HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-13, Page 3.0
1 -
THURSDAY, Nov>rMBER 13, 1:913
il+ T
BIRCH I PADS , , _.- , .....
lo More
r.R 68 YIEARS'
9 0 CIOC
f }l
Here's a Kmte-Sharprncr
`Towel Dryer combined
and The popular idea that because Can -
in one--. ,
Saturda Y
both are necessary in
T l ;It`,;+ S, Not necessary to a range,
!M indicate the
the kitchen. ads ie the Land of the Maple, the
but they a Maple must necessarily be the hard-
For Me
!6 thought that has been
and .1 wood of asset importance in Canada is
riven to
details of the Pandora,g
Important incorrect, judged by the data gather-
,p features have been given
tionately great care and
propor, ed by the Forestry Branch of the De-
study, artment of, the Interior at Ottawa,
a o0o use Chamber
We will offer some big
y Have the Pandora's
tures explained to you
Lbs I
many fca• " P
before you There are three species of birch of
Iain s T.. wets--
o .,b1
they cure head_
Anyone sending a sketch and descrl tion may
autotay useertatn our octose free w�iether an
Invoutlon laprobnblypnat ntl�n�¢le omwunlen-
bargains. Watch am
i buy
y your range,
!a "t"+•`•,••
commercial importance in Canada, the
. - aches b remov-
Ing the cause--»
tl0tla strict�y eonttdenttsl, tiAllU Ot�p Patent
sent free. 0111011% n enoyforseouring�Date ts.
entente taken t�irouqi b Munn & C Q. resolve
allow, and white, or paper,
r y P P r
not by emtlts the symp-
opecialnotice, without cllnrge,inthe
window and come earl y
!t? '•'+, :,
„d •�.. birch.. The former two have the more
toms -woman's surest curt for
Srienli�ir m¢r��an.
as our supply is limited
g) iL •• • • '" "`
. ra valuable wood but are confined to east-
I ern Canada whereas the paper birch in
{ P p
woman's most common ailments.
Try them, 25c, a bottle.
Druggists Dealers
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest car.
culation of any scientific journal. Terms for
Canada, $8.76 a year, postage prepaid, sold by
!�! -
I I' found in every province of the Domi-
and or by mail,
Chamberlain Medicine Co.
all newsdealem
nion ranging to the limit of tree-
� g
Toronto 2
3BiBrosdwa y'
�UNN & Co. New York
growth towards the north and grow-
Dranohomoa.02bE8t.waehingten,Ts. .
j' f I
well within the Arctic circle in the
Mackenzie River basin and in the
m a '�
ccs r
1,, • lei It is this wide range whie contra.
I; g
o ` �.�.� r
' V " butes largely o s
I g y t its present import-
ance, but the qualities of the wood
5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store
promise a still greater use in the Put-
4, I;
at once to represent the OLD AND
The accuracy of rhe htcClary
.6 urs for it is a strong, hard fine-grain.-
slier. lir
Y n r
momecer snakes good baking a certainty-
�, ed wood which takes a bigh polish and
SERIES S 1 d'd 1' 1 f d
em 411.0111110 . =0
We manufacture all kinds of
Fur Garments and can sell
sets of Furs from $5.00 to =
$15.00 cheaper than any s
other place. The genuine
stuff. All furs guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction. Old
Furs repaired to newest
styles. Highest prices paid
for Raw Furs.
