HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-13, Page 1; * N. �idvance. O, � REMEMBER . WINGHAM CITIZENS' BAND CONCERT NOV. I . .... 18. ADMISSION .. . _­ .. . ­... � . I � �... : io AND 15 CTS. . . . - 1. ­.­ ) VND YEAR, NO, 10. WINGA". ONT.- THURSDAY. NOVF,AIBF,R I I 13, 1913, . 1-1-2 I I . I � , SUBSCRIPTION I *1"'o Pm YN" in ADVANM in Pin on w�mn,Zwg .— Tit " M. . � ,S -C - i -1- , I a 4 GUY FAWKES. by Catesby to. assist with labour or . for ever, by an Act which was not re- Women's Institute Convention. Violin Tuition- " - . Voting Contest. - _-10%0-.-.0%0%^ F � ._­­ .1.1 .. 'I I I I money, In the interval between the . completion of the preparations and pealed for over two centuries. The festivities which were long common The annual convention of the Wo- In another column will be found the Wilson, A number have entered our voting 'We I cal Items 0 1 - - . I 2e .­ *V*1 ., Fawkes's men's Institute for Ontario will be announcement of Mr. Peter contest. wish every township and L ; Last week we were unable to find the opening of parliament, Fawkes on what is called Guy day hold in the Canadian Foresters' Hall, who is organizing a class of violin village within a radins of thirty miles: . — , I . i - apace for our article on Nov. 5th and was sent into Flanders to acquaint are now perhaps dying out. The cus- Toronto, on Thursday and Friday, students. Mr. Wilson has had con- to have a contestant. The first prize ' See Box and Cox and Mrs, Bouncer Cherry Bark its associations. This week we pub Stanley and Owen the Jesuit with the . tom was to dress up an absurd figure Nov 20th and 21st. An interesting elderable orchestral experience and will be a piano and the others graded at the Hockey Club Concert, , lish an article ofi Guy Fawkes which plot, and to secure their co-operation in rage with a tall cap and a lantern, programme has been prepared, and it his intention Is to form an ensemble down, Got in line -or at least Inquire - Wait for the Concert under the Aus- I Cough Cure ' !a taken -,verbatim from the Eocyclo- , after the event of the explosion. A to parade with this through the is hoped that as many as possible will class for the move advanced students for particulars. The contest will last pleas of the Wingbam Hockey Club. psedia Britannica, which all must ad. mit will be free from bias. It is as great cause of disagreement among conspirators was the fact that the streets singing rbymes, and finally at night to burn the effigy. This holo- avail themselves of the privilege of at which the study of music suitable about four months, ; Date will be announced next week. - What's the use experimenting w1ifil - follows:— Catholic lords and members of parlia- caust was in some places an important attending, . for church orchestras will be taken up. Died is Edmonton. At the meeting of the Bible Society medicines? Why be persuaded to . try something just because it is I The Catholics in England had hoped merit would be destroyed in a common annual ceremony, presided over by the Band Concert. - Father bone- Last week the Advance mentioned held on Sunday evening last, Misses new, when you can get a medicine ' much from the accession of James I. catastrophe with those whom the plot local officials, Owing to conflicting with another After a lingering illness of several the serious illness of Albert W. Sander. Mabel Pender and Mae Pattison were drat has stood the test o . I years, ! To facilitate hie passage to the throne, was specially intended to strike. That The question as to the part taken by concert, the Wingham, Citizens' Band months Mr. Colin Matheson of Tiver. son of Edmont6n, eldest son of Mr. appointed collectors for the town, and which hAs newer disappointed? .1 he had given great cause for such the Catholics should somehow be the Jesuits in the Gunpowder Plot has will hold their concert in the Town ton passed away on Sunday, Nov 9, at and Mrs. Albert Sanderson of Wings Division Court will be held on hopes, promising that the fines against warned there was general agreement, been a much debated one. There Hall on Tuesday next, Nov, 18th, The the age of 64 years and 9 months. ham. On Friday morning word was Thursday, the 13th, His Honor Judge We know what Rexall Cherry - Bark Cough Cure it. Nothing I recusants should not be exacted, and but not as to the method in which the seems to be no doubt that Garnet, the programme will consist of especially The funeral was held on Tuesday and received that'he was very low and his Holt presiding. We understand there else will so readily relieve, to I bestowing honours upon several Ro- warning should be given. This die- superior of the order in England, had prepared music by the Band, recita- was conducted under the auspices of mother left on the afternoon train but are a number of cases to be heard, . .1 tight, dry, hacking cough. 