HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-06, Page 81 a ID i TME WINGRAM ADVANCE witkl w, 11� .1411114-u,�i,lh� Wroxeter. Mr. 'Tilos, Martin is home with a Mr. and Mrs, Harry Diamond visited s are hand, at Coltingwood last week. F6041 SPEPAIAL _P1"111GEA% I IMrs, (Dr.) Brawn is on the sick',' list Tas. MastersG, T, Agent, treated this week, himself to a 'fine player piano this John Patterson was home from Har, week. P R I Z E S riston last ween, J. J. Messer of Hamilton spent a Mr, H, Sharp of Toronto paid friends Couple of days, this week with his I N in town a visit last week, Mother. '�j iTigham Advance A number of people hrn ocrit of Anniversary Cervices will be held in The �/�/ town attended the part* given in the the Methodiat Church next Sunday, H01 last week. Rev. Wren of Brussels will preach 10,- 80 a. m, and at 7 p.m, and on Monday e Circulation Competition Mr. and Mrs. Rout. Black spent grirnd supper and programmq will be OY 8 sul"Ims Sunday in Harrkton with their given, daughter, Mrs, B, Whitmore, , Report of S. S. plc, 4, 7.urnberry and, Messrs. John Ball and William Morris, for October, Names in order The object of this contest is to secure a larger circula■ Harris left on Saturday morning for of merit. Names with an asterick, tion of the Wingham Advance. There Will be a number Of Muskoka to enjoy the hunting season, absent from some examination, —�� The Union Bible Society meet in the - Sr, IV, maximum 350--4 Elliott, prizes totalling in Value of about $800. The First prize is Presbyterian Church Sunday night, 286, F. Tate, 236, Q. Jewitt 229, *J. likely to be a piano but definite information Will be given lit t Nov, 9�b. Mr, Robartz will take the Gray 185, Jr. 1V, maximum 350—H. A few Weeks. There is certainly no season of the service, Holmes 205, H. 177, "P, wino-altzp73. r 73ey 191, M. McGee 3rd Cissa, maxi - Mr. Jackson took the topic in the mum 350-0, McDonald 299, A. Smelt - year when a Sale of particularly young people's meeting last Sunday zer 207, H. Messer 211 S. McMichael The Contest Will Begin On st evening and every one certainly ap- 183, #E. McKinney 151, *S Elliott 99, Nov.' ° preciated his address. Jean 7.owu IR, Breckenridge Sr. Good School Suits at cut perces and Mary Gibson are called on to take maximum 150-8. $Gallaher 1125, M. would be more appreciated than at it next Sunday evening, their sub- Curtis 110, B. Gannett 57. Jr., max]- CONDITIONS. HOW TO SECURE VOTES. pp ject beings "Christian Horne Life." mum 250—A. McKinney 210, E. ' Mc - he present timeThe Ball given by the married men Michael 138, J. Watson 112. let Class, last Friday evening was a grand Guo. Iar, 2—J. Gray, J. Black, J. Brecken EACH new subscription of $1,00 will be equal to 200 votes—if handed in- Cess. Quests to the number of about ridge, K. McDonald, Pt. 1, Sr. --O, to this office before Dec. 316t, 100 assembled in the hall which was Elliott, A, Cook, C, Gannett, G. El- nicelyCES decorated for the occasion with liott, H. Elliott, W, Mundell, H. Wat- EACH new subsoription of $1.00 will ba equal to 100 votes thereafter until NOTE E d�1E pumpkins, witches, ghosts and black Bon, Jr, --E, Breckenridge, C, Messer, the close. Cate. The music furnished by the R. Thomas, R. Elliott, C. Stewart, E. London Harpers was the very beet and McGee, E. Wilburn, Any person may enter this contest. G Little Chaps Norfolk Suits, sizes 22 and every one reported having had a C. M. Messer, teacher. To become a candidate q y 2 Oril regular 2, aria to grand time. , you are required to send our name, or the name 3 only, $ 75 3 5 4 %J Blyth. of some other person, (accompanied 'b7 $1.00) to which TnE WIxaumf AD - clear at ..... ...................... $1.25 Turnberry. Mr. John Emigh has. returned from VANCE will be forwarded to December 31st, 1914, to any address in Canada—(or- ' TLe followingis the