Joseph Graf
•� r elti0
Oil Stoves
Lawn Mowe.ris
Dose and
Hose Reels
We specialize in Plumbing
and' heating.
a p efr i 1st o rust an
also adds a lot of sa[istaction to the work. ail, lIOVES can be stained to imitate the more ex- RAILWAY TIME -TABLE ornamental stock for Fall delivery
w*'368"p``.� pensive woods, such as mahogany, 1913 and Spring delivery 1914,
{ � ''_• �o„o,„t„„9: cherry or walnut. 'Wavy' birch is an
• accidental form due to cross -grain, Tralas leave Wingham stations dally as Start at once and secure exclusive
similar to 'curly' maple, and is highly follows r territory. We supply handsome free
prized for ornamental work, l:n an- G. T. R. outfit and pay Iii$ est commissions.
r other recent report issued by the For TO TORONTO andIntermediate Write for full particulars.
t=' Pandora Ranges , entry Branch on the Wood -Using In- Points: -Passenger, 6.45 a,m. ; passen
are sold every, dustries of Ontario birch is reported STONE WELLINGTON
where b P ger, 11,00 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.
y good as being used in the manufacture of TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.85 a.
{ dealers who back TORONTO ONTARIO
. ® i up our guarantee over one hundred different articles, in.; passenger, 3 30 p in.
v on this splendid ranging from ships to spoole. Asa TO KINCARDINE : -Passenger,
co range-McClaiyli fuel -wood, it takes first place and it is g p. WELLINGTON MUTUAL
11 59 a.m. ; passenger, 2.80 m. ; pas-
also one of the principal woods used in senger, 9.16 p,m, �t CO.London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver wood distillation, while its only ob- FIRE INS. C
St. John Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton jection as a pulpwood is that it is too C. P. R. Established 1810.
heavy to be readily $oated down the TO TORONTO and Intermediate Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
streams to the mills. Points: -Passenger, 6.40 a.m.; passen• taken on all classes of in
Risks •
Sold in Wingham by R. R. Mooney. Birch also formed 28 per cent of the ger 3.05 p.m. sur Rirksable property on the cash or pre.
Equare timber exported from Canada TO TEESWATER : -Passenger, mium note system,
in 1912, according to the bulletin on 12.60 p.m.; passenger, 10.32 p.m. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON
the production of lumber, Equare tim- President. Secretary,
Increase Attractiveness. close of the service the superintendent ber, lath and shingles for that year, RITCHIE do COSEN8,
announced that slips of paper would which has been prepared b the For-
A superintendent of a city Sunday P P Y Agents. Wingbam, Ont
be passed around and the pupilc allow, entry Branch and will shortly be issu- ■ s ° J
School endeavored to give. the sum- y � I' I r
mer meetings added attractiveness, ed to make suggestions as to methods ed. The remainder was largely white #1"Aa DUDLEY HOLMES
of making the meetings still more at
Upon a certain wm arSunday in tractive, One youngster wrote: " pine. Until 1912 the export of square "Only Only Double Track Railway t.
August lemonade was served. At the more sugar in the lemonade," timber had steadily decreased since BarrlSter, SOl1C1tOr, BtC.
1877, but last year showed a surprised between Toronto and Montreal, i f
and Toronto and other principal
increase, the quantity exported in 1912 cities in Canada. Also Double Office : Meyer Block, Wingham,
exceeding that exported in the pre- Track and Solid Trains between
s vious year by almost 90 per cent.,-ontreal and Chicago ; aleo be-
--+ -° tween Ontario points, New York R. VANSTONE
BANKand Philadelphia, via Niagara BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR
A NECESSARY FOOD SUPPLY. Mone to loan at lowest rates.
FINEST EQUIPMENT C. A. BOGERT, General Manager._ Some comparisons of records indi- ELECTRIC LIGHTED ARTH" J. IRWIN
cate what infinitely better returns PULLMAN SLEEPERS
Do Your Banking By 1VIa><1 some dairymen obtain from their cows D,D.S., L.D.S.
- than do other owners of herds, One gull particulars, berth reservations, etc., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen -
if you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bans, lot of milk testing 3.4, delivered at a from Grand Trunk Axents, or write C. E. nsylvania College and Licent ate of
Deposits may be made -cash withdrawn -or an other Banking HorninL,DistrictPassengerAgent,Toronto, Dental Surgery of Ontario.
