HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-13, Page 5AA
01- 1
License And Regulation Of The111=110ration cqm�o
Liquor Business . Better Than WHAT A GREAT MAN,
Co&jt, SP 0 IS The Scott Act., Are your dairy cows making good 1H 145A RD COO
SAID TO THE GREAT profits? It Is necessary to find out
Raton U cia The members of the Huron County for at the famous National Dairy
CANADIAN PEOPLE, Show held In Chicago the last week
Business Mens Association before in October, the authorities had gfith.
organizing to oppose the Scott Act in IArisleI Sage Is a discovery of a ered nine demonstration cows to I
this County, considered the situation celebrated sclentlet, who spent the best prove for one thing how easy it is to LE
as It Is lat the present time, And as it Is ears of hie life perfecting this great lose good money feeding poor cows,
THIS WEEK.' likely to be under the opiration of the years
tonic. All food was weighed, all the milk was OA
In giving his recipe to'the Canadian
proposed law, If it should carry. people e solid: "Parisian Sage is the weighed and tested, the results of each
Under the license system, hotels and alightful hair dressing in the day were placarded In bold figures
shops are licensed to sell liquors. world," It cures daindruff by killing above each cow. These two furnish
Those licenses are issued by the Gov- the germs that infests the roots of the
Our stock of Men'rft
s and Women's Rain Coats ernment. Inspectory and 0ommIs_ hair; it stops falling hair, it gives the extremes fax one day, A 7 year
vig r and strength. to the hair roots, old grade Jersey consuming 21 cents
sioners. Are appointed by the Qoveru. J. McKibbon sells Parisian Sage in worth of feed produced only 18 cents
on sale this week at a very decided reductim meat whose duty is to see that only a large fifty cent bottle—and guaI worth of fat. This means that she In -
fit and proper men get licensee, and tees it to do all that is claimed for it,
or your money is refunded. It stops curred a lose of of 8 cents for that day,
Every, one knows how necessary a Rain Coat that they live tip to the law after t6y falling hair, dandruff, itehing scalp that the feed cost of one pound of fat
got them. These Inspectors and Com- and restores life •4ud beauty to dull was 52 cents, that the feed cost of 100
0 1 �11 -,
really is, and we made a purchase of these coats missioners are well-known and re- faded hair in two weeke. lbs. of milk was $2,53, find that for
al 0 sponsible men In the counties in which OF -go every dollar's, worth of feed..giveri to
at a bt i
ig reduction, and we are going to give YOU they live and represent the Govern, her she yielded only 02 cents worth of
menti and are men of high character. product.
the advantage of these prices* We frankly admit that mistakes may Seasonable Recipes. Close to her was a 7 year old grade
Until be and are occasionally made by these Guernsey that on the flame day con.
any! Rain Coat * in the store Inspectors and Commissioners, and cents worth of feed. but
Gal Per cent. offil Pumpkin Pie.— A good method of flumed only 26
that undesirable men are sometimes preparing pumpkin for pies is to put a notice what she did with it, She pro -
Saturday, Nov. 8th. granted licensee and possibly are per- whole small pumpkin in the oven with duced two and A. quarter pounds of fat
mined to continue in the business far the stem left on. When it to done the worth 70 cents- showing therefrom a
too long. Many of the men, however, stem will fall in, the steam will escape, profit of 53 cents, Her pound of C
who are given licensee by these of- and the pumpkin will retain all Its fat cost under 11 cents to produce,
Ladies' Coatings in a splendid range of diagonal ficials are good men and live up to the while every dollar's worth of feed gave
flavor. When cool, scrape out the
law, and we contend that it Is not three dollar's worth of product.
pulp and treat as usual,
stripes, only one coat length in each piece, in blacks, necessary to vote good men out of It has been demonstrated to Canad.
business to get rid of a few bad men Pumpkin Conserve.—Bight lbs, slit- 1&n farmers over and over again that
browns, greens, etc., at $3.00 and $2.25 per yd. who are in the businese. That method ed pumpkin, 6 oranges, 0 lemons, 9 lbs. similar conditions exist in each Al ISARD'S
would not be applied to any other line sugar. Put the pumpkin in a kettle province. Just as soon as the
of business, and it is unjust and unfair with the sugar over it and let stand keeping of dairy records becomes gen.