0 : man Catholic gentlemen. Therefore, agreement no doubt caused the failure a guilty knowledge of the plot, if he tions and songs by local talent. I the Tiverton Masonic Lodge, Mr. on Saturday another message annoue. I Talk !_ . Contains wild bloodroot !. when, after James was securely seated Of the whole transaction. Ten days before the did not even actively encourage it. WiDgharn has a band that is rarely Matheson was one of the most highly edhisdeath. Mrs. Sanderson could not about courage I A Baltimore woman underwent nine cherry, . 1! arid o(her valuable sedatives and on the throne, the severe laws of opening of parliament, He was tried and condemned March 28 excelled and should receive the hearty respected residents of Bruce county be located until ehe reached Winnipeg major surgi- i Elizabeth against priests and recusants. Lord Monteagle, a Catholic and a and executed May 3, 1000, support of our citizens. and his sterling qualities endeared and by that time a companion of the caI operations and then unfalteringly submitted to the ;- expectorants. ! -1 So stop diat cough before it leads ; were again put into execution, many friend of several of the conspirators, received letter Shop Early. him to all whom he met. The deceased deceased had passed through Winni- - marriage ceremony. I to serious illness. Stop it Without 1, Roman Catholic gentlemen experienc.• an anonymous giving him Crusade From Pulpits. . was the father of Mies Jennie D. peg with the body en route to Wing. Ritchie and 0osene report the Bale of - . : experimenting. ed feelings of deep resentment. Rob- a warning, couched in ambiguous It seems a trifle early to hang out Matheson who for the past few years ham. The body arrived on Wednes- two lots fronting on Patrick St. be- . ert Catesby, a man steeped in plots, terms, not to attend the opening, for "they the sign "shop early" but the early has been our secretary. The Advance day but funeral arrangements will not longing to the Morrow estate. There .! I A large bottle 50e. = conspiracies, and secret embassies, but shall receyve a terrible blowehopper this It is not know, Hundreds of Ministers will observe No- a gets the most satisfactory re- extends their sincerest sympathy to be made until Mrs. Sanderson arrives. are good buildingai on the premises and Rexall Cold Tablets in a gentleman of great personal power And fascination, conceived a plan for parleament." who wrote the letter. Tresham was, I vember 30 as Tuberculosis Sunday. suits as a rule. The time between now and Christmas is none too early the bereaved family. Bert obeyed the call of the West three years agd and returned an a visit about the purchaser Mr. Norman Pry, will have a pleasant home in a desirable cure cold head. Cherry Bark and Cold I the remedy of all this. His parents and is, g enerally suspected ; but when I . to permit the prudent ones to delay Student Lecture. two years ago. He was in his 23rd location. Tablets used together are guaran- had suffered much for their religion, Catesby accused him of it, he vehe- The lapse of a year since the church. in giving the gift subject some at-, On Monday afternoon Mr. Arthur W. year and was a young man of excel- Mr. Henry Deacon of East Wawa- teed to cure any cold or money andhehimself had been an incessant mently and with oaths denied all es of Ontario observed Tuberculosis tendon. By reading the advertise- Beall M.A., who is sent out by the De- leat parts and most popular in Wing- nosh left at the Advance Office a eample . . refunded. - plotter among the discontented Catho. knowledge of the matter. Som�thjng Sunday shows great advances in the merits in the Advance you will be partment of Education of Ontario as ham. The sympathy the common- of the potatoes grown on his farm. I . = I lies of the later years of Elizabeth's feign, and for joining in Risex's rebel- in the character of the letter and of the attendant circumstances seems to strength of the movement, to judge by the are being made guided to right stores and will save money. Lecturer on Eugenics and Personal Hygiene in High and Public Schools, de- ity goes out to the parents in their sad affliction. . One weighed 211:x, 4 Oz.' and another 2 lb 8 oz. Potatoes should be J. W. McKibbon lion had been heavily fined. 