance . ,1 yr.. $1.. 200 votes " . 2 yrs.. 2.. 450 votes ..3 yrs.. 3.. 700 votes . ,4 yrs.. 4..1000 votes " „ 5 yrs,. 5,.1500 votes Canadian Countryman • 1 yr, .$1.. 200 votes " .. 2 yrs.. 2.. 450 votes 3 yrs.. 3.. 700 votes; 1, 11 11 I1 (1 .. 4 yrs.. 4, .1(100 votes .. 5 yrs.. 5..1500 votes ..10 yrs..10,.4000 votes Combination Schedule When the Wingham Advance and the Canadian Ognntrynian are ordered together, for the same name and address, votes will be allowed as follows: The Wingham Advance and The Canadian Countryman together: 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years„ . , . 6.00 5 years. .... 7.50..,,,,8000 votes The same number of votes are alloWed for neve subscriptions, renewels of old subscrip- tions, and for the payment of arrears. Contestants will note that the regular annual subscription prioe of the Canadian Countryman is 911,50 brit the Wingham Ad - $1,50, 400 votes 8.00 000 votes 4.50 1500 votes 2000 votes vance has been given authority by the pub- lishers to offer it at $1.00 per year when sold singly, and $1 50 per year when sold in con- nection with the Wingham Advance, for the two. This means that an old subscribers of The Wingham Advance may secure a fall year's subscription to the Canadian Country- man by paying his renewal to The Wingham Advance and adding 50 Dents. A new sub- soriber may get a full year's subscription to the Wingham Advance and a full year's sub- scription to the Oanadian Countryman, all for $1.50, Send all subscriptions and remittances to the Campaign Manager, "The Wingham Ad- vance" Wingbam, Ont„ and upon receipt of same, vote certificates will be issued, and re- turned or voted as requested by the candidate, according to the conditions of the campaign. All cheques, drafts, money orders, etc., are to be made payable to the Wingham Advance, Wingham, Ont, Candidates are regaosted to svelte plainly. in Oiling out the middle stub of eubseriptiou forms,;whioh will be supplied each oandidate, which is to be sent to the Campaign Depart- ment of "The Wingham Advance." Votes will not be allowed for subsoriptions not accompanied by a remittance. If there is anything you do not under- stand, Ask for information—the Campaign Manager Will be pleased to assist you, How the Prizes Are Distributed (I). (2). (3). The candidate securing the Iargest num- ber of votes in the entire contest will be awarded a $375 Mozart Piano made by Heintzman Co. The candidate securing the largest num- ber of votes after the $375 Piano has been awarded, will be awarded a $150 Colombia Grafonola. The candidate securing the Iargest nnm- ber of votes after the Piano and Grafon- ola have been awarded, will be awarded a $110 Scholarship in the Wingham Business College (Commercial and Ston- ography). (4), The candidate securing the largest num- ber of votes after the Piano, Grafonola and $110 Scholarship have been awarded, will be awarded a $70 Scholarship In the Wingham Business College (Cere- monial or Stenography). Prize Guaranteed Every Candidate "The Wingham Advance" does not eek the residents of this dietriot to canvass for subseriptions and then take chances on getting a coward for their efforts. Tho Wingham Advance agrees to give every candidate who secures 1000 votes (excepting those who won one of the Grand Prizes) the choice of a selection of useful articles which will be made known later, all of which will repay each candidate for the work dune. Candidates in "The Wingham Advaneo" $800 Prize Circu- lation Campaign are not entering a game of chance, for they are all rewarded. 000000000000000000000090,0e000000000009000000000000000004000000000000000000000600000000000000000000000600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 YOU CAN NOMINATE YOURSELF OR FRIEND ADDRESS s Contest „tanager,; Wingham Advance, Winghain, Ont, Suggestion for Winter Evenings The following suggestiou written by a resident if York County, appear- ed in the Far Advocate, and ma•y be helpful to some of the readers of the Advance ;--.Toe other day I heard of a way, of employing some of the winter hours that is full of valuable suggestions to a good many rural com- munities, Tae young people of the neighborhood decided to give a regular study to "A Short History of Our Cali Tirnes,"by Justin McCarthy. Leaders for the consideration of the various chapters were duly chosen and a com- mittee with the faculty of getting tbiags done, was selected to secure in- dividuals whose duty it was to discuss,' somewhat in detail, the 17ari0t:s sub- topics in the chapters. The duty of those to whom the topics were,aseign- ed, was to secure all information avail- able, and to present this information at the regular meeting of the Circle in as clear and concise a manner as pos- sible. The meetings were held at the houses of the members of the Circle, it being distinctly uuderstood that no refreshments were to be served. This action of this little band has much in it to commend. For one