LadiesWinter Coats, splendidly tailored, in the very to apply it only to the liquor businese. over night, Next morning, add juice oral, the profits from feeding Cows Clearance of broken lines and odd
newest materials and right up to the minute in No thinking person would advocate of oranges & lemons, Boil the rinds of may be expected to increase rapidly, a
doing away with all banking busi. the oranges and lemons in a little The Dairy Division, Ottawa, gladly sizes in Ladies new Winter Coats•
styles, from.]��-,,'$15.00j to $25.00 each. uess because now and then a banker slightly -salted water until tender, then supplies feed record forms and a herd
commits robbery, No sensible man chop, and add. -Doll slowly for about record book; apply for them today, A grand opportunity to buy an up -
would suggest getting rid of all two hours, and when stirring be care- and make sure, by systematic records, to -date Coat at a big saving. Good
physicians because some doctors are ful not to mush the conserve, that each cow in your herd makes a values at $13.50, $14.00, $14.50, $15,
MEN—This is the place to buy your Winter Over. P
convinced of malpractice. No reason- Canned Pumpkin.—Out the pumpkin profit on her year's work. $16.00 and $16.50.
coat and Suit. We guarantee satisfaction, we sell able man or woman would join in a n halves and remove the seeds, then
movement to prohibit all preachers
clothes to fit and clothes to wear. A splendid lilacfrom preaching because now and then cub the litilves In narrow strips, pare Your Choice For $12.75.
them, and out in pieces. Put the piec-
some stray from the straight and e s in a granite kettle, add a cup of boil -
of Men's Overcoats in the newest belted styles at narrow path of rectitude. To do thesi� fag water, cover very closely and cook D R INK
things would be unreasonable and very slowly on the back range, stirr- Girls Coats at REDUCED PRICES
$10.00 to $20.00. wrong, but is not rqually so the Ing occasionally, list cook* for five
proposition to vote all the good men hours, then press through a scalded Sale of Girls' Coats to clear; only 12
Aiwawho are in the liquor business out of sieve, and pack into sterilized jare. HABIT oil sale.
ys a pleasure to show gnods. it, in order to got rid of the bad men Fill to over -flowing, then set the jars
who are in the business, The Inspect- RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT
When you buy, buy right• tors and Commissioners are constant- on a rack Ili a boiler and put the Cov- Your Choice For $4.75
ers beside the jars. Pour warm water The ORRINE treatment for the
ly dropping the undesirable license into the boiler, cover, and let cook an Drink Habit can be used with absolute Move quick for first choice.
holders out at a rate that is rapidly hour longer. Add boiling water to confidence. It destroys all desire for
We guarantee satisfaction every time. wbikey, beer or other alcoholic stimu-
reducing their number, the jars if needed to make them over- lante. Thousands have successfully
Let us enumerate some of the things flow, adjust the covers and let cook for used it and have been restored to lives
a law -observing hotel -keeper and shop- fifteen minutes longer, then screw of sobriety and usefulnesi. Can be
keeper does. down and store in a cool place, given secretly. Cost only $100 per WANTED.-IIII-Large quantities of Fowl, Butter, Eggs and
He does not open in the mornirg box, It you fail to get results from Dried Apples. Highest prices paid.
until the law says he may, eight Jambolays. —Place one fat chicken ORRINE after a trial, your money
o'clock. cut into pieces in a saucepan. Pour will be refunded. Ask for free booklet
telling all about Orrine. J. W. Me-
townshipsA" o'clock, and in towns cup rice well-wa�hed, J lb. barn chop -
Successor to KERR & SON and cities at 11 o'clook. ped fine, and salt and pepper to seas- M Id Co.
J0 %on Ko I Jv1;%u_L W N 'He closes in the evening when the over it I quart boiling water, and cook gibbon, druggist,
law rays he must—in villages and slowly for forty minutes. Next add I
Cover, and cook slowly until the Jamestown.
He closes in the evening at 7 o'clock 00 -
on Saturdays and keeps closed until rice is thoi ougbly cooked. Piace on & Mrs. T. R. Bennett is on the sick list
8 o'clock Monday morning. plAter and serve a1b once. this week. . . . . . . . .
