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The Wingham Advance, 1913-11-20, Page 1
:. � "t � .. The m 1 . Wingham avance, � .. I -,- I __ _ _____ _______.:,. . .1-_,._'___2__%.-1. . 11 CHAMBER. l '�I��UR��A�X' �I�� �N '��E COUNCIL SHA , ..,.• ,,., ,,., ... ; , � YOUNG MENS A��q�ZAT�C)N ���� REMEMEER THE ORGANIZATION MEETING FOR 4 aNb YEAR, NO. 11. W -I T( E�-A 11I, UN'T., THURSDAY, iUVENl� T 2p, I9]3, BUBSOR PTiON 81,00 >oi/ 13y v ,twv�us v l6l,ty1 m ti<t7aaams<.tmatit�a ImM Ct. !!. . - EDITQRIAL PARAGRAPHS, union for defence is further studied. Ivo heard something about your ances- PQoI-copal QtteSti011, Maved to Walkerton. A Quick Weddle,;. �"�`*"_--^^~""� "` •' • "" , may have federation, , b t threpresentation, ICo- st tors. Most of them were vilspend ians,their Mr. O. V. Hayden, who fora number Mr. pied. Johnston, the popularlocaltemg . . Operation, or union, u! the Empire must weren't they? Didn't the a cad their ,. x � - 1 , b P y � p of pears has conducted a laundry here, manager of the Can. Fur, Mfrs. in --The Whitney government did not win act in unison. Our dominions beyond the time in robbing and murdering? it is Last week the Advance Spoke of the has moved to Walkerton. Mr. and town, was quietly married at the "`"'�'"'�""" I the early bye -elections, but when the seas have in peace the advantages of our a ethanes t4 see a young and apparent- Polly of miiiietere, teachers, parents, Mrs. Hayden were good citizens and Rectory on Thursday evening last The Winggbam fool room is report- cherap general elections came qit its majority diplomatists, our consuls, and very often ly innocent thing like you going and guardians warning young men we deeply regret to lose them, t4 Miea Adeline Dunkin of Turnberry, ed sold to Mr. John Sims of St. Marys, J went tip from 45 to 72, of stir money, and they must share with wrong." against frequenting a poolroom, Rev. E. H, Croly performing the core- Mrs. Aughrim, who has been ill Cough Curs * * * its the disadvantages of Nle United King- "Well, Your Honor, I can't always spending their time and money there, Card of Thanks. mons, Mies Bertha Aitkene and Mies with typ"aold fever at the hospital, is -The South Bruce electors wore told tom's geographical position in close help it. You see, I'ye been bought in and a municipality licensing "same.. Mr, and Mro, Albert Sanderson dew improving nicely. Alice Dunkin witnessed the Ceremony. What's die use experimenting Wide �, that the Borden. dreadnaughts wF re a proximity to powerful vmpires with aims and paid for, Since our last Issue scores of people site to extend their sincere thanks to The bride was prettily attired in blue 1eMdr, Riicon MVlanitone Sree as Sol Rile medicines? Why be persuaded to menance to Germany, the Laurier navy and ambitions which may conflict with ` Judge Destiny turned to the at- have congratulated us on our article, the Women's Institute and friends for silk. a J. Rutledge of Wroxeter. try something just because it lis' not beim a menace to anything but the the interests of the British Empire. torney :--"Have you any exhibits Since that date it has been learned numerous acts of kindness and Sym- � new, when you can got a medicine S Y g . * * against this prisoner?" that the pool business has been sold to Young Mon's Association. bliss Mary Ii:enehan of St, Augue- P P earthy Shown them during the. time of 8 tine has enters the Stenography that has stood die test of years, honor of Canada. d $ ** * Seldom in the history of any country has "Quite a number, Your Honour; a Mr. Sime. The late owner was a their bereavement. We are requested to announce that Dept• of the Wingbam Business Col- and which his newer disappointed? -The Ottawa Free Press the Liberal there been a political leader so eager for Exhibit A -A bought Press; Exhibit good poolroom man and conducted a meeting will be held in the Council ege. P g This Means You. We know what Re s. CFthing organ at the Capital, is proposing a new the common good and so desirous of B-20,215 Houses of Prostitution.; Ex- same as Well as similar' places and no. Chamber on Thursday night of this Mrs. Chas, O, Munro, Centre Street, Bark Cough Cure is. Nothing platform for Laurier to tand oil. It for- carrying out he work which lies to his hibit C -A rotten Banking System, town that believes in the poolroom We would ask each and everyone o, week at eight o'clock to organize a will receive on 'Thursday, 27th Inst., else will so readily relieve a 1I had great trouble in getting It. into business should hesitate to give him a our readers to look at their label and young Wren's association of some na• from 3,30 to 5.30 p.m„ and after 