HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-12-04, Page 3N
`Ii1t2:SlJ Aft, DEC>~RIMP, 4, 1913
Subjects taught by expert im&tructors
at the
Students assisted to positions. • College
in session from Sept. 2nd, Catalogue
free. Enter any time,
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal 1z v ce Kiinelpal ntAut
and IV
Prompt Delivery. Phone 82.
' feren
.. rw•urrMrrrYw!+-•1•-,7rat.r.n•Y.4rRu... N.�n+MYT'u.,1•T-rw.!w'-1 o.
The Boomerang Of Deceit. t times of the day, so that some Inthesel � W. J. MOONT
one of them was resting or sleeping F
there much of the time. The door op seclusion of your own VE,,TERINARY 8UR044N
I know a young man who has for en°d into a pitse•a •eway and was neve homes let file select, fit Iraq OFrIop; 01' LATE PR. WIWON.
show you how to wear. a RICRYDENOR- Colt rATRICli & FRANCIS
. years been clipping hie oMoe hours, go- cloilad in h day and there v e •e mete y , o = , $YNoPSM O CANADIAN NORTH
]ng to his work late in the morning, re- clerks that one would not be like) ti, f Ofll''t� 1 Mono 170. ReKt Z.
1'Itolre Y82,
y pYrella Corset Ex floe. Vet. Itlspvetor, WEST ,.AND REGULATIONS
maining away for half a day or more be miaaed, and if he were abktd for, It acids beauty to your 1`1111E solo head or Afamily, or any male over
at a tinge under all sorts of pretexts, III- one of his confederates gave him the figure, subdues irregular#. ' L 18 years old, may homestead a quarter.
ty, C.
s '� • � �.i taction apt atcho avpIiKblo Dominion ]an Th pani-
less, o pretended blacks an the street signal, ' 'o ties;abastsfor eprrect,kaa '�b,JJ „�,`� �� �i- fobs 6 skatahawan or Alberta. T17o a ppsi•
care, and yet be thinks he has a griev- Together these Conspirators manage � becomingdress, cant must appear in person at the Dominion
The exible, unbreak. lauds egunoy or Su4 gonoy for the distriot.
sere because he is not advanced more ed to sheat the employer out of the GENERAL �l+Ni Entry by proxy may be ma a at the ofllco of
able, cion-rustillp;, any neat Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub.
rapidly, He tells me that his employ equivalent of one man's entire time, . a enl) on certain conditions,
Spli>re;lCfx $gin:ng Issuer of 11 Carriage LicelYses. uttes.-six monthe' residence u
er doss not appreciate brio, that his sal. '1."ne young elan whore I ovarherrd pan and oui-
GY found in no other Corset' tivatfon of the land in each of three years. A�
a y has not been advanced for years, probably did not think that t teainng positively retains its eta e' Fire, Life, •Accident, Plate Class homat+toader may live wirhin nine miles of hIs
P s homestead on a farm of at Ieast• 8o acres on
and that he sees no chance for pro• an hour itud a halt's time was ( gtitva. admits of frequent laundering. . and 'Weather Insurance, Coupled otAftin oondlltlons. A. habitable house is re.
mot:on, He eomplanus Chau miny lent to stealing the value of one and a The Spirelits Corset is hygienic, with a Real Estate and Mon@y lsujio paneevery he vo(e nit pl v'hen resldenco
othaes in the same establishment with hour's work out of his empioyef•'dwnn comfortable, modish, To know su groaning business. in certain districts a homesteader in goo,l
preiiib comfort and tasty, correct dross standin8 may preempt a quarter-seotton alonR.
I less ability that) himself have been pro, ey drawer, He did not realize th t iv- wear one, PahoneorQenear�stcard W INCEHAM side bis homestead, Prioo s3 per aore. Dutles
! m,)ted many times while he has re- ery time he was practising this deeep• MRS. ISAAC 'atrici+ Six mouths' residence In each of six yearn
I DAVIDSON)I ) from date of homestead entry (including the
mined stationary. tion, he was taking infinitely more out St., Wingham. Box 976. �-�• time required to earn homestead patent) and.