'But there is no reason to believe that he, or in. render it probable that the whole thing was prepared heforehand to preparations which throughout Ontario for the services on Moved To Hamilton. livered an address to the student body of . not scarce if there are many grown as large deed any of the conspirators, were quash the plot, but in such a manner Sunday, Nov. liftli. On that day, which ie; occasion of the Annual Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. VanNorman the High School. The following day Mr. Beall addressed the Public School stn- 111111TH5. as these. DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN actuated by selfish motives or feelings of revenge in assenting to that scheme that the Government should not be fully alive to the. danger until the Tuberculosis Sunday, it is expected have purchased a flue residence in the city of Hamilton and have dents in the morning and the young men Cook -In St.. Stephens, New Bruns. . wick, On Nov. 5th, to Dr. and Mrs. On Tuesday evening Miss Mary Reynolds, milliner, fell on the icy , Zhi? � -Std", I for the carrying out of which they conspirators bad no time to escape, It from.at least a thousand pulpits ser- moved there. We deeply regret the removal of the High School and Business College in K H. Cook, a son, walk and broke her arm near the '#Rely� I W1 , 1. , , . dared and suffered so much. Oatesby's bag also been suggested that the mons will be delivered, urging upon the attention of the congregations the of this household from our -midst but the afternoon All of these lectures were pronounced, by those of mature . . shoulder. If each merchant would i, i own words probably express best the in whole plot itself was got up by Cecil, and was nothing but a state trick. necessity for co-operation in the sat- ' Hamilton is a more convenient centre years who were present, as having the � — �7 take some little care of the portion of walk in front of his store it would . . way which they regarded the matter. "The nature of the disease," he said, "requires so sharp a remedy." Monteagle at once took this letter to Salisbury, who communicated it to the ion wide campaign againatthe "White Plague." In some cases, pa,stors have for one service in the day resigned for Mr. VauNorman'6 work.. As a salesman, Charlie has few equals, and Wingham lias lost a good citizen. 13. right ring and should be productive great good. Tile Editor was only able to attend the first one, which was un- Personals L - .... �.�_,_,J be a great convenience to pedestrians. Parents, teachers. ministers and' School It should also be remembered that the king, directly his MAjf-sty returned t heir offices of preacher to notable lay- Their many friends here will be pleas- folded with a master hand, Mr. Beall Mr. Gen. Moir is visiting friends in moral reformers all advising young plot was conceived and entered upon from Royston, where he had been mei who have achieved distinction ed to always learn of Mr. and Mrs. thoroughly understands student life and Port Huron. men to shun a poolroom and yet a before the more severe execution of hunting, and ib seems to have been at in the crusade, while in many other VatlNorman'a advancement. his message was conveyed so that all Mr. Jae. Bowman, M. P., was in municipality licenses same. The Ad - the laws against recusants. Catesby'8 once decided that every precaution churches the sermon will be supple- . could understand. He believed in clean, town Monday, vance believes it is a menace to young P was to blow up king, lords, and should be taken, Winter received m-nted by addresses from prominent Forget It Not. manly sports, such as foot -ball, baseball, Rev. T. H. Farr of Blyth was in men and if the present council does Rubbers commons in the Parliament House warning that all was discovered. Tref- citizen's interested in the cause. Ex- On Saturday next beginning at three hockey, etc., but entreated young men town on Monday. not see fit to cancel the license with gunpowder. Early in loozi, he ham also warned Catesby aod the tra momentum has been given to the o'clock, the Ladies' Auxiliary to the to not let sports gain the mastery but to Dr. H. E. W. Tamlyn spent last Or the one in"Wingliam, it can wrote to his cousin Tbomas Winter others that all was known, and pas- occasion this year by hearty approv- Wingharn General Hospital will hold keep them under their feet. The young week in Toronto. surely offer no objection to giving the . desiring him to come to London. Bionately desired them to make good al which has been given the idea by a sale of home-made cooking, home men were warned against the deadly Mr. F. Buchanan took a