HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-06, Page 7A(
4�La - WIL
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11, 11; � I I I, 4 III hy..k! L, , " ' ' "' L :," '� .. '' - ' .'�, ' � il' * -.L., ,L � -_ . I .... . - , - -.,,,, I � -1. . . 4 0 . i 1! 10 �d, � � .
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11 "O 004"*#*" 0 4 4 4 - . .�_ I F I , , ' L ' " , , , , , _ , , , , I ' ' , . ' ' ' - , , , L ' r p"'I 0 Kt. I it . ! "._-__"-2 _.Z.%% � � , L� 1 *1' !r " L .. 1. . ..I 1� . 1 9 . � . . L � 9 1 9 �. r . ,. I I . 9 . ,r' . L 1. I
TIM 11-1611W - PACKINO OF RU TS Catarrh Brands You ly , : . , A . V qS SUMMER YIELDS 10 ACLI WITH 0031
KES HE WHITES - I A i P �Ziq r
- An 11 UndesiraW P, LL ".. . I " l WATERY BLISTE
- MULTRY WORLD U Government Issuds p. earn � . ...... .- 11, 3 Which Kind of Cows Are � L . L:. I
_�� !! phlet on Recent Changes, So' Lrk, some Is the Disease That . '. - I
- #44641"foll 0, ftl,, Assoulate With it . - - INTENSELY ITCHY You Keeping ? The F'ore,ign Diplomats Give
TH4 smxor,, or, 'rvr,.Pv.-1(;. I 1-1 ,
XrW 111IR'RD-AVITITE, FAVEM)L[N. - Canadian Triltite, than )vJiltq1 ibero aro catarrhal,victila, n ee Is water rang. .Between Fingers. Spread to Tip$, The avenige "rield L of 9,149 Cows towted Lind That Impressi0n,
one (it rmilev's bt it lirte(ii of talile . 11 I � 110110 better, are nowregarded in tholmar. _-_ Ing fCQXn 8 'to 00 per cellt,, and, widle Would $well Up, Itch vind Burn, Ili duiry recora centres. moJutmilied Jjy I
lowl, ilia Fttveroliv, !,i nialan-e Its iwound ketss of ilia world at their trite irorth. Is Your Trouble Cotqrr
I .h?. it has 110 feedin; ,value, Its press . Did Not Dare Put Hands. In Wilson to Hear Views of -
bid for popiliktrity in thi.-4 untintry, -.111,1 QUIC PUR Through Lite nperations of the inspe4cuou ! � nee in I tile Pairy Division, Ottawa, in Ontario,
In the opinion Of (,-�pf'rlvnet'll ranclers it - . - I . -1 roots, 'jililp and tile like Is an Advall. Water, Cuticum Soap and Cutl- Qlpebeo arid 1he Maritlato Provinces Ili
and ,'�ala Act, tile packing of 0anadlan . . August was 00.12 poundi of milk, 3,0 test,
will be R osueeessful Low. 'reil. .vear?4 it,-Zt) tage, giving i&;tt Is known as "sumul- cura Ointment Cured, '- I Constitutionalists,
tile Faverulles of tho Salmon variety fruit has been greatly improved and the I I elic . 0.11 Thai part of 4 foodstuff that is . I _. . i 1.12.6 pounds of tat, almost Identical with .
were first Intruduqed at tile ultain., I (loveloplao,16 of the trade accelerated. , I . tile average yields in August of 11112 (Intl
SIIOJV� D 1* I It not water is called 11dry matter," and Carium" Aralifloba-11A breaking out 1011,
3, 0111v to lll,.L�t �` I I
' KIMUCO PANY0111 From time to time oinco itis enactment, h , 1� ',Iv the part that remains 4ftel .
V16ihNITORON ON , a feedt,tuff be�weelim,yfliigerali,4stjiefil,,sttz-oublo. lt� Concealed beneitili the coinforti
with a cool r0evii- Ot REAL WaS41119toll, -Nor. 3,---Upportis 4olu
tiou. Aiileiican li,mitryinen were willing PEG M Ilb Q-NPQrIenQo has Indicated, ilia Act has v; was very Itchy and spread to my jillger lips blaulcet; of mich a goneral " John Unit, President JNrIIw)u1,, q)eo:ImI
. average sire �
to ve4nowletlac, th-ir 'utility ottialitip,j, I been illiPrOvOill Ili order to more com- '� , L has been burned Is termed "ash." It affecting tile liallot. xt Amb widely different yietols ill various pro. repretiontativo ill �Ale-%Ico, ooncerning till
but ilid jiot adraire their peetiliarly inix- - I L . L pletely onvotirago and. protect tile inauss- i � is mineral matter and does great worIc 11 appeared Ili watery blisters vinees, tiountleo, and herds, For Ill- recont -couforeneco III V,erit Cruz, with
owl and unattractive, plumagre. . L 1�1 trV, 'Ilia latest aniondaieut to flit- Act, ..... I Ill makfing bone and they were so intensely StAuco#,it St.jotgopli, N%13., tlio averago N
Rhice tlipt faflurt, it) "o.itch on" I.-) thk wil ph aspassed during tile part 'session I A grottil of Watancets that t ' ' I 15; Itchy I scratched them And tilt,, RUSSIAII, CjQrmaii and Xorwegian
Louirtry howevvr, t1wre bas been devel- MOST PERPE-CT MADE - . cow ain ill- yield was 458 pounds of milic, at Kt.
. I, 1. . i . L I of Parliament, c%�teud,j 111spection to itil. , trogen I& nained, "protein." Protein fur- ) 10b the 'Water Out; ranking Prosper, Q)ue., 01 pounds. tit NVIloidstook, Miniiters to 11exico, conveyed the jill.