He does not sell to a, boy under An Apple Diab.—Wash and core 6 Win. King was a Friday evening
twenty-one years of age, red apples. TLe skin may be remov- visitor at MoleaworLh.
. . . . . . . . . . . He does not sell to a known drunk- ed if desired, Cook together I cupMr. Alex. Grant took the service in
Oji Iard'
ard. sugar and I cup water until they form Victoria Hall on Sunday evening.
MEN He does not sell to an intoxicated a syrup, then put in thea les cover
111111f; 5 Mr. and Mrs. Job King visited with
person. If the
closely, and cook until tender. Molesworth friends last Thursday.
These are not all the things the law- juice is still thin, remove the apples.
M Molmremove obcorving liquor dealer scrupulously buil the juice down well, then our
V1, - it ball in Wroxeter on Friday evening
as r does, but enough has been mentioned over and around the apples. Cool and A number from the tad attended a 'SUP ►
,9'-- YA VA•to indicate to any thinking mind the serve. last.
kind of orderly drinking place it is Mrs, Robt. McAllister and daughter
possible to have, and the kind the law Creamed Oniona,—Boil onions in Ruth returned from Toronto on Sat -
'i ° `.� %: j� r / lightIY7saltod water; drain well, then
says we must have. Let that law, we s
for in our cover with a ceearn sauce, dot with uro"I
V_ Gay, be rightly enforced Mr. Lorenza Frain, who was very ill Now is the time to see about that new Range.
I butter, sprinkle with salt or paprika, 9
opinion it could not be enforced too for a'few days, is able to be at work 0
and serve very
It wig] again. I
rigidly, visable
to bring pressure to bear upon these Apple Bird's Nest—Fill a baking -
Mr. and Mro. Jno. WE wen were
Commissioners to exercise every pre- dish three quarters full of pared, cored A Range that will give you entire
Sunday visitors with Frank and Mrs.
A and quartered apples; season with nut►
g", caution in their power to avoid grant Balfour, 4;
ing licenses to any but those who will meg and sugar, cover with a rich pie,
Miss Martha McEwen wen returned home 4 satisfaction. It -is guaranteed to
keep strickly to the law; and if a hold- crust, and bake, If the apples are 4 ►
er of a license breaks the law his ten- very dry, a very little water may be last week, after spending a few days 4
Mr. Jan, Meli ,ven. 4
nes ure of his license ought to be seriously added. This dish may be steamed in- with her brother, save 50per cent. in fuel and give
imperilled, if not forfeited, stead of baked if preferred, Serve We are no longer in the back woods,
rl It is unnecessary to indulge in specu- with sugar and cream, for surveyors of the Hydro -electric 4-
h 4, better resultsr
lation air to what prohibition does for roadfrom Goderich passed through 4
a community. Many places have fair- the village on Friday. 4
ly tried it and turned from it. Other S Rural Mail has at last reached us. + This Range is different in construction from any others
places are still giving it a fair trial. Those people residing on concessions 4
BLUE DAY . A, and while the old time makes of stoves and ranges bake
The people of this County want to one and two, Grey, will have their 4.►
know the truth about it. As an earn- belong to those who are constipated, mail addressed to Rural Route 2, 4: from the top the Supreme brakes from the bottom. Every
est of our good faith, we suggest that bilious or have sour gassy,rupset Bluevale, 4 o stomach, sickheadacheso lame
'00 P
the advocates of the Scott Act name back or 4, Range given on thirty days' trial. If you are not perfectly
that tired -out way of 1roing about the The Women's Institute held their #
a gentleman and this Assoclatn name daily routine of life. F 10 PILLS will O.,tober meeting in Victoria Hall last satisfied it does not cost anything to make the trial.
one, and that the two visit certain make you feel fine, have a buoyant Thursday, Papers on the "Care of
places agreed upon and make a quiet spirit and will ward off any attack of
sickness usually caused by conatipat- Poultry" and "Egg Production" were
Investigation of conditions, the results Ion and weak kidneys. FIG PILLS read by Miss Margaret Johnston and
of which will be published over their are a mild fruit tonic laxative and at- Miss Elsie Strachan while a splendid
signatures in the press, for the benefit ways do good, Rpfuse FAII substitutes. paper of current events was given by
of the voters in this County, and thus At all dealers in 25 and 50 cent baiter
Miss 1117.zie Miller. November meet -
in some decree at least assist them in or by mail from The Fig Pill Co., St.