business people an opportunity at the January It seems almost cruel W, inter, after some hesitation, having their escape to foreign lands. They, important clerical bodies and many made candy, etc., and all ladies wish- cigarette and what the speaker termed the trip to Toronto last week. elections to say how they feel as to its to the Children consented, found Catesby at Lambeth however, determined to await further dignitaries of the various eburche,,nd ung to assist this worthy cause'are ask- 'fool' room. There was only one destiny Ex -Reeve McDonald was in Buffalo continuance, . send to with John Wright, All three were events, and Fawkes especially stuck to his in the that officials in public and semi-pubh6 ori- ed to donate cooking and candy. The for the cigarette fiend and the young man on business returning Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Harris, of 54 school these wet, sloppy old plotters and companions in plots post vault with coolness tions have come out individually ap- Auxiliary are agents for the California .who hung about a pool room. To the girls, Mrs. Leonard Walton, who is trill- Beatty Ave., Toronto, have announced -- and conspiracies. Catesby now broach- Of courage which seems to have'lleen pealing for aid in any movement which Perf time Co. and are prepared to take ' ' he said, they 5lId purify the nation, for #b tally ill, has been taken to a Hospital in the city press the engagement of days without Rubbers— el his new schento to Winter, who at one of hie chief characteristics. will teach the people of Canada the orders for r same. Gladstone once said, if a young woman would refuse to keep at London. their daughter, Edith May, to E. Pier - first wondered at the strangeness of The Lord Chamberlain, on the 4,h menace and the means of curing Tub- "that the first duty of &statesman was company with young men of unclean Mr James Dore has returned to Eng- son Stephenson of Toronto. The mar- they cost so little and af- the conception and doubted of success, but finally his consent to it or to November, going over the Parlia- House to that erculosis. . the care of public health." No doubt: our citizens turn in habits there would be a general revival. land and may return with his faintly next spring, ria swill will take place quietly at Dunn ford so much gave merit see all was pre- . will out goodly' No young man would walk down street Ave. Presbyterian Chtiveb, on Nov. protection. anything that Catesby should decide to Wishing, however, to pared for the morrow, visited the "very High Sc hool Notes. numbers and encourage there public- pr drive with a lady smoking, then, why, . Mrs. T. L. Jobb returned on Satur- day from a visit with her daughter, 19.,h. Miss Harris graduated from the enter upon. vault, and there saw this tall spirited ladies. The day is Saturday should a young lady walk with a young Mrs. Lackie in Aylmer. Wingham Business College about five We have a full line of leave no quiet way untried to obtain and desperate fellow," who, together . next, the place is the vacant store next man who had such little respect for her. Mrs. Wm. McConnell was called to years ago and has given up a position , their end, it was decided that Winter ' with the large quantity of fuel, excit- I The Executive of the W. H. S. Lit- to Mr. Awde's flour and feed store. Throughout it was all exhortation of a Toronto on Monday last by the Ill- at twenty dollars per week. Her School Rubbers in all Bhould go over to Flanders, to meet in suspicions which he communicated erary Society intend hol'ding their, Box Social' 711 � sincere heart to -'young people to lead uses of her daughter, Mrs. Trainer, father is organizer for the C. 0. P, and Velasco, the constable of Castile, who was coming to England to negotiate to the king, it was decided that a more strict search should be made. initial meeting on Friday, 14th, 1913 . T12o L-)yal True Blue Lodge in town clean lives since purity is the keystone of character. The outstanding thought, Mrs. Andrew Robinson and Master Roy of Orangeville were guests last an ex -reeve of Wroxeter, sizes. I the peace with Spain. Winter was to Sir Thomas Knevet, a Westminster Since the new piano has not arrived will hold a Box Social in the Conn. which was driven home ,o,as that the y week of Mrs. Robinson's sister, Mrs, Boy or, Girl — big feet inform the constable of the state of magistrate, was ordered to direct this the meeting will be in charge, of the Literary Committee. . cil Chamber on Tuesday evening, Nov.. should always remember that the human Davidson. - , Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. the