HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-20, Page 6I ----,,w--!!MF,-I!Inmmmmll-,-T--"%T-�--- ____�__ _���__ -
I .
.. I � , I I 1.� -"'-T,.- " ag"'.- . -�- P, PwT P. — - 1 11 -01110 I .1 __ - � __ -
�WT. T.". ," rw, . , MIMI., __
.,FPF ."'T"WIt --
T -
� . %A� I . I I I . I �, � � .'" � 1 - _.' ' "'" ' ' " ' - r !1 1! '� r ' 0I - ; P tol bli 0 111111h, *, 0 P14 �' ':" ''r ' .. 1 - ". "' � 0 " " -0 6 ' - At - 40 r . 41!55040� * " ,.,-.
. I .- . . --.--. .. _ . . - __ � — ; ., X. ! =� ==. ___ . __ __ -, - I 11 I � . I 1 9 _1 I , . ...;.1
. I � — . r I , � 1. � 1 �� � � I I I � I . . illp 11 I I ; N I W 111i 4 ;q 4 ". ."
,_;:=.� - .
111.1.. ''I I I I �. ...''.. .1 11.1.111, 11 ...''. 11. I Abdillit � , �, I , , � 9 � I r I . , '. , ! I � I . boy?" deniands the surgeon, dropping I - .--.-.--- - , , I .r r I 1. I 1. I � 11 11,010W , . � �
. . . . . 9 . . . I "'000 ���
)tj'� D . : ANOIENT OURES, ' idi� 4*"," 00 .*kool, .W .4 oUlIrr 9— 1 . ... I..
1114 va4u, ill tonsternittloyl, and spring' � . __-RA" .
1�1 to ilk(, oide (if )1114 friend. '---'- X "'Ir4040 4 0,0 01rill
11 -�'? ..011ly It trIfle, but It 101 ter ftne of Them Were Worse Than
. . 1�'1J;k1%V11'1_ ki Good Light—Gotc4 Eyes
;, t� , .-. d
.0 . " �� �, 2 III rpssed," the Diseases, R .
QQ_�, 00 a 91 -XVIIN. didn't Ai(I)II: ($peak. 0 ill 6 be- N - 011
�- lm a fore I," 'delliallits . Wo will) iinderatand moclorn 2nedival . The best light for studYing iS Kerosone light,
'itintilian. ivitirmly, Methods. baultation And thu estro of 131111 -
MIGHT WOR , K. ,:� -FIRE r �s
4�7 kao �: . "ag UNION
I i UWQ 4. . Ile )let
WOU"ED UNDF,R f I The best oil larap is the 21
its lie seva tile blood tilt Sam's Shirt file tilmet;uos are likel.v tu lie hurriflod .4 "
Sit tile "L;ill't "' " S
(1,ott,willo (1vorior-3ournal) slesive. ,.V*, offered by the Ancients . - ,
%vife. %%i,y iiotet you I.Ire it bott ,r . Ir 9 . . allid, acecuted 10.1- Went As tilt* QIlIY P1.13- , 11 .
. I'.
rn"Az'.," . 9 . I I . r . � - 4 "Tile pontit lieedet.l. vour attention Stock Yards Nible reintiltes. M , ^ I
.. %V4. vaill't (Ircl. "noligh salar.y to gl--t "Yon, )lave enolo. It Is well, We Shalt Ili, . 1111101 more thall I ditf." returns Sam Bef"Le inedlulnem IJVvaIjIU a scielleft it � I .4 I
tit;. way frorn anir iteli nolghbars." .4 left arill with ,.ill aliforriatiz 111ol.b. quietly. Was to bo taicall , . lilt antilloto for Jaull- WD
I as . t
..lVell vall't .von draft ollo fron' tile , )lave tljlj� affaiv over lit tell Illialitcoi or joillit like tile 401-11191119 of It IlenlIttlun), B this thile. Dudley lifts rolle I TORWTO kitition, and milell of tile illediville used
. y d till . bv thu glic,lents Was 11wilght. to vilro by
raluors?" "o. and then refreshing Sh-op tit tile one or tile fiction (if A, InaVIII110, the bleeve of his shirt.'allit finds where Supernatural niealim. Strong, attractive, convenlopt. Can bo lighted without
'. I Who Tellialux." renl4rks tile volollel,WWA 'rho eount iii t -lower lit anowerin;?. ,),III- the leadell. Lip. 10. Al. .Sallwlth. of Lo I P, removing chimney or shado-vasy to rewick. Stock
Itoskieligi)r, vifined, with stic:11 ,,ido: , lifts re- A
-r�_0,'F_A_11s1 �SE H I N D. ,tit (1111 plWAs tll.tt ollillot be 111144tahell, Instantly colletilves tile I'lo-t that Ii Largest Canadian ('(Xlltl.v (Itlivered it tr'oupse leeturva oil
dvoign upo the Anieriviijili; life, ha(I "Driigk. t.titt and .New.- volich I;Ive,v a roll ; I
, , , , ell a lille along 136 arill. it is a Malls1r,"t r I'llitight Ilau tile AMIerd of tile veop C, ot, carried at all chief points.
Baron ,Sam pays tits lived. tit it. know- ";Ili* ldw%'
1011-viel.11141 Plain Dealev) I .1 is part of it, pri"oneerted Jdan ba -
I;"* N c It avo not goin, 111) to Millie (Ilnk'i . . twepil ill(. .twil Italla;1j, ... what would lie 'A lit - . � 4 JMW other dayli, I Oar beat "PaItO use ROYALITH orL, 0*
.1114�.;111% Illort!", 1 Ing that tile. 111411 ol�fvvt of thi� 111all 10 . to lie able to waril 111'.3 elittlit? W011114 that Ilk Only Itaintal, ljot 11111111
.. [lot Alve TlAVr,*1 fI0,'AL Kna new born pupliles Nvora
X ,.\Ijlllt.,.,; it little. tlio .-Iow fair III,,. I to'niake him tille.1sy, and relider Ilits Iteadv!" POPS tile count. ieriouk. anilowr till, Inetileal "renledies" mentioned 11 ds&Ebh- The Imperial Oil Co., Limited �
The Ialit thne I wits -it her holoP 141t.- �q%le'l- " nerve,j unsteady. Tht- one who vould (10 I)Qftl.�- 110 blilldstg0i It, after appl,ying For Beef and Fteder .% Twitnt Mostre4d wi*nislaw vi�"Ouyar
� ,
.41�'Il . �
*!*iq lo's sonlething I ,tvallti.il to it . 1�si listalifir the colonel ejaculates. I 11 v 14'. Sandwith Ili his leettires,
, 11 I I.I.P. Oil. vt�s, Ulm, %Ild tile 1� 'I, : tills wisillit have to. Invent nolne very ill- � - . Rome soothill" salve that will hasten Ulle lissok of remedies quottid by tit#,, �
Then' fire, gantlomen!" call 10(Aurer as alliong the be.st of Its time t"t S�sdivokry Eduwaten '.
I;jt_t-l1;ljI I.,-rlpsi t -time - It I lit,! \\'Ito won?' " , 9011101ni method, Indeed. The count Juls expected tills, '%fill hn. i0thealing. " .1*9 Calves, H096, reconunpi,tipa a iivo spider, rolle(i lit bilt- Eit anglica Regiso Siiskat"n ,
- - 11firon Is'ain na.i'nuthline tit sav lie its 'That lilt of lead didn't come. far front ter, And rorilled Jjjtu a pill. Thin pill ".
� -_ --- --- - nediate)v preq,tiki thek SheeP and fforses
DIFFERENT. not here to t;tll;. but on anotlle� errand I tri"Ver of 111% L tile livart. I Imagine it Artick your re. I . WAS to 110 talcell 4%.4 an alitidot f()p lann. 9 1 .
r"olver.. blit wilell tile sli-port solindt; 'it tile
1\\1.ts;JlJj1A,toa. Star) elitfrely, ,.Inve hs� lin-ditem; ii to d6JlQ4e vulver, or bonlething, and glolleed", Sur- . dlect. an I Jaiindieo, ill tile days IN'bell tile
lllh� mho .,Lvab; hV 11,11-80 41;010.14 0118'1- .. � of a insin. Ili, tipeolld call do till tile, I'lloll the p4ght air it lis avoollipa,111-11 by vilig tile Nvolind itgtkill. I WRITE FOR IN"RhIATIOr4i booli; wAs now, voyered Infirm forins of � �,
'1111110L It 1,000lid for Baron Sain lies itot beelt. ve, . diseasek nuiv known by other other names. 11
szold tile I-vatlyinfole oullev, $.,,ut h.) talking jities-A,sarv. I "And I know it. fur I felt the iihovk, -- . VlneI4 were hold lit high osteeni, ,rheme t
"Yes." renthd -Nit-. 'Aleolcton. caught napping. Then both contestants .-
%%-.,;I sanatelisis your w1fe'll liandbag Stoats Dudl(-y Alel'allp takes )told fit o1we tire seelt (11) Advalle it stekii-4f either list 0111.v the kitniness of Providence pre. . - were given for varlolls; ailluentii, )mt unts I
a ' their best uses was ail eyo retneay I �R I
I ' his hooll wt;jIjIdLsd they do not Care to adnilt "" I L
it hiplil.v ilec6rated ,,%till oxPentlive. ar- � with tile energy characteristic (it vented it from piercing my brain. nr anti. YIDers. stew Intu a browth, ivare sill). !