8 p.m. - light, dry, hacking cough. gets that the Grits already have Spial- hand. When the political history of the and thereafter on the last Thursnay in form, built in 1803, and never usgd. Borden administration comes to be written court, Your Honor. It almost fell to license. if the Advance is not paid one year in tures so that the fourfold side of each month, Contains wild cherry, bloodroot • • * ;t will be stated that Robert Laird Borden Pieces on the way. Exhibit D -Forty- But the point at issue is, "does advance kindly attend to same before Wingham's young manhood may be `� Mrs, W. Jermyn amnouncea the en- and otter valuable sedatives and held the common weal in sacred regard nine Legislatures --r Wingbam believe that a poolroom is a the end of November. Our subscribers developed, viz , the physical, social gagement of her youngest daughter, expectoxant/. -The present Mayor of New lock City "Phew I" good thin for her young men." It it are carrying around twelve hundred intellectual and moral. You are in- aqd did his tut without fear or favour, g g y g y g Annie Elva, to Rev. Arthur Sinclair $o stop drat cough before it leads is only thirty-four years of age, He de- Y "Exhibit E -One Oongress—" is not good, it must be bad for them, dollars of our money and we. used it. vited to go and assist to provide some of Sarnia. The marriage will take Last session must be ranked as the most to serious lilac/a. Stop it Wmdlout feated Tammany and Boss Murphy is now ' Say no more t Who are the com- If it is bad for thein what is the duty Please. place of clean and profitable entertain. place about the middle of December. out of a job. Canada can give employ- 'momentous since Confederation. Cliangee lainants against this prisoner?" of our citizens? The Advance is leas- ment for young meq. Takia a leaf out of the Clinton experimenting.. and reforms were accomplished by the P g p „ p Boys Smothered in Kincardine. g !iz g meat to a few Mitchells far some time. "The People of the United States, ed to learn that ever minister and y Municipal back, oqr Council has de- � Borden Government amidst opposition at y A large bottle See. * "Where are they?" every male teacher and many of our A melancholy accident occurred on Hospital Bazaar. cided to keep they Council Chamber times, most unfair and trespassing upon Saturday b which two lade lost their , heated for farmers wives and daugh- Rexall Cold Tablets cure cold in -The government did well in ordering the bounds of decency. But amidst it all "They have failed to appear. They bu4ness men and others believe that Y y The Ladies Auxiliary of the Wing- tern who do their shopping here, an investigation of tite Union Life collapse. Premier Borden rode in the whirlwind and are alt buoy, Your Honour, playing the license should be cancelled, Lobby- lives. They were playing in the wheat haat General Hospital held a very They will also have actress to wash-- head Cherry BarfC and Cold The disclosures already -made are a baseball and attending the moving in has begun and it is the lain tut bin of the Farmer's Elevator while Successful sale of home made candy room, Tahlets used togedter are guaran- lesson and a warning. Hen, W. T. directed the storm coming out of it all g g P p teed to cure an cold or mons • g' tv;th the re oration of one robe did his Picture shows." of those opposed to the business to get grain was being Shipped on a G. T. R. and cooking, perfumes, etc., on Satur- Mr. John S. Pringle, who resides y y White in saving the Union Life policy- P There was a long silence in court; bas and show the council how strong car, Tney were drawn in until the day. They are to be congratulated on near town, had a bee on Monday, re- refunded. duty well. A short holiday was all that y g chute was obstructed. The man at their public placingthe roof on his barn which was holders protected the good Hama of the Premier toot: after last session and then Judge Destiny, reaching for the sentiment ie against same, p lie Spiritedness. The pro. lownoff last spring. and making Canadian in-urance. what he thought was a pure Havana work below went to see what tate .reeds were about forty -Six dollars. other repairs also. Over flet men thereupon he continued his work. He has The 1♦.litor knows, too Well, the p e J w McKibbon of * * P (but which really wasn't) leaned back trouble was, and was told by another The Auxiliary wishes to thank all who assisted and the work proceeded Sue - --Premier Borden has left to take a rest noW laid down his labors for a short rest in his chair reflectively and raid- effect of poolroom intoxication on col boy. 