Catholics in England, and to search, *L%.i going down to the house Mr. Biehl the Educational De. 25th, on the occasion of the 23rd an- body is God's living temple, his master- Mr. Gen, H. Walton left Wedn;kii Get Partial's Bread at Chriatie's. or little feet, we have the entreat him to -solicit the king that the penal laws against them might be suddenly, just before midnight, be came upon Fawkes just stepping out of partment gave two excellent addresses - niversary of their lodge. A good pro- gramme is being prepared, consisting piece of splendour, hence, it should be kept nn a trip to Gresloy, South Derbyshire Eogltnd. Mrs. Walton has been there Mr. Peter Wilson is open to receive a few beginners in violin. Rudiments best of Rubbers to fit recalled. Catesby named Fawkes as of the door. The 30 barrels of powder Monday and Tuesday evenings in the R . of vocal & instrumental music, recita- spotles ly clean in thoughts, words, actions and habits. Young men, rememb. ' for some time and will return with Mr. Walton about April. The Advance of music thoroughly taught. Appoint- them. 9, likely man in case this quiet way were discovered; Fawkes was seized, Assembly .11. tions, dialogues, etc., and an address ering their mothers and sisters, should wishes Mr. Walton a safe and plea- menta made at the Times Office 1013. failed. Winter saw, the constable at bound with his own garters, and At a recent of the Executive , . . will be given by Mr. R. 0. Newman of reverence and Honour all womanhood sant voyage. . Don't buy a Vacuum Carpet Cleaner, Berg�n, and giving up the hope that searched. Upon him were found a the follow: -Ig were appointed to blvl charge ( f the J-Qurnal: - Elltor-in- Toronto, the Supreme Grand Master They should shun and reprove all unclean - Mr. Gen. Moffatt, who for the past two three has been until you Bee the "Cadillac" Electric and Hand Cleaners sold by K. E. Is- Children's much would be done by his means, watch, a tinder box, and some touch- '\I -. J. A. McBurney Assi Chief, at. of the L. T. B. Association. Etch lady . 'conversation and jokes, company, Pic- or - years in the em. ploy 0 f the Bank of Hamilton, left on and & Oo. sought out Fawkes, whom be found wood. He at once avowed his pug- Editt", 51r. X. E, Shaw; Sub. Editors attending is kindly rcqixested to pro- tures and plays, newspapers and books, Tuesday to attend the Technical WANTED.— A good general servant. with Stanley at Ostend. Representing pose, and said that if he had been -F a IV, Miss M. Ritchie and Mr. vide a box of refreshments and will be for by doing so they could make Canada School in Toronto. Gen, was one of Apply in person or writing to Ad - School to him that something was in hand to within the house when taken he admitted free. Boxes are to be auc- a clean land. The lecture will no doubt Wingliarn's popular young men, who vance Office. be done in England, they passed would have blown up house, takers, W 1'. Buchanan ; Form Ill A, Miss �I Currie and Mr. R. Stonehouse; tioned off. Adinissio'n, Gents, 10 eta, sink deep into the hearts' of the e Young will no doubt make good in his new sphere. LAuNDRY." -Having secured the together from Gravelines to Green- with, April 22, 1601, and at once went himself and all. He was taken to Whitehall and examined before the ,,, ' *rm III B, Miss M. Parris and Mr. H. Itis hoped there will be agood turn out to this social and thereby assist people and will bear fruit in the long years after the lecturer has ceased his Mr, P. W. Scott wa3,in town Mon- agency for the Stratford Steam Laun- dry, we respectfully solicit a share of Rubbers to Catesby. At a meeting soon after were joined by Thomas Percy, .1 t king, Answering all questions wit i indifference, )wA. VAylor; Form 11, Miss J. Johnston and Jar. Henry; Form I A, Miss I. Gib- those who are engaged in the work of for *9 toil. Wingliam and vicinity i the better day preparing for his work as return- in officer in the approaching vote on your pattonage. L%undry called for and delivered. Phone No. 181 or call 35c to 50c. another zealous R,)manist, a relative careless sarcastic would say nothing to implicate Lis son and Dir. S. Maxwell ; Form I B, rescuing and caring orphaned or neglected Protestant children. for his visit and the Ontario Education tl!they , Canada Temperance Act. Mr. Scott has had previoag experience in at Marshall's 5, 10, 15 and 25 eta. store. of the earl of N .)rthumberland, and confederates. The other cons . � Miss H. Kennedy and Mr. J. Angus. Department should be congratulated on his appointment. this work