III -It- " I Ing ilia lit soino other way. There call 4lephant Language, nosed to be ail excellent rojiledy for - ..
. I : I Canadian natilre A01101 will not I'llul tile fitet, but mean to contintle the ll.f. , I birengthenhur the eyes. I ..
apass to grow under 116 feet. Ito had 0 'no doubt tilait tile count shot to 3q,ven aq lato as the soventeenth noil L I 1;11,
ALWAYS IN IT, � fairs until it reaches a more serious " Nlepliallti tire lialti, to )])like use of a ,I , I
. had lit) experiouve In affairs of liouor stage. . kill." gliteenth ventarlos, L)wvtIPr,,,I iouniralem . 14
(JUAIA10 I Tile dressing is Soon applied, and Sall, .great Variety of sounds tit commituicat- W0111 filliPlied to imt1olits with the Santa I I -
. -they (10 not form a part of ordinary This i� only a beginning--thero Ia. . - I t.
I '%Ir. vuss (rurlow,W-ft's InIghty strall:1.0, - . declares lie . fevers, An inunimic-.9 wert, licarce and 4" - -
veil vall't look arter, thing.m m little better! life. it'i .Niontroal t,r Quelloo Society, but main many niorp leaden tuessengors Ili will stiffer little inconven. lug Nvith. each other anti Ili expr-kiSing fevors I)Ientifill, Inany powders, joippotii- .
. )Iort, I walit, I - n are only too car ed tit be made froin tiowd red mummies,
t) .-have tina there Isn't a INtilley (lops not itioan that the colonel onell weapoll, find tile nip lence from tile wound. Ile Prell'ares to their wautti iiiitl feelings. Some api) wart, supilliesl to iyationtsewlth the same
circio of hot water litiv. . , . cillall know (if tills, lxii*il()tt% to selld the"i On theIr '11'a" retire, �nd,ireseutly all is darkiiews aint to be uttered by ilia trunk, others by excellent effeet that tile rettl inniniuY I I . I . . . I
: Air.,i. I'lussi (16h.) -It Is .krall'u'l %A It%" lie procood-i to dll`eiius matters with 11 , he, , silence Ill" Le cell.' I
thol", tilt, (me tilil"t, I've nevel: fivoll out whiged wit's pain Ad they i fly or I the throat. ,rhe conitictarem lit whicli would have given. VI 4-4-4 M - -.1
(if AIIvo I 311tirrIt-d you!
tile Italian so( -011d, and to hear 111111
even death lt,p
At bix ocloek the bell elasiga again
eather means of oxprv,.;sion, 1); employ -
I ' - J�
grillublin"r over "''lot. 1,1:1.111 poilit ill the
I)IjdIQy .Nfi..I.aue holda hi -i teeth. awalt.
fOr the 11111till Sel-VIVO, but tile weary
ell cannot be Strictly li-lassified, its fear,
Bat 1, earth hound. must Alore ITILIM111)
gallip one would itrial-rin , that the dliellu
ilIg Ill� seewid disolkarge--he has Ills
illigrinis, that tills is no concern,
pleasure, want and emotions tire
O"Ife) .
- Avas it part of Pudle.y. 11el'alle's, daily
eveti glited it on Itio friend ---he sees
of theivs, WIT over, and seelz it beauty
sometimes apparently indicated by the
i,ouls.-Trotshl'-d with I Iws o f 1111pot It 1.
life. it's Illitht intrivilte Itly-iteries 110 -eal-
� daron *.tilt aNlyance that One pace for.
na 1). Later ,oil, when the still strivels,
t,lI -
nk, sometimes by the throat. Ali
Isn't '410 trilie
Judi�-'Alip dilosIVI vVell Want if' Ot
ell book with him.
. ward, Ilia thurab ineanwhilo drawing
the tourists conie, out of their Pella mind
elephant rilsbing, upon till -assailallf
thing" that (he litic-tiII14 forbid.
Thiw a. eholce of 110.4iti011s Ili illadel.
liaek tilt- haninter of Ills revolver, whiLli
gather about the breakfast table. These
trunipet.,4 Shrilly with. fury. Fe a r I *,
-.—.---4 I
Although the mijou 6 ulmoat title south
he lifts kept levelled all the time Ili the
monks of iSt. Bernard know how to treat
similarly expresied Ili a Shrill, brassy
it ,vill tqlIllp 11 trifle In the i -ye., of oi�e
diroetion of (it,- Ita,liall. .
Lbeir au"is well. Thousands visit them
trumpeting, or by a roar f roin. the
Oloqton Tran.-wript)
Iliall Lis tile%- stand fave to favit. Thell,
.A.reahi conitim a doublo reptirt, ui the
trery"yea.r. unit ati no eharge Is 111ade
Ilin, pleasure by a continued low
, as ;
Vin -mor Ilawbiwk-What (10 '.,',Iu ('11'11'W'
again, whilct tile prilleipal Standing oil
two firearms are diLieliarged, The ..killer-
fo I, ottortabilliplit, tile free box
It I -
lqueaking through tilt- trunk or fill nt
for pietilrett like tht-Ill? .1rA Inoills, . tt .
Ill I rapher-Righ (toll, d
-e. wive I - II -er Ills
dio N% it will ret -lit ight oN
kAll f1dVAnCeN a. W01111 1);100, and that
Oil the wall receives Voluntary
109 ring , -om tile
11 t illandible pun sound It
Pz�rlllvr Ilawbuck-All right. ,iN'IIovQ1-;;
rit'lit Shoulder, hiii oppollont Inwit take
siltrill. thililib again draws 1)
- ,, aelc the
offerings. S.'ad to relitte, these do not
throat, Want --as it-valf calling lt.4
tl- , horime I'm I 1) set oil:
icover the left and (title tile Illoo it lit
Iminnier----he I., evidently ready foi- all,
arnotint to olle-fifth. of what it hotel
n iotlier-la chiefly expressed by tile
l - .
. IDEAL. .
it meastir,�.
Other exeliallge of coilliflimelits.
wOlihi, delliand, and heice 1,110. good
, -
tbroat. A peculiar sound is Ilse of by
Tt c,;jj I)p ocon, thererore, that the
Aleanwhile ]to%%, fares it with tile
would doniand, and hence tile good
elephants to express di -like or RlTrli-
waste,-,, positic)o 13 tile more favored
cculit? ,A cry Ili heard, .-tild a groall-
their Tisitori,
lionsion, and at ilk(' saille tinle, to luti.
rhpiol.s a (mem, ease across the street.."
Onv� and the cololle, ,_iVes It (.1-y or de-
the former proceeds froin ilia Colonel,
There 43 talk of pressing on below.
Initiate, its whell. the eanite of "011ie
sar- tho nottly(�. 110,d Jim Jilergus was
�,-t,llcic bV ftht:lI:.g* inst year. 11114 lie
I ight wilev lie. draw'i it fill- his in'ttil Dud.
(latices about in a fever of rage and
The gulde,; tire. consulted, andAt is (le-
Alarm. has not been VlearIv ascertained
vall't speak a woril now, .11thollgh Ilk'
ley Says nothing, fill- he knows Saill call
vonsternation-his ]lot Ttallan blood
ternimed that the occasioll I', ropitions,
and the animal '4 Av!,,sit to'detor till lit-
ii.s.-d to lie abla to make it whoopin;est
nit. a*revolver equally well with either
has betin arouaed by what lie
So a general paeking ill) is
Cruder. It it' produced. by 11apping tile
Ntunill '11opeb %-oil aver livard.11
"WhY don't vou follo; hoom him for
sees, for the rigglit arm of the.
Q()Itllt di-01hi litielcis,fly to hili side, and
the day, Sona they- leave behind the
grini will of the niouRstery behind, each
el I a of tile trunk smartly �ni thi'9101111d,
PN I( tary Ili' stattIT; !Islcs tile Visitor. ,
. .