Thomas, Ont, Sold at bleXibbon's ing to be held in the ball and Mrs. W, 4 Alex. Young
imaking up their minds as to how they Drug Store. Holt, will address the Institute on "The 4.
should cast their votes. Is
Underwqe%ar I This Association offers to pay one. Modern Girl's Way". The Institute is 41
getting a Library in the near future. SOLE AGENT GINGHAM
half of the expenses incurred by the
gentlemen in making this investign- Don't Be Too Funny. On the evening of October 21th the
Ila an
Ition, desiring above all to ascertain friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs
For Women and Chr---
I he actual truth in regard to this ques- R 11j%b Jacklin gathered at their hotne
tion. . Respectfully, A scout was walking along the on the second to spend a social time
Huron County Business Men's Assoc!. road in purfuit of a party of brother before the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Last Monday License Inspector
Ask your dealer for Knit to fit the forteation, scouts, who were driving in a large Jac41in to Beussels. During the even -
& program of a literary and nio,4- Jobntson, of Clinton, in,
ade a E earch at
Peerless Underwear John R�tnsford, President van to a Meeting -
Win. Jackson, 8001etAry. Tbo scout on foot, wishing to Make 09.1 chtrActor was given, in the coir. e the American hotel here, which host -
Does not laundry out of shape sure tbAt his brothers were on the of which Mr. Burnice Payne road a u lery has been without license for sev-
road abeal of him, asked a wayfarer address and the boat and hostess of the oral monthe, rind recurred a goodly i SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORYN
if he had seen anything of the troop, evening were Presented with two quantity of I!quors not permiseable WEST LAND REGULATIONS
THE PEERLESS 1UNDERWEAR Luxury underwear at modcrate putting his q,ie3tion in & rather funny handsome ebairp. Mr. and Mrs. Jatk. without the Government offical docu- sole head of a famll3r, or any male over
)TRn yearo cid May b0ineAtLiad a quhrter•
CO., LTD. CHECK CHRONIC %vay thus: lift made a suitable reply, thanking the want. 11, Jarboe, the Proprietor, was awntiol., of available Dominion land in Mani.
Saskatchewan or Alberta. Tho t6ppll.
HAMILTON, CANADA prices A %veyou seen a troy of monkeys company for theirgood wishes. After assessed $100 and costs and the sup- robs, ,
were confiscated.- cant must appear In person at the Dominion
in a van the serving of A bountiful luncheon plies obtained lAnda Ageney or Sub -Agency for the diAtritt.
RHEUMATISM NOW 11,,,,ty bf,1oxS1 may be xnade at tho office of
011Vc,11 came the Wayfarer's answer prepared by Mrs. Andrew J&cklin, the [Brussels Post. gent of Dominion Lands (not sub,
No in non certain conditions,
I instantly followed by the question older ones departed while the refrilin• utfeg.—Six months' residenee upon and cu%
P,116(1114A Thoroughly Ortyes out Deep- 11 Why—have you dropped off?" lag company enjoyed the light fan- tivation of the land in each of threo sears. A
within nine miles of l0q
d learnt tastle until an early hour. homestead on a farm o least 80 a Ot&; or
The scout saw the point an MEN WANTE 1) ""'"A"TAr TA%y I've
Stated Uric Acid Poison, III origin condittow. A hoA1t'.b10 110I)SO is le.
a lesson, and shortly Aftarwarai was ap q uen in beery cape, oxeopj on its donee
Mrs. J. M(tebell of Guelph died on formed by Rev. J. B hunter of Dun- went off. The charge struck Moli"I Thera Is only one way to be free punishing hlm4elf for having been n corta districts, ahomesteader In food
in thevlbintty.