Oped 1�'Frallee It lit'AA11 SHOW AV100 vari- J)Orted fruit, thereby placing it oil equal Johes the materials for making loan -Ile oores. PrOssitilt to Prissident, Wilson to -day that
T14E INCREASED NUTFIITJ- . They -would swell out., $09 poull,lq. Sinvilariv tile viold
lesh, blood, skin, muscles, tenaolls, .. . up, Itch and burn and finally ilivro wtio a di,iposltjoil oil the 1) rt of
ety of the bree,l that conlblll(-!;*tlIQ ot� ootilig 'with that growu Ili Calinda. Poor roweolic,$ have given Catarrh t,W.i : ... the 11411S Would 10DSeu and
OUS VAI:UE OF 13REArp MADE The of fat va,ried from I", to 277'potind4 per a
tractive, vrvenrallve that vilroal,.; to tile amendment provides that tile Gov- 1, of boijlg ineur,lblo. j)ut it I* nerves, limir, horns, wool, tile pasela Ill I\ , COAV" . thoie diplomatI4 to co.operate Nvith tile
overagre faneler with flip splono0d, ntility IN THE HOME WITu ROYAL ornor-in-Council I)v regulation jilay pro. "")""It!"' come off. I spent many But comparing distriefis not so widely
-,rolle. Xau�- YEAST CAKES SHOULD 139 scribe file 1:11ids; 6f lintiorted fruit, ilia emploved, ,Snuffing a powder is a greiWilig food, It 14 nix element that sleepless nights, anart; ilke total ylelol of 446 Cows at � UuIted .State5 hi. loudingtheir support to
I 'vlair;n Fnv( cumble, easily nuot quickly, if the .TjAht milk, the whites of eggfl� etc. Protein \ ,
S "leth ,
tlitalitit's of tit(, 1. L od Iti I did nQb '
d4ro to put my hands in lirAteg except ta ') pounds the lyholi of tho, Wa.ililngton. Uoveru-
ed the White Iravorolle, thr itew tvpp SUFFICIENT INCCNTIVt To pai-kages containing which must be brand- or ,Ointment ill) bie nose woll,t Cure (A�_ 31 most of ilia feed4taffs oil the farm wash them. Fitriners, Union, 6;it., waa 10,47-
luot Nylth linnicilhitc. favor Ili 1,'ranee and E SWIFE ed Or 1112"ked; tile brands or marlits 'to tarrh, neither will tablets, douehing, or is comparatliely scarce. In order to as. 4 inent for solving ilia situation,
.1 'I kept using ointments; — Of fat, but wit.b. 11.) fewer cows at a
in E,ngland .is w. 1. lVithin Llip last. yvar bO used thereon, as well its the methods , cure protein, oil meal, gluten meal bran, Frankford, Out., the yleld of fnt )Na The tirrival of Atoberto V. Pmulem, an
or so irequent iniportationi of tile Whito tO GIVE THIS IMPORTANT "'III plaocis where istich, braudin, stomaelt inediclileg cure, These treat- 01atment, but was not cured. Sometimes r s
FOOD ITEM THE ATTENTION g SIlaIIb0 nlents Yafl II)ecause they only affect local shorts and other by-products hay;, to be tlxoromedles)yotildllelpallttlebtitl)yusnob 889 pounds more. ln Elie St. Hyacintlip, einksary front Con. Carran t -
Faverolle have Iwolt lilatts into this done, Other minor changes were effected e Purchased, za, lie Coll
1country, and tile brood has ma -le many - TO WHICH IT I$ JUS�LT 9N- : in tile Avt. Miditiono, .they do not remove the cause frco from It altogether. 1wasthatwayfor Quc,, district, a more startling compa 1
rt- ,ititutionallst chief, rakett the questloa
lie hard of wliethpr the Wanalug toil 0overliniont
,intent, flhe leadin,r American fan- TITLED. . For tile Information of those interest- lut',N, bronchial tubes, and nas body, by tile combustion of wiliell lient ClItIcura, Soap and Ointment anolseub folt Of. 14 cows produced detually 41040
Irien(14 , which Is germ life established Ili the "Carbohydrates" Act On a fuel for the nine years trying everything, I heard of son than this le tile fact that a
C1018. Q I . al pax-
, ed Ili 06 fruit trade, there has l;oeu is- s -cinedlea, theni .Ind befora I had t=4 them hair a pounds of milk mort, 'than another hard
ROME DRtAWBAKINQ RE.- .. sages. OTOInary i (10 not rovAll and energy are maintained. Carbolly- would reeeive repre,ielitation,-; trorri tile
TIV[105ing in ftJ)J)Oar.LIl0Q, Ilia neNveoin- DUCES THC HIGH COST r aued by the Dairy mild Cold ,9torage theiso remote i3arts, but Catarrhozoite drates form. the largest part of all dozen times I noticed an improvement. 33y of 14, Colistitutiolialglit.i.
4.rii Ilavv devp-bro,Rstod lintlies, snowy 0 Cominl4ioner a pamphlet designated does, for it is breathed through ilia iA. feeds. Jlrv:�idout Wit,oa matio it i�lear to
avy bparJs or muf. . H E Bulletin -No. 40 of tile Dalry and Cold hater into every'air call Ili the lungs, in- When carbohydrate foot! la fed just Plying tile Caticuta 0hitment frequently I for hords at the several centres; but' tho,jo whu ditictiviied t1w sittlation witit
white plumage and lie LIVING 13Y LtPSENING T washing with tII6 Cuticura, Soup and up, Shullar comparisons might be niado
fling attrelled to their bvad,4, Tleatl'21 antl . AMOUNT OF EXPENSIVE 'Storage Branch, containing'the Inspec- 'to every air ge Ili the head and as the syetem demands It from day to wag cured In tbroo months," (Signed)Nllss , what is of infinitely more concern to ,him that ,officially, tile 0ovorninent
vyi,s are olinc.st, hitidell ill t'lo vaufll'�471_' MEATS REQt)IRED TO SOP. . Lion and Salo Act, Part 9, (tho N I'" r FlorenoolR. Sanderson, Army 2o, lot.3. would not receive itiiy foriixf.�l representa-
, Fruit throat. . o in a i'la where I -lie Vaitarrh day ilia anlitial does ,not fatten, but 0 � ilip -average patron is the equipitrativo
.�nle of tile appeimells woultl pa�s for PLY THE NECESSARY NOUR. Uark,3 Act and Fruit 11aekages) a Is Catarrhoyone will reach it. it kills when given In eveesg of ilia dally needs, yielfl. of oielt, individual V 001111losing tht! Information which the Constitution-
. 0 am, F rinorathatiageatiration Outicura Soap tiun-,, hilt that, lit ,ionic way or other,
AvIlito 01-pillpfollA Ircre they millus .1!:g" ISHMENT TO THE DODY, ended. Copies of this bulletin are Rvall' tile gernis, licals sore spots, clears the and with a propel, 'pol-tioll of protein, and Ointment have afforded tile mosb coo, Ills hard. The w1go, ilia far-seeing alj$,ts
f0athors nlitt muffling. They are prolirio Is and nonlical treatment for alrectlons of the skin I , desire to lay before ilia Aniericau
Nyovs (if y up Ili ilia body i, knows froin Ills records, -
' ' E- W. GILLETT CO. L-rb, publications branch of the department iised; pleasant and ,elpan; guaranteed to the ariblial. is $aht to fatten, , and scalp that torture, Itch, burn, scale and 0'18* (iovornillent wmild Ile received. In that
, able to those who apply for them to it nose and throat instantly, Universally they are stored 4
e'To%v `L",14 ne"l-IA all ill(% Y,-Rr i�V,z,,;l,�.,JlIv,t What plell cow glve�, Ilet "
round , av�tl even litoir I) ii;ter ogge, are of agricultilre tit Ottawa. I cure or money refunded. Sugar find starch are ilia most I m destroyalcep. AsInglosetisoftenaufflelent. villy for nix odil month, but for the OnneLtion it becanie known that the
Por* Cutlettra, Soar> and Vatleurn, Ointment, are ,*t)w,tituQoniJj,-,ttj at a recent Lonferenco
-ry fertile and callable of - I 7-- Djtii�t; be an object, of averaloll to taut carbohydrates. "Fat". serves the w11010 Yet"'. 'then ]I,-, strides towards ,
sold to lie v( . TORONTO, ONT. (
halt,bing out pooll sirmirf cliicks. 1.'%. WINNIPEG MONTREAL', MILLIONAIRE VS. PEOPLE. everyone ;voit weet---get 0ttarrh ozone same office as the carbohydrates, but im sold by druggists and dealers ovorywhere, ilitellig6t, finprovenionik not iNvall ,Ilg if chlefti decided not to ask for recogui-
encolingly docile fowl, tbe�,�gvolv quieldr, . I I .. Ftir , liberal free samplo of coteb, with 32-p. . Ld tiou of bell lgoralley, but to rwlu#�st that
.1 L - I * (Detroit V roe Press) , to -day and uao it regularly; It will cure more concentrated, a pound being con- book, send Post -card to , Potto I lie 458 pounfli-per-IllontlI Icind, but P,he L.1
fattell I3,1.413.. vild Ilavv a filic", dolleatv . I. - I I 'Cat, C.lient, Corp', Dopt. D. 130sto , r Drug ,14 wwc tic no interference by tile United
I mr. Carnegie says the millionaires .your arrb Bronchitis *Throat TrOt&- sidered equivalent to two and a quarter I vl'
tAbould be the trustees of tile people. )lie, spittill", ",
flesh thntt Itas inade thoin a favorite for Lion. A natural lay, made so by safe i 'and. jpiggiu)-, 1,arge n U.S. A. )p that Yields six or seven or more ,,tilto,s ill their vwli efforts it) zolve tile
the rxench t1lintor table. r� Ifliat tile people ivant, ho,wev*f-', is to size pounds of carbohydrates, J_' 010115,111d Poll"(1-4 I-r yeiar,--Domirlon �,ittlatioll hN. arm,
and sane feeding, �Ilould satis ally 5W. All dealpro,or tile Catarrlwyono Co, , s. 'The Cou'Lititutional.