report of S. S. his trip out West. ders for the United States, 50 cents extra, to cover postage. IO Boys S Corduroy Suits, some are two-piece, No. 5 Turnbetrr•y for the month ofMrs. George Beattie of Campbellford The names of the candidates will appear in Tim WINGirAbt ,ADVANCE from the balance three-piece, sizes 25 to 32, October, Names in order of merit:— is visiting friends in town. time to time and the cumber of votes to their credit. A record will be kept 4f all regular $4,50, 5 50 and $6.5o, to clear at ... $2.00 Sr. 4th—Myrtle Deans, Grace Tuck- Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lewis of Mount names sent to this office and a t]'uplicae of receipts issued which will be open to Pr', Alvin Hastings. Harold Gilkinson, Forest were in town during the week. I1uy Hastings. Jr, 4th—Fraser (laugh, the inspection of the candidates immediately after the .Contest closes. 20 Boys Suits in Fancy Tweeds and Navy Mary Baugh, Alvin Smith, NormauMiss Hoa Baylor of Toronto is visit- Serges, some of these are two-piece, some MoUill, Della Reid, Jack Reid, Sr. ing her mother and other relatives in The regular price of TIIE WlNc HAm ADVANCE is $1,00 per year to any address three-piece, straight knickers, sizes 28 to 3 d -Jiro Hardie, Laura Reid, Chester town, in Canada, and to the United States, $1.0O3 These prices to new subscribers, will - p g 3. Gilkinson, Sr. 2nd — Pearl McLean, A number of Delegates from the dif- pay for THE WIN GHAu ADVANCE from now to the end of 1914. regular $4-50 to $7 -CO, to clear at ........ $3.25 Leslie Deans, West Haugh. Jr, 2od— ferent churches will attend the Lay - Jean Wilton, Edna Gilkinson, Pt. man's Missionary movement held in If there is anything about this contest you do not understand, write us, 15 Boys Suits made from splendid qualities of `Lod—Mildred Yeo, Rena Haugh, Goderich, Friday, Nov. 7th. We will be leased to famish all candidates with as man sample oq teF of Edith Reid, Ivan Haugh, Emmerson P y P P Tweeds and Ser es. These are exception- Armour. 1st class—Emma Hardie, Morris. THE ADVANCE as they may require. all Brood nearly all three-piece Suits With Edna Hastings.—C. K, Copp, teacher, y � � 'The report of the Junction School Mrs. Wm, Stubbs and little son were For printed matter ; how to secure subscribers, and how to win a prize, straight knickers, sizes 29 to J5, regular P in Acton visiting friends. write to us. for the month of October, Those $7.50 to $Io, clearing price ............ $4,95 maaked with an asterick absent for Mrs. Dr. Stewart of Belgrave has Send your name in at once and get your friends working for you. one examination. Total 300. Class 4— returned from a visit to Toronto, FRES --- A Trick Knife with every Boys' Suit SOId Wilfred Anderson 159, 'Vera Proctor bar. and Mrs. Garner Nicholson spent " 127. Class 3, Sr.—Gorden Walker 70', Hallowe'en with Mr, and Mrs. Richard s Class 3. Jr.—Lawrence Lennox 134-. Proctor. e this Week. Don't lot this opportnnity pass. Class 2, Sr.—Norman Walker 238 (Fl), f M M t McMurray, young eon or. Vera McKenzie 193, Margaret Hendee. RoberChristie Grocery ' son 159'. Claes 2, Jr,—Addie Proctor and Mrs. William McMurray, fell last •233 (H), Harold Moffat 139, Russel week and broke his collar bone. Henderson 131. Class Pt. 2, Sr.