P� riday IoAt In her one hundreth ear, ganno", cousin of the bride, sasisted 4en about the ho-hil, and, his chest was hoin Rheumatism—the atcumullited To Learn the Auto Business atiI in Wpr&o ta
too funny by telling the story against OlAville has held somi inyator:
lmpuritit�s canted by an oxneys, of Uric siao ift ioniestotta, rice a per Aera. Duds (A
Iler life In Guelph dAteFt from the by Rev. R, A, MillAr of Auburn, pierced by several grains of shot, 114 Acid poison must be evvello..d from the himself. fires lively. On N)v. 4th the Town and Take an Agency, I _91,xc niont:-,AW m-1 once fit each of sIx 3,e ttg
I froni veto cf lionimreftd entry (Ineluding tbo
founding of the city. She wA13 it received medical Attention at once and body. That Is what RHEITUA will do B,) & sportsman, not merely a sport. M41, Which hItil done servie.-ea for hi0f tlni6 veiI to pArki holn stead patentY wid
daughter of Sames Thompson &td was Robert Mer, adden, of Berkeley, will Will recovor but will carry the maj ks and do It thoroughly. If you suffer ing mat. a contUly, VVAS deptro�ed, and the oil, You can make from $18 to $50 a wook !'&) iter. A extra t idtlyat Ion. Thof area ofeiQ1.
b6to Ott 18,11 of May, 1814. nurse 6ome rather serious injuries for for life of the accident, frolit any form Of Rheumatism _SLJ_ driving, tolling or repairing ears. We I vAllon Is subject to reduction in caAe of rough,
several weeks to tome its the result of atica, 101tinatorv, Arthritis, Mmea girt unknown. On Nov. 7th fire de- %i I ten -h yt;u to a tow weeks in I our Rarublw or ktony lall(I Af,ev rejx.rt by 110111C.
On &itarday afternoon, Nov. lt)t, jar, Lumbago or Gout —gtIt #% bottle of stroyed tbo barn nua RVIII)ANiurn (it own lioni A tj b. an cxp,,rt Antoainbiloi StOR4 TnAp ort allptleation ort
A qatet but protty w(Aditig took receiving & chArge (it shot in the oide Rev. A J, Zinn, B A, of Brussels, V11XtT.4Afeom J, W. Mi-Xibbon fos 40 . A 11olvio= who has exhalaited his hovi o.
1�.Iace At the home of the btlde'o f (4 the head. Re was working 0out 5) centx-1p, 1.4 gutranited. "Vor JAWS J0110110n, PrnplOYed &8 butch. Appleby Oollogo. Nine vAlti6le sal uian. and get 1, it an ag- ney for a ligh I stead r1glit, said eatinot obtAin a prtj4emptjoh
tied the, mittlinonial knot bvtwevn die potile,4 and horseiv, ownvd by 11111. strado cor ' Wo bave titI Pstabltiibed i ingy tAke A putthmed hornosted In o
distrIcto VrIeA$30rortI Dutle(4_ lipq
brother, Ale, O. H Hi-ratt of Auburn a lutub(,r� yard when a hunter. came At. 3-#Imf4 I AnMired with Rhenwittlom it, er by Pollock (of It"pley, had his five ytar.4,4ntl have over 4100 Abece.111fal I rmdt%,�?% moAthA In tach of throe years, tiflij.
at high -noon on Wednesday, Oct. ong and laid hie gan down on a lumb- FriI 1. Jeselike, of Detroit, And ZWF& lll�'�Iqnm sI shouldore. My kliI btee disfigured, min had a narrow 011• pile of the College, were but md, The graduatoi. Writ4st onoo for free book• vats fifty s6eres 4kud arett & hou4a worth tvo,
Annie 101. daughter of Win, Daik, (Of ttfiJ MAdAefi wepe ottet.1, and I rtip 1411%fiof this firo will tm,)unt 1`0 AIII)Ilt let whioli gives full intormatioa, VV. W. cotty,
20th. when his sister. Dora A., became er pile, The wual Inquisitive boy Mort.18, townshl . The hftppy young idlylivArfl-sh, Atter five weeka'me it f expo from losing his Me. While X8;51)00, . Pxchlllve of th(I horsest and btputr Of this minfilt4f of the lnwar.
ths bride of John J. III of the happened along And could not be con- tonpleleft on ]Xoaday for their new K119UMA I w" A WfIll niao," dri4lotuo, heifer the Animal kloko.cl him prmiw, which were all high -brat ant. R00111III AMTO SCHOOL, od pubMift of tI #A.
strao pUoe. Th* aww
tony was par• tent Without taveitigatiogthe gats. Iti bomf,. William Pry, Part urld" CO. In ti NI aaA broke hit tota, m ala.