This young man seems to think that of hituself that; out of tits man who and th. s�lraira adv.rttaomonts 17n radlb'Ham. l 1e11era� �OSp t 6e, nares ex ra cultivation. The area of oultt•
y JOnm , o inoator, Aasipn.r, Now daaand voava. . vation is subject to reduction In case of rough,
The world of music --what a ��y,•lf his employer is blind, and that he liar hired him, that he was blunting his , sorubb or stony land after retort by Homo.
>`1 g (Under GovernmeLS Inspootion.) stead 1aspeotortoapplication ref( ort
Suppose you should wake up Christmas morning to find i been able to pull the wool over his eyes ability to distinguish between right A homeateader who has exhausted his homo-
atead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
for many years without, arousing even and wrong, Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished, may take a purohmed homoated in cert
That some one lead put the world of music in your stocking. a sus scion of his backslidin s. But There are tens of thousands of such Open to all regularly licensed Volplane. districts, Price $3.66 per sore. Duties. -Must
p $ hates for atien s (which include bboard and reside six mouths in each of three years,'oulti-
That's precisely what you can, do for an member nursing)- p4,so to
p y y y i he ought to knolg that the very quell- turns to take a nap at ditierant times �'��� '�� gl-l6 ;1s.00 per week, according vats attyaoros and erect a house worth 4300,
g' CiOUgh to location of room. Fpr further., Informa.
of your family, or any of your friends, if you give an ties which have put his employer at of the day, so that some one of them tion -Address W. W. CORY,
the head of a large business would en- was resting or sleeping there much of SP XODIC CRQVP ASTHMA COiIGHS MISS L. MATdHEWR Dopnty of the Mixiister of the Interior.
• i1RONclilT1S CATARRH COLDS sn erintendenb,
I SOn Phonograph able him to see a hole through a lad- the time, The door opened into a F N B. -Unauthorized publioation of this ad.
der, passage way and was never closed in Box 223, Wingbam, Onb. vertisement will not be paid for.
The, prapri4tor knows when you are
the ddaytime, and there'were so many
The new types, without horns, ate especially a permanent gift -one that will be a• lasting young men who think the aro el • "
popular iust now. They ate made in ordstic pleas"tefoi years to come, Can You imagine t.oing your work gi udgingly ; he knows ting the best of their employers by
daignafromsvariety ofbeautiful woods. The note -or one that will bring the employees w17o are honest one OiiPptog their hours, shit king acs �� �► ►� 1��i �,=s �s „ �, „ , � �� � �`���
i one shown here is extreme) moderate priced, mote reel delight to those you love?y bl0tehln their ' EaTAal.I8H6D 167n ^�%•�>
It is caged the AmbarolaVi h plays the new when they are watched and who shirk E; h r work, but they art- Aelmpie.satoand effective treatment for bron• +
Blue Amberol records, with all thea remark • ` ' really taking it all out of themselves chial treubies, avoiding drugs. Vaporized Cresolgno
able beauty of sweetness and volume, with all�raed*"
DE MARK %hen ever they get a chance. As The thief who runs away �in tho stops the paroxysmsofwhoopingcoughandrelieves
their range of program. It is fitted with the , Spasmodic Croup At once. Itls;XPOON to sufferers
diamond reproducing point that never wean I a rule, he knows who clips the hours night,hugging the millionaires silver froolAsthma• The air carrying theantiseppticvapor, _
out and never needs changing. AnEdisonis on., a 1d steal ,the minutes that belong to and jewels under hie coat, thinks that inspired with every breath, in breathing easy ;�UPQ 1P M P,
Edison Phonographs and Records are sold by' h'm. by his theft he has enricbed himself, ,so theful n s surets, throe IndslnvAlu bl the cough. assuring
Successor to W. J. Patterson (o
Butes he not instead, impoverished an youngahlldrgn. Sendpostdaprctesc01 rmothorppwit
i Edward Markham tells this forceful hundred fold.? un9coRgn, Sen s4,
DAVID' BELL story of a builder, 'ta foolish eye -ser -
�� ANTIsfi P.T d Ttti OA?'' �J
vanf, a peer rORUO { TA'4Lf;T[3OttleirIatz
i' to Qp . h� ;Xrp simple, • p Y-
- He and his little ones were wretch- i My V9 ants uptisep(o
0 ed and roofless, whereupon a certain OVEp 8 ?/EARS' $ i(lo ipa �mgigi; P fraiii
goon Samaritan said, in his heart, `I XPEHIENCE vgpo Cresolene Co. , `' �, Now is the time to see about that new Range.