'they tried to shovel the grain the purpose p donated and to State that y ' s W. in preparation for his work in the carving lege etudente, not only here but in y purpose holding another sale on cessfull after strenuous rd s asset in lochia af- "I can't hold you', m friend, be- away, but the attempt was futile. Dee. 5tb, and invite all ladies of town Wait for the concert under the , Y P g session. Time and again it could be y y other towns even worse. The old They then cut the outside wall near and vicinity to donate homemade auspices of the Wingbam Hockey ; DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN ter the affairs of the country. noticed last s•:ssion that while the leader cause the prineipala in this cries -the odious argument that it is the boy's the chute and let the wheat run on to cooking, candy, etc. Club on Friday, Nov. 2811, in the _ The average business man has no con- of the Opposition left his fighting to his People of the United States -are not fault and not the place is too silty to Town Hall. This will be one of the ! /� std"- , ce tion of the word which devolves upon even willing to take the trouble to the ground until they were able to ex- rAe T�/"�(�" ,Kr , wltd"- p lieutenants, Premier Borden ttas always " refute. If a poolroom is not in a town trieate the bodies. Medical men made Distribute Literature• beat concerts of the Season. Don't the Premier of a Dominion so large and in his place and took personal charge him- appear against you.—(Gi£e. a boy can't attend. It is the duty of ever attempt to restore life but the The approaching Tuberculosis Sun. m!913 It.. Admission 250, reserved seats y P , 35c, L.' Binkley, Pres. ; R, Currie, so widely scattered as Canada. Dozens self. He labored ceaselessly for the trust • the strong to protect the weak by leg- spark had fled. The unfortunate lads day in he Churches of Outario on Treas, of callers make their way to the Premier's which had been placed in his hands on illation. The Advance is glad that the were Harvey McCullough, 7 years of Nov. 20th will see a junction of forces office daily. Deputations are continually September 2I, 1911. Mock Council. movement for the abolition of the b` the greatest boys' movements of Miss Mabel McDonald who has been ' P age, eon o£ W. J. McCullough, livery- y g y placing views before him. Shoals of letters The reports, which have been dis- poolroom is so strong and is still grow- the da in devotion to a common caching a Zetland School for the pact require the personal attention of the mita, and Johnnie McGregor, D years y' two and a half years, has resigned, an"School q p seminated by his political enemies to the , ing. of a e son of Duncan McGre ur cause. While these ie a difference of accepted the principalship of the pu,firPrimp Minister and the •burden of the dif- Avery interesting meetingwas held __ ___ g ' g ' point of view in the two organizations, lie school at B,trtonville, near Hamt"'` ` J flcult;es which crop up in the administra- effect that he is seriously ill, are grossly under the direction of the Citizenship �- -- teamster. The' bpdies were buried on the subject of militarism, the need Yon, Miss M0 nAI wil! take her inaccurate. They can only be ascribed Committee of the Epworth League of Box Social. Monday, for prompt and willing action in be. new position at the beginning of next tion of the affairs of the country must be P g to an ungallant desire on the part of some half of the Anti -Tuberculosis Crusade borne in a great measure at least by the the Methodist Church, Monday Sven Do not forget .the Bos Social to be Suceessful' Band Concert. is so urgent that both forces will be term and her many friends will wish of his political enemies to wish him ill. her every success. Premier. ing of this week, for the purpose of held on Tuesday evening next, Nov.Nractive and thus make Tuberculosis „ „ . That does not represent the mind of the nominating representatives for their 25th, in the Council Chamber, under The concert given by the Wingbam Sunday the biggest possible success. The Women's Institute will bold -Older Ontario, has during the past honest Liberals of the Dominion who recog- "Town Council." The interest which the auspices of the Loyal True Blue Citizens' Band on Tuesday evening The result will be that throughout the their regular monthly meeting at the decade decreased in rural population 07,- nize in Canada's Premier a man above re- is being taken in this movement was lodge. A good time is expecttd. All was a decided success and they played Province the two bodies will attend home of Mrs, W. Bane on Thursday, U00. Not only this but one writer shows proach, who is a credit to his native