- I I
AN'llile tlja�se few 111ijuites have been.
I .
the pain of Ithi wi;und through the
., , I;
one having dropped Into ills, Ill), wliq
it ( -urrent of all' hitherto Xt-titillett living
S -SH 1 '..
taken ill) by tile sec0nds ill arranging.
I the nevet,sary details. 8-1111, -stallill,19
slio I Ulder forceg that gfoall 'from ]lid lips.
'ilia duel
Ills generosit". allows' I .
Adthough ,,now the,nioujitains
sharply Qjj1ittpd through tilt, trunk as
front iZ valve, tit tile 1110111011t, of ilopm .t.
Moston Trans(-rlpt)
� there. has ll;t beva idle. Ife list.% beell
. , . strantre ]Ills realehed its leg-
Ittillate Vollirtiltiiint.-At is tile Stars anil't
around the monastery, the farther theY
ri'lle sound Inside resellibles that of it
"I'll. what I.; *1 hat-holor?"
bitchn.lor. niv son, Is it man to be
taking till eve ineasure (If his inan, even.
Illight fol, a new s,lit of
"trilles that bai ,come out victorious,
dviicefid tile warmer' tile nir becoinei,
IaLrge sheet of thne rapidly dollbled.
:: : 1,
Vied: but don -i t,.Il .vour mother r
8.1111 so",
a, %'tailll�
clothli,i, thoill"ll it is probable that the
anti Dudley ll&ane can with difficulty
until tile Snow b0c011ic's Sluall, anti, fill-
Z 3
Only 011t.fit A - im llas ill %iew I,,, a Nvoodell
repress A Allout.
silly, tit the base of tliL- tyreat rise there
The duellist count will have to keep
I-' nothing to his seen ])tit pools of water-
(Liophloolt's) .
lit a word. tile pool Anierivan had
his revenge until some futurc OCCA61011—
at least his hour is fit livind.
At the inn they find, eomfort, a lit
here another nigrist IS pa-3sed. Baron
The aeason 'for Colds is -it 11,111d and
"Wo doll't have (111N. gra,,4 groullig oil
,,Vill, -1 _
Po.,-.4,4,�4 ==�n'vd the. Now York( -r.
docidedly exactiv whare lie Will Pat
)Its bullk when 'Ili- collic'i to disablill"
XcLane steps . forward -Baron Sam
Sam has had several luteresting "nver-
sationg with 11iss Alleen, on'd learns
111110�s tile 1110thei! kcatui it vOntillt"Ll
W. ( %V 11
-'tell over her little oniNal Vill I -I
.,, -
�_,_. ".No. I dart, stiv not." ivniled the Phil-
�,_- adt-Inhian. "I .�Illwrkoso your str"t-C.ir
',�� - hrowse alking.f.
hol-t-em It thoN
tile count. If-hP is "Oh)" it) IIAVe
troode Nviih ,rivi)ii it, 'it. `
ti future, it is
Still Stan
ids there, calinly waiting to
,lee what let- ilia affair 1� to be contiu-
that ,site intends passing into Italy, so
selze them asid often illoro serioliz; re-
follow. dose of
;�,41` 111hilli, off as
le -
Ali to be present Ili Runic 41urinj the
sult."; X11 oveasiolial
jll:,t .is well that tile tilan lie illeftlIflicit-
ited or )lot, Ills revolver hanging &re-
Carnival s�ason, whiell. happens to be his
baby',; Owl, Ta 1) I I, t -; will prevelit
ated from itsing Ilk i,Nvord arin, Which
l' - *
lessly at Ills tilde, real1v it) be J.&ISed
- ,
Own Plan.
Colds, or if thev (to Come oil midden-
$alit ]tit.% devided is his rhdiC one.
with lightning rapidity.
Ile believe-.," there is Something like
ly tilt, Tititlets 'will vicar the stontach.
Qladys%-Dld tile hoxtess; Ilk ".%,Oil next to
Alp. VeviCa.-t tit the. dinner laSt Tlight"
In'the dav time lie woula have no
doubt of his ability to aefol"PI1411 just
"Colonal .1hitreheoi, ire you satiiifiedl"
clentandri tile. young Canadian. .
.fate ill thirl arrangement, wh1oh pleases
him wonderfulIv. .
lind bilivels anti intitalitly relievu tile
bal)y froln cold. The TabloiN are sold
Mal -W01. I Should 111111-IT111P! .,;hp cold
In(. Ills whole awrill-pastt.
what lie seeks. relyiu.,, npon his Nvuri-
The, Other Z -eases his wild gyrations,
-kilen lifts lon� had ]ter nwn way -She
by 'medicine dealera or by mAll at
- -
derhil skill ,with tilt- revolver: but Ili
.011 to (ille-3tiollS
and looks lit the perl, wl
1t;,a girl with sonle queer notionfl, And
1-1,; vent'l ,It ho.%, front The -[)I'. Willialuti'
the night, firing by tile deeeptive light
Ill,, with Puch a wry countenance that
yet poesessed, (if it warin heart under-
edi ' ,rockville, Ont.
.1 E 4'.1no ( 0, P
of tile Inooll. it 114). be .1 different 1111t-
I)LIdletv altniost snitles-it reminds him
ileath it .till.
1 : I-
. (Boston Transerlot)
110 father didn't to our oil-
-. At all-,*- rate. '-'alit is bound o (to
to . t
. ,Ing a bitter (lose of niedi-
(if a ov ,,,, -
Sain. Bnxtnn likes her the* niore lie
Chamber of 11ozz,ors.
-your Object
EMIZement as; mueli as I exueettill. � '
Ilk duty.
.. (lentlenlell. toadv to
. anti dea,
Ville aring it to ])a splefidid,
sees of her, sill, I,; 6o diff'Prent from all
Sliv-Poor vaTilt, Isn't as partloulft It.,;
lie be. I .
wo ave place
even wIdle hk luouth puckerc;, and tears
girls lie has ever inet, At tile aame
1;ln Pertita" said ill(- barber, bar -
I used to - - I
.Von," says tile polite volol;el. with a
come into Ilia eyes,
thno lie does )lot P11i'll his AniL too
bers eonibi;ie medicine mild delitititry
wave of Ilk arm.
Count Tivoli bas it revolver Ili Ills
, ropl I as.
"Perfectly," ll�
.The h0i�lft of' both parties has been
ardently, though it a gelierallY 1118 Way
I 0 .
to rush thillf-4, -
,,qth Ord
our trade, When -1 valeted L
Loveless the explorer, I often Ilbed to
(Duffalo E,%presO .
hand. wbieli his second examines, for
vindicated?" . .
Sain is no lit face and. figure,
visit tile PersialL barber shop -just to
li "So '%'oil fool encouraged 4111CC� the
. . octor left, evell though .yttu tit(, worse?"
the ]list thile as lie place.; hilil across
line marked after the has
14F%aetly," with a. French Shrug of
like the Coun't Tivoli -he even lacks the
see tile full, you know.
"Yes: lie said that it wouldn't lie noces-
a ground
the shoulders that means a great deal.
winning face anti inagnifleent; figure of
",Once I wat; being shAved whell a
sary for hisn to come here for moro
beell paced off.
"Then we will consider ilia affairdone
Diulley. NICLane, but Ili spite of Ills
nian Came Ili with tile rhournatism.
than two ,wevits longer.,, .
Z :�
16 I., it pectiliar pieture,-the griin
with. '-scow, I am a Surgeon by pib�es-
.1 Phys'o&-
undereved -form anti homely 0
Excusing himself to ine, the barber
Ivall$ (if the, wray Monastery r6hig, Oil
6ion-you inuat allow ilia to exallinle
noiny ' lie makes All )%"to colne in voll'
knelt beshle tile patient and offered ill)
� (London 0I)IIII41n) . .
, --rovered mountain
Ono side . tilt, stiou
stretching down (Ili tilt- other, and it
, I'v. lind .1'
! tie Ild'! isis tile colonel.
v 0 11 1�r, I lingl�)O"
tart with him feel Ills leaderililp.
. it it; not the large Luen who -rule the,
a abort raver, Then ]it, touched tile
�l tinies with a hot !run.
"That voung Thorlings; scily,; till a %,at,,.,
lato hour. 'What does your InotiI6.
, 1) - ht I -
rig noon lighting 111) tile scene until
"N In %. ftlees -ire the,il,J. lit demand,
."d ,
a We bavo hall a
world, by tiny ine. its.
patient it ire�
That was the Cure. .