A diforonee of (,nillion .,Ig to t1ke ollo. be the trustees of the rntillonalres, By "nutritive ratio" is iticant; the pro' - Ippartment of Aariculture, Branch of intri ivant ifie erabargo oil iirtus removed,
breca,.i etindard exig(.3 amnil_,p J4',no_vl1jl1, . - . - Buffalo, N", Y., and Kingston, Cann". porilon existing between ilia protein LOOKS LIKE IT .1 the Dh`7 and Cold Storage ooln,1113.
i The a,re at 'which pullets begin laying :: �-- bt; that kill factions may be C-upplied OIL
French ord Areinlean fineier's . d . , group Ili tile feed and ilia carbohydrate - sloner, ail equal feetinw, Thelli-mident hasbeen
Lie to vitries �'V%Ith different breeds accoTdiur, Split 40 L Cords S group, If to each pound of protein there . -1 ; Z . �
tile pocullAr filet flint AvIlilft many he Challenges petitioned vi rUirWe the embargo. Tile
of tila to size and ivel,glit. The ]NIediterraneactl are eight pounda of carVolivolrate, as it- uader,3taii.1J'iq here is that three (Iiplo-
FA-11'rolJOIS have folir toes rind clean, breods reach JaYing ago ill four to five At A& of 85 lastration, the nutritive rittio is 1.8. . DREADED EPILEPSY wats lit I cra, Cruz soofflit tho confor-
rhallks, ofliprs lmv-� br,en lived with rea- Months, and the -Waties in. eight to tell NV,bon a 'feed is rightly inixed for a
thered &-haliks and five iops. The 1 -:l -,g_ Illoville. . All the Girls Vilco With Air, Und. It �wai luatle plaill
I particular purpose it is known as it I te-day that flip Preii(lent's envoy Nvill
ish. fvel-Orall,r favov the latter standird, of Thankful tothe Medikirte That if , A Case That Should Brind flope not t3oon return to the United Sta.tw, a-3
�, Fewer eggs are laid, in tile molitils
. 7D ce c ail Gaye Him Ability For proportion of protein and carbohydrates. hit., been reported.
1111 t Amerlei op*n'on appears equa.fly October, November and . e inb r ill proper
alvidlild. In the World' "b"lance' ratio' its It ha's tile a �� r
-...-- ill anN* other month of tile year. The . lYhen 10.0 pounds le nicntlono�il in Ion 41 to Other Sufferers. 'Speretary of State Bryan had not
Don't ellief 'vensOus live that a great many the Task. I I analysis, 1110 know it llipalls 10 0-10 . There ai,p ,uanV c1l."s of eprlel)�v in recelved to -day from 11. A. Tupper, of
1,rg7ccf, (,-) powdor the male biril liens are illoultilig durini� those months, I . .
. .; Pounds, or 10.00 Ine'llis 10 6-100 pollilda, L tho International 114paco Forum, repro -
11 tit I ('Ura-ble so far am*flvesent inedical Ruowl- latiolis in. behalf of tile Constitution -
of .Y0ur flock With goed reliable insect and the ills ority of pulleti 'tile- country A VERY 'INTERESTING CASE, NOW In, e6tlfuatill�m tile feeding -value a p(1,1W VXtOlids. Rilil the sufferer is dooin. "r'n ,
powole,r every wpoic or so during ill 0 over Ivor i � -
o a latched too late to be old — of different feedstilffs, three.elpilielits * f , ..
breeding sim.qon. . olists, whiell. ho II'Lls a -reed
OTIOU,gh to lay -at the time. Beginning .1 (14 to "O tht-011911 lift, ar viotini to a di(3- 1111officially o
"llatit"O with Decomber, egg production gradualty o tein, carbohydrates and vegretablo flit. o o - ,. ('11$0 1�illelt Inui stricken 111111 sluldenly Coly,u], Haillm at Nirit-rigo reports, tile.
If y'oll have ,w]."'fed silliIII 1) a Few iticit. of ciglItTlive yeals of acre I I I should be taken into consideration; pro- . ��
fantalos for brmdorc; tioulb e%pect 1,,Lyt, illore SOS, Tit . 11 call boast of much else ))Ili poor licaltil � and without warnill"', and w4h each re- Ctinsititutioriftliets in complete confrol of
healthy .-rouln, s4)( -1c. o .it o. nlax,111111 i -i reaclied.ill and failiun- strength. And such, was . .1 The offices of these elentents have Lit- ; !Iurllill" affeo,ti Ills lilental polvers. Taken h . N district.
April. Frc,ni then on there is .1 decrease, � , ready been defined, . . * I �
. a (Ilia to broodin"s L , the coudliflon. of 21r. Beiij. Xapsh, -who ... I , I lit timo, howeveh, 111ally ca,jes of epilpp-
Dotilt Jilve vour tirnodine, stock too , 0 ,�,�', - . .