— Mr, Robert McMurray has returned Store opens 7 a. m. Closes 7 p, In. Phone 59• T Chester Rintoul 160", Class Pt. 2, Jr,— after an extended visit with friends in George Fowler 147 , Clark' son Martin and about Belleville, having four sis- 131, Class 1—George Cai ter, tura in that vicinity. ■ A� - = � Fordyce. New Fruits. ^"^ ""'^^ New Fruits are arriving and we will be pleased indeed to show Mr. James Leaver la at present en- you our samples. As in past years we are baying only the best gaged putting in cement stabling for 4%ersonals qualities, a Poor gradts may seem cheap but after the baking is over Ali C. Martin, He will hove one of L IF The C10thier the finest barns in this township when there is always dissatisfactign. finished. Mrs. Geo, Kargus is in Berlin for th*" e VALENCIAS SULTANNAS FIGS Rrire must be getting down in price week. Are here and we expect very shortly all other kinds. around our burg as'some times parties .. MacDonald Block, Opp, Bank of Commerce, going out to visit, find when they Raymond Elliott spent Sunday with (let the BEST at Christie's. come out they are wired in. Some friends in Ripley. parties have commenced carrying wire Mr. Hugh Ross of Clinton was in pinchers. town on Tuesday. WHAT. ABOUT TEA Quite a large number of the neigh- Mr. and Mrs, F. Buchanan are in We sell good Tea9, After many years' experience and close bore gathered together the other day Toronto this week. attention to this department of the Grocery business, we know and took up Stewart McBurney's turnips. Mr. McBurney is still in the Mr, J. K. Irwin took a business trip good Teas. Just try ns. You'll be satisfied. e 1 X(l�s�;li,9i�,.udirtipiWplr4uJr%;,i,la,iNr.ltiriL,�:fsi,i ,J. uI,�L a,��6.i1 i�i�,i6ia,e.o.►lYdtd hospital at Wingham and is getting to London Tuesday, HERE FOR GOOD COFFEE. % along as well as can be expected, Miss Annie Fixter left on Monday Alae. M. E. Chapman of Fordyce was for Alma College, St. Thomas. lately, married to Mr. William At- bars. Hiscox of London is visiting at tridge of the North West and intends _ 1 MarkCross the hams of Mr. C. N. Griffin. moving away in a couple of weeks, As -• this is her third marriage we wish her George Little of Turnberry returned m o Ar IR and him success and aghappy life in home from the West last week. You (Get � I IOUs SAIF Ell" I lmol" AZ 00""" R the we', Mr. Orval Taylor was in Walkerton !� �s Currie. on business Friday of last week, BecauseYour Liver IS Lazy Quarterly inset#nb services were bald Dr. P. McDonald ex. M. P. of Lon- You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its don, was in town Wednesday. work. The bile docs not flow. You become constipated. in Methodist Church on Sunday morn- Food sours instead of digesting. You have that "bitter as ulents ing last, Mita Florence Jr with ie Wingham gall" taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated - pent a best 5 spent afew days with friends in To- turns Sick --vomiting, and violent headache.—The best Mr. E. W. Lambkin moved into the raeidefiee of Mrs. E+', James, his mother- ionto, preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlairi's in-law, last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Cochrane have Tablets. They make the liver do its work—strengthen the returned after a month's visit in digestive organs, and restor- to perfect health. 25c. a bottle A few from here attended the ball Chicago, --All Dealers and Druggists, or by trail. 1 - - given by the married men of Wroxeter Miss Ethel Casemore spent Sunday Chamberlain Medicine Compaszy, Toronto.®� in that burg on Friday evening, with her sister, Miss Mary Casemore If tT Four ear loads of cattle were shipped at Clinton, G o �e have secured another supply of from this station on Saturday, also a r rs ® e a number hogs and lambs were shipped Percy Kerr left on Monday for r on Monde Palmerston where he will conduct a Monday. . •:. ; „..