. .Nora,
sar about it?"
even minitte objeetis neai - by can lie dis-
1110 . who 3113
messiet. tile , I
Irsf,J ask,3
Xapoleoll, a Jay 0ould, and. inninuers'
,,Oil another oce&-sion, while I was
1,,",�he s.o-s nien haven't altered a bit,
been a. witnesti; of thia, to him, Strange
f0sle other rulers Ili war and finance,
getting it baireut, IX lilan Came ill Nvith
: -
- -
The four men Lilt,. iselves form a group
11 �
and startling event.
who have been small in stature but
the toothitelle. X,'X0IlbID9 hill1self, tile
tItAt; 1111ty it be worthy of ail artist's pan.
cIL as they .stand there lit tit(-. �)ositlon
Dudler endles and shakes his head.
"Solns� other time we may have to
Illighty Ili their Achievements.
From the inn the travellers haye to
barber yanked Will Jore anti agOuged
ILWAY tile 'tooth. for twelitv Illillatea.
(Baltimore American)
. .
"Tile 0iotoarapher Maduc, turtlod down
chosen. When lie halt placed Ilia prill-
call oil you, rather ConferAor. _N- 0 W,
malze. It trip by diligence to the ter-.
little the r-itilway that )Vill carry
at -
Finally s n breaking tiff it
Iniq one consolation. or It ought to be to
a witil, in ]its husliles.Q.11 I
cipa I ond NvItispered a few last insitrue,
tion Ili Ili-, Par, ill(- ,
Italian colonel steps
colonel. if you ivill help your friend
back into tile monastery, we will see
111 '
thent to Turin, if good luck attend the,
Piece- .
,,,All,, Ile ,that's tit(- piece tit(,
. "What is It?",
"Itsi socurpsl it. gc-od negative"
I . -
baek a few pace.q.
4 Dudley has performed ill(, Sam(, kind
what can.be done. Lint, splints, find
bandages calk doubtless be procured
A merry party.it is that enters the
pall, wilr, in. Two piastres. pleat.w.'" I
. ... .
I .f , .
- 11� CHARITY.
--l' " (Pblladelnhia Record)
office for bis nian. who stand,s there fac,
lug tile Count- `It'l `rlot It bit Of 'wh'te
there, so th'It ill yolif cell w,� will lnal,e
lihn as Comfortable SIR liogsible."
yellicles provided for thein. i 11 tile morn-
ing. Others besides our' friends are
I showing al)otit him. even his face being
The nionk leads the little PrOCC811131
going that Nray, and two ctageis are
� ,
,j 11
harlt.v uncovers a inuititude
I of sin,.
1111=1111-14-ADrODOr Of ,what?
hidden tinder Ilk Alpille hat.
"Gentlemen." says Ilia colonel, ill it
back and isoon the scene of ilia 1111d.
11191 it dual Ili deserted. Once iuside, Dud-
Count Tivoli bas assurance enou h t
. a is
Ili$ the others.
1I"z9JnS-WeII. I attended ail ainateur
1welonnance for charity last evenhim
' - � -
voice loud- enough to reavIt botli par.
M .
tle.s, and yet not alarin the sleepi
ing in-
le secures a little cmic lie has with
-Y 'Ile two
1, " and Geeka Ilia cell Ili which L
push way ainolgri
IL gOO11 aCtO� and , s face, does not be-
'It%), 0 IA k10-
Yoil 1viii not -make Any nit,
- the toll '11)',ap-
- -
� mates of tile grilli buildin! r 60 CIO �e Lit
` ,
� hall, "You un(ler-itaint tile ot
ital Ian friends are donliolled.
tray the feelings of his heart. - When
Aileen a6ks,.Avith solue solicitude, why
Inx ,iio as -e are WIN') ji,
ket prices for all plirs that ,.ve are get -
Express Charge,; and
..i .
(Bliftilo Extires"e)
F. tills little arfair. AA tile word. fire,both
it is a peculiar, busineas, this binding
lie carries his Arm in It sling, lie repli4
tillir. We I)- all
charge no c6nimisplon. We get 111ol-
"Ili his sy)sicches Grigmf Is confoundin.,
Ill enen .."
;', ,Uer
are to begin, advanving at tile Santa
, ,
lip the wounds of ail enemS,, and yet'
is used 'to doing
tilat; lie has met with &n aecident-tIlat
dreds of shly)ments ever do','; so NVI ,,, not
try us with YOUV next slilimient a id ho
.. Yes: and urivittolv lie is usin-- even
tillie, if ,V011 M,o fit. A wound will end
)IeT.alle it surgeon,
tile Pr
queer thinge. Ili his love for. O"
4 does not ainount to -it great deal-
and laughs'jood-naturedly over it, turn.
"onvinced, .
. stron_"cr
. I - 1-
Clio matter. if tile Nvolinded. iiian drops
to tile ground. and tile, flow of blood
fesslon, lie sinks other feelinga.
ing tI a Ciubject neatly before she call
wipes out the Insult, Fir�;t Of all, I will ;
,-kt the saine tinie it niske,s him think
of the old story of the scotched serpent,
ask tile nature of Ills wound. .
Sala preserves a Palm face, but Dudley
" (Wa-slihigton .9tar)
"k3P1)i,4)1I got ,.%,out, nooln rivillted?" .
. ask if you are ready?"
- The Zount repliett lit the affirmative,
or tile frozen viper a peasant warined
Cannot ketip from indulging In ftziA
____..... _:
,;�osi� remleti the determined authisr.
, _
r sinit the first to r-ncl� Know
I I voice is Chipper enough, but lie fin-
back to life in ]lie. bo -soul, to llav;�Ii
b wile, which ilia quick eyes of lean
The Powers of Coal.
,�, .cttanza -it-
� -," ail't; column. with the Inmilry. Tan any
ono -,IV(- nit, tit(- romt of tills poi-rar, ,rhon
inediately receives it shock when lie
notices ,�Ilftt Ills anta('011hit list$ done.
*Sfillg bin',
,Some day lie ivill ]lave cause to re-
catching, the girl makes up liar niind
that the Canadian knows more about
Doos Anyone r ealize the I)ower or coal
.1 T q(tit lit thst coniolete ilocin. over another
Baron. Satil no longer "lat-ed the mooll,
grot bringing this wan. back to a State
the nature, of Antonio's wokind tliall lie
*at to work
as A -,voriter? A Inall was s
Immi.." ' '
but holds the. revolver in )its left hand,
Of activity, hat tile common dietAtea of
hun I him now.
estres to disclose, anti hence deternibies
to make ,secret inquiries lates, being
a I)ulny) as bard as lie could all day, and
At tll:-1 aw.1 of ten hours it was found that
Transerlot) '
having altered )its pot'itioll fit tile last
� �
Ili order to -slein oral lze I ill I Ital-
Iftni y'govern
11, _, f&ls Chat tile count'i; wound,
It of tl
po,_ielssed of a f ir amount to curl-
iiiiieb. as; A,
lie bad clone JUIlt as work -
2 of coal could i1o.
. I (110ston
IF:; said to tile boy 1110
hill. Ili so dolng, lie expo.qcs kis heart
Whil0 Perbaps'less serious than it might
Chat is Supposed to ))a monopolized
little less than uunces
Taking all tills energy Init forth br a
aunt athlete
other day: "I still d(.11ghted to hear of
to tile eueniv's fire, the reitult NOth till
have )seen, is nevertheless not of a trif.
Sam. to disable his
1'�l on, conversing oil
they runiWe
Ilard-_,joilting man during one whole �,�ar
the san te aniount of force wOuld ba, iur-'
N 0111. sll�&-sq
. oil tile qehool bitsolmit Vani,
. 31oro)(1: bill N-ou intist ruinernber that
left. handed I hitt ,it the same time
lie I
avolds having tilt, nionn Ili Ili% o ve
ling Order, aimed
1, , and could not )save clone hot-
many sul;jecis, such AS naturally conlid,
11181 -Ad by 36 *once$ of good coal -or say
44 'Dounds Of CLverag, 0 coal.
I tht -v art. otlivr thln,ms lit life besIldes bas3,
13Y thili Ilrtioll 110 11. ,
s Ilellira lizell J"t;
ter. 11,6 tirqt biffltvt drew blood front the
to ilia surface when a party travel
off .ectirse, even Ili the best ongines
aunt. T Itnow." sald tile boy,
poor fortune that gave him -I Avnrse poi.