I -ages of the : , . H1JH,RTA FA)IILY El"X(IT1111D.
ill 1. and. t ip.rai. , - . I- . Alfalfa, roughly epeaking, contains : 4
Parftsitoti Illat flourish in warin )veot. 1,i knowit. to every soul in t1tia iielghbor- � . . . . . . .. 1&� ., y have liven porinallently pured by ilia Itexleo City, Nov, 2,--Thp officials at --
Don't fil:1 0 provNe oy�;Or sholl, gritt. . hood of ills home at I,lulp �,rtkc, Ont, .1 about 11 per cent. of protein, 40 per . uss of Dr, W�Ilialllsl 11ink ],flk, and in Agned to, siiperviso the rpitirns (,f the
.of" . "Quite unsolicited," writeG 'AN[r. .A[aysh, I oent. of carbobydrate.i, 1.2 per cent. of ... . Pa-,v.i whorp the dkpaqv hag not rtlachoil pI(.(:t1u11 of 1)cput I
I if ;,(,it wouill obtain 0- 9 � lk�_ �LL
with gooci ' iz,trong vllells. c.9 ther, I : 1, � , I � 1� I filf, 1311t, as fllt� id Worth two and a . *_,�, I . lop lave doelarctl v1pot-
and chart, "'
NAVAL CONTRACTION, "I wish to say how I have been both- - ,�., It" at'110 fill -In this remedy 1.i worth p,I plevoll 011b Of ttvelvo candlolate-1 to
I't fail to protect tile liests if crolys . ., I as car ItIg
DOI prod with Stomach -trouble. I I %11 �,,,.,l quarter tilUQS 13 Mitch IM pOlIlid. . - gh to fair frial. Aniong the oure-s i-t,l)res(,iit,i,lieFc,iler-.il(lif-,tLri(,t-, Onoof ill('
. N , bohydrates, this fat would lie equival- I
I -. IA, NV':,:1-..-*.:X . ".." t. ent to 2,7 pounds of e-arbohydritte% and. Strillgor, New Utikeard, Ont, 8ftYA- "I in�ufficieijt number %,f votes.
11r, Winston Cburchill's renewool sit. !ilb7fl I could thillk c,f witit. �%,$�`.-;,;� . � the foflou-ing: Ilri, 110bert eanditlottesiadpolarNt tohavproevivedivi
Pic troull>je�onli? liv plao,ing oord strintm (Chicago Tribunti)
In 101� ) Iffa.
tried 0 ei�13 1 :,
0 .... ��, 'I v give
't ,�� I
ever and nour them. out benefit. If was terriblv afflicted I "',
Costlon of Germany that a year'n sus- , ", .. . ilia alfalfa, would contain 42.7 pounds of -v lom, felt that we �
Don't fail to 11,46 eggs whon gathered Pension of ship building be agreed 111)011 with swelling and gas, and had much Ills- . ,� . * IlLt% gholild write Von Of those clected, One is it ,;oin and 011e
and keep thow ill a moderately coot tO reduce tile cost of arinaments is; ilke- .) 11 fat-produclug material. Ili other words, and let ,
I iress between meals. i trica everyti,ing, � . 1. -_ yolk know what Dr, lVilihims' a, brother-in-law of (Ioneral litivirta.
place and clon't fall to turn ly to run Into one at, two ditficultles, If in each 11 pounds of protein found in , .11
'111din 0VevY the German naval programme be intend- -ould think of, but witltoht benefit. " f, Is staff, and one
t I c ,e I Milk Pills 11 -ave dollo for our &I lidson, 'Flireo art, nteinberg of Ili
-ery day is [w ter. ed, as Gorinany insists, merely to provide ...,
day or two. ei i Then I was recommended 'Nerviline. Ily, . i . 100 pounds Of alfalfa there wolild Ile She has just returnot]. from a fln- NOW was attaekpol. with epilell-ky. 'tile I., it Irlember of tho r,taff of tile 11'ar
Don't risk ep,A micter ail extra hir,,, a navy adeQuate for the needs of that t 40�y nearly four pounds (it carbohydrates, ishlug school. troul)1(, sepiliptl to coil,
o _ natl0n, thd allli\'Ver to tllL' P.0tifill first , but-Xervillne did me It power of good- I . . a oil following ail Mhiii;ter, General Blailuet.
turkey ]toil, no'initter if she I; the firt�t 'ord of the adinfrality Nvouia Ile that Made a now mail out of Ine, (it) that with. : I making R nutritive ratio of 1.4 It is lVilat ,.o they teach them there? atiavic (if -,vjl( 0 , -_
to be;onio Drocily; she is sure to wa,jit there could be no suspension until the in tlio last three iveolks I have been. alile what is tormed a "narr6w" ratio, Ob, how to earry ones self walk pnt,, sp(,111p(l j, I Pill", cough, Ifis par- 0 A : 3.
. � . o notiee that lik OYE-A
them. requirements of the Gernian servfee bad Calculated in the f;awe way, corn - gracefully, ,,Ind all that sort of tiling. ,,penled to IjL,Itr Out, no,
. been met. to Split about forty , ords of stove Ivuod, . would have a nutritive ration of about -------*w�-- - -- e a that lie would . BLAMES STOLYPIN
Don7t fall to test out till infertile eggs, -, It Germany Is building against Great I will always stiolt: to Nerviliq, and will be lluvonsvioll,4 for a few second..$, allfl
P' as tile British believe, tile always, recommend. it, ,,,,,I wvuld like 1.0.7; that is, to each One pound of pro- "'Uhl , I
' THE GALTON WHISTLE.- %I 1--o about h2i4 play ai itsital. The
which can be safely (!one about the Chl.1A,"llill. suggestion might offer an ad- to ,,,act anyone and convince illeln,ii tein there would be 9.7 lioundej of var. 01111I was five years olit at this titne. Writer, Believed CountWit-
telith day. ditional reason for Increased German - - ._
Doift f 411 to tintice setting howt two or activity. Behind ilia Proposals of the In doubt as to What 'Xervillno has done L bithydrates and fat equivalenta. This V1 V trOlIble Spe;lle(l to be growill -a
Vireo times d,.i*lv Iry tin doing you may flrPt lord there Is tile Intimation that I" Deterniin6s hidividual Upper , moi
I a "wide" ratio. I'lere , ..o
I for me," -m -Intl tht, uttavks to collie '
, * Great Britain is wearying In t 0 11- oftener, te, on Rital Murder.
save a -villimble"Bett'ill", of eggz. deavor to build two for one. There.- For Solle Stonla(ill, nausea, belching Consequently, if ope is feeding alfal- Limit of Sotind. alld liq tilt, 100111 doetors were not licip. .
fore, GoirmatiV miglit take tile sugge,,;_ , hig hint ille
Dorft fall to powd(r setting hells two -of gas, erampa and sudden sicklictis ,It . fa as roughage lie can feed corn very Eli -
or three, tinies dtirilig vic incubmting ilead I y sent billi to tile (Alildrell's
. tion as indications of -weakness and pil"ll night, nothi'llgr la more helpful in tile, . erally without; paying, niuch aitention Ili the s'eiL,;e 4A lwaing numprous pro )- ,,(,A,)i(.l, ill ,1,0 )
It , . ' n lIJ0- Ile 'rQuItIlIlatl there Berlin, Nov. &--The trial of ,Nfendet
� .,4
Period, also powd(,r the litt!e one.5 when It tile German entillve Is huffiling quite -]Ionic, not."hig savear so much pain and ... to tile question of'balnuce. for tile rea. lem,,j Ilave 111terudoil iho expeAlliclital for a Short tiale whell the doetors said Beiliss at IVeff for the murder Of An-
^ , .:. , .
regardless of other nations foil its ONVII . . ': -, tli(-e nuty be nien- his Lrouble Iva..c
taken fi-oni t1w limt. di6tross is Xervillne. Large family size .11 ." son that wben the two are thrown to- pbyeholo,ntat. Awon� epilepl;y. and they coul.d
LL ::::: -
__ lmrnoke, It is not. likely to consider it.4 bottles) 50c.; c-ul!tll size, 25o., at all itora- . �'. .. gether into a ration they n3ake -.I, feed diew Yu4iinsky, is ascribed to the pol.