soil. manifested b the ver large at- are welcome, to a full house. Our band has reached the Churches with which they affiliate Nov. 27th, at 3 p.m, Subjects -Roti Y Prenner Borden has been recognized as y y g a high state of efllelency and under and will distribute educational litera- Call to be responded to by benefits de- It seems almost Cruel that the natural increase in rural Ontario tendance. `Y4 rainy. ture after the services, In Toronto rived from being Institute members, (Old Ontario) should have been 200,000 an earnest statesman the world over and The meeting opened with Mr. A. H. heir new leader Mr. Hinkley will no itself where there are 200 of the most also "First aid in case of an accident," ' to Send the Children to and her share of immigration another 50,- his fame has been gained by solid achieve* Wilford, Chairman of the Citiz,nship Many young men evidently wish to dou• t attain greater things. The important churches to be zovered a to be taken by Miss Imlay (graduate ment. bear their horses shoes rattle in quick writ .r having knowledge of most large army of boys will be in evidence nurse.) Members will please remem- School those Wet, sloppy W0. This means that the rural sections Committer, in the chair.' on November 30th, ber the half yearly flower collection ' of Old Ontario has 350,000 population lass When Premier Borden returns to hi. The following were nominated: -- succession on main street pavement. tows •s in Ontario is free to state that „ which will be taken at this meeting. ' duties in a very few weeks lie will be wel- y The Chief witilies to warn all reckless it i:, a rare case where a town our size A good attendance is requested. days Without Rubbers'— than she should have. The three serious Mayor -B. Cruickshank P. A. Ha:.i,- drains are the west, the cities and the Comet by his friends all over Canada glad mond, Mr. Gurney, drivers that they will be prosecuted. has been favored with a good band - ^^M^^ � The funeral of the late Miss Jessie they cost so little and af- ro do him honor, for he occupies a high The lives of children and old f,,Jks year in and year out. Mr. Thos. Dunn �a y� Q Fraser, who for 35 years has been Mat - "back to the land." Thousands to -da in Place in the public mind. inust be protected. was well received by the audience as ron of Toronto Jail, took place here on ford So much protection. y " >11iea Mulvey, A. Posliff, blies Mason. was also Mr. Willis with his local hitFa ,�,%r"All�,�,�.i.~ ,",,,1„1„1,x, The of this week. bliss .Fraser our cities walking the streets without " Councillors _ Mr,. Hammond, J, y • Lecture To School Boys. was well known in Wingbam, having employment and the land not being half —Tile new United States tariff repeals Mann, Miss H. Graham, F. R. Aow filler Pinkey Smith who has a laeauti• , the reciprocity offer under a revision The boys o£ the Second book, the Dr, H. J. Adams was in Toronto for spent many of her vacations at the INe have a full line of tilled for want of labor. The land in Old P Y P fill voice sang admirably and Mr, H. the week -end. home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gra son, Miss Cottle, Mr. Marshall, A. H. � Y,. Ontario is not surpassed and the high which reads as follows : Third book and the Fourth book, of Jobb gave several humorous recita- Patrick street, when they , were rest. p g Wilford, Miss B. Anderson, Alex Mr. Chas. Vannorman Hamilton School Rubbers in all cost of living must lead to more intense "That except as hereinbefore provided, 0 utte, Mrs. G: eer F. Hill, Miss J, the various country schools around tions. Miss Griffin presided at the called on friends Tuesday. dents of Wingbam. The remains �11 , g sections one to fort two both inclusive,' Wingbam - alao all big boys and piano in h r usual capable manner. were accompanied here by Messrs. W. farming. Young men should ponder well y Brock, Miss L. Brock. Mrs. John Dawson, Whitechurch, is H. Pearson and Andrew Gray, Toron- Sizes. of an act entitled "An act to provide re- , young fellows who have left school Leader Hinkley's cornet solos were de- visiting Mrs. Peter Deans. to Mich. before leaving the farm. L,ttohcandidatefar Mayor and Reeve g ,and Peter Gray of Lansing, ;• venue equalize duties and encourage the -also all fathers who earnestly desire lightful to all and he deserves a great The funeral services were conducted b * * * q g were allotted two minutes and Coun- Mrs. A. Robertson has returned y DO or Girl --- bi industries of the United States and for that their boys should be properly and deal of credit for the progress of the from a tri through the west. Rev. D. Perrie. y $ �lret -In South Bruce, the electors were ad- ' cillQra one minute in which to present P g other purposes," approved August 5, 1000, beautifully instructed in how to Cake Band. It is to be hoped the boys will dressed by the leading men of both par- their platform to the Leaguers. Mr• care of their bo les, are urgently in- Mr. A. H. Wilford paid a business or little feet, 'WE have the, ties but none of them -not even rile Fi- and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent Frank Bill then took the chair and as g Y favor our citizens frequently during trill to Kincardine on Wednesday. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. mance Minister f e WilfredtLaurier-- with the provisions or this act are hereby each name was called, they responded vited to attend two lectures on Per- the winter months. Mr. W. J. Harngey of Gorrie was (let Darnel's Bread at Chrietie'e. best of Rubbers to .fit repeated." The reciprocity duties were sonal Purity and Sex Hygiene, to = calling on friends hereon Tuesday. told the eo le wh fifteen millions of the readily and stated their different g y 'v`oME CULTURE AND VIOLIN TUITION -r• - P P Y inconsistent with the duties of the Under- be given in the Wingbam Public them. - _. . r`peop{es-.money was handed over to Mc- platforms iii a very enthusiastic and ^^^�r Miss Nora VanCamp of Belgrave is .-{fir. Peter Wilson will receive pupils wood tariff. The result is that there is no School on Wednesday the 26A of J visitin at Mrs, Fieut 's this week. Catherine Kenzie and Mann. It is high time that Impressive manner and of course �///�.� g. y in the above at his home, both parties published the names and longer oil the statute books of the United appealed '.o the members for their November at half past ten sharp and Cburcb 1 �eW8 Miea Fanny Hogg of Brussels visit- Street (Opposite Public School States an offe- to make Canada an ad- half past two Sharp. Lit no boy be rounds.) Tuition in the evenings amounts of subscriptions to campaign support Some of the main planks in ed Mrs. 7 thee. Furber over Sunday. gChildren's junct of the republic. The Liberal leaders deprived of this golden opportunity of ""^"^"' ""` only, Special terms to beginners. funds by corporations, not forgetting rail- the rl .tform for the Council of 1'014 Mr. J. P. Irvine of Los Angeles, Cal., Modern methods used. have nailed their colors to the mast of learning lessons, wonderful and terri- Rev, John Pollock, B. A., of Goder• visited Miss Alberta Disney last week. roads and banks, then the long suffering werr, the renaming of the streets, as bl needed, about the Sacredness and icb, preached very acceptably in the LOST -A Rug . between Brunswick SChOOI reciprocity. They have declared for a pP P y y Ba y. stable and JO*. Wray's farm, O:h eon., common folk might better understand h . ear at resent to be named b prier Church last Sunda Iia is to Mrs. Alva Walker has returned , these grants that are for the "general Policy which the people of Canada b y an p..,,tc man blessed with a very large splendor f his sod lectures isof will al tSpring. arge of the pastoral work until frromha visit with her parents at Sea- Advance Uf(i Office Finderplease Earl aveEllia good" `and also the frame-ups of Bank enormous majority re eoted. The have ,,wily, The improvement of theRubbers White asserted and reasserted their determina- delivered by Mr. Arthur W. Beall, On Sunda next Rev. J. W. Hibbert Iles. G. Wynn has returned from a Acts. We believe that lion. W. T. 1� hits , roads, a suggestion was made to use Y y WANTED-3ome one to explain to tion if ever returned to power, to accept Al. A., of he Department of Eduea- will occupy his own pulpit at both visit with her daughter, Mrs, Rogers, the Advance readers why farmers can is perhaps the ablest finance minister the evaporator for this purpose, The , C Canada has had but Ips should, now that the offer made by tb.e United States. beautif it of the lawns and the back tion, Toronto. Mr. Beall is a specialist services and will take m his subject in in Toronto. get fifteen cents more per cwt. for *�s.w•C t0 5Qc The are perfectly willing that Can -i as y g on this subject of thirteen years' the evening ,."The Tragedy Of the Mr, and Hire, Melburn liieDowell their hogs in surrounding villages than Jai lir • it is over and "Calamities Averted;' give should be n adjunct of the United Stutes. garde. Batter lighting service, having standing and an expert in addressing Great Lgkea, All are cordially in- spent Sunday at the home of .Mr, they can in Wingbam. the people from whom he holds a sacred the lights on dark nights instead of boa All such boys will of Course oiled. Herb. Campbt 11. First