, au
Italian't; arm and come within half
. duty.
illider Such difficulties its beset tourists
lit Switzerland Italy. .
illo' greater nart oE the working energy
or coal is waisted. But even If only
nt- hatia It sill, Vin afraid 11ju tt)o
Ktit for footip -ill or rowinj,"
Itioll than 116 ellouiv. Thk iA not all.- -
lie has illana(rod to 11116tvady till- llcrvv,�,
)]tell of accolliplishill'y its
so (110 Calladiall wirgeon, cloes his
' Colonel Afarellosi is tit the other dill-
c mo -tenth is turned to accottlit, 150 votinds
Of COLLI is actual to m 111all Working for
I - 11i
tife volill , .;L eritival lilt).
of I. at the lilt) I
Nvork. ail d make -3 tile stricken Inall Qasy'
doeit ]tot hurt jut3t; yet -it Is
gOnce 1110 at of Chain believe, but
knows btitter. Ile ]tits aceldentallylearn-
We dayr of tile 3rear.
_' �, --' - SO - can do am ... no" Nv 0 rk "', Is"'
"O' , I 11
fNow York Triblin a)
11(millow., to till, ") ,
it. which
Inel mil't agaillst tilt'
10.111;l1l, who vertalilly, has 'lleed of -all
Hilo wound .
tl;c Amek (July that 111111;rvej hilli'and
a heltalifin friend of the count
left ilia
" , ,., O"no 0 4 no AS Illuch
m, I .1 - Co
W P'n - hor" - .It I Ili Ol -
.0, 1. f.r� .3 0 0 0 ;
1111111hel, of 1.1 , fillod
a I e
vyvry moij(h. necortiltur ill tilt- relml-t of
I .,
Ills VoWers -it thi.;, st pre (if Clio affair.
makes him grind Ills stro ig white teeth.
secured a. pi.h. life vehicle, find
- -
illn tile bage of tile Alps at day
- t
S 11 t 11 I I oll
"y ;o th, ._t - I I r ,
11 f, '. , - li ,I
"O A L, L� . %111 - .� in I ill I -11 .It I
�Izlo �
Vt-% muplovinont bun-att of tile It\leet ,.,!do
Yount. Alen'm Chrisitlim Aocl.atlon. I'll!-
Saill allist allmver ,; Ill tile affirmative,
but ilia duel ki not to take lillive with-
ad, dhe, ' I 'Ind given
When 1) OV Into filli
him it narcotic, .the 1tilliarn speaks ,for
break. What the reason of this haste
for " " I i. I ,.L! -
" 'I, horile, w'i W - ..
.. - - -
ctntly tbe hell rang till] tile
. dlitetor of tit(- vinnloyment betlean board
out at least one Interruption, A cry is
the fir,t till1c,
Pat, be, Baron Stan,cloos not understand.
'Ile learn about it, ere inally hours
M I nardys Linimeilt Garget in
it y.oinfin's viqot� tilt. wire.
heard, wid ilia nionk who has kept'tbo
obligations -to 319-
1 ,it )
will .
- , -
t4lld mv it husband -.4he Said.
I'll(, Wri-r-tor ,asivca, ana was hi)out to
? 'v Quit it was ioit a matrinionfal Imp-
doors bears down upon them. Ills long,
stlylabre garments fluttoringf, his arins
I As
nor, w I 11 ,%onle (Jay I may repay.
to your friend, lie liar. tile luck just 'it
01, 9
lip C. destination is reAelledi
Thug Their
"a.r. when t;;v Wo1r."I i-Iltillood:
I _.. "Alill wlfw th(. ; .,I,r ftir viomffour and
ontstretelied, and hill voice. I jig fl .Om
under tile that i. -A dravoill'
a V Ile Illy turn."
pr* -Sent -again' it 11111.
does uot 111.1ley pithel, of tile
and they find that Ili an hour a ta-ain
%I ill start. .here lifts been one niorn-
(11ontrelil Herald)
t, m ,.Virg, as 11,61u:,muld."
vowl %-)I Over
head, raised Ill I)i�'.Ct'(-Illli;ct(I)ICti.lf(,,11.�is.
nien, and fear.; there �Vill Ile trouble
]ng train already, and it strikes 84aill
tile hame been Ili sill
There ran Ile no doubt that tilt% Atea,ly
increase of the labor vote in both Englanil
due to dist;onteut
it Seems, Isn';pet-tod tile of the
plell Who Welit ouL. and lias ;,vpiV4!d J -II,
ahead for San, l3u,.�.tojj. latter N
used to lodkill"r out for limit-
that colonel'inu8t,
very gre.tti; hui,ry to have hired An os-
all (I America to rlsilig
at conditions W11101 T)01'nllt 010 aCCILL111111ft-
in the hand..;
� .. 1.
(T1'.jl',advlliI.J,1 llrf-s.-)
. "W*.sat new (11'sho'; . hi (I
I . ))live 3 Olt 11,1,.��
. I
,,, t ,
line to ho .1 %N itfleme; of thA fluel: for
her one: however, find, will not steel) the
pecla.1 conveyance Ili order to catch thict.
Isel ltap�s an urgent call awaita hin" ��i
toll or Vast westith of .1
elect law. Ill tile VnIted States, for In.
I .
there fire scot -es of men who.
I %:(-It 1111ve lind volts. new I's vh Ook.,.,
"(.It I
AI I ()
.114.( (I . -1;, $411111P C)f .1 fl.l(,Il,l 1\11: in sh v
the prineipaN 1.
av ljot Clo lea -it (LEten-
ti on to him, I"s t, vollti nw. fit favo (..toll
Ie.-qs soundlV oil Lie ovil
- Count Of
Il'u'phillatu-II4 fif l!"i enenlies.
his nAtIVe land; perhaps-bitt it is Ilse -
- lassecr for -
wl .1111, cL few decade..(. have ail
' I
tunes figured lit the tan -9, (,.veil hundreds
I lit I 1,no ilinviling.
it 10:011. amv (IIII'ler
(Ifl;er, rvatk flip tilt, lvll"illvl.� hi 11.11111.
in-laKtill-v fi;'04 "Ot becil dictturbilit
less speoulating when there is no fow V
of millions of dollars, It litis beetime LL
: .'*Olt. Ilt.t." 1,0111111411
I 1.1, (1011,11. "und Sm. I? of -vut . 41as�
I'l.",il tileef 8 � ., -
, nlid 01C.'s (.1.1v 1".. ,%Vltli
.N fQIAIIQ. illztllv(t� to N. Ill t It..- paill of
eport4 'rearhis OlIt4lde, the
by the r 'I fl-Oul
dd-fifill � for conjecture.
- Ing-
The count is fortunitter In one tli
coinnion Argunlent that tho BI)all of lilt -
nip" life is too brief anti the stiverlorlty
. Is 111)
I out I%
I u(-th." 11
ailvativing munk, all,[. throwinq out
olle arill, hii Z-111ti-114h L'.:p flutterill 9
titiek walls pre"PlitiltA sound-
being heard. ito that all I.,; quiet as lta_
lie lifts by Ilia polite attention (lit -e
� tile leftt
of Any Ono Set of Inell over
rr,r sud.q of tile Deoults tot) .111ght
— 4 .04---
I-obes, In -111,10119 Use '4t. Ilernar.l reclutc
1,Ajje welld-4 Ills 'wav alcing the corridor
well the licaft of tile YA*ee a I a or,
to nerinit, of such viiat ft9kragatioto;
ill A. single liff.-thile. 111110as
. �
to a, suddeu still). for that allin N like it
to tile eell lie oVejj�)iei Ili common Nvith
to accept
and she Invites II)III, fta 6
of Wealth
there be somethilix wrong Ill the .4ystecil
bar of steel.
In ilia contiparl-flient they seelit )licit
of finance.
. 11 V 111tollatt, willi ilijr-
vc-e-111 lit 1w Ver
I .
.ahve.. .,
I.I. . I III." I didli't k1low .Noll had Itwt.
"(10od father. 11111il f.11,11 . (M calluot,
pr(vellt this little arfair oll I-itmor lit -Ing
... ('tLkPTF1`. V.
iq Illealit to ))Old four,
1110,11tte, one Illore--all invitstiblon, Re
I,-- . . .
� Tile photographors wculdlit Illake an
,,lit View. I imtronive awlis
set tit.4--illei ef ill-(- VeaN, Voill, racket. It
The Ainorieiln it, sitting there, smok-
iq,iyp,.� upoll Tor�duy, thougli failing te
(-licit mollev if tile Nvorld wainn't So full
q ,,t;:.4,.II-qV--I1't
� . Huthl.r." I
- (A - - �
k not often that it 111:111 *%If \ojIr I-01.811.1-
" It, viartir; st. lanip burns (thilly. and
11 ,
hear tl,e Califorilia, girt i4coond It.
of ptople -Ivli,o .11-0 perfeeth, satisfied
Mull Ili Ovell a ellanve i., �vitneti,l suell
tillfough oliall willdow tile tobiticil't
This va,4ts it damper oil Sain, even
with t1 eulsOlves.