Plans a I)r0fier subject for International ,.` . . . . . , I I tioll tile rauttv of soll[Nli that ean Ile (10 110th "Ar for him. Time went oil, and .
.... . age � attackt; lull- 0
. NOT111S. agreell"Olit; If It Is building deliberately keopers and druggists, or Tile Catarrh- -1 I that, taken as a whole, has Ali 11m, heard by .111 hilividual-- that is, ill 0 tilt, , grew 1vorso, and in tile 1,111 I f the asGasdiiiated Rusalan Premier,
� aizattist Great Britain, it is even less like. .o?one, C.o., :B111falo, N-. y. .�, . . ( wrro A. Stolypin, lit it letter signed "A
Keep the late-hau-;ied. chicks groiring if to consent to a suspension even ror a � I , - nutritive ration of AbOUt 1.71, that j-33, liluit ljoill abovo and belt,w whiell no ,If 1908 111Y daughter Wrote nle tbat the P,
o' year. . I : I . tile high pFoportion of protein in the ot ,o 'I
ie ,,,,,(I ean be heard. Tile solution of ittle fellow %Va., grettilit, so J)ad that llus�iall c%-Prelollor, appearing in to-
r� tra care .and attention are the only [ � 1, I.. ; �1.4 . 1-1 Teedstuff in connectioit with the I o %v th,,je t%vo 1)vuljfvIl;t,, thp Ilt-terini the � wanted to send Ill Q
liling� that will make them profitabli. HATBITS OF THE 'COON. � � �. 1. . nation Ito,, 3 Ili baok to ilia day's Tagelilatt, and. generally believed
As winter lavers they are a failure, es. '" . . " ..,-, proportion of it in 41he other strikes a of the uppor an,1 lower linlit ol t,ululd, I 4 ta I - I wiked her to eell(i IiIII, to to Ilave teen, written by Count 'Serglitui
pecially the heavier breeds, which mti- Weak, Tired 'Folks . . . . . .1 sort of an average, and makes its I has occasioned a great cleal of careful Ille for a time, ,,Intl as; one of his eyes Julevitch lVitte.
ture slower than the Leghorn, cold. Pretty Little Animal a Confirmed 11 - whole a ration lit Which there will be, work ind, tile construo-tion of nially hatt- bevoine crooked t took Idin to till S,tolypin, tile writer asserts, endca�v-
I any, for tile purpose of illuisiration, one fortus of apintvattu;. For dv(prnI[q1llll*g ot'etffl,st, Who ,1,aid this trouble coula ])a cied io divert popular attention from
weather coming oil before they qre prop- Given New ViJor Nighthawk. ... pound of protein to etteli t3even polinds - it, Ii. enred, but it had notililig to do with broachas of the Russian constitution and
erly matured. . the ulwer Hinit (if stitind for ati� '
Were you ever at tile Zoo f carbohydrates. These figures are not yitlllal _mad individual., differ vontjldt'�r_ - 0 El oror 8
Chickens should never be allowed to at the I 0 bringing oil his Other trouble, jkq I flout tion -fulfilment of ill np '
porch until they are at least fourteen. Strendth Returns, )Iealth Renewed, R1111rials' Bleal time, about eight; o'clock exact, but are inerely intended .to it* 11131N. -the (I"titoll whi.sile is groneraliv , lolow that Dr. Willialll-i' Pink J'ills were manifesto Of 1905 by itiventing th e
Ili the morni or two Ili ilia Piter. !I -ed. It enll�ists or it tiny pil)e, wIl to ,rob
week old.. Before I lustrate the prill0ple. jlt�jl 11 "I)Ielidid medicine I deo-ided. to give "pi(XIOT11 nationalism,"' designed 7
that period their VitalitY Of Youth Re-created. It ,would be Impossible to construct is lengtlienvil (,r Aliortvav,l by a. pirAon ' thPol to Will, lit the hope that they all uon.ortbodox Rus%larts, and partie"-
breast cartilege is very liable to become roon? There are many interesting FASTEST GIRL RUNNER. P, balanced ration for any purpucia with . h . ic
bent. About itinety-five per cent. of I things to be seen then, and one of thoe . w1juxtillelit by :I Illicrollieter serew. This ',light berefit im. lVe Avere very care. I't"IA' those of the Jowlsh, rel nion ,of
mis-shapen breastbones may be traced to Exhaustion and Botilly Tiredness Ev- most interesti'W is to see'tho raccoons Sulia Doftev, 09 Poplar street, hay and -wheat ly feedo, little initrunlent call be tv"IthliL"I tu fill ats to diet, and LIS to keepilia, ilia � their rights.
. �
r heir faces as cats do, they -
too early perching. cry Day Being Turned Into Vigo wash their !ood. 1xisteaA. of ,,rashing Brooklyn, has Issued a, racing chat They contain too Ottle protelrC)iVe do 111111;e it tuiie wilit:11 N tot) Ilig!71 ft'l. aliv C-hild frolu 0xvitelliont, Ill abo The instigatore of the Beiliss accusa-
See that the growing chicks have fresh and AmbItton by Dr, Hamilton's (lip their not mean by this 0at aninai'43 4c,olild littivan ear to livar, and whivh will finai. 111(filth J'e 11()tieed that tile frolible wais flUll are, hot says, insignificant individ-
water, good feed, green feed never be. Pills, food into the �.%ter and rub it Avith lengs to "ali the girls in the world." not live oil 'these foodstuffo, but wholl 13' produve oilliy it palurld selviation. le:��Plllll'gl alld. at the Sallie time the Ht- Itals, fornier co-workors with ,14tolypiti.
their pawa. S%�llietinle�3 they get too She runs 100 yards Ili 11 1-5 see- cattle al -e kept they Should Ile doing The Oalton whk,tle -1va-4 derl-'ed I'V tip fellow returile(I 1103110 find Ills mot -11- The writer- an&wering it quostio�n whe-
Ing neglected, and tile late -hatched chicks onds, and she does it, mostly, be- oomet-Iiing. they should be oitho"r I In 4 fely
will develop well. Let any of tlieso es, ., lutugry to take tinic, for this washing, � Vraiicls Galton f.ir Ili., stn(ly Of ililliv'. er kppt ill) tilt-, treatillent. thor the prwbllt P'lussiall Premier, Vladi.