� these famous Razors which have sold grocery business, Hallowe'en passed over quietly, Either the boys are getting more seRev. D, Perris assisted at the funer- so well and given such splendid satin- sible or the weather proved unfavor- al of the late Miss Edith Matheson at able for the pranks usually played. Ayr on Monday. l In the seclusion of your own faction. Each Razor is guaranteed to Mr. Philip Zimmerman moved from weReeve Mc inbbo meeting of the Unit- HIGH CLASS LIVERY home let me select, fit and - b his farm, south of Gorris, on Mon- g gshow you how to wear a dry to the house lately vacated by Mr. ed Drug Company, be superior to any $5.00 Safety Razor 1,, W. Lambkin whose residence Mr. Miss A. Cummings was in Ayr on GOOD HORSES Spirella Corset Zimmerman has purchased. Monday attending the funeral of her .3 late friend Miss H, Ifa,theson. NEW RIGS It adds beauty to your or money refunded. y to figure, subdues irregulari- Oranbrook. Mr. Chas, C. Munroe attende3 a ties;abasis for correct, tasty, A. Raymann is placing a Baker meeting of the buyers of the Wm. Quiet horses for lady s ° becoming dress. �} y windmill on the sparling farm. Davies Co. in Toronto this week. A The flexible. unbreak. Razor with one blade 25c , divers, � able, non -rusting 1 - 'The Happy Gleaners are g -wing a Mr, Davis of Parson and Davis, social evening in Long's Hall on the wholesale and produce dealers, Cen- .°' Spirella Boning � Extra blades 50 13th inst, tralia, was in town on.Saturday last. Drivers supplied. ,q0. found in no other corset— s A, Reymann and Wm. Perrie have Mrs. Spedding and children have re- - • positively retains its shape; been appointed delegates to the Lay turned to their home after a'visit with admits of frequent laundering. " men's Missionary Convention at God- the formers parents, Ex -Mayor an Mrp. McKenzie, B E ATT I E S LIVER Y The Spirella Corset is hygienic, erich. Comic, table. modish. To know su. + DIAGONAL STREET premecomfort and tasty, correct dress A Ledies Aid was organized in the Mr. John Gillespie, ex•Raeve of E fist wear one. Phone orsandposrcard Presbyterian Church last Wednesday Wawanoyh has gone to Cochrane on a Livery Phone 2. MRS. ISAAC DAVIDSON, Patrick ' CORNER with following officers : Hon, Pres, business trip And expects to be absent Residence Phone 133 St., Wingham. Box 276. Mrs. (Reay.) Me()nlloch ; fres., Mre. A. for a few weeks. _ rtood rho sppt�flrt advortiaembntrs in Lrdton'Ffomo I DAV" 1 %155' DRUfi STORE M('Nabt); lit V,CN, Mrs. Jacob�� Lha -' - •- - - Journal, Dallnentok, Do.iRnar. I3ew Idea and VO,lUa. (�l1tl STORE , (�l t ; Id Vice, ;hies. A, McDonald; Ser,, Ms? Mrs MaLrrehlan of Cbathtim was cal - J. P. Mulato:sb; Treas., Mrs. Ja-. A. led to town this week owing to the ' illness ofher father Mr. John Elder, ---�---�_------ C HAMILTON //�� r�ON McNair. Mr. s since I ted. ►7'ti•CC@,SS�►Y` to A. L. l,l�ti'1�L 1 Vlvl who has since d` '� -- East Wa Wc" nosb. Bockhart, Auburn, Mr, For Infants and Children. RoyAir. David C. Scott was married to Jewitt Mo fMope, Fordyce, and Mr. Harold Hiss Agnes t�nlheimer on Oct 16.h in Jow#tts LVlrlege entered the Wingham The Kind YOU HaY6 Alva S Boa ht Saskatvor. The groom is a, son of P. Buiness College on Monday. COAL W. Scott of thin township, and his Mr. an(1 Mrs. Henry Markley, Mr. Sears the l friends here extend congratulations.' and Mrs. George Simmons and family, Signature of Ep The Brick Church worth I.gague Me and Mrs, John Merkleyand family From the 1,X,L.•--C.A.M.C. New L a p will hold their Annual Ita11y day ser- Mr. William Merkley and Mrs. It. A. Head office —Scranton, Pa. Mr,. visited at the home of Mr, and vices next Sunday and Monday even- tiles, Win. Attrid¢e, );est Wawanoyh J. A � 0 , D. C. Prompt delivery to any park of town in a Nov, 9 and 10. 