will surprise this magi with the gift of "• GA Cortlandt St., N.Y. t
a comfortable home. S0 without tel- leen)., ffiilea Building
lklont ,.,. Can. q
ling airs purpose, he hired the builder 4 A Range that will give you entire
at fair wages to build a house on a sun- '�
6 w,•rAr r"R a 41
!F',s P.14le'rl(Z �• H ny hill, and then he went on busineEs Taant: MARKS ' ' �•t t
�^il)OW17N •: ' to a far city. DESIGNS satisfaction. It 1S guaranteed to
0 CRETE i "The builder was left at work with no COPYRiGHTSae. �.I V ori Salesman
?t' watchman but his Own honor. 'gt,1' Anyone eendingasltetoband description may
invention nascertainprobably',
our opinion free whether an t,% d ��d save 50 per cent. in fuel and give
Iuvcntlon ISProhnbiyppntontnbTe. Communten,•■f.Y
atld he to his heart, I Can cheat this ttousstrictly confidentlal, HANDBOOK on Patents
to""" ' man, i can bkimp the material and a Patents tNen agency rli ?Audq & CQ. receive
p better results. ;
''G' seam the worn;,' So he went on ipectainotks,witba- 4; rgp,s;tch
spinning putting • P scie 11l [>,� rANlls Far every, town and district where
pinnin out the time; uttin In poor �f! ! •
we are not represented. �
service, poor nails, poor timbers. A llanctepmelyy illustroe,t i9pekiy, LnrgeaC cir•
r enlatiort of nity ac(eptlil0 fostrnal, c ma or Fruits are bringing high prices and �
"When the Samaritan returned, the eanadtt $dab o year, VQOAp8a prepaid, libid Dy Nurser This Range is different in construction from an others W
builder said : That is a fine house I "iitt(new�deStP.re, y Stook is in demand. Y 4
MONS,V� ss�ar0>1dWayr New York Make big money this Fail and Winter and while the Old time makes of stoves and ranges bake
t built you on the hill.'
'Good,' was the Drauc ce, at2b F St..waabluston,D.C. by taking an agency. 0
reply; 'Go, move your folks into it at Experience not necessary. 4; from the toe the Supreme bakes from the bottom. Every ;
once, for the house is yours. Here is Free equipment, exclusive territory, �! Range given on thirty days' trial. If you are not perfectly
the deed.' ,..^ �,�,�,� highest commissions paid. �4
i "The man was thunderstruck. He Write for full particulars. +d satisfied it does not cost anything to make the trial.
saw that, instead of cheating his friend
for a year, he had been Industriously STONE 8e WELLINGTON
cheating himself. If I had only
known it was my own house I was ` -f ATFOR� TORONTO ONTARIO �
a €1'e H QRD� t3NT.
building t' he kept muttering to him.
Sege. Students may outer our el will at any T r�(� 7� 77 r You
For a farmer's silo, time. Tirane who enter now will have an WELLINGTON MUTUAL ar "But in a deep sense we are always ie,
p � advantage over those who cannot enter, •� CO.Alex. a �
a county road, or a b tildiog our own houses. E tch one till the Now Year. Our oourses in Com• FIRE INS. C
dwells in the heaven or hell of hoe own mercial1 Shorthand and Telegraphy A.
makin partmcots are thorough and practical. Established 1840. SOLE AGENT _ _ '6�'1NCiHAM M
' g• we offer you advantages not offered else- Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
"I care not what his temples or where in the province, Got our free rata-
his creeds, logi�tn and see if it interests you. Risks taken on all classes of in.
'a var��iw+�•►�r�r*�riiw'w�►�r+�►� ��►�•r�w+��ir�a,r�wwwri�ii3r:
One thing holds sure and fast- curable property, on the cash or pre -
That into his fateful heap of days r D• A. fficLAC13LAN - Principal tnium note system.
4EN and deeds ) GEo. Sr.,EEMAN, JoHN DAVIDSON
The soul of a man is cast." President, Secretary.
