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The Wingham Advance, 1913-11-13, Page 8
4 BOYS' OVERCOATS Every sensible style in Boys' Over- coats is here. See that the boy has the splendid protection. that one of our Winter Overcoats affords. He ought to have it the preser- vation of his health demands it. BOYS' UNDERWEAR In Fleece lined, medium weight wool, and heavy ribbed wool. BOYS' STOCKINGS We sell the best Boys% Stockings in this part of the country. Try a pair and see for yourself. Boys' Ribbed Cashmere with double Knees, and the heavy worsted lines 'that have no equal for the price, 35 to 40 cents according to size. SWEATER COATS FOR BOYS We have a splendid variety and good a,sortment of shades to choose from. BOYS' SWEATER SPECIAL During this week we will sell a line of Boys' heavy worsted Sweaters that were 85c to $1,25, for 50c. W. The Clothier MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce. THE WINGMAM ADVANCE Delgrave. urdwidi Mr. Jermyn', sale last week was Mr. Ford Sotheran visited in Palin. quite a sueceae. erston over Sunday. Mr. and Mra, J. A. Brandon visited Mise Elsie Hutchison spent Sunday In Hullett last week. ivlth friends in Listowt 1. P R Z E S Mrs. W. J. Currie spent a day with Mr. Norman McLaughlin spent Sun. Mrs, Brandon this week, day with Listowel friends. Mrs, Wray, who has been visiting Misr Edith Bunston is visiting The TIr Xng�a� Advance Blyth for couple of weeks, came friends in Lakelet at present. home on Friday, Mr. Dave Armstrong spent Sunday MrF, Sandy Stewart's brother and at the home of Mr. M. Dane. Circulation Competition two sisters who have been visiting her Air, and Mre. Isaac Wade spent have left for their home near New Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Durham, Sotheran. The object of this contest, is to secure a larger circula• Miss Amanda Nethery has returned Mr. Cecil Strathy of Toronto Is the tion of the Wingham Advance. There will be it number of home from an extended visit with guest of his sister, Mre. A. 0. Sotheran priZeS totalling in Value of about $()Q. The First prize l$ her sister, Mrs, Gallagher, ;t Kinder- this week, slay, Sask. Mrs, W, M. Weir of Wroxeter likely to be a piano but definite information will be given in His Lordship Bishop Williams will visited at Mr. Ba. Armstrong's for a a few Weeks. administer the rite of confirmation in few days last week. Trinity Church, Belgrave, on Tuesday . - The Contest Will Begin On Nov. 1st next at 11 a.m. . Salem. The Methodist W. M, S, packed a Miss Annie Westlake is at present large bale of quilts and clothing to visiting friends in Wingbam. CONDITIONS. HOW TO SECURE VOTE'S. sand to the Deaconess Home, Hamil• ton, last week. Mrs. Wm, Weir visited friends at The second fall of the beautiful came Fordwich and Harriston last week. EROS new subscription of $1.00 will be equal to 200 votes -if handed in- to us on Sunday last in a regi old.Miss Euphemia McKersie of Gorrie to this office before Dec. 81st. fashioned blizzard and is still snowing3 at present visiting Miss Maud Hig- gins. EACH new subscription of $1.00 will ba equal to 150 votes thereafter until at time of writing. the close. Mr. 0. McCrae, who underwent an Mr, Wesley Palmer is at present operation for appendicitis in the chopping for some of the farmers Any person may enter this contest. Wingbam Hospital on Tuesday of last around here. To become a candidate, you are required to send your name, or the name week, is improving nicely. Mr. Jas. Wylie has leased his farm of some other person, (accompanied by $1.00) to which THE WiNaram AD- Mr. Geo. Irwin of 14' ),st Wawanosh, to Mr, Jas. McDougall, Mr. Wylie vAnCE will be forwarded to December 31st, 1914, to any address in Canada -(or - who has been confined to bed for the purposes going west to see the country, dens for the United States, 50 cents extra, to cover postage. past month, Is now improving, al- B�I1CYlt)re. The names of the candidates will appear in Tae. WiNaxAu ADVANCE from though slowly. His many friends time to time and the number of votes to their credit, A record will be kept of all hope to soon see him fully restored to Mr. Spotton, of the Advance, autoed names sent