class baled hay and straw al - trust and whose servant lie is the same They could not accept the offer, even if moonlight ni htF. boys. y Rev, B. H. R pbinson, M. A., of - - a reasons he ave members"privately" loth they were returned to power. There is The annual cleaning of thq avemer t bring their dinners and be at the $,rvie, preached excellent sermons blies Mary Casemare of Clinton vier- ways on hand,-T{piing Ss Mills. g Y g p school ahead of tithe, ted over Sunday with her mother, Mrs Bracelet Watches from $3 to $50 at 11 no longer any offer. The Conservative hoth morning and evening in the they should vote for the MelCenzies and on Josephine Street and to have the Methodist Church last Sunday, Rev. Hugh Casemore, here. Patterson's Jewelers Store. Mann grant thus making the. poor, poorer leaders ;n fighting the Taft -Fielding pact, snow plow out on the principle streets, Funeral of Albert W. Sanderson. J. W, Hibbert preaching Anniversary Russel McKersie, who has been predicted that the United States tariff p g y Don't bun a Vacuum Carpet Cleaner, Greer and the million*ire richer. Both poht;cal , P tttleast in the winter, before D a'eluck. The funeral of ellbart W. Sanderson sermons at Armow circuit, Bernie. teaching in 9aak., was visiting friends anti{ you see the "Cadiiiae" Electric • • parties are equally 'to blame in this steal. ( would be reduced without any concessions Advancing of the Sufi.'ra ette move. , ' in town during last week. and Hand Cleaners sold by H. E. Is- P g g who tried in Edmonton on N:ay. 8 h, Another of the aeries of Sermons to s ' The time has gone by when ilia wid-..w from Caa.ida. That has happened. The ment. Cancel Iicense of any business took place on Friday afternoon last 'young men was given by Rev. E H. Mr, and Mrs. It. H. Young of Long and & Co. THE SHOE MAN Underwood duties are lower on the reci- OrOly on Sunda evening last in St. Beach, Cal.. are visiting the former's For Home Made Candies tryAlar- with her little house, the mechanic with place: containing pool rooms and en- from the residence of his Spears, Ai,, , y F. his cottage should , t "bled white" to procity xrticle.s than the duties provided emragiogcon the Sale of cigarettes, A and lthe Albert Sanderson in town. Pauls Church, ThA rector chose his sister, Mrs. k. G. Sparling. shall s. Special orders for any kind in the adjunct agreement. Canada makes text from 2 Dings 0:30, and gave an in- Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Copeland have of candy attended to promptly. . give gifts to corporation. The truth no concession. The United States with- number of the Speakers thought thin Rev, J. W, Ribbert conducted the ser- teresting account of "The man with returned after holidaying with Gode- ' ' and "real reason" will come out and will If the right Councillors were elected the secret care, y g Lncy for e Having secured the g vice. The Orange Young Britons o£ rich and Toronto friends. agency fur the Stratford Steam Laun- draws the reciprocity offer because it is11 WHEN YOU be published ;n rile Advance, we would have a ten o'clock curfew for which deceased was a member attend- Tbp annual thank -offering roneprt of Miss Carrie Geddes and Mies Lorna dry, we reppeetfully solicit a share of * * * useless. They know over there that the the married men, also that we could the Ha Gleanors Mission Btnd will our iatrona P. L,iundr Called for ed he funeral. The pall bearers were Happy Campbell of Lucknow spent last week y 1 g Y 1, , Liberal determination to adhere to adis- be held in St. Andrews church on Fri. and delivered. Phone No. ISI or call - ' =the Borden attitude upon rile naval get larger grants for our educational three YoungBritons and three with R, S. and Mrs. A1cUee. BUY ���i P carded policy is a joke. d.iy evening commencing as 7 30. A at 51aralmll's 5, 10, 15 and 25 ets. store. V 1 Lr question k being justified more and more centres and our Hospital from the from the Young Me Bible Class. good programme vonQisting of choruses Mies Bella Eadie of Gienannan re- aq time progresses by men who are ex. County, Bert, as he was familiarly Called, was songs, dialogues and recitations, has turned last week from the West after Don't forgot when ynn want wool part in such matters. The latest justi- ttQUiI,TY t�': The speeches of the evening indicat. employed in the Ramsay Department been prepared by the member. A col Spending a few months with friends and 3 Bells. le B. l Chimes and Robes, s, String BE SURE YOU CET oration comes from Admiral Preemantle ed good material for a very interesting store, E imonton, where he was highly )eel ion will be taken at the door. titers. Gauntlets, Lxr