. I 1. .
a �,,.,n,-;tq this. 1 Rill p stip;l't-oll, -.Ind
011010 floats RWAV- fill"evs
If It(, doc-i not Allow t, for Ila lifts hoped.
- 1.
(111*�-te,n Trailser.lit)
call Mild 111) (he woull s j1j.It Inay 1.11,411f.
, Ili%; friend as Ill, Josos tile door, ,And
live it lillimeant tete-a-tete with
to ,,,
1. ,
P: XmIling t -el, $voros to Ili,1111,11 has self.
�oll I-Pillaill. ill ,!I.(Il,l. to "If-il. o ir
. Ivith t
%truck lie fat -t illKt lie (1008 110t
AIletill Oil illo trip to Turin.
I litlow it, It.- VAnal IV
11,41 I'le"(11--t'. lit hi. la,�. (.tit. 11 sillt ";it
In .4 111111 lit! P .11
),)Ili vollut the 1:1.4 liat'lanit-lit, lillZid
&)I, eh, auee tit vro-st tit(,, ,lark I.iv*vl,,,, tht,
'Ali) ever look
reinenil)pr to Int,ve Felin ,'-
nn,Ic. Cool eilld volleeted. Nil one would
I situittion Di pectilitar. Threa mail,
vaVb , of them roally in love with it girl,
I t-ftiv fit lilri fqu,e."
last 1vord.; bi-ing, litter"d iflijul I'411. lltt"�
believe he had jilst llasgetittl1rough nit
Javelin', with ]ter for st, long 411stanea
-- �* � *
henelit. (If tilt, vlll'lll� -
"Perditil!" ill(, e mot I-; liparil to 11111t.
oldeal vilere a mild duolis halt ailijAd
(I) iake his life.
ill'It, I Out of ail Ttallim rallivay
Carriage. with ouly her ellf,percin pro.
� (Th-ticilt Flei . . N C. ")
ter half 1111410, hi, Idedt:1, Illf,%in't that
"Al.t., I'Ll dolle with't'lle (-oulit, Dud V
ilt-itit, Wsldest. Aillisfil. NvIll )lot laek for
� lave -k stild 111,111.,try jll,q 01, 11114, 1.14.11wil, K
. lit',-, -r ,
11; It-N-4ta"
Me Vana.lian',, prim �jj L.-�.,.-�,, it), - .11u -q
� I
Ill, askit
" avallorg, itt tiny rate,
, ill I. all,
ill u., v r0att.-T,
Or lick Ill a' 6111,10, Vlltv..�',
.. I ll;%e fited lihn ill) pretty well.
Strang,% how v the count is, one
I-IL-01,4ull LIP,
"ll -v'. lit o %%!IV " vt.1,114.4 Ili -lit; try. "I
"Are %,tilt ivatly. X,eIltIl,lkwltl,J
. ' (AIIII.
I'llat was it neat f4fot (if yullig, .Sam-
would think that to pain ,of his Nyound,
:..It tilt- 11.1g, 4.1. fir AIII.L.1- v.,!No %,Ill .1%
lit vloar tonvii niti'a tit(! 4.,ill,11,1.��1% ho Ilad
disabling 10111 anti 'it tit* Same time
anti the 1wetioli-o (If the Illan who gave
;I .';.tollf 1,-,'�04t,.,* � I
been diRturbod Ili hiq oll,zliiiiiinq is%. the
avoldil,g it woullil."
it t I him. wolthl be apt -to Inal'a tile
i 1- .____**46-_____
Illonk's volaill;-1. all'I lelle.lt-i Itiq llllo�fj,th.
-.�N'pllj perbitpq 1,1111 Wouldn't 111111 I putol
Itallan, worolip, ckspecially When 00.
I "Silevelt. now. Ll,)Iv,l rgillf.r." (4� IN� 13.0.
fill;,� a. ittlo stah:e oil another wound."
01alivej; tire that tile astme Illan has al.
� (Ilittitrit vtiv Ili(..Q")
i -Ill# -'i: 1111111.,tlf! li,.q lol-.-;nt�s till krll,tly
lew .1114 v%4 -N fill'it'lli-it IlPoll ille two
piIneipal'.. If"', Ple ('1.1t;i-al 1111111lent 14 .(t
Nlith whivil �4ftlly firile-iit, and propeed'i to
I-pninvsp )IIA (.()at, Still holding tile, Ogar
1(.ildv outatTipileill 311111 fit ihi� race, for
Aileklq boal't. .
. .
; I I "1111i.11 ff-11.14" Iffil.l..".11
it lift, .
116"(1, filld III -4.,11,1111 , %, , 11111.11apa two
1;vtWeeI0Ij,J tooth. AvIlit'll stethin 211(nils
- ad.)
(To Ve Contlitu
� , "lit what 114W.",
; of tilmll. lilt. 1w 14,14.1-ilivo-I upon tija
I ig friplA t,vell whiltt it strongpit, his all.
1 � I.* -
. . .
"W'.11. 1,4,1. .11 -14.1"t -f.. 114. SaN�t lit, %V.,.Ilt
.11tar Of llonoe,
q$6 lestildid Illoyl t'r to sill IPA*, but
. . Ma 7
,W z
a lliall Nlbo I-Allirm 1111111 New VIA?,(
-.1-s )it- ul-a h*tj,o%%?4 timit-thin!."
"RiUdy!" ro-,44,4 111ron Sain. raising
q,cic heavend! tire �ou Lurt, too, my
tills q0titit lit Sill fs, . 11 *
... . .....
. . _. �L__*�,_ -, � _
6 I
'I , ."i -i i .
, . % -
" ,& —A- � . . . . . . ILL&A., ,_ '.---
_`11111,99- 7 �', i I I _�_ � — - - — - I - - - , �� �� ..... —
"�, ,
--A--- - — �_ � . . . . . . . . . . ��� I -
1.1e_ � Aibkbi — -
r— --qw THIS --
� I is a f,
\. 4 HOME
� r DYE I
), I that 14
L -1 I can LlSe I
0 ly"'R_ 0 - L A
kThe Gqaratiteed "ONE DYE for
All Kinds of Ciotti.
-;------"---- ---.--.-----
. The Blind.
Bvileatit tile eity's awelling roar
And traffic stave
"I'llere ('01111cls 11 note Illost piteous,
Withal inost bra,vil -
The tapping of it blind Iliall's stlek
Vpoli tile 11.1ye.
Amt. we upon our pilgrimage
Are blind as lie,
And. fnItvr oil the ptatli abead
All gropingly.
The 4001111 of witne,sps about
We Ili) ]lot spe, .
11ow liltoolld iijujit, .S,pcjjj to theill
Our darkened, day; .
Beneath the illu-sk. of t1le.r4phery
Oitr sild notei play.
The tapping (if the blind lljall'.�, stiek
-- 1,pon. the Nvtly. .
MuLandburgh Wilson Ill X. -Y. Still,
Rubbers and _
Over-Stoehings In One.
Eft�y to ptit.11 ai,d tak. i4r. Fit %Y.11
-LOvk Ifell-WOV %V,11. A] I slum f.r
womIn &oil childreit,
tills, thom will. pr.teeti yokirsolf anel
litudly frold Iviliter ilia. 2
lli:1 Canadlen Consoliditied RubberCst.
�t, 1.1mited, h1ohirad. ___,�
Figured Out Poor Edwin
Victor alld Ed%�111, a"ged (1) and .1 A -can'.
7(,-peetively' hall jII4.;t booll r;eatetl -.It the
table for dinuer. Thore wert, five older
persolls prehelit'and tills was reallythe
fin't tillie Chat either of thoso kids had
been allowed to sit, tit) for tilt, I)hr inva .1
of tilt, (tty. Victor looked acrt,Zs tilt.
tinuAvy board a., thedewiertivas brooight
up, inade at lim,ty valculation ;,lid burst
into it lolld and long Nvall.
"Wha04 ill(- matter, Vietor?" .u.sked
one �f&tlie elders.
"'b106., i4evell of its -and there ain*[
bur iiix dosierts, Poor little E'dwin ain't
goill, 'to, .get, iione!"- Alittsburg Cbronlel
Telegraph, �
A druggrli,t vati. obtain. ;tit initiation of
MINARD'S LINUNIEN'r front it Toronto
houss, lit it very low price. anti have !I
labeled Ills,own prodlict.