P Y Y g factory last month was 21,680 pounds,
Business may be transacted by mail, just as easily as though one the yield of 20 cows in two herds. TwoOffice in Macdonald Block-
madeH.Elliott, a special trip to town for the purpose. other herds also totalling 20 cows and Age.,t ;phone 4. tiv, F', Burgman, Station '
1 50. �l�1
-man andnwife,Account
orr two may'be opened
of a in the
so that itherpersons
one you ndsin during milk
the gave
amenl 12,380
ickot agent ; p sono � . , `. R017(J, D.D.S., L.D.S.
can deposit and withdraw money from the same account. These are. not extreme comparisons j�
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
because in many known cases the test uP Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
was lower and the total pounds of fat p �+❑ Graduate of University of Toronto
lee WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. delivered would be coijaequently far BELLS GROCERY Faculty of Dentistry.
tower. Apart however from the OFrIOF OVER H, E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE
weight of fat and the monetary value
of the milk, think of one grcup of 20
o)ws giving in one month four and a
half tons of milk more than the other
��Illhi11!;%vFI'Li,l;i iii`i; It needs no stretch of imagination to
I " 1- picture the consternation there would
1 I II be if Canadian cows in general were as
paor as these twenty Ontario cows:
Music Emporium
Wingham " •Ont.
Carries a complete line of High Grade Musical Instruments
of every description.
Player Pianos; Organs of almost any make; Phono-
graphs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed, Instruments of all
kinds; Violins a specialty, Sewing Machines, Canadian
and American. '
We wish to impress you with the fact that we will sell you anything
that produces music, at prices and terms to suit the purchaser.
Anyone intending to purchase a Piano should consider well before
purchasing from travelling agents. We are here permanently and you
can see the instrument you are buying. Give us a chance to compare.
Two Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End.'
Phone 222. P. 0. Boz 156.
Vegetables DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B O.A., F.S.D.
Acute and Chrome Diseases treated.
Glasses Scientifically fitted.
Groceries Tuesday 11,30 a,m, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m
Main St. (over Christie's Store.)
F1ouY Thousands of young Canadians have struck
W. in BUYGE �.,.........,.,
t I 1 r i people need milk, plknty of it, as a W. 1Z. HAMDLY, B O., M.D., C.N. and b
T'oli• Tn% sits and Children g p food in ter things
,.......... 'ad. 1411,,.,„ •
from old conditions to higher et hmgs
cod, nutritious and Chea and Special attention paid to diseases by enrolling as students of Our Business Col -
f - !° these days of high prices. But if poor of women and Children, having leges and Home Stud Department. You can
Domestic, Sanitary and Heating II _ _ _ = ! Iowa with only low yields are kept, Feed taken postgraduate work in Sur- g �' p
Engineer = _ _ ° The Mnd You Have wherel would be this necessary and
gory, arteriology and Scientific Study all in your own home, or partly there
R-11 _ _ °
universally appreciated food Supply I om0' and finish at College. NOW is a good time
I Fortunately, through systematic Prompt Delivery. Phone B2. tween the
e Kerr Hotel the
Office in e
. hiways ought g y ho ens e residence, to start. Every farmer's son who intends to
NP 49
""""' cow tebtiDg, these comparisons are t Baptist Church. e
• d � p • remain on the farm should have a business
T4eProprielaiyorNealNedicincAd possible, so that an incentive is furn- All business given careful attention. education. YOU Can continue your work, and
A�regetablePreparalionforAs•. Bears the
j 8 ished to every owner of a poor herd to �+ (� C Phone 54. P. O. Box 118
'stmileSlom c sand dRegulaf• til ULI {seep cows more worthy the name of BELL'S GI�IJC�iRY line Lincoln, prepare at the same time. Ask
CENTRAL h tinglheStomachsandBoWeisot € us now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty
Si�y 'dairy' cows. Simple records, easily DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER
guabuie kept, give definite information acting Successor t0 W. J. Patterson years' experience. Seven Colleges. TWO thOU-
as guide poste to he bred and fed I
Orr refs -Corner Patrick and Contra streets gaud students annually. Positions guaranteed.