sentials be neglected, and ilia late -hatch. Front Choboolue, Pt., X.S., comes . list Ra little boys and girls sometinic,-, catme slie, Juk5t loves to run. growing or fattening, an(I a ratio" ('0311- dual differetives, Ila nad uile of ill, � illontlis lie sovined fully cured, but all).- mir 'Xicholaievitch Is'.okovsoff, could
ilia I She began running races a few posed. of ths. leads named would have prevented the trial, but lacked the
tot Old& will be a failure. folloli-ing front III-& IV. A. Reynolds- lurry to the table without waGllina ' 'lot en' NvIthstles built fitto tht� outi of hiti calle, � Ing tlie holidays the tiouble came back
when obtainabi their faces. Out Ili the woods the wil't �,ears ago on the Brooklyn school able them. to do elther. They, MOITO"C", and its lie walkv,l till-C)uy"I tile Zoologleal - ill a inilder forin, and tile pink pills courage to do f;O, eNprcs"..;; the belief
Sour milk, so tit a rem- ar ago iny health began to hill, I grounds, and wail three handsonto ,contain too, little ollgestibli nutrilliptit. . : that Rokovsoff has brou9jit himself into
antImble figure, la a good feed for chicks. ?11011ste appetite, became nervous and raccoons I'Llm to live, near ]likes qr medals, gardens lie would b1mv Tit iwar the ear.i � �VOIV' again resorted to, and again tile .- that 'lie can prevent
6treanig so they can dip their food'ill An animal could not eat enough of then, of the various aninials. lie adjusted troulle di,,appeared, cknot although niore such it position
.Nlilk is a colliplote fooLl, and will aid In f5leepless. Mv weight ran down, I be- the water. T,ater she passed all the other .girl to lualoe it a thrifty alilaial. ,',�onie inore tit(, NVIli,Ale t,;o high fi)r Ilk ()%NLIJ ("Ir than a year has passe(l there 11 noith4q, and can -retire from office,
making rapid growth, without undue came thin. "hollow-cheeked, and had runners at public foot rues, and her I whenever lie wishes to do
o It would be interesting to know why vot centrated food and ro011ie food ,.I "ood to Ile, as 'lot I
forcing. Forcing, except Ili the ease of black vines under my eyes. I really o '11'. 11114 if tit(. variolls 1111hilak re- sinca been anV sign of it. lVe feel fjo , dwever and
recent triumphs have brought nation- I flei'ply ilitlebt, Ao.
early1roilers, is never tho raccoon.q have this queer habit. A deal riellei- in protein would have it) be spon<led to tile Sclulid, lit. kllmv that . Ott for whitt Dr. Willialus,
good practice. felt as if the charm �f life bad left tie may be that becaust they got m, good .it celebrity to her. I , L
Any unnatural method will tell in ilia and when springtime arrived I was ill dea!l of their food froin the water, such Now she is ready to run against Added !it order to make any kind of It Lbell- upper hinit wag greater thall that MI)k Pills have done for him that we
Iong run if practiced very long. the 'blites.' I read of Dr. Hamilton's balance. Of tit(" litimall ear. The ordillarl, hil. lloi)v this plain statement of our
, As clams, mussels; crayfish and oysters, any girl for the championship of the - —_ , . ex- - BANK OF MONTREAL
Aid: out for vour fuiure %readers Pills an(l. got fire boxes at once. they like � world. . mail car can (1(.t(,(.t a toile NvIlose vibra. livr'(11100 Will benefit soine other suf-
those chic" thai bave never been sick "Within a month iny appetite and if to get into the liabit of catin" � tion rate is tit least 25,4100 vibrottioll,,j , h1ror."
as i it all canic, froin the siono illfteen She keeps In training all the time NOTES.
a da , have grown each month without a color were good. I gained strength allEI ' . and ]ter daily programme Includes A dairy cow should Ile hirgm and lier second, while the Ivill.stla IN -ill 111-0. You call grot Dr. lVillialus, P1111c Pills
' oxing, -1
.%VOm&u, -N'Ow life And '-Bobby" Coo, would ivalce ill) when 'it varie, Nvith flit, age uf tilt, Individual at 50 cents a box or six boxes fo� $-.mo
and are tip or near ctandard felt like a new N'o doubt you have wished, that b - handball, bag-pun,chiug, etc, roomy, so that site may - duve 50,100 per setond, I`W-3 upper Ihn. front ally dettler in di -ilia or by luotil -
chccK c.ouguille con mp I. Official Changes Were An
weigh,t, full of vigor -,Ind otles that have vigor returned, and my friends scarcely Uiss Downei believes all girls eiderable ailage and hay, or ill sunimer The Dr, Williams' Uedicine Co,, -
* you arQ standing lit front of Ilia to sut1i till ext(,llt til'It, if tile upppr Fill. fr011t nounced This Afternoon.
ikttaiiiecttliiagroN�*tliwitlioiit undue fore- knew ine. A inedieffie7that will do till,% ca should take art active interest in a large amount of grass, in oviler that .
Ing, In other words, have grown Ili ilia should be Ili every )Ionic." on ilia north. aid's of ilia Zoo, so th!"t, athletics, 1 $be illay luake a, hemy5p flow of wilk, At it at 176 vear,-A (if age 11-vi'a ,-,0,m)() vi. Broo-kville, Ont. .-
you can get a better look at him, Yes, A � i the ��'iscoliein Experiment Station Pror. brations, lit 01) years of age it woulit Z - k
natural way without panipeving or ex- Good health means, muelt to you, Site- lie seems to (3leop most of the time. it Montreal, N-Zov. 1-Chnnges In the ranks
tra forchig'feeds to produce an unnatu. cess and bappinoss depend upon it. Tile is their natural habit to salcop it), tile a Woll tins determined, after keepill", re- be about, ,.15,(100 pvr fievoild.-,$trall(I ng Truth, f tile officiftIs of
, ilia 134nk of Ivrontreal
ral growth. illaintevance, and source of health is daytime, and do their stirring about tit Us WONDERFUL DISCOVERY cords of 3,95 dairy rolvs of dififtruilt -�lllgftzllle. I A Baltitnore lawyer tells of ilia l3light - juvele offictalisr announced this afternoon,
Green food plays a far more import. found Ili Dr. ITamilton's Pills, tv tr�cst colY0 in the dif. I a � &
25c per night. But If you have 6cen thain 1) rvs, that the It g , of ail Irlshnian suninioned as a witness if. V. Meredith. Vice -President nnd gen-
ant part Ili the successful rearhig of bo.v, or fivo boxes for $1.00, at all drug, Aix f;rOnt breeds tire ItUre profitable, than PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY, in a burglary trial in tiie city mention- vral inanagev, 'wontreal, becolnes Prosl-
,standing tip, you have noticed that fliev eminent scientist, the other day, . I (Icut and chief executive officer. R. 13,
poultry than most beginners realize. It gists and storekeepers, or by mail from look like it wtiall bear. They are akin t; gave his opinion that the most won. statill cows, and they have ttliio found 01011treal IWIN .1101) ea.
at go hand -in. ilia C%tarrliozoue that the Cows that C63tilne, ilia largest No public ma(limer,i, rut, uie inainte,.. It was atinarcut from tile start that tile Angust Alontreal, the President, retire.;
. 1,1-0,11 tilat I)ositioll at ills own request, but
, * " . ily. Tilt g nerall.1, or iaw, anti unic-t. malan 't ('1111- tvittleRs was luttell alarilled arid rattled twliallis a inember of tile Board of I)Iroc-
Is one of ilia essentials tit CO-, 13utfILIO N-1 , and the bear fain, �y are Of derful discovery of recent years was .
"� the discovery of Zain-Bilk. Just an litr.Ac nall"
- and Kingston, Canada, .th bla lounis of roughage and conee as ti,
hand with good stook, good feeds a brown. or ira-vkh color, ck aren, ho-wevell wisely and sy let cUll" by ]its unsouxll� and undesired pronil- - to)rs. Sir Vrederlek williams Taylor.