This grea.4y finitation i4 the poore-A
one we have yet spell of the lilkilly that
every Toni,,I)iek aud ]Jtirq has tried to
Ask for '.%fI\'AT1D%S find you. iflil get
The Cheerful Giver.
Father ,wanted to test tile generous
nature o" WS .4011, 40 Lis thO b0Y Was going
to church. line 111011111119- Ile Said: I
"llorv, 13MIlIv, is it (little and a Ileilliv. -
You illay I)Ilt whit-havor vou ))lease In the
vontrit-11ti011 boX."
VVII011 lie returile(l hollin Ills fathor tuili
ail which voin lie had given. Belilly ru:
Til cl. I
!�%V�vll..pana. It was tills way. ,pho
preacher 8.11d. tile 1,0111 I'We(I'll, ellet-1-1111
give,.. awi r Icnew I muld g1vo a ))I'low
a g(iod dog', inore clislerriffly than I i,.()Illtl
a illinc. so I Dut the 1,)Pinly in.,,_I.,x.
:i - *__
Minard's LWments Cures Colds, Etc,
f I I I
Agriculture in British Columbia,
"NVILL11 onve that land lit's been clear.
Oil Anti put filt() I)rOIICr shape who that
11OLS Olive Seen Rd ilia rvOlulle (TOPS of
knee-high clover, its Inxiii-lolls. holi-gal,
aells, Its loaded apple and other fruit
Creed, evell itts vield of graill---who N1111
lieu)- that Sooner or laier tile Ilro.
Vince'$ Claim tit be tile finest agric ill till'.
ill Province of tile I)O11111liuli will lie
nAnin-MAII(Vild throllifliftillyli is are ()III,.
writill6v Ill I tile
itreal, oil Ag.
lito tile won -
Pit of the'Pro.
; and figtirpi
Collillibift a ,
try. but pos.
it-$ 4-4 4 grain
b llq,q illvivas.
rovellf. ,%ear:4
t planted has
joll per year,
A at $3110,0110,
amill UF low
0-ill't oVen do
]ter I'lusband's
, ,a .
a sit; omp sons.
ISSUE NO. 4.7, 1913
1 hear ill(; Wild ,10,0eie ILOIlk Oil high
. . I
� .
Am, solithWard front tI to wintry blast,
Their ordered plialtum Ili tile, sky.
"Tile lev Vremin trade lit Canada anti
All certain of it-, Ivav' flies fast.
tile houle coligunt.1.1tion. of Inill, is valued
Bat 1, earth hound. must Alore ITILIM111)
tit o%er *30,000,(0) it year, making it
ElItIttring Vold - I van't get loose.
rank itext; lit laxpoftanve it) butter-jitak-
I wish lionlebody would exidaill
!jig, And greatly stirpassill", Ill vallie tho
Why I aill often 0.111 ed it lmogel
olitplit of elle"e, ,rhe dairying untput
- I
.1 dolikev bray.; 1whilld tile 11111.
in. Canada, represents over $1011,01111,i)(11)
I 1% volve Is har-A, Ilk manner rudel;
a year.
'hicre tire now 3.760 ehe"e lactoriei
But Ile will ,J)rav anti hj�ay until
and. vreanieric-i in the Dowinion. anti 1:4
"olnebody VD111'e-1 111111 gives hilit f,404.
eoildensed milk and inilk powder fav -
fill only docis what Ritits Ills whilic,
torles. 'I'll,, valtlp� (if tit(. dairy jiutpili;
" I P o ps 1
. , -site and rowlis ilf)on the gra";
Iliereased front *60.0110,000 lit 111101) to
L toilworn. driven. ejt%-v him- -
. . . .
over $104).()00,000 ill 191 . 0.
Yot people r -ay I atti. till asb!
- - -
'. .
Con-Ader now tilt- ge-nial -mvine
That bask insweet contented , jia�.Q,
'Not men. hilt vol-Ils that wore put out
And little do but loaf anti (line -
of hilsine:ts hist week by ilatimin',, Corn
Have I Ili eouiluou au,.Ilit with tlieiw?
i Extrat-tor. .No voro ean live if treated
Yet if. to illpet uly body's need.-;,
by I'litilaill's. It is safe, paililev, unit
I eat it dinner brave and biz
, mire. V -se only I'litiltilit", 25v.. at till
'I'll(- mlisiti strai�abt rebuk-es my greed
By telling tile that Vill a. ])I','!'
. I I - 11- .
�: I .
Books in Anoient Rome,
"as been lJohavil lillt. that ill Uhl
tullic 11(tulis W,ory Iletilally procill, rA
itli-1 sold Inorti vwsil.v and (Itilvicly t1wo
In IllodL-1,11 thlivs. With 1114
train it y Arr or r.-mlers stio transt-rivi-
ers. It I% vonteqided that -,in allt-lent.
11"1111111 InIN11.41wr (.(Itllll turn out lilt %:dl -
tIIJI1 14 uliv woric tit vt-r.%, i-livat) rates nuid
We ]lave scalle fifty first-class org)ns
: it'lltost a 111olot-lit's liotli.o. There Iva, Ur
fito.m., 114) ilititial exIlt-fise fir tylit-settintr
oil band, at priced from $12.50 to $3.3.
11; I' fort? a single volly t-olti(I bo produce.l.
These inetrimients have all been over-
ritit clostiv 'extra., hi the ft'rill of j)rIJlt-_.r.4*
hauled by our own workmen -.And tire !a I
1 veettons. '11114. isvillpt vallic. 11,0111
";;,. fluthor: the 1111.111,11111I.-Ilit'll hantled It iu
fitst-clase eondition. A few great bar-
his .4javes. ami if tit(. i,ti(ilc wore tit or-.
gain.,; are: Jante.;5 orpji. -%valnut case, r,
(UN"T (11111(.118imls the voinjilete oditlull
stops, $15. Wininion orgran, 8 stop-,, $-.W.
could. R Is mald. lilt rvadv: If liuvessury
wilLin 24 hutim
Bell tarmi, 1) stops, $25. Send for Croll-
The old Homan 111'rarif-H WOVi: 1111111011.1s.
h. list, givill" hill dolkorlption. etatill"
I"' Well 114 I'14011,11.1. 14111tart.11 says that
th 11 librut-v of Litt -111111m, who exnanded
1�7 would like. ]II. ill.,111fty"
1� at ternig yo I
nitivit or lit.; inoiit,v ,it, wuics, "halt Ivalks.
& Co., corner J�in and. Joint street,A,
galleries itoll vubin,ol oiwij tit an "isi-
Ilamilton, Out.
lurs " rt W.1.411root's"ll bV J1111l.; Cegsar
I I QW -11 011S JIIJ.`Ul-V W tilt- 1JllljlJ,3 .... Har.
1w -
I : t I .. ., .
DW . wf�vlilr.
Reasoning Animal. .__..._.64I� -
V"s, llotil I.- rllle4 by roasoll.
; , omafluns*s lord Is he. WOMEN NEED GIN PILLS
Mial sims '41111 reaps In Season.
From olvilldivo ht.;s fref., .
Oh, Soli'llilld is Ills v sioll, . For Weak Backs and Headaches.
stiorl-1) I&, lillild-alld %-at, ,
To rent-li it gruve thwhAnii lli.�% I"thel 11111voillbe, fif Port Dur-
. Ilv*11 ninke soniv folhish bet! ferill. \.,,',. writes: -.1 was troubled
Tho 11.1titin's; rato f-mitndlillk. I %%till Kitilley Di.-itie for se%vral year.s. .
At vertalit thates he will My but -k \�tl�i weak, T hall torrible
NVIIII tonthult-li lit- 1 -aught rulling helt-1110111, and wns �o restles-i that f
�k Uvaillit till U 11111: voill'i licit givvil lit idght. At last ;t
Or httch'.0 I't-sill'. .1 doilliev,
He'll lwav and ll(.,Il vllrv�L: irioud fuld ill(- ahout WN PILLs, f, Lit
111.11 fitilillol) with a 1110111(ty -- oiwv. got it bov anti after Ialdng U1011L
Ile doo.4 It oil a liet! I I felt hettv). -aftc.l. tOdlig threv boxe-.4,
IrL.11 row o't.l. tilt, Mlantle. I m.t.; vured," ,
Mve lit tilt- areat m-hirliuml. .,) I " " - it I)o.\, to for *2.50. .`4.1111111e, five .
.1.)tJ aliv sillv ande if i NA -rite National Wit-, &- CliviLtival
That branal; 111111 us it fool. .) I 11 ,
N111. will Ile (Wer 1,11111 it: c(l. (If vallada. Linlited, Toronto.