° `t for large yields. PHONES -
1_ I Promotes DigeslionCheeiful canoes 43 Individual instruction. No vacation.
Students map enter our clarets at any or Successful
ilessandRestkoiitair(sueilller: ;�, _; Resideneo, Dr. Kennedy 143
( time. Those who enter now will have an OpiURiNorphitle RorHitcl'rll.,: Resideneo, Dr. Calder 161 people act NOW, not later.
C advantage over those who 'cannot enter I j NOTNAIiCOTIC. Dr. Keunedv Qpeeializes in Surgery.
till the New Year. Our courses in Com- Canadian F1011r.
mercial, She
and Telegraphy de-
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE
partmonta aro thorough and practical. �PlpeoFOTdDci[11idLLPITCOE7! de -
Diseases o1 the devotes
Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly
We offer you advantages not offered else- linnpkin nerd_ Canada rides itself upon its ma ni• fitted,
where in the province. Got our free rata- .4&Xmra+ _ -
logue and ace if it interests you, Bc�c/lcSnlls- e Scent wheat, and the fact that the 1 -
1 '
.4niseSrcd +
B wheat is mostly raised upon cheap JJDR. H. J. ADAMS
D . e. mtcLACHLAIY - Principal 1t�carDvnulr8ada+ prairie land enables the Canadian Q GEO. SPOTTON W. T. MORSE
Haim Seed- $ ��.:`" - ��j
�,�,�„„„„„ ��,�,�, = ela0,d1,1,,, •• j`. grain -grower to sell it at a fair profit, Late member House Staff Tor-
it'lnrrsgrcanPlarvr- ��� �� PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL,
I� s
Usend ayet compote with other wheat. onto General Hospital. Post grad-
- I lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca and magnificent water rpo err, which `Capital Pald Up
bate London and Dublin.
i Aperfect Remedy forConslipa " ' I
Worms,ConvulsionsTeverlsh Z Successor to Dr. Agnew
��a �T�sl AND
Hess and LOSS OF SLEEP. For
Over means the Canadian miller ought to $3,000,000. g�-1 w�Il'l E, SS � AND ,FtacSimile Signature or be able to make the beat of flour from $3,750,000. pi ICE IN CDONALD BLOCK
our hard wheat, and sell it as cheaply ds li4 s, Total Assets 0 llZ
ORTAND I i�' __---" Over BR. ROBT' C REDMOND
MONTREAL&NCWYORK Thirty Years we are told that the like
bates Bre _ .
Subjects taught by expert instructors li IhECENTAURCOMPANY\ $48,000,000
at the high on both land and water between .+� x °,u .+ ti L. R, . P.
(on .)
g � � �® L. R. O. P. (Lend.)
��U'�G�tr!✓�/��%G/�% I ` II , : the Prairie Provinces and Great d
I t D Britain, which is our chief market for Give
Physician and Surgeon.Us Trial
Y, M. C, A. BLDG.. I flour. And yet, as the Montreal Tel6 (Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
LONDON, ONT. pa L," ; • graph points out, "Despite thq claim
Students assisted to positions. College that the freight rates for rain and ��7-
fr session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue g g s it vv J.
Next Job. ,-
fret;. Enter anytime. Enact Copy of Wrapper. TII! CCNTAUr1 QOMI►ANY. NeW Yo1,K mtv. flour aro exorbitant, flour and bread The Saving Habit w Your
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. made from Canadian wheat sell cbeal. VETERINARY SURGEON
Principal Chartered Accountant er In Great Britain than in Canada OFFIOU or •LAT$ DR. WILSON.
