HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-20, Page 5THURSDAY, 1Oti EMllER 20, 191 Children Cry for Fletcher's ..: The £i>ud YOU Have Always 31oUght, and which, has been • In use Or over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been wade under his perms sonal supervision sines its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorio, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant,. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic,. substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Ing Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 171-1 IS CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY - READ At present the best sight in town is our Hand= some Stock of holiday Goods which includes the pick of the market in Bright, Fresh, New Styles and Novelties for the Christmas season, and we are waiting to show it to you. It Will Give You New Ideas To See Our Holiday Line It is easy to select from, because it contains ever y - thing to make people happy, whether they are old or young. Charming Gifts =_= Plenty Of Them Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Diamond and Pearl Rings, Jewelry of every desription, Cut Glass, Fancy Chinaware, Ebony Manicure and Toilet Cases, Christmas Booklets and Post Cards, Ladies' Hand Bags, Combs and Barretts, Fancy Stationery, Etc., are ready and waiting for your inTection. To look through our fine a4sortment is a pastime -- to price the goods is a pleasure -- to possess there is a piivil.ge. Come and see the best for Christmas in lapigillikk The New, The Novel, The Beautiful It is a stock to please the many and save the money of all who come. You'Il trade with us ;.imply because you cannot duplicate the goods or the prices Whatever Your Wants May Be We Can Meet Them With The Most Desirable and Satisfactory Selections. Our Attractive HoI(day Display awaits your inspection. We are glad to welcome visitors and pleased to show our goods, THE WING:RAM ADVANCE CAST For infants and Chiltirou. The Kind You Nave Always Bought Bears the Signature of One of the world's largest ohurch organs Is an electrical instrument at Hamburg, which has 12 173 pipes some of which are 37 feet long. JOHN ELDER ESTATE Tenders will be reoeiyed up till Deo. 1 for the following properties :-- Two lots on east side Shutes St. on which are a large frame house and a good barn. A fine property in a good sit nation. Two frame dwellings on west side Francis Street nearly opposite Public School. These bonses to be tendered for separately. Lot 11 and 12 north side Char?es St. in James Angus survey. Lot 10 John Fisher's survey west side north Josephine Street. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigncd for any or all of the above proper tire, with the underetandiug that the lowest or any tender shall not noes - eerily be accepted. Parties wishing to tender please call at our office for particulars. Ritchie Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE e:lali313,3133a:*$I .E4-4.tEt .601fiQiEE3t Pocket W - 1b Testaments (1i iG itv also many other bargains arriving daily at s• l 1' A'To _VI. X PHONE 65 OPPOSI to NATIONAL HOTEL WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIAL'T'Y -ANT, wlttMl . 1fe1t111 trwiesetesertisisereises for early gift buyers Size 4 x 3 flexible cross grain covers, Divinity Circuit, gold title, tooled border and red edges, each in fancy Holy Box at 25c MARSHALL'S iY te a, !1) (F to M 5' 5' 5' T 5' d< T T T m 0) 5' 5' T 8101 ft m 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store T SYNOPSIS OK CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE salt head of a family, or any male over 18 y. rs old, may homestead a quarter - section rr available Dominion land in Mani. tobn, 'i .katohewan or Alberta. Tho appli. cant n••.,t appear in person at the Dominion Lam) • gency or Sub -Agency for the district. Must by proxy may be made at the office of an .1051 Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- a'- I on certain conditions. I. ities,—Six months' residence upon and oul- ation of the land in each of three years. A ...mesteader may live within nine miles of his .lomestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re - oohed in every ease, excopi when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price ee per acre. Duties —Six months' residence in each of six years from date ot homestead entry (including the time required to earn hom stead patent) and 60 ncr.