1tev, 1Ic, Miller on Thursday and I+riday of hist week. r A. d L99S of Auburn will preach Handay at 10:30 'WINGUAM, ONT, Try our Hardwood and kindling -(he a. ni and 7:3) p, in. On Monday Otlice in It. Xnox house. Calls made, best and 5hcapes( in Wingham, evening an ebtertainrnent will be given 13ttt7CSg, • � tri the church when ]L la's Miller and Office hours 3 to S p.m.; ? P.M. �{ p _. This is a Cash Market House for Boyle will speak. The Westfield choir Yll'll- In Morris, on October 10th, to Other hours by appointinont, •�-� 77� + will furnish music and readings will be Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yullf, a son. - ii CAN mEi Oiii Poultry, Buffer ani. Eggs. given byMissSchenehofStratford and Cruikshank --In Wingbanl Hospital, NOTICE j�+M • j� j ji�/j� others. October 20th, to Mr. and Mre. Ben. P, O. Bore 127 QUALITY COUNTS WITH 1US. We are anxious to pur- Bon Crulkshanx, a son. Of Registration Of By -Law. chase New Laid Eggs from NOW until SPRING. Farmers . -� - ._ MOWN `"www ••�" An Appal To WIYCS ENORMOUS INCREASIL. Notice is horeby g#v6n that aBy,-law aboulia have their liens producing clueing winter months. was passed by the Council of tho Towne Farm For Sale. NEW LAID You know the terrible affliotiou that of Wingham on the Gth day of October EGGS � CTS. comes to many homes from the result Silbsoribers to The .Firniily tIeraId 1913, providing for the #sane of Deben. Centro Half lot 42, con, 7, East Wa• _ u of a drinking husband or sots. You and W Bokly Star, of Montreal, are re• tures to the amount of $4700 tot the pur, Wanosh, 100 sores ; 85 acres cleared, all know of the money wasted on "Drink" naming earlier than over this Beason, pose of purchasing road machinery, arta nutlet grass, well undordrained ; 4 Cotes that is,loaded in the hotitie to purehB a The subscription receipts for October that suoh By -lacy was registered In the orehstd, mostly winter frnit ; i;i story GUNNS LIM ITED foodan4clothing, UIt11=Phassaved - liaglstxyofllDa of the I16gtatryr T)IYiylDn frame► hotrsti, kItcliell earl woodshed ; thousand.q of drinkingmelt, It to it were over 80 per cant. sh6ad of Co. of the County, Couut of Huron on the 1st da r y h barn 110x70 with stout stabling, coolant 1rDlne tr.satrxierit and Hari be given sac• lobar 191,2. The Family herald grows �of Novembtsr 1913, Any motion to rluastl #!Dore; windmill, water in hones and retly. trout money will ba refundedif, in popularity year after year.'It to the or +tet aside the canis or any putt tnero- stable ;WINGHAM ]r;i m#les frown pDatoilloe, school after a trial, it hast fatled to benefit, blg dollara wox'th beyrond doubt, and. of, must bo made within three months and ohnron, A bargain for quick stale, Rhoal'tt� O. H. ' c►1b1A, ) an'agri31P. C'trsts only $1.0:) a, box. Como In and after the first publiorrtlon of this not#oo Apply, to-- get a free bovklAt and rat us tellyy ottof rieserves Its immense clrenlatiori..Atny and cannot bs Mado thereafter ho'ws that does not recelva The NMI- DAted the Std dale of N'ovembsr, x918. W�' 10, o Belgr vi _. the o.rd U):�ltlNlf #s doing. J. '!�'. lotSS, oo>x, 1d, or Belgrav6 P. tl, 1 P. �'.lt'r�, CLl RIC. a 0. l�ta",g boort, dt'rr art. 1. ldt:rald' y g a �. r�lra't11d tae It � Lri�l t'tlr 11.8 A•l:l. JC>�+1' ]1" tI13,b 0 TnvRSDAY, NovrMl= ,6 1913 We are showing all the new styles and shapes --OF— RUBBER FOOTWEAR In Our SouthWindow And as to Prices they are just as low as in any store or catalogue (we refer to this season's Rub- bers). As an illustration look at this Rubber be- low— A real good Rubber for Women in all sizes for 65c per pair. Turn up to the cheapest Rubber for Ladies you can find in any cata- logue you may have in your possession and you will find the cheapest is 65c. Other Rubbers equally low in price. W1,9 111* S & Co. THE SHOE STORE Sole AgentsFOR For The -.M= W -,Yoe LADIES Clothing Is a Personal Matter Choosing cane's clothes is a very personal natter, indeed. Every particular dresser knows that he wants to have that distinguished look which only good clothes can give him. He wants to • stand out among his fellow -men. He knows that - personality will have something to do with this,but he also knows that his, clothes will effect a great influence. In nine cases out of ten he will buy Hanna's Clothing ..I, because he knows they are right* Prices right, Tailor- ing right, Style right, .Pat- terns right,, . HANNA & CO.