and made no mistakes, For Hume Made Candies try Mar - shall s. Special orders for any kind one of the king's pensioners. The fled into the country to Dunebureb, I Many Victimized. ' I hence, his appointment is a popular one as this is a most important vote. of candy attended to promptly. plot was propounded and approved of ; where a meeting of the Catholic gen- . . Fall Assizes for Huron. A fellow canvassed Walkerdon -and Don't forget when you want wool all took a solemn oath of secrecy and perseverance, and afterwards received try had been convened under pretence of a hunting party. In the bue and The Fall Assiz-a will open in Gode- vicinity about two months ago solicit- ing orders and collecting money for F�Cburcb Ve�w�s I Bluevale. and Jute Blankets, Robes, String Belle, Shaft Chimes and Driving W. J. Greer the sacrament from Gerard, a Jesuit, cry which followed, all were either rich on Tuesday, Nov, 25tb, Mr. Justice the L-Adies' World. We understand L Gauntlets. Largest stook in Huron Co. to choose from. Prices right. - who was in another room. In May a killed or taken. Fawkes and the Britton presiding. Dudley Holmes, K he has victimiz,d a number in town, �] Services in the Methodist Church Thos. Row. 1013 house adjoining the Parliarrient House others were repeatedly examined, and 0, of Win Karn, has been appointed foritsince turns out that he is not an Rev. J. J. Durrant of Lucknow ad- next Sunday morning at 10.30 a,m. J. A. Fox, D. C., Chiropi- THE SHOE MAN -was hired in Percy's name, from the torture was, no doubt, in his case uged to conduct the crown business, The ' authorized agent of the above publica. dressed the Epworth League on Mon. The annual meeting of the Bluevale Branch of the Bible Society will be graduate actor. Office in Knox house, back of I 6111ra of which the conspirators pro- to break the wonderful will and nerve only case on the criminal docket Ia the tion and, it seems, was merely out to day evening last, on the hubject of- held in the Presbyterian Church next P. O. Entrance over Presbyterian posed to work a mine. Having, how- of the man. On 27th January 1600 the King vs. Robert Gordon, of McKillop, skin the public. Constable Briggs has "The standard of efficiency." Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. . Church walk. Appendicitis, Cancer, I ever, with great labour worked about trial took lace. All were condemned charged with killing his father. received instructions from the McClure I The topic for the special address to � The monthly meeting of Bluevale Cataract, Epilepsy, all Fevers, Goitre, Rheumatism. Heart disease, all Female half -way through the nine feet of to be drawn, hanged. and quartered. Successful Hockey Meeting. __Yll`-�, I Publishing Co. of New York, proprie, the young men by the rector of St 11 Women's Institute will be held at the home Mrs. Tait Thursday, trouble, Deafness, and all other diseas- WHEN YOU stone which composed the wall, they On Thursday the 30 .h, Digby, R. I . tore of the Ladies' World, to try and Paul's church on Sunday evening next : of on Nov, Be cured without Drugs or Surgery. discovered that a vault, immediately the House Lords, Winter, Grant, and BtteB (Op.teaby's A large number of citizens who are interested in hockey met in the Coun, locate the guilty party and bring him will be -"The man with the secret 13ch, at 2 o'clock. Papers are being prepared on Christmas gifts and giv- Office hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. IOU BUY COAL under of was to let, servant) suff-wed in St. Paul's chur,li. to justice, -[rho Bvuc�i H�rald, Walk- gage," ing, also a musical programme. The APPREINITICH WANTP,u)-At once, to and as this exactly suited their pur• yard; the next day, T. Winter, 10ok- cil Chamber Monday evening and erton. We believe this to be the _ membere are asked to respond to roll learn tailoring. --Orval Taylor. - pose, it was at once engaged by wood, Keyes, and Fawkes, at West- elected the following officers: -Ron. Barad fellow who it appears has played At the A.Y. P. A. meeting o on. Jr.11f call by giving a recipe of something PRWATE S.kL1,1—One dining -room BE SURE YOU GET Fawkes, who, being little known in minster,. So all yet alive who,from PrIl-, Dr. J. .P. Kennedy; Pres., L. a skin game in Wingbam, taking or• day evening last, the topic-"Canada- tn fora Xmas dinner. The Institute ex- invitation to ladies coal heater without oven, in perfect GENUINE S RANTON England. 