-s extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Rome - stead Inspector on application for patent, A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased hombsted in certain districts. Dries $3 00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside 9tx months in such of three years, culti- vate fifty sores and erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. Oil Stoves Lawn Mowers Hose and Hose Reels We speeialixe in Plumbing and heating, W. J. ROYCE Jamestown. Mr, and Mrs. Mateolrn Fraser and daughter, I,Us, attended the Edgar - Lynn wedding in Howick last Wed- neaday. ' The Sunday School of I1ee's Church have arranged for n Xmas. tree and concert on Dec. lath, The program is in the hands of a competent com- mittee and will doubtlessly be a suc- cess. A, number from the 2nd took in the Orange fowl supper in Ethel on Nov. 5. All report the good time that only Orangemen can give. .A load drove over from the Bluevaie L. 0. L. Andrew McLennan arrived home from Marquis. Sask., where he ran the separator of a threshing outfit for the season. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Jno. Smith, a former resident of the 4th line, in Woodstock on Wed- nesday last, The funeral was delayed until Monday, awaiting the arrival of the deceased brother's, John Lowe, from the West, The bereaved hus- band and children have the sympathy of the community. Mr. Ed, Bryans lost a valuable driving horse on Sunday. Pneumonia was the cause, Mr, Cecil Day of Corrie accompanied by his mother, visited at Lorenzo Frain's on Sunday. The W. M, S. of Roe'e Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mre. Jas. Pearson, je., on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Job. L. King spent Wednesday with Listowel friends. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLeod of, Ripley are spending a few weeks at the latter's parental home on the 2od. Mrs. L. Frain attended the funeral of'Mre. John Smith at Paris on Mon- day last. The Misses Johnston spent Friday last with their friends, .the Misses Mc- Donald. The young men of Jamestown held their annual assembly in the house lately vacated by T. McEwen on Fri- day evening, They report a big crowd, good music, plenty of dancing and a general good time. Mrs. Johnston was a Sunday vieitor with Mrs, Malcolm Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Frain spent Sunday with Mrs. Roe of Brussels, who is very ill. Mrs. Rot, is a sister of Mr. Frain. Morris. Next meeting of Morrie township Council will be held on Friday, 27th inst. at the TownshipHall. We are sorry to report that Frank, son of Wm. Bryens, 4ch line, is i11 with fever but many friends hope he Will soon be as well as ever. He is the teacher at the Miller school, 5th line. Saturday morning the spirit of David Birnie Moore of Brussels took its flight. His demise was anticipated as be bad been real ill for some days prior and at times was a gi eat sufferer. On leaving the fine farm home in Mor- ris townbbip Mr. and Mrs. Moore lo- cated in Brussels 18 years ago. Deceas- ed was born in the township of E ques- ing, Halton County on October 5th, 1836, and came Westward to the 8th line, Morris township, where he pur- chased a farm in the year 1858, walk- ing from Halton Co. to Morrie. Mr, Moore was married in 1803 to Miss Janet McGowan who died in 1865 leav- ing one son, Wm. M. In the year 1888 he wed Mies Janet Downie and ehe, with four sons and three daugh- ters survive. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, service being con- ducted by Rev. A. J. Mann, pastor of Melville church, after which interm- ent was made in the family plot in Brussels cemetery. Fordyce. Mr. John Brown of Teeswater who has been engaged with Mr. Turner for some time Left for his home on Friday. A large crowd gathered on Friday night at a party in Mr. Smith's house and enjoyed dancing and playing a few games until the small hours. All speak of having a good time. Mr. James Barbour lost a valuable eow Last week. We are sorry to hear of it as cows are so high in price. C. Turner of Culross is- engaged helping his brother, Mr. J. Turner, to complete his stables. Mies Ida Carrick of `Vhitecburch is visiting at Peter Leaver's. Miss Patterson of Whitechurch is engaged sewing at Mrs. J. Jetmieson'r. FOR DELICATE CHILDREN A Mother's Letter to Mothers. Mrs. E. W. Cooper of Bloomfield, N. J., says: "My child, seven years old, had a bad cold and was weak and quite run down in health. She had been In this condition for about six weeks when 1 began giving her Vivol. It was a wonderful help to the child, breaking uis her cold quickly and building up her strength bepjde, 1 have also found Vinol a Moat excel.. lent tonic tor keeping up the ale* oven's strength during a siege Of whooping cough." Vint is a-vOnderfui combination of two world -famed tonics—the ined5' i inal body building elements of cod liver ell and Iran tor the blood, there- fore it is a perfectly sate medicine for children, because it is not a patent medicine, everything In It is printed on eery package, so mothers 1 may know what they are giving theli little °nee. Therefore wa ask every mother of Domnestle Sa,nitar Notting j add Neatin i a week. eicitly or ailing child hi this + Engineer vicinity to try Vinol on Our guarantee, J. Walton McKibben, Druggist, llt'idgbaiii. A School Teacher's Enterprise. Doe of the most interesting lettere recently received by the Dairy Com- missioner, Ottawa, Is from a school teacher in Alberta who asks for milk record forms and literature on the wiled ot Cow Testing, because --now listen : Some of the boys In the school are starting a contest in record- ing the production of individual cows to last one year. This open; up a most promising field for every school teacher and for thou - "ands of boys in our country schools. In this we would be following some. what slowly in the wake of many schools in the United States and New Zealand where the use of the Babcock milk tester has been taught for some time. In a dairy country like'this, we should be out blazing trails for other teachers and boys to follow. No better work could be taken up by such lads, for any record work of that kind infallibly lead to better, vastly better, conditions on dairy farms. Probably these Alberta lads will soon be excellent dairymen ob- taining seventy-five or one hundred dollars per cow. Needles; to say the Dairy Division will be only too ready to supply blank forme and instructions in all such oases. • The Change Of Post Master' The Expositor last week, was very much exercised over the change of Poet Master, and commiserated loud and long with Mr. S. Dickson, when as I matter of fact Mr. Dickson is quite satisfied with the turn affairs have taken, and does not feel in need of any eympathy from any quarter. As regards the bitter medicine the Conservatives have to swallow in hav- ing Mr. J. A. Williams for a Poet Master, it will no doubt relieve the Expositor to know that up to date, no complaints have been made by any of them, but on the contrary every one seems happy. They do not think the appointment is any reflection on their respectability, and neither should it appear that way to the Expositor when he rtflects on the appointment of Mr. Holmes of Toronto Customs Depart- ment or of Mr. McDonald of Wingham to the London Post Office. Perhaps he was thinking of the lack of responsibility among the men of Goderich, when a Seaforth man, whom the Expositor knows well, applied for the registrarship some years ago. These are just a few of the instances we could cite, but deem therm sufficient for the present.—(Seaforth News. ea ee-er Objects Of Children's Aid Society 1 To see that every child receives fair treatment, wholesome surround- ings and good moratinfluences. 