1'1' vice -Principal • Itself, Actually you can buy Canadian 1�1 1t /I ANY pEople Who are RFSIDF.NOE-COR. PATRICK & FRANCIS
oAlce Phone 179. Rosidence Phone 182.
earning less than you, r 1
flour in England at a cheaper price Ex Gov. Vot. Inspector. All kinds OI Printing neatly and
than you can buy it in Montreal, the dud whose necessary ex.
- pensee exceed yours, have
ocean shipping point. To bear this boon saving for years and �T l •� -�•�^� artistically exemited.
CANADIAN PACIFIC out with a recent instance, we give now have snag and com- �. J.\ . L.�.�i.L.X.L.1.�i �+
.�1 A \ 1'7 Jl L Portable bank a000lints. r� .Dodgers Auction Sales Station -
the following prices obtained for flour g GENERAL AGENT � �
BEST NEW East in three Important markets on Sep- foundationtematic saving was the yy��
For Sale o)thereof wtNNXI'EG P P- foundation of many a largo g ery, Envelopes, BlOfters, - after
tember 12th of this year, the unit of fortune. Issuer o4 Marriage Licensee.
quotation used being the Canadian, It is a habit that is easily li ire, Life, Accident, Plate
Per barrel of 19Epounds t acquired affording more and Weather Tnsrrance coupled
GATE CITY XPRESS Wrappers, Churg Reports, Etc.E
Grade Winnipeg Montreal London satisfaction and offering with i► Real Estate and Mono
Miens Boots and Shoes Commencing October 26th larger rewards than any y
LEAVE 'TORONTO - - 2.30 p.m. � GAILY C'a ent� .. ,.�4 80 $4.90 6.10 X4.06 obe habit that you could Loaning business. This office has always had the reputation of turn.
at Reasonable Prices. ARRIVE WINNIPEG - » 8.25 a.m. Bakers .... 4,00 4,10 860 W INQHA.1Vi. ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as
Second Day Fust whythe inhabitants of London, You can open an account all for prices.
TllA0UGII 1,14TIPMENT "ompattmont Obpervation Car, Standard Stooping Car, in this bank with one dol.
- low as the lowest.
Repairing Protnptly tit- Tourist Sleeping Cat, Dinang Car, Pint Olaso Coaches, Colonist Car. Eng., should be able to buy Canadian lar, and every six months (�mes"� +
flour, or flour made from Canadlan your savings will be credit- General i '" ®spIta" r
tended to. VANCOUVER EXPRESS S wheat, cheaper than such flour can be ed with the highest current Milder Governmei.� Inepentton.)
LEAVE TORONTO » » 10.20 P.M, bought in Toronto and 'Winnipeg, interest. ADVANCE `......�....... 1 DAILY" naturally� Pimilantly situated, PeAutituliy farnlahed.
ARRIVE VANCOUVER » 11.30 p.m, f puzzles the Canadian con. t Opan to all reavinrl lirennod vhysl(Mann•
TIi120UGTi EllillVMENT- Compartment fibyorvation Car. 8tandaril Bleeping Cars, autner, and sets him 'Wondering If C. P. SMITH onites for toms (whiych inolUde boar3 rind
Tourist S16tping Car, Dining Car, P'ir'et (:lass Coachae Colonist Car. some remedy cannot be found No aUiatZk_4490 W x16. par wosk, st>nmdinp
HAUGrq loeagtlon of room. or farther Am GEnPAl, CHANCZi o8' 11ME OCTORE9 28th. lnteiligent community will long sub. AGENT - WINGHAM bion--Addramwta 14 Xa111 -a Wingham -,M Ontario
'' r r�u a aaiMn P'ivaiflr, d, ern ar MUFtP Y D.r. O. anis isq aCtarh t► ebat0 tai rit�fJt�taCw C•�- -- , - -
I'arttottlw, i�`+ O �, p ice•
�, - - - •� starts. � � irwwit eu • �tnrt, .. J'. �. 3a�rrr+lf' 1 » - �. - - -