'passed as Perey's servant, belief in the can, -e or from love of Binkley; Vide Pres., B. J Doyle; Sec 1 dere at the low price of 25 cents for two ken by Miss an Story Writers," was taken tend an all of the community. order, will be sold cheap, also one par- for hanging lilnip complete and one and took the name of Johnson. Bar- rels of had been Catesby, had joined his outrageous R. A. Currie; Treac., R. Brooks; Man., Ted Elliott; Committee, W. H, Gurn- journals of the McClure Publitihing Co. far Emily Mann and Miss Annie Cunning- ham, the former taking as her subjec' t CIA 4th and 10th marked another hall lamp. Apply at residence of Mrs. Prices of Delaware, Lackawan- gunpowder which stored in a house at L%mbeth were plot asqended the scaffold, F&wke a Ia. 9t, "his body being weak with tor- ,y, Hall MacLean, W. A. Miller, F. and so none of the subscribers have received a copy of either (.f the j.)urn- L. M. Montgomery, and the latter milestone in the history ftI he Bluevale Metbodist0burch when their annual R, Herdsman, Sbuter St. I Hot and cold water bathe at Hewer's ria and Western Coal Cos.: brought over in the night,.Iarg(i stones Lure and sickness, be was scares able MacLean and Geo. Jacques, The boys ale. It is to be hoped this make-believe dealt with Sir Gilbert Parker, services were held, Rev. 1). Wren, Al. Barber rsbop. SCRANTON COAL and bare of Icon were placed up -)n to go up the ladder." He "made no have decided to enter the Northern agent will be caught and receive the The regulptr meeting of the Wo- A., preached Sunday morning to a fall house from 1st Peterl-8. Intheeven- We are prepared to pay I he higbest Egg and Stoye . . . . . $7.50 them, and the whole covered with long speech, but after a sort seeming League and will no doubt receive the . punishment he deserves. men's Misgionary Society of St. An- to the Unfavourable weather price for all kinds of grain delivered at Chestnut . . . . . . . $7.75 billets of wood, so that no suspicion sorry for his offence, asked a kind of hearty support of the town. I drew's Church was held on Nov. 5th. only only a few ventured out but all were our warehouse at Grand Ttunk Sta- Pea . . . . . . . . . $6.25 might be excited in case it was found forgiveness of the king and- the 'state Guy Brothers Mtnstrels Nov. 13. The Teeasurer reported a splendid w or their effort by hearing Xt!'A,'e'di'! tion.-Tipling and Mills. - necessary to admit. ;j stranger, All for his bloody intent," and so died. Public School Board. This Is the oldest minstrel organiz,• thank -offering and Mrs. J. Linklater, splendid sermon from Acts 5-15 Rev. Wren is forcible PRIVATE' Seri;. -At Airs. J. B. Cum. Blacksmiih, Cannell and Soft was prepared about May 1605, The I Jesuit evidence describes Fawkes as The regular meeting of Win ham ti before the public to day, and Gen. who has so efficiently filled the office an able and speaker, leading his audience out Into ming residence beside Win. Davies' Cwam,aery. Household furniture, coal Coal, Wood, Lumber, Laih and,,,, plan of the plot was that after the a man 11(-f great piety, of exemplary Public School Board ,Was held Tuesday R Guy, the proprietor and ldimag6r, of secretary, was presented With 9, a broader field of thought. He will heater with oven, and bedding. 8 J.. Shingles always on hand. blow had been given, as most probably temperance, of mild and cheerful evening with all the members present wita blacking his face in miniatrelsy life -membership. Interesting papers always flod a large place In the beat to I i the prince of Wales would attend and "• demoapour, an enemy of brolls and but Trustee Awde. Chairman Tipling years before the present managers or were read by Mrs, Tipling and Mrs, Of Bluafflttle PPOPle- Canary birds for sale, roller and Harts mountain breed, - Box 403, PROMPT DELIVERY I I parish with the king, the duke disputes, a faith f al friend," and asserts presiding. Minutes of lost regular pArformers thought of It, and he is ricA .7, Campbell on "New forces at work On Monday evening Tea was served gingham, Ontario. . —_ �_ , (Charles) was to be seiz?d and carried that lit is society was sought by 611 the meeting read and adopted, Oa motion . a "has been " yet, but a comedian up. In China," The President reported a I o the basement of the church where wall laden tables were enjoyed by all, FONVY, WANTED.—Ilighest tit -lees I ' Into the country It possible, or, other- moat distinguished in the archduke's of Trustees Irwin and Campbell the to -the -minute, The show is as good membership of 55, and a cordial in- After tea tables entertainineut paid.-Iltirvey Watson, Belgrave. 