2 To enquire into complaints of neglect or ill-treatment of children. 3 To insist on the responsibility 'of parents for the training and good conduct of their children, 4 To act as guardian for homeless, ill-treated or neglected children. 5 To find foster homes and main- tain supervision. 6 To spread information and stimu- late public interest in all branches of child welfare work. e r. TIME TO WORRY when you are constipated, bilious, have sour, gassy stomach, sluggish liver and sick headaches. FIG PILLS will make you feel fine, At all deal- ers in 25 and 50 cent boxes or by mail from The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold at McKibbon's Drug Store. Gerrie. Mr. Alex. Hamilton is stilt progres- sing favorably after his operation, but he will not be able to return to his home for some time yet. Rev. Mr. Roberta received word from the Bishop of Huron on Satur- day that he was not able to visit Gor- rie and conduct Confirmation Services in Se. Stephen's Church on Monday evening last as was arranged for. He purposes being here in two weeks. The Concert given by the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church on Friday last was quit succeeafal. They realiz- ed about $34.00. Mre. (Cir.) Armstrong attended the Public Libraty Institute which watt held in Stratford on Thursday and Friday the 13th and 14th inst., as dele- gate from the Gorrie Library. The many friends of Mr. T. H. M. Laughlin will be sorry to learn of his severe illness, and we hope to soon hear of his recovery. Mrs, (D.) Armstrong visited last week with friends in Mitchell. The regular meeting of the F'armer's Institute will be held in Gorrie on Tuesday, Nov. 23tb. The afternoon session will be addressed by Mr. G. Barbour, of Crosshiti and Mr, L. 0, Harrison of Aylmer. These gentlemen will also give addreasos at the .evening meeting. Miss 0. Rebaon of liderte,n will address a tneeting of the Woman's I.catitute in the afternoon and also *speak at the public meeting in the evening. A good mutleal program will be given at the evening meeting, Mrs, 'Wyles, er , of Tarnherry, is visi- ting With Mee, °ba*s. rendls.y. Mr. E. Sperling, who spent the suna- tnete with her eon, Richard, in "Van- couree, has returned to her home in tawny RHEUMA WILL STOP ' URIC. ACID DEPOSIT Rheumatic Complications Check- ed hecked and the "Human Sewers" Restored, The Kidneys, Bowels and Skin are the "human sewers" which carry off the impurities in the blood. When these are clogged Urio Acid sediment lodges in the muecels andointe and Rheumatism follows, RHEUMA, the great remedy for all forma of the ter- rible disease, checks the deposit of Uric Acid, "For many years I suffered with Rheumatism. I am 71 years old, but am proud to say that after using one bottle of REIEUMA the Rheumatic pains are entirely gone. I daily recom- mend RHEUMA to my friends."— Willis Guff, Bridgeburg, Ont. J. W, McKibbon will return your money if it fails; 50 cents a bottle. -.:: _.;4 East Wawanosh. Mr. Howard Shiell, son of James Shiell of this township, was recently married to Mies Muriel Reiland at Glaegow, Montana. They will reside at Bengoft, Sask. Howard's friends extend congratulations. Minutes of Council meeting held on Nov, 10th ; members all present. Moved by Irwin, seconded by Stone- house, that Fred Toll be granted the privilege of putting in 85 or 40 feet more of tile so • that the tile portion will then extend around the bend on the Toll Drain as advised by the engineer in hie report on the same -- carried. The usual By-law for appointing place of nomination, places of election, D. R. 0. and Poll clerks was read and passed. Thefoilowing accounts were ordered to be ,paid :—The Blyth Standard, advertising, $1; The Municipal World, debenture forms and postage, $1.01 ; 0. 