. :. ' I'll)
clean, roomy quarters. Espociall, � . tails thinkl As soon an a single thin jayer are tile Most Prolit'11110. it may lie enfuryed, call '11111),1111ant,
.7 does patches around iheir eyes. Tliph the nence Ili thistrial.
hature demand that tile chicks* have THci "RITUAL MUADEA.11 manager of London, Ung.,isatilmintedto
tire ringed with black and grey, They of ZaM,Buk is applied to a wound or A young SOW should not be expeeted (qxliltal.�* find ludillut(A 1'elaticill of a "Itpinember. (!ascv." salol tile Judge pre- tlif,, liosition os general manager, and will
ocit. food during the summer. See that f0bleago Tribune a sore, such Injury is Insured against produce more tban ont., Ettole thefirst mother and a father vo um t-hil(l. 'N 0 siolina. "that ,,vou have sworn to tell the
The ra.ee I' Wotr,v an,1 lmve sharp claws and s1larp teeth. They to sv-telli whiell 1yould �Ilpplflllt that I'0- truth, th(i whole truth, and nothing but asiti,lip bis new dutlea when his succes-
iatre� , . vo� Ili London is smuointed. A, D. Bralth-
itris provided in some form and better gloomy superstition wFitch Make a trial are very strong for their size, and tile blood poison I Not one species of Year. lier socolul littPr May W far- 26tin could lie eerewit,ti. vitind is uie tile truth", j;t,t(.. superintendent of Ontario brancliqs
Chicks we)l res'alt. for "llitual niurder" possible are like Pre- fight with great fierceaws whon in ill microbe has been found that Zam-Buir ro%v,e,t when 6110 is 6lightlY less tilar. two PlIght, (it tilt).,*(* (.1111drull whow, parent.", ,.Yl-(, vour honor -r,11 stilmpered Casey
I historic monsters outliving the age of air does not kill I years old, and slie may be expected ill roject tile respOwilillitips of fatfierhood his 0 -es Wavilvini,; from tile iudge to the Toronto. has been given the office of as -
Separate ilia young cockerels froin the ,Intl illotherhood, aml for ,�,,,..tftnt gellpl,ll rannager,
� darkness. Mankind has fought them wild state. - th0lil to look itim, and back airaln; "an I'll do tile best ,,\ 1:
plillets as soon as the isex call be de- too long to let tllel*A bt 'Conas tire found Ail over Canada o.nol Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk produce one litter ev;vY SIX Months tt) a hard ,Ind fast co . .. 'moveditiii, tile new twesident, is, a.
eed now (IP (if vIll(Is for ellr� T van. lint I bove ve gintlemin will ba f the late John Cook Meredith, toil -
end of tliO,lr days. 'Tho xt, provided she is property fed 'W'tioll w1itt-11 ('011 nilly It, atlinillist6red a. trlflp. aisy oil men at the alitart, for �;tjr, U
termined. 'both Nvill grow better Sell 'It till ilia United States, and everywhave it is to applied to a oore, or a cut, or to Wer tit$ will) s.v,hp4tllLv antl laildness In tile 13011m, I'm little Ilowerl to that sort thing your (10,.. ()Ili. lit Is it brother of Sir Wil -
vial at 11,lef is a challenge of tho dearest skla disease, it stops th6 And baudlod, ,frl ,
r se thit tire not ��ftnted tl)ouglit victory of Progress. It that obal- one of t -he greatest sports to built thent, smarting. to be eaclous. himor-r."-Pittsburk Chronlele-ToIr'. li,,,�, ,mvrodltli, elilt-f Justict� of Ontario,
for future breedem . All i lotge were not taken tip now, tho effect,l once That Is why children 6170 sue Shade lit ilia calf and votv pilature is _:.. ... . . . .... � . . --1 11 " . � .. .... .. . I ... I _ . I... , I.. .. . and Chief JuStLe Itlehard INL meredith,
hose showing the writer helped ellop a tree h friends - .- - ----- _. —_ - . L't' tho, Ontario Court of Conindou Plans.
or our intlifierenco would be fint to overy down to got a 'coon, Ito was there all of Z=-Buk. They care :tEothing for indisr-olsable during tile hot Alonths. If
tandard qualifications and Molt of countrs, for a gonartition. . - "%' '% 4ir Frederick NA1111lains Taylor was born
181hape or weight for ilia breed at tile A. realization of tilt,; must collie to ilik� right, Rud as Sooll ils 110 C' tho 80101108 give it good lilt %M-Sli-1.4',r,-e,-O�-,�Ol-,d---40�'-.O AAW,.J,,L i i,_w' 1,,.L &_%-,%�
ftine out of of the thiag. All they tile cows, are to Ik- 0 I $1 , ,d
flow, . Ir".0,10 I �Afonc*toll. X. D. 11t. ocolivit P0$1 -
am 111 I
tinio of a know Is that Z=-Buk stops thsir ond the ealvea are to thrive and mmko * io!,�q in tho Bank of '.\Iontreal tit illeton,
election should to descirdea. Russian governint%tit. And it 1.4 tho 10911 the hollow it 1160o dog was on hig back. a prOfitable growth for the fee;t they iq on..... Peterboro, ont., and Desoropta,
The saina with the growin ) duty of European (Ind Arnericall Peoples 110 'was a little 'coon, not quite as big pain, Wothers ahould never forget The ld(�al Home Light 0itt, ITP twis sont to Lon4on lit L005 its
9 PItileig that to bring till,; realiztWOn by a P11001st; this. cou,sulue, they must be protected front
are undersi i eannot be i9norpol by AnV IliatiOn fiq thO (10,0, blib 71)6..% .active, They Irept % fts,iiic4trtnt managor or tile bank's offien
zed fox, their age, It pays to � The soft mellow rays of the C ibi-re. boonnifnir manat,cm, rt i,ear later.
keep the best only, 4%b,111121 I Lopes to ket-P a Place Ili tho .0nor fighting till they mado their ivay'to the Jkgdn. AE; soon as Zani-13uX is 1Xp- tile burning still. 1
ot tile modern world. pliod to a wound or to a dissailed Jvoljy corn Vill produce blind stag- Nit-, lira I thwalto was for sonle Unit,
bank of the creek aud tumbled into ilia 4 iiianag(-r OC the bank's chief branch lit
Dry feeding from start if) finish Ill ' 0, I 11 Tinonto.
tat for the begintior, atia will give 0 tONS'P. NB R water. Then there was a. tueele, each ]4',Vary Yoal- tiler I Coll. _,�_
sft fe t%th the skin'o gur- gers Ili horses, and it should never be �O
ff , other. It wao .
trying to drown ilia fitea are go EitlinuInted th&t new fed to them, a % .R
good results. In tile 1011 rill], it (1005 . (Ottawo, Vroa Press) ffI;ouF rill Oven ulatell till it big d healthy tiosue to quiekly formed. Thio siderablo trouble with this disease Ill i ,!��Yo Lamp AI . THAW AIDES SURRENDEA15D.