Many young employees, just becaut a RITCHIE & COSENS,
last for gen- they do not get quite as much salary •� 40�* n ,'w• Agents. Wingham, Ont
as they think they should, deliberately
skill can snake. throw away all of the other, larger, DUDLEY ROLMES
grander remuneration possible for, FURO.
them to get outside of their pay BarrlstQr, Solicitor, BtC,
envelope, for the sake of "getting
Areal " Office: Meyer Block, Wingham.
square with their employer, They We manufacture all kinds of
s ,_ deliberately adopt a bbtrking, do -as- Fur Garments and can sell �* l
F ut for kr.r #ams {ry little -as -possible policy, and instead of sets of Fdrs from $5.00 to R uAN17TONr
Fits the Form Perfectly --
Soft and Comfortable to the Son—
High grade underwear at a);moderate price ---
d trying to keep from working hard In C� EYE SPECIALiST FOOD SCIENTIST
Iw the performance of their duties, than Acute and Chrome Diseases treated,
1r/ the would have worked if they had Gapltal Patel Up Glasses Solontifloally fitted.
y y $3,000,000. luesday_a`k st (ovoroC/ rlstis ed8tore3 a.lin
��� ,• tried to do their best, land had given M
the largest and most liberal service Reserve
B' J. $3eserv00.
possible to their employers. The �sY--t„�ti ? 'roto Assets W. R. HAMBLY, ISC., 1K,D,, C,IU,
hardest work in the ,.world is that (j4&,000,000, p
Spacial attention aid to diseases
which is grudgingly done. of Woman and Children, having
If you rob your employer of time .,, . taken postgraduate work in Sur -
and energy, you are really robbing gory, Beoteriology and soientiflo
yourself, for this will result in a subtle Medicine.
dishonesty, cultivate a weakness which AMI !� omoe, in the 'Kerr residence, be -
will slowly but surely undermine _ 4 twoen the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Charoh,
y+ your character and destroy your repu. All business given careful attention,
�/omen a dChildrim" tation for trustworthiness. A Bank Account Photo G4. P. o. BOX 116
For T AAA "The mean is In his work. All is un
stable -that is dona by a dishonest AVIXG is a habit that
Your dealer sells builder, but ail honest mason puts his S its easily acquired, and DRS, UI XEDY & CIDER
soul into every stone he lays, and affords more ploasttrb and Orricas-Corner Patrlokr and Contra -streets
Peerless Underwear, mixes character with his mortar," satisfaction than can be I'noaxs--
Casts xIa more thstrt the ordinary On a street bar not long ago, I over- derived frotu the a ending oflloom 48
p Residenoe, Dr. Kennedy' 143
beard a fine looking young roan telling of money, Residence, Dr. Calder 161
kinds. * two companions how he managed to No matter how` sotall Dr. Xennod r speafalIzes In Suntory.
cheat his employer hitt of an hour wad may be the amount yott Dr. elalder devotes apdoial attention to
A half a tithe( every! day for. Huai a year iseasee of the Eyse, Ear, Nolle and Throat,
without detedv6r $ehalf%he fuss teat tiro able to bskvt from yortr Ily tharoughly tested. Goia"lis propntly
e, gre,at deal with the boys nights and , salary each week', it it ie
•� deposited in this bank, you
. got, On utt average only Iive ar silt
houre of sleep, but that he lnAtiaged
getting this larger, more important
$15.00 cheaper. than any °
' 4d'
salary, which they can pay them
- other place. The genuine BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR
selves, they prefer the. consequent
stuff. All furs guaranteed to - Money to loan at lowest rates.
° In the stot'e, vvhich, when op6n, eat off'
quite a little oorner of space in ttuoh tt
arrested development, and become
give perfect satisfaction. Old WING RAM.
way that he could seclude WitiI&
small, narrow, inefficient, rutty men
Furs repaired to newest
without danger of being stash, m te;
and women, with nothing large or
styles. Highest prices paid
cue would think of looking bettor) the,
floor. 7'n this sealtttlecl ftoriit9ff�, its
magnanimous, nothing broad, noble,
for Raw Furs. , ARTHUR
of stirs he took it riap of ons clinoid kr half
progressive, in their nature. Their
,. D.D.S., L.D.S.
leadership faculties, their initiative.