gest stnok in Huron GENUINE S RANTON o; the British navy, and one of its most time during the winter monthe, and respected and popular amongst the The misbionoxy topic "China" was r Prof. Malcolm of Q ieen'.i, K. Co. to ch,)ose from, Prices, right - i distinguished officers. On the general Yesterday afternoon the Govern• showed much humour together with employees. An intimate comrade, Mr. ably dealt A. P. Monday evening stop, was in midnownight an session day night i'{tae. Kew. 1613 _- last At, the A. Y, P. A. meeting. Mies and held a midnight session with the Prices of Delaware, Lacl-awtan- Dominions' naval question he states he. is ment of the United States was ar• Food thoughts and suggestions which O, N. Terril, accompanied the rema�tus W, NoPheraon and Miss N, Vaustone Street Committee. J. A. Fear, D. C„ graduate Ghtrop{- dis disposed to treat lightly the alleged difft- rested and brought bpfore Judge if followed by the Council Of 1DII home, and the parents of deceased feel turtle ras et.sible for the programine, rioter. Officein Knox Pre, back of na and Western Casl Cos.: P S Y g R P p Chief County Constable Whiteaidea p• 0. Entrance over Presbyterian , Culty of a Combination of Canadian or Destiny, In the Court of Special Ob• would add greatly to the appearance deeply grateful to him, also to forrripr And pa port, dealing with different Sub of Hensali Called on friends here on Church walk. AppendieW.R, Qtnc©r,' SCRANTON COAL Australian squadrons in time of war. Seasione, of our Town. Wtnghamtte*, Rol Thornton, 1[r, and jrct� by M in nn-etiss tn towith r d ina on, Monday. Ile hag been doing service Cataract, Lpilepsy, all Fevers. Oattre, Egg and Stove. . . . . $7.50 The Australian navy at all events can "What is the charge?" said Judge The meeting then closed and every- Alre, Lewis Beecroft and others for the Dick Mann and Herb Jobb. ` ou the recent lake tragedy, Ilheurtmatietn. Heart disease, all Female Chestnut , . . . . . . $7.75 %.. The scarcely be sneered at as a "tinpot navy" Dpstinr. one expressed Lheir appreciation for the kincluees shown to heir sou in his ill• Mr. Arthur Williams has returned trouble, Deafness, rind all other diseas» Pea , , $6.25 evening's entertainment and the can- Anniversary services will be held In froin the West and resumed bia poli- PS oured without Drags or Surgery. and is already a force to be reckoned with Tae officer who made the arrest g nes,. The fi val tributes were hand- the Pret+byterian Church on Sunday tion as travelling representative of the Office hours, 2 to 5 p.m„ 7 p.m. IOU but whether large or small any Fquadrons stated that he had caught the prisoner dilates are full of derermination to some, and were from the following:- next. Rev. D. C, MtGE-egor, who is tytn ham Business College, Elacksmidt, Cannell and Soft Nin the election, g g APPRENTICE WA 7T.sD-At care, to d prtavided by ilia dominions, born and bred trying to relieve a large number of The fellow•employees in Ramsay's Secretary of the Susi it and 9'range• loarn tailoring. -Orval Orval Ta lor. Coal, 'food, Lumber, batt an listic wank of the Church in Canada, Eil.tor Mooney of Ripley called on g'`- y as they mould be in the traditions of 'tile ot"tivms of their valuables; also that A Poll being demanded an Flection store, Mr, and Mrs, L, Beecroft, ]~lies will reach morning trod evening. Mr. friends hFxre S ttttrda fico, brie the Shinglea always on hand. t British navy, not but be anxious to he was charged with disorderly con- will be held in the basement o the F{ab and Miss Connor, Aire. Glue and P g g' y' Hot and cold water bathe at Hewer s r y g y McGrogor is an excellent preacher and smile that won't come of'f since aorne• Barber Shop. PROMPT DELIVERY ( join ill snaking one great Imperial navy duct and other actions unbecoming a church, On account of next regular Afrg. Welas, Roy Thornton, Mfasea I, it is hoped that large auodienesa will thing dropped iu South Bruce. 1meeting Corrin on the Christmas rPet hitxi on this peck I n. We are prepared f pay the highest • in Case of wan gwntleman, g g and ill. Paskina and G. T. Garter, all g Mr. R A. C,trrn[t of Detroit and VI r. price for all kinds of grain delivered at Centralists insist that when Britain The judge turned to the prisoner : wepk It has been suggested by some to of Edmonton; Women's Institute, The W. A. of St. Pwil's Church held Oliver G. Gaatd of London are spend- our warehouse at Grand Trunk Sta• a fights every dominlon must be fighting "Your age ?" have the election after Naw Years& Epworth League, Young Men's Bible their annual meeting Nov. O:h, at the Ing a few wAeks' shooting` with tboie tion.