I Ic think.,; Ws honor's debt I I - .
Anti saNisi, "I hall to tIn it . .
14,vauke I ifint it lle:t!," Just as Sick.
. Father Ili-riiard Van-han is sti;l fell -
BETTER MAN SPANKING ing 1,oc,l. storiu of his , cri,pt-riencei dur-
, -
im, lik reennt tons lit Anierien. - — _.
Slialiking dnt� not vurt, i-hildren (if I .1.. .- -
lic-4-wettin., There il4 it eoll"t I In tional At ,-I. Look a boii�tftfl .�nicjlrivaa
I " 1,00 1� a N ssiss III
"�i., trouble. Mrs. M. ,,unnnens Fiji(' It) 111111:
('11111-v for tl I our .Ii ip
I in(! Iftidson riven! Whv. vonlpa:-ed with.
Box W. ', Willdr. Ont.. mill .;(-lid free Ilivni. 'l -our �Iler�tiy oll-I -lievol-li and
to any inother hi -r .,tweess (111 - "()"'a Thanip, tire sloopy, -sit-kly straam-.1,
LrOafillt'llt. With filli illstruotions, .sund no 'IT think ynilra tire hist ,is sickly as
111011PV, bilt ANrite lie], to-dav it your
- . or.r.,," olil,erved Falber Vaul-litin. '
vilitill:(.11 trollble yolt,111 tills %%ay. Don't "fic-Av do �-4111 11n,ke that olit. de -
1110111t. tilt, c-hild. tile .11.11U.Ph are"it vall*t Inanded the othur.
lielp it. 'I'lli-C treililliVilt also VIlre. adult'a "Well. illey arl. ,.ill colifilit-il to their
alld nged people troubled with it r, J
'.. . lie (It(- T)od,," Fatlier Valt.glifin reldlod,-Pear-
Ilettille-i by tl;t.% or slight. soii'�i 'Jagpzhio.
� .
' ' '
How She Did It. Dr. Morse'ss —
As, it Inarriell Collou. were Ivallcilig.
down ()Ili. or the Illaill thol-lighfart's oi Indian FLOot Pills
It (-Jtv.s,jJV1; the IhMSWIL 0'.It, the 11,11.4- '
bultil liolf-d the attention Milt -11 lither wo- cure niany common ailments which "
mess td-tahwd from im.-ser.,thy, and ,-a- are very different, but which all arfee
In. rkt-d to his 1"'ller half:
110olks llovel. It-Ij lit yfill. . I from the same cause -a system
� T Nxi,-h I
lin I 111111TINI .4,1111t, One hAter looldlig'" i clogged with Impurities, The Pills
Tit,- NVollial, tit"11Y p'-Plitd: "It's 3olir I cause the bowels to move rerlarly,
fal , lit. lit) vott think it inan 11,111 stare at nit? strengthen and stimulate the idneys
W -oll'n. ANalking with lne.)
11L.11 N . You ! and open up tile pores of the skin.
,stl-l) 1,ehind ine ,%lid --ee whether jut.n. ! -
41 --lit look III 111o." i Theseorgans immediately throw off
,1,11p.111is-iiand Isnim haek about It do -,...o the accumulated impurities, and Bill.
yArds, ill)(I fill. tilt. lens"th tit the stret.t ousness, Indigestion, Liver Compl4int,
wa, toll-orlsed to set, every Loan his wifo I
oil,eed P Lare Intril kit )lei- anti even turn 1 Kidney Troubles, I-leaclaches, Rheum- �.
1.11411111(i st,141 look after her. atism and similar ailments vanish. AL i
. ,-�tot.. 111--�-lv! he ext-1;"Int-41. .1o; he re. Dr, h1orse's, Indian Root Pills 4s
11.11"Id her. 'If %vats wroll.4 and talce it I
I , . Save Doctors' Bills t
i 1.1 - R. I'll lit -ver mil. alight about �your
lo(114 amilin." .
The Nvir'. hall lo. , . 111.111 I - -
.1111, a flIt." at everA HONEST DRUNKARDS,
sill , nlvt.--\, t1w Vork World.
I I (11111hult-II)III., 11"'...'d I
� ", , .tz Aeallni
; ']'I)(- olil Latin 11=1111, 111VI'll . A
Suit and Costume Lengths of . ,� adoritt-41 tile on- ...
; (mistch. bv tilt, Ival. ull'.
1 ir. ve of a 4,111valzo sillmill). derives "Mll!l
! vorroborattkill front ill(, til.,thit0liv of tile
At inivortcrs' i)r1vPQ. Write fill, free c,lilot Drobation offiver lit 13obion tll,.tt
PallIllIeS Stating Whotlity for Ladles' or litel.riates have it hinher average of
('ventlenion's wvar. Addre4s . veraviv, then solwr itten. At Isia:,t, La 1
.411111 that he had 111"'"tippILI-11 4d.(IN vat"Ps
WM. CARNSHA ll� d I'll Ilken Iless ent"red , tlIA ))UHL-0 .
I'MI10TITHR, rI, 'T. -_ -
A T,'.% I , , 6 \ 11(itteril. and ,00) Of the v',4;nIS of 111,1?11;
nofPrenuot; 11.1tilt of 'Montroal, AbLiOnto. I ,-re round to inavii t-tid tiq*, truji, about .
I .. � I I 11 ., �_.. ___ _. ____......__ - ... 6 tl.,-Iin�ehes, and -.I Jtidge uuniniollicil tigit
li that was. .1 fit)- 111glipl, ItV(111�10 or truth. �
TWO DICTATORS. fulitc,q4 than that unlong, tile .soljer uiett .
(Now York Ilerald) ,vho Nvere al-relited. �
. 0 i 41. _
Ill vIt:%V I.f tho I-evvilt de(.ds dulle by I Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. -
Proul alit 111tella lit Alaxle.) tile Idea
.4 tl.w ulitrulles Itself that there lllit�- . I
besoln" 'Urt of It %%orkIng. at,luellielit be- THE TRAINERS OF YOUTH.
tv.-c-en .somir Irnetta and Aln Ytiati. The i (Iluffill.) NewA
1,01 Iller Is slightly lilluld In tilt,, olut(p). If Thert) flki "MID111-atIvOy fmv te'aullal'.;
dwsitiv. at -tion, lint tilt, Chinese PreQidol:t of Low other Owl't tit lit-opli! Ivilu IA4%',j
is LL lesourverul 111.411, and-- t1i'l facultv (if talking ,-ew-e 4.11 11103141
- 40* 1 wit-silons. for tivell It\,#. lit, u-31 lillnutos
Millard's Liniment Cures WIFL11CF-1.1, : Ili g time Nvitholit lit hit: 111111 it, tile Varga
—.---*I A - I (I., lIttliddliv. Tlw- diffleultv Will ri-
Ain't He Ri&h I 1110111 until evinT t.(131111111111tl. 1111.1t.03tall'(1
t. O&L't tile Illtl$t hill'Ol'tAlit tfilD;, it Cun Ili,
lect(-I,ei _what tio ue wean Toy the quicit IS I is train isilt4lit tilt. ottiming gpjjej�a.
aii:i th-1 (lend'? tion,
Torim-NTllen 11H get O'It Of tile WAY I Tholl, lilt! bin't talents wIll lie employo'l
of anions ,.I)tlea Is oal0c. anti theill as don't AILLI it Ivill be till e�41)evltll liontle it) lit,
is dead. I ell Illoyed as .11 telteller of tho volith. It
._.____4_4_*__ 1 14 0 lirfir,esslon that ham avemil-pil pollia ..
Fill- the )light fillowe stars alitt ivamen I d4A1,10.1"I., bill IN 'lot Yet Inuit.% than Italf
111) reelutell tit Its reittl N%orth and it:4
Ili It better light,11kyroti, rt. -Tl Initiortaneo.
. I I . I . � 1. . I . . . *04
. 0,
. . -1 I ,
. __ I I -
� .. . L
- ,11 I ;�- �, NT 11 � I . - _` -1 41110111111,
1 .1 H
. _.... �, , _r�:� I
- . I 11 I
: "I I i �
, I
. I ; , . I
- elitIAN-r P4. �. MXE J . L B RIG RTEk
'L,�-�!7 �Yl TEX
� I !;I f", � AND A IS
I ,� I AS 0 LIGH
A PAtTlt THE P. F. bALLEY a I No D us,r
' � 1''. � . ' NoWAm IHAMwraN, CANAD"Al No Ausi
� _. � L . 11���. . 1. I I.''. ��Itl
" 1-1 I - .- -_ . .. _
I& I 0 — � - - - I , mmoffid