thing, it encourages the reading of a fine book. It opens the way for a good deal of research, and it brings to light a deal of information upon the history of our own day. How great the pro- blems of our Empire are, but compara- tively few are real aware. How in- structive a study of these problems is, only those know who have earnestly considered them. The Iate Matthew Arnold said that if he lived to be eighty, he expected to be the only liv- ing man who read anything outside of newspapers and magazines. The young people who have formed this Circle have no such reproach resting upon them. Not a few of our young people's gatherings dwindle to nothing because they do not study a book or follow up a work or study that is distinctly worth while. Many of us would live longer and more happily and usefully, were we to think about something that would really tax the gray matter in our brains. Oar mental muscles are sadly in need of toning up by hard, but judicious, exercise. A helpful supplement to the pro- gramme of the young people already referred to would be a lecture by some capable man of repute, a journalist, a teacher, or a statesman, or a clergy- man. In addition to this, a first-class singer might profitably be engaged, the ,object being, not the making of money, but the opportunity of hearing a high class artist. Should this course of study be continued for a few winters, the improvement in the taste of the community, the gain in knowledge, the added facility of expression, and the improved capacity for serious thinking or rational criticism, would be almost incredible. , 1 WEALTH OF HAIR Parisian Sage Is the Preparation that Grows Hair, Stops Dandruff and Makes . Bair Gloriously Radiant. Money hack says J. W, McKibben if Parisian Saga doe's not eradicate all dandruff, stop splitting hair, falling hair and scalp itch, and put life and lustre into the dull faded hair of any man, woman or chin;, Parisian Sage is pleasant and re- freshing. No cheap perfumery odor, no disagreeable connection, but a dein• tily per4nmed tonic-• one that is not sticky or creasy—that proves its good. Hess the fleet time you see it. Baldness and faded hair are both caused by dandruff germs. Parisian Sage kills the germs and causes the hair to grow abandantly. Large bottle at J. W, McKibbens and druggists everywhere. Regular price 50c, Salem, Joe Nicholson and Spence Hems- worth spent Sunday in town. Mies L. Rtynard of Lucknow is visiting her grandparents here. John Hoilanback, fireman on the G. T. R is spending a few days in, town. Mr. and Mrs. haynard spent Sun- day at - the home of (arf Baker, 12th line. The fine weather lately has enabled the farmers to get considerable plow- ing done. A number from here attended Mr. Wm. Finlay's sale, near Lakelet, last Tuesday. Mrs. Wm, Toe is on the sick list at present but we hope she will soon be o. k. again. Mr. Wm. Lucas, who has been seriously ill, is improving nicely at present we are pleased to state. We are pleased to see W. H. Love able to attend to his duties once more, after a serious attack of fever. Hardy is also improving. The ball held in Cranbrook last week was largely attended and the boys are thinking of having one in Ethel in the near future. Miss Gladys Henning has returned from the west where she spent the past three months with her brother Leonard, who lives near Pilot Mound, Man. The young Men's Bible Class of the Methodist Church have rented Mr. Hollanback's house on the bank of the Maitland and intend spending their leisure hours there. It will he a pleas- ant way to pass away the long Winter evenings. Mr. Fred McIntosh received the sad news of the death of his mother, Mrs. Robert McIntosh, who went west last spring, The body will be brought here for burial. The sorrowful friends have the sympathy of the neighbor- hood in their sad bereavement. THE SELECTION OF THE CLOTH rests with you. -The cutting and making with us. If you are as well pleased with your choice as you'll be with the style, fit and finish ,of our work, mutual satisfaction will result. Our High Grade Tailoring meets with the approval of stylish dressers and ,odr prices please the economical. ORVAL TAYLOR Ladies' and Gents' Tailor. D. B Music Emporium Wingham -Ont. Carries a complete line of High Grade Musical Instruments of every description. Pla)er Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Phono- graphs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed Instruments of all kinds ; Violins a specialty ; Sewing Machines, Canadian and American. We Wish to impress you with the fact that We will sell you anything that produces music, at prices and terms to snit the purohnser. Anyone intending to purchase a Piano should consider well before purchasing froru travelling agents. We are here permanently and yon cart see the instrument.you are buying. Give us a ohanoe to compare. Two Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End. Phone 222, P. O. BOX 156.