to this office and a duplieae of receipts issued which will be open to health again. through the village last Thursday. the inspection of the candidates immediately after the contest oloses. A miscellaneous shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Milne, North B}y, are The regular price of THE WlxaaAm ADVANCE is $1.00 per year to any address on Friday evening last at the home of visiting at Mr. Murray's and Mrs. Wm, in Canada, and to the United States, $1,60. These prices to new subsoribers, will Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brandon, to Miss Ir vin's, pay for THE WixGHAm ADvANCu from now to the end of 1914. Lqura Horn in view of her approach- Rev. Father Blair of Win ham visi- ing marriage, In spite of the unfavor- g If there is anything about this contest you do not understand, write us. ' large num- able weather conditions a lar ted ,day tonere in the village on Thursday last. We will be pleased to furnish all candidates with as many sample oopieF of ber were present and a very pleasant THE ADVANCE as they may require. and enjoyable evening was spent by We are glad to learn that Master all. Edward McGrogan, who has been ill, For printed matter ; how to secure subscribers, and how to win a prize, One of shoes aliaire, which sends a is recovering, write to us. thrill through at least two bearts, Mrs. Bremner has gone to North Send your name in at once and get your friends working for you. took place in the Methodist church on Bay to spend the winter with her Tuesday the 11th when Miss Laura daughter, Meg. Carmichael. , , Horn and Mr. Albert Pri.e were unit- Interesting, inspiring and well at - ed in matrimony by Rev. Kilpatrick. tended were the prayer -meetings held The bride was handsomely gowned at Mr. Lane'd and Miss Attken'a. and carried a beautiful bouquet of Mr. James Darling received a fine white rosea, and entered the church deer from friends in Algoma, and like leaning on the arm of her brother. Mr. Eaket shared it with his friends. Morris. The married L%dies of Women's In - SAFETY RAZOR stitute meet on Thursday in the Fores- Report for the month of October of tere Hall to quilt quilts to send to the S. S. No, 8, Morris. p )or, Ent. Class -George Agar $40, Luella Mr. 0. I.aket has returned from the Brewer 94. Sr. 3rd. -Ernestine Sellers West bringing with him a fine deer, 430, George Brewer 218, Lorne Turvey weighing 325 lbs. which he shot in Al - 214. Florence Kerney 100, Charlie goma. Souch 06, Jr. 3rd. -Elva Warwick Mr., Mrs. and Miss Edwards attend - 311, Cameron Mustard 337, Cora Bouch . ed the wedding of their cousin Mr. 322, Charlie Bosman 315. Sr. 2nd.- William Lynn to Miss Sadie Wiilit on .Frank Garniss 5743, Ethel Garniss 461, Wednesday, George Fell 315, Harvey Garnies 244, Miss Bate Lawrence and Miss Hazrl Wilmer Kerne 12 Jr 2-1 -Flmer W. s. McKercher, hall insur- ante ...................... 1 00 y J ' B tker each entertained many friends Forbes 550, Maijorie Grasby 304. Pt• i last week on the occasion of their 2 -Alfred Johnston 178, May War- birthdays. They were the recipients wick 134, Fred Brewer 105, Jim Tur- vey 71. Pt. 1 -Janet MaeVetty 222, of many gifts. F M t d 209 B tb S h 203 Mark Cross reser us ar , er a our I Sellers 188, Charlie Warwick Myth. 1 ... ...... 108, 108, Lillian Garniss 155, Adella Turvey Mr. Alex. Patterson died suddenly and rent of room.......... 5 00 2, Sleep on your right side. Quaker Baked Beans .................. 7e. Corn ............ 100 129. Average attendance 22, Maude B. F teacher. in East Wawanosh on Monday morn - ing. NOVICE to FARMERS SAFETY RAZOR as he, Council meeting was held in the Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Elder attended, = Geo. .Barkley, making tile.... 2300 Open. ''ALAS Township Hall, Monday, October 27th. the funeral of the late John Elder at REGARDING GETTING YOUR FLOUR CHEAP. 25 CentsMinutes Members of Council present with Reeve Shortreed in the chair. of last regular meeting were Wingham on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Bair has received the con- tract carrying his mail on _ - It pays you to grist your wheat at WINGHAM FLOUR MILLS , �h /��r M 30e Ceylon for ............ 