-•-Tipling and Millp. J. A. McLirAn too. Free. choice for Britain and Comm "One hundred and thirty-seven Class, Mr, and Mrs, Latronlea, Mr. and Rectory, when the following Mrs. officers cousin Mr. W. A. Mine*, Tutnberry, -- --. -- were elected* Icon. Pres., Mrr. Cro1y : Me. and Mrs, Will Maxwell of Learn C. It. Wilkinson. , Eyesight S urging . , pulsory Choice for the dominions? The year*." Air*. Blackhall, employees of Walker 'Pres„ Mrs, Walker t 1st Viae, Mrs. in ton have visited their many frienda list, Edwaxd St„ Wingbam, is curing _r„sr You lank Haat Huron Fartuers' institute' Z -id Vice, Mra. Wheeler; g others casesofdefective recognize titter answer it "rettainly," and Laurtere �aAh 1 A mere bahq, send Clegg, 'GP'iggham; Mist; A. West- IZ pderrus; in and Sherri 'LVingham. Mr, hlrtx• others have failed, I recognize that """` I tentative- proposal for the neutrality of innocent enough, considering every. The regular meettnga for the dig- Itr•ke, Howtek,, Messrs, and Mise San• `1rC ,Mra, Deyell ; Treap.,V. rAir,. White : well Is an enthktsiastio fruit and vege• tit success Can only be attstined mals: +illlsmtr r Cttrtada under certain conditions is an thing that you hate done. Your first cusafon of subjects .of interest to the barn, East Wawanosh ; Mrs, I. David• Mrs. Deyelll;rs�Sub. Delegates, Mrs table grower and has h td a most tiros- through your satisfaction. DIMault �t unpractitabls Chimera, An Empire must off -nee ?" farming community will be held at son of town, and sisters of Orangeville , i;roly and Mrs. Allen ; Coni, of work, perces year. r. Cases and chilAron a specialit . Suf• JOHNSTON'S "boar each othtea burdens' not only ,n The Government of the United ' Brnssels on Monday, Nov. 21tb, an l at Af t's. I. J. Wright, Turnbet�ry ,, Mrs. Mr. Walker and Mrs. Gray, Mr. Stmon Vttnnornian who lima been ferera attended at their own homA it Itl-bpeaa complications, but in the fishery States gtinn�ed, Gorrie, Tuesday 25th inst. Addresses Lottie Brown and Marion of Hamil- The Iter• D. McLaren gave An interne• v i.ro Is n Canadatot,far the past three tion u Al' advice free and satiefac• ��ESSX�� PARLORS users is home for the winter. AKr. tiara guaran "sell. or bvun:laty tltitputes of C'.tnada, Or ''Vt'ell," he Sd"id, "it is the first time are expected from t}avtn Barbour, ,ton, 11Zr. and Mre. Johnston, H.amllton, tints and Instructive illustratadleotures •Vannorman's many friends are Pleas, . ..,�...,.�...... Pressing, Dry Meaning and to hTt. Andrew'11 Ohurch on Friday ev» ed to see him looking s > --- - 11 Australia or of New 1."Ca1ttA<f. Japanese I have been to court, or that anybody Grdsehlll, and L. )'). I3:trkinson, Of Apel• Amongst, these from a distance who g o walla hie year, - Altering promptly attended to trouble must concern the whole Empire, has ever made a fuse, 'I've done a lot mer, Miss F:, It )bson, of Ilderton, vi Ili tattonded this funeral were (I. N. Tt rrti te..tia 1Mission In heon I lie rprovince o Presby. bearing lightly upon him, a" """ SUITS CALLED FOR AND whether faderated or not, tinct it is a of good in my time, too --protected a intend the Wometi's Institutes and of Elmontob. ].kris. nrowa of H%nill- an. The lecturer exhibited some very Aft' K. II. Ovaries of tho Comm - , V; rby Shoes for Men. RETURNED narrow view to !u o.'le that the difiicutt peat Wren frons wren e, rind shelter• will be one of the speakers at the even• tern, Mr. Sanderson, er., Mrs. i4o, stain, tide viewa In Connection with the not» $t tff, hay been pr.itu rtad to trip, Ifa always a Britislt ones as the Soutar d a lot "ho were starving and op- Ing ineetinp when a pt ogeeM o wu�- And 'Mies Rob1nson of Orangovill0, ills, ural featnree of the rldol a t alae the onto ona t t find le;f t Pew bia e t Shop one door north of k�ntE+brxort's ' African 4wax should have made clear. pressed." Ia will /tl/a be presented. 11lPetlrlge will J. McClelland of Alton, i5irtt. iVeetlake hsthita, customs tad idtll8ti ou9 veer» p m,itian at the crit riP t1tA rv�rik, VIi See our Ad. e>s last page. Jewelry rlfora ship of the pF.opte, Very interettr.Yng tJransi made many friends rvhUa W* d nt texaeritn*nit we know It Is Witted this letter paint will be- "But y'oix Como of a bad farully, open at 2and 7 30 p. m, A ooredial In- of Salam, and mino Sanderson of To- address to this congregations on S.W. - a.nd Is thh right type of young tit 0 WILLIS & .CO. how to *I*". 11 11 roma mora toot z+tat its the question of don't you ? it tteerritt to tma I have vttattoa is extended to overybddy, canto, bather tet deceased. bath midarning. sscurrs advancement. �,,,,,�,,, ,;,.,�, _tttl�m at . / !. . r , sillailbawi&4,L_ , I L ., c