not Pay to foree nature t'an(i inaliv it Twenty *,,cars of women's suff=q 09' forAting ot freph healthy tissUe from the Ave$t, and Ili almost every case the - � make It the best for all home liges. YOU can read or sew for hours New York, TNOV. 3-Bugeue Duffy
li�teh not only ill' low fertilitv . 7 below is ZWIA-13ules siaerts 01 hetaing. cause is niold� corn. If this corn does 0 nd retvlok. safe.
prior haven't utmot thIngs very materiallY in ithich %ve were holding off, broke looso
I New Zealand, and loapotl Ili after the Won. With Ills and Mithael O'Neefe, who wro ill -
I tile I : t , . The tissuo thua formed lo worked uD
but it , t without straining the eyes. gasy to clean
weak- chiZ,k There is no prayer Avorth ilia rot produce blind staggers, it will tonot R Economical, 'Stock carried at oil chief points. a . dll�tod with former As8eniblymsta
hatched, could Ile trac'(14 in tile breedillo 11alua strong kws Ile crippled the l000n bo$oi* to tho burfato alai!l literally OlLsts oft to inylto ilia physical condition Of flic
. wol cotifir In't1co him drop it. POr b6st feault,l use ROVALITE 0XL, I Richard Butler arld Roger Thompson
poll of -it olle-tinle f0med, lowl.a. Th'a that Is unaceompanilod by effort to maka Tile fur of 'coons is va,luable, but most the diaeased tissue, above It. This Is allitAll- So do not fued it, and be colve.' I for Ponsplrae,y In connection witli the
strongest fowls lvill Weaken lit the Iong tile prayer collie true,-�41ovbert 11. Wit- whY- Zain.73uk cures are peritialleilt. ful about pasturing ilia horses Ili .Aalk TRE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANYs Limited
'run under tot - ",4 pro(0" lotte. only tho Other day Mr. Afarsh, of fields where there is moldy corn, oftawe% Quebec . esnpe of Harry X. Thaw front the
�oll feeding foil (,, of the veimon for liunting tlicin is the Tdronto Montreal winniriet vandouvgbr -
i - , _t . I . 11 I I.. I fq)orb in it. Perhaps it is bot not to C111ge" Edmonton 11atto,mm Asylum for tile crinlinill
,. ----,-----.— Lhisoba Intal il * "allf"
— I -1 I - - I,- � - let tliculi bkowe to uutuerouff, for -illey 101 Delorlinter Ava., Montreal, -called i made by grinding St. John L Regina Saskatoon hisane, wero to -day surrendered by
----.-- 7 - catch birdi and broak up their iiesta, 'upon tha UV43uk Co, end told -them flil,tseed! front wbich. the ')JI ]Ing beell . I their colinsel to tit(* District Attorney.
I - getting ilia *ggs, They Rrew n1so Wry Ott f6r over ,twonty4ve yearo he inore or less completely extracted. "Old .
. I,ojo�7110110,vb4ckiluipipill�5(1011,�Icii),e. had been a martyr ta eczema. W%; outalnA more fat and, nome. . . . They weril tAk(sit. before JustieO GAVe-
. I fend of corn when it is '111 ptilky graill, at out tinio so covered 11"Oet"I'lit'at" . 11 . . g,1n, and IiPI4 Ili $3,000 ball eaeli,
aild 0coasionally they steal Around to Unds *ore wila I protein than "now process" � I . . 0 -
I Rheumatism tlio� f;xviviev'a henrooAt and get a ablelcou. *1th oores thsit he had to sleell In liftsded Meal. 4 . I WSORDER
V'llenth6 Xldneya ftlil Lt6 do, tbelr Wdrk 45fill8ehaff Ing , sloveg'. 106ur years ago ganl.Buk wits Tile butaido Wall 6t a llor,se�s )loaf . .1 .0. IN HONAN.
tile "ric Ocid frout tile syrttill, tile rtsultis riteumat'sm. Xallsae city 115talffi 6 - luttodueed to bim, and in a to* should n4wer b6 touclied with a rasp or . .- I 1, Vi �-:.,.",;::.�. I JV,tsliingtoii. ,Nov. 3-49erl'olls dig -
I '' . . - -:--- I .-.., .. I 'i.
UjltittlleXidtleydrelfillitetitisivorkitLtxitataritilititith - j,7� .�.�.. '. .,
. _AF/V ., . .0 - .. "" . , .,
Why, no curt M Posgible, bAZI4 . . orders Ili soutllcmi Milan Were re.
THE PISTOL, shouthe It =4 Ittlin. 'To.day-ovar :file, as tile covering (Perlopl-1) I)TOVItlerl -1 ��.. . , ,
- " '. . "
1. L xv t�. I �
s eure of �i dI%64a6 , by liature is removed, t1ma pornuttilig I N I
6 '' 6 . ", � I I - IF _'. ported to tho Sta,to DtDartMent to,
ft . 4 .. tDotrolt Proo Zlrpss) -Ava YeAig-'ha to the pelietrittion atia aboorption of filth , , ��' I t . ity by the United States Cottsul-Glen-
C . As long As Ally inan or boy he had for twenty 6�$ a"_ I d,
"" GUM P111.9 111 & city Jktill cured, Laud bam bad no 'trme of that cause.1 tlio, hoof to become coil. eral ,,it 11ankow. Brigands frout Tamo
- OtIte theumadsul quick Aftd for all ti (all A0, to a still*() slid ,Dlivella.se 4t revol- fty tatArn Of the 019"010 traeLd W 0
0 1 ine becaust theY ver witliout hindrituen aud ivitholut. clue.o: (I and brittle, producing a prtdia. I N Yung aro inoving nortlivird, burn.
Ara the most potrict. Rlo?],aky Corl eauve everdistdivered. . 110111 It ig llnreftsolmbI6 to Mlect the pol All drugglotef aell' ZamsAuk tit 60a. poeltion to ,quarter-oracks. 11 iitg vill-tigos arottild Ill Yang, lvh(%T(,
. Onstr wo of that city to wavent crinies oi
I t tilt 'Druggism p ets. ptr'bo:�, I violdlice. ,A,b rielineft of 06 strippings im Ono . .. I there Is all Alileriettli Seventli. Day
� or $2.30 ot alre-4t; fronx let 0..�, to*, or wo will poild fraa trial bo* If I I "I
you solid WE% advertlsemtbt aud a 10, 110ason Nvhy Ise shoultl will. V)o aw dry, I Admtlat Nlisslorl, The L694tion bae
, 1. .Nit.%Mtolt�vtih,tih#1000100"oftxoodttlmiw, * todfita, Tease Is a queer tiling. 1�,vori t116 #1t4tEID ,(to 6# -1 t��Jt JJjQL 00%V ,.Vl)l JtQ6J dl'V' I I -
I I.. . I . I L, L _ __ � . I ". . ". I . . - - 1. " L ' � 4W6=0 'IRK return posl;480, W4.1 &no � . aoillando d tbe proteation. of tho mia.
� ZIN, 'CO., Toraro. iip,W M& DdY f ,toNnea lttvioa ,& I
� Vith aft,11 - 4,ft-W , ? I . "
.t Utt3r hAlls a prft t�, , 1) L.Ion wtili tbo supDrPssion 0 tho brig-
,-_ _ I _ arst, iihd Wo A faturt, I .1 ,diy. , . � IL I . LLLLLLL 14 tind.1go.
L. I ,
11 �
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