250 25e Ceylon for.....,... 200 read and approved. Rumajesty's Westfield the Blyth and Westfield Rural Route Blyth L OF WHAT YOU SAVE 200 Ceylon for ............ 16c On motion of Fraser and Johnston the following accounts were paid :- and will commence duty shortly. Rev. D. Turner and Richard Somers. .. 1 bus. Fall Wheat market price 83e For two weeks only, at A, Elder, Blyth, hall rent Jud- ge's Court ................$ 6 00 attended a meeting of the Huron. Presbytery at Exeter on Tuesday. YOU GET IN RETURN We have secured another supplyof W. s. McKercher, hall insur- ante ...................... 1 00 Mrs, Curtis, Rev. Turner and Mrs, Me- - in from the 33 lbs QUALITY Flour at $2 60 per bag 86e • • 'have Blyth Standard advertising.. , , 3 00 A. Baker 1.70 Kellar wore attendance Local W. F. M. Society. s• 1 lbBran at $22 00 per ton 11 C these famous Razors which sold gravel ......... .... The body of late Mr. Will Bell NEW LAID EGGS 32 GTSO • so well and such splendid sates" John McDonald, gravel........ 1 10 Wm. ,Davidson, gravel,. , , , .. 720 arrived here Saturday evening from ; Claresholme, Alta. Deceased was the, 2 lbs. Shorts at $23.00 per ton - - 2c given Jas. Anderson, gravel........ , . 3 50 Mr. Mrs. Wm. Bell y Total 99c faction. Each Razor is guaranteed to Thos Miller, East bdy., :tile drawing, excavating and third son of and of town and his earl demise at the e y g Your gain, 16c per bus, or 40c per bag cheaper than buying elsewhere. laying .......... • ......... 5 05 of 28 years is deeply regretted by a You may have either QUALITY or FINE LILIES Flour. To those who be su silex to any 40 Safer Razor py , y Phos.. Miller, repairing road whore burned, ......... 5 00 large circle of friends. The service was held in the R. C. Church Monday have not wheat we give good reductions on 5 bag lots. Remember we guarantee our Flour, or mons refunded. R. Wightman, gravelling West boundary , , , . , , .... • ...... 21 so morning; interment the family burying place in,Hullett. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK August Ghur, excavating at outlet Blyth Creek Drain, , 10 10 y , " Razor with one blade, 25e Wm. Wells, approaches Tay. lor's bridge ................ 21 oil Health Commandments. Y sm oiinestg for ,rile sail+ CS moro. Bitstnese in village 1 Extra blades 5c ? P. J. Kelly, culvert and load of ............ 4 10 gravel culvert Leo, Kelly, culvert .. , ......... 400 Bir James Sawyer, a well known Bane s physician, believes itis by no means a Stock ReducingSale P1lorke to. HWaX� I�at Ser. Jae. Gibson, 4 loads gravel on bridge approach . ,• ...... 200 difficult matter for any human being after the friar publication OC this notice pub and oanhbt be mitde thereafter r i ',tai° - , fixingbride© A. cLauchlinetc to live to be 100 years old, He has re - cantly declared that anybody can at- � As Follows: • P. ii. swe �,. bdy... 2 50 ' Simpson McCall, putting in tain this age, unless killed by accident, ' SalmonDerb brand xE`e Salmon $ed, Po 180 [COMER, DAVIS DRU0 STORE r, cement culvert ............ 3 50 if he or she will religiously observe the i J. Sbortreed, selecting jurors 400 following "Commandments of Heath": T. Millar, selecting jurors...... 400 r y � r PP3'• •• •. Salmon, Lynx .brand ..,.,20e Salmon, half-size Cascade 8o Simcoe Baked Beans, large tins 10c. Tomatoes 10e �� ALE'S A. McEwen, selecting jurors 1, Eight hours' sleep every night. ... ...... ]lying rooms, for thty carry disease ` and rent of room.......... 5 00 2, Sleep on your right side. Quaker Baked Beans .................. 7e. Corn ............ 100 T 1 ,f IT rr tO�T I HAMILTON Successor to A. L H 1V1 J a j j�( Pedlar People, culvert ........ 45 90 3. Keep your bedroom window R• Nichol, culvert less tile.... 3 76 Early June Peas ......... 10e Standard Peas, 3 for ...... 250 /-� j p This is a Cash Market House for Geo. .Barkley, making tile.... 2300 Open. ''ALAS NOTICE ■� Duncan McDonald, guard fenco 4. No cold bath in the morning, but on Clark, Sunshine and Good Japan for ......... 25c 40c Ceylon for ......... 35c 10. Watch the three water, 'cam p, Drains, ..,, Clegg bridges .............. 85 00 a bath at the temperance of the body, 30e Ceylon for ............ 