their ability, their ingenuity
hector of Dental Surgery the Pen -
Joseph Graf '
7 4 I
g yt g y
nsylvania College and L#cent ate of
and resourcefulness, inventiveness and
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
all the qualities which make) the lead-
FORMOSA -Office In Maodonald Blook-
el', the large, full, complete man,
remain undeveloped. While trying
•� ����,
to get square, their employer,
by giving him pinched service, they
.blight their own growth, strangle
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
their own .prospects, and go through
of Dental Surgeons erns of Ontario, Honor
's Graduate of University of Toronto
life half men instead of full men—
Faoulty of Dentistry.
emt%ll, narrow, weak men, instead of
the strong, grand, complete men they
might be.g�
have known employees actually to
�B s y , .
work harder in scheming, shirking,
d trying to keep from working hard In C� EYE SPECIALiST FOOD SCIENTIST
Iw the performance of their duties, than Acute and Chrome Diseases treated,
1r/ the would have worked if they had Gapltal Patel Up Glasses Solontifloally fitted.
y y $3,000,000. luesday_a`k st (ovoroC/ rlstis ed8tore3 a.lin
��� ,• tried to do their best, land had given M
the largest and most liberal service Reserve
B' J. $3eserv00.
possible to their employers. The �sY--t„�ti ? 'roto Assets W. R. HAMBLY, ISC., 1K,D,, C,IU,
hardest work in the ,.world is that (j4&,000,000, p
Spacial attention aid to diseases
which is grudgingly done. of Woman and Children, having
If you rob your employer of time .,, . taken postgraduate work in Sur -
and energy, you are really robbing gory, Beoteriology and soientiflo
yourself, for this will result in a subtle Medicine.
dishonesty, cultivate a weakness which AMI !� omoe, in the 'Kerr residence, be -
will slowly but surely undermine _ 4 twoen the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Charoh,
y+ your character and destroy your repu. All business given careful attention,
�/omen a dChildrim" tation for trustworthiness. A Bank Account Photo G4. P. o. BOX 116
For T AAA "The mean is In his work. All is un
stable -that is dona by a dishonest AVIXG is a habit that
Your dealer sells builder, but ail honest mason puts his S its easily acquired, and DRS, UI XEDY & CIDER
soul into every stone he lays, and affords more ploasttrb and Orricas-Corner Patrlokr and Contra -streets
Peerless Underwear, mixes character with his mortar," satisfaction than can be I'noaxs--
Casts xIa more thstrt the ordinary On a street bar not long ago, I over- derived frotu the a ending oflloom 48
p Residenoe, Dr. Kennedy' 143
beard a fine looking young roan telling of money, Residence, Dr. Calder 161
kinds. * two companions how he managed to No matter how` sotall Dr. Xennod r speafalIzes In Suntory.
cheat his employer hitt of an hour wad may be the amount yott Dr. elalder devotes apdoial attention to
A half a tithe( every! day for. Huai a year iseasee of the Eyse, Ear, Nolle and Throat,
without detedv6r $ehalf%he fuss teat tiro able to bskvt from yortr Ily tharoughly tested. Goia"lis propntly
e, gre,at deal with the boys nights and , salary each week', it it ie
•� deposited in this bank, you
. got, On utt average only Iive ar silt
houre of sleep, but that he lnAtiaged
w#al be given 'the sumo
----•� -
. I a : e�i# A A
to sleep an hour ttnd a half eatakf day
courteous treatment thin
is otteous )area aepOsitors,
Ir9te imtYlxlbf t° Ottee staff Tar•during
budnebe hourtl behtind a oertaixj
door situated back of the private othaa
An eieocnnt can be
onto General Hospital« Post grad- ri T
nate London and Dublin. A"I
° In the stot'e, vvhich, when op6n, eat off'
quite a little oorner of space in ttuoh tt
stetted with Otte dolor
and tho highest ourrant
8ttoo not to Dir Agnew /
o - M.rrtA
way that he could seclude WitiI&
Hitorest will bs btedited
Ili McDoifAy.D RLocs
without danger of being stash, m te;
every %1Z months,
cue would think of looking bettor) the,
floor. 7'n this sealtttlecl ftoriit9ff�, its
�+�� rw
DR- p t • 0k Ik
of stirs he took it riap of ons clinoid kr half
' �` �` �� �y
her d► d ". Tbate "Pa
7 4 I
PhyWdw Surgeon..M
4 __-ALIL 1