6-0 J. A. McLean wise possession was to be obtained of camp for nobility and virtue. There following accounts were ordered to be as any and better than most, and it is -vitation to attend the meetings was WARO&rtl�d out in the auditorium. Rev. 0. R. Wilkinson, ight Specla• Ey", - the person of the princess EvilzAbeth, aeorne to lie no doubt thitt be had paid --W. J. Boyce, work at)(] maters- patronized by the elite everywhere, extended to all the ladies of the con- J. H' Cooke, pasbor, occupied the cliair. list, 1,PdWILT'd St., Windham, is curing. Who was then at Combe Abbey In qualities which under P. different rule At, $5 15; J. W. Dodd, laundry, 40, ; This Is the thirty-ninth season, a re. gregation. Splendid addvesseo were ptiven by Rev. Tate, Bltvwale, Wiv. Hibbert of Wing. ' difficult cases of defective vision after .1 I I I — - ____ ___ - ____ - Warwickshire, and a rising was to be would have carried him to honour Colin Sadie, cedar, $1. Miss Bentley cord none of the others can show, and, Tho, Right Rev. Dr. Williams, Lord ham and Rev. McKelvey of 14bel. others have failed. I recognize that - ­ ­ prepared among the Catholics of the Instead of to Ignominy, There is asked for an increase of salary. The to tell the truth, this is a minstrel Ailhop of Huron, has arranged the fol- Air. 11ugh SintiAmon reelted, Miss trigsuccess can only, be attained i satisfaction, Difficult -ow 410110 0 I itildland counties. Fawkes was to fire something in the whole character of Committee On 81196tieg recommended abow that you can take your whole of lowing itinerary for the DeaneryM U i, th McCall, BlklevAle, Mies Kiteb(-n your eases and children a speciality. $40. _ - I JOHNS"'ON'S the train, and then to get over as hie aotidro and undertakings In this that the maximum salary be raised to family to see and not be offended with Huron, conducting Confirmation set. of Wroxeter gave oxeollont selections on the piano. Mro. (%oine Hi forpre attendpil at their own homy it . quickly as possible Into Platiders In a plot which 8eords to Imply absolute $550 per year, Inerea-ee to be $25 per anything rough. The orchestra Is flop, vices In the places inentionea --Sun- And Miss McCall ,991" gave A rilimb,r of dosired. All advice free and satiefAc• - PRESSING PARLORS ship prepared for hie passage. After self-renunciation for the causer believed year As formerly, This was adopted the singing elegant, the dancing great-, (lay, Nov, 16-Dangannon at I p.m, ,- Instrumental dusts, eaeb piece wnq tion guaranteed, - Pressing, Dry bleatilng and being saveral times piorogued, parlit, to be Just. But nothing &juld possibly on tootlot! of Tru-4tees Allen and the acrobats wonderful, the scenery Monday. Nov. 17-Lueknow at It &,in. hostrtilyar)PlAuile,d. The minerendered ,-. - - - ___- - --- .- -.--.-- I � Altering promptly Mt*rid6d to Meat was to tueat on the 6th of Xo- hAvo been more dl-qmtroui to the CArnpb0l. On wotiou of- Trustees superb, the costumes pretty and iho and Gortle ate' 30 p.m,; T . Tuesday, 'Nov. by Miss 34e tvIOL't-B Of Iltushela Find 1q,ne6t Wilburn of allievoile , wof 0 -4 '' , _ � - ., _ 1 .1 I . �. � . I I 1, .. . - SUITS CALLED FOR AND Y'Nubtir, Interest of the Catholics of 1411glerl4Holmes And Irwin the teachOtl And elettrlChl effeOtS beautiful. Go ani 18-Helgrave At. It &.m, and StimMer. much ehj,iyed by all as wftq Men rho RUBBERS RUE13ERS RETURNED During the progress of the prepara- The stringeney of the laws against- carete,ketlti Warles were ordered to be see the only real fivat-CIA811 minstrel 14111 At 7 30 p w, � Wedneficl ky, Nov 10 - rnale itiliaAetto of the Ciuro,ft The RUBBERS tions 1,0&by other gontlorien, Robert recusants was greatly Ineremed, and pall. It w&s waved by Trustee Camp- show on Thursday evening Nov. 13, at I midateton at io or iom oo.to. and at evening wami'brought to #% Mope by I Shop one door north of PAttaitson's - Winter, 0briatophet, Wright, Reyes their ribnorvity4lp ritiort) severely exaet- ball and seoonW by Witistoo Turd the Winglitim Town Hall, Prle8e, 35 1 11olms.-sville at 2 p.m. I Sunday. Nov ' , sinsthig Ond 8 ive the Jk-nlr. In tqAto of ileo hialerrioney of i hA wealbar the Bit $to* Lowait Prices - Jawalry store 11,00kwoed, Sit, 'Sverard Digby, and e4, The ft Nov,armbar was ordered that A. L, Pasliff be appointed to We , mad 80 onto. Seats now on sola at 23-ftstft at It &-wif 1`1619*41 at 8 P-114% obarob was oirell filled i%nd the - WILLIS & CON I W14 46ht 4*0*011"4nt I W6,khow hVil W Prot*% Trwh*#4 hild Watt svom la I to, I a )!�ULLL". id. 91��14_tl!%dj' L066 _. ­ . ­ . - I .., - I .- I . --A L 14biftls !r .,fit e, - - __ - -1 � 114 1111,�. nit — ,!� I I., _��Cthv! . ­ , A110001= I �i�i�i!�i������ I _ --"—, 41141"i. -