250 25e Ceylon for.....,... 200 Breckenridge 8a bat- 11. Have change of occupation, Jar. Parieb, filling approaches 5, Vx rcise before breakfast. 200 Ceylon for ............ 16c � at East bdy., McDonald br. 600 Chea. Turvey, repairing Culvert 2 00 6, Eat lIttte meat, and be euro that ,welt For two weeks only, at Notice Is hereby, given that a Bylaw COAL Alex. Connon, gravelling at It cocked. chase New Laid Eggs from NOW until „ t'RINO. Farmers- light on bridge, 5:h line Nichol drain 1110 New I ald Eggs Clark's bridge . , , , . , 1440 Wm, Ferguson, ain.... 5th line. Nichol drain.,..,,,.,. 187 00 7. Avoid intoxicants. 8. Allow no pet animals in your �� ALE'S Wm, Pipe, Hxinq washout..., 3 00 ]lying rooms, for thty carry disease Duncan Campbell, fart, bridge Magee drain .............. 20 OU germs. /-� j p This is a Cash Market House for Johnstone & Peacock, tile, Pea• cock drain ..........,..... 0620Ds-Drinking 0, Live in the country if you can. NOTICE 1 •� a ••�� Poultry, Buffer and J���s. John Vancamp, Cleaning Gras- by drain .. ............. 1g 15 •Greenway, 10. Watch the three water, 'cam p, Drains, Of Registration Of By-LaW. Breckenridge 8a bat- 11. Have change of occupation, QUALITY COUNTS WITH US. We are anxious to sur- ante on Peacock drain.... 75 40 Allan Adams Inspecting and p q 1't. Take heluent and short holi• Notice Is hereby, given that a Bylaw COAL chase New Laid Eggs from NOW until „ t'RINO. Farmers- light on bridge, 5:h line Nichol drain 1110 days. was pasted by the Council of ties Town should have their hens producingduring winter months. g .............. David Smith, tilo for drain and 4, Limit our amb t on, y of Wingham on the 6th day of October Prompt deliver to an P sr Y haft of tarot► NEW LAID EGGS 32 GTSO work ...................... 328 Next meeting Nov. 27th, 14. Kee our temper. p y i 1913, providing for the issue of Deben• three to the amount of $4700 for the puri p 7'ry but Nardaroad and Klttdlir��-the _ ��--.-� A. i1fAc11:�vL:t, C1,�4trt. OWRAL STORE BUSINESS pogo of pnrehasiug road machinery, and beat acid eheapert 1u 'DG'3ng44am, `� ii�.'!tAti LIMITE a rta mhtlon paeerct at meetIng H� SALE � that such By'-laav'was registered In the of ttletry ollioe of the neon th Division of fho t3ount�• of 13rtrnn on too 1st clan Crmarttcky. Thune x56. ordersmap%a left at the WirigtiatttiNNS the last of filtnton Council, o November 1iii8. An motion to cash y q WINGHAM � the Council Clhamber in 01inton will Y sm oiinestg for ,rile sail+ CS moro. Bitstnese in village 1 or set aside ma same Or any part there• y of, meat brat within three months � � � � � ��� P1lorke to. HWaX� I�at Ser. �v be kept hoxtea and made oatnfortabla t during the odd motaths for the eo• the ,tato lit will deli or Cxoha>li�r_o iter real egrets in Will ea ox bf nghant.• Sntirfsa. after the friar publication OC this notice pub and oanhbt be mitde thereafter r i ',tai° - oaruing of farrath§" �i' e and tor ory d n � 7Jhfe4 the Std sint7 of 1'Di6. P. ii. swe �,. 291 ifMM show". -61 /Nr�...d�qy�yV��es�xya�iis,b.ry, Tinu=,&Y, Novvm imp, 13, iq RU � �crs! RU � vers I I' We are showing all the new styles and shapes 'OF- RUBBER OFRUBBER FOOTWEAR In our South Window And as to Prices they are just as low as in any store or catalogue (we refer to this season's Rub- bers). As an illustration look at this Rubber be- low -- A real good Rubber for Women in all sizes for 65c per pair. Turn up to the cheapest Rubber for Ladies you can find in any cata- logue you may have in your possession and you will find the cheapest is 65c. Other Rubbers equally low in price. wi* I 11* Coo THE SHOE STORE Sole Agents? FOR For The LADIES •SH4E Clothing �, Is a Personal Matter Choosing one's clothes is a very personal matter, indeed. Every particular dresser knows that he wants to have that distinguished look which only good clothes can give him. He wants to stand out among his fellow -men. He knows that personality will have something to do with this but' he also knows that his clothes will effect a great influence. In nine cases out of ten he will buy Hanna's Clothing because he knows they are right. Prices right, Tailor- ing right, Style right, Pat, terns right. HANNA & G0. ._M