4. Jones, inspecting contract on the Toll Drain, $20,85 ; R. Wells, assistance, ditto, $3 75 ; County Treas. plank, $10.84 ; Howson and Lawson, Auburn bridge, plank, $9.52 ; Isaac Brown, concrete tile, $41.85 ; Fred Toll, drawing tile, $3; S. Peddle, re- pairing culvert on northern bdy., $2.53 ; Geo. M. Robertson; clearing out creek, cons. 12 and 13, $2.50 ; John Shiell, furnishing tile and putting in culvert, con, 11, $17 43 ; Dan Me - Gowan, digging ditch and widening road, con. 3, $5 ; John hook, repairing washout of drain, con. 5, 50 cts, ; J. E. Marshall, putting in culvert and municipalities share on the Dingwall drain, $30; A. Porterfield, selecting jurors, $5; Wm. Wightman, selecting jurors, $3 ; J. N. Campbell, selecting jurors and telephone charges, $4, and attendance on drainage ;natters and expenses in connection with prairie road, $15; B. H. Taylor, drawing plank and repairing bridge, con. 0 & 7, $5. The Council then adjourned to meet again according to Statute on Dec, 15th at 10 o'clock a, m. A. Porterfield, Clerk. Blyth. Mr. John Barr is attending the Fat Stock Show at Toronto this week. Mr, Robert Sloan is also in attendance with an exhibit of apples from Huron County. I1ir. Herb. McElroy bas taken a posi- tion as cooper for Pfeffer Bros. Lis - to wel. The annual Bible Society meeting will be held in the Methodist Church Sunday evening. It will be a union service of all the congregation in town. Mrs. Thomas Coad is seriously ill with little hope of recovery, Mr, Harvey Barr has taken a posi- tion with Mr, S. Cooper at Clinton and left here Monday. A spelling match on the Book of Esther is the program at Epworth League, Tuesday evening. Miss Mills and Wise Bendy are the captains of the respective sides. 444-444444*44444444.11 A New Type. Lewis Case Ledyard was talking in New York about a muckraker of a new type. "I've never heard any good of biro," he said, "Even when I've thought I heard a word in his favor, it has always proved the opposite when traced to its source. "Ids like the case of the office boy Whose master said : "Willie is slow and sure." "Slow and sure, eh ?" "Yes, slow to learn, sure to forget." Envious. The archbishop had preached a Hue sermon on Married Life and Its Dutke, Two old Irish women were heard com- ing otft of church commenting on the address. tan's a fine sermon his Reverence Would be after giving us," said one to the other. "It is indeed," was the thick reply, "And I wish I knew as little about the matter as he does." 4- TYe poor are discontented because they can't get alt they want; the t kb because they can't want all they get. Sarcastic Diaer—Waiter, what on earth is the m ttter with this eetabfGh- tnent? This steak ia1 burnt Mark:4 Sorrowful -looking Waiter— Y.:1yr. ;klatk of reapeot, sir. Our chef died y,a. 1 terday.--Puck. . 1 . I A RD eic CO, BIG SALE LA)IES' W11?ER COA?S AT ISARD'S Clearance of broken lines and odd sizes in Ladies' new Winter Coats. A grand opportunity to buy an up- to-date Coat at a big saving. Good values at $13.50, $14.00, $14.50, $15, $16.00 and $16.50. Your Choice For $12.75. Girls Coats at REDUCED PRICES Sale of Girls' Coats to clear ; only 12 on sale. Your Choice For $4.7-...-1" = Move quick for first choice, WANTED.• -'.Large quantities of Fowl, Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. Highest prices paid. "'A'sar( & Co. IIli mills boil 5 iV tlli 6i X81 IC 111 I.ilnsb1buitii+ritariiiiiamb arlinii i ;Si e det 4.r. 4» in 4r. V. vi :AT 4 fr ori V# 4r. qb pi 441A Vi ... v. 4r4 Ori q� iti *fa /IN .V i►: q. i►1 i►1 :ti iti ij• i►: 4Vi►ii.l ipV W.iiv V r; q>. 41 a .n lc .r. t1. Ip A: ato iI. IO` I. ij• V' All A:1 A:1 !kV A:1 Yr. Ip .:1 .4). 4l► +►. Tv A:1 Ili A:1 RAE & THOMPSON A:1 I►. A:1 s:1i:�r:1AHAiiA:i►1'�ii:�i 4!)43) 'I Ili►1�►l�ii4'4ktil �`i►i�i.iiii!i irhst.x. L' Ip Ip Ip I►. Ip Ill Ill Ill Ip A' Ip I►? Ip lop Ih Ivo tris i,tt trlN, « eitt tatt «5 fro Watch For Our advertisement Next Week GENERAL HARDWARE AND COAL MERCHANT, SOLE AGENT FOR OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES They need no word of comnendationfrorl us. stertnoor > Hercules and Coil Springs. `';.t; lee eat . C R. A. CURRIE 1.15.00 Brass, Wood and Iron Beds Furniture of all kinds, ��--_..., - '` 04 tJ,�J' 11 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night phone 15S. Day phone '51